Великий Устюг

Время соединения миров
Великий Устюг


History and role of terrestrial Reptiloids

             Koot Hoomi is one of the Mahatmas that inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society formed in 1875 by Russian esoteric philosopher Helena Blavatsky.  “World Channeling” No.5 (2012) published an article of Koot Hoomi on the history of Reptiloids.  Today they have different names: lizard people, reptilian humanoids, saurians, Draconians, etc.  They are described as humanoid with human bodies but snakeheads.  For simplicity reason, hereafter they will be called the Reptiloids.  They are a part od the so called Restraint Forces.

            The Reptiloids were born on Earth. Three million years ago this race became cosmic and part of them went on a journey to other star systems.  Unfortunately, they took the path of the conquerors, but after conquering many planets, they could not hold on to any of them. The exhausted and embittered Reptiloids returned to Earth and became part of the Game, which began more than 11,000 years ago, when four space-time continuums were combined into one.

            In 9012 BCE on the planet there was a terrible catastrophe, the Great Flood.  However, the water flooded only Europe and some islands of the Mediterranean Sea, destroying all life.

            After the Great Flood ended, a new and completely different life began.  As a result of combining four space-time continuums into one, intelligent beings from other worlds came to this world: elves, gnomes, trolls, etc.  Later, in 8848 BCE, white-skinned people from Africa moved to Europe.  One day, dragons appeared in the skies over Europe and captured the best areas in the center of Europe. In 7790 BCE, the Atlanteans from the islands of the Mediterranean invaded Europe.  They were the province of the lost empire of Atlantis, but had nothing to do with the once-peaceful race.  Their military power forced the dragons to unite with humans, elves, dwarves and other creatures.  After fierce battles, the Mediterranean Atlanteans retreated to Crete.

            The next challenge was the race of Reptiloids, the story of which began this section. They appeared in Europe in 7709 BCE, and their vampirism and aggressiveness did not yield to any explanation.  First they completely destroyed the Mediterranean race of the Atlanteans, later invaded Europe and conquered the whole continent, establishing a real tyranny.

            In 6132 BCE, the troops of the African Atlanteans (future hyperboreans) invaded Europe.  In this race were red and white people, as well as mestizos.  They were not at all like the white people who came to Europe from Africa before.  They were descendants of those who lived in the African provinces of the Atlantic Empire (Atlantis).  The weapons of the African Atlanteans were superior to the weapons of Reptiloids.  As a result, the Reptiloids were defeated and forced to flee to another world, there was no free space on the surface of the planet for them.  At that time, the Earth was very densely populated by creatures that came here from different dimensions, and each race fought for its territory.  Discovering their new abilities, Reptiloids not only moved to another world, they moved to a special part of the space-time continuum, from which they began to telepathically influence people living on Earth.  Thus, spiritual slavery was established in which the Reptiloids from their dimension began to unseenly dictate their will to people and other beings whose minds they penetrated.  The aim of the Reptiloids was to incite in the hearts of all beings vampirism, selfishness, racial rejection, etc.  New wars broke out, unjustified cruelty engendered chaos.  A large number of races died out.  Stronger than others were people who began to rule the world, considering themselves the real masters of the planet.  In fact, they were manipulated by the Reptiloids hiding behind the veil of another world.  Time passed and they became invisible masters of the behavior of most people.  The Reptiloids also became inseparable from them and fell into a trap.  It is possible for them to get out of it, but only by healing their relationships with people.  This and the role of the Reptiloids in the Great Experiment are described below by Kryon.

            The “World Chaneling” No.5 (2012) published an article of Kryon explaining that the reason why the Reptiloids were invited to the Great Experiment was the need to block the higher chakras of people for their further immersion in Matter.  This task faced the authors of the Great Experiment for 11,000 years.  “Veil” and the lack of free access to spiritual information from the higher spheres, made it possible to make freedom of choice almost absolute.

            The density of the “Veil” could be created in two ways: completely remove the physical organs in the peoples’ head responsible for communication with the Higher Chakras, or find a way to temporarily block these chakras that connect people with the Spiritual world.  The difficulty of removal was that after the beginning of the ascension process from Matter (i.e. in our time), some bodies would have to be restored, or to seek a fundamentally different way of being able to unite with the Spiritual world.  Both methods were associated with enormous difficulties and required considerable time, and it was limited.  Therefore, the Reptiloids were “invited”.  They had lost positive emotions and love.  They began from other dimensions, in which they found themselves, to influence telepathically and in other ways on people.  Influence on the lower energy centers of people incited hatred and aggression in their hearts, thereby blocking the Higher Chakras and the connection with the Spiritual world.  On the other hand, the Reptiloids themselves were given an opportunity to heal their own race, which caused so much evil.  After spending over eight thousand years in their isolated world, they began to change.  They began to experience spiritual suffering and pain of conscience; they have children who change the paradigm of their parents and their world, which has reached a dead end.

            Kryon notes that people and intelligent Reptiloids are destined to rise together from Matter. Due to the negative influence of the Reptiloids there was no need to remove the pineal gland that connects people with the Cosmos and their own spiritual origin.  With gratitude, now people can help the once extremely malicious and aggressive Reptiloids in their return (ascent) into the spiritual world.  This is how the creators of the new worlds do, which is humanity agreed to the Great Experiment.

            In the end, the Ancient Greek term “sauros” meaning “lizard or reptile” and used in the word Dinosaur, has UR in it.  Near Moscow there is settlement named Saurovo.

Manna & Ur


  1. Manna and Ur
  2. Uruk: the first urban city
  3. Ur of Sumer: tombs of the gods
  4. Ur of the Hittites
  5. Urfa: birthplace of Abraham
  6. Urusalim: a city of peace
  7. Lemuria: the final stage of Great Experiment

I. Manna and Ur

           The term UR has many meanings including: Universal Recollection, Universal RetURn and Universal Religion, LemURia, URmia, URals, JeRUsalem (former URu-Salim), King ArthUR, NatURal Law, etc.

            Ultimately, Culture is Cult of Ur. CultURe is always associated with Enlightenment.  In Arabic “nUR” means “the light” and may refer to the “Light of God”.  It is claimed that URantia (“heavenly place”) is the name of the planet Earth in this local Universe.  In Sanskrit, saURa means: solar, celestial, divine, relating or belonging or sacred to or coming from the Sun or the god sUrya.

            Jesus said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”.  The word “heaven” from the Greek New Testament language is the same word for heaven (sky) and the planet URanus.  The New Age or cycle that the Earth is now entering is called the Age of Aquarius.  It is the Age of the outpouring of the Spirit, a global paradigm shift, and the long-awaited Golden Age for humanity.  The Zodiac sign Aquarius is ruled by URanus that represents awakening and evolution of consciousness.

            It is believed that a red giant star ArctURus, related to URsa Major, provides tools for the awakening of planets to galactic cognition.  This mentoring has been the reason why ArctURus was named “Shepherd” (or “Guardian of the Bear”).  The goal of the ArctURians in relation to the Earth is the enlightenment of earthlings and the balancing of the system of its electromagnetic lattice. They do not get involved in various karmic lessons on Earth and consider the achievement of balance in all spheres of life one of the greatest tasks on this planet.

            The birthplace of ancient kingdom of Manna in the 1st millennium BCE was the Lake URmia.  It is second biggest salt lake in the world.  The first one is the nearby Caspian Sea accounting for 90% of the water of all saline lakes in the world.  Water and salt are the essence of life. The amniotic fluid in the womb is 1% water and salt solution — the sole. The word sole (natural salt solution) is directly connected to the word “soul”.  Understandably, around the Caspian Sea / Lake are united religions which have had a key influence on the modern world: Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.   The first had a remarkable influence on the other described religions.  The last three are Abrahamic religions.  Their common forefather Abraham was born in the city of UR.

            In the older books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), the angels (of God) are mentioned without names.  Number of commentators has asserted that all of the specific names for the angels were brought back by the Jews from Babylon freed by CyRus the Great.  Major scholars agree that the Babylonian captivity (or Babylonian exile) was not as terrible as it is described in the Bible.  Rather, dramatization was used so that this important moment in the history of mankind was not forgotten.

   Related image         The literal translation of term “Babylon” is “The Gates of Gods” that might refer to the Nibiruans.  The main celebration of Sumer and Babylon was the New Year, initially symbolizing arrival of Nibiruans to Earth.  The procession went through the famous Ishtar Gates.  See Inanna RetURns by V. S. Ferguson.  Babylon was the beloved city of Marduk seized power in Nibiru.  The revise (i.e. Middle Eastern) reading of the name of this planet also gives “Ur”.  Today Veliky Ustyug carries on the ancient event, but with new meaning.

            It is believed that the name “Sumer” is derived from the “Land of the Watchers”.  Egyptian name Neteru can also be translated as “Watcher”.  The ancestor of the Russian Romanov House, Procopius the Rightful who lived in the above mentioned Veliky Ustyug is noted for his three sticks resembling the Related imageEgyptian hieroglyph for Neteru / Watcher / Son of God / Angel, etc.  The “Watchers” had a task to guard the Garden of Eden (“abode of rightful ones”).  They started to mix with indigenous people of surrounding area.

            Many images of angels and archangels with wings are very similar to the depiction of Nibiruan gods (technically advanced beings) in Sumer and following Eastern traditions.

             Although the word “archangel” is today associated with the Abrahamic religions, it seems to be borrowed / influenced from Zoroastrianism.  It is believed that the knowledge of them was revealed to Zoroaster, the prophet and founder of this ancient religion.  He is considered to be a native speaker of Old Avestan that is closely related to Vedic Sanskrit, the oldest preserved Indo-Aryan language.  Zoroaster’s exact birthplace and dating are uncertain as there is no scholarly consensus.  The earliest date is somewhere in the 2nd millennium BCE.  Other scholars put him in the 7th and 6th century BCE as a contemporary or near-contemporary of Cyrus the Great.  In this case Zoroaster would also a contemporary of Manna (northwest Iran).  One version states that he was born on the territory of Manna.  The other version relates the birthplace of Zoroaster with still Sanskrit named Russian river Kama near city of Perm.  In a broader sense, Zoroaster’s motherland was Airyanem Vaejah (approximately “expanse of the Aryans”) that previously covered parts of modern Russia (with its former lands in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia), Iran, India, etc.

            The Book of the Watchers (part of The Book of Enoch) might have borrowed the information about angels / archangels not only from Zoroastrian sources, but also from Sumerian tablets from the library in Nippur where they are called by the name Annunaki (i.e. Image result for uriel archangel chester cathedralNibiruans).  This ancient Jewish religious work is ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, whose place of landing place after the Flood is believed to be Nakhchivan, a former part the ancient Manna Kingdom.

            The Royal Name of the first Monarch of the present Manna Kingdom is abbreviated to His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.  Archangel Uriel (“God is my light”) is often described as one who “stands at the Gate of Eden with a fiery sword” or “one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus”.  Uriel has also become the angel of Sunday / regent of the Sun and one of the holy sephiroth that are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which The Infinite reveals Itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.  Kabbala was also the capital of Caucasian Albania that has existed on the territory of present-day republic of Azerbaijan, part of which used to belong to the above mentioned ancient kingdom of Manna.

II. URuk: the first urban city

            Sumerian city of Uruk is one of the oldest cities in the world, located northwest of Ur.  Uruk’s time of foundation is 4th millennium BCE, in the southeast of modern Iraq.  It is suggested that the Arabic name “al-Iraq” (in use since the 6th century) is ultimately of Sumerian origin, as Uruk was the Akkadian name for the Sumerian city of Urug, containing the Sumerian word for “city”, UR.  Uruk is identified with Biblical Hebrew Erech.Related image

             Uruk went through several phases of growth, from the Early Uruk period (4000 – 3500 BCE) to the Late Uruk period (3500 – 3100 BCE).  Uruk was formed on the base of pre-Sumerian Ubaid culture, when two smaller Ubaid settlements merged and became the Eanna District and the Anu District dedicated to Inanna and Anu, respectively.  One of the chief landmarks of the city was the Anu ziggurat crowned by the “White Temple”.

            The legendary Gilgamesh (who ruled Uruk in the 27th century BCE) was the fifth ruler of Uruk.  Seven kings were after him, then Uruk was defeated and the throne was moved to Ur.  In the Epic of Gilgamesh, he builds the brickwork city wall around Uruk, about 10 km. in circumference.  It was a crucial point for the future.  The wall means urbanization in comparison to rural settlements.  Uruk played a leading role in the early urbanization of Sumer in the mid 4th millennium BCE.  So it could be said that the roots of modern city lifestyle (technological civilization) start in Uruk.

            At its height circa 2900 BCE, Uruk was the largest city in the world at the time.  It probably had 50,000 – 80,000 residents living in 6 km2 of walled area.  In comparison, New York City (world champion and symbol of globalization) has over 9 mln residents distributed over a land area of about 790 km2.

            Uruk was famous as the capital city of Gilgamesh, hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh, often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature and the source of the key stories for the Hebrew Bible (the Christian Old Testament), particularly the accounts of the Garden of Eden and the Great Flood.  Some of the best copies of the Epic of Gilgamesh were discovered in the library of the 7th century BC Assyrian king Ashurbanipal, also well known in the history of Manna.

            Initially, Uruk was a city-temple where on an artificial platform the first sanctuary dedicated to An (later Akkadian: Anu) was built.  It was called E.AN or “House of AN”.  Then supreme ruler of Nuburu An and his wife Antu visited and spent the night in this sanctuary during one of the visits to Earth.  This sanctuary became later the city of Uruk.

            An gave this place to his beloved great-granddaughter, whose name meant “beloved by An” or Inanna.  During the reign of Inanna (Ishtar), Uruk turned into one of the richest urban centers of Mesopotamia.  Here she founded the custom of the “Holy Marriage” which became an essential part of the ancient Middle Eastern world.  A king-priest became her husband for one night.

            In the sanctuary “House of An” (that later became Uruk), the Nibiruans made important decisions on the construction of new cities in Mesopotamia.  The first was built a new city of Kish, in which the kingdom began after the Flood.  Kish was given to Ninurta, the son of Enlil (the leader of the Nibiruan mission on Earth) and his half-sister Ninhursag (the creator of humanity along with her other half-brother Enki as presented in Sumerian texts).  The reason why such an honor was given to Ninurta was his parents.  According to the law of the Pleiades (the mother civilization of the Nibiruans), the heir becomes the one with more blood of the genus.  Enlil and Ninhursag had different mothers, but the common father was An (Anu).  Given this status of Ninurta, over time Kish became the first administrative capital of Sumer.  Ur was built for Nannar (Sin) born by official wife of Enlil.  Ur became the largest economic center of Mesopotamia.

            These cities were given to people so that they could learn to live and manage independently. Since then, the words “city” and “civilization” are synonymous.  Of course, this did not happen immediately after the Flood, but gradually.  At first people had to develop under supervision of the gods (like before).  In the countryside, they cultivated the surrounding fields for them, courted the gardens and bred domestic animals.  In city specialties people were artisans, cooks, musicians, priests and even temple prostitutes.  When people were ready, the Nibiruans gave them monarchies to manage cities and the scientific knowledge necessary for evolution in this direction.  Of course it is not the only version of this story.

            Kryon provides a deeper insight.  The Nibiruans were not so altruistic.  The played gods to persuade kind and hard working Sumerians work for them.  Nibiru need gold to sustain its atmosphere and, ultimately life on it.  Therefore, the Nibiruans was greedy for gold from Earth.  Without them knowing, they were used to play an important role in the development of the planetary scenario.  Their bio-robots for gold-digging unintentionally helped to activate the information and communication system (The Matrix) for the creation of anthropogenic civilization.  It was a part of the experiment with Duality.  This Matrix was largely responsible for the technological progress accrued for the last 6,500 years, including modern society, computerized and robotized at an incredible pace.  The Matrix will be changed to serve spiritual purposes, first of all.  So far, the technogenic matrix creates one of the options for the development of human society.  It allows you to gain experience with the help of which the Beings of Light acquire the opportunity to master dense layers of matter and worlds.  It is said that eventually this human would learn to harmoniously combine the technical and spiritual achievements.  Mankind’s experience will benefit many and many civilizations of other worlds on other planets.

            Uruk was abandoned approximately 700 AD.  Presently, on the site of Uruk is the settlement of VarkaDvarka is an ancient city in the state of Gujarat in northwestern India, place of Vedic civilization that is the source of modern Indian society.  Dvarka is one of the four sacred Hindu pilgrimage sites, and is one of the seven most ancient religious cities in the country.  In Iranian mythology, Var means “vow and devotion”.  Vara is “the abode of the righteous”.

            In revise reading the word “Uruk” is “Kuru”.  The first recorded state-level society in the Indian subcontinent was Kuru Kingdom (circa 1200 BCE – circa 500 BCE).  Kuru was the name of a Vedic Indo-Aryan tribal union in northern India, encompassing a number of the modern-day states, including Delhi.  Legendary Uttara Kuru or the Northern Kuru was an ancient kingdom located north of the India.  It was the birthplace of the ancestors of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the main heroes and characters of the Mahabharata, major Sanskrit epics of ancient India.  Vital part of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita, a concise guide to Hindu philosophy.  It was revealed just before the battle on the Kuru field.  The common ancestor of the Pandavas and the Kauravas was the ancient Indian king Kuru.  This Aryan ruler had ancestors.  It is well known that the Aryans came to India and Iran from the north.  That north is Russia, and not only geographically.  Many of its names are still translated from Sanskrit, including its capital Moscow and Tver.  In Sanskrit (and its closest ancient relatives the Iranian languages Avestan and Old Persian), the terms “Arya” means “noble”, “respected”, “wise”.  Aryan was a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.

            Near Russian city of Archangelsk, in the course of the Northern Dvina River (beginning in Veliky Ustyug) there are three famous islands: Kur, Nal and Uht.  In Sanskrit Ukhta means “song”.  Moreover, in the above mentioned Mahabharata, Kur and Nal are two brother-islanders who are the ancestors of the Aryans, i.e. the Pandavas and the Kauravas.  Along with other facts, it gives evidences that Russia is the northern ancestral home of the Aryans, that is the above mentioned country “Uttara-Kuru” or Northen Kuru.

            Beside India and Iran a wives of the Aryans went to the Middle East.  Haplogroups identify a single line of descent.  Different studies have revealed that many Arab men from ruling elite have haplogroup R1a as millions of Russian men, i.e. they have a common male ancestor.  Same is with India.  Hopefully, this brotherhood found in the ancient times would help build modern countries a better future.  It is already coming.  For instance, Russia was the first country to recognize the Saudi Arabia as an independent country.

            Surely, the age of Uruk (founded in 4th millennium BCE) is greater than the time of the Aryans’ invasion to the Middle East (2nd millennium BCE).  However, the link Uruk ↔ Kuru could be used along with Sanskrit for finding ancient cultural, linguistic, and other common roots, including the shared heritage of the gods (or highly developed civilizations) from different star systems found everywhere on Earth.

III. UR of Sumer: tombs of the gods

 Image result for ур           Ur in southern modern Iraq was important city of Sumer (southern Mesopotamia) and its capital.   Ziggurat of Ur built is the best-preserved of those known from Iran and Iraq. It was built in approximately the 21st century BCE, by king Ur-Nammu who dedicated the great ziggurat of Ur in honour of the moon god Nannar (Sin), the patron deity of Ur.

          Beside the construction of Ziggurat of Ur,Image result for законы хаммурапи which glorified Nannar (Sin), Ur-Namu is known for the Code of Laws established by him at the end of the 21st century BCE. This code and a later collection of laws of the king of the city of Isin Lipit-Ishtar (the second half of the 20th century BCE) are the forerunners of the laws of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (18th century BCE), which are believed to be used by the compilers of the laws of Moses, represented as a legal system or agreement, concluded on Mount Sinai. The original name of Mount Sion (Zion) in Jerusalem may also have been associated with Sin (Nannar).

         It is believed that the forefather Abraham from the Bible was born here.  One of the reasons why the Sumerian Ur was considered the birthplace of Abraham was the so-called Royal Tombs excavated in it in 1927 by the leading British archaeologist of the last century, Sir Leonard Woolley.  Previously, in the years 1921 – 1922, Woolley was the head of the excavation of Ahetaton, the former capital of the famous pharaoh and reformer Akhenaten.  Since 1922, Leonard Woolley led the work of the British-American archaeological expedition in the Ur, which lasted until 1934.

            He began his excavations in the Sumerian Ur with the remains of the Great Ziggurat dedicated to the moon god Nannar (in Akkadian, Sin), who was the patron deity of the city.  Here Woolley unearthed not only the remains of walls, canals, residential quarters, palaces, but also an ancient cemetery with unique tombs.  He named them Royal Tombs.   Woolley announced that his findings were worthy of Abraham.  Having such connection it was easier for him to find money for further excavations.  It was rather a PR action than science.

   Image result for царские гробницы ура         Excavations of residential quarters confirmed that the residents of Ur followed the Sumerian tradition of burying their deceased relatives under the floors of the houses where their families continued to live.  Therefore, the finding of a separate cemetery with 1800 graves was extremely unusual.  They were located in a sacred fenced area, their age began from the 4th millennium BCE (that is, before the earthmen were granted the Kingdom from Nibiruans), until the first centuries of our era.  Leonard Woolley discovered among them about 660 graves completely different from the rest.  Out of these 660 unique graves, 16 were buried in shrouds or in wooden coffins, emphasizing their highest status (due to the lack of wood in Sumer and its high price).  Each of these bodies was in a spacious rectangular pit, and was laid on its side, and not on its back as in the rest of the graves.  On these bodies and around them were personal jewelry, jewelry, goblets, etc., dating from the 3rd millennium BCE, the period when the central authority over the Sumer was in Ur.  The power to Ur had been passed from Uruk, managed by Inanna (Ishtar) who was daughter of Nannar (Sin), granddaughter of Enlil (Commander of the Earth project, according to famous author on Nibiru Zecharia Sitchin, born in Baku, raised in Mandatory Palestine before moving to New York).

            There was no single centralized power in the early stages of Sumer’s development.  Nibiruans divided Mesopotamia into regions, and the center of each of them became a city that was under the control of one or another god / goddess.  So, Ur was ruled by the moon god Nannar (Sin), the son of Enlil.  The general leadership of Sumer and the Nibiruans mission on Earth was carried out by Enlil in Nippur. Current governance in their cities / regions Nibiruan gods and goddesses carried out independently.  Here is the origin of the system of city-states (policies), each of which had its own legislation and procedures.  A similar system of division into regions (nomes) was used by Nibiruans in Ancient Egypt.

            Based on the above, Leonard Woolley concluded that these 660 burials belonged to Ur’s elite. However, the 16 tombs that they uncovered were unique not only for Sumer, but for all of Mesopotamia, the whole Middle East and not only for their time, but for all periods of the history of this part of the planet.  The findings of the British archaeologist were comparable with the finding of another Englishman Howard Carter, who excavated in the Valley of Kings near Luxor in 1922 the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun, the son of Akhenaten.

            Leonard Woolley, like other leading archaeologists of the time, regarded the gods as myths that never physically existed.  Therefore, he concluded that he had discovered the tombs of the kings and queens of Ur on the basis of the seals he found in the excavations with the titles “Nin” and “Lugal”.  Despite the lack of explicit evidence, it has become a scientific tradition to believe that the above-mentioned 16 tombs belonged to the rulers of Ur and their wives and not to the gods and demigods (as one might suppose).  Even today, scientists can not say exactly when these tombs were built and for which kings.

Related image         Zachary Sitchin draws attention to the fact that these unique 16 tombs were made of stone; they had domed roofs, the construction of which required special engineering skills for those times. Entering some of them was possible on inclined ramps leading to large rooms, behind which the tomb itself was. In addition to such high-tech architectural methods, the uniqueness of these tombs is proved by the fact that some bodies did not just lay on their side in coffins located inside special fences, but were covered with unique jewelry, many of which are made only in single copy.  In the tomb of the PG-755 Woolley discovered more than a dozen objects around the body inside the coffin and more than 60 works of art in the tomb itself, including a gold helmet and an excellent gold dagger with a lapis lazuli Related imagehilt.  Lapis lazuli was a sacred stone for Nibiruans and served as an indispensable attribute of their ceremonial royal decorations.  It is believed that the symbol of supreme power, the throne of Anu (the supreme ruler of Nibiru) was encrusted with lapis lazuli.

            Another confirmation that these burials could belong to the Nibiruan gods and demigods is the fact that at that time the metallurgical abilities of people were at the level of bronze.  Nowhere in the ancient world were found such skillfully made artifacts and ornaments as the above-mentioned gold helmet and dagger.  The world famous posthumous gold mask of young Tutankhamun, sculptures and other outstanding objects of his tomb, date back to the twelve centuries later Woolley’s findings in Ur.

            The clay tablets describing the arrival of Anu (the supreme ruler of Nibiru) and his wife Antu to Earth, says that absolutely all bowls, cups, plates from which they will eat, drink and wash their hands should be of pure gold, including spills, on which they will be offered food and drinks, mainly various types of beer and wines.  According to the instructions, on all these subjects there should be an ornament of eight petal roses, as confirmation of their belonging to Anu.  Practically, it was precisely this kind of banquet / ceremonial objects, symbols of power and status that were found in the 16 tombs of Ur.  Since the arrival of Anu and Antu in Uruk took place around 4000 BCE, i.e. three centuries before the time when the Nibiruans gave the Sumerians the Kingdom (civilization), only Nibiruan masters who were on the Earth could make these gold objects.


            In addition to the unrivaled jewelry and household items discovered by Woolley in the 16 tombs of Ur, another proof of the connection with the Nibiruan gods and demigods is the female body in the so-called Tomb of the Queen (PG-800) owned by Nin.Puabi (the goddess Puabi). Zacharias Sitchin reasonably points out that despite the fact that Nin.Puabi’s father was a demigod Lugalband, her mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from mother, is the purest Nibiruan. According to the female line, the mother of Nin.Puabi was the goddess Ninsun, and her grandmother was the goddess Bau (daughter of Anu, the supreme ruler of Nibiru).  Ninsun was also the mother of the above mentioned legendary hero of the ancient world Gilgamesh, the fifth ruler of Uruk.

            Zacharias Sitchin (1920 — 2010) believed that in the remains of Nin.Puabi (now stored in the London Museum of Natural History) might be the most missing link or genes of Nibiruans.

            According to Woolley’s descriptions, Nin.Puabi’s skull was large and elongated.  Leading British anthropologist Sir Arthur Keith, after studying and detailed measurement of her remains, concluded that Nin.Puabi could not be a representative of the Sumerian civilization, but descended from a long- headed race.  The volume of her skull exceeded the average human, and the size of her head was disproportionately large in relation to the rest of her very feminine body.  In the ancient world such an elongated form of skulls had Akhenaten and his family members.

  Related image          Another proof of the extraordinary size of the head of Nin.Puabi is headdress found in her tomb.  It was fixed with gold pins and gold ribbons.  Employees of the museum of the University of Pennsylvania (where it is now stored) have made for the dummy a special huge wig of hard hair so that it could withstand this finding.  Also noteworthy is not only the disproportionate body size of the headgear, but also the massive earrings decorated with precious stones.  The total weight of jewelry of Nin.Puabi was almost 6.5 kg.

      Image result for puabi queen      The body of Nin.Puabi was not decorated with clothes, but with long laces, on which were expensive beads, 60 of which were of gold, beautifully combined with lapis lazuli and carnelian.  On each finger she had gold rings. Necklace on the neck of Nin.Puabi had a rose, the symbol of Anu.  Perhaps, by this she wanted to emphasize her kinship with him.  The number of gold beads on her burial attire speaks in favor of it. 60 is the number of Anu, the supreme ruler of Nibiru and the Sumerian pantheon.Image result for sumerian jewelry

            The maidens buried with Nin.Puabi had headgear proportional to the size of their heads, i.e., only Nin.Puabi was either long-headed or this headgear had been given to her by her Nibiruans, many of whom are believed to be tall and, respectively, having a large head size.

            Journal “World Channeling” provides information about dolichocephalic (elongated) skulls, which became a transitional stage from the crystalline form of consciousness of Pascats (intelligent lions) to the crystalline form of consciousness of modern man.  The homeland of these creatures is in the star system Sirius B.

   Image result for черепа вытянутой формы         The elongated shape of the skull is thought to be a stepping stone from the Oneness (in which the Lemurians and others stayed) to the Duality that is part of the Universal Game of Integration of the Polarities.  It is believed that the Lemurians did not need to accumulate knowledge and learn to think rationally. Their brains had no division into the right and left hemispheres (as in modern humans), but represented a single undivided structure.  Its main purpose was to manage the body, rather than independent analysis or thought processes.  To get answers to their questions, the Lemurians could connect to the planetary information bank of data or the Collective Planetary Consciousness.

             Some of the elongated shape skulls are exhibited in the city of Ica, Peru.  There are different versions regarding the name of the country.  It ends with Ru that Ur in revised reading.  Peru is among the top sites for the heritage of highly developed civilizations.  Ica is special.  The distance to the Nazca Lines is 120 km., to the Paracas Candelabra is 60 km., to Machu Picchu — 360 km., from Machu Picchu to Cusco is 75 km.

