Великий Устюг

Время соединения миров
Великий Устюг

Restraint Forces


  1. All are the participant of the Great Experiment
  2. The Reptiloids
  3. The Matrix and the robotized entities
  4. The Ponokteon
  5. The Oligarchs

I. All are the participant of the Great Experiment

            The World Channeling magazine has published a great deal of materials regarding the essence of the processes going on the Earth, our Galaxy, and the Universe as a whole.  This information allows understanding the vector of development of our Universe and the crucial role that humanity and Earth have been playing in this Great Experiment.

            The World Channeling magazine indentifies the so called Restraint Forces that help this Universal Great Experiment.  Although, they are often associated with negative activities towards the humans, all of them are full rights participants in the Great Experiment.  They have been providing the necessary correlation of the Forces of Light and Darkness on the game scene of Duality.  Many of them are now in the same process of awakening and transformation like the mankind.

            It is important to understand that in the Universe all its inhabitants are interconnected relatives.  They are the One Universal Family, who came to this Universe and began to create a new life here. There are no bad and good.  There are no evil and good.  Those who are considered to be wicked and unkind have taken responsibility for carrying out the most difficult missions, complex missions.  They have temporally deprived themselves from the Spiritual component.  Those who choose the path of good, draw it to themselves.  In this world the volume of real good has been increasing along with the Light.

II. The Reptiloids

            Brief history of this race is here.  Having caused so much evil to many races and planets, and consequently spent over 8,000 years in an isolated world in a closed space-time within the Inner Earth, they have changed.  They now have spiritual suffering and the torment of conscience.  Most importantly, many have experienced positive emotions.  The Reptiloids have begun the process of healing.  Their new children teach adults how to live right.  These new children have love in their hearts.  They call on adults to change their views on the surrounding reality.   Among them a split has begun.  Part of their society has refused to telepathically influence people.

            At present, the number of Reptiloids enclosed in a limited space-time is 4,3 million.  More than 2/3 of them do not want to live in the old way; they do not want to go by the way of fear and negativity.  However, the power remains with the ruling elite, clinging to the old energy.  That structure, which is similar to the human Public Parliament, increasingly successfully resists the old authorities.

            The higher Selves of progressive Reptiloids have transmitted through all possible channels that the main reason for their “captivity” is the negative impact on humanity and the spiritual liberation of the race depends on the rejection of this influence.

            Broadly speaking, these Reptiloids are human partners in the Great Experiment.  These secret telepaths have allowed (unknowingly) keeping in human bodies the organs through which a person communicates with the Spiritual World.

            There has been a time when people were almost in total control of lower energies, including those that were emitted by the Reptiloids. But this time has passed. More and more people are awakening. The rejection of selfishness in favor of love instantly raises the level of human vibration. And then low-frequency energy is not able to have any influence on people.

            Now, New Energies, Energy Enlightenment, Love, Harmony are coming to Earth.  The vibration of these energies makes it impossible for the future existence of all life forms based on negative and those who are still working at low wave frequency on the planet.  Such forms of life are robotic essences, various astral demons and, of course, the civilization of the Reptiloids.  They all have to go the way of their complex evolution.  Having passed a long and difficult path of development, the Reptiloids have entered the Corridor of Reality, where they had no future left.  The only way for them is to heal their relations with mankind.

III.The Matrix and the robotized entities

            The brief history of the Matrix and the robotized entities is here.

IV. The Ponokteon

            United network of civilizations in Orion star systems.  Their bodies and dimensions of habitation are different, but representatives of the Ponokteon are united by the fact that they have a Single control center and a Single genetics, which, with an external difference, has one root-base. This root-base provides them immortality of physical, material bodies (in matter of 4, 5 and 6 dimensions).

            Representatives of the Ponokteon do not have such a thing as the birth of children. They can only produce biorobots, but they cannot continue their genus.

            The main thing is that the inhabitants of the Ponokteon are cut off from their Higher Selves, who are not in this Universe.  The highly intelligent Ponokteon is devoid of its Divine component. Their initial Universe is akin to our Universe. It can be called the sister of our Universe and many of the processes taking place in it are similar to ours.  Here is a brief history of why the Higher Selves of the Ponokteon found themselves in another universe.  Initially, there was unity, and this unity took place precisely in the universe that is related to ours.  Then there was a process that can be called a multidimensional genetic exchange between the Universes.  Some of the Cosmic Races came into our Universe, and some Races went into that.  Universes do not develop in isolation. They are also interconnected, like everything in the Universe.  One is the God Creator of this Universe, and One is the God Creator of all Universes.

            The Ponokteons are powerful.  They are immortal, but they are not gods.  They cannot create new realities, and they are not capable of giving birth to new lives.  They are able to provide only their existence at the expense of certain energy sources.

