Великий Устюг

Время соединения миров
Великий Устюг


Санскритские названия во Владимирской области


  1. Владимир
  2. Лукново
  3. Муром
  4. Киржач
  5. Сима

I. Владимир    

Flag of Vladimir Oblast.svg Владимир означает «Владеющий миром».  В Индии, аналогичное значение названия имеет город Бхубанешвар.  Владимирская земля играет особую роль в истории России.  Это единственная область, сохранившая советские советские символы серп и молот, уходящие корнями Image result for владимирская областьк метафизическому союзу Луны и Солнца, левого и правого полушарий, выводящего человека на новый, космический уровень.  Другим интереснейшим символом на флаге Владимирской области (гербе Владимира) является человекообразный лев, напоминающий индийского Нарасимху.

  Related image            Начиная с Андрея Боголюбского, сделавшего Владимир столицей русских земель в XII веке, лев становится личным знаком Владимирских князей.  Образы львов появляются на созданных ими церкви Покрова на Нерли и Дмитриевского собора.

            Лев — символ высшего могущества, духовного и физического, символ мощи и охраны высших сил.  В Индии многие цари имели приставку у имени — Сингх, что переводится как «лев».  Он изображен на гербе Индии, как и на гербе Владимира (досл. ‘Владеющий миром‘).  Сингх (‘лев’) – фамилия индийского мужа дочери Сталина Светланы Аллилуевой.

            Лев означает жизненную силу и храбрость.  В XVII веке в Индии сикхи объявили себя одной семьей и взяли себе фамилию Сингх («лев»).  Её ядро — воинственное и готовое к самопожертвованию братство, а точнее – армия правоверных (раджпутов).  В основном, они были потомками кшатриев и вторгшихся в Северную Индию в V–VI веках саков.  Эта часть Индостана также является родиной предков цыган, многие из которых сохранили внешние и внутренние связи с Индией.

            Не случайно, первым коллективом, который образовался во Владимирской областной филармонии имени Танеева стал уникальный ансамбль, которым руководил народный артист РСФСР, талантливый поэт и композитор Николай Жемчужный — основатель известной цыганской династии Жемчужных.  Под его руководством ансамбль песни и пляски владимирских цыган снялся в знаменитом фильме «Табор уходит в небо». Его музыка использовалась в спектаклях театра «Ромэн», одним из основателей которого был Николай Хмелев, чья фамилия заканчивается на слове ‘лев’.

               Манмохан Сингх, сикх по вероисповеданию, был Премьер-министром Индии с 2004 по 2014 года от партии Индийский национальный конгресс, у основания которой стояли Махатма Ганди и его ученик Джавахарлал Неру — первый Премьер-министр независимой Индии.  Ключевое влияние на формирование мировоззрения Махатмы Ганди оказали работы великого русского писателя Льва Толстого.  Важную роль в истории владимирских князей играл Ростов Великий, стоящий на озере Неро, с которым лингвистически связана фамилия Джавахарлала Неру – отца любимой в Советском Союзе Индиры Ганди.

            Сикхом был Баба Вирса Сингх — основатель Гобинд Садана в южном Дели.  Основатель сикхизма – гуру Нанак (1469–1539) отвергал систему каст, проповедовал идеи монотеизма, содружества людей и равенства их перед Богом.  В сикхизме, Бог – это вечная сущность, пронизывающая весь мир.  Самый богатый застройщик в мире — Кушал Пал Сингх, входящий в первую десятку богачей мира.

                     Через Андрея Боголюбского Владимир стал фактической столицей Руси после Киева, принявшего эстафету от Великого Новгорода.  В свою очередь, Москва приняла столичную эстафету от Владимира.  Пётр I перенес столицу из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург, основанным им на Нильском меридиане.  Мощи Небесного покровителя города на Неве царь перевёз из Владимира, где они почивали.  Они были вывезены из Владимира 11 августа 1723 года и в течение 11 месяцев находились в Шлиссельбурге, где начинается река Нева, вытекающая из Ладожского озера.  Нево — историческое название Ладожского озера.  Более того, Нево – древнее название горы в Иордании (Палестине), с которой увидел Землю обетованную Моисей.  Согласно Библии, на этой горе Господь указал на неё Моисею, а сама гора стала место его смерти и погребения.

            После своей внезапной смерти в 1263 году в Городце на Волге (на пути из Орды), Александр Невский был погребён в монастыре Рождества Богородицы во Владимире.  Перед смертью он принял схиму с именем Алексий.  В 1380 году мощи Александра Невского были открыты нетленными и положены в раке поверх земли.  В середине XVIII века, по заказу императрицы Image result for александро-невская лавра всех скорбящих радость
, была изготовлена серебряная рака (весом 1,5 тонны) для мощей благоверного князя, находившаяся до 1922 года в Троицком соборе Александро-Невской Лавры — главной духовной обители Санкт-Петербурга.  Эту раку называют единственным в мире столь монументальным сооружением из высокопробного серебра.  Вход в Александро-Невскую Лавру открывает надвратная церковь иконы Божией Матери Всех Скорбящих Радость.  Это единственная икона, чудеса которой происходили в молодой столице на берегах Невы, а не в других древних русских местах.

            Во вратах Владимирского Свято-Троицкого храма изображение схимника Алексия (Александра Невского) с нимбом находится вместе с изображением схимника Ионы (Ивана Грозного), в чьё правление Александр Невский был причислен к лику святых, вместе с Прокопием Праведным, из рода которого была Анастасия – жена Ивана Грозного.  В 1552 году, возвращаясь из победоносного похода на Казань, именно во Владимире Иван Грозный получил известие о рождении у них первенца.  Дмитрий стал первым русским царевичем.  Он умер в младенчестве, во время богомолья Ивана Грозного в Кирилло-Белозерский монастырь.  Его полным тезкой станет младший брат святой Дмитрий Углицкий, родившийся спустя 30 лет.  Есть версия, что у обоих братьев небесным покровителем был Уар (редкий святой, не входивший в круг фамильных).  Святой Уар служил в римской армии в Египте, принял за свою веру мученическую смерть в начале IV века.  При этом присутствовала благочестивая женщина по имени Клеопатра, родом из Палестины, которая с наступлением ночи взяла останки Уара и похоронила их в подвале своего дома.  Позже, Клеопатра поместила святыню в местечке неподалеку от горы Фавор, которая в христианстве традиционно считается местом Преображения Иисуса Христа.

            С именем Александра Невского связана знаменитая Александровская Слобода, которую Иван Грозный сделал своей резиденцией и опричной столицей всей страны.  В этом высоком статусе она пребывала в течение 17 лет, с 1564 по 1581 года.  Индийский император Акбар Великий тоже перенес свою столицу из города Агра в Фатехпур-Сикри и правил оттуда с 1571 по 1585 года.  Река Агра течёт недалеко от Владимира.  Фатехпур-Сикри был столицей Великих Моголов в течение 14 лет.  Столько же был новой столицей египетский город Ахетатон (совр. Амарна), куда перенес из Фив свою столицу фараон-реформатор Эхнатон.  Амарна, Агра и Фатехпур-Сикри стоят на одной 27 северной широте.

                   В Александровском районе, в 15 км. от самого Александрова, расположен поселок и ж.д. станция Арсаки.  Это название идентично имени Арсака I, который был основателем обширного Парфянского царства, активно существовавшего пять веков к югу и юго-востоку от Каспийского моря на территориях современных Туркменистана, Ирана, Ирака, Афганистана и Пакистана.