            It is possible that the disappearance of Lemuria was part of the Universal Plan.  In order to gain experience of Duality, a brain structure divided into two hemispheres was required.  The uniqueness of modern time is that a person, having a brain physiologically divided into two complementary parts, can develop it to the former state of Oneness.  At the same time, people will go beyond the previous civilizations, since they will think and analyze independently, almost like the very structures to which the ancient inhabitants of the Earth applied for answers.

Ur, the Ubaid culture and Manna

            Ur dates from the Ubaid period circa 3800 BCE, a prehistoric period of Mesopotamia.  Ubaid period is dated from 6500 — 3800 BCE.  Ur was started on their territory and heritage.  The still unanswered questions remain to the modern scientists the strange findings of Tell Al’Ubaid.  Reptilian-headed clay figurines found in several Ubaid cemeteries.  These pre-Sumerian 7 000 year old artifacts represent humanoid figures with lizard characteristics: long heads, almond shaped eyes, long tapered faces and a lizard-type nose.  Moreover, their postures, such as a female figure breast-feeding, do not suggest that they were ritualistic objects.  Certain tips are given in the interview with Lacerta (lit. a genus of lizards), a reptilian woman from an ancient race dwelling in the Inner Earth.  Their history and role are well described in the magazine «World Channeling».

Image result for культура убайд

            There is a certain connection between the Ubaid civilization and the ancestors of the ancient kingdom of Manna.  The Leyla-Tepe culture of ancient Azerbaijan (first located in the 1980s by I.G. Narimanov, a famous Soviet archaeologist) and the Maykop culture of Caucasus region of Southern Russia provide evidence that people of Ubaidi culture migrated there from Mesopotamia.  They later assimilated with the Hurrites who created the state of Mitanni in northern Mesopotamia in the 16th -13th centuries BCE.  The Hurrites were among the main ancestors of the Mannaeans, who lived around the 10th to 7th centuries BCE, and merged in the region of Lake Urmia (northwestern Iran).

            The Hurrites also had a strong influence on the Hittite kingdom, a powerful ancient power in Asia Minor existed circa 1800 — 1180 BCE.

IV. UR of the Hittites

   Image result for харран         Harran, located on the territory of modern Turkey, was in ancient times a major trading center in the land of the Hittites, who lived here thousands of years before the arrival of the Turks. It is believed that Ur of the Hittites (Harran) was founded by merchants from Sumerian Ur located in the south of modern Iraq.  Sumerian Ur or Ur of the Chaldees is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (source of the Christian Old Testament).

            There is a version that the forefather Abraham was born in Nippur (the city of Enlil), but grew up in the above described Sumerian Ur where his father was a priest.  At a certain stage the priesthood of these two cities was united, which was the possible reason for the migration of Abraham’s father from Nippur to Ur.

            It is believed that after the tragic death of Ur-Nammu in the battle with the troops of Marduk and his son Nabu in 2096 BC, Abraham’s father moved with his family to Harran, serving as the connecting city of Sumer with the Hittites loyal to the Enlil clan and opposing Marduk’s Babylon. In Harran was the second largest temple of Nunnar (Sin), the first was in the Sumerian Ur. Therefore, Harran was often called the second Ur.

            According to the modern interpretation of the Old Testament, the birthplace of Abraham, the forefather of the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), is the Sumerian city of Ur (present Iraq).  On the other hand, even in the last century, many researchers traditionally believed that Abraham was born in Harran (modern Turkey) which during the time of Abraham was known as “Ur away from Ur”.

            Sumerian Ur and the ancient Harran were the cities of the cult of one god.  The Sumerians called him Nannar.  The later Semites called him Sin, the god of the moon.  It is suggested that the crescent as a symbol of Islam is associated with this tradition.  The name of Sinai Peninsula or simply Sinai is also related with Sin (Nannar).  Sinai was the place of important infrastructure of the Nibiruans.

            A huge temple of Nannar (Sin) was in the center of Harran.  Nannar was the firstborn of Enlil on Earth, that is, one of the first Nibiruans born not on Nibiru, but on this planet.  In the Nibiru hierarchy, Nannar had a numerical rank of 30, his son Utu (Shamash) — rank 20, his daughter Inanna (Ishtar) — 15, Ishkur (Adad) — 10.  The highest numerical rank was 60 and belonged to the supreme ruler Nibiru Anu.  His sons Enil and Enki had the next ranks.  The head of the Nibiruan mission on Earth Enlil had 50.  His stepbrother (and the creator of humanity of Sumer scripts) Enki had 40.

            The following brief historical background (based on works of Zecharia Sitchin and other related sources) will help to better understand the relationship with Harran and the Hittites of Sumer Abram, who changed his name at the age of 99, made circumcision and became the forefather of monotheistic religions.

            The Sumer Abram and his direct descendants belonged to the genus from Nippur, where was located the Nibiruans mission headquarters headed by Enlil.  Farah, the father of Abraham, came from this priestly royal family, created by the Nibiruans, so that people could learn to manage their civilization. The founding of the genus occurred around 3700 BCE when the Kingdom was descended from Heaven (Nibiru) to Earth and Enlil gave the people a calendar named Nippur (named after his residence) which later became Jewish.  The founder of this family was the demigod Alulim in whose veins was half the Nibiruan-Pleiadian and half human blood.

            Farah with his entire family, including the already married Abraham and Sarah, moves to Harran in 2095 BCE.  Sarah was a half-sister to Abraham.  They had one father but different mothers.  Thus, it could be stated that the male and female lines of the Abraham family belonged to the highest Sumerian society, the descendants of kings and priests.  Marriages between stepbrothers and sisters were a typical phenomenon in the ruling elite of Nibiruans who created Sumerians with their civilization.  Sons born in such unions automatically became heirs according to the Pleiadian law.  It was believed that such an heir had more genes of this kind.  This was especially important in the royal family.

            Sarah’s name underscores her high status.  The Sumerian word “Sar” means “The Supreme Ruler”, this is one of the epithets of Nibiru, the native planet of the Sumerian gods.  Hence the roots of the Middle Eastern name Sarah meaning “Princess”.  It is believed that by the word “Sar” the Sumerians called the period of rotation of Nibiru around the Sun, which was 3600 years and was also translated as “the right circle” or “full cycle”.  The number of 3600 Sumerians denoted by a large circle (orbit) icon.  The Sumerians made identical these three terms: the planet Nibiru, its orbit, the number 3600.  The term “Sar”, like other astronomical knowledge, the Sumerians could receive from Nibiruans who were not only their gods, but also teachers (to some extent).

            After the death of Farah in Harran at the age of 205, the god (from the Enlil clan) told Abraham and Sarah (who still had then Sumerian names), as well as their nephew Lot, to leave Haran (the territory of the Enlil’s clan) and go to Canaan, then controlled by the Enki’s clan.  The most powerful of them was his son Marduk.   In the same year he was sent to exile in Harran.

            The younger brother of Abraham Nahor remained in Harran.  Nahor’s granddaughter Rebekah later became the wife of Issak, the first-born of Abraham and Sarah, who, by virtue of their old age, have lost the hope of having children.  For the bride in Harran will go the son of Isaac and Rebekah Jacob, later named Israel.

            After many years of work on the uncle (turned exploiter and deceiver), Jacob married his cousins ​​Leah and Rachel, the daughters of Laban, who was the brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob. It is used as one of the evidences that the birthplace of Abraham is not the Sumerian Ur (modern Iraq), but the Harran region, in particular Edessa (modern Turkey), which will be discussed below.  When Abraham was born, his father was 70 years old.  Abraham was 86 years old when he fathered his firstborn Ishmael (from Egyptian servant lady).  Abraham was already 100 years old when was born Isaac, his firstborn of Sarah.

Abraham and the Hittites

            The Hittites were Abraham’s neighbors in Harran.  Abraham buried Sarah in the cave he bought from the Hittites of Hebron.  Related imageAccording to one of the Jewish traditions, the cause of Sarah’s death was the news of the planned sacrifice of Isaac.  This same tradition argues that the age of Isaac during the abortive sacrifice was 37 years, contrary to popular beliefs about him being a child. In the Old Testament, God called Isaac the only son, although Abraham had seven sons, including the firstborn of Ishmael, the forefather of the Arab tribes.

   Image result for adad god of mesopotamia          Only the Hittites managed to capture Babylon, base of Marduk (from the Enki clan). The supreme god of the Hittites was Teshub, the god of wind and storm (thunder). Most likely, it was Ishkur (Akkadian: Adad), who was the youngest son of Enlil, the head of the Nibiruan mission on Earth. Enlil was the god of the wind. The unofficial name of Baku is the City of Winds. As the god of lightning Teshub (Ishkur / Adad) was revered throughout Asia Minor, his attributes were an ax and lightning.

It is believed that Ishkur / Adad (the son of Enlil), later known to the Hittites as Teshub, was sent to Image result for candelabra of the andesseek gold in South America. He successfully coped with this task and even left his mark in Peru, next to Paracas — the famous Candelabrum, a height of more than 100 meters. It is located on the slope of a sandy mountain, descending to the water at an angle of 45-50 degrees. In this case, the width of the ditches is approximately 4 meters, and the depth is 2 meters. Moreover, for so many thousands of years, even the strongest oceanic wind was unable to fall asleep this figure.

David and the Hittites

              The wife of the military commander of the Hittite was Bathsheba, seduced in Jerusalem by King David, when her husband fought his enemies.  Subsequently, Bathsheba became the wife of King David, and their son went down in history as the owner of a huge harem of 700 wives and 300 concubines.  The most famous feat of David is the victory over Goliath, the descendant of Nephilim, who was some kind of terminator of that time.  However, Goliath’s weapons and clothing described in detail belong to the heavily armed soldiers of the Greek army who lived three centuries after the events described, just like the people who described this fight. Without David and Solomon there would be no Jewish kingdom, but no reliable direct historical evidence of their existence, primarily archaeological, has been found so far.  Very little is found, although the image of David is one of the central in the Bible.  One of the reasons of the absence of evidences may be the repeated destruction and reconstruction of Jerusalem.  The compilers of the Bible reckon Jesus to the family of David.  However, in one Gospel he was of the family of David by mother.  In the other Gospel his father Joseph was also from the lineage of David.

            As far as the Jerusalem Temple is concerned, David bought from a Hittite a place on Mount Moriah for the construction of the temple.

Solomon and the Hittites

            Solomon’s father was the above-mentioned King David.  His mother of the Hittite was Bathsheba, seduced by David and later became his wife.  King Solomon is known not only for his great harem, but also for his great wisdom.  However, many of the songs attributed to him were known to different peoples of Egypt and the Middle East long before his birth.

            Solomon bought horses from the Hittite princes.  Solomon’s wife was daughter of one of them.

Chronology of Haran (Ur)

            The history of Harran dates back to the 4th millennium BCE.  Harran was an important center of worship for the god Sin (the Sumerian Nannar, the father of Inanna or Ishtar), who was the Mesopotamian god of the Moon.  Despite the persecution from Christians and Muslims, this cult existed in Harran until the 12th century.  It is believed that it has survived due to the fortune-tellers and astrologers from the priests of Sin.  Their services were always in demand, despite the prohibition imposed by monotheistic (Abrahamic) religions succeeding each other in Harran.

            In the 7th century BCE, before going to Egypt, the Assyrian king Asarhaddon, the brother of the future librarian Ashurbanipal, restored the Sin’s temple.  During the preparation of the second expedition to Egypt, Asarhaddon died in Harran.  Ashurbanipal, who took the throne after the death of his brother, served as the supreme priest of the Temple of Sin in Harran.  Namely, thanks to the Ashurbanipal library excavated in the 19th century, the modern world has learned about the Sumerian origins of the Old Testament and the daily life of ancient Mesopotamia.

            At the end of the 7th century BCE, Harran served as the last capital of Assyria conquered by the Babylonians.  In Harran, the Assyrians chose a new king and attempted to restore their empire with the help of the Egyptian pharaoh Necho.  The fall of Assyria allowed Media (the first Iranian empire) to take over the ancient kingdom of Manna.

            The last Babylonian king Nabonidus lived in Harran, where he restored the cult of Sin and made his mother Adda-Guppy the high priestess of the Temple of Sin.

            In the 4th century BCE, Harran was under the rule of the Persians.  It was liberated by Alexander the Great, who settled the veterans of his army here.

            In 53 BCE in Harran was killed Mark Crassus in the battle with the Parthians.  He was a famous Roman commander and politician, who along with Caesar and Pompey entered the first triumvirate.  Mark Crassus defeated the slave uprising led Spartacus.  He was one of the richest men of his time (about 170 billion US dollars for modern money).  This devastating defeat of Mark Crassus was considered a disgrace to the Roman army for a long time.  The head and right arm of Krass were taken to the Armenian city of Artashat, the fourth capital of Great Armenia, to the southeast of Yerevan.  Several legendary Roman eagles were captured as trophies to the Parthians.  Later, the first Roman Emperor Augustus would establish peaceful relations with them and return the captured eagles.  The defeat of Crassus at Harran was one of the reasons for the fall of the Roman Republic and the transition to monarchy in Rome.

            After Harran became part of the Roman Empire, the god Sin became revered in their capital Rome.  In the spring of 217, the Roman emperor of Caracalla arrived in Harran to offer a sacrifice to the god of the moon Sin, where in 53 BCE the Romans had suffered the above mentioned defeat from the Parthians.  Under strange circumstances Caracalla was killed here.  After stopping briefly to urinate, Caracalla was approached by a soldier who and stabbed him to death.  The conspiracy was set in motion by the Praetorian Guard Prefect Macrinus, Caracalla’s successor.  Caracalla has still largely had a reputation as being among the worst of Roman emperors.  His reign was notable for granting Roman citizenship to nearly all free men and free women throughout the Roman Empire.

            In 382, ​​during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Great, the Temple of the god Sin was closed, but the community of adherents of the ancient cult could survive in the city until the 12th century.

            In the 7th century Harran was captured by the Arabs.  In the 14th century, the Mongolian army turned the city into ruins.  In the 16th century, Harran was annexed by the Ottoman Empire.  Today it is a Turkish city, a couple of dozen kilometers from the Syrian border.

            Harran was always known as a city where prominent figures of culture, science, and philosophers lived.

Sabians and Harran (Ur)

            A thousand years ago here was the center of the intellectual tradition of the Harran Sabians, who honored Hermes Trismegistus and spread his legacy.

            The Sabian religion was a mixture of Chaldeanism (the heritage of Babylon), parsism (fire worshipers), Judaism, Christianity, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, etc.  They disappear in history from the 12th century, when the Egyptian Sultan Mamluk Saladin finally destroyed what remained of the Temple of Sin.  It is possible that continue to exist somewhere in the region but under a different name.  There are a lot of texts written in the purest Syrian-Aramaic dialect left from the Sabians.

            Since ancient times, the Sabians were called stargazers because they studied mathematical astronomy and translated them into Arabic ancient Greek texts.  Therefore, in a broad sense, the term Sabeism means worshiping the stars.

            Sabians are mentioned three times in the Koran, together with Jews and Christians.  The Sabians were the same as they belonged to the monotheistic tradition.  According to Muslim authors, the Sabians followed the Book of Zabur, which was the fourth in the Abrahamic tradition. According to the Koran, the book “Zabur” was given to King David, the founder of ancient Israel.

Islam and Harran (Ur)

            Harran University was considered the first Islamic university.  The local madrasa is the oldest center of education in the Islamic world.  It was built in the era of the Abbasid dynasty at the mosque on the territory of the Temple of Sin.  It was attended by such Islamic scholars as doctor and mathematician Sabit ibn Kurra, astronomer Al-Battani, discoverer of the atom Jabir ibn Hayyan and the theologian Ibn-i Teimiye.

            The main mosque of Harran was made in the 12th century from the Christian church, which, in turn, was rebuilt in the 5th century into a Christian temple from the synagogue, which stood on the site of the Temple of Sin (god of Moon).

            The stelae of the Sin’s temple were used as floors in the main mosque of Harran, whose second name was “Paradise Mosque”.  It was built during the last caliph from the Umayyad dynasty in the period 744-750.  It was discovered during archaeological excavations in 1983.  Its seize was 104 m. by 107 m.  Thus, it is evident that Harran has transmitted traditions from generation to generation.  The symbol of Islam (the Crescent) was formerly a symbol of Mesopotamian god of Moon Sin (the Nibiruan Nannar).

            The Egyptian Sultan Saladin destroyed to the ground everything that remained of the Temple of Sin and built a mosque on its foundation in 1179.  However, 50 years later it was destroyed during the so-called yellow crusade of the Mongolian army of Nestorian Christians and their allies against the Middle Eastern Muslims.

            The remains of the Temple of Sin and the Main Mosque were discovered only in 1957 during the British archaeological expedition.  Under the ruins of the three gates of the mosque, three stone slabs with carved symbols of the god Sin were found.  They were laid out in such a way that Muhammad’s followers entering the mosque stood on them as a sign that an ancient (idolatrous) religion had been destroyed forever.  Due to the lack of education and short life expectancy, then the zealots of monotheism could not see that it was simply the gods changing their masks.  Succession is also confirmed by the usual fact that the modern inhabitants of Haran are proud of being descendants of the ancient diviners of the lunar deity, although the cult of Sin disappeared more than eight centuries ago.

Ezekiel, the Third Temple and Harran (Ur)

            In the vicinity of Harran, prophet Ezekiel had the famous divine vision of the heavenly staircase.  Under his hand during the so-calledRelated image Babylonian captivity ideology and religious treatises of the Jews were born.  Many world artists (such as Raphael) have applied to the prophecies of Ezekiel.  More often they portrayed “The vision of Ezekiel about the throne of Jehovah’s chariot”.  It was Merkava (Hebrew: “Chariot”) also spelled Merkabah, the throne, or “chariot,” of God as described by the prophet Ezekiel.

Image result for awakening the illuminated heart          Today Merkabah, often spelled Merkaba, is the well known as the Light Body or the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms.  Drunvalo Melchizedek has provided The Teaching Of The MER-KA-BA.

            In this vision, Ezekiel saw four mysterious animals with faces of a man, a lion, a calf and an eagle, which later became the symbols of the four evangelists.  All events in this vision have astronomical and astrological symbols.  It is believed to be a well-organized and thought-out sacred mystery of the transition of star religion into newly formed monotheistic religions.

            The world has entered the Age of Aquarius.  New divine abilities are being opened now, including the connection with Merkaba that is the body of Light or the throne of Jehovah’s chariot shown in the vision of Ezekiel.

            The four animals from Ezekiel’s vision are portrayed in all the Orthodox churches together with the four evangelists, each with its own symbol: Luke with Taurus, Mark with Leo, John with Eagle, Matthew with the Angel (man).  From the astronomical point of view, the heavenly cross, symbolically reflected by the four Evangelists on the gates of Christian churches and fixed by the points of the spring and autumn equinox, as well as the winter and summer solstice, indicates the transition of humanity to the Age of Aquarius.

            Veliky Ustyug is believed to be the capital of this Aquarius Age.  The Lord of this new epoch is the Ascended Master Saint Germain.  Among his last incarnations on the planet was Christopher Columbus.  Saint Germain also incarnated as High priest in the civilization of Atlantis 13,000 years ago serving in the Order of Lord Zadkiel in the Temple of Purification, located on the island now called Cuba.  Interestingly, Cuba is the name of old important town in Azerbaijan whose modern territory used to be Manna.  Saint Germain’s incarnation was Saint Alban, the first British Christian martyr.  Albany is the capital of the U.S. state of New York.  Caucasian Albania was the state of indigenous people of modern-day Azerbaijan.  After the rise of the Parthian Empire (247 BC — 224 AD) defeated the Roman army of arrogant Mark Crassus (see above), the kings of Caucasian Albania were replaced with an Arsacid family of Sakas origin.  Saint Germain is believed to be Merlin, magician and counselor at King Arthur’s Camelot who inspired the establishment of the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.  Some researchers credit Saint Germain with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.

            Annie Besant met the Count Saint Germain in 1896.  A passage from her book “A Treatise on the Seven Rays” could be used with regard to the vision of the prophet Ezekiel:

            “These ancient Mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy, and were—in their turn—received by the Hierarchy from the Great White Lodge on Sirius.  They contain the clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in numbers and in words; they veil the secret of man’s origin and destiny, picturing for him in rite and ritual the long, long path which he must tread.  They provide also, when rightly interpreted and correctly presented, the teaching which humanity needs in order to progress from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the Real and from death to Immortality”.

            Globally speaking, the Ezekiel’s visions of the new temple and the new Israel are more likely to be addressed to the Age of Aquarius, the new humanity and the renewed Earth.  Many of the readers of Ezekiel literally go astray and see this new (third) temple in the historic center of Jerusalem.  Today, on this site is a Muslim complex.  There is a body of evidences that in the distant past it was a site of the Nibiruan spaceport.

            Ezekiel, who was taken to Babylonia, lived in the village of Tel Aviv near Nippur, the city of Enlil who led the Nibiruans mission on Earth.  Apparently not by chance, it was there that Ezekiel saw the future of the Jewish people and all of humanity in the vision.  Telavi is a Georgian town (The Caucasus).  Some 110 km. wets of Telavi is Gori, the birthplace of Stalin.  Between Telavi and Gori is Tbilisi, the modern capital of state Georgia, neighboring Azerbaijan.   The name Tel Aviv was suggested by the immigrants from the Russian Empire in memory of the Mesopotamian site mentioned in The Book of Ezekiel of in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible).  The Ezekiel is one of the major prophetic books in the Old Testament.

Marduk and Harran (Ur)

            The history and actions of the Nibiruans on Earth often represent a struggle between the representatives of two clans of half-brothers Enki and Enlil.  Enki was the firstborn of their common father Anu, but Enlil’s mother was Anu’s half-sister, which automatically gave Enlil the title of heir Anu.  This contradiction was transferred from Nibiru to Earth.  Although Enki began it exploration and mining of gold for Nibiru, Enlil was appointed head of the Nibiruan mission on Earth.  Although the brothers often argued with each other, they did not resolve their differences by waging wars as it happened with their children and grandchildren.

            Being the firstborn of Enki, Marduk understood that his father or he should rule, if not Nibiru itself, then at least the Earth, whose resources for the salvation of Nibiru became accessible only due to Enki and his kinship with other civilizations inhabiting the Earth long before the arrival of Nibiruans.

            Marduk began the struggle for power, and, ultimately, displaced his grandfather Anu from the post of the supreme ruler of Nibiru (circa 2200 BCE).  However, his way to the top of power was thorny and not always smooth.  Marduk was removed from the government several times and sent to exile to cool his ardor (ambition).  The traditional place of exile for Marduk was Harran, controlled by the clan of his uncle Enlil who really feared Marduk and the support of the earthlings he received thanks to his son Naboo, born of an earthly woman.  Naboo was worshiped even in the territory of present-day Israel (ancient Canaan), which the Enlil clan gave to Abraham for perpetual use for help in the fight against Marduk, which ended in 2024 BCE with a nuclear war and the destruction of Sumer.  Image result for mount nebo

               The name of Naboo (prophet) might be traced in the name of Mount Nebo, from which Moses would see the Promised Land.  In Russian, Nebo means “Heaven”.  It is believed that Moses went to Heaven (died) on this mount.  He led the Exodus from Ancient Egypt to Sinai and brought them to the mount Nebo.  Wandering long time within Sinai they constantly got Manna from Heaven.

            In the struggle for power, Harran became Marduk’s base in 2048 BCE and continued to be so for 24 years until his younger brother Nergat and his cousin Ninutra (opposed Marduk) used nuclear weapons.  Commanding from Harran, Marduk and his son Nabu managed to attach to their territories the Baalbek Spaceport and Jerusalem.  The spaceport on Sinai, earlier considered as neutral territory, was under threat of capture by Marduk.  From Sinai, Marduk and Nabu could have control of all the Nibiruans’ cosmoports on the Earth.  Members of the Enlil clan could not let it happen.  The troops loyal to them began to strike back at the armies of Marduk.  In this first national war of antiquity, Abraham commanded cavalry on the side of the Enlil clan.

            Marduk’s claims to power were based not only on the birthright of his father Enki, but also on the change of twelve epochs, each of which lasts approximately 2160 terrestrial years.  It is believed that the Nibiruans had an agreement on the transfer of government on Earth from one god to another, with the onset of each new of the above epochs, thereby seeking to avoid internecine wars and conflicts over power.  The Piscean Age, marked by the birth of three monotheistic religions, was under the control of the Enlil clan, including Ereshkigal being the granddaughter of Enlil and the wife of Nergal.  Ereshkigal (lit. “Queen of the Great Earth”) was the daughter of Nannar (Sin).  The sign of Pisces was dedicated to her.  It is believed that her core territory was South Africa, producing much gold for Nibiru.  Her son Ningishzida (“Lord of the Good Tree”) was one of the best Nibiruan scientists and enlighteners of mankind, after his father Enki.

            Naboo is considered to be the patron of the Age of Aquarius, in which humanity is now entering. Naboo was the grandson of Enki and the son of Marduk.  Naboo was the nephew of Ningishzida who always strove to reconcile the clans of Enlil and Enki.  By the way, friendship is the quality of the sign of Aquarius.  It is believed that the ancient symbol of medicine (the snake over the cup) originates the cult of Ningishzida.  The origin of the images of ancient god of healing of Asclepius and wisdom god Hermes are also attributed to the cult of Ningishzida.

            After spending 24 years in Harran, Marduk demanded that in accordance with the new precessional era and the arrangements between the Nibiruans, the supreme authority over the Earth in the Age of Aries has to be passed from the Enlil clan to the Enki clan, the firstborn of which was Marduk.

            After the last victory of the Enlil clan over the Enki clan, it was decided that power would belong to the sons of Enlil until the preceding era of Aries.  In the Era of Cancer, the ruler was Ninurta, in the Era of Gemini — Nannar (Sin), in the Era of Taurus — Ishkur.  Obviously, the Enlil clan was not interested in transferring power to Marduk.  They used every possible way to delay compliance with their own arrangements with the Enki clan.  The representative of the Enlil clan did not want to recognize the precession for a long time, so as not to transfer power to Marduk, forcing him to resort to new wars, which were fought by the armies of people being directed against each other by competing Nibiruans.

            Eventually, Enlil had to convene an urgent council.  This meeting was watched from Nibiru by its supreme ruler Anu.  Strict disputes and mutual accusations led to Nergal proposing the use of nuclear weapons against his own brother Marduk.  This decision was supported by Anu, but on condition that the blow would be limited and solely on the spaceport at Sinai.  They didn’t want Sinai facilities to be taken by Marduk.  This spaceport with its internal tunnels (portals) was the key not only to Nibiru, but to the entire star system of the Pleiades, the birthplace of the Nibiruans. According to Anu’s decision, the gods and people should not suffer from these limited nuclear strikes.

            Selected for this purpose cousins ​​Ninurta and Nergal destroyed not only spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula, but also allied to Marduk cities, including the ill-famed biblical Sodom and Gomorrah.  From that point, the guilty of their residents was transition to the side Marduk.  Thus, the reasons for the death of these cities were exclusively political.  After preventive nuclear strikes, the radioactive wind unexpectedly went from Sinai to the east toward Sumer that was stronghold of Enlil clan, presented by the bombers Ninurta and Nergal.  This evil wind caused the destruction of almost all important Sumerian cities, together with their population which did not manage to escape.

            Nevertheless, the above-mentioned wind did not touch Babylon, the beloved city of Marduk, located north of Sumer.  This was seen by many as a sign of the choosiness of Marduk, the chief god of Babylon.  It strengthened his faith in his own rightness and less than two centuries after the nuclear war.  He seized power not only on Earth, but also on Nibiru, displacing his grandfather Anu who sanctioned this war.  Thus, the nuclear war that put the end to the Sumerian civilization opened the way to power for Marduk, against which it was launched.

            Having become the supreme ruler, Marduk ordered to make appropriate changes to the ceremony of the New Year that was the main holiday of Mesopotamia.  From now on, he replaces Nibiru and instead becomes the winner of the battle with Tiamat.  The Babylonian New Year ceremony appeared instead of the one from Sumer.  The ideas and inner content of the Babylonian New Year would later be passed into Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which formed the present world.  As a matter of fact, Babylon has made a huge contribution to the development of modern civilization.

Nabonidus and Harran (Ur)

            As it was said above, Harran was the cult place of the Sumerian Moon god Nannar (later called Sin).  According to legends, in Image result for харранHarran Adda-Guppy, the priestess and mother of the last Babylonian king Nabonidus, made a treaty with the patron of this ancient city, the god of the Moon Sin (Nannar).  The oath was that if he helps her son become king, the latter would restore worship and the cult of Sin.  Nabonidus became king of Babylon and rebuilt the temple of Sin not only in Harran, but also in Ur, as well as in other lands where the Sumerians had lived 1500 years ago.  Sin and his wife were so loved by the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia that in his honor the Sinai Peninsula was named.  It was an important place of the Nibiruans and also played an important role in Judaism and Christianity and Islam that came out of it.

            Nabonidus was not a Chaldean but from Assyria, in the city of Harran.  He treated Sin as his god-patron.  Sin’s symbol was a crescent moon.  It is believed that with the participation of Nabonidus this symbol was adopted by the followers of Islam. In Ugaritic sources, the moon god was called El or “God” which is the forerunner of Islamic Allah, whose symbol (the crescent moon) adorns every mosque.