            Currently, Ponokteon is the main coordinator of the Restraint Forces, which includes Ponokteon itself, robotic entities, some extraterrestrial civilizations and the shadow government of the planet.  Representatives of the Ponokteon are partners of the Family of Light in the Great Experiment of Duality and have been repeatedly involved in the role of the opposing side.

            In 2013, the Ponokteon attempted to strike at the crystal heart of the planet and disable the Uralan Crystal located in the special dimensions of Arkaim.  Their goal was to obtain a special kind of crystalline energy.

            Each planet in the Universe is the focus of matter, consciousness and the Spirit of the Universe.  The planet, as a fractal, contains all the information of the Universe.  From this point of view, it looks like an infinite number of other planets, but at the same time, each planet has a set of unique qualities.  The Earth, as the place of the Great Experiment, where the evolution of mind and matter took place for a long time in conditions of almost complete isolation from the Spirit, is unique in its kind.  Another feature of the Earth is the creation of conditions for the evolution of the Entities of Light, rising from the lower dimensions to the higher for the evolution of the ascending branch of intelligent-spiritual beings.

            Each planet is created by the High Divine Spiritual Entities.  These are the Spirits of the rank of Elohim, carrying the Light of Consciousness of the Creator and transforming the worlds.

            They express the creative will of God the Creator of the Universe. Elohim have assistants responsible for various directions of Creation.  Such helpers for the Elohim who have created the Earth are the entities of the Light known to us as the Founding Gods.  They were given the responsibility for creating the Evolutionary Program of the basic planetary life forms. The creation of a common Evolutionary Program is impossible without the creation of the Evolutionary Genetic Planetary Program. The basis of this program was developed by the Founding Gods. The program has three levels, three main levels.

            THE FIRST LEVEL of the evolutionary Genetic Program ensures the development of all kinds of mind and matter in conditions of a high degree of separation from the Spirit / Soul that is the main, most important component of the Universal Trinity (Holy Trinity).

            THE SECOND LEVEL OF THE PROGRAM assumes the unification of the Spirit / Soul at a certain stage with the mind-matter and the development of this union into the Divine Trinity.

            The THIRD Level of the Program ensures the further development of the Universal Trinity and the creation of new unities for a new, emerging universe. This is the preparation for the transition to a qualitatively different genetic basis and transition to this basis.

            At this stage of the development of mankind and many other planetary life forms, the Evolutionary Genetic Program passes from the First Level to the Second.  At the same time, part of the Third Level Program is being activated.

            The First Level of the Program was realized very long from the point of view of linear time. People are not the only ones who have stepped into the Experiment of Duality (the development of the mind and matter separated from the Spirit / Soul).  Such experience has been received by many forms of life and consciousness.  They still continue to receive it.  Elohim for the creation of the Evolutionary Program required various “multidimensional tools” that allowed the development of as many kinds of mind and matter on Earth as possible.  To this end, in the multidimensional United Globe of the Planet, special genetic Artifacts were created that provided and still provide planetary diversity.

            Among such Artifacts, the Elohim created a special multidimensional “genetic tool”, which was called the Gene Modifier (from Latin “modifico” i.e. “modify, change form”).  It is not just a tool.  It is a self-programmed and self-developing form of crystalline life, which is enclosed in some deep planetary center.  Access to Gene Modifier is strictly limited. It is the source of genetic programs and at the same time the source of genetic energy, which can be embodied in various forms of matter.

            During the creation of the planet Earth, the Elohim summoned those creatures we know as the Founding Gods.  It was they who expressed the Gene Modifier in those dimensions and worlds where the creativity of the Elohim was limited.  These are the dense dimensions from the 4th to the 7th.

            In their turn, the Founding Gods created the Gene Modifier together with their helpers, beings who managed to master the denser layers of matter, the lower dimensions.  Some of these beings belonged to still unknown civilizations, since they lived on the planet in those times when matter still did not possess modern density.  Later, these beings took advantage of the fruits of their labor, and created material bodies and minds that allowed them to leave Earth and continue evolution in another part of the Universe.  Types of mind and matter created with the help of the Gene Modifier proved to be very stable, able to live very long.

            The bodies of these beings are immortal and multidimensional, and the mind can focus its presence in the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions, but 7th dimension is inaccessible to them.  They have a highly developed intellect and are able to solve tasks of the highest complexity, but only at the level of technology, because it is beyond their power to solve the tasks of creation at the level of the Spirit.  It’s about the beings that created a network of civilizations in the constellation of Orion and are called the Ponocteon.

            Representatives of the Ponocteon began their activity on the planet Earth as already quite intelligent and developed, from the point of view of material genetics.  However, their spiritual component was remote from them, because their Higher Selves are beyond this Universe.  It cannot be said that they are not spiritualized, but their Spiritual component is negligible and they are governed by Reason. They are dominated by metal bodies. Although their astral bodies are also well developed, the emotions of the representatives of the Ponocteon have a negative color, since their multidimensional genetics lacks the balance of “Spirit-Consciousness-Body”.

