Великий Устюг

Время соединения миров
Великий Устюг

Архив автора: veligrad


            В соседнем с Еврейской автономной областью Хабаровском крае, на берегу Амура, в который впадают Бира и Биджан, обнаружены так называемые петроглифы Сикачи-Аляна.  Возраст самых старых из них оценивается в 12.000 лет.  Сегодня выдвигаются различные версии их происхождения и назначения.  Нельзя исключать, что эти места имели отношение к наследию Рода ЯРА и МАРА.  Крайон рассказывает как представители рода ЯРА, прошли из Сибири, т.е. Тартоарии на территорию современных США, чтобы заложить важные эволюционные программы для развития современного человечества.  См. «Главная тайна Манхеттена».

            Предками рода ЯРА были катарусы.  Кроме Америки, потомки катарусов закладывали программы эволюционного развития на Южной Урале, в частности на Аркаиме.  Они были теми ариями, о которых говорят учёные.  Они принесли ведическую культуру в Индию и Иран (перев. — страна ариев).  В Индии эта культура сохранилась до сегодняшнего дня, и является духовным стержнем страны.

         У ариев самые сакральные церемонии были связаны с конем.  Всю жизнь семья Рерихов изучала и пропагандировала древние связи России и Индии.  Сакральная роль коня отражена и в картинах Николая Рериха, посвященных Чинтамани – священному камню с Ориона – ускорителю духовной эволюции.  Не случайно и самый священный камень Мачу-Пикчу называется «коновязь Солнца» (Интиуатана).  Учёные до сих пор не могут объяснить, как и кем была создана Интиуатана, представляющая собой большой, вырубленный в скале многоугольный камень.  О том, что этот и многие другие древние памятники в Перу построили представителя высокоразвитой цивилизации, описывается на сайте ЛАИ.

          Примечательно, что основание поставленного в Советское время памятника Ленина в Кашине очень напоминает вышеуказанную священную Интиуатану на Мачу-Пикчу.  Корень названия города связан с Городом Света Варанаси, а его архитектурная композиция выстраивалась по описанию Небесного Иерусалима.  На санскрите, Солнце – это Сурья, а в России есть несколько рек и населенных пунктов с названием Сура.  Сура – один из крупнейших притоков Волги.  Деревня Сура в Архангельской области – родина Иоанна Кронштадтского.

          В русских сказках конёк обладает способностью предвидения — Сивка-Бурка вещая каурка.  В России много рек в название которых вписано это слово — Большой Каурец, Малый Каурец, Сухой Каурец, Каурский, Кауров и т.д.  На санскрите, Курукшетра (т.е. Куру-поле) означает земля народа Кауравов.  Это те самые арии, которые жили на территории современной России, а потом ушли в Индию и Иран, унося туда священную историю и названия.  Многие из них сохранились в России до сегодняшнего дня.  Например,   в названии рек Агра и Тара, Ямуга, Иода, Сива, Кама, Сара и др.

            Кауравы и Пандавы – главные герои «Махабхараты».  Их общим предком и родоначальником был Куру – легендарный древнеиндийский царь Лунной династии.  Поэтому, в широком смысле их общее родовое имя «Кауравы» распространяется и на Пандавов.

            Русская фамилия потомков Гланды Камбилы, т.е. устюжского святого Прокопия Праведного тоже связана с конём.  Его сын имел прозвище «Кобыла» и стал общим предком двух десятков аристократических семей России, включая Романовых, правивших Россией более трех веков.

            Прокопий происходил из Пруссии.  Однако, это прозвище / фамилия не могло быть обидным по определению, принимая во внимание княжеское происхождение Андрея Кобылы и его прусских предков.  На старославянском языке кобыла или конь называлась «прус».  Пруссы были индоевропейским народом, и лошадь играла центральную роль в их жизни и религии.

            Лошади пруссов были быстры и чрезвычайно дороги.  Древние авторы указывают, что у пруссов хоронили коня в полном снаряжении в стороне от погребения воина.  Есть прямые аналогии с важными царскими жертвоприношениями коней в ведийской религии, ушедшей и сохранившееся в Индии.  Одним из первых, кто начал исследовать «Полярную гипотезу» прародины индоевропейских народов, был известный индийский ученый и государственный деятель Бала Гангадхара Тилака (1856–1920 гг.).  Не случайно, Гланда Камбила (Прокопий Праведный) выбрал Европейский Север России (Великий Устюг) местом своего духовного подвига, а единственным художником с мировым именем, написавшим об этом картины, стал именно Николай Рерих, всю жизнь со своей супругой соединявший Индию с Россией.

            Наследие ариев (индоевропейцев) сыграло определенную роль и в реформах Эхнатона, стремившегося восстановить Закон Единого.  Его мать и обе жены были из царского рода созданного индоевропейцами государства Митанни.  Более, чем за 6000 лет до Эхнатона, Египет стал местом откуда вышли в Европу потомки атлантов, построившие империю Гиперборея со столицей на территории современной Казани.





  1. Город бобров
  2. Бобры в Америке

I. Бобруйск

Название этого интересного города в Белоруссии связано с бобрами.  Их фигуры украшают город, как в американском Портленде (см. раздел II).  В Бобруйске проводится более пятисот культурных мероприятий в год.

В книге «Золотой телёнок» Бобруйск упоминается как прекрасное, высококультурное место.  Название романа обыгрывает библейский образ золотого тельца.  Именно в Бобруйск были готовы ехать все «дети» лейтенанта Шмидта, собравшиеся весной 1928 года на свою конференцию в московском трактире, у Сухаревой башни.  Истоки этого названия сакральны и уходят в глубину веков, подчёркивая древнюю связь России с Индией.

В символическом 2012 году, в канун Нового Года, в  Бобруйске был поставлен памятник её организатору – Шуре Балаганову.  Этот прежде всего год примечателен окончанием так называемой Эры Пятого Солнца, длившейся более 5000 лет, а также окончанием времени Дуального мира.

Лейтенант Шмидт был одним из руководителей восстания в  Севастополе и единственным известным офицером русского флота, примкнувшего к революции 1905 года.  Его именем названы десятки улиц в городах бывшего Советского Союза, включая Бобруйск.  Такое своеобразное объединение городов через этого человека и обессмертивших его имя Ильфа и Петрова.

Бобруйская крепость в середине XIX века была одной из лучших и крупнейших в Европе.  По просьбе белорусских коммунистов, в 1949 году рассматривался вопрос о переименовании Бобруйска в Сталинск, в честь 70-летия Сталина.  В советское время в Бобруйске была наибольшая плотность в Белоруссии памятников и бюстов Ленина на душу населения.

Во многих крупных городах бывшего Советского Союза именем Бобруйска были названы улицы: Москва, Минск, Киев, Санкт-Петербург, Харьков, Уфа, Ростов-на-Дону, Новосибирск, Екатеринбург, Челябинск, Нижний Новгород и др.

Из пяти побратимов Бобруйска, три – это российские столицы – Владимир, Москва и Санкт-Петербург.

В 25 км. от Бобруйска находится Гута.  В Белоруссии почти три десятка населённых пунктов с таким названием.  В соседней Украине – более пятнадцати.  В западных областях России – пять.  В Сирии, Гута – оазис, вокруг которого вырос Дамаск.

В 30 км. от Бобруйска находится рабочий посёлок Татарка.  Корни этого названия уходят к временам Тартарии и Гипербореи, о которых рассказывает Крайон.

Бобруйск упоминается в американском сериале «Звёздный путь».  Бобруйский речной порт имеет выходы на два моря — Чёрное и Балтийское.

Преобладающим населением Бобруйска в XIX веке были евреи, которые составляли в Белоруссии второй по численности этнос.  Бобруйск того времени был одним из центров духовной жизни евреев Белоруссии и его называли главным еврейским городом на белорусской земле.  В начале ХХ века евреи из Российской империи переезжали в США.  В их числе будущие основатели Голливуда.

II. Бобры в Америке

Бобры являются важной составной частью герба Нью-Йорка, а также уличного искусства Портленда – крупнейшего города штата Орегон, называемого бобровым.  Примерно 5000 лет назад на этих территориях закладывались программы для  эволюционного развития человечества и российско-американских отношений.

Иркутск, откуда начиналось освоение Русской Америки в XVIII веке, получил на свой герб бобра, хотя подавал заявку на тигра.  В Ленинградской области и Карелии появились поселения канадского бобра, проникшего из Финляндии, куда они были ранее завезены из США.  Появившихся на западной части России североамериканских бобров перевозят на восточные российские территории, в частности в бассейны притоков Амура и рек Камчатки.  Широко известна строительная деятельность бобров и ценность его меха.

Современный Нью-Йорк был основан в начале XVII века переселенцами из Голландии.  Одним из символов этой страны до сих пор являются ветряные мельницы.  Основанный в 1625 году, город до 1664 года назывался Новый Амстердам, а в 1686 году получил первый вариант печати, на которой были изображены четыре крыла ветряных мельниц, слева и справа — бочки с мукой, а снизу и сверху изображены бобры.

Канадские бобры были предметом торговли между поселенцами и аборигенами, а Новый Амстердам
(будущий Нью-Йорк) был известным центром торговли бобровым мехом.

Тахир Бобров — автор и исполнитель цыганских песен в кинофильме «Табор уходит в небо».






Кашин и Небесный Иерусалим


  1. Небесный Иерусалим
  2. Город Света

I. Небесный Иерусалим

Кашин – один из древнейших городов Тверской земли.  Исследователи не могут логично объяснить название города.  Версия со словом «каша» звучит как минимум наивно.  В разделе II будет показано, что оно уходит корнями к языку, на котором говорили основатели ведической цивилизации в Индии.  Арии пришли туда с территории нынешней России.  Не случайно именно тверской купец Афанасий Никитин стал первым европейцем, достигшим берегов Индии.  Судьбы Михаила Тверского и его жены Анны Кашинской, о которых пойдёт речь ниже, тоже подтверждают особое духовное значение древнего Кашина.  Рассматривая историю Кашина и его правителей под таким углом, становится логичным, почему здесь решили использовать библейский символизм.  В России и в мире такого больше нигде нет.  В небольшом уездном городе появилась уникальная градостроительная композиция.

Используя природный ландшафт и Библию, зодчие воспроизвели символику Христа, чего не сделал в такой мере ни один город в христианском мире.  Колыбелью христианства является Египет.  За 1500 лет до появления христианства здесь развивал своё духовное учение фараон-реформатор Эхнатон.  8000 лет назад потомки атлантов вышли из Египта (Айгаптуса) и основали империю Гиперборея на территории европейской части континента Евразии – от ее западных берегов до восточных Уральских гор.

Главный собор Кашина посвящен Воскресению Христа, а точнее — обновлению храма Воскресения Христа в Иерусалиме.  В месте, где стоит Кашин река делает крутую петлю, напоминающую сердце.  Некоторые даже ассоциируют это с сердцем Михаила Тверского, мужа Анны Кашинской, умерщвлённого на территории современного Буденновска, в прошлом — Святого Креста.

На этом природном пространстве перекрещивались две естественные оси.  На
продольной оси (ось перешейка) стояло 17 храмов.  На второй – поперечной оси было поставлено 16 храмов.  Таким образом, их общее количество составляло 33 – так называемый возраст Христа.

Вышеуказанный Воскресенский собор, возвышающийся в центре полуострова, был окружен «горним» ожерельем храмов, расположенных по внешней стороне излучины реки.  Их общее число – 24 должно было вызывать мысль о Горнем престоле – Небесном Иерусалиме.  Это город небесный и его проекция может быть где угодно.  Уже много тысяч лет на территории нынешнего Иерусалима сплетаются судьбы различных народов.  Существуют подтверждения присутствия праславян (ариев) в Палестине задолго до Исхода. В работах Анатолия Клёсова (ДНК-генеалогия)  показаны маршрут движения ариев.

Во времена Ивана Грозного, в Кашине существовало 13 монастырей, из которых три крупнейших стояли на трёх самых оживлённых дорогах.  Они находились в углах огромного треугольника, вершинами которого были Троицкие храмы в каждом из этих трёх монастырей.  Происходило символическое объединение трёх Троицких храмов в треугольник – символ Святой Троицы.  Это ещё и три святых друга.  Во внешний монастырский треугольник, охватывавший собой весь город, был вписан внутренний монастырский треугольник, внутри которого был лишь Острог (крепость), тоже треугольный по форме.  В этом и некоторая связь с так называемой Звездой Давида – древним символом, означающим через противоположно направленные треугольники взаимодействие Духа и Материи, эволюционных потоков и т.д.  Этот знак был известен во всём мире задолго до рождения Давида и присутствует на эмблеме Теософского общества, а также как фрагмент декора на знаменитой Шапке Мономаха.

На въезде в Кашин со стороны Москвы (юг) стоит храм «Входа Господня в Иерусалим», утверждающий символическое восприятие этого города.  Символичен один из его трёх престолов – во имя Казанской иконы Божией Матери.  Из всего множества образов (икон) Божией Матери, только Ее Казанский образ был отправлен в Космос.  Именно на Казанской Божией Матери младенец Христос указывает на чакру мудрости (горловую).

В христианской традиции, символика иконы Божьей Матери «Прибавлении Ума» открывает верующим дорогу в Небесный Иерусалим.  Самая известная в России и чудотворная икона «Прибавлении Ума» находится в Ярославской области, в городе Тутаев (бывший Романов-Борисоглебск).  Она находится в Покровской церкви, вместе с редкой частичкой мощей Стефана Пермского.  Самым известным храмом города является излюбленный российскими космонавтами Воскресенский собор, алтарная часть которого обращена к великой Волге.  Над входом в него – фреска с Прокопием Праведным – основателем рода Романовых.  Прокопий предсказал в Устюге рождение вышеуказанного Стефана Пермского – ближайшего друга и соратника Сергия Радонежского.

С противоположной стороны Кашина, на Бежецкой дороге (север) был поставлен перед городом храм во имя Иоанна Богослова, в «Откровении» которого описан Горний Престол Небесного града Иерусалима.  С Кашиным связан  первый архиепископ Аляски и Америки Иоанн Болотов.  По просьбе Григория Шелихова и его компаньона Ивана Голикова, Екатерина II повелела Святейшему Синоду учредить северо-американскую духовную миссию, начальником которой был назначен Иоанн Болотов.  Так, материализовалась связь Кашина с Русской Америкой и её горой Шаста являющейся одним из самых важных духовных порталов планеты.

На гербе городе изображена золотая чаша, из которой бьёт серебряный фонтан о трех струях и три серебряных ступки белил.  Природная чаша является неотъемлемой частью ландшафта Кашина.  Известен глубокий символизм Чаши.  Более того, герб Кашина исполнен в желто-синих цветах частоты магнитной энергии Крайона, как и Купол Скалы – символ Иерусалима.

Епископская митра и лента на гербе Кашина — символ того, что город является важным религиозным центром в Тверской области.  В состав официального титула тверских епископов исторически входит название Кашина — «епископ Тверской и Кашинский».  Сама Тверь символично расположена между двух столиц, представляющих великую задачу России.

Небесная покровитель города – Анна Кашинская – единственная святая, которая была дважды канонизирована.  Обычно говорят о её муже, тоже причисленному к лику святых – Михаиле Тверском.  Не менее символично, что её отцом был Ростовский князь Дмитрий Борисович, который также был и князем Устюжским – города, которому суждено стать Столицей Эры Водолея.  Более того, небесный покровитель Великого Устюга – Прокопий Праведный и Михаил Тверской изображены рядом в московском храме Пимена Великого.

Известно, что согласные буквы могут меняться в словах.  Так, заменив «ш» на «л» открывается ещё одна тайна Кашина — Калина.  Калинов мост соединяет миры.  Известен перевод названия «Иерусалим» как «Города мира».  С учётом вышесказанного, не может быть простой случайностью или совпадением рождение именно в Кашинском уезде, в селе Верхняя Троица, Михаила Калинина, выступившего в роли инициатора создания Еврейской автономной области в составе Хабаровского края, названного в честь уроженца Великого Устюга – Ерофея Хабарова.  Именно Михаил Калинин официально озвучил идею захоронения тела Ленина в мавзолее, «связавшим» вождя мирового пролетариата с Мексикой.  В советское время Тверь называлась Калинин.  Этим архетипом были названы также Кёнигсберг и Королёв.  Памятник Ленину в Кашине определенным образом связывает его со знаменитым Мачу-Пикчу в Перу.

С Кашиным связано имя Макария Калязинского – русского святого, которого хорошо знали даже на Афоне.  Расположенный рядом Калязин – один из древнейших русских городов на Верхней Волге.  В первой половине прошлого века почти две трети этого цветущего города ушли под воды новорожденного Угличского водохранилища.  Сегодня «Углич» — это ещё и название малого ракетного крейсера в составе российской Каспийской флотилии.  В прошлом, это море называлось ХазАрским.  Другим знаком времени, связанным с Калязиным, является его неофициальное название — Русская Атлантида.  В этом есть основа из далёкого прошлого.  Крайон рассказывает как примерно 8000 лет назад потомки атлантов, проживавших на территории современного Египта, основали в Европе новое государство под названием Гиперборея со столицей на территории современной Казани.  Не случайно флагманом российской флотилии на Каспийском / ХазАрском море стал именно «ТатАрстан».

II. Город Света

Варанаси – один из старейших городов мира.  Он является святым городом для буддистов, джайнистов и индусов.  В прошлом он назывался Каши или Город Света.  Это открывает новую грань истории российского Кашина, название которого может быть понято через Санскрит.  Считается, что Каши (Варанаси) был основан Шивой супругой, которого была Кали.

Кали – это имя общеизвестной индийской богини, которая разрушает невежество, поддерживает мировой порядок, благословляет и освобождает тех, кто стремится познать Бога.  Калика — форма имени Кали.  В русском народном эпосе калики перехожие – это странники, поющие духовные стихи и былины.  Каликино находится рядом с Дымковской Слободой в Великом Устюге.

Главный храм Кали находится в Колкате (Калькутте), давшей название городу и служивший британской столицей Индии.  Здесь родился и жил Свами Вивекананда — индийский философ Веданты (санскр. «окончание Вед»).

В Ведах имя Кали связано с Агни, богом огня.  На санскрите «Кали» означает «Чёрная».  Известно, что в прошлом Чёрное море называлось Красным, а русское слово «калин» происходит от обозначения нагретого до красна металла и духовной борьбы.  Отсюда, связи архетипов перехода через Красное море во время Исхода и битвы на Калиновом мосту.

Эпоху Кали-Юги называют одной из самых «тяжёлых» юг или эпох в индуистском временном цикле.  Однако, именно из Тьмы рождается Свет.  Считается, что Эпоха Кали-Юги закончилась в августе 1943 года, что совпало с битвой на Курской дуге, которая имеет прямые параллели с битвой на Куру-поле.  Согласно «Махабхарате» Кали-Юга началась с братоубийственной войны на поле Куру в 3102 году до нашей эры.  Это место почиталось ариями как «святой алтарь предков», а названия его священных водоёмов даны в «Махабхарате», в книге «Лесная».  По сути, это названия нынешних рек и озёр в Центральной части России, с небольшой поправкой на истекшие 5000 лет со времён тех событий.  См. сравнение этих гидронимов здесь.  На этой территории остались и прямые подсказки – один из притоков Оки (Ямуны) носит название Мокша.  Бессмертной славой покрыл своё имя на века легендарный Мокшанский полк.  Рядом с местом впадения реки Мокша в Оку находится урочище Сухарево.

Юг – название реки, соединяющейся с Сухоной в районе Великого Устюга.  Название Сухоны в переводе с санскрита означает «легко преодолимая».  Можно увидеть санскритский корень в названии Сухарево, давшей название мистической Сухаревой башне.

Образуемая в районе Великого Устюга Северная Двина несёт свои воды в Белое море.  На Северной Двине стоят древние Холмогоры – в прошлом главный город Поморского края, расположенный на трёх островах — Кур, Наль, Ухт, имеющих прямое отношение к ариям, ушедших со своим духовным наследием в Индию.

Рядом с Холмогорами – родиной Михаила Ломоносова стоят Матигоры, где родилась его мать.  В священных индийских текстах, Каликамата («чёрная земная мать») – одно из имён Кали.  Через ключевое для всех цивилизаций слово «мать» подтверждается древняя связь России с Индией.  О каликах в русском эпосе говорится выше.

Стоящий на той же Северной Двине город ангелов – Архангельск, до получения этого имени назывался Пур-Наволок.  На санскрите, являющимся священным языком древнеарийской культуры, слово «пур» означает «город».  Отсюда, названию многих известных индийских городов – Нагпур (Змеиный город), Райпур (Изобильный город), Джайпур (Розовый город) и т.д.  Также, на санскрите слово «человек» и «род» обозначаются словом «пуру».

Пуруша – это Первочеловек, с которым связана Золотая нить от Калининграда до Индии, где на Гималаях расположена Шамбала, описанная в её учении — Калачакра-тантре, впервые прозвучавшей в Ориссе / древней Калинге, откуда начинается эта Золотая нить.


Journey through the Golden Ring

Duration: 3 days

Day 1

MoscowSergiev Posad (~70 km.)Pereslavl (~70 km.) Varnitskiy monastery (~35 km.)Rostov Veliky (~4 km.) Rybinsk (~140 km.) Yaroslavl (~85 km.)

 Sergiev Posad (~75 km. from Moscow)

Pereslavl (~ 70 km. from Sergiev Posad)

Osurovo (~15 km. of Pereslavl)

 Osokino (~20 km. from Osurovo)

Porechye (~20 km. from Osokino)

Varnitskiy monastery (~17 km. from Porechye)

Rostov Veliky (~4 km. from Pereslavl)

Rybinsk (~150 km. from Rostov the Great)

Tutayev (~50 km. from Rybinsk)

Yaroslavl (~35 km. from Tutayev)

 Night in Yaroslavl

 Day 2

Yaroslavl Kostroma (~85 km.) Plyos (~75 km.) Syzdal (~150 km.)

Kostroma (~85 km. from Yaroslavl)

Plyos (~75 km. from Kostroma)

Syzdal (~150 km. from Plyos)

Night in Syzdal

Day 3

SuzdalVladimir (~35 km.)Aleksandrov (~130 km.) → Moscow (~120 km.)

Vladimir (~35 km. from Suzdal)

 Aleksandrov (~130 km. from Vladimir)

 Moscow (~120 km. from Aleksandrov)

Night in Moscow


Journey to Source of the Volga

Duration: 2 days

Day 1

Zelenograd (~30 km. from Moscow).

Klin (~60 km. from Zelenograd)

Yamuga (~8 km. from Klin)

Zavidovo (~18 km. from Yamuga)

Mokshino (~8 km. from  Zavidovo)

Emmaus (~40 km. from  Mokshino)

Pominovo (~40 km. from Emmaus)

Tver (~20 km. from Pominovo)

Torzhok (~60 km. from Tver)

Nilov monastery (~140 km. from Torzhok)

  • The monastery is located on an island on Lake Seliger, in the northwest of the Valdai Hills, within a picturesque landscape of forests and hills.  Lake Seliger is one of the biggest natural lakes of Central Russia.
  • The monastery was founded by Saint Nil in 16th century.  Nil and Nila are male and female Russian names, but they are universal.  For instance, Nila is a female name in India.  In Sanskrit Nila means ‘Blue’.  That is also true for the distinguish color of the Lake Seliger.  The Blue Nile originating at Lake Tana in Ethiopia forms the famous Nile River, regarded as the longest river in the world.  In Ethiopia the upper course of the Blue Nile is regarded as holy and identified as one of four rivers issuing out of the Garden of Eden.  New Year’s Day in the Ethiopian Orthodox Calendars is September 11.
  • Nilov Monastery was one of the largest and wealthiest monasteries in the Russian Empire.  Today the monastery complex remains one of the most impressive ensembles of Neoclassical architecture in Eastern Europe.
  • Nearby Gorodomlya Island (former strict order skete or hermitage of Nilov monastery) was the secretive place, where after the World War II, top German rocket scientists and engineers (from Wernher von Braun’s team) worked together with Russian scientists on the Soviet space program.  There is a saying that Russia’s staircase to Cosmos started here.

Night in Nilov monastery

Day 2

The source of the Volga River (~95 km. from Nilov monastery)

  • The Volga River (~3 700 km.) is the longest river in Europe.  It starts in Tver region and flows through central Russia into the Caspian Sea.
  • The Tver region still has many Sanskrit names, including Deli that is the capital of today’s India.  Many rivers in the Volga basin, including its major tributaries have names understood from Sanskrit: Kama, Oka, Sura, etc.
  • In Sanskrit, the word ‘Valga’ (that is quite close to ‘Volga’) has several meanings, including ‘veils’ or ‘artery’, ‘one who veils or covers’, etc.  Indeed, Volga is Europe’s largest river in terms of discharge and watershed.
  • Mother Volga is the national symbol of Russia. Its vast territories were the cradle of the Indo-Europeans.  Today, the Indo-European language family is more than 3,4 billion speakers worldwide or about half of the human population.  11 of the 20 largest Russian cities, including Moscow, are located in the Volga’s watershed.
  • The Volga starts in Valdai Hills (the Tver region).   Some researches compare the Valdai Hills to the legendary Mount Meru from Mahabharata (major Sanskrit epic of ancient India) and the mountain Hara from the ancient Iranian book Avesta.  According to the Avesta, the rivers Ra, Rusija, Ardvi-Sura run down the Hara.  The Volga’s ancient (or the Scythian) name was Ra.  Many cities located on the Volga still bear this root.  For instance, Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan, etc.
  • The Valdai is a place of many lakes and the origin of the largest European rivers: the Volga (~3700 km.), the Dnieper (2 145 km.), the Desna (1130 km.), the Western Dvina (1020 km.), etc.
  • The Valdai Hills (>600 km.) is the natural watershed of three seas: the Caspian Sea (the Volga), the Black Sea (the Dnieper) and the Baltic Sea (the Western Dvina, etc.).  This ridge stretches in the latitudinal direction ‘from sunset to sunrise’, i.e. ‘from west to east’.  It is important.  Interestingly, the Avesta and the Rig Veda as well as ancient historians constantly repeated that the sacred Hara, Meru and the Riphean mountains stretched from west to east.
  • The Volga provides more than 60% of drinking and industrial water for the Russian capital.  The Moscow Canal (connecting the Moskva River with the Volga River) provides Moscow access to five seas: the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, Sea of Azov, and the Black Sea. This is why Moscow is sometimes called the «port of the five seas».
  • Fascinating is the global history of Rybinsk which got in 1953 the monument “Mother Volga”.

Okovets Holy Spring (~140 km. from the source of the Volga)

  • The source is in the bend of local river Pyroshnya.
  • According to legend, this place was opened to people in the 16th century, when an icon of the Cross of the Lord and later an icon of the Mother of God appeared here in the dense forest.
  • The Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible funded building two churches in this place.

Staritsa (~120 km. from the Okovets Holy Spring)

  • This town is located on the both banks of the Volga River.  Its known history starts from 13th century.
  • Staritsa was a beloved place of the above mentioned Ivan the Terrible (1530 – 1584), the most famous Russian ruler and the first Russian tsar (king) crowned as the Byzantine emperors.
  • Staritsa use to have a cathedral similar to the famous St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow.
  • The first Russian Orthodox Church’s Patriarch was born in Staritsa in 16th century.
  • Staritsa is also noted among speleologists for its 18th–19th century quarries.  The longest quarries have a total length of passages up to 5 km.

Josef of Volokolamsk monastery (100 km. from Staritsa)

  • The monastery was founded in 1479 by st. Joseph of Volokolamsk.  It soon became the most authoritative and wealthy monastery in Russia.
  • Joseph of Volokolamsk was a prominent Russian theologian who led the party defending monastic land ownership.

Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery (~90 km. from Josef of Volokolamsk monastery)

  • The monastery was founded in the 14th century by St. Savva of Storozhi.
  • In the 15-17 centuries the monastery was an outpost of the Moscow principality in the west.
  • The monastery was a favorite place of prayer for many Russian Tsars.  In 17th century, it became a suburban residence of the Russian Tsar and his family.  The monastery was surrounded by stone walls, the royal chambers were built.  The temples of the monastery were decorated by icon painters of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.
  • A special Zvenigorodsky tract, which was also known as the Royal Route or the Road of the Kings of the God-chosen, was laid from Moscow to the monastery.  Russian rulers made pilgrimages to the Savino-Storozhevsky Monastery by this road.
  • This picturesque area was always the favorite place for the royal falcon hunting and for homes of the Russian nobility.  The times changed, but the ‘nobility’ continued to live.  In the mid-1990s, the area along the former Royal Route, was turned into a kind of a ‘millionaires’ ghetto’, or a Russian Beverly Hills.  Also known as Rublyovka, it is a prestigious residential area in the western suburbs of Moscow.  Many Russian government officials and successful business people reside along this road in the gated communities.  Real-estate prices there are among the highest in the world.

 Odintsovo (~40 km. from Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery)

Night in Moscow



Journey to the sacred lakes of Central Russia

Duration: 7 days

Day 1

Moscow Zelenograd (30 km.)Klin (~60 km.)Yamuga (~8 km.)Zavidovo (~18 km.) Mokshino (~8 km.)Emmaus (~40 km.)Pominovo (~40 km.)Tver (~20 km.)Torzhok (~60 km.) →  Valdai monastery (~160 km.)Veliky Novgorod (~140 km.)

Zelenograd (30 km. from Moscow).

  • Zelenograd literally means ‘green city’. It is a young city founded in 1958 on a previously empty, forested place.  Today Zelenograd is a part of Moscow having deep links with Sanskrit.
  • During the Soviet period Zelenograd was a closed city. It was one of the most powerful centers of electronics, microelectronics and computer industry in the Soviet Union.  It still plays a similar role in modern Russia.  Zelenograd was developed as a reflection of the California Silicon Valley.
  • Zelenograd is twinned with Tulsa (United States).  It is situated on the Arkansas River in northeast Oklahoma, a region of the state known as ‘Green Country’.  For most of the 20th century, Tulsa held the nickname ‘Oil Capital of the World’ and played a major role as one of the most important hubs for the American oil industry.  Another Tulsa’s nickname is the «Birthplace of Route 66».  In 1925, Tulsa businessman Cyrus Avery began his campaign to create a road linking Chicago to Los Angeles.  He had the same name with Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE).
  • Zelenograd is liked to America not only by the Silicon Valley and Tulsa.  In Zelenograd there is a square named after Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) who initiated the permanent European colonization of the New World.  His father in law was a Portuguese Knight of Santiago, navigator and explorer.  In 1992, on the day of the 500th anniversary of the discovering of America for the Europeans, the square in Zelenograd was named after Christopher Columbus to memorize the Spanish sailors whose 23 graves were found during the building here the Zelenograd Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.  Also, the workers found the remains of a medieval Spanish settlement, two small cannons, typical Spanish helmets, navigational instruments, several gold doubloons of the late 15th century.  During the Reykjavik Summit (1986) with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to transfer all the found items to the Spanish government, whose interests, as NATO ally, were defended by Reagan.  It is believed the Spaniards identified Christopher Columbus among them.  It is known fact that the square received its name at the request of the Spanish ambassador, who asked the then mayor of Zelenograd to perpetuate the place where the last expedition of this great navigator ended.  This brave story states that Christopher Columbus (being a Christianized Jew) had been looking for the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.  He was disappointed after his four expeditions to the West.  The local people (Indians) did not resemble the descendants of the Jews.  Then Columbus decided to equip the fifth expedition, this time to the East…
  • Zelenograd is famous not the only for remains of the Spaniards.  Practically in the same time with their discovery, Zelenograd incorporated (1988) the former village of Kryukovo that was one of the most important places during the Battle of Moscow (October 1941 – January 1942).  From Zelenograd land the remains of the Unknown Soldier were taken for reinterment at the Kremlin Wall in the Alexander Garden in Moscow.  The earliest tradition of the Eternal flame is attributed to Zoroastrianism and the above mentioned Achaemenid era of Persian history.  The birthplace of Zoroaster is also unknown.  One strong candidate is Bronze Age settlement Arkaim in the Southern Urals, a centre of the Indo-Aryan migration into India, Iran and Mesopotamia.  Another version states that Zoroaster was born at the confluence of the Kama and Chusovaya rivers, near the modern Russian city of Perm.