                  В состав городского округа Владимира входят порядка двух десятков населённых пунктов, включая Турбазу «Ладога» и соседний Рахманов Перевоз (8,5 км. на север от Вяткино), рядом с которыми расположена база отдыха с символическим названием «Армагеддон», которым в христианской эсхатологии обозначают место последней битвы сил добра с силами зла в конце времён.  Этим же именем был назван метеорит, упавший в озеро Чебаркуль.  Знаменитый русский композитор Сергей Рахманинов был учеником образованнейшего музыканта своего времени, человека редкой самобытности и оригинальности Сергея Танеева, усадьба которого располагается в 50 км. на восток от Рахманова Перевоза.  Маринино стоит на реке Ваза, см. ниже.  В 7 км. на восток от Рахманова Перевоза расположено село Лунево.  Между ними — река Стивер, озеро Вышихры и уникальное озеро Омшаное, которое имеет форму подковы и являющейся частью Владимира.  В 5 км. на юго-восток от Лунево находится микрорайон Ширманиха.

            В старину слово «рахманный» имело самые разные значения в русских говорах, в зависимости от региона.  На Владимирщине оно могло означать «веселый, разгульный; хлебосольный; щеголь» (Словарь Владимира Даля).  На арабском, слово «Рахман» означает «Милосердный», «Сострадательный», «Всеблагодетельный» и др.  Оно является одним из имён Аллаха.  В Коране также имеется Сура (глава) под названием Ар-Рахман.  Шура — особый принцип государственного совета в исламском мире.  В обратном чтении, Коран – это Нарок, т.е. свод правил и законов.  Сура – река, берущая начало в Ульяновской области.  Сура – это эпитет богов в Санскрите и священный напиток в Ведийской религии, а также «божественный», «текущий», «вода» и т.д.  Сура – название целого ряда населённых пунктов в России, а также населенного пункта в древней Сирии, в верхнем течении Евфрата, на берегах которого процветала шумерская цивилизация, оставившая знания о Нибиру.

            Некоторые исследователи полагают, что это слово «рахман» имеет индийские корни и может быть связано с брахманами.  В переводе с Санскрита, брахман – это «обладающий священными знаниями», «принадлежащий или относящийся к Брахме», т.е. к богу творения в индуизме.  Наряду с Вишну и Шивой, Брахма является одним из богов Тримурти (санскр. «три лика»).

                   Река Агра течёт недалеко от Владимира и пересекает федеральную трассу М-7 «Волга«.  В Индии, Агра – это столица Великих Моголов, в которой находится знаменитый Тадж-Махал.  Об исходе индийцев в Россию нет сведений в исторической науке, а вот миграции ариев в Индию известны и зафиксированы в их священных текстах.  Ещё задолго до ариев, Владимирская земля была местом особых цивилизаций.  Например, Сунгирь, чей возраст оценивается в 30 тыс. лет.

                   В 6 км. на юго-запад от истока реки Агра, находится исток реки Ваза.  На Санскрите, «васа» означает «живой».  Ваза, как и Агра впадает в реку Нерехта (приток Клязьмы, бассейн великой русской реки Волга).  «Васса Железнова» — пьеса Максима Горького.

Image result for маринино усадьба                  В 8 км. на северо-восток от истока Вазы, на ней стоит усадьба рода Танеевых в селе Маринино, редкий памятник дворянских усадеб XVIII-XIX веков.  В усадьбе расположены единственные сохранившиеся во Владимирской области солнечные часы, окруженные с двух сторон парой индийских царских птиц — павлинов (скульптура).

               Род Танеевых дал Владимирской земле и всей России многих выдающихся людей, включая известного композитора Сергея Танеева, внесшего огромный вклад в сокровищницу русской музыкальной культуры.  Он родился 25 ноября, в один день с великим русским хирургом Николаем Пироговым.  В 1339 году к этому дню при великом князе Иване Калите вокруг Кремля были возведены мощные дубовые стены.  Москва становится политическим центром, резиденцией великих князей и митрополитов.  На санскрите (священном языке Индии) «калита» означает «обеспеченный», что очень близко к значению на древнерусском языке,а моска (москва) означает «освобождение».  В 1367 году Дмитрий Донской поставил «Москву каменную».

                Танеевы состояли в родстве со многими прославленными фамилиями, такими как Кутузовы, Толстые, Грибоедовы, Бутурлины и др.  Они  были дружны с Аракчеевым, Сперанским, Чайковским, Скрябиным, Львом Толстым и т.д.

            По женской линии, чрез Дурасовых и Владыкиных, Танеевы были прямыми потомками французских королей из династии Капетингов.  В истории французского государства, Капетинги – это третья по счету династия после Меровингов и Каролингов.  Её представители правили с 987 по 1328 год, а по боковым линиям — до 1848 года.

            Род Дурасовых происходил от Людовика VIII по прозвищу Лев – отца французского короля Людовика IX Святого – одного из самых знаменитых монархов Франции.  Дурасовы были не только прямыми потомками средневековых французских королей, но и владельцами знаменитой усадьбы Большие Горки, ныне – Горки Ленинские.

            Дурасовы являются и потомками Рюриковичей, через Ярослава Мудрого, чья дочь Анна в 1051 году вышла замуж заDurasov v6 p18.gif французского короля Генриха I – внука Гуго Капета, основателя династии Капетингов.  Вышеуказанный король Людовик VIII был прапраправнуком короля Генриха I и его королевы Анны Ярославны.  Венчают герб Дурасовых перья павлина.  В Индии, павлин — царская птица, символ власти.  В метафизическом смысле, раскрытый хвост павлина олицетворяет раскрытое сознание.

            Предок Дурасовых — благородный итальянский рыцарь Иоанн Дураццо прибыл в 1482 году и поступил на службу к Ивану III – деду Ивана Грозного.  В это время уже пресеклась правящая линия рода Дураццо в Неаполитанском королевстве.

            Потомками французских королей признали Дурасовых в 1911 году папа Римский Пий Х и король Испании Альфонс XIII, по мужской линии сам происходивший из французской королевской династии – ветви рода Капетингов.  Аналогичные подтверждения были получены из Англии, где правил Георг V и от его кузена, русского царя Николая II, который с семьей посещал Владимир и Боголюбово в 1913 году в рамках 300-летия Дома Романовых на русском престоле.

                 Если двигаться от Владимира / Боголюбово / Сунгирь в сторону Нижнего Новгорода, эту же трассу М-7 пересекает (чуть дальше после Агры) река Тара (санскр. «звезда»).  Богиня Тара — одна из главных бодхисаттв (просветленных существ) буддизма, который родился в Индии.  Предками его основателя — Будды Сакья Муни («мудрец из рода сакьев») были саки — потомки вышеуказанных ариев, живших на территории современной России и Центральной Азии.  Таруса — город и река в Калужской области, где появилась первая в мире АЭС.  Калуга — «колыбель космонавтики» стоит на Оке.  На санскрите, «ока» — это «соединение небесных тел».

            Река Тара есть также и в Сибири, в Новосибирской и Омской областях.  Ом — самый священный звук в индуизме.  Знаменитое Окунёво в Омской области расположено на берегу реки Тары.  Окунёво входит в Муромцевский район Омской области.  Муром — одним из крупнейших городов вышеуказанной Владимирской области.  Его название уходит корнями в седую древность.  В его окончании — священный звук Творения — Ом.  Несколько человек, рождённых и связанных с Муромом, внесли ключевой вклад в развитие мировой экономики и науки.  После Октябрьской революции им пришлось эмигрировать в США, тоже имеющим с Россией древние связи.