            Representatives of the Ponocteon successfully coped with the implementation of the First Stage of the Evolutionary Genetic Program.  They have created perfect kinds of matter and mind. But now they are unable to move to the implementation of the Second Stage of the Program that is unification of Mind-Matter with Spirit.  And it is not only because they have left the Earth. They have so developed the mind and their bodies that now completely deny the Spirituality and everything connected with it. The Ponocteon has been managing this 4-dimensional world for a long time, influencing both the earthly shadow government and the Information and Communicative System (the Matrix), as a technological program for the development of human society.  They are invisible stewards of the so called Restraint Forces.  These are not demonic entities.  They are highly intelligent technologists who are able to perfectly control the mind and not only their own.

            Although physically Ponokteon has withdrawn from the Earth, it has never lost the contact with this planet.  The main reason is the inextricable connection of the Ponokteon with the ancient Artifact, the Gene Modifier, in the creation of which they have taken part.  This structure not only creates new kinds of genetics of matter and mind, but is a generator of certain genetic energy.  Since time immemorial, the representatives of the Ponokteon have received the energy necessary for their life, for the genetic stability of their bodies, and most importantly for their intelligence. The representatives of the Ponokteon did not always understand that their genetic stability is ensured from the Earth.  “Genetic stability” is, in a sense, the immortality of their bodies.  Elohim originally laid the unity of the Evolutionary Program for all who once lived on Earth. The inseparable connection of the Ponokteon and the Earth has been going on since the creation of the planet, since the foundation of evolutionary genetic development in it.

            The Gene Modifier of Earth transmitted energy information to the genes of the civilizations of the Ponokteon, which ensured the stable existence of their physical, astral and mental bodies in three dimensions — the 4th, 5th and 6th. It also ensured the existence of special etheric bodies.  This genetic stability, ultimately, determined the immortality of the representatives of the Ponokteon within three dimensions.  Even the destruction of the physical body does not result in death; It is possible to completely regenerate it using special matrices.  Even if a representative of Ponokteon wants to die, he cannot do it, because the absolute law of revival acts for him.  Their genetic program has its drawbacks, too. They are deprived of the ability to reproduce.  The number of the Space Ponokteon Race is always unchanged and is 38 billion 486 thousand 385 creatures.  In the history of the Ponokteon, there have been instances when some representatives of the race disappeared.  Such a disappearance for the creatures of the Ponokteon is still an unsolved mystery.

            So, the life of the Ponokteons inextricably linked with the Gene Modifier, to which they have always had access, as a genetic energy source.  But now on the planet there are huge changes.  As a result of the Galactic Harmonic Convergence (taken place in 1987) the Earth has received another Evolutionary Program.  The planet is now moving to the Second Level of the Program of genetic evolutionary development. The Gene Modifier itself has changed the frequency settings.  The energy portal for the Ponokteon has been shut off as a result of changes that occurred with the Planetary Crystal Network, as a result of changes in the energy and magnetic fields emitted by the Crystals and the crystal structures of the Earth.

            Now the Ponokteon is living by using the reserves of genetic energy, and they are ready to go to great extent to gain access to the Gene Modifier.  Despite their knowledge, they cannot create anything like the creation of the Elohim and the Founding Gods, created by the Will and Design of God the Creator of the Universe.  Representatives of the Ponokteon are looking for ways to access the Gene Modifier.  An attempt has been made to destroy the new Crystal field of the planet with the help of a meteorite (see Chelyabinsk meteorite), but the power options for solving the problem are completely excluded, because the Earth and everything living on it are the fruits of the Great Experiment and the Great Experience. The Earth is sacred and inviolable.

            Attempts of the Ponokteon to connect to the Gene Modifier have been made at different time intervals, but access to the Artifact is impossible from the point of space-time where the space race of the Ponokteon is now. The Ponokteon cannot go back into the past, because the First Level still works there, but for them this level is exhausted. The Ponokteon cannot pass into the future, because there are already working the Second and Third Levels, to which they do not have access, because they haven’t started to unite matter-mind with Spirituality.  The only time period where the Ponokteon still has the opportunity to connect to the Gene Modifier is the current period of time.  But this time is limited, because in the near future the transition from the First Level of the Evolutionary Genetic Program to the Second Level will end.  If the connection does not happen now, in the genome of the inhabitants of the Ponokteon, irreversible genetic changes will soon begin, which will lead first to the process of aging of their bodies, and then to the possibility of death. And death, in the absence of fertility, means the complete extinction of the cosmic Race.