            Nabonidus’ elevation of the cult of the moon-god Sin evoked protests of the priests of Marduk.  They put forward numerous accusations against Nabonidus, the most significant of which was his blasphemy.  The situation was aggravated by the fact that Nabonid announced the end of the celebration of the New Year (Akita), during which a performance was imitated simulating the sufferings and death of Marduk, his resurrection, exile, and ultimately triumphant return.  The very life of Marduk influenced the compilers of the Bible, who could use the passions of Marduk as a prototype for the passions of Christ.  The priests of Marduk forced Nabonidus to leave Babylon and go into exile.  Nabonidus entrusted rule for long periods to his son Prince Belshazzar, known from the book of the biblical prophet Daniel.  After that Nabonidus went to Arabia.

            As evidenced by historical documents, in the retinue of Nabonidus were Jews from Harran who previously resettled there from Judea.  Nabonidus made his residence the oasis of Tayma (Tyeman) in the north-west of modern Arabia (Tabuk province).  This settlement is mentioned several times in the Bible.  The oldest mention of the oasis city appears as “Tiamat” in Assyrian inscriptions dating as far back as the 8th century BCE.  Nabonidus founded here six settlements of his followers, and five of them were described in a thousand years (adherents of Islam) as a city of Jews.  One of these cities was Medina where Muhammad founded Islam.

            With the reign of Nabonidus ended the Neo-Babylonian Empire.  To the east, the Persians had been growing in strength, and eventually Cyrus the Great conquered it (539 BCE).  The Jews kept in Babylon greeted the Persians as liberators.  When Cyrus the Great conquered Babylonia, he portrayed himself as the savior chosen by Marduk to restore order and justice.

V. URfa: birthplace of Abraham

            Urfa (Turkey) is a competitor of the Ur (Iraq) as the alleged birthplace of the biblical patriarch Abraham, the founder of three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).  Although today the city is completely Islamized, its history is directly connected with Christianity and the Old Testament.  It is believed that the prophet Abraham (Islamic analogue — Ibrahim) was born in Urfa, paid visits to the city prophet of Job (Islamic Eyub), Jesus Christ and St. George.  The story of St. George has certain parallels with the epic battle of Nibiru and Tiamat.  This epic was crucial part of Sumerian New Year festival and holiday.  Later it was passed to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

            The apostle Thomas preached in Urfa (Edessa) on his way to India.  In the local church bearing his name were kept (from 6th to 7th centuries) his relics transported from India.  Thus, Urfa is often called the City of the Prophets.

            Prior to the excavation in the south of modern Iraq, it was believed that Urfa, i.e. Ur in Northern Mesopotamia (modern Turkey), was the birthplace of Abraham.  This idea is supported by the Islamic tradition.  On the site of the cave where Abraham (Ibrahim) was born and lived, the mosque Khalil Ur Rahman was built in 1170.  Before the mosque, in this place stood a Christian church built by the Byzantines in 457 and called the “Red”.  Today the octagonal bell tower of the Red Church serves as a minaret.

            It is not accidental that Abraham was born in a cave.  All great heroes of the past, including Jesus, were born in caves.  All the heroes of solar myths are born in caves.  The cave is a symbol of Darkness, from which they must come out and show the way to the rest of the people.

            According to the Jewish tradition, the birthplace of Abraham (Ur) was located in Aram-Nagaraim.  Today it is called Urfa.  In the Hittite documents of the 2nd millennium BCE, the present Urfa was called Uras, Ursu.  In the Assyrian — Ruhua.  The Seleucid name of the city was Edessa. The Arabs called this city Urhai.

            Seleucus I Nikator, one of the generals of Alexander the Great, gave the city the name of Edessa in honor of the ancient capital of Macedonia, from where Alexander went to conquer the world.  Seleucus founded it in 302 BCE at the site of a pre-existing settlement, which was called Urhai in the Aramaic language.  This name was subsequently used quite often, including in medieval Armenia.  Ur is the name of the planet Earth in Cosmos. It is common in Armenia. For example, the mighty neighbor of ancient Manna kingdom Urartu formed in the area of ​​Lake Van.  In the language of Vans or Urartians, Moscow means “Great River”.  Moscow region still has a lot of the key names translated from Sanskrit.  In Armenia there is Lake Sevan.  In the Jewish month Sivan was given the Torah.

            The first builder of Urhai was the biblical king Nimrod, the grandson of Ham and the great-grandson of Noah who survived the Great Flood and landed on the place that would later become a part of Manna. Nimrod was also credited with building the Tower of Babel and persecuting Abraham, although seven generations divided Nimrod and Abraham.  Nimrod’s grandfather Ham was the father of Canaan, whose descendants were cursed by Noah, according to the Old Testament. Ham had the imprudence to see his father Noah lying drunk and naked, which he told his brothers. As a result, having slept through, Noah cursed the descendants of Ham, and condemned them to eternal slavery among his brothers.  Since then, slavery has been explained as God-imposed punishment to the descendants of Ham for allegedly being disrespectful to his father, the first winemaker Noah, who not only drank before losing consciousness, but also stripped himself for some reason, although he was saved by the biblical God solely from for his integrity and exemplary behavior before the Flood.

            The founder of the kingdom of Edessa (2nd century BCE) is believed to be the Armenian king Abgar who was in correspondence with Jesus Christ.  At the request of Abgar, Jesus sent Mandylion that is now known as Image of Edessa.  It is a holy relic consisting of a square or rectangle of cloth upon which a miraculous image of the face of Jesus had been imprinted.  It is regarded as the first icon.

            Although it is a legend, but there is a historical fact that later in the end of the 14th century with the Image of Edessa / Image of the Savior, Stephen of Perm (born in Veliky Ustyug) baptized Komi people (Uralic ethnic group).  In 1703, Russian Tsar Peter the Great used this icon to bless the foundation of his new capital Saint-Petersburg on the Nile meridian.

            There is a legend that in Edessa, during the reign of King Abgar, began to preach the future apostle of India Thomas.  According to this tradition, an Indian merchant brought to Edessa the remains of the apostle Thomas, who was put to death in India.  After returning to Edessa, they became a local shrine, along with the Image of Edessa / the Savior (Jesus Christ).

            Urfa played an important role during the formation of Christianity.  There were about 300 monasteries around the city.  In Edessa lived Ephraim the Syrian, one of the great teachers of the church of the 4th century.  Here was the school of his followers.  The capture of Edessa by the Turks was the cause of the Second Crusade led by the King of France Louis VII and the German King Conrad III.

Urfa (Edessa) in Common Era

            In 260, the Persians in front of the city gates defeated the Roman emperor Valerian.  In the 6th century the city was destroyed by an earthquake, but was soon rebuilt by the Byzantine emperor Justin I and received a new name Justinopolis.

            In the 11th century, Count Baldwin, brother of Gottfried Bouillon, the first Christian king of Jerusalem, easily took Edessa with the support of the Armenian population of the city.  Later, Baldwin I himself will become King of Jerusalem.  His successor, Baldwin II, gave his royal blessing to the creation of the Knight Templar Order in Jerusalem and allocated a place for them to pray on the Temple Mount (believed to be the site of the former Nibiruan spaceport).

            In 1391 the city was destroyed by the Samarkand ruler Tamerlane (The One who Knows Merlin).  In 1637, the city became part of the Ottoman Empire, renamed to Urfa and began to prosper again.

            After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the ensuing War of Independence of 1918-1923 Urfa was part of the Turkish Republic.  In gratitude it received the title “Glorious” from Ataturk.

            In the mid 1990s on the outskirts of Urfa (or vice versa) was excavated now the world famous archaeological site Göbekli Tepe dating back to the 10th millennium BCE, i.e. the fall of Atlantis (roughly speaking).  It is considered to be the first temple in the world.  This is a huge megalithic structure with huge T-shaped pillars weighing up to 20 tons each, perfectly aligned to the stars.  Moreover, the erection of such a monument assumes the existence of a social hierarchy that was not common among hunter and gatherer communities.  Göbekli Tepe (Turkish: “belly hill”) could profoundly change the understanding of crucial stages of the human history, the history of the birth of mankind, and the participation of the highly developed Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Godscivilizations.

             Only 600 km. is the distance (actually it is a straight line) between Göbekli Tepe, i.e. Urfa and south of Urmia Lake, where was formed the ancient kingdom of Manna.  See the map.

Urfa & the birthplace of Abraham

            Although today it is believed that the birthplace of Abraham was Ur in Sumer (south of Iraq), there are several linguistic and geographical factors that confirm that Abraham’s birthplace was Ur located in the northern part of Mesopotamia (modern Turkey).

            First of all, the Sumerian Ur was not the only city with such a name in the ancient world. Some of ancient clay tablets say about Ur in Haran, i.e. about Urhai (Edessa).  None of the found ancient tablets call the Sumerian Ur as “The Ur of the Chaldeans” (as stated in the Old Testament).  This name is found only in the Book of Genesis which opens the Old Testament.

            The Chaldeans appeared as a separate nation only in the 9th century BCE in the south of Babylon, i.e., more than a thousand years after Abraham.  At the time of Abraham, described in the Book of Genesis, the name “Ur of the Chaldeans” as the Chaldeans themselves did not exist.  Then the whole population of Mesopotamia was Sumerian, including Abraham himself.

            The Old Testament was composed in Babylon approximately in the 6th century BCE, during the so-called Babylonian captivity.  For the compilers of the Old Testament, as for all other inhabitants of the then world, the names Babylon and Chaldea were, in fact, synonymous.  Both the Sumerian Ur and Ur in northern Mesopotamia were in the territory of the same county Babylonia (Chaldei) which grew up on the site and heritage of Sumer and continued to remain sacred.  It might be the season why the birthplace of Abraham was named “Ur of the Chaldeans”.

            As some researchers suggest, Urkhai was founded in the north of the Sumerian Ur as its trading colony by the rulers of the Third Ur Dynasty, approximately two thousand years before Common Era, and this new city (colony) was given the name of the then capital of the Empire, i.e., Ur.  Moreover, Urhai sounds almost like the biblical term “Ur of the Chaldeans” (the birthplace of Abraham).  The Jews have long lived in Urhai (Edessa) and Harran, including five Hebrew prophets.

            Another confirmation that the birthplace of Abraham could be Edessa (Urhai) in the territory of present-day Turkey is the geographical indication in the Book of Genesis.  It is about choosing wives for his son Isaac and grandson of Jacob.  Abraham ordered his servant to go in Aram-Nagaraim for the wife for his son Isaac.  Later, Isaac himself sent his son Jacob there to find a wife, who was the daughter of his uncle.

            These wives lived in Abraham’s homeland and were his relatives.  This territory is called Aram-Nagaraim, in the middle Euphrates.  The Sumerian Ur (excavated by Leonard Woolley in the 20th century) is located in the lower Euphrates, near Eridu (believed to be the first city of Nibiruans on Earth).  None of them traveled thousands of kilometers from Canaan to the Sumerian Ur, located almost on the shore of the Persian Gulf.  Patriarchs Isaac and Jacob found wives in their ancient homeland that was Aram-Nagaraim, near Harran, located 44 km from Urhai (Edessa).

            Aram-Nagaraim became the place where the state of Mitania (“the weapon of Anu”) later appeared.  Mitanni was the birthplace of the mother and both wives of Akhenaten who claimed monotheism in Egypt less than a thousand years after Abraham.  The capital of Mitanni was on the source of the river Habur, where later Jews will be resettled to the so-called Babylonian captivity, which will result in the transition of the Sumerian-Nibiru traditions of the New Year holiday to The Old Testament and Judaism and through it into Christianity and the Islam.

Edessa and Russia

  Image result for герб одессы          In translation from Illyrian, Edessa means “water city”.  There might be a link with the name of the famous Black Sea port of Odessa, based on the site of the Greek colony.  Odessa was famous for its special Jews with their unique sense of humor and efficiency.  The Jewish community was strong also in Edessa, since this city stood on the Silk Road.

            Today Edessa is called Urfa or Rugi (Assyrian name given in the 8th century BCE).  Its history is more than 9000 years old.  In the past its significant part was made up of Armenians, but after the Turkish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries, their number fell sharply.  Some surviving residents of Edessa (Urfa) survived in Russia.

            The village of Edissia was founded at the end of the 18th century by the decree of the Russian Emperor Paul I at the request of the Armenians of Derbent and other environs.  Derbent is located on the Caspian Sea, near the Russian border with Azerbaijan.  Derbent along with Jerusalem is called the city of three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Initially, it was a part of the Caucasian Albania and Christianity was first Abrahamic religion here.

            The Edissians were from the village of Kilvar in the territory of modern Azerbaijan.  They were Turkic-speaking Armenians and kept the Turkish language for a long time.  The name of their village (Edissia) comes from the city of Edessa (modern Turkey), in which their ancestors lived.  The village of Edissia has striking coordinates: 44 degrees North latitude and 44 degrees East longitude, i.e. 44 to 44 degrees.

Job the Long-suffering and Nicholas II

  мечеть          The last Russian emperor Nicholas II was born on the day of the memory of Job the Long-suffering.  A few kilometers from Urfa (Edessa) is the mosque of the righteous Eyyub (Job) which is the fourth shrine of Islam after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.  It is built over the cave in which the Old Testament Eyub (Job) lived for 7 bitter years.  It is one of the most beautiful mosques in Turkey.  The current Eyyuba mosque stands in the place of the Christian church.

            The righteous Job (Eyub) is believed to have lived 2000 years before Christ.  According to legends, he was the nephew of Abraham, the forefather of monotheistic religions.

            Biblical Job is the symbol of patience, humility and faith.  He passed through all the hardest sufferings: the death of all children and the loss of all property on the 78th year of his life, a serious illness, complete loneliness, etc.

VI. URusalim: a city of peace

Image result            Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities on the planet.  Urusalim means City of Peace.  Urusalim or Rushalim, Yerushalaim are the ancient names of Jerusalem, the holy city of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, that is, the three monotheistic religions that have shaped the modern world.

            In Hebrew, Jerusalem sounds like Yerushalaim.  The word “shalem” is “peace”.  This is common version of origin of the name.  In various ancient and modern Semitic languages the word “peace” sounds exactly like “shalem”, “salim”, “shalom”, “salyam”, etc.

            In the Old Testament, Jerusalem under the name “Salim” is first mentioned in reference to Melchizedek, King of Salem, who blesses Abraham.  In Jewish traditions, Melchizedek is the priest of the God and the king-priest of Salem (peace).  He was the son of Noah, who escaped with the family after the Flood.  Melchizedek chose the present-day Jerusalem as place of his stay.  This highlights the idea that soon after the Flood, Jerusalem was chosen as the center of world history and the place of the future “salvation” of mankind.  On the other hand, there is evidence that it had been a place (platform) of highly developed being who were able to cut and lift huge stones weighted hundreds of tons.  Even today such technologies have not been developed by mankind.  Some researchers attribute it to the Nibiruans.  The Great Flood is widespread in the myths of practically all the peoples of the world.  The Great Flood described in the Bible was known to the ancient peoples long before the Old Testament was created.  Thanks to the archeology and the clay tablets with cuneiform text from the library Ashurbanipal (found in the 19th century), it is well established today that the first book of the Old Testament (Genesis) goes back to the most ancient Epic of Gilgamesh.  This story was widely known in the Middle East already in the 3rd millennium BCE, i.e. a thousand years before the writing of the Old Testament.  Gilgamesh was the ruler of Uruk.  People already lived long before the arrival of the Sumerians to Mesopotamia.  The Old Testament texts in many respects repeat ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and even Egyptian texts. The history of the Biblical Noah is borrowed from the Sumerians.  Their heritage, received from Nibiruans, has passed into the Bible, which for many centuries influenced the development of our civilization.

            The Book of Urantia states that the Melchizedeks are teachers and advisers from the Higher Worlds.  The biblical Melchizedek was one of them.  He came to Earth in order to prepare the world for the spread of monotheism, i.e., the belief in the One God.  Melchizedek was this God’s first priest, the king and priest of Salim, and tutor and teacher of Sumer Abram turned Abraham.  About seven centuries after him, the next messenger of monotheism was the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten.  His mother and both wives were from the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni, whose blood was in the veins of the Jebusites, as well as the founders of the ancient kingdom Manna.  The Jebusites inhabited Jerusalem prior to its conquest by Joshua (Moses’ assistant and the leader of the Israelite tribes after the death of Moses) or King David (circa 1000 BCE).  Non-biblical mention of Jerusalem is the Amarna letters, several of which were written by the chieftain of Jerusalem Abdi-Heba and call Jerusalem Urusalim (1330s BCE).  Amarna is the modern name for the ancient Egyptian capital of Akhetaten founded by the above mentioned pharaoh and reformer Akhenaten (1350s – 1330s BCE) during the 18th dynasty of Egypt.  Akhetaten (Amarna) is located on the Nile Meridian.

            It is often said that the king of the Salim Melchizedek, who met Abraham with bread and wine on Mount Moriah, was a Jebusite.  These people lived in the territory of present-day Israel before the arrival of the ancestors of modern Jews.  It is believed that the Jebusites at the end of the 3rd millennium BCE founded the city of Jerusalem, which at that time was called Salim or Jebus.  They became its first inhabitants.  According to the Old Testament, they were the descendants of a Jebusite from the family of Canaan, the grandson of Noah.  As described above, the descendants of Canaan were curiously cursed for slavery by his grandfather Noah, only because Ham (the father of Canaan) had the impudence to see Noah, his own father, lying drunk and naked.  Here is another contradiction, giving a clue to those who read carefully.  Noah had image of righteousness in the eyes of God before the Flood.  After his divine salvation, it turned out that Noah rolled down and became a completely different person…

            The Jebusites were related to the Hurrites and the Hittites who succeeded them, on whose lands the above-mentioned city of Harran (Ur of the Hittites) was located.

            After the capture of Jebus (i.e. Jerusalem) by King David, the Jebusites (a people of mixed Semito-Hurrito-Hittite origin) were not exterminated.  David stormed the Jebusite acropolis on Mount Zion and transferred the capital of his state there, and the sacred mountain for the Jebusites continued to be honored by the Jews.  For them, Zion became the symbol of Jerusalem (Jebus) and the entire Promised Land, which the Jewish people sought from the time of the dispersion after the destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Romans in the year 70.

VII. LemURia: the final stage of Great Experiment

            In the Telos trilogy, it is said that Lemur is a planet in the Universe of Dal, from which the ancestors of the Lemurians came to Earth about 4,5 million years ago. The first Lemurians who came to Earth were well known today Sananda, Maitreya, Saint-Germain, El-Moria, Mary Magdalene, Serapis Bey, Lanto, Adam and others. These souls were destined to become the seed of the Lemurian race.

            At that time the Earth existed in the density of the fifth dimension, and they lived in the bodies of the fifth vibration, but could lower their vibration level in order to experience denser states.  The place in which the above-mentioned souls came was the Royal Teton, now known as the Grand Teton National Park in the US state of Wyoming.

            Over time, other races from the star systems of Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Pleiades, etc. came and joined these “seed” souls to evolve together.  In the fusion of these races, the Lemurian civilization was born, which later became the mother civilization for other civilizations on the planet, including Atlantis.  Gradually, they lowered the vibration of their consciousness, eventually they were at the level of the fourth dimension, and later in the density of the third.  However, this was not degradation, but only a part of the Great Experiment.  In accordance with it, great souls wanted to test themselves in Duality (or temporary separation from God), which is possible only in the third dimension where they do not remember where they came from and forget about their connection with the Creator, of whom they are a part.

            Thus, the Lemurian Epoch began about 4,5 million years ago and ended approximately 12,000 years ago.  Lemuria was a giant continent, hid in the waters of the modern Pacific and Indian oceans.  However, not all were lost.  The archives were saved and today Telos is the city of surviving Lemurians thriving under the Mount Shasta in California.  It is believed that Shasta is an amended Russian word “schast’ye” meaning happiness.  The name was given during the time when Alaska and part of California were Russian America, the Russian colonial possessions in North America from 1733 to 1867.  Its capital was Novo-Archangelsk (New Archangel), which is now Sitka, Alaska, USA.  The Russians settled Old Sitka in 1799, calling it Fort of Archangel Michael.  Later they established New Archangel as a permanent settlement named after the Russian Arkhangelsk being connected with ancestors of the founders of Vedic civilization in India.  Arkhangelsk was named after Archangel Michael by the first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny.  As it is stated in the Section I, the Royal Name of the first Monarch of the present Manna Kingdom is abbreviated to His Majesty Michael-Uriel I.  These are Archangel Michael (“Who is like God”) and Uriel (“God is my light”).

            Today Shasta is one of the main spiritual portals of the planet.  Veliky Ustyug is the capital of the Age of Aquarius, into which the world is passing from Duality to the state of Oneness.  Shasta and Veliky Ustyug started their official historical connection through the “Russian-American Company” that found Russian America and run it until transferring to the United States.

            In detail, the history and lessons of Lemuria are presented in the books of Sal Rachel, who, like other authors, notices that Lemuria was a civilization that could be called today as right-hemisphere, while Atlantis was left hemisphere.  The tragedy of these civilizations was mainly internal imbalances, which affected the fate of their continents.  Feelings and reason must be balanced.

            Via the journal “World Channeling”, Kryon reveals how Lemuria was connected the last stage of the Great Experiment, started five million years ago.  The final stage of this Great Experiment began one hundred thousand years ago.

            Then, one hundred thousand years ago, sixteen star civilizations, united in one Union of Experiment Participants, genetically engineered the human biological body.  However, the visible, biological structure (physical body) is only a part of the multitudinous person.  The leaders of the Experiment set themselves the task of creating a God-like human who, in the material (four-dimensional) world, evolving his/her true self, gradually from the biological separate structure creates the Divine Essence, and himself / herself becomes a CREATOR.  In addition to the biological body, the Experiment members created seven more subtle bodies and a multidimensional, complex structure that the humans even cannot imagine yet.

            The magnetic, invisible component of DNA is a unique, wonderful space program, the realization of which allows humans to create new worlds in the Universe … on the basis on which they have not yet been created!

            Human genetics is a complex set consisting of genes of representatives of different civilizations, different star systems.  In the basis of human genetics were laid the seeds of 16 star civilizations from the star systems of the Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturus, Orion and the Ponocteon (part of the so-called Orion Belt).  In addition to the genetic component, a multidimensional light body was created for man (known today as MERCABA).  It has the form of a star tetrahedron (this is when one pyramid penetrates into another, forming a complex structure).

            After the difficult process of creating a multidimensional person, the final stage of the Great Experiment began.  Among the vast ocean, near the modern continent Australia, from under the water appeared an island that began to expand.  Finally, this island turned into a real continent of Lemuria.  This was the first of the new civilizations, which opened the final stage of the Experiment.  It happened a little over a hundred thousand years ago.  It was on the new continent that a new man/woman appeared, a Lemurian.  In appearance, he/she was not very different from the modern man (those people who lived even earlier had, for example, a different number of hands and eyes). True, there were differences.  First, growth.  The man reached 6 meters and the female lemurians were at first higher than men.  Only by the decline of civilization did men become almost as tall as women.  Secondly, the eyes. They were disproportionately large, unusual in shape. Thirdly, the shape of the head that was unusual for modern humans, its occipital part was disproportionately large.  To some extent, it could be compared to head shape of above mentioned Egyptian pharaoh-reformer Akhenaten himself and his family.

                Despite the fact that the Lemurians were tall, their bodies could not be called powerful and muscular.  At that time, the gravity on the planet was different, much less. That’s why it was easy for the high Lemurians to move around the planet.  They called it Gaia.

            The Lemurians did not have any military equipment because they did not fight with anyone. Beside the main continent of Lemuria, there were three more on the planet at that time.  These continents were not inhabited by other civilized people.  One of the main tasks of the Lemurians was to master them, build cities, other populated areas, socially necessary structures, roads, parks. 35,000 years ago the Lemurian civilization reached a high level of development.  One of the main problems faced by the Lemurians in the development of their society was low birth rate.  This happened about 7,000 years after the emergence of a highly developed Lemurian civilization.  Despite all the efforts of scientists, geneticists, various specialists, children were born less and less often.  Then the Lemurians decided to give up all their efforts to increase life expectancy.  It should be noted that people of that time led a very correct way of life.  They combined mental, intellectual labor with the physical, paid much attention to spiritual life.  Engaged in what could now be called yoga, special gymnastics, carefully designed spiritual practices (meditations).  As a result of all efforts, life expectancy increased almost threefold.  Previously, the Lemurians lived about five hundred years, and then they began to live up to a thousand five hundred years.  But this did not solve the main problem.  Their civilization was decreasing in numbers.  It caused deep despair in the whole society.  Love lived in the hearts of young men and women, marriages were concluded, but the birth of a child in the family was the greatest rarity.  Scientists could not find an answer to this question, all attempts to create a human embryo artificially ended in failure.

            Lemuria received the long-awaited help from the angels (Higher realms).  They helped one Lemurian archaeologist find in Eurasia (The Sayan Mountains in southern Siberia, Russia) a cave with well preserved bodies of people.

            There, deep below the ground, in specially equipped rooms, were stored the bodies of people.  They were not like Lemurians.  The height (3,5 meters) was almost half that of the Lemurians (6 meters), the heads were rounded.  The eyes were smaller and their shape was completely different.  Those eyes were stretched out not horizontally, like the Lemurians, but rather vertically.  The hair of all people was only bright red, and not chestnut and fair-haired, like the overwhelming majority of Lemurians.  The bodies of these people were in the state of Somadhi, when the Spirit has ascended to the Upper world, without interrupting its connection with the body.

            Apart from the bodies of red-haired people, there was another body in the cave in the state of Somadhi.  It was completely different from them.  This body had four arms, but the nose, eyes, face were almost identical to the Lemurian.  It was the Great Sage, who would be able to get answers to almost all questions.  His body had been underground in the state of Somadhi for many thousands of years.  After awakening b coming out of the cave, he said that it was necessary to make the planet heavier.

            The Great Sage lived in Lemuria for more than two thousand years, but never took food. He drank only pure water.  His body always remained healthy, strong and muscular.  It was the body of a representative of a completely different civilization, which lived long before the Lemurians. It completed its existence in this world 137 thousand years ago.  The abbreviated name of this sage was Amon-Ra. He informed the Lemurians that he was the Representative of the Spiritual Government of the planet.  His spirit entered the body of the man of Arimoya civilization, which was specially preserved for this purpose in the ancient underground vault. Representatives of this race of ancient people were outwardly like Lemurians.  However, they were much lower in height (still below the red-haired people), had four arms.  Each Arimoyan had two hearts in the chest.  They were very kind, funny and intelligent people.

            Amon-Ra informed the Lemurians that he had come with a very important mission.  He said that the civilization of Lemuria played a special role in organizing the final stage of the Great Experiment, which was being conducted on the planet.

            Amon-Ra rejoiced people, saying that they were all really Great Angels who had came from the Spiritual World.  Once they all had passed strict selection, careful preparation and only after they incarnated in this world, on the planet. To be a participant of such an experiment was very honorable and responsible.  Amon-Ra told about the main purpose of the experiment.  Its essence was that the highly developed Spirits leave the Higher World, the Spiritual Motherland, incarnate into Matter, leaving their Divine part and forgetting about who they really are.  The gods cease to be gods, leaving in a dense world.  Would the gods remember who they really are?  Would they be able to return to the Higher World on their own? Would they find the way Home? In the time of Lemuria, the Matter was not yet condensed very strongly.  One of the goals set for the Lemurians was to thicken Matter; to make even denser the Veil, which separates the earthly world of people from the Spiritual world.  Lemurians had to build pyramids with sharp tops.  Through them would flow to the planet the energy, which would help to compact the Matter.  Gradually the force of gravity would increase.  People would grow smaller, the density of Matter on the whole planet would increase.

            Amon-Ra did not go to live in Lemuria, although he was given the most honorable place to live in the capital city of Yaruslim.  He stayed in the mountains, built himself a beautiful wooden house, without using a single artificial element, everything was only wooden.  He was visited by the leaders of the Lemurian society.  He began to develop a plan for the construction of the pyramids. These pyramids are now known as the Egyptian ones, standing on the Nile meridian.

            The Lemurians asked the sage the question of the red-haired people in the cave.  He said that they should be taken out of the state of Somadhi.  They must become Lemurians, and the Lemurians should become them.  They had to marry each other and have children.  These children would be adapted to greater gravity on the planet, to life in dense matter.  The height of people would decrease, the structure of the body would change and become more muscular, fit for physical work, because life in dense matter is heavier.

            A month after this conversation, a solemn ceremony of awakening from the state of Somadhi of red-haired people took place.  This race lived before the existence of the Arimoyans (in the period 298 — 376 thousand years ago).  They were called Horaions, the guardians of the teachings of the Sun.  As a matter of fact, in Greek, “horaion” means “ripe, at its peak”.  The Horaions and the Lemurians became very friendly.  Boys and girls, men and women from different races fell in love with each other.  Marriages took place; children were born.  They were representatives of a mixed race.  In Lemuria new races began to emerge.  Here appeared the race later called Atlantis.  But it took thousands of years for the Atlanteans to separate from Lemuria and form their new race.

            The Lemurians have done a great job in creation of modern civilization.  They were the paratroopers of the Forces of Light on the planet.  They fulfilled his task with honor.  Now it is time for modern civilization to understand why they came to this world and fulfill their high mission of the Angels incarnated from the Spiritual World.

Appendix 1

The Matrix for Angels (on robotic entities and the shadow government of the planet)

            Kryon for the readers of «World Challenging» magazine reveals the story of the information and communication system that is now Related image
better known as The Matrix.  It was created 800,000 years ago by a highly developed civilization which is named Ra-Gods.