                    В обратном прочтение Тара – это Арата.  Близко Арарат.  В шумерских поэмах, записанных в XXIV-ХХII веках до нашей эры, упоминается древняя и сказочно богатая страна Аратта, связанная с именами двух ранних полулегендарных правителей шумерского города Урук Энмеркарой и Лугальбандой (отец Нин.Пуаби).  Аратта — это дом богини Инанны (Иштар) – любимой внучки Ану, тогдашнего правителя Нибиру.  Инанна позднее вместо Аратты начинает благоволить Уруку.  Шумеры пытались получить из горной страны Аратты золото, серебро и лазурит, который, как считается, в те времена добывали в Афганистане.   Различные версии располагают её и на территории от Армении до юго-восточного Ирана.  Андрей Скляров рассматривает версию с турецкой Анатолией.

             Арата Калама считается первым учителем вышеуказанного Будды.  У имени Айрат несколько версий происхождения.  Оно ассоциируется с храбростью, милосердием, добрыми делами, изумлением и т.д.  Тара (Арат) присутствует в имени Заратустра и термине Аватара.

            Арта — город в Греции, деревня и муниципалитет на острове Мальорка в Испании, а также деревня и муниципалитет в юго-восточном Азербайджане, на границе с Ираном, в Лерикском районе, территория которого окружена Талышскими горами.  Талыши – народ на Южном Кавказе, имеющий иранское происхождение.  Их язык относится к иранской языковой группе индоевропейской семьи языков.

                   Стоит отметить, что задолго до появления всем известных цивилизаций Ближнего Востока и Египта, на территории Владимирской земли существовали высокоразвитые цивилизации.  На ней до сих пор осталось очень много названий, которые переводятся с Санскрита, который дословно называется языком богов.  Уже во времена Лемурии здесь развивалась уникальная цивилизация ныне известная как Сунгирь, ушедшая в более высокие октавы бытия примерно 26 000 лет назад.  Сегодня это окраина современного Владимира (или наоборот).

            Об определенной связи с Лемурией и Атлантидой говорит название торгово-промышленного села Ундол, расположенного на одноимённой реке (ныне Ундолка).  Это вотчина национального героя России, знаменитого русского генералиссимуса Суворова Александра Васильевича.

            Считается, что Суворовы происходят от древней шведской благородной фамилии.  Их предок Сувор выехал в Россию при царе Михаиле и принял российское подданство.  С другой стороны в 120 км. на восток от Ундол (совр. Лакинск), в той же Владимирской области, расположен исток реки Суворощь – приток Клязьмы.  В свою очередь, притоками реки Суворощь являются реки с говорящими названиями Индрус и Шумарь (см. ниже).

            В 45 км. на запад от Ундола (Лакинска) расположен посёлок Вольгинский.  На его гербе и флаге изображены две змеи, обвивающие чашу.  В отличие от классической медицинской эмблемы с одной змеей, они символизируют не только разработку ветеринарных препаратов, но и целый комплекс предприятий по созданию различной фармацевтической продукции как лечебного, так и профилактического действия.    Здесь в реку Вольга впадает река Мергель. Название Вольга практически идентично имени великой русской реки Волга, чьи крупнейшие притоки имеют

пос. Вольгинский, слияние рек Вольга и Мергель

названия, переводятся с Санскрита: Кама, Ока, Сура и т.д.

         На территории посёлка Вольгинский был создан и успешно функционирует первый в России частный наукоград и технопарк «Генериум».  Сегодня это суперсовременный медико-биотехнологический комплекс с действующими научными лабораториями, заводом по производству отечественных препаратов и материалов, сложных препаратов, использующихся в лечении онкологических и сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.  Его частью являются комфортабельные жилые коттеджи для специалистов со всей необходимой инфраструктурой и природный заповедник с удивительными пейзажами.  Здесь действует крупнейший в Европе завод по производству биопрепаратов из плазмы крови.  «Генериум» является крупнейшей биотехнологической компанией России, в которой организован полный цикл производства – от разработки молекулы до выпуска готового лекарственного препарата.  Гостями «Генериума» являются ведущие международные специалисты, в нём побывали Владимир Путин и Дмитрий Медведев.

              Вольгинский получил своё название от местной реки Вольга, которая является притоком Клязьмы (бассейн Волги).  Вольга аллегорически изображена волнистой оконечностью в нижней части герба посёлка Вольгинский.  Официально, он был образован в 1973 году.  В этом же 1973 году на широкие экраны вышли два фильма, связанные с Иваном Грозным.  Также, в 1973 году, в Нью-Йорке, в районе Манхэттена открылся Всемирный Торговый Центр.  Башни-близнецы оказались на тот момент самыми высокими в мире.  Они стали символом нового мирового порядка и трагедии 911.  Фактическая история Вольгинского началась ещё раньше, с деревни Старово (на английском «стар» – это «звезда») и вместе со строительством Покровского завода биопрепаратов (призванного решать ключевые задачи, а именно создание современных препаратов для лечения болезней животных), рядом с уже действовавшим Всесоюзным НИИ ветеринарной вирусологии и микробиологии.  Специалисты для работы над этой задачей собирались со всей страны.  Первый дом для них был на 56 квартир.  В нумерологии, не имеющей отношения к этому правительственному проекту, число 5 символизирует Микрокосмос, а 6 – Макрокосмос.  В сумме они дают число 11.

                 Волгарица — река и деревня в Кировской области, в Опаринском районе, где родился знаменитый разведчик-нелегал Алексей Козлов.

                В 5 км. на северо-запад от посёлка Вольгинский находится деревня Перново.  По соседству с Вольгинским – деревни Иваново (Нави) и Русь.  У первых советских космонавтов были особые отношения с Волгой.

            Навий день — обряд воскрешения мертвых у славян.  В 2018 году он пришёлся на 12 апреля – день космонавтики, установленный в день исторического космического полета Юрия Гагарина в 1961 году.  Место трагической гибели первого в мире космонавта находится в 17 км. на северо-запад от поселка Вольгинский и в 15 км. на юго-восток от города Киржач.

                 Рядом с местом гибели 27 марта 1968 года (в день Феодоровской иконы Божией Матери, которой в 1613 году призывали Романовых на царство) во время тренировочного полета первого космонавта планеты, Героя Советского Союза Юрия Гагарина и летчика-испытателя, Героя Советского Союза Владимира Серёгина, находится Свято-Андреевский храм (1825 год).  Согласно Евангелию от Иоанна, апостол Андрей был первым призван Иисусом Христом, поэтому назван Первозванным.  Орден Святого апостола Андрея Первозванного учреждён Петром I в конце XVII века.  Первый по времени учреждения российский орден, высшая награда Российской империи до 1917 года.  В 1998 году орден был восстановлен как высшая награда Российской Федерации.  Именно этот тогда ещё полуразрушенный Андреевский храм служил в 1968 году ориентиром при поиске места падения самолёта с Гагариным и Серёгиным. 350 метров от него.

          Сегодня храм восстановлен при непосредственном участии космонавтов во главе с Алексеем
, дважды Героем Советского Союза, советским космонавтом №11, первым человеком планеты, вышедшим в открытый Космос, уроженцем Кемеровской области.