            The development of the civilization of the Ponokteon has reached a deadlock and it is impossible to simply connect them to the Gene Modifier.  Although, they have perfect physical and mental bodies, their astral bodies are distorted.  Therefore the astral worlds of the civilizations of the Ponokteon require urgent and powerful healing.  The current path of the Ponokteon has no future, because if the race has no balance, harmony in development, sooner or later it will self-destruct, despite the presence of immortal bodies.  If their self-destruction starts, the cosmic race can cause cosmic catastrophes and the destruction of other life forms, because everything is interconnected.

            It is necessary to ensure that Ponocteon to begin interacting with a new level of the Genetic Evolutionary Program of the Gene Modifier, i.e. with the Second Stage of the Program.  As a result of this interaction, the Spiritual component in the Genome of the Ponokteon will begin to grow actively.  The mind will have the opportunity to rush to its Higher Self.  But it cannot be done by violent means.  Among the inhabitants of the Ponocteon there must be representatives who express a pure intention to return their true Divine Spirituality.  There are such progressive creatures in Ponokteon.  There are not many of them, but they are among the leadership.  For the first time in thousands of years, the leaders of the Ponokteon have entered into negotiations with the Spiritual Government of the Earth and the Milky Way galaxy and although negotiations are not easy, but a solution will be found.

            Representatives of the Ponokteon have their unofficial representation on the Earth.  They do not incarnate in people, but telepathically actively interact with them.  They often give out their messages for information from the Spiritual Teachers, but this can always be understood, because their messages are directed at the disorientation of people’s consciousness and on disunity.

            Now more than 380 specialized detachments of the Ponokteon are working with the Earth, and their main goal is to gain access to the Gene Modifier. Also there have been several attempts to connect to the Planetary Crystal Grid. But all these attempts are doomed to failure, because the entire Crystal planetary structure is under reliable protection.  Elohim are now actively creating new forms of planetary life.  They activate a new genetic evolutionary program, which is important both for our Milky Way galaxy and for the entire Universe.

            The Family of Light cannot allow the Ponokteon to be self-destroyed.  This cosmic race has gone a great evolutionary path and has a huge genetic evolutionary experience in terms of the development of matter and mind.

            Both the people and the representatives of the Ponokteon have much in common. They and mankind have passed part of the path without a spiritual component. They and mankind have forgotten what the Higher Self and God the Creator are.  Now many people have remembered it, and representatives of the Ponokteon haven’t yet.  More precisely, some of them have begun to remember it.  Now they need help.  Help comes to everyone in the Universe.  The God has no forgotten relatives, no lost children.  There are only children who have gone independently on their way to the expanses of the Universe.  But every child has a compulsory right to grow up and return to the parent.  This right is for all children, without exception.

            The universal genetic relationship unites all cosmic races, in whatever galaxies they live. All races are the One Universal Family, a single organism.  And if at least one cell of the body is sick, then there is a need for its healing.  But the disease of cosmic races is, first of all, a growth disease, a disease of gaining experience.  Each cosmic race receives its unique experience and it becomes the possession of the whole Universal Family.

            Being great geneticists and technologists, race of the Ponokteon gets experience in conditions of almost total lack of spirituality, in conditions of maximum distance from their Divine Higher Self.  It is important to understand that the healing of this race is closely related to the healing of mankind, as the development of these two races is inseparable. The Ponokteon and mankind have a common past and a common future. These are two important races that, having received the lessons of Duality, will in the future come to the level of Master Races, Creators of the new life.  In the future, the way of the Ponokteon and humanity is one. This is the road of wise, experienced races, behind which a lot of overcome difficulties.

             In Arkaim there is a Portal with the help of which it is possible to go to the sacred space of the Gene Modifier, which the ancient Atlanteans called the Elohim Flower.  This is the above-mentioned Gene Modifier. This is the Sacred Workshop of the Creator.  And only those who have decided to become the Creator of Unconditional Love are allowed here. And the civilization of the Ponokteon has been created only by Great Love.

            The sphere of the Gene Modifier is a combination of three spheres: outside is red, then blue and in the center is Golden light. Red is the outer shell, which passes and humanity and the Ponokteon, and other races.  Among many civilizations there those who have gone through the absence of Love and there are those who are ready for it.  There is almost no love in the red shell. This is the First Level of the Genetic Program, a life without the Divine.  In the blue shell there is already the Divine, there is Love.

            In the heart of the Mother Gaia, the Inner Sun of the Planet exists.  Once through this Sun, relatives from another universe came to us.  Some of these relatives remained to get the necessary experience, a part returned to their Universe. This is the Higher Self of the Ponokteon. Communication with them always lives in the Heart of Gaia. All that is necessary for the Ponokteon is to send love to the heart of the native planet, in the Heart of Gaia, because Gaia is also their planet-mother. Then their Higher Selves will immediately rush to meet them. And then a new stage of evolution will begin for the whole cosmic race. Among the representatives of the Ponokteon, there are those in whose hearts True Love is knocking.