Klin (60 km. from Zelenograd)

  • Klin has been known since the beginning of 14th century.
  • The town is best known as the residence of the most famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 — 1893).  He was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, bolstered by his appearances as a guest conductor in Europe and the United States.  Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk, today most famous for its Machine Building Plant producing some of Russia’s long-range ballistic missiles.  In the 1840s, under the supervision of Tchaikovsky’s farther, the enterprise was reprofiled from purely metallurgical to machine-building.
  • The most recognized children’s writer of the Soviet Union Arkady Gaidar (1904 – 1941) lived and worked in Klin.  Here he wrote his most famous books about good, faith and justice.  From his books the Timur movement was born.  It was an altruistic youth volunteering movement in the Soviet Union.  It was a state supported form of socially useful activity of children, contributing to their moral education and development of initiative.  The name of the movement is linked to the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia.  The descendants of Timur (1370 — 1405) ruled the Indian subcontinent from 1555 to 1857.  Timur was invincible military and political leader raised from nowhere.  Notably, his personal seal had the symbol of Shambala.  It is still on the coat of arm of Samarkand that was Timur’s capital city.
  • Klin is the hometown of glass Christmas tree toys.  The main Russian Christmas tree in Kremlin is decorated only with these toys.  Near the famous factory of Christmas-tree toys is the source of river Yamuga.

Yamuga (8 km. from Klin)

  • The Yamuga River crosses twice the federal highway M-10 that connects Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.  Russian village Delhi is located 130 km. north-west of Yamuga.
  • Yamuna is the Hindu sacred river.  India’s capital Delhi and its previous capital Agra stand on the banks of Yamuna River.  Agra is also the site of magnificent Taj Mahal.

Zavidovo (18 km. from Yamuga)

  • Zavidovo is a specially protected natural area of federal significance with the status of a national park.  Also, it is the place of state residence ‘Rus’ of the President of Russia.
  • In the 16th century Zavidovo was the place of a hunting hut of the first Russian tsar (close to star) Ivan the Terrible.  Stalin (1879 – 1953) considered him as his teacher.  In 1951, Zavidovo became a state residence on Stalin’s decree.
  • In the 1920s, Lenin loved to come to the local forests for spring hunts.

Mokshino (8 km. from  Zavidovo)

  • Moksha is often understood as spiritual liberation.  It refers to freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth (saṃsara) as well as freedom from ignorance.  Russian has a number of settlements and river that have root ‘Moksha‘, came from the Sanskrit word ‘Moska‘.
  • Moska is very close the name of river Moskva on which Russian capital Moskva (eng. Moscow) is located.
  • The Moksha Dwara (Door to Salvation) is the name of the main entrance (north entrance) of the Dwarkadhish temple in Indian city Dwarka.  According to tradition, it has been built over Lord Krishna’s residential place.
  • Mokshino is located on the crossroad of the federal highway M-10 and the road to the neighboring villages Varaksino and Shosha.  Near Mokshino Lama River flows into Shosha River.  In Tibetan Buddhism, Lama is a title for a teacher of the Dharma.  It is similar to the Sanskrit term guru.  The Lama’s source is ~90 km. from the center of Moscow.
  • As it is said above, the Lama River is a tributary of the Shosha River.  In Hinduism, Shesha (Sanskrit Sesa) is the nagaraja or king of all nagas and one of the primal beings of Creation.  Spiritual nagas are known as true masters and teachers of human evolution.  Lord Vishnu reclines on the celestial snake, the Shesha-naga.  In Sanskrit, naga means cobra, i.e. serpent / reptile with a hood.  Cobra is a symbol of Kundalini that is the latent spiritual energy in the human body.  Kundalini could give enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers.
  • At the confluence of the Shosha and the Volga there is village Shosha that is a part of rural settlement called Vahonino.  The last two letters (‘no’) point only to the status of a settlement.  The root is ‘Vahoni’.  In Sanskrit, Vahana means ‘that which carries, that which pulls’.  Hindu deities use vahana (animal or mythical entity) as a vehicle.  For instance, Indian deity Ganesha has a mouse as his vehicle, i.e. vahana.  Ganesha is a son of Siva.  Russian river Siva that is a tribute of the Kama River.  Kama is Sanskrit name of love god.  Russian Kama River is a tributary of the above mentioned Volga River.

Emmaus (40 km. from  Mokshino)

  • In the New Testament, Emmaus is the settlement where Jesus is said to have appeared after his death and resurrection.  Emmaus existed as a village in Palestine until 1967, located approximately 30 km west of Jerusalem.  Due to its strategic position, Emmaus played an important administrative, military and economic role in the region at certain points of its history.  During the late Roman and Byzantine periods Emmaus’s status grew to that of a city (“polis”) and it was named “Nicopolis” (lit. “City of Victory”).

Pominovo (40 km. from Emmaus)

  • Village Pominovo is the motherland of Vladimir Putin’s family.  Russian surname Putin is related to the word “putnik” that is “traveler”.  In Sanskrit, it is pathika.  The Russian word “put” means “way, road”.  In Sanskrit, “put” means “virtue”, whereas “puta” means “purifying”, “who purifies”, etc.

Tver (20 km. from Pominovo)

  • Tver was formerly the capital of a powerful medieval state.  It was Moscow’s rival for the supremacy over the whole Russian lands.  It is depicted on the Tver’s coat of arm.
  • Tver is situated at the conflux of three rivers, including the Volga River (3700 km. long).   The point of such confluence is a sacred place for Hindus.  The most famous is Prayag (Allahabad).  It is the second-oldest city in India.  In the 16th century the Mughal emperor Akbar the Great (a descendant of the above mentioned Timur) named if after his syncretic religion (Din-i Ilahi, lit. “Religion of God”) intending to merge the best elements of the religions of his empire (Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism), and thereby reconcile the differences that divided his subjects.  Allahabad was the birthplace of Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi.
  • Tver is often associated with dver and dwerka that are Russian words for door, gate, etc.  In Sanskrit, door is dvaraDwarka is one of the four sacred Hindu pilgrimage sites and one of the seven most ancient religious cities of India.
  • The first European who reached India was Tver citizen Afanasiy Nikitin by sailing the Volga River, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, etc.
  • It is said that India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru helped Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to take decision to erect a monument of Nikitin.  The surname Nehru correlates to the name of Lake Nero in Rostov Velikiy.

Torzhok (60 km. from Tver)

  • Torzhok was first mentioned in a chronicle in 12th It used to be an important trade center.
  • Architectural monuments of Torzhok include a number of churches and an old monastery redesigned in Neoclassical style. There is also Russian Empress Catherine the Great’s travel palace (18th century).
  • 25 km. north-east from Torzhok is the village Berezai. According to the Avesta (the primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism), Hara Berezaiti is the legendary mountain around which the stars and planets revolve.  In Avestan cosmogony, Hara Berezaiti (literally meaning “High Watchpost”) is the geographic center of the universe, immediately surrounded by the steppes of the homeland of the early Iranians.

Valdai monastery (160 km. from Torzhok)

  • Valdai Iversky monastery is located on an island of the Valdai Lake.
  • The monastery was founded in the middle of 17th century by Nikon, the seventh Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Nikon said that the Paradise is in the Sky, but on Earth there is Valday.  Nikon founded this monastery in Russia in the image of the Iberian monastery on Mount Athos (the monastic state) in northern Greece.  So the Valdai Iversky monastery derives its name from the Iveron monastery of Mount Athos.
  • The Iveron monastery was built under the supervision of two Georgian monks in the 10th century and housed Georgian clergy and priests.  Iveron literally means “of the Iberians” in Greek.  The name Iveron was originated from the ancient Georgian Kingdom of Iberia (Iveria) where the master architect of the monastery was from.  The Iveron monastery ranks among the top in the hierarchy of the Athonite monasteries.  The wonderworking Iveron icon of the Virgin Mary is the main treasure of the Iveron monastery, where it is believed to have been since the end of 10th century.
  • Nikon commissioned an exact copy of the Iveron icon to be made and sent to Russia.  The Iverskaya Chapel was built to enshrine the icon.  The chapel was the main entrance to Red Square and traditionally everyone, from the Tsar down to the lowest peasant would stop there to venerate the icon before entering the square.
  • Nikon also held position of Archimandrite of Novospassky monastery patronized by the Russian Tsars.  It is the Romanovs family shrine.  Among the last Romanovs buried in the monastery were Xenia Shestova (the mother of the first Romanov Tsar), Princess Tarakanova (a daughter of Empress Elisabeth) and Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia, an influential figure during the reigns of his brother Emperor Alexander III of Russia and his nephew Emperor Nicholas II, who was also his brother in law through Sergei’s marriage to Elizabeth, who was the elder sister of Nicholas’ wife Alexandra.  Both Elizabeth and Alexandra were granddaughters of Queen Victoria who was named Alexandrina in honor of one of her godfathers, Emperor of Russia Alexander I, and Victoria in honor of his mother.  The Victorian era became the period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific and military development of Great Britain and the time of greatest prosperity of the British Empire.
  • Valdai is also the home of official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.  It is also called Uzhin after the other nearest lake.  Uzhin is a complex term.  Ujjain is one of the legendary sacred sites of the Buddhists and the Hindus, center of Hinduism and Sanskrit learning.  Its location is still an open question.  In the central India, in Madhya Pradesh state, there is Ujjain, one of the holiest cities in India, and place of mass Hindu pilgrimage during the Kumbh Mela festival that is considered as the world’s largest congregation of religious pilgrims.  The exact age of the festival is uncertain. According to medieval Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu dropped drops of Amrita (the drink of immortality) at four places, while transporting it in a kumbha (pot).  Ujjain was one of them.  The Aquarian holds two pots (or kumbha) on the coat of arm of the Russian town Veliky Ustyug, the place of spiritual deeds of the Romanovs’ family.  Ujjain was the first territory of Ashoka (268 — 232 BC) who is internationally recognized as one of the preeminent rulers in the human history.  He spread Buddhism in India and other counties, created the largest empire ever in the Indian subcontinent and one of the world’s largest empires at that time.
  • Some brave researches compare the Valdai Hills to the Mount Meru from Mahabharata (major Sanskrit epic of ancient India) and mountain Hara from the ancient Iranian book Avesta.  According to the Avesta, the rivers Ra, Rusija, Ardvi-Sura run down the Hara.  The Valdai is a place of many lakes and the origin of the largest European rivers: the Volga (~3700 km.), the Dnieper (2 145 km.), the Desna (1130 km.), the Western Dvina (1020 km.), etc.
  • The Valdai Hills (>600 km.) is the natural watershed of three seas: the Caspian Sea (the Volga), the Black Sea (the Dnieper) and the Baltic Sea (the Western Dvina, etc.).  This ridge stretches in the latitudinal direction ‘from sunset to sunrise’, i.e. ‘from west to east’.  It is important.  Interestingly, the Avesta and the Rig Veda as well as ancient historians constantly repeated that the sacred Hara, Meru and the Riphean mountains stretched from west to east.
  • It is well known fact that the early Iranians and the Indians (i.e. the so called Arias) came from the north.  Geographically speaking, the Valdai Hills (and Russia as a whole) is the north to Iranian plateau and Indian subcontinent.
  • Valdai is the birthplace of Yuri Roerich (1902 — 1960), a prominent 20th century Tibetologist, the oldest son of the painter and explorer Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich.  They spent many years living in India and finding its links with Russia.

 Veliky Novgorod (140 km. from Valdai)

  • Veliky Novgorod, also known as Novgorod the Great, is one of the most important historic cities in Russia.  The city lies along the river Volkhov (Eng. Magician) just downstream from its outflow from Lake Ilmen that Europe’s 11th natural lake.  11 is the number of the Aquarius in Zodiac.  The coming Aquarius Age is believed to bring new Golden Age to the planet.
  • Veliky Novgorod is considered to be the cradle of the Russian statehood.  The Rurik Dynasty was established here in the 9th century.  The Rurikids are one of Europe’s oldest royal houses.  They were the founders of the Tsardom of Russia and the ruling dynasty until 17th century when they were succeeded by the above mentioned Romanovs.
  • In the 12th century, the ancestor of the Romanovs Imperial House, Saint Procopius the Blessed, came to Veliky Novgorod from Prussia.  At that time he was a wealthy Prussian merchant and prince.  He and his family were forced to escape their home in Prussia (the Baltic Sea) after the strikes of Teutonic knights christening the western slaves with sword.  There are several versions of his spiritual mission in Russia.  Procopius took monastic vows in Veliky Novgorod and became a monk.  Later he moved from Veliky Novgorod to Veliky Ustyug to perform his spiritual deeds.  His son Andrei established himself in Moscow.  His descendants became the Romanovs and ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917.  Procopius is still the only Russian saint depicted on icons with three sticks in his hand.  It corresponds to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph set meaning “gods”.  The Procopius’ three sticks may also represent the number 777 that is significant in various religious and political contexts.
  • The most popular Veliky Novgorod folk hero is Sadko.
  • Novgorod used to be a center of magi.  Their prime deity Veles stands behind the founder of the Russian statehood in the bronze monument ‘Millennium of Russia’ in Novgorod Kremlin.

Night in Veliky Novgorod

Day 2

Veliky NovgorodSaint-Petersburg (~250 km.)Sortavala (~300 km.)

Saint-Petersburg (~250 km. from Veliky Novgorod):

  • Saint-Petersburg was the Russian capital from 1712 to 1918.  It stands on the so-called Nile Meridian or 30th meridian (around 30°N latitude), Earth’s ancient Prime Meridian.  On this same meridian are located the greatest places and cities of the world: Giza (the home of the great pyramids and the Sphinx), Akhetaton (Amarna), Cairo, Constantinople (Istanbul), Kiev and Saint-Petersburg.  Their foundation was always followed by a new loop of development of the civilization. The circumstances of the appearance of these new capitals are always the same.  So, they could be parts of one big plan.  Interestingly, the foundation correlates to the movement of the Orion Correlation.
  • Almost all the ancient civilizations known to modern science, appeared and developed along the above 30th parallel.  Moreover, the pyramids and face on Mars are also located along the 30th parallel.  Along the 30th parallel on Earth are the following ancient cities and places:
    • Eridu — the first city built by Nibiruans on Earth.  Eridu was located in southern Mesopotamia (near Basra of modern Iraq). Eridu is believed to be the oldest city in the world, a proposed location of the Garden of Eden.  In Sumerian mythology, Eridu was originally the home of Enki, deity of creation.
    • Saint Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai — one of the oldest working Christian monasteries in the world.  It has the world’s oldest continually operating library.  Sinai’s pre-Christian history is quite interesting.  Sinai is associated with Ninhursag, sister of Enki.  In Sumerian religion, she was a mother goddess of the mountains, and one of the seven great deities of Sumer.  Her name Ninhursag literally means “lady of the sacred mountain” and correlates to Sinai.  Her other names are Mamma or Mami (mother) that symbolize her role in creation.
    • Petra (Jordan) — a mysterious city and the capital of the Edomites, who were the pre-Jewish population of Jerusalem and the only people in the world who were subjected to forcible conversion to Judaism by the Jewish king and High Priest John Hyrcanus from the Hasmonean dynasty (in the 2nd century BCE).  The Edomites had lived in this area from the second half of the 2nd millennium BCE.  They lost the beautiful lands of Canaan (including Jerusalem) to the Jews, and then became an active part of the Jewish people.  Famous Edomites include Herod the Great, who built the Second Temple.  His most famous fortress was Masada, one of the Jewish people’s greatest symbols as the place where the last Jewish stronghold against Roman invasion stood in the 1st century.
    • Persepolis — the capital of the huge Achaemenid Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE).  It that was one of the largest empires in history.  The empire of Cyrus the Great is equally notable for its very successful model of a centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects.  Alexander the Great, a passionate admirer of Cyrus the Great, conquered most of the empire by 330 BC and took over the Cyrus’ model.  He respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered.  Cyrus the Great is the only non-Jew who is called as Messiah (lit. ‘His anointed one’).  The Cyrus Cylinder discovered in the ruins of Babylon is called the first declaration of universal human rights.  Russian has many cities, settlements, streets, factories, etc. named after Cyrus or Kirov (1886–1934) who was a Russian revolutionary and head of the Communist party organization in Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg).  Mausoleum of Cyrus the Great, along with the Mayan pyramid in Palenque, served as an architectural prototype of Lenin’s mausoleum on the Red Square.  Lenin was the leader of the Communist revolution that took place in Saint-Petersburg in 1917.
    • Harappa — the capital of one of the ancient civilizations of mankind, along with Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations.
    • Kurukshetra — one of the most sacred places in India.  According to Hindu beliefs, the Battle of Kuruksetra took place here more than 5000 years ago.  Before the battle began, Lord Krishna revealed “Bhagavad Gita” (“Song of God”).  It presents the basic essence of Hindu philosophy and is one of the most valued spiritual and philosophical texts in the world.
    • Kulu — the valley of the gods (India), in which the Roerichs lived and worked for a long time, summarizing the findings of their spiritual expeditions.
    • Kailas — the heart of Tibet and the holy place of four religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and the ancient Tibetan teachings of Bon.  In fact, Kailas is a regular tetrahedral pyramid, whose top is rounded and covered with a cap of eternal ice.
    • Lhasa — the holy of holies and the capital of Tibet, which at all times was the edge of forbidden secrets.
    • Chinese pyramids of Shaanxi Province, located within a radius of about 100 km. around the city of Xi’an and others.
    • The Bermuda Triangle — one of the most mysterious and paranormal places on Earth.
  • Beside the 30th meridian, Saint-Petersburg lies on one 60th parallel (of northern latitude), i.e. on one line with all Scandinavian capitals.  These cities share approximately the same distance equal in radial measures to a step of 7 degrees in latitude: Oslo — 10°45’east longitude; Stockholm / Uppsala — 17°39’E; Helsinki — 24°56’E; Saint-Petersburg — 30°19’E.
  • Only Saint-Petersburg enjoys the cross of the 60th parallel with 30th meridian or Nile Meridian.
  • To the west of Scandinavia, the 60th parallel crosses a small archipelago, the Orkney and Shetland Islands that belong to Great Britain.  They have the highest density of megalithic objects in the world.  Moreover, it is thought that these objects are older than the Stonehenge.
  • To the east Saint-Petersburg (> 3000 km.), in the Eastern Siberia, 60th parallel is the place of Tunguska event, the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history.  It happened in 1908.  It is estimated that the Tunguska explosion knocked down some 80 million trees over an area more than 2,000 km2.  The estimates of the energy of the air burst vary from 5 to 30 megatons of TNT.  The 15 megaton estimate represents energy about 1000 times greater than that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.  Magazine «World Channeling» №7 (39) 2017 states that it was special energy arrival to Earth.  The area was very important in the time of Lemuria (26,000 years ago).  This is a special portal on the planet.

 Sortavala (~300 km. from Saint-Petersburg)

  • Town Sortavala is located at the north of Lake Ladoga that is the largest lake in Europe.
  • The records date Sortavala district to the end of 15th century.  In 1990, it was awarded the status of historic town of Russia.
  • 30 km. north of Sortavala is Ruskeala, picturesque former marble quarries.  The quarries have supplied marble to decorate the most impressive cathedrals and palaces in Saint-Petersburg.  The length is 460 meters; width is up to 100 meters.  The distance from the highest point of the pit to its bottom is over 50 meters.  Transparency of water reaches 15-18 meters.

Night in Sortavala

Day 3

SortavalaValaam Island of Lake Ladoga (~40 km. one way on a speedboat)

SortavalaPetrozavodsk (~250 km.)

Valaam monastery & Lake Ladoga

  • Valaam monastery is located on the Valaam that is largest island in Lake Ladoga.  The monastery was founded in 14th century.
  • In the 12th century, Valaam was a part of the Novgorod Republic (see above Veliky Novgorod).
  • The natural beauty of Valaam, its old monastery and the unique climate have made the island a beloved place of Russian emperors and the President of the Russian Federation.
  • The etymology of name “Valaam” is uncertain, like the etymology of name Balaam, a diviner in the Torah (Law of Moses written in the first five books of the Bible).  In Russian, Balaam is Valaam.
  • It is sad that in rabbinic literature Balaam / Valaam is represented as one of seven non-Jew prophets.  In the ancient Levant, Baal (Russian Vaal) meant “lord”, “god”, etc.  The Vaal River is the largest tributary of the Orange River in South Africa.


  • The city stretches along the western shore of Lake Onega, the second largest lake in Europe after the above mentioned Lake Ladoga.
  • Petrozavodsk was founded in 1703 like Saint-Petersburg, but archeological discoveries in the urban area indicate the presence of a settlement as far back as 7000 years ago.
  • Petrozavodsk was initially developed to manufacture cannons for the Russian army.  Experts claim that the first railway in the world was inaugurated for industrial uses of the local foundry in 1788.
  • Petrozavodsk is distinguished among other towns of North Russia by its Neoclassical architectural heritage.
  • Petrozavodsk used to have the most expensive street in the world in terms of material.  After the WWII, one of the longest city streets was paved with Crimson quartzite mined on the western shore of Lake Onega, 60 km. from Petrozavodsk.  The second name of this rock is royal stone.  It used for the sarcophagus of Napoleon Bonaparte (Paris), for decoration of Saint-Petersburg’s top landmarks, Lenin’s Mausoleum on the Red Square in Moscow, etc.  See below Shoksha.
  • Petrozavodsk hosts the International Competition of Snow and Ice Sculptures.  This winter festival is called “Hyperborea”.  Its name is borrowed from ancient Greek mythology, where Boreas is the god of the north wind, and the country “Hyperborea” is “the country beyond the North Wind”.  This land was supposed to be perfect, with the sun shining twenty-four hours a day.  Modern esoteric thought states that Hyperborea was the Golden Age polar center of civilization and spirituality.
    • The idea to organize winter festival “Hyperborea” was born in 2001 at the Forum of Cities of the 60th Parallel.  Russia has created its civilization and culture in the climate of the 60th parallel that is not too far from the Arctic Circle.
    • The idea of the festival is to present an attractive side of life in the North, the development of cultural exchange between cities, where winter is the main season.
    • More than half of Russia’s territory lies above the 60th parallel.  This geographic area is generally considered to be unsuitable for “normal” life and people’s activities.  However, over 5% of the Russia’s population lives around the 60th parallel.  In this aspect, Russia is indeed a unique country.  For instance, Anchorage located on the 61st parallel, is the most northern city in the US.  Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska and counts for 40% the state’s total population.  Nevertheless, Anchorage’s population is only 0,1% of the U.S. total.  Alaska occupies not less than 16% of the total territory of the United States, but its population is only about 0,2% of the population of this country.  In Canada, the northern territories are about 40% of the total area of the country.  Their population is only 0,02% of Canada’s total.  Canada’s most populous agglomeration (Toronto) is located only on the 43rd parallel.  Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is sited on the 45th parallel as well as Montreal, the second-most populous city in Canada.
    • The majority of the most important Russian cities (including Moscow) are located approximately at the 55th parallel.  Over 25% of Russia’s population lives around the 55th parallel.  In comparison, in Western Europe, to the north of this parallel, are only the Scandinavian countries and Scotland “heated” by the Gulf Stream.  Their population is relatively small.
  • 80 km. north of Petrozavodsk there is cascade waterfall Kivach.  Kivach has long been considered as the largest plain waterfall in Russia and the second largest plain waterfall in Europe after the Rhine River (the Rhine, Switzerland).  After building a dam in 1936 (for the local hydroelectric power station), the former power of Kivach waterfall is lost.  Interestingly, Kivach waterfall is located on the Suna River.  In Arabic, Sunna means “habit” or “usual practice”.  The Sunna (Eng. Sunnah) is the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions (or disapprovals) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.  The Koran (the holy book of Islam) and the Sunna make up the two primary sources of Islamic theology and law.  Lake Sandal is ~ 10 km. from the waterfall Kivach.  Sandalwood is an aromatic plant and the second most expensive wood in the world, right after African Blackwood.  Sandal is found in India, Australia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands.  Its use is integral part of daily practices of the oldest religions, such us Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, etc.  Indian Sandal is very sacred in the Ayurveda, the medical science of Ancient India that deals with matters relating to health, day-to-day life and longevity (long life).

Night in Petrozavodsk

Day 4

PetrozavodskKizhi Island of Lake Onega (~60 km. one way on a speedboat)

PetrozavodskVytegra (~220 km.)

Kizhi & Lake Onega

  • The main attraction of Onega Lake is the island of Kizhi in the northern part of the lake.  There are 89 wooden architectural monuments of 15th–20th centuries on the island.  The most remarkable of those is the early 18th century complex consisting of a summer 22-dome church, a winter 9-dome church and a belfry. It was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage cites in 1990.
  • Lake Onega’s length is ~ 245 km and width ~ 90 km.  The deepest place (127 meters) is located in the northern part, whose banks are rocky.  Onega Lake basin is a major source of granite and marble in Russia which have been exploited in the area since the early 18th century.
  • The Onega contains a well-developed navigation system which is part of the Volga–Baltic Waterway and White Sea – Baltic Canal, connecting the basins of Baltic, Caspian and the northern seas.  These canals allow water transport of goods from the lake to the countries from Germany to Iran.
  • 58 rivers and more than 110 tributaries flow into the lake, but only one river named Svir, flows out of the lake.  This Svir River runs from the southwestern shore of Lake Onega to Lake Ladoga and continues as the Neva River to Saint-Petersburg and the Gulf of Finland.  In Sanskrit, the word “Svar” has several celestial meanings, including: “the region of the planets and constellations”, “the Sun”, “the light”, “space above the Sun or between the Sun and the Polar star”, “Heaven”, etc.
  • Another attraction of the lake is Onega petroglyphs (rock engravings). They are located on the eastern coast of the lake and date back to 4th –2nd millennia BCE.  There are about 1200 petroglyphs scattered over the 20 km. area including several capes.

Shoksha (~60 km. from Petrozavodsk)

  • Shoksha is a village on the western shore of Lake Onega.  It contains a unique quarry of red and pink quartzite (Crimson quartzite) that has been used in finishing a significant number of monuments of worldwide significance in Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Paris, etc.  It is more than four times harder than granite.  After polishing, Crimson quartzite also called Purple porphyry will maintain the high gloss for six centuries.
  • In 19th century France asked Russian Emperor Nicolas I to supply purple porphyry (crimson quartzite) from Shoksha for the tomb of Napoleon at Les Invalides (Paris).  The Russian Emperor said “What a strange fate… In the struggle with Russia, Napoleon lost his glory, and Russia is building him a tombstone”.  In 12 years later, the monument to the Russian Emperor Nicolas I himself was placed on a pedestal decorated with the same purple porphyry (crimson quartzite) from Shoksha.
  • The Presidential patio in the Moscow Kremlin is made of purple porphyry (crimson quartzite) from Shoksha.  They say that products made of crimson quartzite have an imperial style.  Rather, it is a style of statehood, a style of power.
  • In Hinduism, Shesha (Sanskrit Sesa) is the nagaraja or king of all nagas and one of the primal beings of Creation.  Spiritual nagas are known as true masters and teachers of human evolution.  Lord Vishnu reclines on the celestial snake, the Shesha-naga.  In Sanskrit, naga means cobra, i.e. serpent / reptile with a hood.  Cobra is a symbol of Kundalini that is the latent spiritual energy in the human body.  Kundalini could give enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers.

Vytegra (160 km. from Shoksha)

  • Town Vytegra located in the southern area of Lake Onega along the shores of the Vytegra River on Volga–Baltic Waterway.

Night in Vytegra

Day 5

VytegraBelozersk (~190 km.) →  Goritsy (~45 km.)Kirillov (~8 km.) Feropontovo (~20 km.) Vologda (~120 km.)   

 Belozersk & Lake Beloye

  • This town located on the southern bank of Lake Beloye (Eng. White Lake), from which it takes the name.
  • Lake Beloye or White Lake is the 7th natural lake in Europe (by size).  God created everything in six, 24-hour days and on the seventh day He rested.  This original creation was perfect, without sin or death (Genesis 1).
    • The lake has a rounded shape, its length is ~46 km. and the width is ~32 km.   The average depth of the lake is 5-7 meters.  The largest is 20 meters.
    • 17 rivers flow into the lake, and only one the Sheksna River flows out (the basin of river Volga and the Caspian Sea).
    • Interestingly, among the above mentioned tributaries of Lake Beloye, is the Kema River.  The main tributary of the Kema River is the Indomanka River.  Its root ‘Indoman’ could be translated from Sanskrit, where ‘indhana’ means ‘Indian’. The Kema River flows out of Lake Kemskoye.  Kemet (or km) was the name of ancient Egypt in Egyptian.
  • Belozersk was first chronicled in 862 as one of the five original Russian towns.  Belozersk was an important center of international trade.
  • According to a chronicle, Sineus became the prince of Beloozero in 862.  He was a brother of Rurik, the founder of the Rurik Dynasty which ruled Russia until the end of 16th century.  They were succeeded by the Romanovs.
  • From the 10th to the 13th centuries, the territory was controlled by the Novgorod Republic.  See above Veliky Novgorod (Lake Ilmen).  In 14th century the Beloozero principality became subordinate to the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
  • In the course of the administrative reform carried out in the beginning of 18th century by Peter the Great, Beloozero was included into Saint Petersburg Governorate.
  • Belozersk is located on the 60th parallel, like Saint Petersburg and the Scandinavian capitals (see above).  Interestingly, Belozersk founded in 862 is the oldest of them.  The capital of Finland Helsinki was founded in 1550 as a trading town.  Russian Emperor Alexander I of Russia, the defeater of the above mentioned Napoleon, moved the Finnish capital from Turku to Helsinki in 1812Oslo, the capital of Norway, was founded around 1049 as a trading place.  Around the year 1300 Oslo was elevated to a capital.  The earliest written mention of the name Stockholm (Sweden’s capital) dates from 1252, although the Old Town of Stockholm was first built from about 1000 by Vikings on their trade routes.  It was also the time of the last zenith of Old Uppsala, the first capital of Sweden and the main pagan center.  Saint Petersburg was founded in 1703 at the crossing of the 60th parallel with 30th or Nile meridian.