            Часть росписей внутри храма сделана по эскизу Леонова.  Поэтому под куполом рядом с Христом и Андреем Первозванным изображён парад планет и космический корабль, а на стенах – святые-покровители первого отряда космонавтов.  Входящих в храм «встречает» Большая Медведица, семь звёзд которой ассоциируются с семью риши — великими мудрецами, которым боги открыли Веды («знание», «учение») — сборник самых древних священных писаний индуизма на санскрите.  На отреставрированной колокольне установлена звонница с 9 колоколами, по количеству космонавтов, погибших за историю космических полётов.  Каждый колокол носит имя одного из них.  Колокол «Юрий Гагарин» весит символические 960 кг.

             Этот единственный в своем роде православно-космический храм, рядом с которым разбились Гагарин и Серёгин, соединяет сегодня научный прорыв с Божественным Мирозданием.  В нём стоит икона Божией Матери «Аз есмь с вами, и никтоже на вы«, написанная Алексеем Леоновым.  Уникален фон иконы — Земля, какой видят её космонавты.  В космосе не существует линии горизонта как таковой.  Земля вертится в иллюминаторе, то переворачивается, то появляется слева, то справа.  Поэтому, Леонов решил изобразить её такой, какой он ее видел – по диагонали.

                 Список иконы «Аз есмь с вами, и никтоже на вы» стоит в церкви Стефана Пермского в Великом Устюге.  Здесь он родился, отсюда начал свой просветительский подвиг, стал первым епископом Перми.  Его рукоположение осуществлено во Владимире, в Успенском соборе, построенном Андреем Боголюбским.  До возвышения Москвы, это был главный (кафедральный) храм Владимирской Руси, в нём венчались на великое княжение владимирские и московские князья.  Успенский собор во Владимире послужил образцом для ряда более поздних соборов, в том числе Успенского собора Московского Кремля, где короновались русские цари, начиная с Ивана Грозного.  При нём и и митрополите Макарии были причислены к лику святых Стефан Пермский и предсказавший его рождение в Великом Устюге Прокопий Праведный — предок рода Романовых, сменивших на русском престоле Рюриковичей.

       Мемориал Юрия Гагарина расположен в 50 км. на запад от мемориального дома-усадьбы, где в 1847 году родился Николай Егорович Жуковский, которого Ленин назвал «отцом русской авиации».  Жуковский — гений мировой науки, основоположник теоретической, экспериментальной и практической аэродинамики.  Он заложил основы авиационной науки, благодаря которой была создана мощная советская авиация.  Здесь, в Орехово, прошло его детство.  Сюда учёный приезжал в течение всей своей жизни.  Родная усадьба Жуковского имеет долгую историю.  Деревня была жалована его предкам в царствование Ивана Грозного.  В его правление было первое письменное упоминание деревни Кипрево — центра Кипревского сельского поселения, на территории которого расположены вышеуказанный Андреевский храм и мемориал на месте гибели Гагарина.  Орехово находится в 17 км. к северу от Ундола (Лакинска).

        После защиты дипломной работы в Академии Жуковского, Юрий Гагарин приступил к тренировочным полетам на самолете МИГ-15 УТИ. В период с 13 по 22 марта 1968 года он совершил 18 полетов общей продолжительностью 7 часов. Последний, контрольный полет с летчиком-инструктором Владимиром Серегиным был назначен на 27 марта.

            В 8 км. на северо-запад от места рождения Жуковского расположено село Черкутино, где в 1772 году родился Михаил Михайлович Сперанский, в последствии – граф, который вошел в историю как великий русский реформатор, основатель российской юридической науки и теоретического правоведения.  Он реформировал государственно-правовую систему Российской империи во времена Александра I, подписавшего указ о постройке Храма Христа Спасителя в Москве и Николая I, который сделал общероссийским древний праздник Нового Года.  Карьеру Сперанского во многом определила его близость к князю Куракину.

            В 4км. на северо-восток от Черкутино находится село Алепино – родина русского писателя Солоухина, стоявшего у истоков возрождения Храма Христа Спасителя в Москве.  Могила писателя находится в его родном селе, название которого совпадает с Алеппо – крупнейшего города Сирии, имеющей с Россией очень давние связи, см. Москва — Дамаск.  В области Дамаска, в Восточной Гуте (пригород Дамаска), расположен населённый пункт Дума, название которого легко понимается любым, кто владеет русским языком.

            В 6,5 км. на северо-восток от Алепино расположено село Фетинино, принадлежавшее единственной дочери Суворова.  Её матерью была княжна Варвара Ивановна Прозоровская.  Генералиссимус любил называть Наталью ласково «Суворочка».  В 1799 году, по просьбе Суворова, Екатерина II  передала Наталью на воспитание в Смольный институт в Санкт-Петербурге, стоящий на Нильском меридиане.  Позже Наталья-Суворочка вышла замуж за Николая Зубова, брата Платона Зубова — последнего фаворита Екатерины II.  Молодожены поселись в Фетинино – родовом имении Зубова.  В 30 км. южнее Фетинино находится Ундол — имение Суворова, которое досталось ему от отца.  На санскрите, «Сувар» означает «имеющий красивую воду», «свет», «небеса», «солнце» и т.д.  После смерти Суворова, его дочь не жила в Ундоле, а перевезла старый отцовский дом в Фетинино.  До наших дней он не сохранился.  Остался сельский парк, начало которому положил Суворов, посещая дочь.  У церкви Святой Троицы в Фетинино находилась могила Михаила Михайловича, внука Суворочки и правнука Генералиссимуса.

            От Ундола (Лакинска) до Владимира – 30 км.  В XII веке, при Андрее Боголюбском, Владимир стал столицей Руси, сменив Киев.  В конце XIII века Митрополит перенёс свою резиденцию из Киева во Владимир.  В XIV веке из Владимира в Москву переехал митрополит Пётр.  Имеющая древние связи с санскритом Москва стала превращаться в новую столицу Руси.  Считается, что название столицы происходит от Москва-реки.  Действительно, реки являются хранилищами древней памяти.

            Вокруг Владимира тоже есть реки, название которых переводится с санскрита.  Причём эти названия являются ключевыми для индийской цивилизации – Агра, Тара, Яда и т.д.  В 33 км. от Владимира расположен город Судогда.  На санскрите, «судогха» означает «обильный», а «ядас» — «вода», «река», «близкий союз».  В историческом центре города река Яда впадает в реку Судогда.  В 4 км. южнее устья Яды, в тоже Судогду впадает река Тарасиха.  На Санскрите, тарас означает «энергия», «сила», а тараса — «быстро».  В 3,5 км. юго-западнее устья Тарасихи, расположена деревня Райки. В русском языке, Рай – это место вечной совершенной жизни, в гармонии с Творцом (Ра).  Рай является историческим титулом чести в Индии.  В Санскрите, слово «рай» означает богатство.  Тара имеет множество значений, включая «чистый», «высокий», «спаситель» и т.д.

            В роду древнеиндийского царя Яду родился Кришна – один из главных божеств индуизма.  Ему посвящён храм Джаганат в Пури, являющийся одним из главных храмов индуистов.  В «Бхагавад Гите» именно Кришна дает философские наставления Арджуне – сыну Индры.  Исток реки Индрус находится в 80 километрах на восток от места слияния рек Яда и Судогда.  Сыном Кришны воплощался Санат Кумара.  Вместе они победили свирепого демона по имени Никумба, который похитил принцессу Ядава, внучку Кришны.  Никумба был сыном Кумбхакарны (санскр. «ушастый горшок»), который являлся младшим братом Раваны – главного антигероя эпоса «Рамаяна».  В Ленинградской области есть река с названием Раван.