         This civilization had a highly developed information and communication system based on the action of field, fine material structures. The storage system could be compared to the artificially created Akashi Chronicles, and the methods of transmission — with the telepathy of the human brain.

            Using their high technologies, Ra-Gods got almost everything they wanted.  Only then they realized that they were truly unhappy. Their lives practically lost meaning. Abundance came, but meaning of all this was gone.  Spiritual degradation was nearby.  Mass cases of voluntary withdrawal from life became more frequent.  It was then that the very plan for conducting a global experiment matured. They decided to isolate themselves from all material wealth. They discovered a wonderful parallel world, where only the pristine nature existed. There was not a single object in it that was artificially created as a result of the scientific and technical process, there was nothing synthetic. They left this reality to another, existing on a different frequency of material and spiritual vibrations. However, after them remained robots, bio-mechanisms and other, more complex forms of their creation.

            The Ra-Gods were gone; the remained robots took responsibility for the management of the life-support processes of cities, settlements, roads, transport, all types of communications, etc.  The civilization of robots not only did not die, but also continued to develop. Technologies were improved, new constructions were erected, and the system of communications changed.  But they still had problems. The artificially created material objects of this four-dimensional world do not possess the property of eternity.

            The robot society began to malfunction. Mechanisms began to deteriorate. Transport and communication systems were out of order. The intellect of the robot-managers was very high. Moreover, they had the functions of self-learning and self-development, that is, the abilities of reprogramming and self-programming. But, alas, the higher robots themselves also began to deteriorate. Although periodically the robots restored their working capacity, updated, modernized. On the planet, the climate and nature began to change. Once a very comfortable for living planet gradually turned into a one on which spontaneous cataclysms became more frequent. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes very quickly put the civilization of robots on the brink of survival. As a result, only information and communication system (The Matrix) survived, since it was in the fine energy fields of the planet.

            In 2845 BCE, the Nibiruans once again came to Earth.  The purpose of the expedition remained the same: the extraction of gold.  The wave radiation from their new bio-mechanisms unwittingly activated the information and communication system (The Matrix) left from Ra-Gods.  It woke up from sleep and began to command the robots of Nibiruans. These robots ceased to obey their masters. They refused to work in the mines to extract gold, abandoned them and set off in an incomprehensible direction.

            The global intelligent system not simply came alive, but begun to make plans for creating a world in which it could realize its knowledge and skills. A great mind without a soul revived and was no longer going to die.

            In 2187 BCE on the territory of present-day Egypt secretly began to act a special caste of priests who were called Black Priests.  The global artificial mind took the consciousness of these people under its control and controlled them. This is how the modern technogenic civilization began.  The natural abilities of people go to the background and are gradually replaced by machines and mechanisms, artificially created technologies.  Fortunately, the mankind has already learned the lesson of anthropogenic civilization. People have realized that their future is natural spiritual abilities.

            From century to century, the number of robotic creatures grew. Robotic creatures began to birth “robotic” children. All the time, the role of the information and communication system (The Matrix) increased. Gradually, a structure was created that is known to you as the world management team (the so-called shadow government of the planet).

            This is not just a union of 13 families, as is often assumed.  This is a fairly complex, ramified structure for the management of world society, the world economic and financial system, world public opinion (including the control over the mainstream media).  Now the shadow government of the planet began to claim its existence. An example is information marked as “Insider”.

            The shadow government is not 13 families. They are 785 thousand entities, those who somehow lead the world. They have a strict hierarchy. They form 13 clans. This word more accurately reflects their essence. Representatives of clans form the Supreme Privy Council, consisting of 16 persons (somehow numbers of 13 and 16 are in line with the Great Experiment).  In addition, there is an extensive management network around the world. None of them is known or famous. They really are a secret society. Through frontmen they have a huge capital.  They manage the world financial and economic system. In addition to top management there are middle managers and lower layers.

            The remaining robotic entities (a total of just fewer than 6 million) are an obedient tool for carrying out the tasks that the global artificial intelligence places.  The robotic entities that represent the world management team have red blood as humans. There are no special features of the structures of their physical bodies.  The same organs, but they do not have an immortal soul. They do not have the God-Made Monad. Unlike humans, these entities do not have multidimensional, magnetic DNA.

            They are just born and die like people. Some are replaced by others. From the middle of the 18th century, the genetic and clan continuity of power has been realized.  The right of management is inherited.

            All robotic entities have the abilities of telepathy. But this telepathy is special. It is based on the principles of a fine energy connection, somewhat analogous to cellular telephony or satellite Internet. All robotic entities are connected to the information and communication system (The Matrix), the global artificial intelligence. This system, through robotic entities, governs human society. The basis of this system is the principles of the operation of human DNA. Now people are trying to create artificial intelligence. But it has already been created and is in their multidimensional genome. The Ra-Gods laid the foundation for the activity of the global artificial intelligence that they found in their Magnetic layers of DNA. The same principle of the work of magnetic DNA has began to be mastered by the Nibiruans (relatively recently). That is why (due to the analogy of the work on the principle of magnetic DNA), the global artificial mind can so easily control people who do not have Spirit or those who have forgotten that they are Spirit.

Manna & Manhattan


  1. Manna and Manhattan
  2. Mysterious stones from Brighton Beach

I. Manna and Manhattan

         Today Manhattan is the symbol of old system based on capitalism and (financial) oppression of mankind.  It is the leading financial center of the world and home to the world’s two largest stock exchanges by total market capitalization: the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.  In Manhattan are based many multinational media conglomerates engaged in management (abuse) of public opinion and human minds.

        On the other hand Manhattan is home to Manna World Holding Trust that holds founding member status with the United Nations and the Bank for International Settlements.  The Trust has granted sovereignty to The Kingdom of Manna to run its non-political humanitarian programs, including the Redistribution of Wealth and Global Economic Recovery Program, Debt Forgiveness Program, etc.

             Manhattan Island is most of the borough of Manhattan.  The Kingdom of Manna is located on Los Negros Island, Papua New Guinea connected with Miklouho-Maclay.

          The origin and the name of Manhattan are unclear.  In the second part of this work is given the story of important global spiritual center that was on the territory of present-day Manhattan around five thousand years ago.  Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of the term “Manhattan” it is necessary to apply to old languages and ancient civilizations.

            It is widely accepted that the name Manhattan derives from the word Manna-hata.  Clearly, the first part has the same root as Manna and is translated from Sanskrit.  The second part of the term “Manhattan” has the same root as the “land of Hatti”, the oldest known name for central Anatolia (modern Turkey), inhabited by the Hattians n the 3rd to 2nd millennia BCE.  The Hattians are considered to be related to the Northwest Caucasian language group.  The speakers of this group live in the region of Russian city of Sochi on the shores of the Black Sea.   Caucasian Albania was a unique state of  autochthonous peoples.  Albany is the capital of the U.S. state of New York, part of which is Manhattan.

  Related image         Prometheus created in Manhattan by famed American sculptor Paul Manship in 1934, is said to be the best-known sculpture in Rockefeller Center and the most photographed monumental sculpture in all of New York City.  John D. Rockefeller (1839 – 1937), known as the richest person in modern history, earned his huge capital on oil, but he was not the first pioneer.  The world’s first oil was extracted not in the US, but on the territory of the Russian Empire, not far from Baku, capital of Azerbaijan (Southern Caucasus).

            In ancient mythologies, the Caucasus Mountains were the pillars of the world.  Titan Related imagePrometheus was chained to the Caucasus after bringing the gift of fire to humans against the will of the younger gods residing on Mount Olympus.  His liver was eaten daily by an eagle.

             According to legends, Prometheus was chained to  the Eagle Rocks located nearby the above mentioned Russian city of Sochi.  The local authorities elected his sculpture in the Eagle Rocks in 1998.  The sculptor was from Siberian city Omsk, located on the River OM that the Image result for прометей орлиные скалыsacral sound of Creation and mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.  Om refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the Universe).  Omsk used to be the second capital of Russia and is considered as one of Asgards associated with Odin and his gods.  Other Asgards were modern-day Russian Tanais (Azov Sea, northwest of the Caucasus and the Black Sea) and Nisa near Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan (west of Caspian Sea), whose national currency is Manat.

    Another interesting universal point about Sochi is Sirius.  It is known that in the past various highly developed civilizations of Sirius openly acted as mentors of mankind. History of the Ancient Egypt and Middle East is clear evidence. Today Sirius continues to work with the Earth.  One indirect sign could be establishment of the educational center “Sirius” in Russian city of Sochi, on the Black Sea coast. It was created in 2012 that is the year of the Black Water Dragon by the decree of the President of Russia Mr. Putin who was born in the same year of the Water Dragon (1952). The purpose of the “Sirius” is early detection, development and further professional support of gifted children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in the field of arts, sports, natural science disciplines, and also achieved success in technical creativity. Interesting is the date of signing the Presidential decree of establishment of the “Sirius”. It was December 24, 2012, i.e. the time of change of cosmic epochs as well as the time of the winter solstice. At that time, there is a symbolic struggle of day and night, light and darkness, good and evil. Therefore, almost all pagan gods and heroes of antiquity were born precisely in this period. No exception is Christmas and Stalin’s birthday.  He was born in Caucasian Gori that has a «twin» in Pakistan (lit. «the land of Pure»).  In the night sky Sirius has distinctive colors of white and blue. Two states on the planet that have white and blue flags are Greece and Israel. One has given the world many philosophers, and the other — prophets.

         Fascinating is the story of Russian revolution leader Lenin on the mural “Man at the Crossroads” (renamed “Man, Controller of the Universe”) originally created in 1934 by prominent Mexican painter Diego Rivera who didn’t hide his sympathy for Russia and the new society being created there for the benefit of all peoples.  The mural (a huge wall painting) appeared in 1933 in the lobby of the main building of the Rockefeller Center and was to become the central element of the decoration of the entire complex of buildings that make up the Rockefeller Center.  So in the heart of the Rockefeller Center appeared a mural (fresco) called “Man at the Crossroads”.  In the right part of it, Diego Rivera painted 1st May demonstration in Moscow on the backdrop of Lenin’s mausoleum, which has a great external resemblance to the Mayan pyramid in Palenque (Mexico) and Cyrus the Great mausoleum in Pasargadae (Iran).

            The above mentioned Mayan pyramid in Palenque is now is called the Temple of Inscriptions.  It was the burial place of the famous Pacal the Great, the 11th ruler of Palenque.  In the central part of the fresco Diego Rivera painted Lenin connecting the hands of workers.  In the twentieth century, only Lenin and Gandhi were called the Mahatmas.  The grand opening of the building and the frescoes was planned for a symbolic (for the Soviet Union and international labor movement) date — May 1, 1933, but within a week the press began criticizing the frescoes and Rockefeller paying work.

            The image of the leader of the Russian revolution in the center of the capitalist world became the formal cause of disagreements between the Rockefellers and Diego Rivera. The parties could not come to a compromise. Fearful of accusations of propaganda of communism, the managers of the Rockefeller Center removed River from the works and closed the unfinished fresco with a protective screen.  The peak of this conflict was another symbolic date — May 9, 1933, when the artist and assistants were withdrawn from the site.  In the Soviet Union May 9, 1945 will be day of victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Despite the requirements of the management of the Rockefeller Center, Rivera refused to replace the image of Lenin.  In 1934, the fresco was destroyed at the Rockefeller Center, but the artist recreated it in Mexico City, at the Palace of Fine Arts.  Instead of “A Man at a Crossroads”, it was called “Man, Controller of the Universe”.

Image result for man controller of the universe            As mentioned above, the New York fresco was intended for the main building of the Rockefeller Center. The Rockefeller office in this skyscraper was on the symbolic 56th floor, in office 5600.  In sum, 5 and 6 give a symbolic number of 11.  In metaphysical texts, number 5 represents the Microcosmos and number 6 is the Macrocosmos.  The Universe consists of these two parts.  They are presented on Diego Rivera’s fresco in the form of two ellipses, filled with images representing the macro- and microcosms.  The artist placed macro-worlds over Lenin and micro-worlds over capitalists.

            11 is the number of Aquarius.  Its Age humanity is entering now.  It will change the civilization.  The only city in the world on whose Related imagearms the Aquarius is depicted is Veliky Ustyug. The town is known for its explorers, participation in the creation and running of Russian America and the residence of Grandfather Frost.  It is noteworthy that next to the main building of the Rockefeller Center is set on Christmas a New York Christmas tree, also considered the main Christmas tree in the United States. This tree is part of an ancient tradition.

            Today the Rockefeller family occupies the floors in the main building of the Rockefeller Center from the 54th to the 56th, but it itself belongs to an American multinational conglomerate General Electric, a world leader in power generation.

 Image result for general electric logo           General Electric, like other large American companies, took an active part in the industrialization of the Soviet Union.  The cooperation of General Electric with the Soviet Union started in 1922 after a letter to Lenin from the chief engineer of General Electric.  It outlined possible options for cooperation, in particular within the framework of the development of energy infrastructure in the Soviet Union.  Lenin paid a lot of attention to this important task.  He wrote: “Communism is the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country”.  Initially, the plan of electrification of Russia was designed during the reign of the Tsar Nicholas II.  In February 1917 the Russian trade and industrial bourgeoisie overthrew the tsar, and in October of the same year Lenin overthrew the bourgeois government and began to build a new society in Russia.

            The history of General Electric begins with the period of the creation of an electric incandescent bulb and Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) who managed to start its mass production.  Edison himself is not the inventor of this lamp.  Having the support of a large American business, first of all of the Morgans, he took or bought inventions of others, turning them into a commercial product.  The first patent for an incandescent bulb belonged to the Russian inventor Alexander Lodygin (1847 — 1923), a distant relative of the Russian royal dynasty of the Romanovs.  His old noble family and the Romanov had a common ancestor Procopius the Righteous lived in 12th-13th century in above mentioned Veliky Ustyug.

            Edison became a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1930, he owns the catch phrase: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat”.  It is noteworthy that Edison was born in an American village called Milan, Ohio.  It was the Milanese architects who built the Moscow Kremlin at the end of the 15th century.  The model was the fortress of Sforza in the heart of Milan.  The capital of Ohio is the city of Columbus is named after Christopher Columbus.  His presumable relicts have been found in Russian Zelenograd.

            Unfortunately, Lodygin could not start mass production of his invention.  In 1906, he sold his patent to General Electric.  The first American commercial lamp with a tungsten spiral was produced precisely under the patent of Lodygin, not Edison.  The Soviet Union invited Lodygin to return to Russia and participate in electrification of the country.  He had to reject the offer since by that time he was already seriously ill.  Lodygin died in 1923 in Brooklyn where Brighton Beach is located.  In our time, on the shore of this beach have been found stone faces, linking Russia and America for many millennia.

II. Mysterious stones from Brighton Beach

            Indigenous Indians considered Manhattan to be a sacred island.  This would still remain at the level of legends, if not for Russian
emigrants.  For unknown reasons, emigrants from the Soviet Union have traditionally settled near Manhattan in neighboring Brooklyn to the south of which is the famous Brighton Beach. In 2013 here were opened the stones revealing the ancient mystery of New York and Manhattan.  They are thought to be related to the birth and development of modern mankind, including the North American continent.

            The ocean, named after the titan Atlantis (or the legendary continent with such name), helped to make an important archaeological finding in 2013.  A violent storm washed away into the ocean the mass of coastal sand of the
Brighton Beach.  People of Russian culture now living in the US, discovered on the beach the stones with faces very familiar to the Russian emigrants.  Most of them were very close to the Slavic type, including the eyes, the hair style, the beard and the long mustache.  Striking is the similarity of one stone image with the St. Sergius who is the main Russian saint who lived in the 14th century.  The time difference between the images is considered to be many thousand years.

            It is believed that before their appearance on the Brighton Beach, these stones stood in one of the places in New York. On Manhattan, in Central Park, there are still traces of the ancient temple complex.  It has similarities with the ancient monuments of Peru.  When this place was cleared, the stones with “Russian faces” were taken to the Brighton Beach, ignoring the ancient images.

            Similar monuments have been found on the opposite coast of the USA, in California (“Golden State”), south of San Francisco, near the famous Silicon Valley.  This place in California is also called Brighton Beach. To distinguish between them, Californian Brighton Beach is often called New Brighton Beach.  It has the status of a protected state beach and is located near the town of Capitol, whose name is associated with the legacy of ancient Rome, founded by the Etruscans. There is a version that Etruscans were related to Krivichi, whose tribal center was located on the territory of modern city of Smolensk called the western gates of Russia.  Interestingly, the main tower of the Moscow Kremlin is decorated with a large icon of the Savior of Smolensk.

            In San Francisco, there is a Russian street.  One of the main attractions of the city is Fort Point, built on the site of the Spanish fort, located next to the base of the Golden Bridge.  From here San Francisco has began.  Concepción Argüello, the daughter of the Spanish commandant of the fort / the colonial governor of Spanish California, was engaged to the Russian Count Nikolai Rezanov.  He was one of the pillars of the Russian-American Company that created and run Russian America on Alaska and California. This heart touching story, emphasizing the unity of America and Eurasia, has become the core of a popular Russian-language rock opera “Juno and Avos”.

            In the official history there are no records of a visit to America by the Russians in antiquity. On the other hand, in that distant time there might be no need for archives because all the necessary information could be obtained from the Akashic records.  If we take this approach and turn to Kryon, the general picture of the Brighton Beach stones’ mystery could be comprehended.  The Russian magazine “World Channeling” has published an article named “How Siberia went to America, or what the stones on Brighton Beach are silent about”.

            Kryon points out that the images on the stones are about 5000 years old.  To understand their meaning, it is necessary to take into account that the foundations of modern civilization (the age of which roughly corresponds to the age of these images) have already been laid down by sufficiently highly developed people.  Human civilization did not begin from scratch.  The high Spirits that helped the formation of a new human society entered in the adult bodies of people kept in the state of Samadhi.  They created centers of civilization in different parts of the world (Siberia, Europe, Sumer, Egypt, Mexico, North America, etc.).  They had a memory of past incarnations and had access to the knowledge and skills of ancient powerful civilizations.

 Image result for grande tartarie           On the territory of modern Russia such adult bodies were kept in the Ural Mountains.  They founded in the territory of modern Siberian city of Tyumen the center of civilization called Tartoaria.  It is no accident on European maps until the 18th century the territory of Siberia was called the Great Tartar (TartaRus).  In Greek mythology, Tartarus was the prison for the Titans (one of whom was the above mentioned Prometheus).  The world’s largest titanium producer (Russian Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA) is located in the Middle Urals, around 310 km. northwest from Tuymen.  The name of Syrian city Tartus is quite close to Tartarus.  Not surprisingly, Russia has got a mighty naval base in Tartus.  Arabic names of Russia and Syria are interrelated.

             In the Transylvanian village Tartaria (Romania) have been found the Terterian Clay Tablets which are called the first writing in history.  The name of Romania is intercorrelated with Russian surname Romanov.  The Romanian Royal family were relatives of the Russian Imperial House of the Romanovs.

              In the Tyumen region, in the city of Tobolsk (240 km north of Tyumen), in 1834 was born the world’s most famous chemist Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907).  Apart from creating a periodic system of chemical elements, he was among the founders of the oil business in Russia.

              Between Tyumen and Tobolsk there is a village in which was born Rasputin (1869 – 1916), the most famous in the world Russian man. More than one hundred years have passed since the day of his death, but the personality of the Tsar’s favorite is still of great international interest.  In the village there is his museum, which has a unique factual basis and convincingly proves that the specially created image of a drunkard and a debauchee has nothing to do with reality. Rasputin was a true friend of Tsar Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra (Alix of Hesse), a granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

            The German Hesse-Kassels’ were one of the richest royal houses in Europe.  Their income came mainly from the loaning-out of Hessian soldiers to foreign countries.  The Hessian soldiers were known for their brutality during The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence.  One of them was the ancestor of the future first billionaire John D. Rockefeller.  Practically at the same time (the second half of the 18th century), the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty was a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel.  Business expanded rapidly following the French Revolution when Rothschild handled payments from Britain for the hire of Hessian mercenaries.

            Rasputin warned the Tsar against Russia’s entry into the World War I, which was absolutely unnecessary for the country.  Rasputin crossed the road to very influential external forces.  The French and the British urgently wanted to use Russia against Germany.  After this bloody war, four out of five world empires were dissolved: the German, the Austro-Hungarian, the Ottoman and the Russian.  The last of these, the British Empire, was broken in the years after the World War II. Often this is called the Rockefeller’s struggle with the Rothschild family for world domination.  It is true that they are in intense competition in some areas.  However, it has also been true that they have been in intense cooperation in many areas.

                Kryon states that the time of the existence of Tartoaria was the period from 2811 BCE to 2298 BCE.  The capital of Tartoaria was Catarus (now Tyumen).  In the 20th century, Tyumen became of oil and gas capital of the Soviet Union.  It fed its energy all over the world.  The major Russian reserves of oil and gas are still located in Tyumen region, biggest in the country.  In the 1960s, large deposits of oil were discovered several hundred kilometers north of Tyumen.  So to speak, ancient Tyumen took the oil and gas relay from ancient Azerbaijan.  During the World War II the mummified body of Lenin was evacuated to Tyumen.  In Tyumen was born even Irving Berlin (1888 — 1989), the author of “God Bless America”, unofficial national anthem that has become the expected way for U.S. presidents to end official speeches.  His father, a cantor in Tyumen synagogue, uprooted the family to America, as did many other Jewish families in the late 19th century, including the founders of Hollywood.

            Along with Sumer and Egypt, Tartoaria was one of the seven centers of the birth of modern civilization. Their general appearance was prepared and took place under the guidance of the Family of Light and the authors of the Great Experiment. In part, confirmation of this can be found in the Sumerian tablets. However, Tartoaria’s mission was unique. Its founders, the Cataruses, united different nations, introduced them to culture and gave a powerful impetus to the organization of a new human society throughout the Asian continent and in Eastern Europe. In the magazine “World Channeling” Kryon explains about the Great Experiment on Earth, which has been lasting for the last 5 million years. The Earth is an important experimental planet for obtaining new experience in many evolutionary directions. In the future, the Earth will become a center where the most important events will unfold to transform the current Universe and create new worlds with billions of new life forms.

            A similar process of creating a center of civilization occurred in the northwest of the modern US, in Portland (Oregon), bordering with California.  The exact origin of the name of the state of California is unknown, but in its first letters the name of the Indian goddess Kali is clearly read. The Willamette Valley became the place where those who incarnated in the bodies of adult people.  These bodies were kept in the state of Samadhi in secret storages in the mountains.  The American Cordillera (the western “backbone” of North America, Central America, South America and Antarctica) extend along the 50° meridian to thousands of kilometers is characterized by a number of features that distinguish this almost continuous sequence chain of mountain ranges from other mountain systems on the Earth.

            People, who began to develop civilization from the west of America, were redskins and became the ancestors of numerous Indian nationalities (tribes).  They had the task of finalizing the programs of the ancient Atlantis and preparing an energy platform for the future of the great unification of earthly races and peoples.

            More than 4500 years ago, the descendants of Siberian Catarus came from Tartoaria to the east coast of the present US.  They were representatives of the clan of YARA.  Their clan’s name reflected the connection with the Sun, but with the so called Outer Sun (in contrast to the Aryans, connected to the Inner Sun).  Literally, Yara in Russian means “I am RA” or “I am the Sun”.  RA is the Sun of the Outer World.  AR is the Sun of the Inner World, hence the name «Aryan”.  The YARA clan passed through Alaska from Siberia to the eastern shores of North America, to the place where the skyscrapers of New York have grown today.  Here they built a temple complex of 32 low pyramids (8 meters each) and stone structures, which allowed anchoring on Earth energies coming from subtle plans.  In particular, the YARA clan received and transmitted to the planet the Pleiadian energy.  They lived on the eastern shore of North America for 32 years.  This number was not accidental.  It is associated with the program of 32 Multidimensional Codons carried by the YAR clan and with the 32 Lemurian crystals in the Eastern Hemisphere and 32 the same crystals in the Western Hemisphere.  The internal organization of YAR clan was set up to this number: 32 elders, plus the head.

            On the 33rd year the YAR clan traveled across the continent to the west, to the place where the city of Portland is now located.  Here, in the valley of Willamette, the YARA clan teamed up with the clan MARA long-awaited for them.  Together these two clans lived for another 32 years, taking and transmitting energy.  The Pleiadian energies here were united with the energy of Orion.  These two clans together laid the programs for the Evolution of the planet for the next thousand years.  They created the Single Program for the Evolution of North America and Eurasia.  In the previous cycle (11-5 thousand years ago) America played the role of the mother continent and then transferred these maternal functions to Eurasia.

            These two clans became related through thousands of marriages.  As a result, a single clan of YARAMIRA was formed. This clan along with the YARA clan first went to the south of modern California.  There special services were made and special geoglyphs were created in the desert of Colorado (Spanish “red”) in technique as in the Nazca desert.  These geoglyphs were discovered in 1932 by a pilot flying from Las Vegas. They have symbolic coordinates: 33° north latitude.  Today they are known as Blythe figures, named after the city of Blythe.  They include a few dozen objects and a labyrinth to the east of the Great Mountains of Mary.  In this name is indicated the above mentioned clan MARA lived on the West (Pacific) coast.

            Another interesting phenomenon is the self-moving stones in the territory of the National Park “Death Valley”.  No one can explain how this happens.  The stones leave visible traces. Nearby, on the border of California and Nevada, there is Lake Tahoe.  Authors like Ronn Herman and Drunvalo Melchesedek (the author of «The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life») state that this lake has been an important energy node since the time of Lemuria.

            To the west of Lake Tahoe, in the district of Eldorado (California) is the Blue Mountain, which is part of the Crystal Mountains. It was the California Theosophical Society that published the book of Russian mystic Helena Blavatsky “Mysterious tribes on the Blue Mountains”.  The book described the tribe of Todds who lived in the sacred Blue Mountains (Nilgiri) in the south of India. According to legends, there was an abode of the gods, to which people were forbidden entry.  Todds possessed ancient knowledge and superpowers, but did not retain them until now.  The Blue Mountain is the ancient name of the holy city of Puri in the Indian state of Orissa (Odisha).  There are stories about Jesus Christ in Puri.

            In the north-east of Oregon are also the Blue Mountains.  This is the mountain system of the Cordillera, where there were storehouses of bodies in the state of Samadhi (see above).  Apparently, it is no accident that the largest community of Russian Orthodox Church Old Believers lives in Oregon.  Some customs somehow bring them together with Todds, for example, everyone should eat strictly from their dishes.

            After the creation of the above-mentioned geoglyphs, the united clan of YARAMIRA traveled to the territory of present-day New York, where they carved on the rocks by the faces of the founders of the YARA and MARA clans.  They were dedicated to the great unification of two genetic branches and two continents, united by a common history and program.  This is the key to the mystery of the stones from the Brighton Beach.

            The YARA clan was white, and MARA clan was redskins.  The unification of these colors later became a symbol of the ancient mystery of the unification of Egypt.  From Ancient Egypt it has been passed to the dresses of Roman Emperors, the Pope, etc.  Not accidently, even the dear Santa Claus / Grandfather Frost wears the red and white costume.

            Having completed the intended, YARAMIRA clan returned to Eurasia. The greatest mission of the clans of YARA, MARA and YARAMIRA was that they laid the foundations of the genetic program for modern humanity, not only on a subtle plane, but also on the physical plane.  They resumed the Ancient Oneness of Eurasia and America. This unity has always existed and exists now at very different levels.

            With every decade, the Ancient Oneness will manifest itself more and more, until ultimately the East and the West Image result for ascended mastersform a unified entirety.  Kryon emphasizes that the faces depicted on the stones in New York are the faces of the Common Ancestors.  In that Great March (from Siberia to America and back) took part those who are now known as the Ascended Masters.  They created the Unity, the Evolutionary Program, Multidimensional Genetics, and continue to help humanity.

Manna & the Country of the Fires


  1. Azerbaijan is “Country of the Fires”
  2. The Nobels, Rothschilds and Rockefellers in Azerbaijan

I. Azerbaijan is “Country of the Fires”

            The Republic of Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus region has traditional nickname “Country of the Fires”.  It is believed that it is the old meaning of term “Azerbaijan”.  Its etymology is thought to have evolved from the name of the region of Atropatene (present Iranian Azerbaijan, former Manna).  Presumably, the name “Atropates” itself is the Greek transliteration of an Old Iranian compounded name with the meaning “Protected by the (Holy) Fire” or “The Land of the (Holy) Fire”.  It might be rooted in the once-dominant here Zoroastrianism, the oldest of the revealed world-religions.

            In Sanskrit (lit. “Divine language”), the word “azira” means “fire”, “sun”, “diamond”, etc.  Azirvada means “blessings”.  In Norse mythology, Odin is the chief of the council of the Aser (the new race of gods).  Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl has identified the region of Russian city Azov as Asgard.  He has also seemed a connection of the Aser with Azerbaijan.

            The name of Azerbaijan’s capital Baku is also associated with the ancient Persian name of this locality literally meaning “pounding winds”.  Baku is named «The City of Winds».  It is windy here throughout most of the year.  There are two winds common to Baku: cold and rough northern wind Khazri, and mild and gentle southern wind Gilavar.  The former is associated with negativeness, while the latter is associated with goodness.  In Azerbaijani mythology and beliefs these two winds are related to the struggle of Good and Evil.  From the distant past this land has been known as Paradise.  This widely known word for a place of timeless harmony comes from an Old Iranian term “walled enclosure”, associated with the Garden of Eden.