Goritsky monastery & Maura Hill (~45 km. from Belozersk)

Kirillo-Belozersky monastery

Ferapontov monastery

Night in Vologda

Day 6

VologdaKostroma (~280 km.)Yaroslavl (~85 km.)Rybinsk (~80 km.)Tutayev (~50 km.)Rostov Veliky (~90 km.).

Kostroma (~280 km. from Vologda)

 Yaroslavl (~85 km. from Kostroma)

Rybinsk (~80 km. from Yaroslavl)

  • The name of Alfred Nobel is known all over the world.  Get a Nobel Prize is the dear dream of any scientist.  But not many people know that the Alfred Nobel and his brothers made their fortune in Russia.  Based in Rybinsk in the 19th century, they became the founders of Russian big oil business.  The Nobels successfully competed with the American Rockefeller and the European Rothschilds.  There are only two museums dedicated to Nobels in the world.  One is in Sweden, the homeland of the Nobel brothers, the second is in Rybinsk.
  • Rybinsk was the home town of the brothers Joseph and Nicholas Schenck who became the founders of Hollywood.  Remarkably, the people who made Hollywood were Jew immigrants from different parts of the Russian Empire.  For instance, the family of Joseph and Nicholas migrated to America from Rybinsk in 1893.  The Schenck brothers founded Metro studios — Goldwin — Mayer and XX Century, which together with Columbia Pictures and Warner Brothers were the main film companies of Hollywood in the last century.
  • Rybinsk Reservoir is a water reservoir on the Volga River and its tributaries Sheksna and Mologa, formed by Rybinsk Hydroelectric Station dam.  At the time of its construction, it was the largest man-made body of water on Earth.  The length is over 170 km., the width is ~60 km., average depth is ~6 m., and maximum depth is ~30 m.  The construction of the dam in Rybinsk started in 1935 and continued until 1947.  Thousands of people were gradually resettled elsewhere.  The historic town of Mologa along with hundreds of villages have completely disappeared under water.  Thus, Mologa is often called Russian Atlantis.  Rybinsk Reservoir is the northernmost point of the Volga River, national symbol of Russia.
  • The Rybinsk Reservoir has hidden under its waters many Russian churches and monasteries, including the famous Leushinsky monastery.  The monastery was founded in 1875 and became one of the favorites of the three main Russian women’s monasteries.  Its main shrine (sacred object) was the icon of Praise of the Mother of God.  The literal name of the icon is “I am always with you and no one will offend you”.  SaintJohn of Kronstadt (1829 — 1908), known for his spiritual insight and powerful prayers, called the icon the Savior of Russia.  The prototype of this icon is the Sistine Madonna of the Italian artist Raphael (1483 — 1520).  Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of the High Renaissance.
  • Monument “Mother Volga” stands at the Rybinsk dam.  Her right arm is stretched towards the above mentioned Rybinsk reservoir (at the time of its construction, it was the largest man-made body of water on Earth).  In her left arm she holds a document.  There is no single opinion on what this document is.  In the iconostases of Russian Orthodox churches, saints are depicted with scrolls with prophecies.  The best poem dedicated to the Volga was written by Rybinsk born famous Soviet poet Lev Oshanin (1912-1996).  It became the famous Soviet song “The Volga River flows”.  His surname has Sanskrit roots.  In Sanskrit, ‘osana’ means ‘sharp flavour’, whereas ‘osani’ is ‘kind of vegetable’.  Lev Oshanin and Alexei Leonov (the first human performed spacewalk) were born on May 30.
  • Interestingly, on the outskirt of Rybinsk is former village Israili.  ~17 km. from the center of Rybinsk is the source of the Yoda River.  In the Star Wars, Yoda is the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.  In Sanskrit, ‘yodha’ means ‘warrior’, ‘war’.  In Hebrew, ‘yodea’ means ‘I know’.  The source of the Yoda River is near the village Levino whose name comes from Levi.  In Jewish tradition, a Levite is a member of the Israelite Tribe of Levi, descended from Levi, the third son of Jacob (later given the name Israel) and Leah.  Aaron and Moses were from this tribe.  The Tribe of Levi served particular religious duties for the Israelites and had political responsibilities.  It is believed by some that among the Levites hid the Egyptian priests who sought to rule the world.
  • The Aaronic priesthood was colloquially named kohen or cohen.  They are traditionally believed to be of direct patrilineal descent from Aaron, brother of Moses.  Kohanim can also refer to the Jewish nation as a whole in terms that the people of Israel were chosen (on Sinai) to lead humanity to perfection and the descendants of Levi were destined to be pioneers in the people of Israel.   Interestingly, the noun kohen is used in the Torah to refer to priests, whether Jewish or pagan, such as the kohanim (‘priests’) of Baal or Dagon.  It is believed that the word ‘kohen’ derives from a Semitic root.  The cognate Arabic word ‘kahin’ means ‘oracle’, or ‘priest’.  In the Southern Urals, next to Lake Arakul (i.e. Oracle) there are two lakes – Big Kagan and Small Kagan.  Russian Arabist Nikolai Vashkevich puts forward the theory that all words of any language of the world are motivated through Russian or Arabic.  Vashkevich compares the symbiosis of Russian and Arabic (the “language plasma of the RA”) with the symbiosis of hydrogen and helium, which make up more than 98% of the solar photosphere.  He states that Russian and Arabic are the “system languages of the brain”, the “working languages of the subconscious”, regardless of history, geography, ethnic or species belonging.  This single working language manifests its cybernetic function, controlling living objects through their names.  As a matter of fact, the word ‘Koran’ assumes various meanings in the Quran (Koran) itself.  The word ‘Koran’ in the reverse reading gives in the Russian word ‘Narok’ that means the Covenant.  Vashkevich shows how the linguistic plasma of the RA (i.e. Russian and Arabic) allows one to see the hidden meaning of objects.

  • After the source near the above mentioned village Levino, the Yoda River passes other villages with distinctive names: Savinskoe (In Sanskrit, ‘sava’ means ‘kind of sacrifice’, ‘sun’, ‘commander’, ‘order’, etc.), Gorki (Gori and Gor or Horus), Kotlovo (In Hindustani language, that is an Indo-Aryan language and the lingua franca of North India and Pakistan, ‘kotla’ means ‘citadel’), etc.

  • Near the mouth of Yoda River there is artificially made triangular shaped water reservoir.  Interesting story of the Pères du Triangle (Fathers of the Triangle), a secret organization that controls world affairs, is given in the books of Maximillien de Lafayette. This mysterious group is said to possess a vast pool of forbidden knowledge, transmitted directly from the Anunnaki.  Their home planet is Nibiru, well known from the books of a Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin (1920 – 2010).

  • According to his theory and Sumerian mythology, Nibiruan Enki created the man and educated his
    offsprings.  Fish is the symbol of Enki.  The literal meaning of the name Rybinsk is ‘fish city’.  In the past it was a fishing settlement supplying the Moscow court with sturgeons and other valuable fish.
  • Fish is the symbol of the Age of Pisces, also named the Age of Monotheism (One God) and Abrahamic religions that shaped the world in the previous 2000 year circle.  Fish is also a sign of Christ born in the beginning of the Age of Pisces. The Bible makes many references to fish. Jesus is called the Fisher of men.  Today, the planet is in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.  The next 2000 years will be notable for universal love, brotherhood and integrity.  The only city in the world that has the Aquarius (the Water Carrier) on its coat of arms is Russian town Veliky Ustyug, having a special mission for the whole humanity.  Today, Veliky Ustyug is also the capital of Russian New Year rooted in the global mysteries of Ancient Egypt and the Sumerian New Year festival based on the legend of arrival to Earth the representatives of the above mentioned planet Nibiru.

  • In the 18th century, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great granted the settlement municipal rights and renamed it Rybinsk.  Its most conspicuous landmark, the Neoclassical Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, was constructed on the Volga riverside in the middle of 19th century.  Its bell tower is the second tallest in Russia after the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg, burial vault of the Romanovs.  The Rybinsk Cathedral was built to a design of a Russian architect Avraam Melnikov (1784 — 1854), the Dean of the Russian Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, also famous for the two Egyptian sphinxes, made in the time of pharaoh Amenhotep III succeeded by his son Echnaton noted for his reforms and beautiful wife Nefertiti.  Initially, Melnikov prepared the design for Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, the main cathedral in Saint-Petersburg, but lost the contest to the French-born architect Auguste de Montferrand.  Eventually, Melnikov sold his grandiose design to the municipal authorities of Rybinsk.  The name of Avraam Melnikov in English is Abraham, like the Hebrew patriarch Abraham.  Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Judaism influenced Christianity and Islam.  At the same time, Judaism was influenced by Zoroastrianism, the Persian imperial religion.  But the pioneer of a monotheistic religion that later became Judaism is considered to be the above mentioned Echnaton.  One of the first scholars who put forward this idea was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis.

Tutayev (~50 km. from Rybinsk)

  • This historic town was founded in 13th century.  In the 15th century, it became part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
  • Tutayev is located on the both banks of the Volga River and is very popular with artists.
  • Before the Revolution (1917) Tutayev was called Romanov-Borisoglebsk.  There is a public movement to return the town its historic name.  Tutayev was the surname of a Red Army soldier killed in the area in 1918.
  • The Tutayev district is the motherland of Fyodor Ushakov, the most illustrious Russian naval commander and admiral of the 18th century. He was the absolute winner of all naval battles.  In the course of 43 naval battles under his command he did not lose a single ship and never lost a battle, none of his subjects were ever captured by the enemy.  There was a saying “where the Ushakov, there is a victory”.  But first he defeated himself, his human weaknesses, becoming kind and honest, brave and modest, merciful to his enemies, etc.  He completely abandoned his personal interests, devoting his life to his country.  His relics are preserved in Sanaksar monastery located on the Moksha River (the Volga basin).  In Hindu philosophy, Moksha refers to spiritual liberation from from sasara, the cycle of death and rebirth.  Also, Moksha refers to freedom from ignorance, self-realization and self-knowledge.  The Russian Orthodox Church glorified Admiral Ushakov as a patron saint of the Russian Navy in 2000.  He was also declared the patron saint of Russian nuclear-armed strategic bombers in 2005 by Patriarch Alexius II.  On his icons, Admiral Ushakov is depicted with a note with his saying regarding the destiny of Russia: “Do not despair! These terrible storms will turn to the glory of Russia”.  The root of surname Ushakov is ‘usha’. In Sanskrit, usa means ‘aurora, dawn, morning light’, etc.  Interestingly, sanskrit word usa is also an abbreviation for the United States of America.  St. Germain and other Ascended Masters had such vision for the destiny of the USA upon its foundation in XVIII century.   
  • Tutayev’s magnificent main cathedral is popular with Russian astronauts.  It is largely due to Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to have flown in Cosmos.  She was born in the Tutayev district in 1937.  Before her recruitment as a cosmonaut, she was an amateur skydiver and textile factory worker.  Her husband was another famous Soviet cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolayev (1929 – 2004).
  • Tutayev (Romanov-Borisoglebsk) is known for its domestic Romanov sheep.  The distribution of this unique breed is worldwide.  Romanov wool is very strong and resourceful.

Rostov Veliky (~90 km. from Tutayev)

  • Rostov Veliky or Rostov the Great is one of the oldest Russian towns.  It is located on the shores of Lake Nero.  Nehru (spelt Neru) was the surname of the first Prime Minister of India after the Independence.  His daughter (Indira Gandhi) was the 3rd Prime Minister of India succeeded by her son Rajiv Gandhi.

Night in Rostov Veliky

Day 7

Rostov Veliky → Porechye (~17 km.) → Osokino (~20 km.) → Osurovo (~20 km.) → Pereslavl (~15 km.) → Sergiev Posad (~70 km.) → Moscow (~70 km.).

Varnitskiy monastery (~4 km. from Rostov Veliky)

  • The monastery was founded by the Archbishop of Rostov in 1427 at the birthplace of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1314 – 1392), one of the most revered Russian saints.

Porechye (~20 km. from Varnitskiy monastery)

  • In comparison to Rostov Kremlin, Porechye is located on the opposite side of Lake Nero.
  • Porechye is the mouth of the Russian river Sara flowing here into Lake Nero.  In Sanskrit, the word Sara means essence‘.  Saraswati is ‘one who leads to essence of self knowledge’.
  • Also, Sara (Sarah) is the wife of Abraham in the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, and the Islamic Koran.  Abraham is the common patriarch of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Abraham, originally Avram or Abram, was a Sumerian, like his ancestors.  In fact, Christianity and Islam have come out of Judaism, which, in turn, is rooted in the heritage of Sumer and Nibiruans.  The main Sumerian festival was the New Year.  It was dedicated to the arrival of Nibiru and its ‘gods’.  The capital town of the Russian New Year is Velikiy Ustyug  founded in the 12th century by the residents of Rostov the Great.  Another remarkable significance of Ustyug is the Aquarian on its coat of arm.  It is the symbol of the coming new cosmic age that will eventually turn out the Golden Age for the planet.

Osokino (~20 km. from Porechye)

  • Osokino is connected (via the root of its name) to Asoka, the first Indian Emperor and a great spiritual warrior, one of the best monarchs known in the human history.

Osurovo (~20 km. from Osokino)

Pereslavl (~70 km. from Rostov the Great)

Sergiev Posad (~70 km. from Pereslavl)

Moscow (~75 km. from Sergiev Posad)

Night in Moscow


Journey to Aquarius and the Romanovs

Duration: 6 days

Day 1

MoscowSergiev Posad (~70 km.)Pereslavl (~70 km.) Varnitskiy monastery (~35 km.)Rostov Veliky (~4 km.) Yaroslavl (~60 km.)Vologda (~200 km.)

Sergiev Posad (~70 km. from Moscow)

  • The Trinity Lavra is the main Russian monastery.  Traditional pilgrim place of the Russian kings.  It was established by St. Sergius of Radonezh in 14th century.
  • St. Sergius of Radonezh is the most revered Russian saint.  He is the Heavenly patron of Russia and the Russian Tsars (monarchs).
  • The island of Manhattan is the historical nucleus of the city of New York. Today, here are the highest skyscrapers, in which there are offices of the world’s leading banks and multinational corporations.  Indigenous Indians considered this island sacred.  Emigrants from the Soviet Union have traditionally settled near Manhattan, in neighboring Brooklyn, to the south of which the famous Brighton Beach, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.  In 2013 the so-called Russian beach unlocked the ancient mystery of New York.  A strong storm washed away the mass of coastal sand into the ocean, and stones that had previously been hidden under water were opened.  On these stones were found engraved faces of people very familiar to the Russian emigrants from Brighton Beach.  Most of them were very close to the Slavic type, including the eyes, the hair style, the beard and the long mustache.  One of these images strongly resembles St. Sergius of Radonezh (14th century), although the age of the stone images is believed to be around 5000 years, i.e. they were made about 3600 years before the birth of St. Sergius.

Pereslavl (~70 km. from Sergiev Posad)

  • Pereslavl is established on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo in the 12th century by prince Yuri the Long-Armed, who is also the founder of Moscow and number of other important Russian cities.
  • Pereslavl was beloved pilgrim place of the Russian monarchy.
  • It is the birthplace and princedom of Alexander Nevsky (13th century).  He is the heavenly patron of Saint-Petersburg.  He defeated the Swedish invaders near modern Saint-Petersburg, on the bank of the Neva River.  This river’s origin is the Lake Ladoga.  Before Russia’s adaption of Christianity, this lake had name Nevo.  Interestingly, Mount Nevo or Nebo (in Russian – the Sky) is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the place where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land (the Land of Israel).  The view from the summit provides a panorama of the Holy Land.  In Pereslavl, Alexander Hill provides spectacular view to the local lake that is among the most sacred and beautiful lakes of Russia.  Near this hill is the legendary Blue Stone, on the lake’s shore.
  • Peter the Great (the founder of Saint-Petersburg) made Pereslavl the cradle of the Russian Navy in the end of 17th century.  The first Russian fleet was built here to train the sailors on the lake.
  • Feodorovsky monastery was established in the beginning of 14th century on the spot of the military battle between the Moscow and Tver princedoms.  Young Moscow dynasty was trying to overcome their elder relatives from Tver to become the main Russian princedom.  At that time the Tver princedom was among the strongest European states.  Moscow was a small village given to the youngest son of the above mentioned prince Alexander Nevsky.  There is a legend that rising of Moscow was financed from outside.  At that time Russia was separated into several competing princedom and was under the rule of the Genghis Khan’s descendants.  Therefore, the money could not be collected inside Russia simply due to their absence.  In Europe it was the time of the formal departure from the visible historical scene of The Knights Templar.  The order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout the Christian lands and developed an early form of banking.  Their treasury was not captured at the time of their formal dismissal.  It was taken out of France and saved (or invested) elsewhere.  Interestingly, but the royal co-founders of Templar’s order were the descendants of Russian prince Yaroslav the Wise (978–1054), whose daughter married Henry I of France.  She was the regent of France during their son’s minority.  Anna (1025-1075) was Yaroslav the Wise most beloved daughter.  The official dissolution and prohibition of the Order is associated with King Philip IV of France (another descendant of Anna) and Pope Clement V (1264 – 1314) whose mother was from the family of Bertrand de Blanchefort, the sixth Grand Master of the Knights Templar (from 1156 to 1169) and a great reformer of the Order.  The main cathedral of Fedorovsky monastery is dedicated to the last king of the Russian Rurik dynasty succeeded by the Romanovs.
  • In Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral of Pereslavl, St. Sergius of Radonezh was appointed Father Superior of the Trinity monastery (today Lavra in Sergiev Posad).

Osurovo (~15 km. of Pereslavl)

  • Osurovo is at least linguistically connected to the Asura, a group of supernatural creatures in Hinduism and Buddhism.  Some of the
     Asuras have been worshiped for thousands of years.  Hinduism has many stories of competing to each other Asuras (the “older gods”) and Devas (the “younger gods”), but both these celestial groups are the children of Kashyapa, who symbolizes the prehistoric Unity that precedes the Dualism.  The most powerful Asura king is Prahlada, spiritually initiated by Narada.  Prahlada enjoyed the love and respect of his subjects.  Even Ravana was a weakling before the powerful Prahlada.
  • From Indo-Iranian asura derives Avestan ahura, a particular class of Zoroastrian angelic divinities.  Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord) is the creator and sole God of Zoroastrianism, one of the world’s oldest extant religions.  Major features of Zoroastrianism influenced the later appeared religions, including Judaism, which in turn affected Christianity and Islam.
  • Osurovo is located a few kilometers from the reserved Vashutino Lake and village Vashka.  Vedic sage Vashistha is one of the seven great Rishis (Sages) of India.  It may not be by chance that words ‘Rishi’ and ‘Russia’ sound similar.  Russia is the biggest country in the world and the ideas of justice and equality are the core of Russian soul.

Osokino (~20 km. from Osurovo)

  • Osokino is connected (via the root of its name) to Asoka, the first Indian Emperor and a great spiritual warrior, one of the best monarchs known in the human history.

Varnitskiy monastery (~25 km. from Osokino)

  • The monastery was founded by the Archbishop of Rostov in 1427 at the birthplace of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1314 – 1392).

Rostov Veliky (~4 km. from Varnitskiy monastery)

  • Rostov Veliky (Eng. Rostov the Great) is one of the oldest Russian towns.  It is located on the shores of Lake Nero.  Nehru (spelt Neru) was the surname of the first Prime Minister of India after the Independence.  His daughter (Indira Gandhi) was the 3rd Prime Minister of India succeeded by her son Rajiv Gandhi.  The surname Nehru has originated from the word ‘canal‘.
  • Lake Nero is the mouth or the Sara River.  In Sanskrit, the word Sara means ‘essence’.  Saraswati is ‘one who leads to essence of self knowledge’.  Also, Sara (Sarah) is the wife of Abraham in the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, and the Islamic Koran.
  • Abraham is the common patriarch of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Abraham, originally Avram or Abram, was a Sumerian, like his ancestors.  In fact, Christianity and Islam have come out of Judaism, which, in turn, is rooted in the heritage of Sumer and Nibiruans.  The main Sumerian festival was the New Year.  It was dedicated to the arrival of Nibiru and its ‘gods’.  The capital town of the Russian New Year is Ustyug the Great found in the 12th century by the residents of Rostov the Great.  Another remarkable significance of Ustyug is the Aquarian on its coat of arm.  It is the symbol of the coming new cosmic age that will eventually turn out the Golden Age for the planet.

Yaroslavl (~60 km. from Rostov Veliky)

  • Yaroslavl is the oldest of all the currently existing towns on the Volga that the largest river of Europe (3700 km.) and a symbol of Russian identity.
  • Yaroslavl was found in the beginning of the 11th as an outpost of the above mentioned Rostov the Great, whose ruler was Yaroslav the Wise.  He and his men built the first Yaroslavl Kremlin.
  • In the middle of 16th century Yaroslavl became an important place of international trade.  European merchants sailed from Archangelsk (the White Sea) to Moscow via Yaroslavl.
  • The Transfiguration Cathedral in Yaroslavl Kremlin has a unique fresco of Christian saint Christopher, made in the 16th century by the order of the first Russian Tsar (close to the star) Ivan the Terrible.  Initially, this Christopher had a dog head as the other two Ivan’s Christophers located in Moscow Kremlin (The Cathedral of the Archangel) and Assumption monastery in Sviyazhsk.  From the 17th century and onwards the local Christian activists opposed the dog headed image, although they were not supported by their superiors in the Russian capital.
    Eventually, the dog head of the Yaroslavl Christopher has been replaced by a human head.  The traces of the existence of the former image of the saint are still evident.  The outline of the canine face is visible on the right side of the Christopher’s nimbus.  Dog headed Anubis (one of the oldest gods of Egypt) was associated with Sirius and is one of the most frequently represented gods in ancient Egyptian art.
  • In the 17th century, Yaroslavl was considered the second capital of Russia and was the largest Russian art center.
  • 80 km. east of Yaroslavl is Rybinsk directly connected with the Nobel family (best known for the Nobel Prize) and the founders of Hollywood.

Vologda (~200 km. from Yaroslavl)

  • Vologda is as an historic Russian city.  It was founded in the same year as Moscow (1147).  In the 16th century Vologda was going to be the Russian capital.  First Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny wanted to move his Royal court from Moscow to Vologda.  He built in Vologda the cathedral for crowing Russian monarchs like the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin that is traditional place of crowing Russian rulers.
  • Vologda has a number of famous monasteries that were favored and visited by the Russian Tsars.

Night in Vologda

Day 2

 Vologda Totma (~ 200 km.) Opoki (~ 190 km.) Veliky Ustyug (~ 65 km.)

Totma (~ 200 km. from Vologda)

  • Totma was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1137.  Like Veliky Ustyug, it stands on the banks of Sukhona River, one of the largest rivers of the Russian North (~560 km.).  In Buddhism, Sukhavati is the Western Paradise.  The term comes from Sanskrit, where ‘sukha’ means ‘delight, joy’.
  • In the 16th – 17th centuries, Totma was one of the most prosperous towns of the Russian North, due to the salt production and to the international fur trade with Alaska.  A native of Totma was Ivan Kuskov, the first administrator of Fort Ross, a Russian Pacific ocean fortress in California (Russian America).
  • It is believed that Totma was visited by Ivan Grozny in the 16th century and his ‘student’ Stalin in the 20th century.  In the 17th and 18th centuries, Totma was visited several times by Peter the Great, the founder of Saint-Petersburg and the Russian Navy.
  • The museum of Sea Explorers (in the building of the Church of the Entry into Jerusalem) is the main one in Totma.
  • South of Totma was born Pavel Belyayev (1925 – 1970) who was the first commander of the Soviet cosmonaut corps.  He was the captain of the historic space mission which saw the world’s first man walk in space in 1965 made by Alexey Leonov whose ordinal number in the Soviet cosmonaut corps is 11.  It is also the ordinal number of the Aquarians in the Zodiac.

Opoki (~ 190 km. from Totma)

  • The most astonishing finding in Opoki so far was made in 1993 by a member of Indian delegation associated with Tata Group, India’s largest multinational conglomerate.  It was stated that Opoki bear a full resemblance to the description of the Aryans’ ancient homeland described in the Mahabharata, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India.
  • Literally speaking, Opoki is an up to 70 meter geological exposure of the Permian period which spanned for ~ 50 million years from ~ 300 million years ago to ~ 250 million years ago.  The concept of the Permian was introduced in 1841 by Scottish geologist Sir Roderick Murchison, who named it after the Russian city of Perm (near the Urals).  Interestingly, the heaven patron of Perm is great Saint Stephan who was born in Ustyug in 14th century.  His birth was predicted by the above mentioned Procopius the Blessed, the founder of the Romanovs family.

Veliky Ustyug (~ 65 km. from Opoki)

  • Veliky Ustyug is one of the oldest Russian towns.  It was set up in 1147 as Russian capital Moscow.
  • Today Veliky Ustyug is known as the Russian capital of the Aquarius.  Astrologically, the Aquarius is the heaven patron of Russia.  The only Russian city that has the Aquarius on its coat of arm is Veliky Ustyug.  The coming Aquarian Age will transform the planet.

Night in Veliky Ustyug

Day 3

Veliky Ustyug

  • Since 1998 Veliky Ustyug, the government of Moscow and the federal government have been developing the project «Veliky Ustyug is the native land of the Grandfather Frost».  It is based on the idea of uniting people all over the world through contact with universal image of the Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz), personifying love, belief and hope in the happy future.
  • Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) so much beloved by everyone is not only connected to Saint Nicolas, but to the mysteries of the Ancient Egypt also.   The proof is the white and the red colors of his traditional dressing.  The white color has always been a symbol of the Heaven and the Spirit.  The red color has represented the material wealth and the Matter.  That is why combinations of white and red were widely presented on the smart clothes of gods, priests, kings and pharaohs.  When the first king of unified Egypt Menes (c. 2925 BC) joined Upper (southern) and Lower (northern) Egypt in a single centralized monarchy, he put on his head a double white and red crown.  The crown of Upper Egypt was white and cone-shaped, with a model of the uraeus serpent in front, while that of Lower Egypt was red and shaped more like a
    cap with two projections — a tall straight one in back and a spiral one in front. The Double Crown not only symbolized the unification of both parts of Egypt under the divine king but also the unification of The Heaven and The Earth under the this pharaoh.
  • The modern celebration of New Year in Russia (and the world) is rooted in the ancient time.  The most known New Year festivals were held in Sumer and Egypt.  In Sumer, it was related to the arrival of planet Nibiru.  In ancient Egypt, this festival was associated the rise of Sirius.
  • All Russia saint Procopius the Blessed (or Righteous) was the ancestor of the Romanovs Imperial House.  He came to Ustyug in the 12th century.  On Procopius’ memory day (July 21) the first Romanov tsar Mikhail was crowned as the Russian king in 1613.
  • Procopius always carried three sticks in his hand during life in Ustyug.  These three sticks could reveal more about his spiritual mission to Russian and Ustyug.  The form of these sticks alike to an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph called ‘Neter’.  This hieroglyph would symbolize a spiritual way, searching for harmony with the Universe.  Also, this hieroglyph might have had some association with the above mentioned Nibiru.

hieroglyph Neter  is the Egyptian word for “god”,

  combined hieroglyph is the plural form of “neteru” meaning “gods”

  • The Procopius’ three sticks may also represent the number 777 that is significant in various religious and political contexts.  Not by chance, this number is used on most slot machines in the United States to identify a jackpot.
  • Ustyug was given the status “Great” (Veliky) in the middle of 16th century by the order of Ivan the Terrible who was the first Russian tsar (king) crowned like a Byzantine emperor.  Ivan introduced official symbols of power and methods that were akin to the ones of Nibiruan rulers.  Procopius the Blessed was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547, the first year of rule of Ivan the Terrible.  The first and most beloved wife of Ivan the Terrible was Anastasia.  She was a great granddaughter of Procopius the Blessed and a great-aunt of the above mentioned first tsar of the Romanovs’ dynasty Mikhail Romanov.
  • Pitirim Sorokin (1889 – 1968) was connected with Veliky Ustyug.  Pitirim lost his parents when he was 10 years old and started learning only in the age of 14.  However, due to his abilities and purposefulness, he became in 1919 the professor of Petrograd University and the first doctor of sociology in Russia.  After expatriation to USA in 1923, Pitirim Sorokin created and headed faculty of sociology at the Harvard University, becoming one of world-wide recognized authorities on this area.  Among his students was the future president of USA John Kennedy.
  • Full 77 years stayed on the Harvard campus (hung in the tower of Lowell House) the only in the world set of pre-revolutionary Russian bells.  The bell set was donated to the Harvard in 1930 by American industrialist, diplomat, and philanthropist Charles Crane. Indeed, no great Harvard ceremony was complete without them.  They have become part of Harvard’s culture.  After 20 years of formal and informal negotiations, the Harvard agreed to return the iconic Russian bells on the condition of replacing them with a new set bells cast by a Russian foundry.  In 2008 the religious artifacts were returned permanently to their one-time home, the Danilov Monastery, the oldest monastery of Moscow and now also the residence of the Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church, being the largest of the Orthodox churches in the world and only second to the Roman Catholic Church in terms of numbers of followers.
  • The Boston University is located nearby the above mentioned Harvard, on the other side of Charles River (having the same names as Charles Crane).  The first president of Boston University William Warren (1833 – 1929) was among the most known searchers who started to look at the North as the place of the cradle of the human race.  Warren was extensively quoted by Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856 — 1920), Indian historian and the first leader of the Indian Independence Movement.  Tilak was the first to explore this subject and held the view that further study of Vedic hymns and Avestan passages might reveal the long panorama of Aryan antiquity.  Well known is the hypothesis suggesting the location of the ancestral homeland of Indo-Europeans (or Aryans) in the northern regions of Eurasia.  As a matter of fact many names of rivers and places in the Russian North and Veliky Ustyug are translated from Vedic Sanskrit (c. 1500 – 500 BC).  Remarkable are the similarities of Russian North’s traditional local ornaments and myths’ motives with the ones of Indian culture.
  • The roots of the Russian-American Company Under the Supreme Patronage of His Imperial Majesty are from Veliky Ustyug.  This town and its brave citizens maintained the operation of the Russian America (territory from Alaska to California) before 1867, when all Russian-American Company holdings in Alaska were sold to the United States.

Night in Veliky Ustyug

Day 4

 Veliky Ustyug Kirillo-Belozersky monastery (~ 560 km.) Goritsky monastery (~ 9 km.) Ferapontov monastery (~ 30 km.) Vologda (~ 120 km.)