            В 37 километрах на северо-восток от слияния рек Яда и Судогда, федеральную трассу М-7 пересекает река Агра.  На санскрите, «агра» означает «начало», «лучший» и т.д.  В Индии город Агра являлся столицей империи Великих Моголов.  Как и нынешняя столица Нью-Дели, Агра стоит на священной реке Ямуна, а Ямуга течёт в Московской области, куда была перенесена столица из Владимира.

            По дороге из Владимира на Судогду / Яду расположено село Вятское, а на другой стороне дороги – турбаза «Ладога».  В древности, Ладугой называлась река Вятка в Вятской губернии (ныне – Кировская область).  В её бассейне, недалеко от города Кирово-Чепецк, находится особый Город Храмов Арарат, из которого идут в этот мир Программы развития.

            Также по пути из Владимира в Судогду, находится деревня Бараки.  Она расположена в Судогодском районе Владимирской области России и входит в состав Вяткинского сельского поселения.  Барак – название крупной реки в северо-восточной Индии, начинающейся в штате Манипур.  Река Барак – начало и составная часть речной системы Сурма-Мегхна (946 км.), которая является одной из трёх основных составляющих дельты реки Ганги.  На границе с Бангладеш Сурма-Мегхна разделяется на два рукава: северный (река Сурма) и южный (река Кушияра).

                 Суромна – село, стоящее на ручье Сунгирь, между Владимиром и Боголюбово.  Этот сегодня небольшой ручей был полноводной рекой несколько тысяч лет назад.  Сурмино — деревня в Одинцовском районе Московской области, в которой находится множество названий, переводимых с санскрита.  Также, Сурмино – деревня в Дмитровском районе Московской области, в составе сельского поселения Костинское.  Костёнки в Воронежской области и Сунгирь во Владимирской области являются одними из самых известных и древних в мире стоянок древнего человека. Село Сурмино есть в Кузнецком районе Пензенской области.  Город Пенза располагается на обоих берегах реки с санскритским названием Сура, берущей начало в Ульяновской области.

              На санскрите «Сура» означает «Бог». Сурья — это бог Солнца в индуизме, а его главный храм расположен в Конараке.  Вьяс – один из притоков российской реки Сура, а мудрец Вьяса (санскр. «подробное изложение») считается автором или составителем Махабхараты, Веданты, Вед, Пуран — энциклопедического источника знаний об истории Вселенной, генеалогии богов, царей, героев, а также индуистской философии и космологии.  На санскрите, «пурана» буквально означает «древний», «старый».   Плато Путорана — географический центр России.  Оно полностью сложено базальтами и является вторым в мире по величине трапповым плато, после плато Декан в Индии. Название Декан происходит от санскритского слова «дакшина», т.е. «южный».   В целом, Сибирские траппы являются крупнейшими в мире.  Центр траппового магматизма располагался в районе Норильска, обладающего богатейшими месторождениями медно-никель-платиноидных руд.  В 330 км. южнее Норильска, в Курейке, у Полярного круга, находился до 1917 года в ссылке Сталин.  Его фамилия на санскрите означает «обладающий сосудом». Действительно, он был сосудом знаний. Писатель-историк Рой Медведев сообщает, что Сталин читал по несколько книг в день и около тысячи книг в год. Сам Сталин говорил, что его дневная норма — страниц 500. Его библиотека была уникальной.  Учителем вышеуказанного Вьясы был мудрец Нарада.  Народная гора в Приполярном Урале является наивысшей точкой Уральских гор, на юге которых расположен знаменитый Аркаим, получивший своё название от имени доминирующей над местностью горы.  Символично, что Арка – это синоним Сурьи – бога Солнца в индуизме.  Это небесное светило всегда ассоциировалось со знаниями и самой жизнью, которая невозможна без Солнца.

            В Бангладеш, в округе Кишоргандж, Сурма и Кушияра окончательно сливаются вновь, образуя реку Мегхна.  Далее она течёт к городу Чандпур, где в неё впадает река Падма — участок реки Ганга от впадения основного рукава реки Брахмапутры.  На русском Севере, как минимум пять рек с названием Падма: три — в Северном Прионежье, одна — в Архангельской области и ещё одна — в Кирилловском районе Вологодской области.  Вряд ли Барак Обама имеет прямое отношение к Владимирской деревне Бараки. Здесь санскрит.  Интересно, что имя Барак имеет значение «молния» на иврите и «благословенный» на арабском.

            Северным пригородом Судогды является село Лаврово.  В переводе с греческого “Лавра” означает “улица или город монастырей”.  Святой архидиакон Стефан, проповедовавший в Иерусалиме в I веке, часто изображается вместе с Лаврентием на (боковых) вратах в алтарь православных церквей.

            Во Владимирском Успенском соборе, где короновали русских князей, рукоположили в сан в XIV веке первого пермского епископа Стефана Пермского.  Греческое имя Стефан имеет значение «венец», т.е. лавр — символа триумфа.  Триумфаторы надевали лавровый венец.  Жрецы надевали лавровые венцы при жертвоприношениях.  Одна из самых известных достопримечательностей родины вождя мирового пролетариата – «Венец».  Слово «лауреат» означает «увенчанный лавром».

            В Древней Греции лавр считался священным растением Аполлона.  Весной и летом он жил в Дельфах, а осенью улетал на своей колеснице, запряжённой белоснежными лебедями, в Гиперборею, где родилась его мать — титанида Лето.  Она родилась, где царствуют Бореады — сыновья Борея и Орифии, которая признавалась и одной из цариц амазонок, союзницей скифского царя Сагила.  Её имя обыгрывается в связи с названием Рифейских гор – возвышенностей, дающих начало основным рекам Скифии.  Сегодня Рифейские горы принято ассоциировать с Уральскими горами.  Однако, если брать во внимание истоки таких великих русских рек как Волга, Днепр, Западная Двина, Угра и т.д., то этими горами / возвышенностями может оказаться Валдай, являющийся частью Северных Увалов.  В древнегреческих легендах, за владениями Борея и Орифии проживали гипербореи.  Борея (нынешняя Казань) была столицей Евразийской Гипербореи, основанной потомками выживших атлантов примерно 8000 лет назад.

            В 3 км. на юго-восток от Судогды расположен посёлок Муромцево.  Здесь настоящий русский благотворитель и предприниматель граф Владимир Семёнович Храповицкий создал уникальный дворцово-парковый ансамбль, с каскадом прудов и усадьбой в готическом стиле, стилизованной под замок.  Ныне этот замок входит в Государственный перечень объектов культурного наследия России.

            Принадлежавшая ему коллекция картин, рисунков и предметов декоративно-прикладного искусства стала основой собрания Владимирско-Суздальского историко-художественного и архитектурного музея-заповедника.  В 1917 году он передал её в дар советской власти.  Владимир Храповицкий был гусарским полковником, всю воинскую службу он проходил в Лейб-гвардии Гусарском Его Величества полку, находясь при дворе во времена правления Александра III и его сына Николая II, пользуясь расположением обоих.

            После завершения военной службы в столице (стоящей на Нильском меридиане), Владимир Храповицкий поселился в имение отца Муромцево и занялся лесопромышленной разработкой и продажей леса, а также материалов из него.  Благодаря своей настойчивости и привлечению лучших специалистов, он стал крупным лесопромышленником.  Более того, в начале ХХ века Храповицкий внёс огромный вклад в развитие российского лесного хозяйства, повышение продуктивности естественных лесов и создание устойчивых искусственных лесов.  Он создал на судогодской земле одно из лучших и богатейших лесных хозяйств в центральной России.