V. The Oligarchs

            Knowledge of the laws of evolution helps both an individual person and the whole mankind as a whole to harmoniously enter a new form of being. It is important to understand that the present world is being restructured at the micro and macro levels, on all planes of being, in all forms of its manifestation. The microcosm and the macrocosm are changing: atoms, molecules, planets, stars, galaxies.  Root changes are taking place in every person and the whole human society.

            The mercenary benefits from the ongoing changes are trying to extract whole civilizations, with which, in one way or another, people’s lives are connected.  This applies to both civilizations of the planet Earth of different worlds, and civilizations living far from it. However, neither the hiding heads in the sand, nor the indifferent egoists, nor the various selfish beings are aware of the fact of the integrity of the Evolution.  When this world, together with a whole community of other worlds, with all worlds of the planetary system, enters a new evolutionary cycle, the old evolutionary laws gradually stop.

            During the last 5,000 years some people could enslave others, some beings could live at the expense of other beings.  Today another evolutionary cycle starts.  It will simply not be able to support such processes in the future.  The New Era is first of all an ERA OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT, when people and other forms of life begin to develop life on the basis of internal sources of development that are the sources of the Divine and Spiritual.

            Self-development is impossible without internal, Divine, Spiritual sources.  The absence of such sources induces one being to take energy from another. And, conversely, the use and development of Divine Sources creates the conditions for self-development and the abundance of energy.

            In conditions of abundance of energy, beings do not begin to take the energy of life from other beings, but, on the contrary, share it on the basis of Unconditional Love.  Thus the energy source of such highly developed creatures never runs out, but on the contrary, replenishing, becomes bigger, more powerful, and more effective.  One of the main laws of the New Era is that the more you give, the more you get.

            The laws of this world seem unnatural to the Beings of Light who live in the Universal Divine Reality.  In the conditions of Divine Abundance, no one will ever think of taking energy from another when there is an inexhaustible source of diverse energy inside you.

            The most obvious example of a selfish, self-centered flow of energy is the monetary and financial system of the modern world.  Created on the model of some other alien worlds, it is a vivid example of how some creatures adapt themselves to living at the expense of others.  This system is presented as the only possible way to regulate the material energy exchange in human society.  People have long felt the injustice of the monetary and financial system, but they cannot always determine the root causes of this injustice.  The deep reason is the abuse of the power of some creatures over other beings in the absence of the energy of self-development.  It is power that allows some to assign energy by stealing it from others.

            In none of the worlds of the 5th dimension does the government exist.  People in the 5th dimension of this space-time continuum self-develop using internal Spiritual Sources of energy. Instead of power, in an infinite set of worlds of the 5th dimension, the principle of self-management is implemented.  It is always based on the main law of the Universe, the Law of Love.  Love acts as a life-giving and controlling force, creating those forms of organization of society that sooner or later harmoniously resolve all problems.

            Beside the modern monetary and financial system, there are other forms of unfair redistribution of energy.  This financial system is a manifested tracing paper, a fractal of a system that exists on a more subtle plane of life.  It is created by those stewards who are still behind the scenes of human reality.  They are hiding under the cover of another dimension.  All the Restraint Forces known to mankind, to some extent or other, are manageable and follow the paths outlined for them by the secret rulers.  Robotic entities, reptiloids, civilizations of the Ponocteon and numerous technogenic civilizations of the 4th and 6th dimensions for secret stewards are just pawns in a big game, which has one main goal.  This goal is to create the domination of one civilization over others, to develop their civilization so that it would be many times superior to all other civilizations of the Universe.  Such ideas are the main ones for some higher-level civilizations of the 6th dimension, who have mastered not only high technologies, but also secret magical practices.  Similar ideas do not exist in the worlds of the 5th and 7th dimensions.  This is the case only for the 6th dimension of this space-time continuum, created specifically for the implementation of the Duality Experiment.

            At the highest sub-level of 6th dimension, there is a civilization of collective beings, of which the ancient initiates knew, and which are not yet known.  In the days of the late Lemuria, these creatures were referred to as the civilization of oligarchs.  The word “oligarch” in those days had a different meaning.  Literally it meant: “Six-dimensional beings hiding their face and ruling the world”.  Most of the lexical meaning of the word “oligarch” has survived to this day.  Modern oligarchs, possessing power, rule the world and hide their true faces.