 Kirillo-Belozersky monastery (~ 560 km. from Veliky Ustyug)

  • As it was said above, this monastery was established in the end of 14th century by Saint Kirill of White Lake who had spiritual guidance.
  • Saint Kirill was a disciple of Saint Sergius of Radonezh (1314 – 1392), a spiritual leader and monastic reformer of medieval Russia (see Day 1).  In the 16th century, the monastery was the second richest landowner in Russia, after its model, the Trinity Lavra near Moscow.  Ivan the Terrible had his own section in the monastery and planned to take monastic vows here after retirement.  The Tsar visited the monastery on several occasions.
  • The monastery was always favored by the Russian monarchs. The vast walled area of the monastery has 11 churches, most of them dating to the 16th century.
  • In the end of the 15th century, Nil Sorsky, a former monk of the monastery and a leader of non-possessors movement in the Russian Orthodox Church, founded the Nilo-Sorsky Monastery 15 kilometers northwest of Kirillov (Kirillo-Belozersky monastery).
  • Kirillovsky District is stretched out from north to south and is split into two roughly equal parts by the divide between the basins of the Arctic Ocean and the Caspian Sea.

Goritsky monastery & Maura Hill (~ 9 km. from Kirillo-Belozersky monastery)

  • Gor is the Russian name of Horus, one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities.
  • Goritsky monastery in located in the village of Goritsy on the bank of the above mentioned river Sheksna.  The monastery was founded in the middle of 16th century by an aristocratic widow.  Her husband Andrei was the sixth and the youngest son of the Russian Grand Prince Ivan III and Sophia Palaiologina of Byzantium.  Through her eldest son Vasili III, she was also the grandmother of Ivan the Terrible, the first Tsar of All Russia.  Ivan the Terrible (1530 — 1584) favored this monastery.  Some famous female members of the Russian royal family have taken here monastic vows.
  • Today the Goritsky monastery has peacocks.  In India, a peacock it is traditional symbol of power.  The Peacock Throne was a famous jeweled throne that was the seat of the Mughal emperors of India, in Delhi.  It was commissioned in the early 17th century by Emperor Shah Jahan, the creator of significant Taj Mahal in Agra.  His vast Mughal Empire covered almost the entire Indian subcontinent.  But the first Indian empire was built by the Maurya dynasty which dominated ancient India between 4th and 2nd centuries BCE.  Most distinguished of them was Ashoka the Great, who is internationally recognized as one of the preeminent rulers in the human history.  He spread Buddhism in India and other counties.  Ashoka pillar capital of Sarnath has become the State Emblem of India.  The peacock was a dynastic symbol of Mauryans.  In Sanskrit, peacock is Mayura.
  • Maura Hill is located nearby the Goritsky monastery.  The Maura is a part of the Russian North national park that protects natural and cultural landscapes, local places of great historical significance.
  • Maura Hill is a sacred place for the Christians.  In 14th century, on the top of that hill, Saint Kirill of White Lake saw the place described to him by the Virgin Mary.  He founded there a monastery that became later the one of the most important and wealthiest monasteries in Russia.

Ferapontov monastery (~ 30 km. from Goritsky monastery)

  • The monastery is considered one of the purest examples of Russian medieval art, a reason given by UNESCO for its inscription on the World Heritage List.
  • The monastery was founded by Saint Ferapont in the end of the 14th century to the east from the above mentioned Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.  Fellow monks Saint Ferapont and Saint Kirill came together to the inhospitable Russian North from the Simonov monastery, the greatest monastery in medieval Moscow.
  • The interior walls of the Cathedral of Nativity of the Virgin are all covered with invaluable frescoes by the great medieval painter Dionisius. This is the last surviving Russian medieval church with fully painted walls.
  • The monastery enjoyed special privileges conferred upon it by the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible.  The tsar (close to star) himself frequently visited the monastery as a pilgrim.
  • The museum in Feropontov monastery has a big collection of Russian North distaffs.  They have skilful
    ornamental carving.  One of the most fascinating is the Flower of Life.  It is said that the secret to how the Universe works lies within this geometrical pattern.  It is one of the oldest sacred symbols known to man and a common symbol of many spiritual teachings around the world.  The oldest known depiction of the Flower of Life is at the megalithic temple Osirion in Abydos, Egypt.

Vologda (~ 120 km. from the Ferapontov monastery)

Night in Vologda

Day 5

 VologdaKostroma (~ 280 km.)Plyos (~ 75 km.)Suzdal (~ 150 km.)

Kostroma (280 km. from Vologda)

  • It is believed that Kostroma was founded on the banks of the Volga River in the middle of the 12th century by the above mentioned prince Yuri the Long-Armed, the founder of Moscow.  Indeed, Kostroma was the Russian capital for a period of time in the 13th century.
  • In Kostroma the first Romanov Tsar was offered the Russian crown in 1613.  The event took place on the feast day of Procopius the Reaper and the birthday of Alexander of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great.  From this time onwards Kostroma has been the cradle of the royal and imperial dynasty of the Romanovs.
  • The main holy of Kostroma is the Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God.  It is considered to be the patron of family happiness.  It was used while the inviting of the first Romanov to the Russian throne.  Since then, all foreign princesses who married Russian princes took the name of this icon as their second name.  The most popular brides to the Romanov Royal family were the German noble ladies.
  • Kostroma is twinned with Aachen (Germany) the capital of Charles the Great (742 — 814), who is called the ‘Father of Europe’.  He united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire.  Aachen is the place where 31 Holy Roman Emperors were crowned Kings of the Germans.
  • Kostroma is also known as the jeweler capital of Russia and the residence of Snow Maiden who is the granddaughter of the Russian Farther Christmas whose capital is the above mentioned Ustyug the Great that was the place of Spiritual deed of Procopius the Blessed (13th century) whom the Romanovs called their ancestor.

Plyos (75 km. from Kostroma)

  • Plyos is located on the right bank of the Volga River.  It is first mentioned the chronicle in the middle of the 12th century.
  • Plyos has become traditional place of recreation and painting.  Nearby is the vacation estate of the Russian Prime Minister.
  • Russian landscape painter Isaac Levitan (1860 — 1900) glorified Plyos.

Syzdal (150 km. from Plyos)

  • Suzdal is one of the oldest Russian towns (10th century).  In the 12th century it became the capital of the principality, with Moscow being merely one of its subordinate settlements.
  • After a decline in political importance, the town rose in prominence as a religious center.  It has might and beautiful monasteries funded by the Russian kings and many charming churches.
  • Suzdal has a great number of stunning examples of the Russian architecture of the 13th — 19th century, including the Kremlin (fortress) dating from the 10th century.  Several of Suzdal’s monuments are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Night in Syzdal

Day 6

SyzdalVladimir (~35 km.) Aleksandrov (~130 km.) Moscow (~120 km.)

Vladimir (~35 km. from Suzdal)

  • Vladimir has great cultural and spiritual significance for Russia.  The earliest settlement of Vladimir is Sungir dated over 30 000 years.  It is an Upper Paleolithic archaeological site on the outskirt of Vladimir that is one of the earliest records of modern Homo sapiens in Europe.  The wealth of burial items and the complexity of the burial rite are unmatched in the world.
  • Vladimir became the Russian capital after Suzdal in the second half of 12th century.
  • Moscow became the Russian capital after Vladimir in the 14th century.
  • The Russian monarchs were originally crowned in Vladimir’s Assumption Cathedral, but when Moscow officially superseded Vladimir as the Russian capital, a similar cathedral was built in the Moscow Kremlin.
  • The name Vladimir means ‘owning the world’.  The Russian president Putin has Vladimir as his first and the second given name.  The same name Vladimir was given by the parents to the current Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.  After becoming a monk he took the name after st. Cyril, the Philosopher who was a Byzantine Christian theologian and missionary (9th century).  He and his brother Methodius are considered as ‘Apostles to the Slavs’.  However, their first but unsuccessful mission was the Khazar Khaganate in order to prevent the expansion of Judaism there.  The Khaganate was one of the four mightiest states of that time, along with Byzantium, the Arab Caliphate and the European empire of the above mentioned Charles the Great.  The Khaganate’s capital was in the delta of Volga, near modern Astrakhan (the Caspian Sea).  Interestingly, the baptizer of Vladimir Putin happened to be the father of the above mentioned Patriarch Cyril, the present Head of the Russian Orthodox Church.  In Sanskrit, the word ‘put’ (the root of the surname Putin) means ‘virtue’, whereas ‘puta’ means ‘purifying’, ‘who purifies’, etc.  The ancestors of the Russian president Vladimir Putin come from the Tver region that has many names of river and places translated from Sanskrit.  The Volga River is also originated from the Tver region.
  • The Vladimir region has number of rivers whose names are translated from Sanskrit.  For instance, rivers Agra, Tara, Yada, Ksara, Indrus, etc.  In India, Arga was the capital before the New Delhi.  Both Indian cites ore located on the sacred river called Yamuna.  Yamuga is the name of Russian river near the border of the Moscow and the Tver regions.  Moreover, Delhi is the name of a settlement in the Tver region.  On 14th century Tver tried to capture the supremacy of Vladimir, but lost the fight to Moscow.
  • The lion with the human on the coat of arms of Vladimir is similar to the incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu in the form of part lion and part man Narasimha.
  • Vladimir has its own Golden Gate, like former Christian capitals Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Kiev.  It is written that Jesus will use Golden Gate when He returns.  However, only the Vladimir’s Golden Gate is open to entry, the other three are blocked.
  • The Golden Gate and the above mentioned Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir were built by Andrew God-Loving.  He moved the capital from Suzdal and Kiev to Vladimir.
  • Andrew God-Loving is often called the first Russian tsar (king).  There are certain striking parallels between him and Nicolas II, who was the last Russian tsar.  July 17th is the memory day of   Andrew God-Loving murdered in 1174 in his palace in Bogolubovo (outskirt of Vladimir).  In 744 years afterwards, on July 17th 1918, in Ekaterinburg (The Urals), Nicolas II with his family were murdered.  Their remains were dropped into Ganin Yama.  That is the official but yet uncompleted story.   There is version of Romanovs’ salvation.  However, today the July 17th is the memory day of the first and the last Russian tsars.  Both of them have been made saints.
  • During the celebration of 300 years of Romanov’s rule, Nicolas II visited in 1913 Bogolubovo – the former residence and the place of murder of Andrew God-Loving.  In 1997 in the central cathedral of Bogolubovsky monastery on the ceiling (just over the altar), miraculously appeared the face of Nicolas II.  In 2002 after the restoration they found that the place of face appearing was a painting of Jesus wearing a tsar costume and holding in hands the symbols of monarch power, scepter and orb.
  • Vladimir region is the native place of Alexander Suvorov (1730 – 1800), who is a national hero and Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Prince of Italy, and the last Generalissimo of the Russian Empire.  His Vladimir estate was called Undol whereas Undal was the main island in the time and place of Atlantis (according Drunvalo Melchizedek and his book The Flower of Life).  Not long before the main continent of Lemuria sank, the teachers of Light / immortal masters of the Naacal Mystery School of Lemuria went to the Undal Island and divided it into four quadrants corresponding to the male-female/logical-intuitive functions of human mind.  The Ascended Masters did everything in their power to smooth the overall increase of density on this planet and a drastic lowering of consciousness.  Hindus interpreted this phase of human evolution as entry into the Kali Yuga (or Age of Darkness).  It was then that the Immortal Masters of the Naacal Mystery School decided to divide themselves into three groups and relocate to Khem (now known as Egypt; by the way, Kem is the name of a number of Russian northern rivers and towns), the Andes (Peru/Bolivia), and the Himalayas. There they materialized underground cities and maintained a low profile for many millennia, keeping themselves comfortably aloof on the higher harmonic dimensions.  When conditions were right, they sent forth emissaries into this dimension, operating through local mages and sages, holy men, kings and queens. Interestingly, Nacala is a city on the northern coast of Mozambique.  Nacala Bay is an area of outstanding beauty.  It is believed to be the place of most powerful sorcerers of Southern part of Africa.

Aleksandrov (~130 km. from Vladimir)

  • Aleksandrov is one of the oldest residences of Russian rulers.  It is associated with the above mentioned Alexander Nevsky (13th century).
  • Aleksandrov was the capital of Russia in the 16th century under the rule of the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible.  There is a legend that his famous library is still in the underground part of the Alexander Kremlin.
  • Peter’s the Great daughter and future Russian Empress Elizabeth lived in the Alexander Kremlin for 10 year.
  • On the way from Vladimir to Aleksandrov are the birthplaces of the following notable people:
    • Nikolay Zhukovsky (1847 – 1921) was a Russian scientist, and a founding father of modern aero- and hydrodynamics.  He is often called the Father of Russian Aviation.
    • Mikhail Speransky (1772 – 1839) is referred to as the Father of Russian liberalism.  He was famous reformer and a close advisor of two Emperors of Russia.  Speransky was the author of the complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire.
    • Vladimir Soloukhin (1924 – 1997) was a Russian poet and writer.  He was born and buried in the settlement Alepino whose name fully correlates to the Syrian city Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.  Soloukhin was a passionate monarchist and wore a finger ring with the image of Tsar Nicholas II.  In 1988 Soloukhin initiated the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.  In 1997 he happened to be the first to receive a special burial praying in this temple after its opening.

Moscow (~120 km. from Aleksandrov)

Night in Moscow

Journey to the Urals

Duration: 14 days

Day 1

MoscowSviyazhsk (~780 km.)

Driving through Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod:

  • Vladimir was Russian capital before Moscow.  On the outskirt of Vladimir that is one of the earliest records of modern Homo sapiens in Europe.  Some rivers in the Vladimir region have Sanskrit names (Agra, Tara, etc.).  See Day 13.
  • Nizhny Novgorod is an important economic, transportation, scientific, educational and cultural center in Russia.  The city is located where the Oka River pours into the Volga River. See Day 12.


  • Sviyazhsk is an island connected to the mainland by a road.  It is located at the confluence of the Volga and Sviyaga Rivers.
  • Sviyazhsk is sited on the same 55° parallel with Moscow.
  • Sviyazhsk was founded in 1551 by Ivan the Terrible as a Russian fortress to seize nearby Kazan (se  below) than the capital of the powerful Khanate of Kazan descended from the Golden Horde, a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate established in the 13th century.
  • In 1918 Sviyazhsk became the place of the decisive battle between the Red Army and the White Army, which wanted the restoration of the monarchy in Russia.  At the stake was also the Romanovs gold (Gold reserve of the Russian Empire) moved to Kazan from Saint-Petersburg in 1915 because of the First World War started in 1914.  At the beginning of that time, Russia’s gold reserves were the largest in the world.  More than 1300 tons of gold.  In 1918 more than half of the gold reserve of the Russian Empire was in Kazan.  With the rise to power of Josef Stalin, the Soviet Union’s gold reserve began to grow rapidly, and by 1941 amounted to 2800 tons, reaching historic maximum.  Current gold reserve of Russia is over 1650 tons.
  • Christian saint Christopher with dog head is another mystery left by Ivan Grozny.  It is a very unique fresco for the Russian Orthodox Church and the Western Christian tradition.  Usually, St.  Christopher is usually depicted as a giant man carrying young boy who is actually Christ.  In Greek the meaning of the name Christopher is “carrier of Christ”.  St. Christopher in Sviyazhsk has no Christ on his shoulder and looks rather like Anubis, one of the oldest gods of Egypt.  Anubis is associated with Sirius and is one of the most frequently represented gods in ancient Egyptian art.  He has a human body and the head of a dog.  In the Ptolemaic period (350 – 30 BCE), Anubis was merged with the Greek god Hermes, whose mother was Maia, the daughter of Atlas and the oldest of the seven Pleiades.  Hermes Trismegistus is the author of the Hermetic Corpus, the famous series of sacred texts that greatly influenced the Western esoteric tradition.
  • On the other hand, saint Christopher of Sviyazhsk resembles Hayagriva (Sanskrit, literally ‘Horse-neck’), a horse-headed avatar of the Lord Vishnu in Hinduism.  Hayagriva is worshipped as the God of knowledge and wisdom, with a human body and a horse’s head.  Some of the early evidences of the worship of Hayagriva date back to 2000 BCE, when Indo-Aryan people worshipped the horse.  Hayagriva is an asura.    In post-Vedic Sanskrit literature, asura was back-formed as a-sura, «non-sura», with sura then associated with a group of demi-gods who inhabit Indra’s domain.  Asuras are akin to the Titans of the Greek mythology.  The mouth of Russian river Sura is just 170 km. east of Sviyazhsk.  In Sanskrit, the word ‘Sura’ has many meanings, including: water, sage, sun, divinity, etc.  Also, ‘Sura’ is a chapter of the Qur’an.  Vyas River is a tributary of the Russian Sura River (the Volga basin).  Vyasa is the central figure in Hinduism, the author of the Mahabharata and the scribe of the Vedas.  The rivers Sura and Sviyaga (after that Sviyazhsk is named) are originated in the same Ulyanovsk region, the motherland of Lenin.  The distance between the sources of these rivers is only 50 km.
  • In 2014, a delegation of the Order of Malta visited Sviyazhsk and donated the relics of the great Christian saints to the monastery which
    has the above mentioned exclusive fresco of St. Christopher with dog / horse head, rooted with ancient Egypt and India.

Night in Sviyazhsk

 Day 2

SviyazhskKazan (~60 km.)Izhevsk (~390 km.)


  • Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers.  It is the eighth most populous city in Russia.  Kazan has been favored by many Russian monarchs.  The Kazan Kremlin built in 16th century by Ivan Grozny is a World Heritage Site.
  • In 2009 Kazan was granted the right to brand itself as the “Third Capital” of Russia.  It is also the “Sports capital of Russia”.  The city hosted the 2013 Summer Universiade, 2014 World Fencing Championships, the 2015 World Aquatics Championships, and is one of the host cities for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
  • There is a long-running dispute about the date of foundation.  The estimates range from the early 11th century to the late 13th century.  It could have been a stop on the Volga trade route from Scandinavia to Baghdad.  Surely, Kazan was a border post between Volga Bulgarians (who settled in the area of the middle Volga and Kama in 7th – 8th century) and two Finnic tribes, the Mari and the Udmurt.  In Syria, Mari was an important trade and cultural center dated 3000 BCE.  The modern Udmurt Republic of Russia has many profound names of rivers translated from Vedic Sanskrit.  See Day 3.
  • The magazine “World Channeling” No. 2 (27) 2016 provides interesting information about the Eurasian Hyperborea, whose capital was on the territory of the modern Kazan.  This Eurasian Hyperborea was founded 8000 years ago the descendants of the Atlanteans who lived in the territory of modern Egypt.  Kazan located on the Volga River is still Russia’s champion for the pyramids.
  • Kazan is the ‘motherland’ of Russian pyramids.  The first Russian pyramid temple was built in Kazan in 1823 and consecrated on the feast day of 13th century Russian Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky who is Heavenly patron of Saint-Petersburg and Russian Emperor Alexander I, the defeater of Napoleon.  This pyramid temple is deducted to the Image of Edessa (Urfa).  According to Christian tradition, the Image of Edessa was a holy relic consisting of a square or rectangle of cloth upon which a miraculous image of the face of Jesus had been imprinted.  It is considered to be the first icon (image).  The ruler of Edessa Abgar V is claimed to be the first Christian king in history and his kingdom to be the first Christian state.  Edessa (now Turkish Urfa) is also considered to be the birthplace of Abraham, the common patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Near Urfa (Edessa) is the cave of the Long-suffering Job from the Old Testament.  Last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was born on the feast day of Job the Long-suffering and symbolically repeated his destiny.
  • In 2002, the ex-President of Russia Boris Yeltsin commissioned in Kazan the multifunctional complex ‘Pyramid’.  It is one of the largest culture and leisure complexes in the Volga region.  This is the only building of such configuration located in Russia and Europe.  The investors spent over $40 mln.  The height of Kazan ‘Pyramid’ is over 30 meters.  In comparison, the height of Great Pyramid of Giza is about 140 meters.  In 2005, a star in Orion constellation got the name of Kazan ‘Pyramid’.  Orion is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the sky.  It is also known that the three pyramids in Giza correspond to the three stars of the Orion’s Belt.  The ancient Egyptians believed that the gods descended from the Belt of Orion and from Sirius (the brightest star in the sky aligned with the Orion’s Belt three stars).  In Egyptian cosmology, Orion was associated with the god Osiris and Sirius was associated with the goddess Isis.  They are both the main Egyptian deities.
  • Our Lady of Kazan is the most beloved holy icon among the Russian Christians.  It has been revered as the main national shrine and known as the Holy Protectress of Russia.  The icon was miraculously recovered in 16th century during the rule of Ivan Grozny.  There are thousands of churches in Russia deducted to icon of Our Lady of Kazan.  Its highest stature within the Russian Orthodox Church is confirmed by its two major cathedrals, the Our Lady of Kazan Cathedral on the Red Squire (Moscow), and the Our Lady of Kazan Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg.  The latter is the main cathedral of Saint-Petersburg.
  • Symbolic are the feast days of Our Lady of Kazan icon.  July 21 is the day when the icon was miraculously uncovered after conflagration in Kazan in 1579.  It is also the feast day of Saint Procopius the Blessed, the ancestor of the Romanovs Imperial House, passed away in Ustyug in 1303.  The second feast day of Our Lady of Kazan is November 4, which is also the Russian Day of National Unity succeeded November 7, the date of the October Revolution (1917) officially celebrated countrywide from 1918 to 1991.  Also, symbolic is the iconography of Our Lady of Kazan icon.  It is the only icon of Our Lady where young Christ points his right hand to her Vishuddha, or throat chakra.  In Hindu tradition, Vishuddha chakra is known as the purification center.  It is also associated with wisdom.  Wisdom helps harmoniously unite Matter and the Sprit, represented on the icon by Our Lady and Christ.
  • In August 2004, as a gesture of reconciliation, Pope John Paul II presented unconditionally his dear an 18th century copy of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan to the Russian Church.  On the next feast day of the holy icon, July 21, 2005, Russian Patriarch Alexius II placed it in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kazan Kremlin.  This image is also called Fatima image of Our Lady of Kazan.  Before Pope John Paul II got this icon in 1993, it had stayed in Fatima (Portugal) from 1970 onwards.  Interestingly, the name of the town and parish in Catholic Portugal is a rendition of the Arabic given name Fatima.  Presumably, the town was named after a Moorish Muslim princess.  The most known Fatima was the favorite daughter of the prophet of Islam Muhammad and the wife of his the cousin Ali, the fourth caliph.  In some ways, she is considered a Muslim counterpart to Mary, Mother of Jesus, as the ideal model for all women.  Fatima is one of four perfect women mentioned in the Quran.  The other three were Aisha, Khadijah, and Mary.  Portugal Fatima is associated with the Marian apparitions that were witnessed by three children in 1917 (the year of Russian revolution).  Among the main revelations was the Virgin’s alleged request for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  In the first in history meeting between the Pope and the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in February 2016 (Havana), Francis gave Kirill a reliquary of the 9th century Saint Cyril (buried in Rome), whereas Kirill gave Francis a copy of the icon of the Our Lady of Kazan.

Lenino-Kokushkino (~40 km. from Kazan)

  • Lenin, the future founder of the Russian Communist Party, the architect and first head of the Soviet state, became a revolutionary in Kazan, while being a student in the faculty of law at what was then called Kazan Imperial University.  In Kazan the young Lenin formed his political ideas.  His grandfather Alexander Blanc had an estate (now Lenino-Kokushkino).  Lenin lived and spent his childhood summers here.
  • The estate (now museum) is located on the bank of Ushnya River.  In Sanskrit, Ushna (Usna) has several meanings including: hot, sharp, active, etc.  Ushna and Sula rivers are tributaries of the Myosha River (the Kama basin).  Interestingly, Moisha (Moshe) is the Russian name of the Biblical figure Moses, former Egyptian prince, who later in life became religious leader of Hebrews and lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the Torah, or acquisition of the Torah from Heaven is traditionally attributed.  As far as the above mentioned Russian river Sula is concerned, Sulla (138 – 78 BCE) was a skillful Roman general and statesman who revived the office of dictator, which had been inactive over a century before, and used his powers to reform the Roman Law and the Roman Constitution.  Russian river Sula had its name long before the Roman Sulla was born.
  • Near Lenino-Kokushkino is the settlement Chita located on the bank of the above mentioned river Myosha.  In Sanskrit, ‘Chitta’ is ‘memory’.  It is derived from the root ‘chit’, ‘to be conscious’.  Chitta is the Subconscious mind, the store-house of memory.

Vyatskiye Polyany (~120 km. from Lenino-Kokushkino)

  • Town Vyatskiye Polyany is located on the right bank of the Vyatka River.  The place has been known from 16th century.
  • During the World War II Vyatskiye Polyany was the major manufacturer of the PPSh-41 sub-machine gun.  It was one of the major infantry weapons of the Soviet Army fighting the Nazi.  Around six million PPSh-41s were manufactured.  During the War, George Shpagin, the designer of this cheap to produce and easy to maintain weapon, lived and worked in Vyatskiye Polyany.

Izhevsk (~210 km. north-east from Kazan)

  • Izhevsk is the capital city of the Udmurt Republic of Russia.  In Sanskrit, ‘Uddamara’ means ‘excellent, respectable, of high rank or consequence’; ‘Murti’ means ‘incarnation, embodiment, deity’, etc.  The capital city of Udmurtia is Izhevsk located near the confluence of the rivers Izh and Kama, both bearing Sanskrit names.  In Sanskrit, ‘Kama’ is desire and ‘Iz’ means ‘master, lord, and the supreme spirit’.
  • Kambarka is a town of the Udmurt Republic, Russia.  It is named after the river Kambarka (the Kama River basin).  Kambar is a city in Sindh province of Pakistan.  Kambar is just 30 km. north from the world famous Mohenjo-daro flourished during the third millennium BCE.  In Sanskrit, ‘Kambara’ is a genus of plants in the ginger family.  Name of Kambarka might be also liked to Sanskrit word ‘Kumbakha’ for a pot, pitcher, and the Aquarian.  The Kumbh Mela in India is the biggest faith festival on the planet.
  • After the fall of the Khanate of Kazan in 16th century, the modern Izhevsk land became a part of the Russian statehood.  Industrial development of the land started in 18th century from Peter the Great and its daughter Empress Elizabeth.  One of the biggest water reservoirs in Europe was formed for ironworks.  Palm-wide iron bands produced in Izhevsk were supplied to Moscow for the Kremlin renewal.  Also, the iron from Izhevsk was used for construction in Saint-Petersburg.
  • Since the World War II, due to its safe geographical location, Izhevsk has been an important manufacturer of military components.  The production of the world known AK-47 automatic rifle started in 1948 and continues to this day.  The rifle’s designer, Mikhail Kalashnikov lived in Izhevsk until his death in 2013.  Izhevsk has a title of the ‘Armory of Russia’ which it shares with the city of Tula.  Interestingly, Tule is the mythical northern country in Greek legend, ancient Hyperborea.  It is described in the works of Helena Blavatsky, a founder of the Theosophical Society.

Night in Izhevsk

Day 3

IzhevskVotkinsk (~60 km.)Perm (~230 km.)Kungur (~100 km.)

Votkinsk (~60 km. from Izhevsk)

  • Votkinsk is one of the oldest cities in the Urals.  The highest point of the Ural Mountains is the Mount Narada (Narodnaya).  Narada is the Vedic sage who carries enlightening wisdom and travels to distant worlds and realms of the Universe.
  • Votkinsk was established in the middle of 18th century as a metallurgical center.
  • The town is the birthplace of world famous Russian composer Chaikovsky, who spent the first eight years of his life here.  His father was the head of the famous local metallurgical plant.  In the period of 18th — 20th centuries, the plant was the major Russian manufacturer of anchors, railway equipment, ships, excavators, gold mining drags, various weapons.  Votkinsk ironworks was one of the most progressive at the time.
  • In the middle of 20th century the plant started mass production of the ballistic missiles which are the core of Russian Nuclear Forces and the foundation of the of Russia’s nuclear triad.
  • Siva or Shiva is the “destroyer and transformer” within the Hindu trinity and one of the principal deities of Hinduism.  In Russia there are few settlements and rivers with ancient name Siva.  One of them flows on the outskirts of Votkinsk and joints the Kama River in 20 km. south-west of Votkinsk.  The direct distance from Votkinsk to the Kama River is just 10 km.  Russia has few rivers named Siva.  In Sanckrit, Siva means “auspicious, propitious, gracious, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly”, etc.  It is said that the roots of Siva in folk etymology is “si” which means “in whom all things lie, pervasiveness” and “va” which means “embodiment of grace”.
  • Votkinsk is the largest settlement in the Siva River Valley.  In the past, during the spring floods, the Siva River was used to transport to the Kama River (the Volga basin) by special barges steam locomotives, steamships and other vessels produced by the Votkinsk plant.  Totally, it has built about 400 vessels of various types and more than 630 steam locomotives of different series.
  • In 1858, the craftsmen of Votkinsk plant manufactured and assembled the spire’s frame for the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg.  The spire is the most notable vertical and symbol of the city which was the capital of Russia at that time.  This 122-meter bell tower is still the tallest in Saint-Petersburg.  This bell tower has the largest bell collection in the world.  The Peter and Paul Cathedral is the tomb of Russian emperors, beginning from Peter the Great, the founder of Saint-Petersburg.

Perm (~230 km. north-east from Votkinsk)

  • Perm is the largest city on the Kama River.  Perm is located near the above mentioned Ural Mountains.  Kama is the Hindu god of human love or desire.  In Sanskrit, “Kama” means “»desire, wish”, etc.  Kama is one of the four goals of human life in Hindu traditions.  Perm is stretches for 70 km. along the Kama and 40 km. across it.  The city street grid parallels the Kama River.
  • The Kama is the main tributary of the Volga River and one of the deepest and most picturesque rivers of Russia.  This Kama river is the waterway which grants the Ural Mountains access to the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Sea of Azov, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea.  The source of the Kama River is in the above mentioned Udmurtiya, in the village called Kuliga.  In Sanskrit, “Kula” means “river bank, pond” whereas “Kulya” is “canal, stream”.
  • In the Kama basin are nearly 74 000 rivers.  One of its biggest tributary is the Chusovaya River which joints the Kama River near Perm.  It is claimed that this confluence of rivers could have been the birthplace of Zoroaster (Zarathustra), an ancient Iranian prophet whose teachings developed into Zoroastrianism, the dominant religion in Ancient Persia.  Major features of Zoroastrianism greatly influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that have shaped the modern world.