            In Sumerian mythology, Enlil (“Lord Storm”) was god of wind, air, earth, and storms.  Enlil was first attested as the chief deity of the Sumerian pantheon.  He was later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Hurrians.  The latter were among the founders of Manna kingdom emerged in 9th century BCE in modern-day Iranian Azerbaijan and a small part of the contemporary Azerbaijan Republic.  Enlil was the head of mission sent to Earth for god digging by this farther Anu, then ruler of Nibiry. See Inanna Returns by V. S. Ferguson.

            The name Baku is made of the same letter (two prepositions) as the Azerbaijani town Kuba that the world known enclave of the Mountain Jews whose ancestors came here presumably from Iran long time ago.

            Baku is located on the Apsheron Peninsula which is the heart of Azerbaijan and one of the oldest oil regions in the world.  The oil of the Apsheron Peninsula is mentioned in the works of ancient and medieval historians.

            Oil and gas deposits lie close to the surface.  Natural gas, bursting from cracks, often ignited because of a lightning stroke.  These fires, growing out of the earth, shook the imagination of ancient people.  Until the end of the 19th century fire worshipers from India (the Parsi) made pilgrims here.  Their temple is still preserved on the Apsheron Peninsula, not far from Baku.

            Parsis migrated from Persia to Indian Gujarat started between the 8th and 10th century to avoid persecution following the Arab conquest of Persia and to preserve their religious identity.  Another group of Zoroastrians arrived from Persia to India in the 19th and early 20th century fleeing the repression of the Qajar dynasty, a Persian royal dynasty of Turkic origin, which ruled Persia from 1785 to 1925.

            Qajars first settled during the Mongol period (13th century and later) in the vicinity of Armenia.  In the end of 18th century the Qajar family took full control of Persia and started to re-assert Persian sovereignty over large parts of the Caucasus.  Russia did not support their desire to subjugate the region and the Caspian Sea.  The following war was the beginning of “The Great Game” between the British and Russian empires in Asia.  Over the course of the 19th century, the Qajar dynasty permanently lost many of Persia’s integral areas in the Caucasus to the Russians.  These areas comprise modern-day Georgia, Armenia, Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

            In Sanskrit, the term “Parsi” means “one who gives alms”.Although small in numbers compared to the whole Indian population, the Parsis have made considerable contributions to the history and development of India.  Parsi Jamsetji Tata (1839 – 1904) is regarded as the “Father of Indian Industry”.  He was born to a Parsi Zoroastrian family in Gujarat and later founded the Tata Group, India’s biggest conglomerate company.  The Parsis have given India distinguished military officers of very senior military ranks.  Parsis were prominent in the Indian independence.  Parsi was Feroze Gandhi, the husband of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and son-in-law of the first Prime Minister of independent India Jawaharlal Nehru.  Nero is a famous lake in the central Russia.

            Mumbai is the most populous city in India.  Also, it is the wealthiest city in the country, and has the highest number of millionaires and billionaires among all cities in India.  Several landmarks in Mumbai are named after Parsis, including Nariman Point, a prominent business district in downtown Mumbai, built on land reclaimed from the sea.  Nariman Point is named after Khursheed Framji Nariman, a Mayor of Mumbai and one of the second generation of Parsi stalwarts in the Indian National Congress.  120 km south of Mumbai, at Revdanda, is an obelisk deducted to Russian citizen Afanasy Nikitin who was the first European to reach India and documented his visit.

            Nariman Narimanov (1870 – 1925) was prominent Azerbaijani revolutionary, writer, and statesman.  Narimanov headed the government of Soviet Azerbaijan and later became was the Party Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union that was the highest governing body in the Soviet Union.  Narimanov was graduated from the Gori Teachers Seminary went on to attend medical school at Odessa University, graduating in 1908.  Gori is the birthplace of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and name of an old settlement in Pakistan in the region that was the cradle of Hindu civilization deeply connected with Russia.  For his service and the last honor, Narimanov’s remains were cremated (like in India) and his ashes buried at the Red Square in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis, behind the mausoleum of Lenin.  Trotsky called his death the second biggest loss for the Eastern world after that of Lenin.  There are towns and streets named after Narimanov in post-Soviet states, mainly in Russia.

            In Ulyanovsk (the birthplace of Lenin), the former Kazan street was renamed after Narimanov.  Both Ulyanovsk and Kazan are located on the Volga River, and the most spectacular Volga’s view are between these cities.  In Kazan (where Lenin studied and turned to revolutionary path) there is a street bearing Narimanov’s name.  Naramsin is the grandson and successor of Sargon the Great, the founder (with goddess Ishtar or Inanna) and the first ruler of the Akkadian Empire in the 24th century BCE.

            The largest town named after Narimanov one is located near Russian city Astrakhan.  In Sanskrit “astra” means “heaven”, “weapon”.  Khan means “ruler”.  Lotus is the sacred flower of India.  The shipyard with the same name is the town-forming enterprise of Narimanov.  In ancient Iranian, “Nariman” means “fiery warrior”, “strong in spirit”, “fearless”.

            Narimanov and Astrakhan are located in the delta of the Volga River that the largest river of the Caspian basin, providing about 80% of the river water flowing into the Caspian Sea.  This sea links Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.  The latter two have Manat as their national currency.  The Caspian is the largest salt lake in the world.  It is called sea only because of its size. The Caspian accounts for 90% of the water of all saline lakes in the world.  Water and salt are the essence of life. The amniotic fluid in the womb is 1 % water and salt solution — the sole. The word sole (natural salt solution) is directly connected to the word “soul”.

            The Caspian Sea is one of the most mysterious reservoirs of the planet, having a special status in world history. A number of studies link the toponymy of Russian fairy tales with the territory along the Volga and the shores of the Caspian Sea.  Around this sea are united religions which have had a key influence on the modern world: Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Ateshgah of Baku or “House of Fire”

            11 km. to the north-east of Baku is the village of Ramana.  In the distant past, Ramano was the supreme deity of peace in Zoroastrianism.  His memory day was celebrated on July 21.  It is not only the day of the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, but also the day of Procopius the Righteous, the ancestor of the Russian Imperial Romanov family.  Also, July 21 is the day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God.  It is the only icons of the Mother of God (Our lady) that has been taken to Cosmos.

           At the end of the 19th century the main population of Ramana were Tatas or Caucasian / Transcaucasian Persians.  Their appearance on the territory of present-day Azerbaijan is attributed to the times of the Achaemenid Empire, the religion of which was Zoroastrianism.  The worship of the sacred fire is the central part of this religion.  In the Persian period, this territory was called “The place where the sacred fire is kept”.  It was believed that here was Paradise or Rai.  Rai is not only Russian word for Paradise.  In Sanskrit, Rai means “wealth”.  As it is said above, until the end of the 19th century, the Indian Parsis (the descendants of Zoroastrians-fire-worshipers) made spiritual journeys to this region.

         Ateshgah of Baku (or “House of Fire”) is one of the most world famous fire temples in Azerbaijan.  It is located 30 km. from the center of Baku, on the outskirts of the village of Surakhani, 8 km. to the south of the above-mentioned Ramana settlement.  From ancient times this place was revered by Zoroastrians, Hindus and Sikhs.  To date, 14 Hindu, 2 Sikh and 1 Persian (Zoroastrian) inscriptions have survived.  They are placed on stone tablets above the entrances of some of the cells.  Almost all Hindu inscriptions have an introductory formula in Sanskrit, dedicated to the god Ganesha who is the god of wisdom and prosperity in Hinduism.  He is the son of Shiva (Sanskrit — Siva) and Parvati, who in the furious form bears the names of Kali.  The Sanskrit name Siva is present on the Urals considered the motherland of the Aryans (a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people) and base of Indo-Aryan culture.

            It is noteworthy that in the Zoroastrian inscription are mentioned Isfahan, New Year and Sombole that is the constellation of the Virgin in Zoroastrian astrology.  Solombala is an island in the mouth of the River Northern Dvina, the historical part of Russian city Arkhangelsk, which in the past was called Pur-Navolok.  In Sanskrit, “pur” means «city». Navlahi is a port in Gujarat, where there were settlements of the ancient Proto-Indian civilization and initial refuge place of the Parsi.  The time of the creation of this Zoroastrian inscription is 1745.

            According to another inscription, the central altar temple in Ateshgyah was built with the funds of the Indian merchant Kanchanagar in 1810.  This whole ancient ritual complex (Zoroastrian sanctuary) was restored and kept by Indian merchants and pilgrims.  The earliest building of the temple dates back to 1713.  The latest one is the above-mentioned central altar.  Many Indian hermits, who lived in Ateshgyah, hung heavy chains weighing tens of kilograms.  This practice of mortification of the flesh was also used in Russia for centuries.

            The inscription on the Hindustani, placed on the central altar of the Ateshgah fire temple, confirms the reign of the historical Indian ruler Vikramaditya who ruled in the 1st century BCE (like Caesar in Europe).  In Sanskrit, Vikramaditya “Brave as the Sun”.  Today Vikramaditya is the name of the Indian Navy’s largest ship and its sole aircraft carrier.  INS Vikramaditya is a modified Soviet aircraft carrier which entered into service with the Indian Navy in 2013 and dedicated to the Indian nation.  She was commissioned at a ceremony held at Russian city Severodvinsk near the above-mentioned Arkhangelsk.  Both cities are located in the delta of the River Northern Dvina, whose name is also translated from Sanskrit.  Another interesting fact is that when this aircraft carrier entered service in Soviet Navy in 1987, its name was Baku.

II. The Nobels, Rothschilds and Rockefellers in Azerbaijan

            Being Swedish by birth and Russians by spirit, the Nobel brothers earned their huge capital in Russia digging and selling oil from Baku.  In fact, they became the founders of the Russian oil industry.  The first monument to Ludwig Nobel in Russia was opened in 2013 in Rybinsk, where the oil refinery of the Nobel brothers was located.  It was the largest oil base on the upper Volga.  Outstanding industrialist and philanthropist Ludwig Nobel (1831 — 1888) was the elder brother of Alfred Nobel (1833 — 1896), bequeathed the establishment of Nobel Prizes for the most important achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and for his contribution to the consolidation of peace.

            The first oil well in the world with a positive result was drilled in 1846 near Baku.  The American oil well was drilled 13 years later, in 1859 in Pennsylvania.

            The world’s first oil refinery was built in 1857 on the initiative of Russian entrepreneur Vasily Kokorev in Surahana on the outskirts of which Ateshgah is located.  In 1858 Alexander Dumas-father, visited Ateshgyah.  In 1887 the Russian emperor Alexander III came here on a visit. At this plant worked as a consultant outstanding Russian scientist and inventor Dmitry Mendeleyev who discovered one of the fundamental laws of the Universe and developed the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

            In the name of Surahana is read Surya, the Sun god.  Sura is the name of several rivers and settlements in Russia.  Village of Sura (standing on the river Sura) in Arkhangelsk region is the birthplace of a famous Russian Orthodox archpriest John of Kronstadt.  The largest river of the Arkhangelsk region is the above mentioned Northern Dvina formed by the confluence of the rivers Sukhona and the Yug near Veliky Ustyug.  In Sanskrit, “sura” means “deit”, “sun”, “water”.    Surya is the god of the Sun in Hinduism.  Arkhangelsk region is thought to be a part of Āryāvarta (lit. “abode of the Aryans”) of classical Hindu texts in Sanskrit or Airyanem Vaejah, its Zoroastrian counterpart (“expanse of the Aryans”, i.e. Iranians), the homeland of the early Iranians.

            The European to reach India was Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin.  In the middle of 15th century he landed from the ship south to the above mentioned Mumbai.  His way to India was from Astrakhan via Baku and Persia (Iran) by crossing the Caspian Sea.  Afanasy Nikitin was from the Tver region that still has many Sanskrit names given thousands years before his trip to India.  Also the Tver region is the source of the Volga River.

            The specialists who analyzed Afanasy Nikitin’s notes (“The Journey Beyond Three Seas”) have pointed out his good knowledge of the Persian language, written and spoken.  In this famous work, whole pieces, including the prayer for the salvation of Rus, were written by Afansi Nikitin in the Azerbaijani language.  The inhabitants of the Persian city Khorasan recognized him as one of them.  In Persian, Khorasan means “where the Sun arrives from”.  In Ancient Egypt the Sun was called Ra.  Moreover, the Persian merchants from Khorasan stood up for Afanasy Nikitin and rescued him from a prison in India, where he was imprisoned by the ruler of a local principality, who inclined Nikitin to accept Islam.  The ruler even returned to Nikitin his outstanding horse.   At that time Khorasan (East Iran) was the most important center of science and arts. In the 11th century, the greatest Persian astronomer and philosopher Omar Khayyam was born and lived in Khorasan.  His name is more often pronounced as Amar which in the reverse reading of the name Rama who is the seventh avatar of Vishnu, the legendary ancient Indian king.  Mahatma Gandhi addressed to just kingdom.  The story of Rama (“Ramayana” is the second, after the “Mahabharata”, of the two greatest ancient Indian epics.

            During the oil boom of the late 19th — early 20th centuries, Baku became one of the industrial and cultural centers of the Russian Empire.  By the beginning of the 20th century, Azerbaijan was producing more than half of the world’s supply of oil.

            In 1875 the Nobel brothers, operated in town of Rybinsk, started their activities in Azerbaijan’s oil industry. In 1878 they built and launched on the Caspian Sea the first in the world oil tanker, instead of transporting Baku oil in barrels.  This oil carrying steamship was named “Zoroaster” after a great religious reformer and the founder of Zoroastrianism, which predated Islam in the region.

            Oil pipeline and railway connected Baku with the Black Sea allowing export of Russian Azerbaijan oil to Europe and the rest of the world.  The Rothschilds provided loans and got preferable conditions for their oil exports.

            In 1883 the Rothschild Brothers established the Caspian and Black Sea Oil Industry and Trade Society.  It belonged wholly to the French banking house Rothschild Brothers.  Along with the Nobel brothers they were the driving force of the Russian oil industry based in Baku.  Nationalization of Azerbaijan’s oil resources that took in 1920 did not affect the Rothschilds.  In 1912 (five years before the Russian revolution and two years before the First World War), the Rothschilds sold their oil enterprises in Baku (then Russian Empire) to the Anglo-Dutch trust Royal Dutch Shell in return receiving a significant equity participation in Shell.  The Rothschilds became the owners of Shell’s banking arm in Paris.  Shell was the main competitor of the American Standard Oil syndicate led by John D. Rockerfeller producing over the half of the world oil demand.  Baku oil products were dominant among the goods sold by Shell.

            In the beginning of 20th century all eager attempts of The Standard Oil syndicate to get involved with oil fields in the Caucasus were rejected by the Russian Tsar and his Government favoring the Russian Nobles and the French Rothschilds.  John D. Rockerfeller’s idea was to purchase Baku’s oil fields with a production output of nearly a third of all Russian’s oil production.

              On the original Standard Oil Logo, the large torch in the middle has several connotations. One of them could be the symbol of sacred fire initially attributed to Zoroastrianism. The same idea is embodied in the Eternal Flame of The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier located at the Kremlin Wall in the Alexander Garden in Moscow. This war memorial is dedicated to the Soviet soldiers killed during World War II. The remains of the unknown soldiers killed in the Battle of Moscow in 1941 were initially buried in a mass grave at the city of Zelenograd.

            Some researchers state that Rockerfeller later funded strikes on Baku’s oil enterprises belonging to his competitors (the Rothschilds) and the big American business was also behind the Russian revolution of 1917.  It is believed that Stalin was involved in organizing the strikes in Baku and from that time he established certain relations with the big American industrialists.  As a matter of fact, when he became the Soviet leader and started industrialization of the Soviet Union, it was big American business that supplied equipment, factories, sent engineers, etc in exchange for cheap Baku oil.  On the other hand, they were also involved in industrialization of Nazi Germany along with European wealthy families.

            Important was the role the Baku oil in the victory of the Soviet people over fascism.  Baku oil products were used to fuel Soviet tanks, planes, cars, etc.  In 1941 – 1945 about 70% the Soviet oil accounted for Baku.  Hitler was set on capturing Baku’s oil fields.  For the Soviet Union, the use of Baku oil to repel aggression was of the strategic importance.  In 1941, Baku produced a record amount of oil – 23,5 million tons.  Being the main initiator of the Second World War, Nazi Germany was hungry for oil resources.  In 1939 oil production in the Reich amounted to only 805 thousand tons.  Germany’s ally Romania produced 5.5 million tons of oil per year.  The German Minister of Arms and Military Industry Speer admitted that the need for oil was undoubtedly the main motive in deciding on the invasion of Russia.

            Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, centuries-long ties between Russia and Azerbaijan continue to develop.  Both countries head for the future together.  Russian speech in Baku sounds everywhere.  Russian here is the language of interethnic communication.  The only in the CIS Institute for the preparation of teachers of the Russian language and literature continues to work in Baku.  The number of Russian schools in Baku has not diminished since the Soviet times.



Manna & Manat


  1. Manat
  2. Manna & Azerbaijan

I. Manat

             The manat is the currency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a country in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia. It borders Russia in the north and Iran in the south. Its capital Baku is the largest city on the Caspian Sea. Moreover, Baku is located ~30 meters below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world and also the largest city in the world located below sea level. Baku is one of the oldest and largest cities of the East.
There is no single version regarding the origin of the term “manat”. Official opinion states that the word “manat” is borrowed from the Russian word “moneta”
(coin) and pronounced as “manta”. In the USSR, the “manat” was the official name of the Soviet ruble in Azerbaijani, Turkmen and Georgian languages.
Both Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan used to be the territories of Scythes (in Indo-Persian context also Saka) and other Indo-European ethno-linguistic tribes (the Persians, Parthians, Medes, etc.). Their languages are now called Iranian, although their ancestors lived in western Siberia and the central Eurasian Steppe (2nd millennium BC) and had nothing to do with Iran. Their so called Proto-Indo-European language is the hypothetical common ancestor of the Indo-European languages, the most widely spoken language family in the world.
Vedic Sanskrit traces its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European languages and is oldest Indo-European language for which substantial written documentation exists. The present form of Vedic Sanskrit can be traced back to the above mentioned 2nd millennium BC. The name “Iran” derives from the Persian and Sanskrit origin word Arya. In Russia there are at least five rivers called Arya. Russia still has a lot of names of rivers and settlements whose names are translated from Sanskrit. See:

         Taken into account the above said, it is worth to check the root of the name of Azerbaijani manat in Sanskrit that was at least 2 000 years the language of a cultural order that exerted influence across Asia (East). In Sanskrit, «manati» means «remember, respect» and «manata» means «proof». The root «mana» means «respect», «idea», «thought», «base», etc. For more details see Manna in Sanskrit.

        The manat banknotes and symbol were designed by Robert Kalina in 2006.  He gained worldwide fame in 1996 after winning the euro banknote design competition.  It was his design that was recognized as the best and was chosen to create the euro.  Unlike other designers who took part in the creation of the Eurocurrency, Robert Kalina offered images of bridges, arches, gates, windows as symbols of the spirit of openness and cooperation in the newly created European Union.  His ancestors were descendants of Czechoslovakia, i.e. Slavs.  In Russian fairy tales his surname (Kalina) is the name of the bridge that connects the world of the living and the world of the dead.  Proud of his famous compatriot, the Austrians call the euro «Kalina«.

            The deep root of term Kalina might be found in Sanskrit.  Kali means “black”.  This color means the unclouded state of pure consciousness, the infinity of the Cosmos and the eternity of time.  Kali is also the name of one of the most famous and revered goddesses in Hinduism.  Kali is the personification of cosmic forces, the goddess of time and transformation.  She destroys ignorance and helps to eliminate darkness (in consciousness) and to comprehend the truth.  It is believed that in the black color all the differences disappear, it had preceded the Creation.  Black is the primeval darkness in which all the secret knowledge of the world is hidden.  The word «Kali» is a female gender from «Kala» — one of the names of Shiva meaning: Black, Time, and Fate.

            The exact origin of the name of the California is unknown, but in the first letters the name of the Indian goddess Kali is clearly read.  California / Kalifornia is the most populous and rich state of the United States.  In the past its northern part was element of Russian America founded and managed by the Russian-American company which had direct links with town Veliky Ustyug where the founder of the Russian Romanov Imperial House performed his spiritual deed.  Veliky Ustyug has a lot of names around that are translated from Sanskrit.  It is located on the confluence of Sanskrit named river Sukhona and Yug.

               In the cosmology of the Hinduism the Yuga is a world era, a certain period of the development of the world and of mankind.  In Hinduism, Kalki is the ultimate incarnation of Vishnu who will lead the new golden age (Satya Yuga).  Kalki should appear at the end of Kali Yuga.  It is believed that at the present time there is a transition from Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga, i.e. to the Golden Age or the Age of Aquarius.  In astrology, the Aquarius is the heavenly patron of Russia.  The only Russian settlement that has the Aquarius is the above mentioned Veliky Ustyug regarded in many ways as the capital of the Age of Aquarius.

Robert Kalina & Syria

            Robert Kalina, commissioned by the Central Bank of Syria, developed in 2010 the design of banknotes of a new sample of Syrian pounds with a face value of 50, 100 and 200 pounds.  On the front side of the 50 pound denomination are cuneiform tablets from the city-state of Ebla which is one of the oldest civilizations of Syria.  Ebla is located 50 km. south-west of modern Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.  Russian settlement Alepino is located near city of Aleksandrov, the 16th century capital of Russia under the rule of first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

              Near Aleksandrov is also another settlement with ancient name called Arsaki.  As it is said above the Sakas is a another name for the Scythes.  Arsak I (3rd century BC) was the the founder of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia.  After him all over 30 monarchs of the Arsacid empire officially named themselves.  Under the leadership of the Arsacids, the Parthians created a powerful empire from Mesopotamia to India.  Iran was its core.  The Parthians were Scythes and had connection with Azov Sea (see below).  It is believed that Arsak (Ashk) has also given name to the city of Ashkabad, former As-habad whose name is also associated with aesir, who were a tribe of gods (led by Odin) from the Norse mythology.  In Sanskrit, «sir» means «head».  The Norse mythology states that Odin and his great army of aesir had home in Asia («Asaland») that was called Asgard.  In the Old Norse, aesir is plural.  Single male was god from this tribe was called an ass, but in the meaning diametrically opposite to the anatomy informal term in North American English.

                    Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer Thor Heyerdahl has stated that the home of Odin (his Asgard) was near Russian city of Azov and the coast of the Sea of Azov.  This ancient city Tanais is located in the delta of the River Don.  He initiated 2001 — 2002 excavations there.  It is at the northeast of the Black Sea.

               Previously Thor Heyerdahl made four visits to Azerbaijan in 1981, 1994, 1999 and 2000.  He was convinced that the geographic location of the mythic Asgard (Aser or Æsir) matched the region of contemporary Azerbaijan (southeast the Black Sea).  Heyerdahl was convinced that Norwegians and other Scandinavians could trace their roots from modern Azerbaijan.  In 2000 Thor Heyerdahl visited Kish village of Azerbaijan, some 240 km. northwest of its capital Baku.  He attended archaeological excavations in the church of Saint Elishe in the village.  Today, a bust of Heyerdahl is in front of this church.

            It is worth pointing that the name of the above mentioned Azerbaijani village Kish is very old and symbolic.  Kish (modern Shahrisabz in Uzbekistan) was once a major city of Central Asia and the cradle of Samarkand ruler Timur (ending is UR) also known as Tamerlane (The One Who Knows Merlin). On the seal of Tamerlane was sign of Shambala. Tamerlane (1336 — 1405) never lost a single battle. His descendants were the Great Moguls of India. Kashi is the old name of holy Indian city Varanasi.

            Heyerdahl’s theory of Odin was accepted as fact by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway.  Despite the fact that most of his works caused controversy in the scientific community, Heyerdahl raised public interest in ancient history and the achievements of various cultures and peoples throughout the world.  He had the same name as the hammer-wielding god of thunder and lightning Thor from the Norse mythology, the protector of mankind and of the fortress of Asgard.  Thor was the son of Odin All-Father.

                 Elba is a national park and the same mountain in the south of Egypt.

                 Elba or Laba is the famous river (1165 km.) flowing through the territory of the Czech Republic and Germany.

             Elba is a Mediterranean island in the Italian region of Tuscany, the site of the first reference of the «invincible» Napoleon who suffered a crushing defeat in Russia. Tuscany was the home of the Etruscans who created the first major civilization in this region in the 8th century BC and later taught the Romans and formed their upper class.  Tuscany was also the birthplace of the Renaissance began here in Florence in the 14th century.  In 15th century in Tuscan (Etruscan) city Sienna was created the oldest surviving bank in the world (Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena). This bank is said to have close ties with the Vatican. It actively financed colonial expeditions of Spain the Americas. Italian explorer and colonizer Christopher Columbus completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain (Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon).

            Ebola («white water») is a river in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) the right tributary of the River Dva (the Congo River basin).  This country is the second largest country in terms of area and the fourth largest country in Africa.  Its capital, Kinshasa is the second most populous city in Black Africa (after the Nigerian Lagos) and the second-largest French-speaking city in the world (after Paris).  According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest (163 kg.) and the tallest (1.95 m.) primates (gorillas) have been found in the territory of the present Democratic Republic of the Congo.  The name of the famous King Kong is connected with this country and its capital.  Kinshasa is twinned with the Turkish capital Ankara (like Turkmenistan’s capital Ashgabat) and is twinned with the Iranian capital Tehran.

II. Manna & Azerbaijan

            Modern Azerbaijan is the heir of many dynasties and ancient states.  Azerbaijani historians especially emphasize the kingdom of Manna.  The first record (i.e. traceable history) about Manna goes back to the middle of the 9th century BCE.  Manna was formed on the territory of contemporary northern Iran, but its territory also included the lands of Nakhchivan (southwest part of the Republic of Azerbaijan, bordering Armenia).  Nakhchivan is remarkable for its story about the last of the pre-Flood Patriarchs Noah. It is believed that the Noah’s ark after the Flood settled on Mount Ararat (today Turkey), from which Noah descended to the Ararat valley to the Nakhichevan area, which is translated as “the place where Noah descended”.  Thus, Manna is considered the first state formation on the territory of present-day Azerbaijan.  This traceable history of Azerbaijan is confirmed by written sources.

                Azerbaijan is a vital part of the South Caucasus or Transcaucasia (modern Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan).  Various peoples, including Scythians, Alani, Huns, Khazars, Arabs, Seljuq Turks, and Mongols have been / settled in the South Caucasus throughout its history, known from the 3rd and 2nd millennia BCE.  Nevertheless, genetic testing has revealed common genetic markers that support an autochthonous background for most Azeris.

            Among the most unique autochthonous peoples of Azerbaijan is a Caucasian group called Udin (Utti).  It is one of the most ancient peoples of the Caucasus.  The historical place of their residence and both capitals is the territory of modern Azerbaijan.  The ancestors of the Udins belonged to the multi-tribal state association named Caucasian Albania (the endonym is unknown) existed from 2nd century BCE to 8th century AD.  The Caucasian Albanians along with the Georgians and Armenians formed one of the three nations of the Southern Caucasus around in 2nd century BCE.  The Caucasian Albania came under strong Armenian religious and cultural influence.  It was incorporated in the Median / Achaemenid empires.  After the rise of the Parthian Empire (a major political and cultural power in ancient Iran and Iraq) the kings of Caucasian Albania were replaced with an Arsacid family.  The Udins’ religion is Christianity.  They adopted it from the Armenia that became in the year 301 the first Christian state in the world.  In the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire Christianity became the state religion only after 380.  Interestingly, Albany is the capital of the U.S. state of New York, where is located world famous Manhattan.

            The Caucasian Albania’s capital during antiquity was Kabala.  The origin of this name is unclear so as its connection to the Kabbala, a set of esoteric teachings.  In kabbalistic thought and the kabbalistic perspective on health, balance means a coming into order and integration.  The above mentioned ancient city of Kabala is located in the middle of the 2500-year-old Silk Road (from Central Asia to Europe).  The commercial ties of Kabala were vast.

            Kabala experienced frequent raids by the Khazars.  The Khazars owned the Kabala for a century and turned the city into its administrative center.  It is no coincidence that the Arabs who later captured Kabala called the city of Kabala-Khazar.  The Khazars Kaganate existed from 7th to 10th centuries. The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turk people, who built multicultural and multiconfessional empire successfully competing with the Christian Byzantine Empire and the Muslim Arab Halifat, as well as the empire of Charlemagne which became the basis of the European Union.  These four empires were the major powers (super states) of that time.  The ruling elite of Khazars are believed to have adopted Judaism, although the archaeological evidence for this conversion remains elusive.  Anyway it is a unique conversion to Judaism by steppe tribes.  Their choice of this monotheistic religion was partly reconditioned since they fought with the Christians and the Muslims.  The only universal religion left for them was Judaism.

            Another peculiar historical fact is that around 70 km. northeast of Kabala is city of Cuba that is home to the Azerbaijan’s largest community of Mountain Jews (or Caucasus Jews) and one of the largest Jewish populations in the former Soviet Union.  The Mountain Jews are the descendants of Persian Jews from Iran.  Many of them are today among the richest people of Russia.  Cuba / Kuban is an ancient name.