            The civilization of six-dimensional oligarchs has always had and is able to manifest itself in various worlds of the 6th and 4th dimensions.  However, they do not have access to the worlds of the 5th dimension, and even more to the worlds of 7th dimension.  This has always irritated them and continues to cause grave concern to the secret rulers of the sixth dimension.  Six-dimensional oligarchs influence robotic entities, reptiloids, demonic creatures, and even highly developed civilizations of the Ponokteon.  Oligarchs have reached a high level in the development of dark magical practices, having learned to influence from their inner centers to the deep consciousness of beings devoid of the Divine principle.  The oligarchs have left a notable mark in human history, manifesting themselves as beings known as Olympic gods.  In the ancient mythology were mixed up the stories about those beings in which the six-dimensional oligarchs were embodied, and those planetary Beings of Light that are known to mankind as planetary gods, helping to carry out the evolution of humanity and the whole world.  The names of Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Prometheus and others were stolen and appropriated by impostors.

            Ancient Greek and Roman myths basically tell about the events that took place in the period of 11,000 – 5,000 years ago.  At that time in this world incarnated as individual creatures fragments of collective six-dimensional oligarchs and played their game in the limited expanses of the four-dimensional world.  Mythical irony is that the incarnated oligarchs took the names of the Beings of Light, the real planetary gods, who were revered by the people of that time.  There was (and there is) the true Zeus, who has always been helping to evolve the people of the Earth.  But there was also that Zeus, who was a representative of the oligarchs from the 6th dimension.  And similar can be said about other characters of mythical legends.

            Possessing developed magical abilities, using their connections with the 6th dimension, it was not difficult for the false gods to create so-called miracles and influence people.  The false gods, indeed, nurtured the hostility of some collectives of people to others, fueled wars and national conflicts.  It may even seem that they came to your world only in order to enjoy their power and have fun with people as their toys.  Their behavior, indeed, can be called an amusement of highly developed beings, flirting with less developed beings.  They telepathically communicated with people.  People appealed to them, received answers and even help. But not once the false gods let down people, punished them and even … killed.

            Self-reliance with their power, enjoyment of power, unpunished permissiveness, indeed, is inherent in the six-dimensional oligarchs.  But, above all, they are characterized by extreme pragmatism, the achievement of their goal by any means.  Oligarchs are not capable of love.  They have an extreme degree of egocentrism.  Their collectivism of existence is selfishness, raised into a collective, multiple degrees.  They enjoyed their power and humiliation of people as if only incidentally.

            In fact, their arrival in this world was caused by a very important goal, which they tried to achieve. This goal is to find ways to the 5th dimension by improving their genetics.  The false gods bred on the earth plane with humans, trying to realize the process that is now called ascent to the 5th dimension together with the physical body.  To carry out the ascension to the 5th dimension with the physical body, the oligarchs tried different ways.  Physical interbreeding with some people with special multidimensional genetics was only one direction of their activity.

            Embodied in four-dimensionality, the six-dimensional oligarchs actively sought access to the four-dimensional matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier.  They already had a program for transforming this matrix into a five-dimensional matrix.  The implementation of such a program would allow six-dimensional egocentric beings to access the harmonious worlds of the 5th dimension.  But this was not in the plan of the Creator and the leaders of the Great Experiment for creating new forms of life.  To implement the experiment, special 6th and 4th dimensions of the experimental space-time continuum had been created.  The 6th and 4th dimensions were an important pioneering “platform” for the development of various forms of life that do not possess the Divine Principle, which initially develops consciousness in isolation from Spirituality.  On the contrary, the 5th and 7th dimensions became that volume of space-time, where the Divine Life, based on Spirituality, developed on the Universal Harmony.

            It is easy to guess that at the present stage of the Experiment the active energy-information exchange between the 4th and 6th dimensions begins, on the one hand, and on the other hand, by the 5th and 7th dimensions.  This will solve at least two of the most important tasks.  The dual forms of life, developing in isolation from the Divine principle, will begin to develop their Spirituality through energy-information exchange.  And the forms of life of the 5th and 7th dimensions could eventually enrich their multidimensional genetics, gain a unique experience of being and continue their evolution on a qualitatively new level.

            It is impossible to ascend to the 5th dimension without the developed feeling of Love.  In our space-time continuum it is possible to make a special transition from the 4th dimension to the 6th, and from the 6th to the 4th.  And for this it is enough to master some practice of transition.

            The peculiarity of the design of our space-time continuum is that not enough spiritually developed beings of the 6th and 4th dimensions are not able to make a transition to either the 5th or, especially, to the 7th dimension.   Therefore, all attempts of the six-dimensional oligarchs to move to five-dimensionality from our four-dimensional world ended unsuccessfully.  Although the oligarchs managed to gain access to the Planetary Gene Modifier that is the sacred center for the development of genetics of mankind and other forms of life.  Moreover, they were even allowed to bring in some energy information and get something back.