Belogorsky Monastery (~115 km. south of Perm)

  • Belogorsky monastery is located on the top of Belaya Gora (White Mountain).  For the strictness of the charter, this monastery was once called the Ural Athos.  Mount Athos in northeastern Greece is the most important centre of Eastern Orthodox monasticism.
  • The foundation of the monastery goes back to 1891, in memory of the miraculous salvation of Prince Nicholas (future Nicholas II of Russia) from the murder in Japan.  A Holy Cross (11 meters high) was erected.  Ever since the monastery enjoyed the patronage of Nicholas II and his family.
  • The monumental stone cathedral dedicated to the Exaltation of the Cross, was completed and opened in 1917 (the year of Russian revolution).  It is the most grandiose religious building in the Perm region (over 160 000 km²).  The height is 53 meters, width is 53 meters.  It is similar to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which is the main Christian cathedral in Russia.  The spaciousness of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow is 10 000 people.  The spaciousness of the Cross-Exaltation cathedral on the White Mountain is 8 000 people.
  • The Elevation of the Holy Cross is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church.  It commemorates two events: 1) the finding of the Cross by the Empress Helen (the mother of Constantine the Great) on Golgotha in 326 AD, the place where Christ was crucified; 2) the recovery of the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified from the Persians.  However, the very root of this feast is the Djed pillar, one of the most ancient and commonly found symbols in Egyptian mythology.  It is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability. It is associated with the creator god Ptah and resurrection god Osiris, commonly representing his spine.  Osiris and Orion are the same in ancient Egypt, and the Egyptians believed that Osiris will return from Orion one day.  During the annual “Raising the Djed”, the pharaoh used ropes to raise a pillar, with the assistance of priests.  One of the most interesting images of Raising the Djed pillar is in Abydos in the Temple of Seti I (13th century BCE).  By the way, SETI stands for the ‘Search for extraterrestrial intelligence’, a collective term for scientific searches for intelligent extraterrestrial life.  To the rear of the temple of Seti I is the Osirion made of monoliths of surprising size and workmanship.  It is believed that the most ancient depiction of Flower of Life is in the megalithic temple Osirion.  It is said that the secret to how the Universe works lies within this geometrical pattern.  It is one of the oldest sacred symbols known to man and a common symbol of many spiritual teachings around the world.  Seti I made the Osirion an integral part of his funeral complex in Abydos.  He is well known for his search (and cover) of the traces left by ‘gods’ in ancient Egypt.  On a wall of the Temple of Seti I there is the unique and greatly valued list of the names of dynastic pharaohs of Egypt from Menes until Seti I’s father.  Menes is credited with having united Upper and Lower Egypt and as the founder of the First Dynasty (~3000 BCE).  Menes put the double white and red crown represented the unification of the two regions of Egypt, Upper and Lower Egypt.  The White Crown of Upper (southern) Egypt merged with the Red Crown of Lower (northern) Egypt.  The Double Crown not only symbolized the unification of both parts of Egypt under the divine king but also the unification of The Heaven and The Earth under the this pharaoh.  It is known the
    white color has always been a symbol of the heaven and the Spirit.  The red color has represented the material wealth and the Matter.  That is why combinations of white and red were widely presented on the smart clothes of gods, priests, kings and pharaohs.
  • Father Superior Seraphim (1875-1959) of the Skete of Belogorsky monastery was a trusted friend of Grand Duchess Elizabeth and fulfilled her wish to be buried in Jerusalem.  She and other    members of the Russian Imperial Family were thrown alive to Selimskaya mine near Alapayevsk, on the next day after the murder of Nicolas II and his family in Yekaterinburg.  Most were thought to have died slowly from injuries or starvation, rather than the subsequent fire.  In 1921, Father Seraphim brought the remains of Elizabeth to Jerusalem, where they were laid to rest in the Russian Church of Maria Magdalene, located directly across the Kidron Valley from the Temple Mount.  Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus, was the first to see Christ after his resurrection.

Kungur (~60 km. from Belogorsky Monastery)

  • Kungur is the birthpalce of Kirill Khlebnikov (1784 – 1838), who was Member of the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Director of the Russian-American Company, biographer of the pioneers of Russian America, the Russian colonial possessions in North America from 1733 to 1867.  Settlements spanned parts of what are now the USA states of California, Alaska, and two ports in Hawaii.  He studied life and culture of the people of the Far East and Northwest America and wrote several articles about it.  His grandson Alexander (1877 — 1951) became the first guide and guardian of the Kungur cave.  He made the Kungur cave a major excursion center.  Among the most famous visitors were Princess Victoria, the older sister of above mentioned Elisabeth and Alexandra, who had married into the Russian imperial family, Head of state of the Soviet Union Mikhail Kalinin (1875 – 1946), Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Army Georgy Zhukov (1896 – 1974) defeated Nazi Germany during World War II.
  • Each year, in the summer, Kungur holds a spectacular festival of aeronautics “Celestial fair of the Urals”.

Kungur Ice Cave

  • Kungur cave has been known since 1703 and is one of the most popular sights of Siberia and the Urals.  Its estimated age is about 10 000 — 12 000 years.
  • The cave is located on the right bank of the Sylva River, on the outskirt of Kungur.
  • The cave has symbolic coordinates: 57°N, 57°E.
  • Kungur cave is one of the largest karst caves in the European part of Russia, the world’s seventh plaster cave in length.
  • The length of the cave is about 5700 m., of which 1.5 km. is equipped for visits by tourists. The average air temperature in the center of the cave is +5°C.  Kungur cave contains 58 grottoes.  The humidity in the grottoes is 90-100%.
  • In 2011, Forbes selected ten of the most impressive caves in the world.  Among all the Russian caves, only Kungur cave entered the list.
  • The air in the cave is saturated with air ions, which have a beneficial effect on health.  Here can be treated bronchial asthma, bronchitis, can be adjusted the blood pressure and be calmed the nervous system.

Night in Kungur

Day 4

 Kungur Ganina Yama (~290 km.)Devil’s Mound (~10 km.)Yekaterinburg (~30 km.)

Ganina Yama (~290 km. south-east of Kungur)

  • Ganina Yama and the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg are most often associated with the fate of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family in 1918.  The name Ganina Yama, like the names of others places here related to the Russian Imperial family has Sanskrit origin.

Devil’s Settlement (~10 km. from Ganina Yama)

  • Devil’s Settlement is a cultish place of majestic cliffs on the mountain top.  It is a stone crest 20 meters high, made up of massive towers of granite slabs, which have a volcanic origin and were formed about 300 million years ago.

Yekaterinburg (~30 km. from Devil’s Mound)

  • Yekaterinburg is the biggest city of the Urals.  It is located on the 60th meridian, which has the absolute number of the Urals sacral places on it.
  • Yekaterinburg stands on the upper reaches of the river Iset.  Interestingly, Iset is an Ancient Egyptian name, meaning “(She) of the throne”.  It was the name of the goddess better known by her Greek name Isis.
  • The Shigir Idol, exhibited in Yekaterinburg, is the most ancient wooden sculpture in the world. It was made during Mesolithic, 7500 BCE.  The idol was discovered in 1890, on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals (~100 km of Yekaterinburg).
  • The Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg was the place where the former Emperor Nicholas II and his family were kept in 1918.  Many researchers agree that the execution in this house was a staging.  There are arguments that the Tsar’s family survived.  Attention-grabbing is the house owner Nikolai Ipatiev (1869 – 1938) and his brother Vladimir Ipatieff (1867– 1952) who left the Soviet Union in 1930 and became the founding father of the modern petroleum chemistry in the United States.
  • Nikolai Ipatiev (namesake of Nicholas II) bought his house in Yekaterinburg for 6 thousand rubles. At the same time he had a 1 million rubles contract with the Government of Nicholas II for the delivery of sleepers for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the longest in the world (9288 km.).  The first wheelbarrow of the land at the very beginning of its construction in 1891 in Vladivostok was brought by Prince Nikolai (future Tsar Nicholas II).  The steamship of the governor of Eastern Siberia, which defined the future city and port of Vladivostok in 1859, was called “America” ​​and was built in New York in 1856.  In honor of this steamer, the main street of Vladivostok until 1873 was called American.  Another evidence of the long common history and evolutionary tasks of Russia and America has been recently discovered in New York.  See the Stones from Brighton Beach (Day 14).

Night in Yekaterinburg

Day 5

Yekaterinburg Kamensk-Uralsky (~100 km.)Allaki (~115 km.)Arakul (~70 km.) Verkhny Ufaley (~30 km.)

Kamensk-Uralsky (~100 km. south-east from Yekaterinburg)

  • The main landmark of the city is the rock called Stone Gate on a bank of the Iset River.
  • The Stone Gate is a limestone rock 20 meters high with a rectangle arch (10 meters) in the center.
  • The Iset River divides the city into two administrative regions: Sinarsky (Sinara) and Krasnogorsky (Red Cliff).
  • Directly through the city of Kamensk-Uralsky passes the boundary of the Urals and Siberia, with most of the Sinar region is in Siberia.  In the Hebrew Bible, Sinar (Shinar, Sennaar) is the term used the general region of Mesopotamia.
  • Kamensk-Uralsky is a big metallurgical and railway center.  The length of the city from north to south is approximately 27 km, from west to east 15 km.

Allaki (~115 km. south-west from Kamensk-Uralsky)

  • Allaki is a bizarre shape complex of 14 granite rocks (stone tents) standing on a small hill, 50 meters from the Lake Great Allaki, on the same parallel with Moscow.
  • In Egypt, Allaqi is the major dry river (250 km.) in the southeastern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, draining the area from the hills near the Red Sea to the valley of the Nile.  In the ancient time, Wadi (dry river) Allaqi was the way to the gold mines.  Its mouth in the Nile Valley was ~115 km. south of south of Aswan on the eastern side of Lake Nasser.  At this point used to be the now flooded by the lake settlement named Kuban.  In Russia, Kuban is the name of a river in the Northwest Caucasus region in Krasnodar Krai.  The Kuban River originates on the slopes of Mount Elbrus that is the highest mountain in Russia and in Europe, and the tenth most prominent peak in the world.
  • In Hinduism, Alaka is the splendid home of Kubera, the lord of wealth and half-brother of Ravana from the Ramayana.

Arakul (~70 km. from Allaki)

  • Arakul is the name of a lake and gigantic rocks.  In a straight line, Arakul is located ~95 km. south of the center of Yekaterinburg.
  • Arakul rocks (also called Shikhan) are a mountain range, ~2 km. long, 60 meters high.  It looks like the Chinese Great Wall, but built by Nature or / and highly developed civilization(s) in the very distant past.
  • From the Arakul rocks are seen 11 lakes, including the Big Kagan and the Small Kagan. Interestingly, Kagan is a primarily Russian-Jewish surname related to the surname Kohen / Cohen, which denotes the descendants of the high priests of ancient Israel, descendants of Aharon, brother of Moses.  Kagan was the supreme title in some medieval states that existed on the territory of present-day Russia.
  • One of the famous bearers of such name was Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (22.11.1893 – 25.07.1991), named “Iron Lazar”, one of the main associates of Joseph Stalin.  He is known for helping Stalin to seize power.  In Sanskrit, “sthalin” means “possessing any vessel or receptacle”.  At his death in 1991, Lazar Kaganovich was the last surviving Old Bolshevik who were the members of Communist Party before the Russian Revolution of 1917.  The most prominent survivors in the Communist Party were Lazar Kaganovich, Vyacheslav Molotov, Kliment Voroshilov, Anastas Mikoyan, and Stalin himself.  The Soviet Union itself outlived Lazar Kaganovich by a mere five months.

Verkhny Ufaley (~30 km. from Arakul)

  • This town is one of the oldest populated places in the Ural region.
  • Verkhny Ufaley is rich in mineral deposits (nickel and iron ores, marble, fire clay).
  • Near is the source of the Chusovaya River, the main water supply of Yekaterinburg.

Night in Verkhny Ufaley

Day 6

Verkhny UfaleyLake Chusovskoye (~15 km. one way)

Verkhny UfaleyKyshtym (~70 km.)Turgoyak (~80 km.) Miass (~15 km.)Chebarkul (~20 km.)

Lake Chusovskoye (~15 km. from Verkhny Ufaley)

  • The Chusovaya River (>590 km.) is a tributary of the Kama River (>1800 km.), which in turn is a tributary of the Volga River (>3690 km.).  The Chusovaya River enters the Sanskrit named Kama River near the city Perm (see Day 3).
  • The Chusovaya River is remarkable in that it originates on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains in Asia, crosses the mountains, and mostly runs on their western slopes in Europe.
  • The Chusovaya River is famous for its hundreds of large rock formations located along the shoreline.  Many of them have poetic names.

Kyshtym (~70 km. from Verkhny Ufaley)

  • Kyshtym was established in the middle of 18th century around two factories for production of cast iron and steel.
  • Life of U.S. President Herbert Hoover was connected with Kyshtym.  Before his presidency, Herbert Hoover’s company helped modernize the copper, iron and steel industry in Kyshtym (1910).
  • The first largest hydroelectricity facility in the world was named after Herbert Hoover.  It is located in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River.
  • The modern Hoover Dam has also its own secrets.  For instance, the two winged sculptures and the Pleiades’ star map.  The Insider reveals about the constellation of the Pleiades and its central (and brightest) star Alcyone, around which our Sun rotates with its planets, including Venus, to which the collective essence of the Insider is connected.  The Insider point out that the feet of the statues point directly down to the Earth, while the arms and tips of the wings are directed to the Sky.  Life Energy flows into the human complex of the body / mind / spirit from the Earth, through the legs.  At the same time, the Mind Energy of the Infinite Creator flows from the top down, entering through the crown chakra.
  • The Kyshtym Dwarf found near the town in 1996 is believed to be of extraterrestrial origin.

Turgoyak (~80 km. from Kyshtym)

  • Turgoyak is the name of a town and a unique lake in the Southern Urals, which is one of the richest regions of Russia. In its depths are stored huge reserves of gold, platinum, copper, minerals and gems.  However the main wealth of this region is the numerous lakes.
  • Lake Turgoyak is a reservoir of pure drinking water whose quality is similar to that of the Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia.  The Baikal is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, containing over 20% of the world’s fresh surface water.  The Baikal Lake’s water volume is 23 615 km3, whereas the Turgoyak is only 26 km3.
  • Lake Turgoyak contains more than half a billion tons of fresh water under the surface area.  The water of the lake has a great transparency (up to 18 meters).
  • Lake Turgoyak is located in a large basin, surrounded on all sides by low mountains and ridges.  It is almost round in shape.  The length of the lake is 6,9 km., its maximum width is 6,3 km., the coastline is 27 km. long.
  • The lake is a large granite bowl with spring water.  It lies in a granite massif and has a flat bottom.  Such an unusual bottom relief is not found in any other mountain lake.
  • The largest island on the lake is St. Vera Island (Isle of Faith).  It is most famous for the megaliths.  Weight of the largest slab is 17 tons.  Scientists still cannot explain who built these mysterious structures and for what purpose.  It is believed that the island was the center of the megalithic culture that existed in the Urals from about IV to III millennium BCE.

Miass (~15 km. from Turgoyak)

  • This city is located on the eastern slope of the Southern Urals, at the foot of the Ilmen Mountains.  According to Lenin’s decree, the Ilmen Mountains were declared in 1920 a mineralogical reserve, one of the first reserves created in Russia (after the 1917 revolution).  It is the site of deposits of many rare-earth minerals.
  • Miass is located on Ilmen Lake.  Interestingly, lake with the same name in Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod the Great) is considered the cradle of modern Russian statehood.
  • The symbol of the city is the moose.  In Medieval Russia, it was associated with the constellation Orion.
  • Miass settlement was founded in the second half of 18th century as a copper mining factory.  During the 19th century, the development was driven by the discovery of the richest gold deposits in the Urals.  Even Emperor Alexander I could not resist and during his stay in Miass, he tested his luck as a simple gold digger.  The Emperor extracted about 360 kg of gold-bearing rocks and found a nugget weighing 3 kilograms.
  • It is estimated that over its history, mankind has extracted more than 162.000 tons of gold.  More than half of this volume was mined in the last 50 years.
  • One of the world’s largest nuggets, the “Big Triangle” weighing over 36 kilograms, was found here in 1842, prior to the California Gold Rush (1848–1855).  The “Big Triangle” (length — 39 cm, height — 28 cm.) has been stored in the Diamond Fund of Moscow Kremlin.  This is the first and largest piece of gold to date in the world.  All other items that were found later in other countries have been subjected to melting or processing.
  • Today Miass is a major machinery center.  Russian submarine-launched ballistic missiles are designed here.
  • Miass has a rich mineralogical museum, one of the five largest Russian geological-mineralogical museums.  Its three-story building (over 2 000 m2) exhibits most beautiful and interesting 9 000 crystal and rocks out of 30 000 units in storage.

Chebarkul (~20 km. from Miass)

  • Chebarkul is the name of a town and a lake in the Southern Urals.  The same name of the lake and the town comes from Turkic and means “Beautiful, colorful lake”.
  • The Chebarkul Lake is the source of the Koelga River, which in turn flows into the other rivers, including the Tobol and the Ob that finally empties into the Arctic Ocean.
  • The place today is most known for the fragment of the meteorite fell into the lake in February 2013.  Interestingly, but the 6 meters across hole (‘made’ by the meteorite in the lake ice) was too round…
  • Local enthusiastic researcher Nikolay Melnikov (Eng. Nicolas Miller) gives the best explanation.  He made a video record of the falling of a fragment of a meteorite in Lake Chebarkul on February 15, 2013.  A huge celestial body at high speed crashes into the ice, but instead of an explosion appeared only a cloud of steam and silence afterward.  The object was not blown up.  The edges of the hole were such smooth.  It seemed that somebody carefully cut down beforehand…  Nikolay says two days before the fall of the meteorite there was a reconnaissance. Three plasma balls scanned the lake for 15 minutes.  This was exactly the place that the meteorite fragment later landed on.
  • When the burning meteorite flew over the city of Chelyabinsk (~70 km from Chebarkul) at an altitude of almost 50 km, an unidentified flying object (UFO) of a cigar-like shape approached the meteorite and created a plasma shield.  There was an explosion and the meteorite exploded into three parts and went out.  A second later it caught fire again.  One of the splinters (the size of a bus) flew in the direction of Chebarkul.
  • On the enlarged photographs it can be seen that a huge stone (diameter ~ 3 meters) is carried by 6 flying objects of small sizes.  They appeared from the cigar-like UFO after an explosion in the air.  They dragged it for 75 km from the place of explosion to Lake Chebarkul.  Near the lake the speed of the fragment decreased.  At that time one of the UFOs separated to cut the lake ice by a laser, preparing the hole.  That is why their intelligence was carried out on the lake two days before the event.  The heavenly body was carefully ‘directed’ into the lake.  Thus, Nikolay’s camera (on the top of his shore house) did not fix the explosion.  The lake did not come out of the shores as it should have happened if the fragment had crashed into the lake itself without ‘help’ of the UFOs.  Moreover, the neatly cut ice floe of a circular shape (diameter ~ 6 x 5 meters, 70 cm thick) was later found at the bottom of the lake at the depth of 15 meters.  It went down with the stone.
  • In October 2013, scientists and divers dredged from the lakebed a large meteorite fragment weighed about 570 kg.  It is now in Chelyabinsk State Museum of the Southern Urals History.
  • The light from the meteor was brighter than the Sun and it is the largest known natural object to have entered Earth’s atmosphere since the 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia.
  • World Channeling magazine published in Russia, provides a more profound information on the Chebarkul meteorite.
  • The meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region was part of the asteroid.  It was part of a huge cosmic body, which was twice exerted by the Light Ships of the Fleet of Ashtar Sheran. The first was beyond the limits of the Solar System.  The second was in the Earth’s atmosphere.  Simultaneously, the Forces of Deterrence exerted their influence on the same body.
  • As a result of the first impact of Ashtar’s Light Ships, 99.9% of the total mass of the space body was neutralized.  What remained was actually the asteroid (diameter ~ 45 meters), which entered the Solar System and passed near the Earth at a distance of 27.000 km., accompanied by a large number of wreckages.  From them one (future meteorite) was artificially separated and accelerated towards the Earth.  This artificial impact was carried out by representatives of the Ponokteon who intended to send the entire asteroid to the Arkaim area, but could not redirect it.  The Ponconeon planned to strike at the Crystal Heart of the Planet, one part of which is located in the Arkaim area.  The impact of representatives of the Ponokteon was neutralized by the Light Ships of Ashtar.  It was the second impact on the meteorite, already within the atmosphere of the Earth.  Most importantly, both the large asteroid and the meteorite itself brought to Earth a special energy from Sirius C.  It was delivered by the material body (the asteroid) in the form of field structures accompanying it.  At the time of the passage of the asteroid, the Earth received a colossal amount of energy information necessary for the creation of the multidimensional Planetary Genome.  There was a unification of the energies of Sirius and Earth, and a new genetic program came into play.  This multidimensional genetic program is the foundation for the ultimate unification of the ascending and descending branches of evolution.
  • Also, the fall of the meteorite in a certain place was necessary, as a sign for the future builders of the spiritual capital of Russia, the city of Arimoya.  Cities with the name Arimoya existed both in the pre-Lemurian era and in the Lemurian times (100-11 thousand years ago).  Then time erased these names from the surface of the planet. However, thousands of years later, in the Southern Urals, ancient arias built their capital Arimoya, emanating Light and Wisdom.  This Arimoya was built more than 6300 years ago in the area of the modern Lake Chebarkul.  In the future, here will spring the Spiritual Capital of Russia.  It will become the Heart of the World, where the Great Love will be born.
  • Initial Arimoya civilization existed in the period of 327 — 286 thousand years ago.  These star tutors came to Earth from Sirius (the spiritual center of the Galaxy) through the sacral, inner portals of the planet.  They created the crystalline structure for the reception of bio-matrixes of human bodies.  The Arimoyas were four-handed, and some of them even possessed six hands.  The distant memory of the multi-armed gods remains in the Indian pantheon and in the names of Russian rivers.  The Arimoyas held many threads of control over the processes of transforming the planet for the fulfillment of the Great Experiment, which has been going on for 5 million years.  The Duality experiment (completed in 2012), is a part of it.  Arimoya still exists, but in the higher dimension.  They live and help now in many tasks of the earthly reconstruction.


  • Zyuratkul is a Russian national park, located ~ 120 km. feast of Chebarkul and ~ 30 km. south of town Satka.  Interestingly, Sitka is Alaskan city located in the Alexander Archipelago of the Pacific Ocean, named after Russian Tsar Alexander II.  In 1867, Sitka was the site of the transfer ceremony of Alaska (Russian America) from Russia to the United States under the Alaska Purchase.
  • On the shore of Zyuratkul lake there are 12 sites of ancient people of two epochs: the Mesolithic — 12 000 years, the Neolithic – 6000 to 3000 years ago.
  • The main attraction of Zyuratkul National Park is the world famous Russian geoglyph discovered in 2011 on slopes of the Zyuratkul Mountains.  Its size is amazing: width — 195 meters, length — 218 meters, diagonal — 275 meters.  The geoglyph depicts accurate contours of an animal similar to an elk.  It is one of the oldest examples of land art in the world.  The estimated age of the image is about 8000 years.  So far, it is the only geoglyph in the continental Eurasia.
  • The geoglyph is formed by strips of artificially laid stones.  The width of the strips is from 3 to 5 meters.  The stones are partially clamped.  The borders consist of large stones with a center filled with smaller ones.


  • Iremel is a compact mountain ridge next to the Zyuratkul National Park.  The length of Iremel is 12 km. and width is 8 km.
  • Iremel is the most sacred mountain in the Southern Urals.  There are many fascinating legends and theories about Iremel.
  • It is believed that Iremel is connected with the Crystals of Lumania which form a special Program for the Unified Multi-Dimensional Genome of the planet.  They were placed in the Urals in the pre-Lemurian times.  Here grows a multidimensional genetic root which unites Gaia with many star races and civilizations (Arcturus, Pleiades Orion, etc) that have long been related to the Earth.
  • In the past, Iremel was revered as the sacred peak on which the gods lived.  Therefore, the ordinary people were strictly forbidden to go here.  Only the priests could ascend to its top.
  • Iremel is called a place of power.  Some put Iremel on a par with such cultic peaks as Kailas in Tibet and Belukha in the Altai.
  • Iremel is also one of the most beautiful peaks of the Ural Mountains.  Iremel has two peaks: Big Iremel (1582 meters) and Small Iremel (1449 meters).  Big Iremel is the second highest peak of the Southern Urals.  The first one is the Mount Yamantau (1640 meters).  The 58 meter difference between the first and the second peaks correspond to the 58 kilometer distance between them.  The Yamantau is believed to have a highly secretive massive underground facility designed to withstand a sustained nuclear assault and to be the largest nuclear-secure project in the world.
  • Iremel is the source of the Belaya River (Eng. the White River).

Ignatievskaya Cave

  • Ignatievka Cave is a large limestone cave on the banks of the Sim River, a tributary of the above mentioned Belaya River (the White River) originated in the Iremel.  On this Sim River is also located town Sim, the birthplace of Igor Kurchatov, the founder of the Soviet atomic bomb project.
  • The cave also contains cave paintings made between 6 000 and 8 000 years ago.
  • The cave has a rich history and many legends associated with it.  According to one of them, a hermit Ignatius lived here at the end of the 19th century was Russian Emperor Alexander I or his brother Constantine.
  • In 1980, in the back of the cave on the walls and the ceiling were found about 40 groups of drawings (mammoths, hunting scenes, geometric symbols) made by primitive people between 6 000 and 8 000 years ago.
  • In the world there are nine unique Paleolithic drawings of ancient people. Three of them are located in Russia: Kapova Cave (see Day 9), Ignatievskaya Cave and nearby Kolokolnaya Cave.  The other caves include Altamira in Spain and Lasko in France.  The distance from the Ignatievskaya Cave to the Kolokolnaya Cave is only 9 km.  The road goes through settlement Aratskoe.  The root of this name is ‘Arat’.  In Sanskrit, Arhat means ‘one who is worthy’, ‘perfected person’.  In the Mahayana Buddhism there is a group of Arhats awaiting the return of the Buddha as Maitreya.
  • The entrance to the Ignatievskaya Cave has the shape of an arch.  The cave has two levels.  The total length of the courses is 540 meters.  The ceiling height in some places reaches 8 meters.
  • In the depths of the Ignatievskaya Cave there is a stony calcite formation, resembling the image of the Mother of God.  Some people call this miraculous creation the Ignatievskaya Mother of God.

Night in Chebarkul

Day 7

ChebarkulArkaim (~400 km.)

  • Arkaim is the world known Russian archaeological site in the Chelyabinsk region (the Southern Ural steppe).  It has been a branch of the above mentioned Ilmen Nature Reserve since 1991.
  • Arkaim is generally dated to the II-III millennium BC.  It is considered to be an important center of the Indo-Aryan civilization.  In Sanskrit, Arka has meanings related to the Sun and knowledgeArk of the Covenant was given to Moses by God when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of biblical Mount Sinai.  Similarly, the Arkansas River, the Arctic ocean.
  • Zoroaster (see Perm in Day 3) is believed to be related to Arkaim.  Major features of Zoroastrianism greatly influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that have shaped the modern world.
  • It is stated that Arkaim was the centre of the Indo-Aryan migration into India, Iran and Mesopotamia.  Their original motherland is believed to be the Southern Siberia.
  • World Channeling magazine states that one part of the plant’s Crystal Heart is located in the Arkaim area.  See above Chebarkul.

Night in Arkaim

Day 8

Arkaim & surrounding area

  • World Channeling magazine affirms that the Arkaim area is a part of the Crystalline Heart of the Earth.  ~ 28840 years ago, when the civilization of Lemuria existed on Earth, envoys from the star system Sirius B arrived on Earth.  They brought three Living Crystals — three parts of the Crystal Heart of this planet.  These Living Crystals were placed at great depth beneath the surface of the planet in three distinct locations.  One Living Crystal was placed in the modern Giza and the spot was marked by the Great Sphinx.  At that time there were no people on Earth yet.  Other spiritual civilizations were developed.  The second Crystal was placed in modern the Southern Urals, near the sacred place of Arkaim.  The third Crystal was located under the Lake Baikal.  All three Crystals are interconnected by energy channels.

Night in Arkaim

Day 9

ArkaimKapova Cave (~270 km.)Beloretsk (~170 km.)

 Kapova Cave

  • This limestone karst cave is located ~ 175 km. (straight line) east of Arkaim or ~220 km. south of the above mentioned Ignatievka Cave.
  • Kapova Cave is the largest multi-story cave of the Urals and an archaeological monument of world significance.
  • The entrance to the cave is a huge arch of ~30 meters height.  The cave system is about 3 km long.  Its height is 140 meters.  But the cave is best known for its rock paintings and drawings.  Their age starts from 16.000 to over 36.000 years.
  • On the walls of the cave, scientists have discovered more than 50 different images of ancient animals: mammoths, horses, woolly rhinoceros and buffalo.  All animals are painted in a realistic manner and in motion.
  • There is no soot on the ceiling and walls of the cave, although light (of torch) is needed to make such complex drawings.  The found fat lights would give only little light and would not be helpful to the artists.  Moreover, they used the natural relief of the wall to create 3D images.
  • It’s still unclear how the ancient artists made their way to the second level.  They would need to climb up 14 meter vertical well.

Night in Beloretsk

Day 10

Beloretsk Naberezhnye Chelny (~550 km.)

Naberezhnye Chelny

  • This city standing on the Kama River is a major industrial center.  It is one of the largest planned centers in the world related to vehicle production.  The local Kamaz trucks plant is the largest vehicle factory in the world.

    Confluence of Vyatka and Kama rivers

  • ~60 km. east of Naberezhnye Chelny, the beautiful Vyatka River (1314 km. long) flows into the Kama River (1805 km. long).  The Vyatka River is a major tribute of the Kama River.  ~140 km. east of the confluence of the Vyatka and Kama rivers, the Kama itself flows into the Volga River.

  • At the mouth of Vyatka River there are hills called Sokolyi Gory (Eng. Falcon Hills) linguistically related to the founder of the modern Russian statehood Rurik and Egyptian deity Gor (Horus).
  • The largest city on the Vyatka River is Kirov.  Kirov (then Khlynov, later Vyatka) was first mentioned in 1374.  In 1934 the city was named after Sergei Kirov (1886 – 1934) born ~170 km. south of the modern Kirov.  He was a prominent revolutionary and a friend of Stalin.  Kirov rose through the ranks of Communist Party of the Soviet Union and became head of the party organization in Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg), the place of the 1917 revolution.  The surname Kirov comes from the name of the Persian king Cyrus the Great.  In Russian his name is Kir.  The “-ov” is a traditional Russian ending of surnames.  Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered.  Therefore, he managed to create the largest empire the world had yet seen and to influence both Eastern and Western civilizations.  Cyrus the Great is the only non-Jew figure in the Jewish Bible referred to as Messiah (lit. “His anointed one”).

Night in Naberezhnye Chelny

Day 11

 Naberezhnye Chelny → Bulgar (~280 km) → Kazan (~190 km)

Bolgar or Bulgar

  • Bulgar (a World Heritage Site) is located on the left bank of the Volga River, about 30 km. downstream from its confluence with the Kama River.
  • Bulgar was the medieval capital of Volga Bulgaria and the place of their adoption of Islam in the 10th century.  Therefore, often religious travelling to Bulgar is called ‘Little Hajj’.
  • The Bulgarian merchants carried on extensive trade with many countries of Europe and Asia.  It is said that Bulgar was several times larger than London and Paris combined.
  • It was conquered by the Mongols in the 13th century and devastated in the 14th century by Samarkand ruler Tamerlane (the ancestor of the Great Moguls of India).