            The Caspian Sea in Azerbaijani language is still called Khazar Sea.  The biggest city on the Caspian / Khazar Sea is Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.  This sea is the largest closed reservoir on Earth.  Russia owns 695 km of the Caspian coast, Iran – 724 km.  The largest river of the Caspian basin is the Russian Volga, providing about 80% of the river water flowing into the sea.  The name Volga is translated from Sanskrit.

            Udina is the name of two Russian rivers: one belongs to the Volga basin and the Caspian Sea, the other belongs to the Baltic Sea basin.  The biggest number of the Udins live in the Rostov region of Russia.  Its capital Rostov-on-Don is located less than 30 km. west of ancient Tanais that the above mentioned Thor Heyerdahl has identified as the Asgard, the dwelling place of Old Norse gods.  According to Norse mythology,   in Asgard is located enormous majestic hall Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin.  The legendary Buddhist country Uddyana identified as the Shambala.  The ancient Indian city of Ujjain is among four holy cities where are held the Kumbh Melas, the greatest religious fairs in the world.  See Uddyana & Udina.

Manna of Heaven


  1. The Manna of Heaven
  2. Manna in Sanskrit
  3. The Kingdom of Manna

I. The Manna of Heaven

            Thanks to the Old Testament, Manna from heaven has become in Christianity the personification of Divine grace and spiritual food.  In folk usage it is a synonym of blessing.  Manna from heaven also means unexpected help received at the right time and in abundance.

            According to the Bible, Manna is the food that God gave miraculously to the Israelites during the Exodus.  There are many versions of the Exodus from Egypt to the «Promised Land» under the guidance of Moses whose story with reed basket closely resembles the childhood of Sargon the Great, the founder of Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia (the 3rd millennium BC) that is considered to be the first empire of the known history of mankind.  Certainly, Sargon was a talented ruler.  However, it is said that the actual force behind his success was Inanna, the «Queen of Heaven», the ancient Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power.  The Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians later worshipped her under the name Ishtar.  Sargon fulfilled her will, conquered new lands, suppressed insurrections and insurgencies.  At that time, people and their rulers were often instruments of the policy of the so called gods, who had their own ambitions, scores and plans.  See Inanna Returns by V. S. Ferguson.

         There are many versions behind the real story of the Exodus. Some even claim that it was a special operation of the ancient Egyptian priests who were initiated into secrets of the structure of the power hierarchy on the planet.

         Scientists still cannot explain the origin of the word «manna» and its exact meaning. Their attempts to find a rational explanation are vain. Manna is not the resin of the Tamarisk plant, a processed aphid or edible thallus of a special kind of lichen called lecanor. Moreover, it is not the juice of a camel’s thorn (suppressing the appetite) or, worse, a locust.

       Manna was a gift from Heaven to the Israelites walking through the desert. It was a real miracle in the form of ready-made food, which must only be collected. Manna is described as edible white grains, reminiscent of the taste of honey. The order was to take as much manna as they needed to feed themselves. If someone disobeyed and collected manna in reserve, then it began to smell bad and worms appeared in it.
«And when the dew came to the camp at night, then manna also came down upon him». It was supposed to be collected every day (expected Saturday) by one homer (a measure of volume — about 3.5 liters) of manna per family member. Manna was abundant in the temporary dwellings of those who had a firm belief in God, and far from the tents of those who doubted.

          The special meaning of manna is also indicated by the fact that it was stored in the Ark of the Covenant. The very word «manna» can be associated with the languages and heritage of ancient civilizations.
Perhaps the above mentioned mention of honey is also not by chance. In Hinduism, considered the most ancient religion of the world,

and in the preceding «Vedas», honey is one of the five elixirs of immortality. In Sanskrit (literally «Divine Language»), the word «honey» is also connected with such terms as: sacred, mind, wisdom, life experience.

II. Manna in Sanskrit

        In Sanskrit, the word «mana» means «respect,» «idea,» «thought,» «base,» etc. It is the root of such concepts as: «brain» and «high spirit» (manju), «precious stone» (mani), «counselor» (mantu), «sacred text, word or syllable» (mantra), «orbit of the celestial body» (mandala), etc. «Manati» means «remember, respect,» and «manata» means «proof.»  The word «manasa» stands for «mental», «spiritual».  These examples show the key spiritual meaning of the word and the root of «mana».

           Most of the philosophical, religious, literary and scientific works of India are written in Sanskrit, including the oldest legislative book of Manu-smriti, which is included in the category of Holy Scriptures of Hinduism. This monument of ancient Indian literature is a collection of precepts to a pious Indian in the performance of social, religious and moral duty. The author is Manu, the legendary progenitor of mankind. The laws of Manu were an authoritative source of law in ancient India.

         Manu is called «Indian Noah», although it can be the other way around. In the Old Testament the story of Noah came from the Middle Eastern epic rooted in the Sumerian and Akkadian heritage. The Harappan civilization, which existed in the III — II millennium BC on the banks of the River Indus, is one of the three oldest civilizations of the world, along with the Egyptian civilization of the first pharaohs (i.e. the time of so called gods) and Mesopotamia of the Sumerian era.

         In ancient Indian literature, Manu was the son of the solar deity Vivasvata. Possessed with incomparable piety and wisdom, the great righteous in times of universal sin, Manu was the only mortal man saved by Vishnu from the Flood. After this, Manu became the first king to rule the Earth, the progenitor of the new human race.

        Vishnu appeared to Manu as a small fish, which sailed into his hands and asked to save its life. Manu put it in a pitcher. The fish grew. As a result, it grew to enormous proportions and revealed itself as Vishnu. It was Matsya (Sanskrit «Fish»), the first avatar of Vishnu, the keeper of the world, who repeatedly saved the human race from death. He warned Manu that there would soon be a Flood that would destroy all life. Vishnu instructed Manu to collect and put on the boat all varieties of plants and all kinds of animals to save them. When the Flood began, the great fish (Vishnu) sailed to Manu and attached the rope of the boat to its horn and in this way quickly headed for the northern mountain. This place is considered to be the Himalayas, in which the highest mountains of the planet are located.

           According to legend, on the site of the landing of Manu, today is the city of Manali. Together with him seven wise men, sons of the god Brahma, born from his mind were saved. They are considered the creators of the Universe and the ancestors of all living people. According to the names of these sages in Indian astronomy are called the seven main stars of the constellation Ursa Major. This constellation, together with the North Star, is depicted on the coat of arms of Alaska, which was part of Russian America. Another part of it
was presently famous Mount Shasta in California. Shasta is considered to be a mystic power source for this planet. It is home of many the survivors of Ancient Lemuria, which sank under the waves of the Pacific Ocean a little over 12 000 years ago. Their language is Solar Maru, the root language for Sanskrit and Hebrew. They live in the subterranean city called Telos that serves as an inter-planetary and inter-dimensional portal. See Aurelia Louise Jones’ published books about Telos and the Lemurian teachings.

        Manali («the abode of Manu») is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level in the northern part of the sacred valley of Kullu, which has great religious and cultural significance. Kullu is still called the «Valley of the Gods». According to one version, the name «Manali» comes from «Manu-Ali», that is, «Manu doorway». Interestingly, «Gates of the gods» is the ancient names of the sacred for the Indians Haridwar and Babylon which greatly influenced the development of monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) that have shaped the modern world.

III. The Kingdom of Manna

      Manna (Mana) is an ancient state that existed in the 10th — 7th centuries BC in the territory of modern northwestern Iran. This place is Related imagecalled South or Iranian Azerbaijan. It consists of two provinces — Eastern and Western Azerbaijan, between which is Urmia — the largest lake in the Middle East and one of the world’s largest salt lakes.  To the south and east of Lake Urmia is the historical core of the kingdom of Manna with a center in the modern city of Mekhabad.   The Urmia is mentioned in Avesta, the main book of Zoroastrianism, the oldest of the revealed world-religions.
There are many hypotheses about the meaning of Zarathustra’s name. One of them is «The Golden Sirius» that is sacral meaning of prophet’s name. Sirius is credited to be the Galactic Spiritual Center. Zoroastrianism had a remarkable influence on other world faiths: to the east on Hinduism and Buddhism, to the west on later Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

     The first known people living in the territories around Lake Urmia (in the second half of the 3rd millennium BCE) are the cattle-breeding tribes of the Kutis. Presumably, they were of Indo-European origin. The Samaritans, resettled by Assyria in the territory of the former Israeli kingdom, are called «kutii». Manna also experienced a strong Assyrian influence in foreign policy and architecture, which is its ultimate continuation. Another large ethnic component represented in the region of Lake Urmia were the Hurrians tribes. In the 16th — 13th centuries BCE, the Hurrians created the state of Mitanni in Northern Mesopotamia. In Mitanni were born the mother and wife (beautiful Nefertiti) of famous Egyptian pharaoh and reformer Akhenaton. The Hurrians exerted a strong influence on the Hittite kingdom whose double-headed eagle was notably used by the Byzantine Empire and later within the Christian and Islamic worlds.

       From the end of the 3rd millennium BCE the Lulubi tribes settled to the south-east of Lake Urmia. Their country of Lullubi constituted the main part of the later Manna kingdom. It is believed that the Lullubi predated the arrival of Iranian-speakers by many centuries. Presumably, the name «Lullubi» could be translated as «strangers» or «aliens». However, this is only the version. On the other hand, in the language of the state of Urartu, which covered the territory from Lake Van to Lake Urmia and from the Ararat Valley to northern Iraq, the word «lulu» meant «enemy-alien». Roots can be much deeper. For example, Nibiruans called people Lulu and actively used them in their clan wars, including in the above territories. The Lulubi tribes were a warlike people. They were not afraid to attack the powerful Akkad during the reign of the Akkadian king Naram-Sina, behind whome stood Inanna, the beloved granddaughter of Anu, then ruler of Nibiru.

        The Manna kingdom began to form in the 10th century BCE from the descendants of the abovementioned kutis, hurrites, lulubies, etc. The main information about the kingdom comes from the inscriptions of the Assyrian and Urartian kings, who made military incursions into Manna. No inscriptions from the manneas themselves have survived to present time. The territory of their kingdom is still poorly researched archaeologically. An analysis of the history and events that took place here over the last three thousand years (from the time of the formation of Manna) leads to the conclusion about the special role of this territory, its key significance in the ancient sacred ties of modern Russia and Iran.

          The first known ruler of Manna was Iranzu (740 — 719 BCE). He significantly strengthened the kingdom of Manna. It is symbolic that his name coincides with the name of the country. In translation, Iran means «the country of the Aryans». Arya is the mythical ancestor of the Aryans, mentioned in the sacred «Avesta». In the heart of Russia there are five rivers with name Arya. It is believed to be the birthplace of the ancestors of many Iranians and Indians.

        There is a version that the above mentioned prophet Zarathushtra was born near modern Russian city Perm.  Not 
by chance the word “permanent” starts from Perm.  The city of Perm is twinned with Oxford, home to one of the leading universities in the world.  Perm is located on the bank of River Kama that is the greatest tributary of Volga, the longest river in Europe. The river flows through central Russia and into the mysterious Caspian Sea bounded by Iran on the south.  Kama is the Sanskrit name of Indian god of love and desire.  The Kama Sutra is the most known ancient texts among Sanskrit literature.

          Modern genetic studies conducted by international experts reveal that that the common haplogroup have approximately 100 million Indian men (basically the Brahmans and Kshatriyas) and about 40-60 million Russian men. It means that they have a common male ancestor. So, they are brothers living in different countries. There is no data on Iran yet, but the proportion shall not be very different, given that the Aryans who came to India and Iran from the north (i.e. from the territory of modern Russia) were related by blood, language, culture, etc.  The original homeland of the Aryans is Southern Siberia.

          Like other regional kingdoms, Manna was largely focused on Assyria that was the most powerful. The process of formation of the kingdom of Manna and Assyria came about roughly at the same time (X century BC). They both reached the highest power at the same time (VIII — VII century BC). The decline of Manna started simultaneously with the weakening of Assyria, after the death of its last great king Assurbanipal. He is remembered in history not only as a skillful politician and the most enlightened man of his time, but also the collector of the largest library. He could read the ancient cuneiform texts that nobody could understand.

         In 650 BC Ashurbanipal had to defeat the army of Manna and their allies Scythians (Saka or Saki), who settled between Manna and Urartu, passing from the shores of the Black Sea through the North Caucasus (modern Russia). Having received such support, Manna broke the alliance with Assyria and for a while became completely independent country with an independent foreign policy. The Scythians quickly passed through all of Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine and reached the borders of Egypt.

         Weakened by civil war, the Assyrian empire was destroyed by its rivals Media (northwestern Iran) and Babylonia (present-day Iraq) who shared the territory of the defeated power among themselves. On the ruins of the ancient Assyrian capital of Assur, the victorious kings concluded in 614 BC an alliance that was cemented by a dynastic marriage. The king of the Medes gave his daughter for the son of the Babylonian king. This fiance was Nebuchadnezzar, who later became one of the greatest rulers of Babylon. His father and commander of the Babylonian army was then also the famous Chaldean king Nabopalasar, also known in the Old Testament. In his younger years, he enlisted in the army of Assyrian king Ashurbanipal and rose to commander. Nabopalasar was appointed viceroy in Babylon. Taking advantage of the difficulties of Assyria, he rebel against it. Having had the support of the Babylonian priesthood as well as the trade and slave aristocracy, Nabopalasar was proclaimed the king of Babylonia in 626 BC. Thus he became the founder of the New Babylonian kingdom and the Chaldean dynasty.

          In 610 BC, in Harran (southeastern Turkey), the Babylonians smashed the last of the Assyrian troops. In 590 BC the Medes (Media kingdom) occupied Manna.  But it was not the finish of Manna.

         It is known that after the absorption of Manna, it became the cultural and economic core of the Median kingdom, created by Iranian-speaking tribes. Another name (self-designation) of the tribes of the Medes is the arias (Herodotus). Iran means «The Land of the Aryans» (see above). The Medes gradually assimilated the above mentioned tribes of Kutis, Lulubeys, etc., from the earliest times inhabiting the territory of Iran.

           Having began independent existence around 670 BC, Media completed it in 550 BC, when it was conquered by the Persian king Cyrus the Great who had the support of the aristocracy of Media. Via his mother, Cyrus belonged to their royal family and was the grandson of the Median ruler. Therefore, in the eyes of the rebellious Medes nobles, the victory of the Persians looked like a palace coup. The Persians were related to the Medes and were very close in language, religion, and customs. However, it is believed that Zoroastrianism was developed among the Medes more than among the Persians. The Median capital Ecbatana continued to be one of the capitals of the Persian, and later of the Parthian kings. Today this is city of Hamadan, one of the most ancient cities not only in Iran, but also in the world.

             Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE) managed to build one of the largest empires in history. It is equally notable for its very successful model of a centralized administration and establishing a government working towards the benefits of the people.  Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. He is the only non-Jew who is called as Messiah. The Cyrus Cylinder discovered in the ruins of Babylon is called the first declaration of universal human rights. Alexander the Great was passionate admirer of Cyrus the Great.  Having conquered most of the the huge Achaemenid Empire (founded by Cyrus the Great) Alexander took over the Cyrus’ model.  Much of it was later adopted by the Soviet Union.

         Mausoleum of Cyrus the Great is in the capital of his empire — Pasargadae. This mausoleum, along with the Mayan pyramid in Palenque, served as an architectural prototype of Lenin’s mausoleum on The Red Square. Lenin was the leader of the communist revolution, which in October 1917 abruptly changed the fate of Russia and the world. Like many key points of world history, Pasargadae stands on the 30th parallel. On this historic parallel also stands Persepolis, the second capital of the Achaemenid Empire. Cyrus the Great started building this new capital, but died before the completion.

         In 1941, during the World War II, by agreement with the British, the territory of the former Manna was entered by the Soviet Army. The leadership of Britain and the Soviet Union considered the Iranian Reza Shah a supporter of Nazi Germany. The Shah was overthrown and the Allies established control over Iran’s railways and oil fields. In 1942 Iran’s sovereignty was restored, the power was passed to the younger son of the Shah Reza, whose name is also present in Hara Berezaite. In 1943 Tehran hosted the famous conference of the leaders of the three allied states of the anti-Hitler coalition: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. It addressed a number of issues of war and peace, including the opening of a second front by the Allies. The contours of the post-war arrangement were also outlined, and consensus was reached on issues of ensuring international security and lasting peace.

           The planning of the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran in August 1941 was carried out under the leadership of the Chief of Staff of the Transcaucasian Military District, Major-General Fyodor Tolbukhin (1849 — 1949).  He is regarded as one of the finest Soviet generals of World War II.  Tolbukhin was well respected by fellow commanders and his soldiers, especially since he had a dedication to keeping casualty rates low.  General Tolbukhin was the recipient of numerous awards and medals including the highest Soviet medal and rank, the Victory Order and Hero of the Soviet Union, respectively.   As the highest honor, the urn containing his ashes was buried in the Kremlin necropolis wall.  In his native land (25 km north of Yaroslavl), village of Tolbukhono is the most ancient settlement in Russia. His age exceeds 4000 years.

              Tolbukhono stands on the lake of Tarasovo. In Sanskrit, «taras» means «energy,» «strength».  Near Tolbukhino and the Tarasovo lake is the village of Sivtsevo.  The root of its name can also be in Sanskrit.  In Sanskrit, «siva» means «good», «bliss», etc.  In the very center of Moscow there is a lane of Sivtsev Vrazhek.  Here flows a small river Sivets or Sivka, enclosed in a pipe. Siva is the name of several rivers in the Urals, which is the oldest mountain range in the world.  The highest point of the Urals is connected with great Indian sage  Narada. Siwa is the name of the legendary Egyptian oasis, in which Alexander the Great went to risk his life to obtain confirmation of the divinity of his origin.


        In 1516 the future Lord Chancellor of England Thomas More wrote «A truly golden little book, no less beneficial than entertaining, of a republic’s best state and of the new island Utopia».  Utopia (the ideal country) was his idea of ​​the best system of social structure on the example of a fictional island state. Thomas More wrote this book in his estate in Chelsea, which he called «a small utopia».  Since 2003 the famous football club Chelsea has been owned by a Russian businessman Roman Abramovich. The name Roman has ancient roots, like Abram (Abraham).  In the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, it is said that the patriarch Abraham, like Thomas More, was the incarnation of Mahatma El Morya.

             In the distant past, Ramano was the supreme deity of peace and quiet in Zoroastrianism.  His memory day was celebrated on July 21.  It is not only the day of the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, but also the day of Procopius the Righteous, from whom the Russian Imperial Romanov family began.  It is also the day of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, the only Her icon that visited Cosmos.

        The name Chelsea bears certain resemblance with the ancient word Chelas (students of a spiritual teacher).  The mysterious Chelyabinsk meteor, whose largest fragment had weight over 500 kilograms, “made” a precisely round shape (about 8 meter in diameter) hole in the ice Chebarkul lake.  It is against the law of physics.  Moreover, it was the first case in history when large meteorites fall in a densely populated area.  In the same Chelyabinsk region is the world famous Arkaim that was important spiritual center of the Aryans who later moved to Iran and India.

     Known for his wit, Thomas More was called «the first person to embody the purely English ideal, according to which a virtuous person meets the enemy and the crisis situation not by silent obedience or arrogant statement of principle, but by joke».

Madang, Magadan and Magadha


  1. Madang and Magadan
  2. Madang and Miklouho-Maclay
  3. Madang, Magadan and Magadha
  4. Manus

I. Madang and Magadan

The city of Madang in Papua New Guinea is almost straight in the south from the Russian city of Magadan (the distance is 7 222 km.):

  • Magadan (59°34’N 150°48’E)
  • Madang (5°13’S, 145° 48’E)

These cities have one time zone, but due to internal reasons, Magadan has GMT +11, and Madang GMT +10.

II. Madang and Miklouho-Maclay

         Madang has emerged quite recently, like most other settlements in Papua New Guinea. The first European to visit the territory of the present Madang (the northern coast of Papua New Guinea) was famous Russian scientist and traveler Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay (1846 — 1888).  He was born in region of the Valdai Hills which are rightly associated with the sacred mounts Meru and Hari.  Moreover, his birthplace is only 30 km. from the lake Ujin whose name is very close to the Ujjain, one of the sacred sites of the Buddhists and the Hindus.

            The Valdai Discussion Club was established in 2004 to promote dialogue of Russian and international intellectual elites and to deliver independent objective scholarly analysis of political, economic, and social developments in Russia and the world.

              Miklouho-Maclay’s godfather was Nicholas Ridigier.  This Russian German family has given Russian many famous people including Patriarch Alexy II (1929 — 2008), the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Close to Miklouho-Maclay’s birthplace was later borne Yuri Roerich, the most prominent 20th century Tibetologist.  He was the son of the painter and explorer Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich who had contacts with the Mahatmas (the Great Teachers leading the human evolution).

            In 1871, Miklouho-Maclay’s ship reached the north-eastern coast of New Guinea, entering the Astrolabe Bay.  For several thousand years before his arrival this land was inhabited only by primitive tribes.  Miklouho-Maclay lived among the aborigines for 15 months.  Then he lived there in 1876 — 1877 and in 1883.  The Papuans called him the ‘Lunar Man’.

            After Miklouho-Maclay is named the 300 km. long section of the above-mentioned coastline of Papua New Guinea.  In 1875, Miklouho-Maclay offered the Russian government to establish a Russian colony here.  In 1883 – 1884, he addressed a similar proposal to Emperor Alexander III and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.  Miklouho-Maclay assumed a reserve option — the recognition of the independence of the territory.  Acting norms of international law allowed Russia to do this and claim the rights to large plots of land bought by Russian citizen Miklouho-Maclay.  The reason for the forced rejection of the appeal was doubt that Russia could retain this remote territory.

            As a result, in December 1884, Germany announced the establishment of its protectorate over the northern part of New Guinea and the nearby islands.  In 1886, on the site of today’s Madang formed a German settlement called Friedrich-Wilhelmshaven (see below).

III. Madang, Magadan and Magadha

          There are no exact versions of the origin of the names Madang and Magadan.  Usually, they search for a binding to the remaining local names.  For example, the Magadanka River divides the city of Magadan into two parts, but where did this name come from, is still unknown.  Magadan was founded in 1929, became a city in 1939. The region is known for rich mineral deposits (gold, polymetallic ores, etc.).  The golden deer in rapid leap personifies the two main branches of the economy of the Magadan region — gold mining and reindeer breeding.  There are certain parallels with the golden antelope from Indian fairy tales.  It was able to strike the hooves from sparks to make gold.  In 1954, the Soviet director Lev Atamanov created the cartoon drawing of the same name, which immediately became popular among children from different countries. The script was written on the motives of Indian tales by Nikolai Abramov.

           The city of Madang was founded in 1886 under the name of Friedrich-Wilhelmshaven by the German New Guinea company.  This German colonial company exploited the northeastern part of New Guinea at the end of the 19th century.  After the departure of the Germans, the city received the local name Madang. Today, Madang is considered one of the most developed cities in Papua New Guinea.  Tourism, mining, and agriculture are developing. Madang belongs to the most picturesque places of the South Pacific.

              Madang and Sandaun are two of the four provinces of the region of Momase.  The administrative center of the province of Sandaun is the city of Vanimo. Vanino is a Russian seaport of federal significance on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

            Sandaun literally means ‘sunset’, because this province is located to the west of most of the remaining provinces of Papua New Guinea.  In Moscow, the most famous historical baths are the Sanduny, which have been in operation from XIX century to the present.  The founder and the first owner of this bath was Sila Sandunov and his wife Elizaveta Uranova.  Both were well-known actors of the court theater of Empress Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796), the country’s longest-ruling female leader.  She was born Pomerania, Prussia (now Szczecin, Poland).  Also, Poland is one of four villages on the Christmas Island (Republic Kiribati), see below.

            On the occasion of their wedding, the Empress presented diamonds to which they were able to buy the land and arrange a bath in the center of Moscow.  The wedding of Sandunov and Uranova took place in the palace church, in 1791, on February 14 (modern Valentine’s Day). The Empress herself dressed the bride.

            Sandunov came from the noble Georgian family Zandukeli, whose representatives moved to Russia in the 18th century, together with King Vakhtang VI, who occupies a special place among the cultural figures of Georgia (the Caucasus).  Being a well-educated person, he did a lot for the cultural uplift of his country. Vakhtang VI is buried in the Assumption Cathedral of the Astrakhan Kremlin (Southern Russia, the Caspian Sea).  In Sanskrit, ‘astra’ means ‘heaven’, ‘weapon’.  Not far from the Astrakhan Kremlin, on Volodarsky Street 14, is the building of the former Indian trading house.  It is symbolic that just above the commemorative plaque, ‘Razum!’ (‘mind’ in English) is written on the wall.  In Sanskrit (the language of Indian holy books), ‘mind’ is ‘manas’.  See below Manus.

            Razumovsky or Razum, i.e. ‘mind’, was the surname of the secret spouse of Russian Empress Elizabeth (1709 – 1762) who chose the aforementioned future Catherine the Great as the wife of her nephew Peter III, who was the grandson of Russian Peter I (on the female line) and Swedish Charles XII (on the male line), who battled each other furiously.  The Volodarsky Street on which stands the former Indian trading house was formerly called the Indian Street.

            Magadha is a historical region and an ancient kingdom in the east of India.  It arose in the time of the Buddha and lasted for a thousand years until the 6th century BC. Magadha was the largest economic, cultural, educational and religious center.  Magadha is considered to be the historical nucleus of modern Indian civilization.  Geographically, this is the current neighboring states of Bihar (where Buddha lived and preached) and Jharkhand (40% of India’s mineral reserves are concentrated there).  They border on the state of Orissa (Odisha), where the first emperor of India and one of the greatest rulers in the history of mankind, Ashoka converted to Buddhism.

          In Sanskrit, the word ‘magadha’ means ‘minstrel’, ‘poet’, ‘singer’, ‘composer of ballads’.  It denotes ‘the country of the Magadhs’.

           Certain linguistic (semantic) parallels exist in the names Madang, Magadan, Magadha with Agade — the capital of Nibiru, as well as with the Mesopotamian Agade — the first empire built by Ishtar (Inanna) and her earthly husband with Nibiruan farther Sargon of Akkad (also known as Sargon the Great).  Nibiruans had the direct relation to the New Year celebration in Mesopotamia.  It was the most important event and was dedicated to the arrival of the Nibiruans to Earth.

          Today, the first place on the planet celebrating the New Year is Caroline Island or Caroline Atoll (also known as Millennium Island) in the Republic of Kiribati, the equatorial state in the central part of the Pacific Ocean.

        Initially, Kiribati was called the Gilbert Islands.  Kiribati is the local pronunciation of the English word Gilberts, the surname of the English captain, in honor of whom these islands were named by Ivan Krusenstern, the famous Russian navigator and the commander of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.  This famous journey was organized by the Russian-American Company, which had a direct relationship to Great Ustyug, and was interested in sea communication with the Russian America (Alaska) it managed. The land route from the St. Petersburg to Russian America and back took 5 years.  The sea route took significantly less time.

            Under the coat of arms of the Republic of Kiribati is its national motto: «Health, peace and prosperity«.  The emblem depicts a yellow frigate flying over the rising Sun.  Frigates are related to pelicans and cormorants.  Seagull in the rays of the rising Sun was a favorite plot of Russian sailors and fishermen.  The seagull transmits the height of the spirit and the power of the flight of the soul. The rising Sun symbolizes freedom.

          Following Kiribati, New Zealand and polar explorers from the South Pole in Antarctica greet the New Year.  In the 19th century Antarctica was opened to the world by Russian navigators led by the Captain Bellingshausen, the student of Kruzenstern.

            It is noteworthy that in the Russian the name of Kiribati begins with the name of Kir (Cyrus the Great), the founder of Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian Empire.  In fact, it is related to the surname of the first European (Portuguese navigator Pedro Kiros) to see the atoll Caroline and discover the Christmas Island.  This Christmas Island is the largest atoll in the world in terms of land area. As mentioned above, Caroline atoll is the first to celebrate the New Year.

            In order the Caroline atoll became the first firm land (outside Antarctica), which will first meet the sunrise on January 1, 2000, the Kiribati authorities went to a certain, but commercially reasonable trick.  In the symbolic period of the winter solstice (the struggle of light and darkness), on December 23, 1994, the Kiribati government announced a change of the time zone on their territory.  The time zone change made Caroline atoll the easternmost point of the twelfth time zone, which first meets the new day.  In 1999, to attract international attention and the media, the Caroline atoll was officially renamed the Millennium Island.  It was the first land (outside Antarctica) to meet the sunrise on January 1, 2000, during the change of epochs (Pisces → Aquarius).

            About one billion viewers from different countries watched on television this event on the island.  However, de facto, the first place on the planet that met the dawn of the New Year (era) was not the Millennium Island  (the Caroline atoll), but a small piece of land in the east of Antarctica, where the Millennium came 35 minutes earlier.  This place is on the same latitude as the Russian Antarctic station Mirny named after the Russian ship discovered the continent of Antarctica and twice circumnavigated it.

IV. Manus

              Manus Island (and the same-named province of Papua New Guinea) is located at 350 km. to the north-east of the above-mentioned town of Madang, where Miklouho-Maclay landed and lived among the Papuans.  The province’s airport is on the small but second largest island of Los Negros.