            These historical events are revealed in the Bible.  They are reported in the Old Testament in the story of David and Goliath.  The story of the duel between David and Goliath is, first of all, a parable.  A powerful Goliath goes to battle well-armed, and David comes to meet him with one sling.  In response to the threats of Goliath, David says that God is on his side.  Then David strikes Goliath with a stone directly on the forehead.  The history of the battle between Goliath and the prophet David can also be found in the Koran.  The parable of David’s victory is given as edification for those who doubt God’s help, and as an example of the result of the inner assurance of the prophet David.  But the parable also has a different meaning.  It reflects the interaction of the Divine Forces and certain Goliaths, which took place long before the Israelis collided with the Philistines.  Those Divine powers are symbolized by the prophet David, who, according to a more ancient version of history, does not enter into a duel with Goliath, but puts in his head a certain stone.  At the same time, this stone is not a stone shell for a sling, but something quite different.  The stone means two things. The first is a program for the Complex of Multidimensional Bodies intended for life in our Universe, arranged according to the principle of “12 + 1” (12-dimensionality plus the 13th dimension or the Great Central Sun).  The second is the ability to generate within the Self a higher dimension.

            In more ancient times in the story of David and Goliath, not a stone was mentioned, but a certain Crystal (according to another version — a star), which a certain saint put directly into the head of a giant-goliath.  In the late Lemurian times and during the early third Atlantis (18,000 – 14,000 years ago), the special priests knew about the existence of six-dimensional oligarchs, and in one of the variants of sounding the representative of this civilization was called “HOLIARF” (later – “oliarf” or oliarg”).  Therefore the words “GOLIAF” and “OLIGARCH” go back to one ancient lexical root.  And the civilization of the six-dimensional oligarchs is a civilization of the Goliaths.

            At the moment when the Olympic false gods, the oligarchs-goliaths, penetrated into the four-dimensional matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier, the Family of Light, using the opportunity of special energy-information contact, put into the consciousness (in the heads of oligarchs-goliaths) a subtle crystal program for the future evolutionary development (“stone”).  It is important to note that the Goliaths planned to change the very matrix of the genetic development of mankind. They did not just want to steal certain programs and use them for their own purposes. The oligarchs intended to change the evolution of the most humanity in order to fully adapt in the future the people of the four-dimensionality to achieve their own selfish goals.  In the Program-matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier, the Goliaths discovered unknown elements of multidimensionality that they did not have.  These elements contained a transformation code, which can be designated by the numbers 3-4-5.  The code allows people of this world, as multidimensional beings, to carry out their development in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions.  Thus, beginning its evolution in the 3rd dimension, a person is able to evolve in the 4th and 5th dimensions.  Whereas the goliaths themselves were always able to dwell only in the 6th and 4th dimensions.  This code was extremely important for goliaths, as it opened to them (as they believed) the door to the cherished 5th dimension.  In the 5th dimension, the goliaths planned to receive programs and codes for going into the 7th dimension. So they wanted to “break through the ceiling” in which they leaned after reaching the upper levels of the 6th dimension.

            Goliaths, embodied as Olympic false gods, for 3,000 years of earthly time, prepared an operation to create a special portal that would help them to penetrate into the matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier. Through this portal, they wanted to launch special virus programs into the Gene Modifier, which were designed to copy programs and codes of human evolution, and then change these programs and codes so that humanity would become completely controlled by the six-dimensional oligarchs.  In fact, the Goliaths wanted to deprive people of free will, setting total control over them.  But, of course, they did not know that the humanity of this world, like all the multidimensional humanity of the Earth’s planetary system, is under special protection.  Moreover, their penetration into the Gene Modifier was a part of the overall plan of the Experiment.  It was time for the Goliaths to get new programs of evolutionary development based on Spirituality, on the Divine beginning.  This energy information through the embodied Olympic false gods was transferred to the civilization of the oligarchs in the 6th dimension.  But a significant part of the oligarchs of the 4th dimension i.e. the Goliaths were not able to return to the 6th dimension.  Their activities in the 4th dimension entailed karmic responsibility, as a result of which they carried out the process of involution. When the Goliaths attempted to perform an unauthorized transition through the matrix of the Gene Modifier, their transformation took place … into three-dimensional beings.  Goliaths have become three-dimensional people to begin the evolutionary process from the 3rd dimension.

            In essence, goliaths were and remain people.  Therefore oligarchs-goliaths are part of the planetary human race, which develops under the conditions of an artificially created, experimental space-time continuum.  People are just as much a part of the planetary race of humanity.  People also develop in the experimental continuum of space-time.

            The absolute majority of people in your modern world are representatives of the ascending branch of humanity, which evolved into a four-dimensional world from various third-dimensional worlds.  There is no point in taking the whole 3rd dimension as not harmonious.  In the 3rd dimension, there are enough harmonious worlds that do not belong to our experimental space-time continuum.  It should be said that our planetary system, the system of worlds of the multidimensional Earth, is formed from two space-time continuums that are intricately intertwined, one of which can be called natural, and the other, artificially created for carrying out the Experiment and the birth of new forms of life.