Night in Kazan

Day 12

Kazan Raifa (~30 km.)Cheboksary (~140 km.)Nizhny Novgorod (~240 km.)

Raifa (~30 km. from Kazan)

  • The Raifa monastery founded in 1613 on the bank of a beautiful lake.
  • In the middle of the monastery there is a magnificent Trinity Cathedral (1910), resembling Moscow churches of the 17th century.  The second biggest cathedral of the monastery is sanctified in the name of the miraculous icon of the Virgin of Georgia which is the main shrine of the Raifa monastery.
  • One of the oldest buildings in monastery is the temple of the Reverend fathers tortured in Sinai and Raifa.
  • The temple of Faith, Hope and Wisdom their mother is the smallest in Europe.
  • The monastery has a holy spring of water rich in silver.

Cheboksary (~140 km. from Raifa)

  • Cheboksary is a big city and port on the Volga River.
  • It was first mentioned in written sources in the middle of 15th century, although the archaeological excavations show that the area had been populated considerably earlier.
  • Interestingly, a Sanskrit named Bulgarian city of Veda Suvar appeared here after the Mongols defeated major Volga Bulgarian cities in the 13th century.  In Sanskrit (and Russian), Veda means ‘true or sacred knowledge or lore’, whereas Suvar means ‘heaven’, ‘the Sun’, etc.  In the middle of the 16th century, the Russians built a fortress and established a settlement here.
  • Vasily Chapaev (1887 – 1919) was a celebrated Russian soldier and Red Army commander during the Russian Civil War, started after the 1917 revolution.  He was born in a village which is now part of Cheboksary.  In 1919 his divisional headquarters were ambushed by White Army forces.  He and his men took the battle, but the forces were not equal.  Chapayev was wounded and tried to escape by swimming across the Ural River, but was never again seen alive.  His famous orderly Petka (Eng. Peter) died later near the above mentioned Chebarkul.
  • ~70 km. east of Cheboksary, the highway M-7 (The Volga) crosses the Sura River, near the border of Nizhniy Novgorod region border.  The Sura River is one a major tribute of the Volga River. The source of Sura is in Ulyanovsk region.  Sura is a very old name.  Surya is the chief solar deity in Hinduism, whereas Syria was the place of one of the most ancient civilization on Earth.  Its capital Damascus (linguistically related to Moscow) and largest city Aleppo are among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.  Siri Fort was the second of the seven cities of medieval Delhi (India’s capital) and might be related to Sirius / Osiris not only linguistically.
  • It is believed that first notable settlement on the territory of modern New Delhi was Indraprastha (“City of Indra”) established ~ 5000 years ago.  It was the capital of the kingdom led by the Pandavas in the Mahabharata epic.  However, the first official historical city (of Delhi) with distinct identities and indigenous heritage is Qila Rai Pithora also known as Rai Pithora’s Fort, built in the 12th century.  Bits and pieces of this city can be seen around
    area of Qutub Minar even to this day.  Siri Fort (built around 1303) is the third official city came into existence.  Qila is a Persian word meaning a fort or castle.  In Sanskrit, Rai means ‘gold’, ‘brightness’, ‘possession’, ‘property’, etc.  Rai is a historical title of honour in India.  In Russian, Rai means ‘Paradise’.  A number of Russian settlements have the root ‘Rai’ in their names.  The Pekhorka River flows through Moscow and is a tributary of the Moskva River.  Its length is only 42 km., but it could reveal the deeper level of ancient history of the city became the capital of the biggest country in the world.  The Pekhorka River starts near Lukino village, whose name is related to the Indian city Lucknow, the capital of Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.  This state is known not only for being the most populous state in the country, but also for the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, the nearby Fatehpur Sikri as well as the ancient Varanasi (city of Siva and the first sermon of Buddha).  The Pekhorka River passes Moscow in the district called Kosino related to the Indian Kosi.  The name root of the Pehorka River (‘Pehor’) correlates to the name of Pehowa, which is one of the oldest and most sacred places in the Kurukshetra region (India).
  • In Sanskrit, Sura means ‘water, sage, sun, divinity’, etc.  Sura is a chapter of the Qur’an.  The Sura River has a tributary Vyas River.  Vyasa is the central figure in Hinduism, the author of the Mahabharata and the scribe of the Vedas.  The river Sura is originated in the Ulyanovsk region, the birthplace of Lenin.

Andriyan Nikolayev

  • Prominent Soviet cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolayev (1929 – 2004) was born near Cheboksary in 1929 and died of a heart attack in this city in 2004. Nikolayev was the first cosmonaut who worked in orbit without a spacesuit.  Also he was the first person to make a television broadcast from Cosmos.  He is remembered for his first in the history of space exploration long-term flight and the first group flight of spacecrafts.  Nikolayev was the first cosmonaut who played the chess in Cosmos, during his flight.  The chessboard and the figures were specially designed for playing in weightlessness.
  • Nikolayev married Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman the first woman to have flown in space.  Interestingly, both spouses were born on the Volga River, the natural symbol of Russia.  The so called Russian cosmonauts’ church is located in Tutayev, near the birthplace of Valentina Tereshkova.
  • In 2005, on the spot where Nikolaev liked to rest with his fellow cosmonauts, they built a unique chapel in honor of St. George the Victorious. There are more such chapels in Russia and in the world.  Inside there is the icon of St. George the Victorious visited Cosmos and stayed in the International Space Station.  The story of a hero defeating a monster (like St. George and dragon) has links to Sumer and the main event in their legends, the celestial battle of Nibiru and Tiamat.  Interestingly, the above mentioned commander Vasily Chapaev and was awarded the Cross of St. George three times for his undaunted courage during the World War I.
  • This Christian chapel in Cheboksary is similar in shape to the Soviet spacecraft “Vostok” (Eng. Orient). The first human spaceflight in history was accomplished on this spacecraft on April 12, 1961, by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.  “Vostok” was used for Nikolayev’s first flight to Cosmos in 1962.  The final human spaceflight on this type of spacecraft was carried out by the above mentioned Nikolaev’s wife Valentina Tereshkova in 1963.  Later the “Vostok” superseded by the “Soyuz” spacecraft, which are still used as of 2017.
  • In 1969, Nikolayev survived an assassination attempt on Leonid Brezhnev (Head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union), undertaken by Viktor Ilyin. This Soviet Army deserter fired at the car of cosmonauts taking it for a Brezhnev’s car.  In the car also were other Soviet cosmonauts, the above mentioned Valentina Tereshkova, Alexei Leonov (the first human to walk in Cosmos) and Georgy Beregovoy (the earliest-born human to go to orbit, Director of the Centre for Cosmonaut Training).  Indeed, Georgy Beregovoy had certain external resemblance to Brezhnev (similar thick eyebrows).  Beregovoy was easily wounded.  Nikolaev survived but got a scratch from the bullet.

Nizhny Novgorod (~240 km. from Cheboksary)

  • The city was founded in 1221 on the confluence of the most important Volga River and the Oka River.  In the 19th century Nizhny Novgorod became a great trade center of the Russian Empire.
  • Today Nizhny Novgorod is an important industrial, cultural and tourist center in Russia.  It has a large number of universities, theaters, museums and churches.
  • Henry Ford helped build a large truck and tractor plant (GAZ) in the late 1920s.  Therefore, during the Soviet period, the city was given the nickname ‘Russian Detroit’.
  • Nizhny Novgorod was a ‘closed city’ (not allowed for the foreigners) until after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  • Like Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod has the enormous red-brick Kremlin, built in the beginning of the 16th century under the supervision of an Italian architect.  It is one of the strongest and earliest preserved citadels in Russia.
  • Nizhny Novgorod has a great and extraordinary art gallery with more than 12.000 exhibits, an enormous collection of works by Russian artists and a vast accumulation of Western European art.  The gallery hosts most interesting work of Nicholas Roerich dedicated to Lenin.  Initially, Roerich viewed the 1917 revolution in Russia with distrust and horror.  Later the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (or Mahatmas) explained that the Russian revolution was not only a disaster, but also a portent.  Master Morya informed the Roerichs about a special mission to Russia in the interest of the world’s spiritual advancement.  In 1926 the Roerichs brought to Moscow a famous letter from the Mahatmas to the Soviet government and a series of paintings to the Soviet people (most of them are in Nizhny Novgorod).  In addition to the letter, they sent a box with sacred earth to Lenin’s grave.  The Mahatmas called Lenin their brother and recognized him as a Mahatma.  It is a Sanskrit word for ‘Great Soul’.  It was written that Communism closely resembled Buddhism, and that this was a step to a higher consciousness, a higher stage of evolution.  Another Roerich’s painting ‘The Appearance of the Term’ (1927) was delivered to Russia from Mongolia.  The gigantic head (a profound symbol in many ancient cultures) resembles very much Lenin.  The series of Roerich’s paintings was given to Nizhny Novgorod according to the will of Maxim Gorky (1868 – 1936), a famous a Russian and Soviet writer.  He was also a five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature.  Maxim Gorky was born in Nizhny Novgorod and the city was named after him (as Gorky) from 1932 to 1990.  Gori is a major archaeological monument in Pakistan.  Interestingly, Gorki is a popular name in Russia.  Some of them are near Moscow and are the state residencies.  It has the same root with Russian name Gor (Eng. Horus), one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities.  In Egyptian, ‘hr’ meant ‘height’, ‘sky’.  From this came the English name Horus.  In Russian, Gor (Horus) also means ‘height’, ‘mountain’, etc.  Not by coincidence, the mountains were the dwelling places of gods and the core preach of Jesus was named ‘Sermon on the Mount’.  It contains the central principles of Christianity.  Gor (Horus) was most often depicted as a falcon.  In the Old Russian language, falcon is ‘rurik’.  Rurik is the founder of the Rurik Dynasty, which ruled Russia until the 17th century.  They were succeeded by the Romanovs.
  • In Nizhny Novgorod was born a famous Russian pilot and an aerobatics pioneer Petr Nesterov (1887 — 1914).  He was the first pilot in the world to fly a loop (1913).  Nesterov also became the first pilot to destroy an enemy airplane in flight.  Eager to destroy enemy aircraft (during World War I), Nesterov hit it and both planes crashed.  His ramming method was used during the World War II by a number of Soviet pilots with success and without loss of life. The technique became known as taran.
  • Near Nizhny Novgorod was born Valery Chkalov (1904 – 1938), a famous Soviet aircraft test pilot.  Chkalov achieved several milestones in Aviation.  He participated in ultra long flights from Moscow to Vancouver (U.S.) via the North  Pole.  It was a non-stop distance of over 8,8 thousand kilometers.  The flight pioneered the polar air route from Europe to the American Pacific Coast.  In the Soviet Union, Chkalov was a symbol, second only to that of Stalin himself.  A staircase made in the shape of Infinity (∞ or 8) and named after Chkalov connects the local Kremlin with the Volga riverside.

The Romanovs & Nizhny Novgorod

  • Some Russian researchers claim that Nicolas II and his family were not murdered in 1918 in Yekaterinburg (see Day 4).  They survived and secretly lived in the Soviet Union under different names.  For instance, Nicolas II lived in Nizhny Novgorod until his death in 1958.  He was buried at the cemetery ‘Red Etna’ in the Leninskiy (Lenin’s) district, near its border with Kanavinskiy district.  The name root of this district is ‘kanava’ (pit).  In Russian, the same meaning have the words ‘Kanava’ and ‘Yama’.
  • Ganina Yama is located in the Urals.  Along with Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, it is most often associated with the fate of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family in 1918.  In Sanskrit and Vedic mythology, Yama is the lord of death.  Yama’s farther is the solar deity Surya. In Sanskrit, ‘surya’ is the epithet of the gods.  Russian has number of rivers and places called Sura.  The biggest Sura River enters the Volga River ~125 km. east of Nizhny Novgorod. In Sanskrit, “Gaṇin” means “teacher”, “one who has attendants”, etc.
  • The name ‘Red Etna’ comes from the plant ‘Etna’.  Initially, the plant was set up in 1896, in Riga (mouth of the Western Dvina River).  It received its name ‘Etna’ in honor of the Etna volcano (Sicily), one of the most active volcanoes in the world.  The suggestion was made by Imperial Russia’s Minister of Finance Sergei Witte (1849 – 1915), one of the key figures in the Russian political arena at the end of 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.  Interestingly, he was a cousin of the world known Russian mystic Helena Blavatskaya (1831 – 1891).  During the World War I, the plant was evacuated in 1915 to Nizhny Novgorod.
  • ~150 km. south of Nizhny Novgorod there are town Sarov and the Saint Seraphim-Diveevo monastery so special to Nicholas II.  He insisted on canonizing (as a saint) their patron Seraphim in 1903.  Seraphim was his religious name.  In  Hebrew, Seraphim means ‘fiery’ or ‘burning’.  He was born in Kursk as Prokhor Moshnin.  This surname of close to Sanskrit term ‘Moksha’, meaning spiritual liberation.  Saint Seraphim (1754 — 1833) is credited with prophecies regarding the Romanovs and Russia.  He is one of greatest Russian saints.  Pope John Paul II also referred to him as a saint.
  • Patronized by Saint Seraphim, the Diveevo monastery is one of the largest and frequently visited monasteries in Russia.  Near the monastery is located the most famous miraculous spring of Seraphim of Sarov on the banks of the local Satis River.  In Ancient Egypt, Satis (goddess) formed part of the Elephantine Triad and personified the annual flooding of the Nile, essential to the survival of its civilization.  Satis was also associated with Isis (goddess of Sirius).  The rising of Sirius preceded the beginning of the Nile flooding.  It was the main religious festival in Egypt and is connected with Russian Ded Moroz (Father Christmas).  See the connection of Egyptian Isis with Iset River in Yekaterinburg (Day 4) and the connection of Sirius with Arimoya (Day 6).  The above mentioned Horus (Rus. Gor) was the son of Isis (Iset) and Osiris.  As a sky god, Horus was considered to contain the Sun and Moon.  It is said that the Sun was his right eye and the Moon his left.  Similarly, left and right hemispheres of the human brain represent Male / Female principle.  Moreover, representation of this ancient idea, Hammer and Sickle was the symbol of the Soviet Union.
  • Nizhny Novgorod became the first provincial center, which Nicholas II visited after his coronation. This happened in the summer of 1896.  Especially for his arrival at the railway station was built ‘The Royal Pavilion’, which is still intact and unharmed.
  • During his reign Nicholas II three times visited the Nizhny Novgorod province.
  • It is stated that two of his daughters stayed (under the guise of nuns) for a while in the above mentioned Diveevo monastery after the staged shooting of the Russian Royal family in Yekaterinburg in 1918.  Until 1927, the Queen Alexandra, wife of Nicholas II, was in the royal summer residence in the Nizhny Novgorod province.
  • Interestingly, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region (1991–97) was Boris Nemtsov appointed by Boris Yeltsin (who demolished in 1977 the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg).  Later Nemtsov worked in the Government of Russia (Vice Premier) and headed the Government Commission for the Identification and Re-burial of the remains of the Imperial Family (i.e. the Romanovs). Despite the strong pressure from the Yeltsin-Nemtsov commission, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and The Holy Synod denied the authenticity of the bones found in Piglet’s ravine in 1991.  It is still questionable whose bones were buried in Saint-Petersburg in 1998 in the side chapel of St. Catherine of Peter and Paul Cathedral.

The Romanovs & Zavolzhye

  • Currently, in Zavolzhye (town located ~45 km. from Nizhny Novgorod) local citizen Fedor Sevenard has claimed that Nicholas II is his grandfather.  Fedor Sevenard said that for many years his mother Celina Sevenard (maiden name Kshesinskaya) was considered the niece of Matilda Kshesinskaya.  However, his family considered her the secret daughter of Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nicholas II.  Celina Sevenard (Kshesinskaya) died in 1959 and was   buried in Zavolzhye.
  • Fedor Sevenard’s father was Konstantin Sevenard (1906 — 2005), a descendant of the once known in the north of France the dynasty of the Marquis, who settled in Russia in the 19th century.  His wife was Celina Kshesinskaya (1911-1959).  Fedor (born in 1951) was the youngest of three children in the family of Konstantin Sevenard and Celina Kshesinskaya.
  • Fedor’s elder brother Yuri (born in1935) is well known Soviet and Russian builder of hydro power stations (dams) and former deputy of the Russian Parliament.  In 1958, Yuri Sevenard started his work under their father’s supervision on Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.  In 1966, Yuri was assigned to Egypt as the Head of the construction of the Aswan hydroelectric complex on the Nile River.  In 1969, Yuri was assigned the Head of the construction of the Nurek hydropower plant in Tajikistan (then a republic within the Soviet Union).  The Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh River is the longest (700 meters) embankment dam and second tallest (300 meters) dam in the world.  From 2013 the first tallest dam in the world is the Chinese Jinping-I Dam (length – 305 meters, height – 568 meters).  Being under construction, the Rogun Dam on the same Vakhsh River in southern Tajikistan could become the highest dam in the world (projected height – 335 meters).
  • Yuri Sevenard has two sons also now engaged in the construction business.  His younger son Konstantin (born in Egypt in 1967) discovered in his childhood the phenomenal abilities, including the memories from the past. Besides being a successful business man, ex-commando, former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Saint-Petersburg and a former deputy of the Russian Parliament, Konstantin has been spending a lot of time and efforts on studying the ancient civilization which existed on the territory of the modern Russia.  He assumes that the mysterious Hyperborean ridge (granted to Matilda Kshesinskaya at the request of Nicholas II) is still in Saint-Petersburg.  The ridge has unique gold content (‘1000’ fine in comparison to ‘999.999’ being the purest gold ever produced) and belonged to the celestial civilization existing in the Russian North around 70.000 years ago.  After the civil war the winners migrated to the South, to the above mentioned region of the Nurek Dam in modern Tajikistan.  At this place there was a hidden tunnel connecting to other dimensions or Shambala.  According to the local legends, Alexander the Great descended into this tunnel and returned back to his army from another point.  Konstantin found this tunnel and insisted his father to give order to examine it (he was in charge of construction the Nurek Dam).  The results of examination confirmed that the entrance to this square inclined tunnel and the sphinxes on its walls had artificial origin.  Despite the significance of the discovery, Moscow requested them to continue construction of the dam.  As a result, the sphinx and the entrance to the tunnel were flooded.  However, before the flooding, this tunnel was visited by Yuri Andropov, the all-powerful chief of the KGB.  Still there is a dispute whether such high dam was really required and how was interested to hide monuments of another civilization.  Similar situation was with ancient Arkaim (see Days 7-8).  The area was going to be flooded in 1987.  Actions taken by the prominent public people and disintegration of the Soviet Union (1991) miraculously saved Arkaim from flooding.
  • Zavolzhye was found in the middle of the 20th century as a new industrial town.  It was built on the right side of the Volga, just opposite to Gorodets (see below), which is on the left side of the Volga.  In Russian, Zavolzhye literally means “[the lands] beyond the Volga” with respect to much older Gorodets.
  • Zavolzhye and Gorodets are connected by the dam of Gorky Hydroelectric Station (~19 km. in total), which is the longest among all Russian dams.  It was built in 1959 by the above mentioned Konstantin Sevenard, the husband of Celina Kshesinskaya, father of Fedor Sevenard from Zavolzhye, grandfather of Yiry Sevenard (a searcher of ancient civilizations in Russia).

The Romanovs & Gorodets

  • Gorodets was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (Long-Handed), who was also the founder of Moscow (1147).  Gorodets was the first Russian fortress in modern Nizhny Novgorod region.  In the middle of 14th century, Gorodets was overshadowed by the neighboring Nizhny Novgorod (the distance is ~60 km.).  Gorodets is located on the Volga River, whereas Nizhny Novgorod (founded in 1221) stands on the confluence of Volga River and the Oka River.  Russian capital’s main river Moskva is a tributary of the Oka River.
  • Gorodets is the hometown of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.  It is also known as Our Lady of Saint Theodore and the Black Virgin Mary of Russia.  Since the end of the 17th century, German princesses, marrying the Russian Grand Dukes (top members of the Romanov Imperial House), traditionally received a patronymic of Feodorovna in honor of the Feodorovskaya Icon, the patron icon of the Romanov family.  Such patronymic had all wives of the Romanov Emperors.  Today, this Feodorovskaya Icon is in Kostroma and is revered as the patroness of brides, family well-being, the births of children from childless couples, helping in difficult childbirths, etc.
  • This icon was used in 1613 when Mikhail Romanov (the first tsar of this dynasty) was invited to take the Russian throne.  It happened in Kostroma, in the Ipatiev monastery.  In 1918, in Yekaterinburg (the distance is ~ 1200 km.), in the same named Ipatiev House would end the official history of this dynasty.  Nicolas II (the last Romanov tsar) reigned for 23 year.  Exactly 23 stairs had the ladder to room in the basement of Ipatiev House where the Romanovs were murdered in 1918 (the official version of history).  The World Channeling magazine states that at 23 steps Russia sank into the density of matter and at 23 steps the country would have to rise, coming out of dense matter.  Since that time Russia has overcome only 2 steps.  The 21 stages are to be overcome in the coming centuries.  23 is the indication of the 23rd century, which will be a watershed time for Russia.  Spiritual Russia will awaken and will be able to lead many other countries into a new life.  Not by a brute force, not by a material power, but by an example of kindness, cooperation and mutual assistance, by the power of the Spirit.
  • Certain strong resembles have current Russian PM (also former Russian President) Dmitry Medvedev and the last Russian Tsar Nicolas II.  Moreover, the surname Medvedev comes from the Russian word ‘medved’ meaning a ‘bear’.  It is well known symbol of Russia.  The bear sleeps in the winter and wakes up in the spring.  Similarly, Spiritual Russia will awaken in the coming Age of Aquarian.  Medvedev’s favorite residence is on the Volga River in Ples, downstream from Kostroma.
  • Interestingly, the Russian name Gorodets has the same root with Gor (Eng. Horus).

Night in Nizhny Novgorod

Day 13

Nizhny NovgorodNavashino (~155 km.)Murom (~25 km.)Sudogda (~90 km.)Vladimir (~40 km.)

Navashino (~155 km. from Nizhny Novgorod)

  • Navashino district is known for the Volosovo archeological culture and the unique scientific settlement ‘Peremilovy Gori’.  Also, Gori is a major archaeological monument and Jain temple in Pakistan.
  • The origin of the name Navashino is unclear.  It could have come from terms Novasha or Novashin.  Taken into consideration the abundance of Sanskrit terms in the area, the name ‘Novashino’ may have a Sanskrit root.  At least, in Sanskrit, the term “Navasasya” means “first fruits of the year’s harvest”.  Sanskrit term “navasu” means “cow that has recently calved”.  The cow has been a holy animal in Hindu tradition from the Vedic times.  Never mind it in the name of Russian capital Moscow.
  • The Volosovo archeological culture a Neolithic culture that existed in Central Russia and the Volga region in the 3-2 millennium BCE.  It received its name from the site near village Volosovo of the Navashino district.  People of the Volosovo culture are considered the ancestors of the Russians.
  • Volosovo culture was first highlighted by Gorodtsov at the beginning of the last century. The surname Gorodtsov comes from the above mentioned town Gorodets.
  • For the first time, the map of the distribution of the monuments of Volosovo culture and their interpretation was given by Bryusov, in the middle of the last century.  Scottish King Robert I Bruce hid in the 14th century from the persecution part of the French Knights Templar.  Jacob Bruce (1670-1735) was a prominent Russian statesman and most prominent scientist.  He was a descendant of Edward Bruce, the King of Ireland and brother of Robert I Bruce, one of the most famous warriors of his generation.  The name “Brave Heart” actually refers to Robert the Bruce.  After his death, Robert’s heart was literally carried into battle, giving birth to the nickname.
  • Veles, also known as Volos, was a major Slavic god before Christianity.  In the Slavic paganism Veles is associated with the Pleiades.  It is stated that the Pleiades is the home of a humanoid species, most similar to Earth humans (or vice versa).  Earth humans supposedly were created by using mainly Pleiadian DNA.  The Pleiades is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus.  The symbol of Veles is also Taurus.  In the Hindu tradition, based on the Vedic heritage, the Pleiadian cluster is called Skanda.  In the bronze monument ‘Millennium of Russia’ in Veliky Novgorod, Veles is behind Rurik, the legendary founder of the modern Russian statehood.  Veliky Novgorod is considered to be the cradle of the modern Russian statehood. The Rurik Dynasty was established here in the 9th century. The Rurikids are one of Europe’s oldest royal houses. They were the founders of the Tsardom of Russia and the ruling dynasty until 17th century when they were succeeded by the above mentioned Romanovs.
  • The Book of Veles is a text of ancient Slavic religion and history.  The book even describes the migration of the Slavs through Syria and eventually into the Carpathian mountains.  It is stated that Russian Emperor Alexander II (1818 -1881) was given a copy of this book.
  • The Millennium of Russia monument was erected in 1862 during the rule of Alexander II.  His most significant reform as emperor was emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861.  The manifesto was signed on March 3.  Interestingly, the next day Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th President of the United States and paved the way to abolition of slavery.  Alexander II supported Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War in the United States.   In 1863, the Russian Emperor sent two Russian navy fleets to protect the North, fighting Southern slave states supported by their European allies (financial clans).  Alexander II of Russia declared to the world that “If England and France render military or any other aid to the South, Russia will consider this a
    declaration of war.”  London and Paris shut up.  Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, Alexander II in 1881.  Magnificent Church of the Savior on Blood was built on the site of Alexander II’s assassination in Saint-Petersburg.  There is certain symbolism in the sizes and proportions of this church.  I was laid on 18.10 (1883), its height is 81 meters.  Alexander II was born in 1818 and died on 1881.  The second highest dome is 63 meters, the symbol of the age of the murdered emperor.
  • The site of discovering the above mentioned Volosovo archeological culture is located on the road to Peremilovy Gory, which is another landmark of the Navashino district.  The Peremilovy Gory recreation center hosting the Scientific Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics.  On its territory is the only pyramid in Russia and it is located on the same parallel with Moscow.  This pyramid is a copy of the Great Pyramid in Giza.  Peremilovy Gory is a gathering point of the most advanced researchers of the ancient civilizations, including the Laboratory of Alternative History.  The achievements of the laboratory’s team have been noted by the Insider in his (their) appeal to the Russian speaking audience.

Murom (~25 km. from Navashino)

  • Murom is a historical city in Vladimir region.  Murom spreads out along the left bank of the Oka River.  It is one of the oldest cities in Russia, first mentioned in a chronicle as early as 862.
  •  Russia (Kievan Rus) adopted Christianity in 988.  Murom’s Savior monastery is one of the most ancient in Russia.  It was first chronicled in 1096.  Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom are the All Russian Orthodox patrons of marriage and family, as well as the symbols of love and faithfulness.
  • The relicts of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom are in the Annunciation Monastery, which was built in stone in the middle of 16th century, by the vow of Ivan the Terrible, who prayed here before the conquering of Kazan.
  • After the closure of the above mentioned Diveevo monastery in 1927, more than 1500 sisters (nuns and novices) were obliged to leave their native abode.  Abbess Alexander blessed the nuns to live in peace in different cities and villages, distributing among the sisters all the main relics of the Diveevo monastery for preservation. She chose the city of Murom for herself and 40 close sisters.  They bought a wooden house near the western wall of the Annunciation monastery.  They brought to Murom the Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” before which Seraphim of Sarov prayed and his personal belongings.  After the World War II in the Annunciation Cathedral served hieromonk Pimen who later became the Patriarch (Head of Russian Orthodox Church).
  • Murom is the native city of the father of color photography Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky (1863 — 1944) and the father of television Vladimir Zworykin (1888 – 1982).  Both migrated from Russia after the 1917 revolution and died abroad.  Also, it is stated the father of radio was Zworykin’s uncle, also from Murom.
  • Vladimir Zworykin was arrested by the revolutionaries in Yekaterinburg in 1918 on his way from Saint-Petersburg to Omsk.  The liberation of Yekaterinburg by the White Army saved Zworykin from being shot by the Reds.  Soon he left Russia and spent most of his life in the United States.  He invented a television transmitting and receiving system, played a role in the practical development of television in the United States, Europe and the Soviet Union.  The USA became the first country where television became a commodity and was launched as a private project, financed privately.  In Germany and the USSR, it was financed by the state.
  • Russian Empire born David Sarnoff (1891 – 1971), the pioneer of American radio and television, put Vladimir Zworykin in charge of television development for the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), the dominant communications firm in the United States.
  • The Radio Corporation of America was founded in 1919 as a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric (GE), today one of largest companies in the world.  General Electric was formed in 1892 by Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) backed up by J.P. Morgan (1837 – 1913), an American financier and banker who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation in late 19th  and early 20th century United States.  Morgan is described as America’s greatest banker and affiliated to the Rothschilds.  It is stated that after the death of J.P. Morgan in 1913 his fortune was estimated at “only” $80 million, prompting John D. Rockefeller to say: “and to think, he wasn’t even a rich man”.  Remarkably, J.P. Morgan died in Rome, the city connected to the surname Romanov.
  • In 1930, The Radio Corporation of America agreed to occupy the yet-to-be-constructed landmark building of the Rockefeller Center complex, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, an American Art Deco skyscraper that forms the centerpiece of Rockefeller Center.  In 1933, it became known as the RCA building.  This lease was critical for enabling the massive project to proceed as a commercially viable venture — David Rockefeller named RCA’s action as being responsible for ‘the salvation of the project’.  The RCA Building had this name from 1933 to 1988, it had name the GE Building from 1988 to 2015.  Today it is known as the Comcast Building, following the transfer of ownership to Comcast, an American global telecommunications conglomerate that is the largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world by revenue.  The parents of the founder of Comcast (Ralph Roberts, 1920 — 2015) were both Russian-Jewish immigrants.
  • The above mentioned Thomas Edison developed one of the first commercially successful versions of an electric incandescent lamp, but he was not its inventor.  The honor of invention belongs to the Russian inventors Alexander Lodygin (1847 – 1923) and Pavel Yablochkov (1847 – 1894).  After the February 1917 revolution, Lodygin emigrated from Russia to United States.  He co-operated with General Electric.  Lodygin died in New York, in Brooklyn, now also known for the Brighton Beach stones (see Day 14).  Alexander Lodygin made a number of inventions.  His ideas for an electrical helicopter were used many years later by Igor Sikorsky (1889 – 1972), a Russian-American aviation pioneer in both helicopters and fixed-wing aircrafts.
  • The surname Sarnoff (Russian — Sarnov) is closely related to the town Sarov, located near Diveevo monastery (see The Romanovs & Nizhny Novgorod, Day 12).  The history of Sarov could be divided into two different periods.  Before the 1917 revolution it was known as a major holy place of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Sarov monastery, next to the Sarov River, was connected with hermit and mystic Saint Seraphim of Sarov, one of the most venerated saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.  He was living in Sarov from 1778 to 1833.  Since the 1940s, Sarov has gradually become a nuclear weapon center.  The second center of the Russian nuclear program is a closed town Snezhinsk, located near Arakul (see Day 5).