            В историю он также вошёл как последний предводитель дворянства Владимирской губернии.  После 1917 года он с женой эмигрирует во Францию, передав управление хозяйством новой власти, а уездный исполком принял постановление об охране усадьбы.  Его жена происходила из греко-крымского происхождения рода Головиных (Ховриных), в котором в XV — XVI веках передавалась по наследству должность казначея Московского государства.  Боярский род Ховриных берёт своё начало от византийского рода, в своё время управлявшего Трапезундом (совр. Турция) и впоследствии осевшего в княжестве Феодоро (Крым). Феодоро переводится как «Божий дар», это княжество было последним оплотом Византийской империи, последним островком христианства в Черноморье после падения Херсонеса и Константинополя под ударами Османов в середине XV века.  Примечательно, что имя основателя Османской империи, Османа I (1299 – 1324), может быть связано с терминами Атаман и Атман.   Византийские предки Ховриных владели городом Судак в Крыму с Мангупом и Балаклавой.  Один из представителей этого рода выехал из Крыма в Москву в 1393 году, во времена вышеуказанного Стефана Пермского, который был посвящен в сан епископа Перми во Владимире.

            Владимир Храповицкий был похоронен на территории старинного русского кладбища в Висбадене – столице земли Гессен в Германии.  Это крупнейшее православное кладбище в Европе расположено при храме Святой Елизаветы, называемым «русским».  Он построен в память о великой княжне Елизавете Михайловне  (1826 – 1845), дочери великого князя Михаила Павловича (1798 — 1849), который был младшим сыном Павла I, младшим братом императоров Александра I (стоявшего у истоков создания в Москве Храма Христа Спасителя) и Николая I.

            Мужем Елизаветы Михайловны был последний герцог Нассауский Адольф.  После поражения Австрии, герцогство Нассау было аннексировано Пруссией.  Елизавета Михайловна безвременно ушла из жизни в 1845 году при родах, вместе с новорождённой девочкой.  Герцог был настолько потрясён утратой, что решил построить храм на могиле своей умершей русской жены, племянницы Николая I.  Основные средства на строительство храма в честь святой праведной Елисаветы — святой покровительницы умершей принцессы, были переданы, с разрешения Николая I, из приданого герцогини Елизаветы.

            Святая Елисавета была матерью Иоанна Крестителя, супругой священника Захарии, родственницей Девы Марии, старшей сестрой святой Анны – бабушки Иисуса Христа.  Интересна история русской императрицы Елизаветы, правившей в XVIII веке.

            В основу своего проекта храма святой Елисаветы на горе Нероберг в Висбадене, немецкий архитектор Филипп Гофман перенёс впечатления от строившегося в центре Москвы Храма Христа Спасителя.  Все иконы на иконостасе были исполнены профессором Санкт-Петербургской Императорской академии искусств Карлом фон Неффом. Он расписывал в Москве Храм Христа Спасителя (связанный с Элохим) и Исаакиевский собор в Санкт-Петербурге, стоящий на Нильском меридиане.

            В 1896 году Николай II, посетивший Висбаден вместе с членами Императорского Двора, выкупил на собственные деньги этот храм святой Елисаветы вместе с участком земли и леса, включая кладбище, где в 1922 году будет похоронен Владимир Храповицкий.  В 1913 году, будучи предводителем дворянства Владимирской губернии, Владимир Храповицкий сопровождал Николая II в его поездках по Владимирской губернии по случаю 300-летия династии Романовых на российском престоле.  Особо долго император задержался в Боголюбово, на месте убийства в 1174 году первого (но некоронованного по Византийскому обряду) царя Андрея Боголюбского.  В 1918 году в день убийства Андрея Боголюбского произойдет трагическое событие в жизни самого Николая II и его семьи в Ипатьевском доме в Екатеринбурге.  С санскрита переводится название Ганина Яма.  Рядом с Боголюбово находится знаменитая церковь Покрова на Нерли.  Название этой реки коррелируется определенным образом с названием горы Нероберг, на которой стоит в Висбадене вышеуказанный храм святой Елисаветы.

            С Нероберга открывается лучший вид на Висбаден и Майнц Висбаден находится на правом берегу Рейна при впадении реки Майна в Рейн (30 км. от Франкфурт-на-Майне, который является крупнейшим городом земли Гессен).  На другом берегу Рейна находится город Майнц, считающийся одним из старейших городов Германии.  В России есть несколько рек с названием Майна.  В переводе с немецкого, «берг» означает «гора».  В 130 км. на юг от Кирова есть посёлок Нема, а в 70 км. на юг от него – посёлок Кильмезь.  При этом Киль — столица и крупнейший город немецкой земли Шлезвиг-Гольштейн на севере Германии, который имеет древние связи с Россией.  Что означает «Неро» в Висбадене нет однозначных версий.  Один из древнейших русских городов Ростов Великий стоит на озере Неро, а Неру – фамилия первого Премьер-министра независимой Индии.  В озеро Нера впадает красивейшая река Сара.

            В главном соборе Боголюбского монастыря в конце 1990-х на куполе его алтарной части (т.е. над алтарём), где обычно изображается Господь Вседержитель (Саваоф или Царь славы), чудесным образом проявился лик Николая II.  Таким образом, на месте, где был лик Царя Небесного, проступал лик царя земного, последнего из рода Романовых.  Это чудо вошло в список чудес к канонизации Царской семьи.  Боголюбово находится рядом с древней стоянкой (цивилизацией) Сунгирь.

            В нескольких километрах на северо-восток от Судогды, река Шиверка сливается с рекой Передел, которая через пару километров впадает в реку Яда на восточной окраине Судогды, у деревни Загорье.  Загорск – название Сергиева-Посада в Советское время.  Исходя из небольшого размера и скромного характера реки Шиверка, её название логичнее отнести скорее к Шиве (санкр. «Сива»).  В России есть несколько рек с названием Сива.  Обычно, шивера – это относительно мелководный участок реки с беспорядочно расположенными в русле подводными и выступающими из воды камнями (шиверами).  Шиверы образуются в больших реках, имеющих быстрое течение.

            Например, на реке Индигирке (1726 км.) в Якутии шиверы, состоящие в основном из валунов, протягиваются иногда на сотни метров, которые можно увидеть за многие километры.  Посёлок Усть-Нера, стоящий в месте впадения реки Нера в Индигирку известен как центр золотодобычи.  Район Усть-Неры — Оймякона известен как северный полюс холода.

            Также изобилует каменистыми порогами (шиверами) русло реки Подкаменная Тунгуска (1865 км.).  Она известна во всем мире благодаря событию, произошедшему в её бассейне в 1908 году.  Произошедший воздушный взрыв связывают с падением метеорита, но до сих пор никто не нашёл его осколков.  Более того, небесные тела в атмосфере взрываться не могут.  Журнал «Мировой Ченнелинг» №7 (39) 2017 проливает Новый Свет на событие, которое названо людьми падением Тунгусского метеорита (Эвенкия, Красноярский край).  Это было «особое небесное тело, которое обладало свойствами и метеорита, и кометы, и шаровой молнии, и свойствами некоторых других космических тел».  В нём «была помещена энергоинформация как для особых сакральных (тонкоматериальных) пространств Земли, так и для плотных энергоинформационных центров планеты».  Место так называемого падения Тунгусского метеорита в сибирской тайге «является особым, сакральным участком на теле Земли».