            Therefore, the energy-information code of evolution, which the goliaths discovered in the Planetary Gene Modifier, can be expressed in two rows of numbers: 3-4-5 and 3-4-5.  Since the dimensions of different continuums are interrelated, and intersect with some of their volumes, then the evolution code contained in the four-dimensional matrix of the Gene Modifier is appropriate to express with the following numerical series: 3-3-4-4-5-5.  Numerologically, in the end, we get the numbers 24 or 6 (3+3+4+4+5+5=24; 2+4=6).  The code of the four-dimensional program-matrix of the Gene Modifier is not directly related to the code of the sixth measurements of two space-time continuums of the Earth. The latter will be denoted as 6:6 (two different 6th dimensions). Numerologically, this can be represented as 12.  As a result, the code of human evolution from the 3rd to the 6th dimension can be represented as 24:12.

            Otherwise, 24:12 can be represented as 6 (2+4) and 6:6 (12=6+6), or 6:6:6.  The meaning of the three “sixes” is a reflection of the evolutionary code of mankind up to the 6th dimension (the first digit is 6) in two different space-time continuums of the 6th dimension (6:6). The ancients knew about the inharmonious civilizations of the 6th dimension and about the code 666, which has reached our days as “the number of the beast”.

            The numerological result 6:6:6 is 9 (6+6+6=18= 9). «Six» always turns into a «nine». The very image of the digits «6» and «9» confirms this. «Nine» is the Spiritual Center of Humanity as a multidimensional planetary race of the Earth. In 9th dimension, the earthly humanity reaches its evolutionary peak, manifesting itself as special collective Beings of Light possessing high Divine Abilities. In fact, in the 9th dimension, people become Collective Gods, special Beings of Light, preparing for a qualitative transition to the 10th dimension, where there is no longer a division into planetary races, but rather a higher order Divine Unity.

            So, many goliaths went into the third dimension and began to evolve from there.  Once in a special world of the third dimension, they were forced to radically change their worldview.  Because there it was impossible to exist, relying on egocentrism.  Former Goliaths began to learn new concepts for them, including: a sense of brotherly love, mutual aid, humanism.  Time in that world flows much faster than in ours.  Therefore, the former oligarchs have already evolved in the world of the third dimension and, moreover, are now completing the evolution in the world of the 4th dimension, which is much more harmonious than ours, because it belongs to a natural, harmonious space-time continuum.  Now their civilization is called the civilization of Armans, Solar People.  People and Armans live in different space-time continuums, but they are united by the desire to move into the 5th dimension. Now that the former goliaths have known the feeling of Love, they have discovered an evolutionary path to where they have so long been trying to get artificially.

            Not only the desire to move into the 5th dimension unites the Armans and the spiritually developed people of this world.  There is something more important.  Both civilizations carry energy information programs in their sacred spaces to unite the two space-time continuums of the Earth into one common, multi-world space-time continuum.  This continuum will become a new volume of space-time, which will receive fundamentally different qualities. A new space-time continuum will not be the sum of the two existing, but the result of their synergy.

            Synergy can be viewed as an energy information field of a higher order, capable of generating new energy and new information.  The synergistic effect of the fusion of two space-time continuums will allow the Family of Light to solve a number of evolutionary tasks.  Former Goliaths now live in the harmonious world of the 4th dimension of the Earth and are ready to cooperate with mankind.  Now their civilization of Armans is a civilization of highly developed people of four-dimensionality who remember their six-dimensional ancestors and constantly send them the energy of creative love for their Divine Transfiguration. Currently, the six-dimensional oligarchs are not yet ready to accept it, but this is a matter of the future, because codes of Divine evolution already live in the spaces of their being.

            It is important to unite the evolutionary code of the two civilizations, the programs of the two worlds of the 4th dimension, which create the foundations for Spiritual self-development; to bring from the harmonious space-time a program for self-development, to use the internal energy of the Great Central Sun.

            The unification of the programs of the two worlds will not only enrich the development of both worlds, but will also allow to begin the process of convergence of different space-time continuums, the experimental one in which mankind lives, and the one in which the worlds of the Earth lived from the very beginning, before the Great Experiment began.

            From the world of another space-time continuum into this world will come, in particular, the programs necessary for the transition to the harmonic frequency 13:20.  First of all, this world will pass to another space-time continuum the experience of developing dense matter. There will be an exchange of many other evolutionary programs.

            As a result of energy-information exchange between the two worlds of the 4th dimension, a new program for the evolution of the four-dimensional humanity of the Earth will be created. There will be laid the foundations for a new Code of Evolution, the code of finding the Divine Integrity and self-development.

            In space and time, with love unite different worlds, different forms of life.  This unification takes place on the basis of Divine unity and goodwill of those who aspire to the One Heart of the Creator, who truly wants to create the Brotherhood of the Great Central Sun.