Sudogda (~90 km. from Murom)

  • Sudogda is a small town located on the Sudogda River.  In the town’s historic center, the Yada River flows into the Sudogda River.  Both names could be translated from Sanskrit.  In Sanskrit, ‘sudogha’ means ‘liberal’, ‘bountiful’, whereas ‘yadas’ means ‘close union’, ‘water’, ‘river’, etc.  Moreover, Krishna (a major deity in Hinduism) was a Yadava, descendant of the ancient king Yadu.  Also, Yadu is one of the five Indo-Aryan tribes mentioned in the Rig Veda.
  •  Beside the above mentioned Sanskrit rivers, near Sudogda are the Agra River (in India Agra is the former capital and place of world jewel Taj Mahal) and the Tara River (Tara is a supreme goddess in Buddhism).
  • Sickle and Hammer on the stella on the way to the city reflects the flag of the Vladimir region.  The flag is a field of red with a light blue band on the hoist and has a hammer and sickle at the top. The flag design is based on the 1954 Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1954 — 1991), whose flag is a defacement of the flag of the Soviet Union (1923 — 1991). Despite the opposite social systems (Monarchy, Communism, Democracy) Russia has always been stuck to the red and blue colors.

Flag of the modern Vladimir region

Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Flag of the Soviet Union


Flag of the Russian Empire (Monarchy) and the modern Russian Federation (Democracy)

 Vladimir (~40 km. from Sudogda)

  • Vladimir has great cultural and spiritual significance for Russia.  The earliest settlement of Vladimir is Sungir dated over 30 000 years.  It is an Upper Paleolithic archaeological site on the outskirt of Vladimir that is one of the earliest records of modern Homo sapiens in Europe.  The wealth of burial items and the complexity of the burial rite are unmatched in the world.
  • Vladimir became the Russian capital after Suzdal in the second half of 12th century.
  • Moscow became the Russian capital after Vladimir in the 14th century.
  • The Russian monarchs were originally crowned in Vladimir’s Assumption Cathedral, but when Moscow officially superseded Vladimir as the Russian capital, a similar cathedral was built in the Moscow Kremlin.
  • The name Vladimir means ‘owning the world‘.  The Russian president Putin has Vladimir as his first and the second given name.  The same name Vladimir was given by the parents to the current Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.  After becoming a monk he took the name after st. Cyril, the Philosopher who was a Byzantine Christian theologian and missionary (9th century).  He and his brother Methodius are considered as ‘Apostles to the Slavs’.  However, their first but unsuccessful mission was the Khazar Khaganate in order to prevent the expansion of Judaism there.  The Khaganate was one of the four mightiest states of that time, along with Byzantium, the Arab Caliphate and the European empire of the above mentioned Charles the Great.  The Khaganate’s capital was in the delta of Volga, near modern Astrakhan (the Caspian Sea).  Interestingly, the baptizer of Vladimir Putin happened to be the father of the above mentioned Patriarch Cyril, the present Head of the Russian Orthodox Church.  In Sanskrit, the word ‘put’ (the root of the surname Putin) means ‘virtue’, whereas ‘puta’ means ‘purifying’, ‘who purifies’, etc.  The ancestors of the Russian president Vladimir Putin come from the Tver region that has many names of river and places translated from Sanskrit.  The Volga River is also originated from the Tver region.
  • The Vladimir region has number of rivers whose names are translated from Sanskrit.  For instance, rivers Agra, Tara, Yada, Ksara, Indrus, etc.  In India, Agra was the capital before the New Delhi.  Both Indian cites ore located on the sacred river called Yamuna.  Yamuga is the name of Russian river near the border of the Moscow and the Tver regions.  Moreover, Delhi is the name of a settlement in the Tver region.  On 14th century Tver tried to capture the supremacy of Vladimir, but lost the fight to Moscow.
  • The lion with the human on the coat of arms of Vladimir is similar to the incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu in the form of part lion and part man Narasimha.
  • Vladimir has its own Golden Gate, like former Christian capitals Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Kiev.  It is written that Jesus will use Golden Gate when He returns.  However, only the Vladimir’s Golden Gate is open to entry, the other three are blocked.
  • The Golden Gate and the above mentioned Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir were built by Andrew God-Loving.  He moved the capital from Suzdal and Kiev to Vladimir.
  • Andrew God-Loving is often called the first Russian tsar (king).  There are certain striking parallels between him and Nicolas II, who was the last Russian tsar.  July 17th is the memory day of   Andrew God-Loving murdered in 1174 in his palace in Bogolubovo (outskirt of Vladimir).  In 744 years afterwards, on July 17th 1918, in Ekaterinburg (The Urals), Nicolas II with his family were murdered.  There is version of their salvation and hiding (see Day 12).  However, today the July 17th is the memory day of the first and the last Russian tsars.  Both of them have been made saints.
  • During the celebration of 300 years of Romanov’s rule, Nicolas II visited in 1913 Bogolubovo – the former residence and the place of murder of Andrew God-Loving.  In 1997 in the central cathedral of Bogolubovsky monastery on the ceiling (just over the altar), miraculously appeared the face of Nicolas II.  In 2002 after the restoration they found that the place of face appearing was a painting of Jesus wearing a tsar costume and holding in hands the symbols of monarch power, scepter and orb.
  • Vladimir region is the native place of Alexander Suvorov (1730 – 1800), who is a national hero and Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Prince of Italy, and the last Generalissimo of the Russian Empire.  His Vladimir estate was called Undol whereas   Undal was the main island in the time and place of Atlantis (according Drunvalo Melchizedek and his book The Flower of Life).  Not long before the main continent of Lemuria sank, the teachers of Light / immortal masters of the Naacal Mystery School of Lemuria went to the Undal island and divided it into four quadrants corresponding to the male-female/logical-intuitive functions of human mind.  The Ascended Masters did everything in their power to smooth the overall increase of density on this planet and a drastic lowering of consciousness.  Hindus interpreted this phase of human evolution as entry into the Kali Yuga (or Age of Darkness).  It was then that the Immortal Masters of the Naacal Mystery School decided to divide themselves into three groups and relocate to Khem (now known as Egypt), the Andes (Peru/Bolivia), and the Himalayas. There they materialized underground cities and maintained a low profile for many millennia, keeping themselves comfortably aloof on the higher harmonic dimensions.  When conditions were right, they sent forth emissaries into this dimension, operating through local mages and sages, holy men, kings and queens. Interestingly, Nacala is a city on the northern coast of Mozambique.  Nacala Bay is an area of outstanding beauty.  It is believed to be the place of most powerful sorcerers of Southern part of Africa.

Night in Vladimir

Day 14

VladimirAlexandrov (~130 km.) Sergiev Posad (~60 km.)Moscow (~70 km.)

 Aleksandrov (~130 km. from Vladimir)

  • Aleksandrov is one of the oldest residences of Russian rulers.  It is associated with the above mentioned Alexander Nevsky (13th century).
  • Aleksandrov was the capital of Russia in the 16th century under the rule of Ivan the Terrible.  There is a legend that his famous library is still in the underground part of the Alexander Kremlin.
  • Peter’s the Great daughter and future Russian Empress stayed in the Alexander Kremlin for 10 year.
  • On the way from Vladimir to Aleksandrov are the birthplaces of the following notable people:
    • Nikolay Zhukovsky (1847 – 1921) was a Russian scientist, and a founding father of modern aero- and hydrodynamics.  He is often called the Father of Russian Aviation.
    • Mikhail Speransky (1772 – 1839) is referred to as the father of Russian liberalism.  He was famous reformer and a close advisor of two Emperors of Russia.  Speransky was the author of the complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire.
    • Vladimir Soloukhin (1924 – 1997) was a Russian poet and writer.  He was born and buried in the settlement Alepino whose name fully correlates to the Syrian city Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.  Soloukhin was a passionate monarchist and wore a finger ring with the image of Tsar Nicholas II.  In 1988 Soloukhin initiated the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.  In 1997 he happened to be the first to receive a special burial praying in this temple after its opening.

Sergiev Posad (~60 km. from Aleksandrov)

  • The Trinity Lavra is the main Russian monastery.  Traditional pilgrim place of the Russian kings.  It was established by St. Sergius of Radonezh in 14th century.
  • St. Sergius of Radonezh is most famous Russian saint, Heavenly patron of Russia and the Russian tsars (kings).
  • The island of Manhattan is the historical nucleus of the city of New York. Today, here are the highest skyscrapers, in which there are offices of the world’s leading banks and multinational corporations.  Indigenous Indians considered this island sacred.  Emigrants from
    the Soviet Union have traditionally settled near Manhattan, in neighboring Brooklyn, to the south of which the famous Brighton Beach, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.  In 2013 the so-called Russian beach unlocked the ancient mystery of New York.  A strong storm washed away the mass of coastal sand into the ocean, and stones that had previously been hidden under water were opened.  On these stones were found engraved faces of people very familiar to the Russian emigrants from Brighton Beach.  Most of them were very close to the Slavic type, including the eyes, the hair style, the beard and the long mustache.  One of these images strongly resembles St. Sergius of Radonezh (14th century), although the age of the stone images is believed to be around 5000 years, i.e. they were made 3600 years before the birth of St. Sergius.

Moscow (~70 km. from Sergiev Posad)

Night in Moscow

Ganina Yama & Sanskrit

Ganina Yama

        Ganina Yama is located in the Urals.  Along with Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, it is most often associated with the fate of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family in 1918.  It is stated that on the night of July 16-17, the Russian Imperial Romanov family and their associates were shot by the Urals revolutionaries in the basement (ground-floor room) of the Ipatiev House.  After the execution their bodies were secretly transported to Ganina Yama and thrown into the pit.

         A week later, the anti-communist White Army drove the Red Army from the area and launched an investigation into the fate of the eleven victims.  No bodies or charred bones were found in Ganina Yama to present them as the ultimate evidence of the crime.  The proposed Romanovs remains found in the Porosyonkov log (Piglet’s ravine) in 1991 and 2007 are not recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church, disputing the authenticity of the remains.

         Despite the opening of state archives in the post-Soviet years, there is up till now no court sanction found for the execution of the royal family and there is yet no written document found that indicates that Lenin (Head of the Soviet state) instigated the orders.

          Either the real Romanovs remains have not been found yet or the family was not murdered in the Ipatiev House in 1918.  Surely, it is a multilevel game.  Therefore, it would be worth analyzing from different angles.  One of them could be the deeper levels of history and toponymy (the study of place names and linguistic origins).

The Romanovs

      Surname Romanov, most of the time pronounced in Russian as Ramanov sounds very similar to the Ramayana the second great Sanskrit epics after Mahabharata.  The Ramayana contains the story of Rama and incidentally relates the legends of the Solar dynasty, whereas the Mahabharata includes the story of the Kurukshetra War and preserves the traditions of the Lunar dynasty.  Interestingly, the red Hammer and Sickle (initially representing the Sun and the Moon) is a Communist symbol that was conceived during the Russian Revolution which dismantled the Romanovs autocracy and led to the rise of the Soviet Union.  Red hammer and sickle was used as the emblem of the Soviet Union and of international communism.

             Another root of the surname Romanov could be found in ancient Persia or Iran.  Ramano was a Zoroastrian supreme deity of Peace and Quiet.  The surname Romanov is also related to Rome.  In Russian, Rome is Rim, an anagram of the word Mir that is Russian word for peace as the above mentioned Iranian word Ramano.  Iran and India related with surname Romanov are the home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations.  So is the Urals in Russia and Yekaterinburg being the biggest city of the Urals.

                 Ganina Yama is a pit of an abandoned mine in the northern outskirt of Yekaterinburg.  Ganino is number of settlements in Russia.  They are concentrated in the Russian regions which are noted for Sanskrit names of their rivers and places.  In Russian, Ganino and Ganina mean the same, i.e. belonging to Ganin.  In Sanskrit, “Gain” means “teacher”, “one who has attendants”, etc.  Ganin is a surname in Russia whereas in India Ganin is a boy (male) gender name.

                  In Vedic mythology, Yama is the lord of death.  Yama’s farther is the solar deity Surya. In Sanskrit “surya” is the epithet of the gods.  Russian has number of rivers and places called Sura.  Moreover, Sura is a chapter of the Koran.  The Russian Sura River is a major tributary of the Volga River, the traditional symbol of Russian identity.  Among the principal confluents of the Sura River is Alatyr River.  Alatyr is the legendary stone associated with the altar located in the center of the world.  Alatyr Stone is the foundation of the world tree or throne of the world.  The Stone is endowed with healing and magical properties.  Surya’s wife and mother of Yama is a Hindu goddess Saranyu, whereas Saransk is the capital city of Mordovia in the Central Russia (the Volga basin) at the confluence of the Saranka and Insar Rivers.  Moksha is one of the three official languages in Mordovia.  The source of the Moksha River is just 110 km. from Saransk.  Moska (or Moksha) is the Sanskrit word referring to freedom from ignorance, self-realization and self-knowledge.  The distance between the source of the Moksha River and the above mentioned river Sura is about 30 km.  Moreover, the Russian name of Moscow, i.e. Moskva is related to the above mentioned Sanskrit term Moska.

              In the Rig Veda (one of the world’s oldest religious texts), Yama is mentioned as one who helped humankind find a place to dwell, and gave every individual the power to tread any path to which he or she wants.  In Sanskrit, “path” is “gati”. Interestingly, Gat is a settlement and railway station located on the Iset River just 2,5 km. west from Ganina Yama.  In Russian, “Gat” also means “path”.  Other Russian word for “path” is “put” that is the root of surname Putin.  In Sanskrit, “put” means “virtue”, whereas “puta” means “purifying”, “who purifies”, etc.  The source of Russian river Yamuga is about 90 km. from the Kremlin.  The river crosses twice the federal highway M-10 that connects two Russian capitals, Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.  In Sanskrit, the word “gati” has many meanings, including: happiness, way, method of acting, numerous forms of life, course of the soul, etc.

          Gani in Sanskrit means “one who is familiar with the sacred writings and the auxiliary sciences”.  The notion of auxiliary sciences is closely linked to the history.  An auxiliary science serves as a support for history science so that it can achieve its purposes and objectives.  Etymology, toponymy, genealogy, law, archaeology, etc. are some auxiliary sciences that provide documentation or sources of analysis.

          Gana in Sanskrit means “crowd”, “small body of troops”, “sect in philosophy or religion”, “foot or four instants” (basic metric unit of Vedic poetry).  Remarkably, the Four Brothers is the historical name of the spot where pit Ganina Yama is located.  Four instants form feet consisting the arya, a popular metre of Sanskrit poetry.  The two greatest Sanskrit epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, both deal with the good and the evil within the individual.  In Sanskrit, the word “Arya” means “worthy”, “honorable”, “wise”, etc.  It refers to a good worthy family man who respects the traditions of his country, who is a good housekeeper and duly performs the rites Yajna, worship in front of a sacred fire.

          In 1991 popular Russian poet and writer Vladimir Soloukhin (1924 – 1997) visited Ganina Yama.  Soloukhin was a passionate monarchist and wore a finger ring with the image of Nicholas II of Russia.  In 1988 Soloukhin initiated the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the main Russian Orthodox Church cathedral that was demolished in 1931 by the order of Stalin.  By the way, in Sanskrit, “sthalin” means “possessing any vessel or receptacle”.  In 1997 Soloukhin happened to be the first to receive a special burial praying in this new cathedral.  He was buried in his birthplace, village Alepino (145 km. from Moscow) whose name fully correlates to the Syrian city Aleppo, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.  In Sanskrit, “alepa” means “alive”, “pure”.

           Shuvakish is the name of lake and settlement located in the Yekaterinburg district, 4 km. from Ganina Yama.  In Sanskrit, “suvaksas” means “savage”.  Synonym of savage is Sanskrit word “ugra”.  Ugra is the epithet of deity Shiva.  In Sanskrit, Shiva is Siva.  Siva is the name of few rivers in Russia in the Ural region.  Part of the Northen Urals is also called Ugra (Yugra).  The majority of the oil produced in Russia comes from Yugra (Ugra).

             The highest point of the Ural Mountains is the Mount Narodnaya (or the People’s Mount) also known as Naroda and Narada.  Its name is associated with Narada (Naroda) River at the foothills and the above mentioned sage Narada from early Hindu texts.  Narada is the Vedic sage who carries enlightening wisdom and travels to distant worlds and realms of the Universe.  Narada is considered the greatest of sages.  According to the Indian epic, Narada lived in the north (that is the Urals if looking from India).  The Mount Narodnaya related with Hindu sage Narada is the very northern spot on the 60th meridian, around which are located the most sacral places of the Urals.  Ganina Yama and Yekaterinburg are also located on this 60th meridian.

            The most southern sacral spot placed on the 60th meridian is Arkaim (the Southern Ural steppe) related to the early Aryan civilization as described in the Avesta and Vedas.  Arkaim is generally dated to the II-III millennium BCE.  It is considered to be an important center of the Indo-Aryan civilization and its consequent migration into India, Iran and Mesopotamia, etc.  In Sanskrit, Arka has meanings related to the Sun and knowledgeArk of the Covenant was given to Moses by God when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of biblical Mount Sinai.  The top ocean is also called Arctic.  Ancient Samarkand Dwarka  have “arka” in their names.  It is stated that with Arkaim was connected Zoroaster (Zarathustra), an ancient Iranian prophet whose teachings developed into Zoroastrianism, the dominant religion in Ancient Persia (or Iran, meaning “the land of Aryans”).  Major features of Zoroastrianism greatly influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that have shaped the modern world.

           Another sacral meridian is the Nile Meridian (or 30th meridian) with Giza (the home of the great pyramids and the Sphinx), Akhetaton (capital of great reformer pharaoh Echnaton), Alexandria (capital of Alexsander the Great), Cairo (capital of Egypt), Constantinople (capital of Constantine the Great), Kiev (Oleg the Prophet made it capital of Rus), and Saint-Petersburg (capital of Peter the Great).  Their foundation was always followed by a new loop of development of the civilization.

           In the 1980s Shuvakish was known as the place of the largest in the USSR flea market.  It was called “cloud” due to the colossal congestion of people.  Interestingly, in Hindu mythology the goddess of clouds is the above mentioned Saranyu, wife of Surya and mother of Yama.  The market was organized with the permission of Boris Yeltsin (First President of Russia, 1991 — 1999).  At that time Ural-born Yeltsin was the Head of Communist Party in the Urals.  Also, it was him who had the Ipatiev House (associated with the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family) demolished in September 1977.

            The water from the lake Shuvakish used to be supplied to the nearby Uralmash (The Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant).  The surrounding residential area where workers live is also called Uralmash.  In the 1990s, the district was often called the “criminal capital of Russia” due to the emergence of a large organized criminal group ‘Uralmash’, which took control of almost the whole Yekaterinburg and its region.

             Between the Lake Shuvakish (1,5 km.) and the settlement Shuvakish (1 km.) there is field known as Porosyonkov log (Piglet’s ravine).  It is the place where the so-called remains of the Romanovs where found in 1991 and 2007.  Despite the political pressure, the remains are not recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church, questioning the genuineness of the remains.  They are unconvinced that the remains are really those of Nicholas II and his family.  There are facts confirming that Piglet’s ravine is an attempt to mislead.  Also, the very name of the place is associated with pigs and is rather offensive for the Imperial honor.

             Strangely, the decision about the authenticity of the remains was taken in 1998 by the Russian government, not by court.  The governmental session lasted for three hours and the final decision was unanimous.  The meeting was unprecedented in that every member of the cabinet was invited to express an opinion.  The cabinet meeting was chaired by First Deputy of the Prime Mistier Boris Nemtsov.  It was a sign of the controversial nature of the issue that President of Russia Boris Yeltsin declined to make the decision himself or even to take part in it.  Although, he was not normally renowned for indecision and it was him who demolished the Ipatiev House in 1977.  Also, it was the same decision of the Russian government to bury the doubtful remains in the Romanov family vault in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg, which is the first and oldest landmark in Saint-Petersburg.

           Interestingly, one month after the burial (July 1998) of the controversial remains, happened a big financial crisis in Russia (August 1998).  It resulted in the Russian government and the Russian Central Bank devaluing the ruble and defaulting on the domestic debt.  A moratorium on repayment of foreign debt was imposed.  The financial collapse resulted in a political crisis for Boris Yeltsin.

Interesting is the time of founding of the remains in 1991:

  • It happened July 11-13, one month after Boris Yeltsin became the first Russian President (June 12).  The official history states that the Romanovs were murdered in the Ipatev House on the night June 16-17, 1918.  It was Boris Yeltsin who had the Ipatiev House demolished 1977, carrying out the order of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • The collapsed Soviet coup in August 1991 in Moscow destabilized the Soviet Union and contributed to both the demise of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Devil’s Hillfort near Ganina Yama

          The city of Yekaterinburg stands on the upper reaches of the river Iset.  Its source is near the above mentioned Ganina Yama having Sanskrit originated name.  Interestingly, Iset is an Ancient Egyptian name, meaning “(She) of the throne”.  It was the name of the goddess better known by her Greek name Isis.  Moreover, the analogy of the throne is also nearby.  Chertovo gorodishche (or Devil’s Hillfort) is a cultish place of majestic cliffs on the mountain top, just 3 km. south of the village Iset and only 8 km. west of Ganina Yama.  Devil’s Hillfort is a stone crest 20 meters high, made up of massive towers that rise on a pedestal of granite slabs, which have a volcanic origin and were formed about 300 million years ago.  The Urals are the most ancient mountain range in the world, hiding numerous secrets and many traces of past civilizations.

           Iset River has a tributary called Sinara River.  In the Hebrew Bible, Sinar (Shinar, Sennaar) is the term used the general region of Mesopotamia.  The source of the Sinara River is the Sinara Lake.  On the shore of this beautiful lake is a closed town Snezhinsk, one of two centers of the Russian nuclear program (the other is Sarov).  The most ancient state in Mesopotamia was Sumer.  It is known from chronics that Sumer was destroyed by the deadly wind, which could have been the radioactive wind (nuclear fallout) from explosions on Sinai. The Iset River is itself a tributary of the Tobol River.  City Tobolsk is a historic capital of Siberia, located at the confluence of the Tobol and Irtysh Rivers, flowing to the Arctic Ocean.  From August 1917 to spring 1918, Tobolsk was the place of exile of Nicholas II and his family before their transportation to Yekaterinburg.  They lived in Tobolsk in relative luxury in the former house of the Governor-General.  The Iset River enters the Tobol River south-east of city Tyumen, also related to the Romanovs.  During the World War II, Tyumen was also the place of evocation of the mummified corpse of Lenin, who was the main antagonist of the Romanovs.  Tyumen stands on the banks of the Tura River.  Like the Iset River, the Tura is a tributary of the Tobol River.  The birthplace of Grigori Rasputin (1869 – 1916) is just 10 km. from the confluence of the Tura and Tobol rivers.  The village is called Pokrovskoye sited between Tyumen and Tobolsk.  Grigori Rasputin was a Russian mystic who befriended the family of Nicholas II and gained considerable influence in late imperial Russia.

            The road from Ganina Yama to the nearby head of river Iset and Devil’s Hillfort is via the settlement called Koptyaki.  The Koptyaki forest (Ganina Yama) and the Old Koptyaki Road (Porosyonkov log) are associated with alleged burial of the Romanovs corpses.  Initially, Koptyaki was populated by the Old-believers, Russian Orthodox Christians who opposed reforming of the Russian Orthodox Church by Patriarch Nikon in the middle of 17th century.  The village was founded in 1804 by a resident of Yekaterinburg, Nicholas Koptyaev, who organized here the production of charcoal for the local iron-making plant.  Interestingly, the root of name of the settlement and the surname of its founder is Kopt (or Copt) and therefore it correlates to the ethno-religious group Copts in modern Egypt.  They constitute the largest Christian community in the Middle East, as well as the largest religious minority in the region, accounting for up to 1/5 of the Egyptian population.  The Copts are one of the oldest Christian communities in the Middle East.  The Coptic language is the most recent stage of the Egyptian language, which was spoken in ancient Egypt.  Its earliest known complete written sentence has been dated to the 3rd millennium BCE.  The Coptic or Coptic Egyptian language was spoken in Egypt until at least the 17th century.

           Interestingly, even the name of birthplace of Boris Yeltsin, Ural village Butka, bears striking similarity with Indian village Bhutnya (Butnya) in Uttarakhand state (the Himalayas).  It is believed that the sage Vyasa scripted the greatest Hindu epic Mahabharata in the state.  At that time, present-day Uttarakhand also served as a habitat for Rishis and Sadhus.  Uttarakhand state is also the origin of two the most important rivers in Hinduism, the Ganges and the Yamuna, whereas Yamuga River flows in the Moscow region.

            In Uttarakhand state is located ancient town Haridwar is a place of intense religious significance for the Hindus.  The famous Kumbh Melas festival is held in Haridwar in every twelve years, when the planet Jupiter comes into the sign Aquarius (Kumbha).  By the way, Boris Yeltsin was Aquarius.  The 1998 Kumbh Mela saw over 80 million pilgrims visiting this holy city.  Another famous place in Uttarakhand is Rishikesh, known as ‘Yoga Capital of the World’.  The distance from Rishikesh to above mentioned village Bhutnya is ~45 km.

              Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest national park of the Indian subcontinent.  It includes the Sivalik hills.  Siva is also the name of a river north of Ganina Yama.  Village Bhutnya is less than 70 km. from the park.  At the foothills of Sivalik Hills there is Sukhna Lake created in 1958 by damming the Sukhna Choe, a seasonal stream coming down from the Sivalik hills.  Interestingly, Sukhona is the name of Russian river on which stands town Ustyug the Great (Veliky Ustyug), which is the place of spiritual deep of Saint Procopius the Blessed who was the ancestor of the Romanovs Imperial House.  He came to Ustyug in the 12th century.  On Procopius’ memory day (July 21) the first Romanov tsar Mikhail was crowned as the Russian king in 1613.  Today Veliky Ustyug is known as the Russian capital of the Aquarius.  Astrologically, the Aquarius is the heaven patron of Russia.  The coming Aquarian Age will transform the planet.  The only Russian city that has the Aquarius on its coat of arm is Veliky Ustyug.

          Village Bhutnya is 1,5 km. from the Himalayan river Alaknanda, one of the two headstreams of the Ganga, the holy river of Hinduism.  In hydrology, the Alaknanda is considered the source stream of the Ganges.  At Indian village Mana, the Alaknanda meets its tributary the Saraswati River flowing from Mana Pass (Himalayan Mountains pass between India and Tibet).

            Sanskrit name ‘Alaknanda’ literally means a young girl.  Indian name Alak generally means ‘World’ or ‘Beautiful tresses’.  Alakh Niranjan is a term used as a synonym for Creator, and to describe the characteristics of God and the Self, known as the Atman.  Alakh means “sightless” and Niranjan means “spotfree”. Niranjan is another name of Lord Siva.  The original Sanskrit term Alakhshya means “one that cannot be perceived”.

           In Iran, Alak is also the name of a village in Kurdistan Province.  In Egypt, Allaqi is the major dry river (250 km.) in the southeastern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, draining the area from the hills near the Red Sea to the valley of the Nile.  In Russia, Allaki is a cultish place 100 km. south from Yekaterinburg.  In Hinduism, Alaka is the splendid home of Kubera, the lord of wealth and half-brother of Ravana from the Ramayana, second greatest Hindu epic.  Ramana was the supreme deity of peace in Zoroastrianism.

Ирод Великий — мифы и реальность


  1. Личность Ирода
  2. Вифлеемские младенцы: по ту сторону мифа
  3. Великий строитель
  4. Семейная жизнь
  5. Иоанн Креститель


I. Личность Ирода

Царь Ирод является противоречивой личностью.  После смерти он был назван историками «Великим», хотя при жизни он сам себя так не называл.  Его жизнь прошла в знаковых местах.  Ирод родился в Ашкелоне, а умер в Иерихоне.  Место его погребения считается крепость Иродион, см. раздел III.

Ирода справедливо признают одним из самых влиятельных царей.  Он правил Иудеей в течение символического срока — 33 года.  Именно тогда закладывались предпосылки христианства.  Некоторые исследователи не исключают, что Иисус Христос мог родиться при жизни Ирода.  Именно во времена его правления на иудейской земле прекратилось кровопролитие и воцарился мир, строились новые города и крепости, а также укреплялись старые.

Ирод был иудомеем (по национальности), его дед принял иудаизм.  Идумея была соседним с Иудеей государством и была населена идумеями (едомитянами) со второй половины II-го тысячелетия до нашей эры.  Столицей Идумеи был расположенный на знаменитой 30-й параллели город Петра, который часто называют розовым.  Примечательно, что розовый цвет образуется при смешивании красного и белого.  См. ниже о главной тайне красно-белой короны египетских фараонов и Деда Мороза.

В конце II века до нашей эры Идумея была завоевана иудейским царем Иоанном Гирканом I из династии Хасмонеев.  В результате все его население было обращено в иудаизм.  Это единственный в истории случай носильного обращения в эту религию целого народа.  Дед Ирода был тоже вынужден принять иудаизм.

Иудомеи всегда враждовали с иудеями, хотя были родственными племенами.  Их общими основателями были два родных брата, давшие начало каждому народу.  Основателем Идумеи считается Исав (Эдом) — сын библейского патриарха Исаака, брат Иакова.  Много внимания уделяется Исаву в Аггаде — талмудической литературе, содержащей афоризмы, рассказы, исторические предания и поучения религиозно-этического характера.  Возникновение Аггады относится ко II веку до нашей эры.

Первая столица с именем Агаде была на Нибиру, в её честь назвали столицу и государство Аккад  в Месопотамии.  Именно аккадский язык стал прародителем всех семитских языков, включая древнееврейский.  Аккад ушел с исторической сцены примерно в 2200 году до нашей эры.

Исходя из иудомейского происхождения Ирода, его власть ставили под сомнение некоторые отпрыски из древних иудейских родов, но ничего не могли сделать, т.к. за Иродом и его семьей стояла военная мощь Римской империи.  Отец Ирода был близким другом Юлия Цезаря и главным министром Иудеи, которая тогда была римской провинцией.  Матерью Ирода была набатейская принцесса с интересным именем Кипра, из вышеуказанного города Петра.

Ирод был рожден в привилегированном мире и с детства был окружен известными людьми Рима, Египта и Ближнего Востока.  Его дед и отец общались с Помпеем, Юлием Цезарем, Марком Антонием, Октавианом Августом, Клеопатрой, Брутом, Кассием, которые были в доме частыми гостями.