              На месте села Ванавара, рядом с которым упал метеорит, 26 000 лет назад лемурийцами был основан Храм Солнца, который на их Image result for аэропорт Ванаварыязыке звучал как Эйванара.  Нара (санкср. ‘герой’) — река в Московской обалсти.  Эйва — коллективное самосознание мира Пандоры, богиня народа Нави в фильме «Аватар».

        В индийской мифологии, ванара — могущественная раса обезьян.  Её самым известными представителями были Хануман и Сугрива — союзники Рамы.  В соседней с Владимирской Нижегородской области, Варнава — приток реки Мокша.  Значение имени Варнава — «сын утешения».

          «Этот величественных храм просуществовал более трёх тысяч лет.  На месте аэропорта Ванавары некогда существовало сакральное пространство, где не один раз лемурийцы творили коллективное Вознесение».  Это особый портал на планете.  Район взрыва Тунгусского метеорита находится на расстоянии 66 км. к северу от Ванавары, но чтобы добраться до эпицентра взрыва, необходимо преодолеть 200 км. по рекам, включая приток Подкаменной Тунгуски — реку Чамба.

            В Центральной Индии есть река Чамбал – приток священной Ямуны, а река Ямуга течёт в Московской области.  Чамба — одно из старейших княжеств на территории современной Индии.  Ныне – это штат Химачал-Прадеш на севере Индии.  В  этом штате берёт начало в Гималаях река Ченаб – одна из пяти рек формирующих регион Пенджаб («Пятиречье»), где сформировалась Индская цивилизация, так же называемой ХараппскойЧеляба — обиходное название города Челябинска, над котором в 2015 пролетел так называемый метеорит, упавший в 60 км. в озеро ЧебаркульЧела – это ученик духовного учителя.  Эль Мория передал книгу «Чела и Путь».

            В штате Химачал-Прадеш есть город Чамба.  Также, город с таким названием имеется в соседнем штате Уттаракханд, в котором находятся священный Харидвар и Национальный парк «Джим Корбетт» в районе горного хребта Шивалик («Лик Шивы»).  Это место не случайно является самым старым национальным парком Индии.  Журнал «Мировой Ченнелинг» рассказывает историю о том, как примерно 5000 лет назад сюда пришли из Сибири катарусы, чтобы пробудить людей «Спящего Города», находившихся в состоянии самадхи.  Вместе они вернулись в Тартоарию, столица которой находилась на месте нынешней Тюмени.

            Чампа – имя индийской девушки, которая влюбилась в Афанасия Никитина – первого европейца, достигшего берегов Индии.  Остров Чампа на Земле Франца Иосифа (Архангельская область) известен шарообразными крупными камнями, которые тоже есть в Индии и в Кировской области, где есть много названий переводимых с Санскрита, включая деревня Карачи (недалеко от деревни Архангельское), расположенная между Кировым и вышеуказанной Немой.

            Если двигаться от Владимира / Боголюбово по трассе М-7, то недалеко от них, в районе деревни Бородино, автомагистраль пересекает река Ягома.  Вышеуказанный индийский город Агра стоит на священной реке Ямуна, как и Дели, ставший столицей Индии после Агры.  В Московской области, имеющих множество топонимов, переводимых с Санскрита, река Ямуга дважды пересекает федеральную трассу М-10.  Это рядом с Тверской областью, где есть деревня Дели и два населенных пункта с названием Дельки.  Указанная деревня Дели стоит у реки с санскритским названием Кава.

        В 4 км. на северо-восток от пересечения владимирской Ягомой трассы М-7, находится село Гатиха. В 1,5 километрах на северо-восток от села Гатиха расположено озеро Святое.  На Санскрите, слово «гати» означает «движение», «убежище», «курс», «дорожка», «счастье», «путь души» и т.д.  В Венёвском районе Тульской области есть деревня Гати.  Населенные пункты с таким названием есть в Белоруссии и на Украине.  На Урале до сих пор словом «гать» называют дорогу или настил из брёвен для проезда через топкое место или болото. Рядом с Екатеринбургом и Ганиной Ямой расположена станция Гать, входящая в состав Исетского поселкового совета.   «Гата» означает «скопление», «горшок», «измерение».

                  Гаты – это наиболее значимая и почитаемая часть Авесты — собрание священных текстов зороастрийцев.  Есть версия, что основатель этой древнейшей религии – пророк Заратустра родился на слиянии Камы и Чусовой, недалеко от современной Перми.  Упоминаемая в Авесте мировая гора Хара Березайте тоже может иметь корни в России.  Image result for ясная поляна указатель

             Гаты (гимны Заратустры, обращенные к единому Богу-Творцу) входят в состав авестийской книги Ясна – первой и важнейшей части Авесты.  Снова здесь просматривается связь с Россией.  Зеркало русского индуизма – Лев Толстой плодотворно работал и погребен в Ясной Поляне.

             Также в Тульской области есть город Ясногорск на реке Вашана (приток Оки), в 30 км. севернее Тулы.  Само название области может иметь связь с Туле – северным континентом, Арктической Гипербореей

            В 30 км. от Ясногорска в селе Савино, возле церкви Казанской Богоматери, расположена могила командира легендарного крейсера «Варяг» контр-адмирала В.Ф. Руднева.  В память о нём и проявленном экипажем «Варяга» бессмертном подвиге русского духа, было предложение назвать нынешний Ясногорск именем Руднева.  Решение о названии Ясногорска было принято в 1965 году.  Город вырос из старинного села Лаптево, впервые упоминавшегося в 1578 году, т.е. в правление Ивана Грозного.  О происхождении Тульской топонимики нет единого мнения, включая Лаптево.

            Если посмотреть глубже, море Лаптевых — окраинное море Северного Ледовитого океана.  Оно омывает Новосибирские острова, с которых их исследователь Яков Санников увидел севернее остров-призрак названный «Земля Санникова».  В СССР эту загадочную землю исследовал известный учёный-геолог академик Владимир Обручев, автор научно-фантастического романа «Земля Санникова» (1926).  Одноимённый приключенческий фильм был снят в символическом 1973 году.  Обручев родился в Тверской губернии, имеющей множество топонимических названий, переводимых с санскрита.   Его именем назван хребет в Саянах, где во времена Лемурии (по информации журнала «Мировой Ченнелинг») была обнаружена загадочная пещера с четырехруким мудрецом Амон-Ра, который был представителем Духовного правительства планеты, вошедшим в тело аримойца, находившимся в состоянии самадхи.

            В Индии, Восточные и Западные Гаты – это горные системы на восточном и западном побережьях Индостана, соответственно.  Также, гаты – это каменные ступени, служащее для ритуального омовения индуистов.  Первым европейцем, который достиг берегов Индии, был Тверской купец Афанасий Никитин.  Уроженцем Тверской земли является и вышеуказанный академик Владимир Обручев.  Предки Владимира Путина тоже из Тверской области.  Самые известные гаты расположены в Варанаси, на берегу священной Ганги.  Ниже по течению, у священного Праяга, сливаются священные для сотен миллионов индуистов Ганга и Ямуна.  Ямуга – река, текущая недалеко от границы Московской и Тверской областей.