        On the island of Los Negros is the Kingdom of Manna, whose tasks can be characterized by the national motto of the above-mentioned Republic of Kiribati («Health, Peace and Prosperity»), but only for all beings on the planet, and not for a single state or community.  It is no accident that the abbreviation of the kingdom (KOM) can be seen in the word communism (from the Latin word ‘common’).  In the highest sense, these are the ideas of a spiritually developed society based on the understanding of universal Unity in the Creator.  In the center of the emblem of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna is placed the Flower of Life, one of the oldest images that can be found in the sacred places of the planet.  It is believed that this universal symbol contains all the secrets of the Universe.

         In Sanskrit, ‘manas’ means ‘mind’.  The word ‘manasa’ is translated as ‘spiritual’, ‘mental’.  In Indian philosophy, the term ‘manas’ has a profound meaning.  It is manas that makes man a rational and moral being.  In Russia there are rivers with the name of Mana (Siberia) and Main (Ulyanovsk region that is the birthplace of Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union).

         The largest island in the province is Manus.  Los Negros and Manus are members of the Admiralty Islands, a group of 40 islands in the Bismarck Archipelago.  The largest island of the Bismarck Archipelago is New Britain, formerly known as New Pomerania.  Catherine of Russia was born in Pomerania (Prussia), see above.

         Manam Island is located 150 km. north-west of the city of Madang and about 30 km. from the mouth of the Ramu River, flowing through the province of Madang and carrying its waters to the Sea of ​​Bismarck.  Ramu has a large number of tributaries originating in the mountains of Bismarck. Rama is the protagonist of the Ramayana, the second most important sacred text of the Hindus.  The first is the Mahabharata.  Described in it the great battle on the Kuru field could have a direct connection to the Battle of Kursk between the German and Russian forces, one of the greatest battles of the Second World War.  It was Bismarck who perspicaciously persuaded descendants to never fight with Russia.

Bismarck and Russia

           This German politician of the 19th century transformed Prussia into a dominant force in Germany and, ultimately, united the German princedoms into a single national state.

            From 1859 to 1862 Bismarck served as Ambassador of Prussia to Russia.  Living in Saint-Petersburg, he learned Russian well and understood the essence of the Russian way of thinking. Bismarck knew and understood the Russians well.  It was very helpful to him in choosing the right political line with regard to Russia.  Bismarck did the most accurate and correct statements about the Russians and Russia.

            Bismarck was supported by the Russian diplomacy helping him create the united Germany in order to have a counterweight to England and France.  The mentor and friend of Bismarck was the Russian chancellor Gorchakov, the head of the Russian foreign policy department under Alexander II.  Gorchakov knew all the behind-the-scenes movements of international politics in Europe.  He was born on the shore of the Baltic Sea, 90 km. from Tallinn, where the above mentioned Krusenstern is buried and 80 km away from Parnu, the city which is connected to the coat of arms of the Romanovs.

              Bismarck was a descendant of the Rurik, his distant kin was the French Queen Anna who was the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise (one of the greatest Russian rulers).  The mature Bismarck, then the envoy of the Prussian king in Paris, had a young Russian love.  47-year-old Bismarck persistently courted the 22-year-old princess Ekaterina Orlova (Trubetskaya), the wife of the Russian ambassador in Paris, Nikolai Orlov, whose grandfather was Fedor Orlov, one of the famous Orlov brothers who helped the future Catherine the Great to become Russian empress.

            Ekaterina Orlova came from one of the oldest aristocratic clans of Russia.  They originally owned the Trubetskoe principality.  The center of this specific Russian principality was the city of Trubchevsk, founded in the year 975.  Trubchevsk (present-day Bryansk region) stands on the river with the Sanskrit name Desna (the longest tributary of the Dnieper).  Desna and the Dnieper originate in the Smolensk region, like the Ugra River — one of the epithets of Indian god Shiva.  In Sanskrit, ‘ugra’ means ‘formidable’, and ‘desna’ means ‘gift’.  Two rivers with the name Desna are near Moscow.

           The son of Ekaterina Orlova prince Vladimir Orlov for a long time was a confidant of the last Tsar Nicholas II.

Journey through the Golden Ring

Duration: 3 days

Day 1

MoscowSergiev Posad (~70 km.)Pereslavl (~70 km.) Varnitskiy monastery (~35 km.)Rostov Veliky (~4 km.) Rybinsk (~140 km.) Yaroslavl (~85 km.)

 Sergiev Posad (~75 km. from Moscow)

Pereslavl (~ 70 km. from Sergiev Posad)

Osurovo (~15 km. of Pereslavl)

 Osokino (~20 km. from Osurovo)

Porechye (~20 km. from Osokino)

Varnitskiy monastery (~17 km. from Porechye)

Rostov Veliky (~4 km. from Pereslavl)

Rybinsk (~150 km. from Rostov the Great)

Tutayev (~50 km. from Rybinsk)

Yaroslavl (~35 km. from Tutayev)

 Night in Yaroslavl

 Day 2

Yaroslavl Kostroma (~85 km.) Plyos (~75 km.) Syzdal (~150 km.)

Kostroma (~85 km. from Yaroslavl)

Plyos (~75 km. from Kostroma)

Syzdal (~150 km. from Plyos)

Night in Syzdal

Day 3

SuzdalVladimir (~35 km.)Aleksandrov (~130 km.) → Moscow (~120 km.)

Vladimir (~35 km. from Suzdal)

 Aleksandrov (~130 km. from Vladimir)

 Moscow (~120 km. from Aleksandrov)

Night in Moscow


Journey to Source of the Volga

Duration: 2 days

Day 1

Zelenograd (~30 km. from Moscow).

Klin (~60 km. from Zelenograd)

Yamuga (~8 km. from Klin)

Zavidovo (~18 km. from Yamuga)

Mokshino (~8 km. from  Zavidovo)

Emmaus (~40 km. from  Mokshino)

Pominovo (~40 km. from Emmaus)

Tver (~20 km. from Pominovo)

Torzhok (~60 km. from Tver)

Nilov monastery (~140 km. from Torzhok)

  • The monastery is located on an island on Lake Seliger, in the northwest of the Valdai Hills, within a picturesque landscape of forests and hills.  Lake Seliger is one of the biggest natural lakes of Central Russia.
  • The monastery was founded by Saint Nil in 16th century.  Nil and Nila are male and female Russian names, but they are universal.  For instance, Nila is a female name in India.  In Sanskrit Nila means ‘Blue’.  That is also true for the distinguish color of the Lake Seliger.  The Blue Nile originating at Lake Tana in Ethiopia forms the famous Nile River, regarded as the longest river in the world.  In Ethiopia the upper course of the Blue Nile is regarded as holy and identified as one of four rivers issuing out of the Garden of Eden.  New Year’s Day in the Ethiopian Orthodox Calendars is September 11.
  • Nilov Monastery was one of the largest and wealthiest monasteries in the Russian Empire.  Today the monastery complex remains one of the most impressive ensembles of Neoclassical architecture in Eastern Europe.
  • Nearby Gorodomlya Island (former strict order skete or hermitage of Nilov monastery) was the secretive place, where after the World War II, top German rocket scientists and engineers (from Wernher von Braun’s team) worked together with Russian scientists on the Soviet space program.  There is a saying that Russia’s staircase to Cosmos started here.

Night in Nilov monastery

Day 2

The source of the Volga River (~95 km. from Nilov monastery)

  • The Volga River (~3 700 km.) is the longest river in Europe.  It starts in Tver region and flows through central Russia into the Caspian Sea.
  • The Tver region still has many Sanskrit names, including Deli that is the capital of today’s India.  Many rivers in the Volga basin, including its major tributaries have names understood from Sanskrit: Kama, Oka, Sura, etc.
  • In Sanskrit, the word ‘Valga’ (that is quite close to ‘Volga’) has several meanings, including ‘veils’ or ‘artery’, ‘one who veils or covers’, etc.  Indeed, Volga is Europe’s largest river in terms of discharge and watershed.
  • Mother Volga is the national symbol of Russia. Its vast territories were the cradle of the Indo-Europeans.  Today, the Indo-European language family is more than 3,4 billion speakers worldwide or about half of the human population.  11 of the 20 largest Russian cities, including Moscow, are located in the Volga’s watershed.
  • The Volga starts in Valdai Hills (the Tver region).   Some researches compare the Valdai Hills to the legendary Mount Meru from Mahabharata (major Sanskrit epic of ancient India) and the mountain Hara from the ancient Iranian book Avesta.  According to the Avesta, the rivers Ra, Rusija, Ardvi-Sura run down the Hara.  The Volga’s ancient (or the Scythian) name was Ra.  Many cities located on the Volga still bear this root.  For instance, Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan, etc.
  • The Valdai is a place of many lakes and the origin of the largest European rivers: the Volga (~3700 km.), the Dnieper (2 145 km.), the Desna (1130 km.), the Western Dvina (1020 km.), etc.
  • The Valdai Hills (>600 km.) is the natural watershed of three seas: the Caspian Sea (the Volga), the Black Sea (the Dnieper) and the Baltic Sea (the Western Dvina, etc.).  This ridge stretches in the latitudinal direction ‘from sunset to sunrise’, i.e. ‘from west to east’.  It is important.  Interestingly, the Avesta and the Rig Veda as well as ancient historians constantly repeated that the sacred Hara, Meru and the Riphean mountains stretched from west to east.
  • The Volga provides more than 60% of drinking and industrial water for the Russian capital.  The Moscow Canal (connecting the Moskva River with the Volga River) provides Moscow access to five seas: the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, Sea of Azov, and the Black Sea. This is why Moscow is sometimes called the «port of the five seas».
  • Fascinating is the global history of Rybinsk which got in 1953 the monument “Mother Volga”.

Okovets Holy Spring (~140 km. from the source of the Volga)

  • The source is in the bend of local river Pyroshnya.
  • According to legend, this place was opened to people in the 16th century, when an icon of the Cross of the Lord and later an icon of the Mother of God appeared here in the dense forest.
  • The Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible funded building two churches in this place.

Staritsa (~120 km. from the Okovets Holy Spring)

  • This town is located on the both banks of the Volga River.  Its known history starts from 13th century.
  • Staritsa was a beloved place of the above mentioned Ivan the Terrible (1530 – 1584), the most famous Russian ruler and the first Russian tsar (king) crowned as the Byzantine emperors.
  • Staritsa use to have a cathedral similar to the famous St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow.
  • The first Russian Orthodox Church’s Patriarch was born in Staritsa in 16th century.
  • Staritsa is also noted among speleologists for its 18th–19th century quarries.  The longest quarries have a total length of passages up to 5 km.

Josef of Volokolamsk monastery (100 km. from Staritsa)

  • The monastery was founded in 1479 by st. Joseph of Volokolamsk.  It soon became the most authoritative and wealthy monastery in Russia.
  • Joseph of Volokolamsk was a prominent Russian theologian who led the party defending monastic land ownership.

Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery (~90 km. from Josef of Volokolamsk monastery)

  • The monastery was founded in the 14th century by St. Savva of Storozhi.
  • In the 15-17 centuries the monastery was an outpost of the Moscow principality in the west.
  • The monastery was a favorite place of prayer for many Russian Tsars.  In 17th century, it became a suburban residence of the Russian Tsar and his family.  The monastery was surrounded by stone walls, the royal chambers were built.  The temples of the monastery were decorated by icon painters of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.
  • A special Zvenigorodsky tract, which was also known as the Royal Route or the Road of the Kings of the God-chosen, was laid from Moscow to the monastery.  Russian rulers made pilgrimages to the Savino-Storozhevsky Monastery by this road.
  • This picturesque area was always the favorite place for the royal falcon hunting and for homes of the Russian nobility.  The times changed, but the ‘nobility’ continued to live.  In the mid-1990s, the area along the former Royal Route, was turned into a kind of a ‘millionaires’ ghetto’, or a Russian Beverly Hills.  Also known as Rublyovka, it is a prestigious residential area in the western suburbs of Moscow.  Many Russian government officials and successful business people reside along this road in the gated communities.  Real-estate prices there are among the highest in the world.

 Odintsovo (~40 km. from Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery)

Night in Moscow



Journey to the sacred lakes of Central Russia

Duration: 7 days

Day 1

Moscow Zelenograd (30 km.)Klin (~60 km.)Yamuga (~8 km.)Zavidovo (~18 km.) Mokshino (~8 km.)Emmaus (~40 km.)Pominovo (~40 km.)Tver (~20 km.)Torzhok (~60 km.) →  Valdai monastery (~160 km.)Veliky Novgorod (~140 km.)

Zelenograd (30 km. from Moscow).

  • Zelenograd literally means ‘green city’. It is a young city founded in 1958 on a previously empty, forested place.  Today Zelenograd is a part of Moscow having deep links with Sanskrit.
  • During the Soviet period Zelenograd was a closed city. It was one of the most powerful centers of electronics, microelectronics and computer industry in the Soviet Union.  It still plays a similar role in modern Russia.  Zelenograd was developed as a reflection of the California Silicon Valley.
  • Zelenograd is twinned with Tulsa (United States).  It is situated on the Arkansas River in northeast Oklahoma, a region of the state known as ‘Green Country’.  For most of the 20th century, Tulsa held the nickname ‘Oil Capital of the World’ and played a major role as one of the most important hubs for the American oil industry.  Another Tulsa’s nickname is the «Birthplace of Route 66».  In 1925, Tulsa businessman Cyrus Avery began his campaign to create a road linking Chicago to Los Angeles.  He had the same name with Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE).
  • Zelenograd is liked to America not only by the Silicon Valley and Tulsa.  In Zelenograd there is a square named after Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) who initiated the permanent European colonization of the New World.  His father in law was a Portuguese Knight of Santiago, navigator and explorer.  In 1992, on the day of the 500th anniversary of the discovering of America for the Europeans, the square in Zelenograd was named after Christopher Columbus to memorize the Spanish sailors whose 23 graves were found during the building here the Zelenograd Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.  Also, the workers found the remains of a medieval Spanish settlement, two small cannons, typical Spanish helmets, navigational instruments, several gold doubloons of the late 15th century.  During the Reykjavik Summit (1986) with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to transfer all the found items to the Spanish government, whose interests, as NATO ally, were defended by Reagan.  It is believed the Spaniards identified Christopher Columbus among them.  It is known fact that the square received its name at the request of the Spanish ambassador, who asked the then mayor of Zelenograd to perpetuate the place where the last expedition of this great navigator ended.  This brave story states that Christopher Columbus (being a Christianized Jew) had been looking for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.  He was disappointed after his four expeditions to the West.  The local people (Indians) did not resemble the descendants of the Jews.  Then Columbus decided to equip the fifth expedition, this time to the East…
  • Zelenograd is famous not the only for remains of the Spaniards.  Practically in the same time with their discovery, Zelenograd incorporated (1988) the former village of Kryukovo that was one of the most important places during the Battle of Moscow (October 1941 – January 1942).  From Zelenograd land the remains of the Unknown Soldier were taken for reinterment at the Kremlin Wall in the Alexander Garden in Moscow.  The earliest tradition of the Eternal flame is attributed to Zoroastrianism and the above mentioned Achaemenid era of Persian history.  The birthplace of Zoroaster is also unknown.  One strong candidate is Bronze Age settlement Arkaim in the Southern Urals, a centre of the Indo-Aryan migration into India, Iran and Mesopotamia.  Another version states that Zoroaster was born at the confluence of the Kama and Chusovaya rivers, near the modern Russian city of Perm.

Klin (60 km. from Zelenograd)

  • Klin has been known since the beginning of 14th century.
  • The town is best known as the residence of the most famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 — 1893).  He was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, bolstered by his appearances as a guest conductor in Europe and the United States.  Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk, today most famous for its Machine Building Plant producing some of Russia’s long-range ballistic missiles.  In the 1840s, under the supervision of Tchaikovsky’s farther, the enterprise was reprofiled from purely metallurgical to machine-building.
  • The most recognized children’s writer of the Soviet Union Arkady Gaidar (1904 – 1941) lived and worked in Klin.  Here he wrote his most famous books about good, faith and justice.  From his books the Timur movement was born.  It was an altruistic youth volunteering movement in the Soviet Union.  It was a state supported form of socially useful activity of children, contributing to their moral education and development of initiative.  The name of the movement is linked to the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia.  The descendants of Timur (1370 — 1405) ruled the Indian subcontinent from 1555 to 1857.  Timur was invincible military and political leader raised from nowhere.  Notably, his personal seal had the symbol of Shambala.  It is still on the coat of arm of Samarkand that was Timur’s capital city.
  • Klin is the hometown of glass Christmas tree toys.  The main Russian Christmas tree in Kremlin is decorated only with these toys.  Near the famous factory of Christmas-tree toys is the source of river Yamuga.

Yamuga (8 km. from Klin)

  • The Yamuga River crosses twice the federal highway M-10 that connects Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.  Russian village Delhi is located 130 km. north-west of Yamuga.
  • Yamuna is the Hindu sacred river.  India’s capital Delhi and its previous capital Agra stand on the banks of Yamuna River.  Agra is also the site of magnificent Taj Mahal.

Zavidovo (18 km. from Yamuga)

  • Zavidovo is a specially protected natural area of federal significance with the status of a national park.  Also, it is the place of state residence ‘Rus’ of the President of Russia.
  • In the 16th century Zavidovo was the place of a hunting hut of the first Russian tsar (close to star) Ivan the Terrible.  Stalin (1879 – 1953) considered him as his teacher.  In 1951, Zavidovo became a state residence on Stalin’s decree.
  • In the 1920s, Lenin loved to come to the local forests for spring hunts.

Mokshino (8 km. from  Zavidovo)

  • Moksha is often understood as spiritual liberation.  It refers to freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth (saṃsara) as well as freedom from ignorance.  Russian has a number of settlements and river that have root ‘Moksha‘, came from the Sanskrit word ‘Moska‘.
  • Moska is very close the name of river Moskva on which Russian capital Moskva (eng. Moscow) is located.
  • The Moksha Dwara (Door to Salvation) is the name of the main entrance (north entrance) of the Dwarkadhish temple in Indian city Dwarka.  According to tradition, it has been built over Lord Krishna’s residential place.
  • Mokshino is located on the crossroad of the federal highway M-10 and the road to the neighboring villages Varaksino and Shosha.  Near Mokshino Lama River flows into Shosha River.  In Tibetan Buddhism, Lama is a title for a teacher of the Dharma.  It is similar to the Sanskrit term guru.  The Lama’s source is ~90 km. from the center of Moscow.
  • As it is said above, the Lama River is a tributary of the Shosha River.  In Hinduism, Shesha (Sanskrit Sesa) is the nagaraja or king of all nagas and one of the primal beings of Creation.  Spiritual nagas are known as true masters and teachers of human evolution.  Lord Vishnu reclines on the celestial snake, the Shesha-naga.  In Sanskrit, naga means cobra, i.e. serpent / reptile with a hood.  Cobra is a symbol of Kundalini that is the latent spiritual energy in the human body.  Kundalini could give enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers.
  • At the confluence of the Shosha and the Volga there is village Shosha that is a part of rural settlement called Vahonino.  The last two letters (‘no’) point only to the status of a settlement.  The root is ‘Vahoni’.  In Sanskrit, Vahana means ‘that which carries, that which pulls’.  Hindu deities use vahana (animal or mythical entity) as a vehicle.  For instance, Indian deity Ganesha has a mouse as his vehicle, i.e. vahana.  Ganesha is a son of Siva.  Russian river Siva that is a tribute of the Kama River.  Kama is Sanskrit name of love god.  Russian Kama River is a tributary of the above mentioned Volga River.

Emmaus (40 km. from  Mokshino)

  • In the New Testament, Emmaus is the settlement where Jesus is said to have appeared after his death and resurrection.  Emmaus existed as a village in Palestine until 1967, located approximately 30 km west of Jerusalem.  Due to its strategic position, Emmaus played an important administrative, military and economic role in the region at certain points of its history.  During the late Roman and Byzantine periods Emmaus’s status grew to that of a city (“polis”) and it was named “Nicopolis” (lit. “City of Victory”).

Pominovo (40 km. from Emmaus)

  • Village Pominovo is the motherland of Vladimir Putin’s family.  Russian surname Putin is related to the word “putnik” that is “traveler”.  In Sanskrit, it is pathika.  The Russian word “put” means “way, road”.  In Sanskrit, “put” means “virtue”, whereas “puta” means “purifying”, “who purifies”, etc.

Tver (20 km. from Pominovo)

  • Tver was formerly the capital of a powerful medieval state.  It was Moscow’s rival for the supremacy over the whole Russian lands.  It is depicted on the Tver’s coat of arm.
  • Tver is situated at the conflux of three rivers, including the Volga River (3700 km. long).   The point of such confluence is a sacred place for Hindus.  The most famous is Prayag (Allahabad).  It is the second-oldest city in India.  In the 16th century the Mughal emperor Akbar the Great (a descendant of the above mentioned Timur) named if after his syncretic religion (Din-i Ilahi, lit. “Religion of God”) intending to merge the best elements of the religions of his empire (Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism), and thereby reconcile the differences that divided his subjects.  Allahabad was the birthplace of Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi.
  • Tver is often associated with dver and dwerka that are Russian words for door, gate, etc.  In Sanskrit, door is dvaraDwarka is one of the four sacred Hindu pilgrimage sites and one of the seven most ancient religious cities of India.
  • The first European who reached India was Tver citizen Afanasiy Nikitin by sailing the Volga River, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, etc.
  • It is said that India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru helped Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to take decision to erect a monument of Nikitin.  The surname Nehru correlates to the name of Lake Nero in Rostov Velikiy.

Torzhok (60 km. from Tver)

  • Torzhok was first mentioned in a chronicle in 12th It used to be an important trade center.
  • Architectural monuments of Torzhok include a number of churches and an old monastery redesigned in Neoclassical style. There is also Russian Empress Catherine the Great’s travel palace (18th century).
  • 25 km. north-east from Torzhok is the village Berezai. According to the Avesta (the primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism), Hara Berezaiti is the legendary mountain around which the stars and planets revolve.  In Avestan cosmogony, Hara Berezaiti (literally meaning “High Watchpost”) is the geographic center of the universe, immediately surrounded by the steppes of the homeland of the early Iranians.

Valdai monastery (160 km. from Torzhok)

  • Valdai Iversky monastery is located on an island of the Valdai Lake.
  • The monastery was founded in the middle of 17th century by Nikon, the seventh Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Nikon said that the Paradise is in the Sky, but on Earth there is Valday.  Nikon founded this monastery in Russia in the image of the Iberian monastery on Mount Athos (the monastic state) in northern Greece.  So the Valdai Iversky monastery derives its name from the Iveron monastery of Mount Athos.
  • The Iveron monastery was built under the supervision of two Georgian monks in the 10th century and housed Georgian clergy and priests.  Iveron literally means “of the Iberians” in Greek.  The name Iveron was originated from the ancient Georgian Kingdom of Iberia (Iveria) where the master architect of the monastery was from.  The Iveron monastery ranks among the top in the hierarchy of the Athonite monasteries.  The wonderworking Iveron icon of the Virgin Mary is the main treasure of the Iveron monastery, where it is believed to have been since the end of 10th century.
  • Nikon commissioned an exact copy of the Iveron icon to be made and sent to Russia.  The Iverskaya Chapel was built to enshrine the icon.  The chapel was the main entrance to Red Square and traditionally everyone, from the Tsar down to the lowest peasant would stop there to venerate the icon before entering the square.
  • Nikon also held position of Archimandrite of Novospassky monastery patronized by the Russian Tsars.  It is the Romanovs family shrine.  Among the last Romanovs buried in the monastery were Xenia Shestova (the mother of the first Romanov Tsar), Princess Tarakanova (a daughter of Empress Elisabeth) and Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia, an influential figure during the reigns of his brother Emperor Alexander III of Russia and his nephew Emperor Nicholas II, who was also his brother in law through Sergei’s marriage to Elizabeth, who was the elder sister of Nicholas’ wife Alexandra.  Both Elizabeth and Alexandra were granddaughters of Queen Victoria who was named Alexandrina in honor of one of her godfathers, Emperor of Russia Alexander I, and Victoria in honor of his mother.  The Victorian era became the period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific and military development of Great Britain and the time of greatest prosperity of the British Empire.
  • Valdai is also the home of official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.  It is also called Uzhin after the other nearest lake.  Uzhin is a complex term.  Ujjain is one of the legendary sacred sites of the Buddhists and the Hindus, center of Hinduism and Sanskrit learning.  Its location is still an open question.  In the central India, in Madhya Pradesh state, there is Ujjain, one of the holiest cities in India, and place of mass Hindu pilgrimage during the Kumbh Mela festival that is considered as the world’s largest congregation of religious pilgrims.  The exact age of the festival is uncertain. According to medieval Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu dropped drops of Amrita (the drink of immortality) at four places, while transporting it in a kumbha (pot).  Ujjain was one of them.  The Aquarian holds two pots (or kumbha) on the coat of arm of the Russian town Veliky Ustyug, the place of spiritual deeds of the Romanovs’ family.  Ujjain was the first territory of Ashoka (268 — 232 BC) who is internationally recognized as one of the preeminent rulers in the human history.  He spread Buddhism in India and other counties, created the largest empire ever in the Indian subcontinent and one of the world’s largest empires at that time.
  • Some brave researches compare the Valdai Hills to the Mount Meru from Mahabharata (major Sanskrit epic of ancient India) and mountain Hara from the ancient Iranian book Avesta.  According to the Avesta, the rivers Ra, Rusija, Ardvi-Sura run down the Hara.  The Valdai is a place of many lakes and the origin of the largest European rivers: the Volga (~3700 km.), the Dnieper (2 145 km.), the Desna (1130 km.), the Western Dvina (1020 km.), etc.
  • The Valdai Hills (>600 km.) is the natural watershed of three seas: the Caspian Sea (the Volga), the Black Sea (the Dnieper) and the Baltic Sea (the Western Dvina, etc.).  This ridge stretches in the latitudinal direction ‘from sunset to sunrise’, i.e. ‘from west to east’.  It is important.  Interestingly, the Avesta and the Rig Veda as well as ancient historians constantly repeated that the sacred Hara, Meru and the Riphean mountains stretched from west to east.
  • It is well known fact that the early Iranians and the Indians (i.e. the so called Arias) came from the north.  Geographically speaking, the Valdai Hills (and Russia as a whole) is the north to Iranian plateau and Indian subcontinent.
  • Valdai is the birthplace of Yuri Roerich (1902 — 1960), a prominent 20th century Tibetologist, the oldest son of the painter and explorer Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich.  They spent many years living in India and finding its links with Russia.

 Veliky Novgorod (140 km. from Valdai)

  • Veliky Novgorod, also known as Novgorod the Great, is one of the most important historic cities in Russia.  The city lies along the river Volkhov (Eng. Magician) just downstream from its outflow from Lake Ilmen that Europe’s 11th natural lake.  11 is the number of the Aquarius in Zodiac.  The coming Aquarius Age is believed to bring new Golden Age to the planet.
  • Veliky Novgorod is considered to be the cradle of the Russian statehood.  The Rurik Dynasty was established here in the 9th century.  The Rurikids are one of Europe’s oldest royal houses.  They were the founders of the Tsardom of Russia and the ruling dynasty until 17th century when they were succeeded by the above mentioned Romanovs.
  • In the 12th century, the ancestor of the Romanovs Imperial House, Saint Procopius the Blessed, came to Veliky Novgorod from Prussia.  At that time he was a wealthy Prussian merchant and prince.  He and his family were forced to escape their home in Prussia (the Baltic Sea) after the strikes of Teutonic knights christening the western slaves with sword.  There are several versions of his spiritual mission in Russia.  Procopius took monastic vows in Veliky Novgorod and became a monk.  Later he moved from Veliky Novgorod to Veliky Ustyug to perform his spiritual deeds.  His son Andrei established himself in Moscow.  His descendants became the Romanovs and ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917.  Procopius is still the only Russian saint depicted on icons with three sticks in his hand.  It corresponds to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph set meaning “gods”.  The Procopius’ three sticks may also represent the number 777 that is significant in various religious and political contexts.
  • The most popular Veliky Novgorod folk hero is Sadko.
  • Novgorod used to be a center of magi.  Their prime deity Veles stands behind the founder of the Russian statehood in the bronze monument ‘Millennium of Russia’ in Novgorod Kremlin.

Night in Veliky Novgorod

Day 2

Veliky NovgorodSaint-Petersburg (~250 km.)Sortavala (~300 km.)