Французский художник Джеймс Тиссо, написавший в 1886 году Ирода Великого (см. выше) достаточно интересно изобразил его головной убор.  По сути – это отражение союза Солнца и Луны.  Передняя часть короны — красный цвет, Солнце (Ра) как на гербе Татарстана.  Задняя часть короны по форме и цвету в ночном небе отражает Луну.  Известно влияние на развитие монотеистических религий лунного божества по имени Син. Многое в этой короне кисти Тиссо подчеркивает идеи, которые отражались в головных уборах фараонов Египта, возникшего задолго до Иудеи.  

С высшей перспективы, объединённая красно-белая корона отражала объединение Духа и Материи – Вселенскую Игру Интеграции Полярностей, выразившееся на физическом плане в объединении Нижнего и Верхнего Египта примерно 5000 лет назад.  В наше время эта мистерия продолжается в Великом Устюге, ставшим Родиной Деда Мороза, см. «Новый год начинается с Нибиру».


II. Вифлеемские младенцы: по ту сторону мифа

Благодаря составителям Евангелия от Матфея и многим европейским художникам, воздействовавших на воображение современников, образ Ирода стал синонимом детоубийцы.  Он не был первым, кто расправился с собственными детьми, ради сохранения власти.  Борьба детей с отцами – отличительная черта всех монархий.  Убивали своих детей даже правители, которых впоследствии канонизировали.  Государственные заслуги всегда ставились на первое место.  Ироду повезло меньше всех благодаря Евангелию от Матфея, согласно которому он приказал убить в Вифлееме всех детей, младше двух лет, чтобы якобы обезопасить свой трон.

Нет смысла пересказывать эту всем известную историю.  Давно известно мнение авторитетных исследователей.  Самый главный аргумент в пользу невиновности Ирода – это его смерть за 4 года до официального рождения Иисуса Христа.  Не мог же он отдавать приказы из царства мертвых!

Есть и другие вопросы при буквальном чтении Евангелия от Матфея:

  • Иисус родился в Вифлееме, но его родители могли переехать из Вифлеема в другой город. Зачем Ироду так рисковать и приказывать убить младенцев этого города?
  • Евангелие говорит, что для спасения сына Иосиф и Мария покинули Вифлеем и отправились в Египет. Все дороги тогда охранялись, их передвижение не могло остаться незамеченным.  Никто их не преследовал, хотя младенец имел возраст, который указывал Ирод для избиения.  В действительности, во исполнение царского указа они были бы достаточно быстро пойманы солдатами.  Об их исчезновении с младенцем стало бы быстро известно властям от соседей, которым грозило бы в противном случае суровое наказание.
  • В бегстве святого семейства в Египет говорится о других детях этой семьи, кроме Иисуса. Очередная подсказка или то, что составители Нового Завета не смогли исключить из Евангелий?
  • В Новом Завете, часто отображают совершенно разные точки зрения на рождение и детство Иисуса. Нет исторических записей, подтверждающих инцидент с Вифлеемскими младенцами. Даже известный своими трудами еврейско-римский историк Иосиф Флавий, живший в первом веке, ничего не говорит об указе Ирода убить младенцев.  При этом, Иосиф Флавий подробно описывает жизнь и чувства Ирода.  Материалы он черпал в трудах Николая Дамасского, который был главным министром Ирода и его придворным историком.
  • По свидетельству Иосифа Флавия, Ирод приказал похоронить себя в построенном им Иродионе (см. раздел III), в 5 км. от Вифлеема. Если бы приписываемое ему избиение младенцев в этом городе было правдой, то он не решился быть похороненным рядом.  Более того, Иродион – единственное место в мире, все еще носящее имя Ирода.
  • Только Матфей или, писавшие от его имени, говорят об избиении Вифлеемских младенцев. В других трех Евангелиях этой истории нет.  Этот существенный факт тоже подтверждает, что этого избиения никогда не было.  В результате только одного и явно недостаточного свидетельства Ирод почти 2000 лет обвинялся в массовом детоубийстве, которое он не совершал, но из-за которого его имя стало нарицательным.

Существуют и явные статистические доказательства невозможности массового избиения по приказу Ирода младенцев в Вифлееме:

  • Демографические данные о Палестине I века свидетельствуют о том, что Вифлеем был небольшой деревушкой, с населением от 300 до 1 000 человек. Количество детей, младше 2-х лет колебалось между 7 и 20. Отсюда, масштабная резня не могла иметь место, т.е. там просто не было столько младенцев.
  • В Евангелие от Матфея не сказано, сколько детей было убито, однако поздние источники настаивают на больших цифрах – греческая православная церковь настаивает, что по приказу ирода было убито 14 000 мальчиков, сирийская утверждает о 64 000, авторы позднего Средневековья доводят цифру до 144 000. Эти цифры скорее выглядят символичными, чем реалистичными.

Если не принимать во внимание, что за образами ветхозаветных волхвов могли скрываться астрономические или иные события (персонажи), то возникают аналогичные критические вопросы:

  • В Евангелие от Матфея говорится, что с Востока пришли мудрецы (маги), которые (почему-то) остановились во дворце царя Ирода в Иерусалиме.
  • Мог ли поверить хорошо образованный Ирод каким-то неизвестным старикам, якобы пришедшим в Иудею, чтобы поклониться новорожденному царю иудеев?
  • Как они попали к Ироду? Нет никаких свидетельств о том, что он привечал у себя во дворце магов и астрологов, которых было множество в древнем мире.
  • Матфей называет их волхвами. Однако, сколько их было на самом деле никто не знает. Считается, что их было три, по количеству даров – золото, ладан, смирна, но это только интерпретация.  Сама Библия не говорит, сколько было волхвов.
  • Не объясняется, почему их, живущих в другой стране, заинтересовало рождение нового царя иудеев. Знаком была звезда, которая, то вела их, то пропадала.
  • Почему всесильный Ирод испугался младенца из забытой деревушки?
  • Ирод наверняка знал, что религиозные иудеи верили в приход мессии. Источником этой веры были несколько псалмов, написанных от имени Соломона, где говорится о царе из рода Давида, который придет в Иерусалим и без военной силы прогонит ненавистных римлян.  Однако, вряд ли Ирод был напуган.  Военная машина римлян была непобедимой, а их достижения в культуре и архитектуре превосходили остальные народы.
  • Ирод попросил волхвов вернуться и рассказать, где тот ребенок, которого они считали новым царем. Однако, волхвы не вернулись к Ироду. Как и родителям Иисуса, им во сне было дано предупреждение и домой они возвращались тайно.  Получение информации от ангелов во сне часто встречается в Библии, но сама церковь очень настороженно относится к тем, кто видит различные сны и принимает информацию с тонкого плана похожими способами.
  • Почему только волхвы из далеких стран могли определить родившегося мессию?
  • Почему никто в Иудее не смог этого сделать, хотя были пророчества?
  • Иисусу было порядка двух лет, когда пришли волхвы (согласно Библии). Неужели за это время никто не мог его рассмотреть?

Составители Евангелия от Матфея явно использовали информацию из мифа о солнечном герое, известном от Ближнего Востока до Индии.  В нем рождение в пещере и преследование царем являются метафорами.  Человек рождается в этом мире материальной пещеры.  Он подвергается опасностям на пути своего служения, но, в конечном итоге, становится богочеловеком, т.е. раскрывает свой божественный потенциал, которым наделен каждый человек.


III. Великий строитель

Все исследователи признают, что у Ирода был изысканный вкус и его наследие как великого строителя, противоречит  закрепившейся за ним репутации детоубийцы.  Ирод построил по всему царству более 20 крепостей.  Связь между ними   поддерживалась при помощи зеркал.



К югу от Вифлеема, где, как считается, родился царь Давид, а через тысячу лет Иисус, Ирод построил архитектурное чудо – Иродион, одинокий дворец в пустыне, который был шедевром его инженерного гения.  Это предположительное место его захоронения и единственное место в мире, всё еще носящее его имя.

По сути, это было два дворцовых комплекса.  Один на вершине горы, как в жерле вулкана. Второй у подножия этой горы, включавший огромный бассейн с беседкой в центре.  Ирод жил и правил из Иродиона, но он был не единственным шедевром царя.



В 64 км к югу от Иродиона он построил на берегу Мертвого моря самый выдающийся из своих дворцов — Масаду, ставшим в наше время одной из святынь современного Израиля и его народа. Здесь принимают присягу военнослужащие, приезжают помолиться тысячи верующих. Башни неприступной цитадели поднимаются на 300 метров над пустыней. Трехэтажный дворец демонстрирует невиданное мастерство строителей. Ирод лично участвовал в каждом этапе проектировки и строительства здания. Это подтверждает, что он был очень образованным человеком. И снова это трудно соотнести с репутацией жестокосердного детоубийцы, данной ему в Евангелие от Матфея.

Масада находится недалеко от древнего города Арад.  Ар – это древнее слово, означающее Внутреннее или Духовное Солнце.  Не случайно, Аркаим, Арвад и др.  В Араде был найден кувшин с именем Нармера — основателя первой династии царей в Египте.  Ханаанский Арад достиг расцвета за 3000 до нашей эры.  Еврейский город был здесь построен в период Первого Храма (с XI в. до нашей эры), который построил Соломон, сын царя Давида.


Стена Плача

Исторические свидетельства говорят о том, что Ирод много сделал, чтобы снискать поддержку своих подданных. Одна из древнейших достопримечательностей Иерусалима – Стена Плача, к которой приезжают помолиться тысячи евреев со всего мира, является единственным останком великолепного здания, построенного Иродом. Этим детищем Ирода был Иерусалимский храм, который современники считали самым красивым зданием в мире. Ирод хотел завоевать умы и сердца еврейского населения, т.к в иудаизме допускается только храмовое сооружение, вся иудейская религия была сосредоточена вокруг этого храма.

На строительстве этого храма было задействовано свыше 18 000 рабочих.  На него было израсходовано денег больше, чем на любое другое здание за всю историю Иудеи.  Ирод понимал, что очень важно не осквернить храм во время начатой им перестройки.  Поэтому, выбрались самые достойные люди.  Он сам принимал самое активное участие.

Однако, несмотря на это и постройку такого храма, многие из подданных Ирода по-прежнему его презирали.  Корни этого презрения крылись в том, что он был назначен царем Иудеи римлянами, которых они считали оккупантами и что еще хуже, Ирод старался угодить им во всех отношениях.



В своем следующем строительном проекте, Ирод сильно оскорбил религиозные чувства иудеев и свел на нет свои прежние усилия и заслуги.  Новая стройплощадка находилась в 100 км на северо-запад от Иерусалима и стала известна как жемчужина Средиземноморья, это был город и морской порт. Однако, его название – Кесария оскорбило многих религиозных иудеев, т.к. было дано в честь римского императора Августа или Кесаря и она стала его столицей. В архитектуре города и его духе царили римский космополитизм (интернационализм) и глобализм римской цивилизации. Амфитеатр, ипподром, форум, бани, гигантский акведук для снабжения города пресной водой и т.д.  Огромная гавань стала сложным инженерным сооружением того времени, на её строительстве Ирод применил последние достижения римлян.

Кесария Приморская или Палестинская была построена на месте финикийского поселения за рекордно короткий срок — всего за 12 лет (с 22 по 10 г.г. до нашей эры).  Городские улицы были расположены строго в римском порядке: Кардо – по направлению Север-Юг, Декаманус – Восток-Запад.  Как полагается, на самой высокой точке города Ирод возвел храм, посвященный римскому императору и Риму, а не богу иудеев.  Это оказалось не по душе многим религиозным иудеям, посчитавшим это оскорблением.  Тем не менее, город приносил солидные доходы в казну Ирода и Рима.  Большинство горожан, которых было порядка 30 тысяч, были сторонниками греко-римской культуры — римляне, греки, торговый люд с берегов Средиземноморья.   Прообразом храма в Кесарии был храм Юпитера, построенный по приказу кесаря Августа в Баальбеке.


Кесария – Севастополь – Самария 

Вышеуказанная Кесария у порта Себастия на средиземноморском побережье современного Израиля и Севастополь в Крыму (на черноморском побережье) имеют общее название.

Название «Севастополь» состоит из двух греческих слов: «Себастос» (священный) и «полис» (город).  Греческое слово «Себастос» представляет перевод латинского «Август» — титула римских императоров, изначально принятого императором Октавианом Августом.  Именно на греческий (эллинский) манер Ирод назвал порт Себастос в городе Кесария.  Более того, Ирод посвятил кесарю Августу не только на Средиземноморском побережье Иудеи, но и дарованный ему город Самарию (см. нижее) – бывшую столицу Израильского царства, которую он переустроил и назвал Себастос.  Именно в царствование Ирода произошел последний расцвет древней Самарии.  Морским воротами в Самарию служила указанная Кесария, также построенная Иродом.  Благодаря его целеустремленности новый порт стал одним из крупнейших в Средиземноморье и составлял конкуренцию Александрии Египетской, стоящей на Нильском меридиане.

Из римской крепости Себастополис на побережье Черного моря вырос современный город Сухум – столица Абхазии, на второй четверти герба которого изображены золотые остроконечные «шапки Диоскуров» с золотыми шестиконечными звездами.  Сухум побратим с многими городами, включая такие знаковые как Грозный, Волгоград / Царицын / Сталинград и Архангельск, рядом с которым находятся Холмогоры — одно из древнейших русских поселений, стоящее на островах, описанных в священной книге индусов «Махабхарата».  Недалеко от Сухума ушёл из этой жизни один из трёх Вселенских святителей — Иоанн Златоуст.

Кесария.  Сари — старинный город с богатой столичной историей на севере Ирана.  Около 1469 года Сари посетил Афанасий Никитин, упомянувший его в своих путевых записках.


Самария — историческая область Израиля в центре Земли Обетованной, между Галилеей и Иудеей.  В прошлом, ее центром был город Самария.  Сегодня от него остались только руины, свидетельствующие о былом великолепии.  В 875 — 722 г.г. до нашей эры, до завоевания ассирийцами, город Самария был столицей Израильского царства.  Название города очень древнее и означает «Маленький Шумер».  Как известно, Шумер был одной из колыбелей современной цивилизации, но ею и была Тартария, располагавшаяся на территории современной России.  На Волге стоит русская Самара.

Будучи царем Иудеи, Ирод получил Самарию от первого римского императора Августа и отстроил город в эллинистическом духе.  Он переименовал Самарию в Себастию, в честь Августа, которого греки называли Себастос.  Построил в его честь внушительный храм, названный самой блестящей демонстрацией имперского культа.  От брата императора Августа первый русский царь Иван Грозный вел происхождение рода Рюриковичей.  На храме св. Николая в Старом Ваганькове, связанного с рождением Ивана Грозного, изображены 40 севайтийских мучеников.

Через Самарию проходил важный караванный путь из Дамаска в Египет.  Считается, что здесь Иисус исцелил 10 прокаженных.

Самария была одним из значимых центров христианства, а ранние христиане верили, что в этом городе был похоронен Иоанн Креститель (см. раздел V).

Ирод считал Самарию (Себастию) своей базой для борьбы с Хасмонеями – священническим родом, чьи потомки более века правили Иудеей до Ирода.  Хасмонеи происходили из поселения на границе Иудеи и Самарии.  Самаритяне были верными союзниками Ирода.  Он связал себя с этим городом особыми узами, женившись на самаритянке Малфаке.  Родившиеся сыновья выжили и стали его наследниками.  Прежних жён и детей Ирода постигла трагическая участь.


IV. Семейная жизнь Ирода

В 25 лет Ирод был назначен губернатором Галилеи, он женился на женщине по имени Дорида, которая родила ему сына.  После возвращения из удачной военной компании, Ирод получил предложение жениться на прекрасной юной девушке иудейской благородной крови. Ее звали Мариам, а род почитался многими влиятельными семьями. Это давало Ироду определенную опору, т.к. он сам не был иудеем, которыми правил.  Чтобы жениться на Мариам, он изгнал Дориду и их трехлетнего сына, но не порвал с ними окончательно.

Когда Ирод выехал из Иерусалима на встречу с римским императором Августом, чтобы дать обет верности, он оставил секретное распоряжение убить Мариам, если он не вернется живым.  Ранее, сюзереном Ирода был Марк Антоний, враг Августа.  Ирод не знал как отнесётся Август к нему т той поддержке, которую он оказывал Марку Антонию.  Август подтвердил царский титул Ирода, но его брак с Мариам начал рушиться.  Когда она узнала об этом распоряжении, то перестала спать с ним, участились ссоры.

Считается, что Ирод не мог представить себе Мариам с кем-то другим.  Будучи не в состоянии справиться со своей ревностью, он отдал приказ об её аресте.  Мариам привели на суд по обвинению в супружеской измене, а наказанием была смерть.  Главным свидетелем против неё была Соломея — сестра Ирода.  Мать Мариам — Александра разыграла на суде драму и свидетельствовала против собственной дочери.  Ирод объявил Мариам виновной и приказал казнить.  Ей было 25 лет, за 7 лет супружеской жизни она родила ему 5 детей. Идя на смерть, она была спокойна и безмятежна, не пыталась оправдаться. Сложный вопрос, была ли действительно супружеская измена под натиском чувств или желания отомстить Ироду за его секретное распоряжение.  Мариам знала, как сильно Ирод психологически зависит от неё, и как он будет страдать потом.

Действительно, после её казни, жизнь Ирода пошла, что называется по наклонной.  Он отказывался верить в смерть Мариам, бродил по дворцу, часто повторял её имя, у него развился психоз, он слышал голоса, он был в глубокой депрессии и больше не мог выполнять общественные обязанности.  Есть сведения, что Ирод стал много пить, пытаясь утопить в вине свое горе.  Его враги чувствовали, что он теряет власть и совсем обезумел.  Была принята первая открытая попытка захвата власти.  Мать Мариам Александра провозгласила себя царицей и объявила, что Ирод больше не способен управлять страной.  Ирод казнил Александру практически без суда.

Ироду было 65 лет, когда он узнал, что его два сына от Мариам (внуки Александры) планировали покушение и захват власти. Он казнил своих сыновей.  В то время наследники часто пытались отнять царство у своих отцов. Этот случай не является исключением.

За 5 дней до своей смерти Ирод казнил еще одного заговорщика – своего сына и наследника Антипатра, его первенца, рожденного его первой женой Доридой.  Борьба за власть редко обходится без драмы.  В христианской традиции в неё оказываются вовлечёнными и святые, обличающие пороки правителей.  Одним из самых видных стал Иоанн Креститель.


V. Иоанн Креститель

Иоанн Креститель является одним из ключевых образов в христианстве.  Он — сын Захарии крестил в водах реки Иордан Иисуса Христа.  Принял смерть за высказывание горького укора Ироду II Антипе за его сожительство с Иродиадой — женой своего единокровного брата Ирода Филиппа I.  У братьев были разные матери, но общий отец — Ирод Великий, о котором данная работа.  Иродиада сама была внучкой Ирода Великого.

Обсуждать историческую достоверность и семейный узел этой трагедии не имеет смысла в рамках данной работы.  Очевидно, что за Усекновением головы Иоанна Крестителя стоят очень глубокие архетипы, оказывающие ключевое влияние на развитие человеческой цивилизации, см. «Таинственное число 11».

Вышеуказанный Ирод Антипа ещё известен как строитель Тверии — города на западном берегу Тивериадского озера в Галилее, входящего в число четырёх святых для евреев городов (Иерусалим, Хеврон, Тверия и Цфат).  К югу от Тверии находится Ярденит — традиционное место крещения в водах священной реки Иордан.  Оно было выбрано в 1981 году правительством Израиля в качестве символического места крещения Иисуса Христа.

Считается, что Тверия / Тивериада была названа в честь императора Тиберия, приемника первого римского императора Августа.  Город был построен в 17 году нашей эры.  Две тысячи лет – это долгий срок, но не возраст современной человеческой цивилизации.

Созвучие названий Тверь и Тверия – не случайно.  Российская Тверь стоит на великой реке Волга, а Тверия – на берегу озера, из которого вытекает Иордан.  Древние связи с Тверью имеет Индия и её столица Дели, стоящая на священной для индусов реке Ямуна.  В современной истории России Тверь и её правители продолжали играть ключевую роль.

Крайон подчёркивает, что русский язык тесно связан с кодом Многомерного Генома, сращивающего в Единое Целое и разные формы жизни, и разные миры, и разные измерения.  Он рассказывает о находившихся на территории современной России древних истоках современной цивилизации – Лемурийский Египет, Гиперборея, Тартоария.  В отличие от остальных очагов (Египта, Шумера, Друидии и др.) у России была и остаётся особая миссия по объединению не только различных в развитии народов и культур, но и миров.

Подтверждения следов присутствия предков славян / русских на территории нынешнего Средиземноморского побережья Ближнего Востока можно найти в работах современных исследователей.  Позднее там выросли другие культуры и народы, в т.ч. появившиеся после Исхода.


Приложение 1

Королевские высоты

Джеймс Тиссо, с картины которого начинается данная работа, создал целую коллекцию из рисунков, акварелей и картин маслом на тему Нового и Ветхого и Заветов.  Пятьсот из них сегодня находится в коллекции Бруклинского музея – одного из крупнейших художественных музеев США.  Он расположен в районе Краун-Хайтс, т.е. Королевские высоты в центре Бруклина и является одной из главных достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка.

Бруклин является самым большим районом Нью-Йорка.  В Бруклине, на Брайтон-Бич находятся те самые камни с загадочными «русскими» ликами, которые связывают Америку с Россией.  Известно, что с метафизической точки зрения, мост является символом перехода между реальностями.  Бруклин соединен с Манхеттеном знаменитым Бруклинским мостом, который на момент окончания строительства (1883 г.) являлся самым большим подвесным мостом в мире.  Его неоготические башни (83 м.) на протяжении еще нескольких лет были самым высокими сооружениями Америки.  Именно этот величественный мост стал поводом для вхождения Бруклина в состав Нью-Йорка (т.е. объединения).

Королевские высоты (Краун-Хайтс) в центральной части Бруклина известны не только вышеуказанным Бруклинским музеем, в котором хранится «библейская» коллекция Джеймса Тиссо.  На 7-70 Краун-Хайтс расположен мировой центр движения Хабад-Любавич, зародившегося в России, в местечке Любавичи.

Любавичи находятся в Смоленской области.  Смоленск связан с этрусками – основателями Рима, наследниками которого считают себя современные США.  Известно, что приход Гитлера к власти в Германии поддерживался некоторыми американскими кругами.  Смоленск часто выступал рубежом для различных захватчиков.  В 1941 году бои под Смоленском остановили темп продвижения фашистских войск, предусматривавшийся планом «Барбаросса».  Смоленск стал единственным советским городом, который посетил Гитлер.  Когда Наполеон захватил Смоленск, он снял шляпу в восторге от его духовной твердыни – Успенского собора.


Приложение 2

Иерусалимский храм

Первый Иерусалимский храм датируется X –VI вв. до н. э.  Он был построен царем Соломоном.  С момента Исхода и до строительства этого храма в Иерусалиме временным храмом для евреев служила Скиния (переносная палатка).  В ней осуществлялись богослужения и жертвоприношения Единому Богу.

Первый Иерусалимский Храм просуществовал менее 400 лет.  В VI веке до нашей эры город был захвачен Вавилонским царем Навуходоносором.  Храм постигла печальная участь.  Часть жителей была угнана в так называемый Вавилонский плен.

Менее, чем через 50 лет Вавилон был завоёван персидским царём Киром.  Евреям разрешается вернуться в Иерусалим и приступить к восстановлению Храма.  Расходы по строительству Кир Великий взял на себя.  Таким образом, через 70 лет после разрушения Первого Храма, Второй Храм был восстановлен и освящен.  В течение этого времени, был перерыв в 15 лет из-за распри между иудеями и самаритянами, которым не позволялось принимать участие в строительстве.  Второй Храм простоял менее 600 лет, был более скромен в размерах и не так богато украшен, как Первый Храм.  Был утерян и Ковчег Завета посредством которого можно было говорить с Богом.  Второй Иерусалимский Храм освещал только один золотой семисвечник.

Ирод Великий решил перестроить и реконструировать Второй Храм.  Работы начались около 20 года до нашей эры и были полностью завершены только к 64 году нашей эры.  Хотя Храм был почти полностью перестроен, его не стали называть Третьим.  Он по-прежнему носил название Второй Иерусалимский Храм.  Ирод вдвое увеличил площадь Храмовой горы, для чего возникла необходимость воздвигнуть подпорные стены.  До наших дней сохранилась одна из них — западная стена.  Она сегодня известна как Стена Плача.

В 70 году Иерусалим был захвачен римской армией во главе с Титом.  Город был превращен в руины, а Храм — сожжён и разрушен.  После захвата Иерусалима арабами в VII веке, Храмовая гора стала святыней мусульман.  Уже почти 2000 лет существуют идеи и движение за восстановление Храма Соломона, который называют Третьим.  Оценки этому самые разнообразные.


Приложение 3

Иоанн Златоуст

Родился в середине IV века в городе Антиохия – одной из столиц государства Селевкидов, основанного Селевком Никатором — бывшим полководцем и телохранителем Александра Македонского.  Великий полководец умер в Вавилоне.  В последующую эпоху Селевкидов Вавилон начал постепенно приходить в упадок.

Последователи Христа впервые начали называться христианами именно в Антиохии.  Позже она стала называться колыбелью христианского богословия.  В Антиохии находился центр одной из четырёх древнейших автокефальных церквей — Антиохийской церкви.  По преданию, она основана около 37 года апостолами Петром и Павлом.  Павел даже жил в Антиохии.  Есть версии, что в Антиохии родился Лука — автор одного из четырёх Евангелий, сподвижник апостола Павла и первый иконописец.  Примечателен атрибут Евангелиста Луки – крылатый телецОн пришёл из наследия Вавилона и Шумера, имеет астрономическое значение, указывающее на наступление Эры Водолея.

В 1342 году кафедра Антиохийской церкви была перенесена в Дамаск, где пребывает до настоящего времени.  Сирия – место зарождения столпничества.  В работах Николая Вашкевича можно найти много интересной информации о древних связях Сирии и России.

Получив прекрасное образование в Антиохии, Иоанн Златоуст становится архиепископом Константинополя (стоящим на Нильском меридиане) и одним из трех Вселенских христианских святителей.  Больной Иоанн Златоуст был выслан из Константинополя в отдалённый Питиунт (Пицунда, Абхазия).  По дороге силы покинули святителя и в сентября 407 года, в Каманах (15 км. от Сухуми) ушёл из этой жизни со словами «Слава Богу за всё!».  Это произошло у склепа святого Василиска (память 22 мая).  Имя Василиск на древнегреческом означает «царь».  Василиск – царь змей, с днём которых совпадает День России (12 июня).  Василиском называли мудрого змея, наделённого мифическими чертами.  Кундалини – змеиная энергия, ведущая к Просветлению.  На том же языке Питиунт (Пицунда) означает «Сосновый».  По одной из версий, название древнего города восходит к индоарийскому – pitunda – сосновая.  Сосновая шишка – сакральный символ.  Шишковидная железа, размером лишь с сосновую почку, работает во многих измерениях.  Это орган духовного зрения или Третий Глаз, Недреманное Око.  Чтобы шишковидная железа, расположенная между полушариями головного мозга, выполняла в полной мере свои многоуровневые духовные функции, необходимо поднять / преобразовать вышеуказанную энергию Кундалини.

После смерти тело Иоанна Златоуста  находилось в Каманах.  В 483 году его мощи были перенесены в Константинополь, а позднее были вывезены в Рим.  В 2004 году, по решению папы Иоанна Павла II, мощи святителя были возвращены Константинопольской церкви и в настоящее время пребывают в кафедральном соборе Святого Георгия в Стамбуле.  Образ этого святого стоял у истоков российской государственности, а своими корнями восходит к битве Нибиру и Тиамат.

По решению этого же папы, в Россию была передана находившаяся в его покоях чудотворная икона Богоматери Казанской (из Фатимы),  На гербе Казани изображен мудрый дракон.  На гербе Москвы Георгий побеждает дракона.  Они не противопоставляются друг другу.  Это различные глубокие грани одной реальности и общей эволюции.

Каманы являются местом Третьего Обретения Главы Иоанна Крестителя.  Он крестил Иисуса Христа в водах Иордана.  Был обезглавлен из-за козней иудейской царевны Иродиады и её дочери Саломеи (см. выше раздел V).  В этот день в XVI веке крестили маленького Ивана Грозного, а в 2001 году произошла трагедия 11 сентября.  Архетип головы – многоуровневый.  Пожалуй, самая известная голова великана в сказке А.С. Пушкина «Руслан и Людмила».  Как минимум две реликвии претендуют на то, чтобы считаться головой Иоанна Златоуста.  Одна хранится на Афоне, другая в Москве, в Храме Христа Спасителя.

Каманы – древнее название.  Оно есть не только в Абхазии, но и в России.  Деревня Каманы находится в Монастырщинском районе Смоленской области.  Река Кама – крупнейший приток Волги (или наоборот…).  Уроженцем этого района был Перец Моисеевич Смоленскин, оставивший заметный след в пробуждении еврейского национального сознания и развитии современной литературы на иврите.  Иврит является священным языком иудаизма.  В алфавите иврита 22 буквы.  Смоленскин был один из предвестников сионизма и поборников возвращения евреев в Эрец-Исраэль (Земля Израильская, Земля Обетованная, в которую вел Моисей).  Именем Переца Смоленскина названы улицы в Иерусалиме, Ашкелоне, Тель-Авиве и других городах.

В Смоленской области есть два местечка с названием Любавичи.  Одно находится в вышеуказанном Монастырщинском районе, другое – и самое известное – в Руднянском районе, ставшее родиной хасидского течения в иудаизме.

Кроме Смоленской области, Монастырщина – название района в Самарской области.  В нём находится знаменитый Царёв курган.

В вышеуказанном Руднянском районе Смоленской области родился Герой Советского Союза Михаил Егоров, водрузивший Знамя Победы на крыше немецкого Рейхстага в мае 1945 года.

Примечателен герб города Рудня и Руднянского района.  В его описании указано, что шесть веретён сложенных в звезду и вписанных в кольцо.  Есть аналогии со Звездой Давида, но это ещё более древний символ — Цветок Жизни.  Древнее название Рудни – Родня.  Оно происходит от слова Род.

Есть версия, что в названии Рудни нашел отражение тот период в истории Смоленщины, когда на ее территории достигло значительного развития рудное дело.  Здесь выплавляли железо из местной болотной руды, а руднями назывались места, где происходила переработка такой руды.  В этой точке зрения присутствует определенный символизм.  Покровители горняков – это Прокопий Праведный и св. Варвара.  Добычей и плавкой металла славен Урал.

Рудня также стала местом первого боевого применения реактивных минометов «Катюша».  В честь этого события в городе стоит на пьедестале легендарная «Катюша».  На братской могиле 3 тысяч советских граждан, расстрелянных гитлеровцами в 1941 году, установлен памятник «Скорбящая мать», выполненный по проекту уроженца Смоленской области, известного советского скульптора Льва Кербеля.