Saint-Petersburg (~250 km. from Veliky Novgorod):

  • Saint-Petersburg was the Russian capital from 1712 to 1918.  It stands on the so-called Nile Meridian or 30th meridian (around 30°N latitude), Earth’s ancient Prime Meridian.  On this same meridian are located the greatest places and cities of the world: Giza (the home of the great pyramids and the Sphinx), Akhetaton (Amarna), Cairo, Constantinople (Istanbul), Kiev and Saint-Petersburg.  Their foundation was always followed by a new loop of development of the civilization. The circumstances of the appearance of these new capitals are always the same.  So, they could be parts of one big plan.  Interestingly, the foundation correlates to the movement of the Orion Correlation.
  • Almost all the ancient civilizations known to modern science, appeared and developed along the above 30th parallel.  Moreover, the pyramids and face on Mars are also located along the 30th parallel.  Along the 30th parallel on Earth are the following ancient cities and places:
    • Eridu — the first city built by Nibiruans on Earth.  Eridu was located in southern Mesopotamia (near Basra of modern Iraq). Eridu is believed to be the oldest city in the world, a proposed location of the Garden of Eden.  In Sumerian mythology, Eridu was originally the home of Enki, deity of creation.
    • Saint Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai — one of the oldest working Christian monasteries in the world.  It has the world’s oldest continually operating library.  Sinai’s pre-Christian history is quite interesting.  Sinai is associated with Ninhursag, sister of Enki.  In Sumerian religion, she was a mother goddess of the mountains, and one of the seven great deities of Sumer.  Her name Ninhursag literally means “lady of the sacred mountain” and correlates to Sinai.  Her other names are Mamma or Mami (mother) that symbolize her role in creation.
    • Petra (Jordan) — a mysterious city and the capital of the Edomites, who were the pre-Jewish population of Jerusalem and the only people in the world who were subjected to forcible conversion to Judaism by the Jewish king and High Priest John Hyrcanus from the Hasmonean dynasty (in the 2nd century BCE).  The Edomites had lived in this area from the second half of the 2nd millennium BCE.  They lost the beautiful lands of Canaan (including Jerusalem) to the Jews, and then became an active part of the Jewish people.  Famous Edomites include Herod the Great, who built the Second Temple.  His most famous fortress was Masada, one of the Jewish people’s greatest symbols as the place where the last Jewish stronghold against Roman invasion stood in the 1st century.
    • Persepolis — the capital of the huge Achaemenid Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE).  It that was one of the largest empires in history.  The empire of Cyrus the Great is equally notable for its very successful model of a centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects.  Alexander the Great, a passionate admirer of Cyrus the Great, conquered most of the empire by 330 BC and took over the Cyrus’ model.  He respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered.  Cyrus the Great is the only non-Jew who is called as Messiah (lit. ‘His anointed one’).  The Cyrus Cylinder discovered in the ruins of Babylon is called the first declaration of universal human rights.  Russian has many cities, settlements, streets, factories, etc. named after Cyrus or Kirov (1886–1934) who was a Russian revolutionary and head of the Communist party organization in Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg).  Mausoleum of Cyrus the Great, along with the Mayan pyramid in Palenque, served as an architectural prototype of Lenin’s mausoleum on the Red Square.  Lenin was the leader of the Communist revolution that took place in Saint-Petersburg in 1917.
    • Harappa — the capital of one of the ancient civilizations of mankind, along with Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations.
    • Kurukshetra — one of the most sacred places in India.  According to Hindu beliefs, the Battle of Kuruksetra took place here more than 5000 years ago.  Before the battle began, Lord Krishna revealed “Bhagavad Gita” (“Song of God”).  It presents the basic essence of Hindu philosophy and is one of the most valued spiritual and philosophical texts in the world.
    • Kulu — the valley of the gods (India), in which the Roerichs lived and worked for a long time, summarizing the findings of their spiritual expeditions.
    • Kailas — the heart of Tibet and the holy place of four religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and the ancient Tibetan teachings of Bon.  In fact, Kailas is a regular tetrahedral pyramid, whose top is rounded and covered with a cap of eternal ice.
    • Lhasa — the holy of holies and the capital of Tibet, which at all times was the edge of forbidden secrets.
    • Chinese pyramids of Shaanxi Province, located within a radius of about 100 km. around the city of Xi’an and others.
    • The Bermuda Triangle — one of the most mysterious and paranormal places on Earth.
  • Beside the 30th meridian, Saint-Petersburg lies on one 60th parallel (of northern latitude), i.e. on one line with all Scandinavian capitals.  These cities share approximately the same distance equal in radial measures to a step of 7 degrees in latitude: Oslo — 10°45’east longitude; Stockholm / Uppsala — 17°39’E; Helsinki — 24°56’E; Saint-Petersburg — 30°19’E.
  • Only Saint-Petersburg enjoys the cross of the 60th parallel with 30th meridian or Nile Meridian.
  • To the west of Scandinavia, the 60th parallel crosses a small archipelago, the Orkney and Shetland Islands that belong to Great Britain.  They have the highest density of megalithic objects in the world.  Moreover, it is thought that these objects are older than the Stonehenge.
  • To the east Saint-Petersburg (> 3000 km.), in the Eastern Siberia, 60th parallel is the place of Tunguska event, the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history.  It happened in 1908.  It is estimated that the Tunguska explosion knocked down some 80 million trees over an area more than 2,000 km2.  The estimates of the energy of the air burst vary from 5 to 30 megatons of TNT.  The 15 megaton estimate represents energy about 1000 times greater than that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.  Magazine «World Channeling» №7 (39) 2017 states that it was special energy arrival to Earth.  The area was very important in the time of Lemuria (26,000 years ago).  This is a special portal on the planet.

 Sortavala (~300 km. from Saint-Petersburg)

  • Town Sortavala is located at the north of Lake Ladoga that is the largest lake in Europe.
  • The records date Sortavala district to the end of 15th century.  In 1990, it was awarded the status of historic town of Russia.
  • 30 km. north of Sortavala is Ruskeala, picturesque former marble quarries.  The quarries have supplied marble to decorate the most impressive cathedrals and palaces in Saint-Petersburg.  The length is 460 meters; width is up to 100 meters.  The distance from the highest point of the pit to its bottom is over 50 meters.  Transparency of water reaches 15-18 meters.

Night in Sortavala

Day 3

SortavalaValaam Island of Lake Ladoga (~40 km. one way on a speedboat)

SortavalaPetrozavodsk (~250 km.)

Valaam monastery & Lake Ladoga

  • Valaam monastery is located on the Valaam that is largest island in Lake Ladoga.  The monastery was founded in 14th century.
  • In the 12th century, Valaam was a part of the Novgorod Republic (see above Veliky Novgorod).
  • The natural beauty of Valaam, its old monastery and the unique climate have made the island a beloved place of Russian emperors and the President of the Russian Federation.
  • The etymology of name “Valaam” is uncertain, like the etymology of name Balaam, a diviner in the Torah (Law of Moses written in the first five books of the Bible).  In Russian, Balaam is Valaam.
  • It is sad that in rabbinic literature Balaam / Valaam is represented as one of seven non-Jew prophets.  In the ancient Levant, Baal (Russian Vaal) meant “lord”, “god”, etc.  The Vaal River is the largest tributary of the Orange River in South Africa.


  • The city stretches along the western shore of Lake Onega, the second largest lake in Europe after the above mentioned Lake Ladoga.
  • Petrozavodsk was founded in 1703 like Saint-Petersburg, but archeological discoveries in the urban area indicate the presence of a settlement as far back as 7000 years ago.
  • Petrozavodsk was initially developed to manufacture cannons for the Russian army.  Experts claim that the first railway in the world was inaugurated for industrial uses of the local foundry in 1788.
  • Petrozavodsk is distinguished among other towns of North Russia by its Neoclassical architectural heritage.
  • Petrozavodsk used to have the most expensive street in the world in terms of material.  After the WWII, one of the longest city streets was paved with Crimson quartzite mined on the western shore of Lake Onega, 60 km. from Petrozavodsk.  The second name of this rock is royal stone.  It used for the sarcophagus of Napoleon Bonaparte (Paris), for decoration of Saint-Petersburg’s top landmarks, Lenin’s Mausoleum on the Red Square in Moscow, etc.  See below Shoksha.
  • Petrozavodsk hosts the International Competition of Snow and Ice Sculptures.  This winter festival is called “Hyperborea”.  Its name is borrowed from ancient Greek mythology, where Boreas is the god of the north wind, and the country “Hyperborea” is “the country beyond the North Wind”.  This land was supposed to be perfect, with the sun shining twenty-four hours a day.  Modern esoteric thought states that Hyperborea was the Golden Age polar center of civilization and spirituality.
    • The idea to organize winter festival “Hyperborea” was born in 2001 at the Forum of Cities of the 60th Parallel.  Russia has created its civilization and culture in the climate of the 60th parallel that is not too far from the Arctic Circle.
    • The idea of the festival is to present an attractive side of life in the North, the development of cultural exchange between cities, where winter is the main season.
    • More than half of Russia’s territory lies above the 60th parallel.  This geographic area is generally considered to be unsuitable for “normal” life and people’s activities.  However, over 5% of the Russia’s population lives around the 60th parallel.  In this aspect, Russia is indeed a unique country.  For instance, Anchorage located on the 61st parallel, is the most northern city in the US.  Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska and counts for 40% the state’s total population.  Nevertheless, Anchorage’s population is only 0,1% of the U.S. total.  Alaska occupies not less than 16% of the total territory of the United States, but its population is only about 0,2% of the population of this country.  In Canada, the northern territories are about 40% of the total area of the country.  Their population is only 0,02% of Canada’s total.  Canada’s most populous agglomeration (Toronto) is located only on the 43rd parallel.  Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is sited on the 45th parallel as well as Montreal, the second-most populous city in Canada.
    • The majority of the most important Russian cities (including Moscow) are located approximately at the 55th parallel.  Over 25% of Russia’s population lives around the 55th parallel.  In comparison, in Western Europe, to the north of this parallel, are only the Scandinavian countries and Scotland “heated” by the Gulf Stream.  Their population is relatively small.
  • 80 km. north of Petrozavodsk there is cascade waterfall Kivach.  Kivach has long been considered as the largest plain waterfall in Russia and the second largest plain waterfall in Europe after the Rhine River (the Rhine, Switzerland).  After building a dam in 1936 (for the local hydroelectric power station), the former power of Kivach waterfall is lost.  Interestingly, Kivach waterfall is located on the Suna River.  In Arabic, Sunna means “habit” or “usual practice”.  The Sunna (Eng. Sunnah) is the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions (or disapprovals) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.  The Koran (the holy book of Islam) and the Sunna make up the two primary sources of Islamic theology and law.  Lake Sandal is ~ 10 km. from the waterfall Kivach.  Sandalwood is an aromatic plant and the second most expensive wood in the world, right after African Blackwood.  Sandal is found in India, Australia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands.  Its use is integral part of daily practices of the oldest religions, such us Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, etc.  Indian Sandal is very sacred in the Ayurveda, the medical science of Ancient India that deals with matters relating to health, day-to-day life and longevity (long life).

Night in Petrozavodsk

Day 4

PetrozavodskKizhi Island of Lake Onega (~60 km. one way on a speedboat)

PetrozavodskVytegra (~220 km.)

Kizhi & Lake Onega

  • The main attraction of Onega Lake is the island of Kizhi in the northern part of the lake.  There are 89 wooden architectural monuments of 15th–20th centuries on the island.  The most remarkable of those is the early 18th century complex consisting of a summer 22-dome church, a winter 9-dome church and a belfry. It was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage cites in 1990.
  • Lake Onega’s length is ~ 245 km and width ~ 90 km.  The deepest place (127 meters) is located in the northern part, whose banks are rocky.  Onega Lake basin is a major source of granite and marble in Russia which have been exploited in the area since the early 18th century.
  • The Onega contains a well-developed navigation system which is part of the Volga–Baltic Waterway and White Sea – Baltic Canal, connecting the basins of Baltic, Caspian and the northern seas.  These canals allow water transport of goods from the lake to the countries from Germany to Iran.
  • 58 rivers and more than 110 tributaries flow into the lake, but only one river named Svir, flows out of the lake.  This Svir River runs from the southwestern shore of Lake Onega to Lake Ladoga and continues as the Neva River to Saint-Petersburg and the Gulf of Finland.  In Sanskrit, the word “Svar” has several celestial meanings, including: “the region of the planets and constellations”, “the Sun”, “the light”, “space above the Sun or between the Sun and the Polar star”, “Heaven”, etc.
  • Another attraction of the lake is Onega petroglyphs (rock engravings). They are located on the eastern coast of the lake and date back to 4th –2nd millennia BCE.  There are about 1200 petroglyphs scattered over the 20 km. area including several capes.

Shoksha (~60 km. from Petrozavodsk)

  • Shoksha is a village on the western shore of Lake Onega.  It contains a unique quarry of red and pink quartzite (Crimson quartzite) that has been used in finishing a significant number of monuments of worldwide significance in Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Paris, etc.  It is more than four times harder than granite.  After polishing, Crimson quartzite also called Purple porphyry will maintain the high gloss for six centuries.
  • In 19th century France asked Russian Emperor Nicolas I to supply purple porphyry (crimson quartzite) from Shoksha for the tomb of Napoleon at Les Invalides (Paris).  The Russian Emperor said “What a strange fate… In the struggle with Russia, Napoleon lost his glory, and Russia is building him a tombstone”.  In 12 years later, the monument to the Russian Emperor Nicolas I himself was placed on a pedestal decorated with the same purple porphyry (crimson quartzite) from Shoksha.
  • The Presidential patio in the Moscow Kremlin is made of purple porphyry (crimson quartzite) from Shoksha.  They say that products made of crimson quartzite have an imperial style.  Rather, it is a style of statehood, a style of power.
  • In Hinduism, Shesha (Sanskrit Sesa) is the nagaraja or king of all nagas and one of the primal beings of Creation.  Spiritual nagas are known as true masters and teachers of human evolution.  Lord Vishnu reclines on the celestial snake, the Shesha-naga.  In Sanskrit, naga means cobra, i.e. serpent / reptile with a hood.  Cobra is a symbol of Kundalini that is the latent spiritual energy in the human body.  Kundalini could give enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers.

Vytegra (160 km. from Shoksha)

  • Town Vytegra located in the southern area of Lake Onega along the shores of the Vytegra River on Volga–Baltic Waterway.

Night in Vytegra

Day 5

VytegraBelozersk (~190 km.) →  Goritsy (~45 km.)Kirillov (~8 km.) Feropontovo (~20 km.) Vologda (~120 km.)   

 Belozersk & Lake Beloye

  • This town located on the southern bank of Lake Beloye (Eng. White Lake), from which it takes the name.
  • Lake Beloye or White Lake is the 7th natural lake in Europe (by size).  God created everything in six, 24-hour days and on the seventh day He rested.  This original creation was perfect, without sin or death (Genesis 1).
    • The lake has a rounded shape, its length is ~46 km. and the width is ~32 km.   The average depth of the lake is 5-7 meters.  The largest is 20 meters.
    • 17 rivers flow into the lake, and only one the Sheksna River flows out (the basin of river Volga and the Caspian Sea).
    • Interestingly, among the above mentioned tributaries of Lake Beloye, is the Kema River.  The main tributary of the Kema River is the Indomanka River.  Its root ‘Indoman’ could be translated from Sanskrit, where ‘indhana’ means ‘Indian’. The Kema River flows out of Lake Kemskoye.  Kemet (or km) was the name of ancient Egypt in Egyptian.
  • Belozersk was first chronicled in 862 as one of the five original Russian towns.  Belozersk was an important center of international trade.
  • According to a chronicle, Sineus became the prince of Beloozero in 862.  He was a brother of Rurik, the founder of the Rurik Dynasty which ruled Russia until the end of 16th century.  They were succeeded by the Romanovs.
  • From the 10th to the 13th centuries, the territory was controlled by the Novgorod Republic.  See above Veliky Novgorod (Lake Ilmen).  In 14th century the Beloozero principality became subordinate to the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
  • In the course of the administrative reform carried out in the beginning of 18th century by Peter the Great, Beloozero was included into Saint Petersburg Governorate.
  • Belozersk is located on the 60th parallel, like Saint Petersburg and the Scandinavian capitals (see above).  Interestingly, Belozersk founded in 862 is the oldest of them.  The capital of Finland Helsinki was founded in 1550 as a trading town.  Russian Emperor Alexander I of Russia, the defeater of the above mentioned Napoleon, moved the Finnish capital from Turku to Helsinki in 1812Oslo, the capital of Norway, was founded around 1049 as a trading place.  Around the year 1300 Oslo was elevated to a capital.  The earliest written mention of the name Stockholm (Sweden’s capital) dates from 1252, although the Old Town of Stockholm was first built from about 1000 by Vikings on their trade routes.  It was also the time of the last zenith of Old Uppsala, the first capital of Sweden and the main pagan center.  Saint Petersburg was founded in 1703 at the crossing of the 60th parallel with 30th or Nile meridian.

Goritsky monastery & Maura Hill (~45 km. from Belozersk)

Kirillo-Belozersky monastery

Ferapontov monastery

Night in Vologda

Day 6

VologdaKostroma (~280 km.)Yaroslavl (~85 km.)Rybinsk (~80 km.)Tutayev (~50 km.)Rostov Veliky (~90 km.).

Kostroma (~280 km. from Vologda)

 Yaroslavl (~85 km. from Kostroma)

Rybinsk (~80 km. from Yaroslavl)

  • The name of Alfred Nobel is known all over the world.  Get a Nobel Prize is the dear dream of any scientist.  But not many people know that the Alfred Nobel and his brothers made their fortune in Russia.  Based in Rybinsk in the 19th century, they became the founders of Russian big oil business.  The Nobels successfully competed with the American Rockefeller and the European Rothschilds.  There are only two museums dedicated to Nobels in the world.  One is in Sweden, the homeland of the Nobel brothers, the second is in Rybinsk.
  • Rybinsk was the home town of the brothers Joseph and Nicholas Schenck who became the founders of Hollywood.  Remarkably, the people who made Hollywood were Jew immigrants from different parts of the Russian Empire.  For instance, the family of Joseph and Nicholas migrated to America from Rybinsk in 1893.  The Schenck brothers founded Metro studios — Goldwin — Mayer and XX Century, which together with Columbia Pictures and Warner Brothers were the main film companies of Hollywood in the last century.
  • Rybinsk Reservoir is a water reservoir on the Volga River and its tributaries Sheksna and Mologa, formed by Rybinsk Hydroelectric Station dam.  At the time of its construction, it was the largest man-made body of water on Earth.  The length is over 170 km., the width is ~60 km., average depth is ~6 m., and maximum depth is ~30 m.  The construction of the dam in Rybinsk started in 1935 and continued until 1947.  Thousands of people were gradually resettled elsewhere.  The historic town of Mologa along with hundreds of villages have completely disappeared under water.  Thus, Mologa is often called Russian Atlantis.  Rybinsk Reservoir is the northernmost point of the Volga River, national symbol of Russia.
  • The Rybinsk Reservoir has hidden under its waters many Russian churches and monasteries, including the famous Leushinsky monastery.  The monastery was founded in 1875 and became one of the favorites of the three main Russian women’s monasteries.  Its main shrine (sacred object) was the icon of Praise of the Mother of God.  The literal name of the icon is “I am always with you and no one will offend you”.  SaintJohn of Kronstadt (1829 — 1908), known for his spiritual insight and powerful prayers, called the icon the Savior of Russia.  The prototype of this icon is the Sistine Madonna of the Italian artist Raphael (1483 — 1520).  Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of the High Renaissance.
  • Monument “Mother Volga” stands at the Rybinsk dam.  Her right arm is stretched towards the above mentioned Rybinsk reservoir (at the time of its construction, it was the largest man-made body of water on Earth).  In her left arm she holds a document.  There is no single opinion on what this document is.  In the iconostases of Russian Orthodox churches, saints are depicted with scrolls with prophecies.  The best poem dedicated to the Volga was written by Rybinsk born famous Soviet poet Lev Oshanin (1912-1996).  It became the famous Soviet song “The Volga River flows”.  His surname has Sanskrit roots.  In Sanskrit, ‘osana’ means ‘sharp flavour’, whereas ‘osani’ is ‘kind of vegetable’.  Lev Oshanin and Alexei Leonov (the first human performed spacewalk) were born on May 30.
  • Interestingly, on the outskirt of Rybinsk is former village Israili.  ~17 km. from the center of Rybinsk is the source of the Yoda River.  In the Star Wars, Yoda is the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.  In Sanskrit, ‘yodha’ means ‘warrior’, ‘war’.  In Hebrew, ‘yodea’ means ‘I know’.  The source of the Yoda River is near the village Levino whose name comes from Levi.  In Jewish tradition, a Levite is a member of the Israelite Tribe of Levi, descended from Levi, the third son of Jacob (later given the name Israel) and Leah.  Aaron and Moses were from this tribe.  The Tribe of Levi served particular religious duties for the Israelites and had political responsibilities.  It is believed by some that among the Levites hid the Egyptian priests who sought to rule the world.
  • The Aaronic priesthood was colloquially named kohen or cohen.  They are traditionally believed to be of direct patrilineal descent from Aaron, brother of Moses.  Kohanim can also refer to the Jewish nation as a whole in terms that the people of Israel were chosen (on Sinai) to lead humanity to perfection and the descendants of Levi were destined to be pioneers in the people of Israel.   Interestingly, the noun kohen is used in the Torah to refer to priests, whether Jewish or pagan, such as the kohanim (‘priests’) of Baal or Dagon.  It is believed that the word ‘kohen’ derives from a Semitic root.  The cognate Arabic word ‘kahin’ means ‘oracle’, or ‘priest’.  In the Southern Urals, next to Lake Arakul (i.e. Oracle) there are two lakes – Big Kagan and Small Kagan.  Russian Arabist Nikolai Vashkevich puts forward the theory that all words of any language of the world are motivated through Russian or Arabic.  Vashkevich compares the symbiosis of Russian and Arabic (the “language plasma of the RA”) with the symbiosis of hydrogen and helium, which make up more than 98% of the solar photosphere.  He states that Russian and Arabic are the “system languages of the brain”, the “working languages of the subconscious”, regardless of history, geography, ethnic or species belonging.  This single working language manifests its cybernetic function, controlling living objects through their names.  As a matter of fact, the word ‘Koran’ assumes various meanings in the Quran (Koran) itself.  The word ‘Koran’ in the reverse reading gives in the Russian word ‘Narok’ that means the Covenant.  Vashkevich shows how the linguistic plasma of the RA (i.e. Russian and Arabic) allows one to see the hidden meaning of objects.

  • After the source near the above mentioned village Levino, the Yoda River passes other villages with distinctive names: Savinskoe (In Sanskrit, ‘sava’ means ‘kind of sacrifice’, ‘sun’, ‘commander’, ‘order’, etc.), Gorki (Gori and Gor or Horus), Kotlovo (In Hindustani language, that is an Indo-Aryan language and the lingua franca of North India and Pakistan, ‘kotla’ means ‘citadel’), etc.

  • Near the mouth of Yoda River there is artificially made triangular shaped water reservoir.  Interesting story of the Pères du Triangle (Fathers of the Triangle), a secret organization that controls world affairs, is given in the books of Maximillien de Lafayette. This mysterious group is said to possess a vast pool of forbidden knowledge, transmitted directly from the Anunnaki.  Their home planet is Nibiru, well known from the books of a Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin (1920 – 2010).

  • According to his theory and Sumerian mythology, Nibiruan Enki created the man and educated his
    offsprings.  Fish is the symbol of Enki.  The literal meaning of the name Rybinsk is ‘fish city’.  In the past it was a fishing settlement supplying the Moscow court with sturgeons and other valuable fish.
  • Fish is the symbol of the Age of Pisces, also named the Age of Monotheism (One God) and Abrahamic religions that shaped the world in the previous 2000 year circle.  Fish is also a sign of Christ born in the beginning of the Age of Pisces. The Bible makes many references to fish. Jesus is called the Fisher of men.  Today, the planet is in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.  The next 2000 years will be notable for universal love, brotherhood and integrity.  The only city in the world that has the Aquarius (the Water Carrier) on its coat of arms is Russian town Veliky Ustyug, having a special mission for the whole humanity.  Today, Veliky Ustyug is also the capital of Russian New Year rooted in the global mysteries of Ancient Egypt and the Sumerian New Year festival based on the legend of arrival to Earth the representatives of the above mentioned planet Nibiru.

  • In the 18th century, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great granted the settlement municipal rights and renamed it Rybinsk.  Its most conspicuous landmark, the Neoclassical Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, was constructed on the Volga riverside in the middle of 19th century.  Its bell tower is the second tallest in Russia after the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg, burial vault of the Romanovs.  The Rybinsk Cathedral was built to a design of a Russian architect Avraam Melnikov (1784 — 1854), the Dean of the Russian Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, also famous for the two Egyptian sphinxes, made in the time of pharaoh Amenhotep III succeeded by his son Echnaton noted for his reforms and beautiful wife Nefertiti.  Initially, Melnikov prepared the design for Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, the main cathedral in Saint-Petersburg, but lost the contest to the French-born architect Auguste de Montferrand.  Eventually, Melnikov sold his grandiose design to the municipal authorities of Rybinsk.  The name of Avraam Melnikov in English is Abraham, like the Hebrew patriarch Abraham.  Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Judaism influenced Christianity and Islam.  At the same time, Judaism was influenced by Zoroastrianism, the Persian imperial religion.  But the pioneer of a monotheistic religion that later became Judaism is considered to be the above mentioned Echnaton.  One of the first scholars who put forward this idea was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis.

Tutayev (~50 km. from Rybinsk)

  • This historic town was founded in 13th century.  In the 15th century, it became part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
  • Tutayev is located on the both banks of the Volga River and is very popular with artists.
  • Before the Revolution (1917) Tutayev was called Romanov-Borisoglebsk.  There is a public movement to return the town its historic name.  Tutayev was the surname of a Red Army soldier killed in the area in 1918.
  • The Tutayev district is the motherland of Fyodor Ushakov, the most illustrious Russian naval commander and admiral of the 18th century. He was the absolute winner of all naval battles.  In the course of 43 naval battles under his command he did not lose a single ship and never lost a battle, none of his subjects were ever captured by the enemy.  There was a saying “where the Ushakov, there is a victory”.  But first he defeated himself, his human weaknesses, becoming kind and honest, brave and modest, merciful to his enemies, etc.  He completely abandoned his personal interests, devoting his life to his country.  His relics are preserved in Sanaksar monastery located on the Moksha River (the Volga basin).  In Hindu philosophy, Moksha refers to spiritual liberation from from sasara, the cycle of death and rebirth.  Also, Moksha refers to freedom from ignorance, self-realization and self-knowledge.  The Russian Orthodox Church glorified Admiral Ushakov as a patron saint of the Russian Navy in 2000.  He was also declared the patron saint of Russian nuclear-armed strategic bombers in 2005 by Patriarch Alexius II.  On his icons, Admiral Ushakov is depicted with a note with his saying regarding the destiny of Russia: “Do not despair! These terrible storms will turn to the glory of Russia”.  The root of surname Ushakov is ‘usha’. In Sanskrit, usa means ‘aurora, dawn, morning light’, etc.  Interestingly, sanskrit word usa is also an abbreviation for the United States of America.  St. Germain and other Ascended Masters had such vision for the destiny of the USA upon its foundation in XVIII century.   
  • Tutayev’s magnificent main cathedral is popular with Russian astronauts.  It is largely due to Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to have flown in Cosmos.  She was born in the Tutayev district in 1937.  Before her recruitment as a cosmonaut, she was an amateur skydiver and textile factory worker.  Her husband was another famous Soviet cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolayev (1929 – 2004).
  • Tutayev (Romanov-Borisoglebsk) is known for its domestic Romanov sheep.  The distribution of this unique breed is worldwide.  Romanov wool is very strong and resourceful.

Rostov Veliky (~90 km. from Tutayev)

  • Rostov Veliky or Rostov the Great is one of the oldest Russian towns.  It is located on the shores of Lake Nero.  Nehru (spelt Neru) was the surname of the first Prime Minister of India after the Independence.  His daughter (Indira Gandhi) was the 3rd Prime Minister of India succeeded by her son Rajiv Gandhi.

Night in Rostov Veliky

Day 7

Rostov Veliky → Porechye (~17 km.) → Osokino (~20 km.) → Osurovo (~20 km.) → Pereslavl (~15 km.) → Sergiev Posad (~70 km.) → Moscow (~70 km.).

Varnitskiy monastery (~4 km. from Rostov Veliky)

  • The monastery was founded by the Archbishop of Rostov in 1427 at the birthplace of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1314 – 1392), one of the most revered Russian saints.

Porechye (~20 km. from Varnitskiy monastery)

  • In comparison to Rostov Kremlin, Porechye is located on the opposite side of Lake Nero.
  • Porechye is the mouth of the Russian river Sara flowing here into Lake Nero.  In Sanskrit, the word Sara means essence‘.  Saraswati is ‘one who leads to essence of self knowledge’.
  • Also, Sara (Sarah) is the wife of Abraham in the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, and the Islamic Koran.  Abraham is the common patriarch of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Abraham, originally Avram or Abram, was a Sumerian, like his ancestors.  In fact, Christianity and Islam have come out of Judaism, which, in turn, is rooted in the heritage of Sumer and Nibiruans.  The main Sumerian festival was the New Year.  It was dedicated to the arrival of Nibiru and its ‘gods’.  The capital town of the Russian New Year is Velikiy Ustyug  founded in the 12th century by the residents of Rostov the Great.  Another remarkable significance of Ustyug is the Aquarian on its coat of arm.  It is the symbol of the coming new cosmic age that will eventually turn out the Golden Age for the planet.

Osokino (~20 km. from Porechye)

  • Osokino is connected (via the root of its name) to Asoka, the first Indian Emperor and a great spiritual warrior, one of the best monarchs known in the human history.

Osurovo (~20 km. from Osokino)

Pereslavl (~70 km. from Rostov the Great)

Sergiev Posad (~70 km. from Pereslavl)

Moscow (~75 km. from Sergiev Posad)

Night in Moscow