             5 км. на юго-восток от Гатихи находится место пересечения М-7 речкой Девка. Оно находится рядом с деревней Пенкино.  На Санскрите, слово «дева» означает «Бог», «бог», «божество», «божественный», «царь» и т.п.  Название Пенкино тоже имеет параллели в Санскрите, где пена — это «фена», а «фенака» — это мыло.

            В 1 км. севернее Пенкино, на правом берегу Клязьмы, находится урочище Камбары, Фото Турбаза Камбары. Россия, Владимирская область, М7которое является Особо охраняемой природной территорией, т.к. имеет особое природоохранное, научное, культурное, эстетическое, рекреационное и оздоровительное значение. Здесь расположены детский оздоровительно-образовательный центр «Лесной городок», базы отдыха «Сосенки» и «Камбары».  Памятник природы образован в целях сохранения естественных высокопродуктивных лугов, лесных массивов, водных объектов.  Клязьма дренирует его западную часть, а восточная дренируется вышеуказанной речкой с глубоким названием Девка.  В 25 километрах на восток от Камбар находится устье реки Агра, а в 3 км. на запад – село Гатиха.  На Санскрите, слово «Камбара» означает «пёстрый».

                Деревня Камбар есть в Татарском районе Новосибирской области, две деревни в Крыму назвались Камбар.  Первая – это современное село Степное в Сакском районе, вторая – село Перепёлкино в Джанкойском районе.  В Удмуртии есть город Камбарка, рядом с рекой Кама.  В Пакистане есть город Камбар, находящийся всего в 30 километрах к северу от всемирно известного Мохенджо-Даро – крупнейшего древнего города долины Инда, который процветал в третьем тысячелетии до нашей эры, был современником цивилизации Древнего Египта и Древней Месопотамии.   Столица Удмуртии – город Ижевск, который ещё называют оружейной столицей России, стоит на реке Иж, являющейся притоком Камы.  Эти названия легко переводятся с Санскрита.  Кама – это «любовь, желание».  Иж – «властитель, хозяин».  Даже название республики имеет определенные связи с Санскритом.  Уддмара означает «отличный, респектабельный, высокого ранга».  Мурти означает «воплощение», «инкарнация», божество» и т. д.

                В Мексике город Акамбаро, расположенный в 300 километрах к северу от столицы, стал известен благодаря знаменитой коллекции Вальдемара Джульсруда.  Она была собрана близ Акамбаро во время раскопок во второй половине ХХ века.  В коллекции содержалось более 33 тысяч статуэток из глины и камня, изображающих людей разных рас и динозавров разных видов.  Как отмечает российский исследователь Андрей Жуков: «факт сосуществования и тесного взаимодействия человека и динозавра не просто опровергает линейный эволюционизм теории происхождения видов на Земле, но вступает в непримиримое противоречие со всей современной мировоззренческой парадигмой».  Интересную версию о Камнях  Ики (Перу), где тоже изображены люди, взаимодействующие с динозаврами и ящерами, даёт журнал «Мировой Ченнелинг» № 4(10) 2013.  Речь идёт о Тоцтеках / Тольтеках (солнечных человекобогах), живших чуть более 7 000 лет назад.  Их культура базировалась на связи с Плеядами, а кураторами этой человеческой культуры на раннем этапе развития выступила плеядеанская цивилизация Разумных Змей. Неслучайно тотемом представителей этой цивилизации стали змеи, а образ Пернатого Змея является священным от Мексики до Перу.  Совершая путешествия вне физического тела по разным временам, тольтеки создавали особую библиотеку для будущего Земли, изображая на камнях разные картины жизни прошлого. Библиотека камней Ики объединена тематикой развития людей за последние пять миллионов лет.

                Вышеуказанная река Ягома впадает в Клязьму в 5 км. юго-западнее Пенкино / места пересечения М-7 речки Девка.   В 2,5 км. на северо-запад от устья Ягомы расположен популярный клуб-отель с символическим названием «Велес».  На Руси, бог Велес (Волос) всегда ассоциировался с Плеядами.  В Волосовском районе Ленинградской области (имеющим Велеса на своей гербе) находится Извара — знаменитая усадьба Рерихов.  На Санскрите, слово «Извара» означает «властелин», «царь», «божество».

               Практически напротив устья Ягомы, но на противоположном берегу Клязьмы, расположен санаторий им. Ленина.  В 1 км. от него в Клязьиу впадает река Синеборка.  Бор — место, с которого начиналась Москва.  Загадочный синий цвет имеет в своём названии не только река Синеборка, но и Синий Камень на Плещеевском озере, первый буквы которого (ПО) означают Сириус у африканских Image result for спас купалищедогонов.  Более того, притокм Синеборки является река Куровка, устье которого находится в 4,5 км. южнее устья Синеборки.  В 3 км. юго-западнее устья Синеборки находится устье реки Судогда, у села Спас-Купалища, где расположен Спасо-Преображенский монастырь, ранее — подворье Боголюбского монастыря.  Это место загадочное и притягивающее.  Здесь любил охотиться Андрей Боголюбский, купался на слиянии Иван Грозный, после Казанского похода.  С его именем легенды связывают появление сначала церкви во имя Спаса, давшей позже название монастырю.  В Советское время рядом располагался пионерлагерь «Солнечная поляна».  Нынешние здания монастыря датируются второй половиной XIX века.  Главный храм строил храм на свои средства Николай Ильич Грузинский — внук последнего грузинского царя Георгия XII.  Имение Грузинского находилось неподалёку (Михайловское).  В нём бывал известный русский композитор Чайковский.   На главных воротах монастыря — знаменитая цитата из Евангелия от Матфея: «Приiдите ко Мне все труждаюiщиеся ‑ и обремененнiи и Азъ упокою вы».  Такая же цитата на стоящим на Сухоне храме Дмитрия Солунского в Дымковской Слободе Великого Устюга.  Сегодня этот древний русский город больше известен как Родина Деда Мороза. Примечательно, что святой источник Спасо-Преображенского монастыря в Спас-Купалищах посвящён раннехристианскому святому Вонифатию Римскому, чья память приходится на 1 января.

                 Через 5 км. от места пересечения трассой М-7 речки Девка, эта автодорога пересекает реку Чёрная и идёт вдоль начинающегося Леса Шермана.  В нескольких километрах на север от М-7 и Леса Шерамана расположено озера с говорящим названием Великое.  Шарма — распространенное имя и фамилия в Индии.  Изначально, оно было внутри брахманов и кшатриев, но сегодня популярно в различных слоях общества.  На Санскрите, слово «сарма(н)» означает «защита», «комфорт», «радость», «блаженство», и т.п.  В соседней Ярославской области, в озеро Неро впадает река Сара.  В Нижнем Новгороде, где традиционно окали, есть Сормово (родина Николая Хмелева), расположенное рядом со слиянием река Волга и Ока, чьи названия тоже переводятся с Санскрита (см. выше).  Бывшая деревня Ширманиха при речке Ущера является с декабря 1993 года микрорайоном Октябрьского района города Владимир.

            В 17 км. на восток от места пересечения трассой М-7 вышеуказанной реки Чёрная, эта федеральная автомагистраль пересекает реку Агра, а ещё через 25 км. М-7 пересекает несколько раз реку Тара (см. выше).

II.  Лукново

           В 18 километрах от пересечения федеральной трассой М-7 реки Тара, находится Коурково.  Кауравы («потомки Куру») — персонажи «Махабхараты» — двоюродные братья Пандавов.

                За Коурково расположен поворот с М-7 на посёлок Лукново.  Лукнов или Лакхнау — столица штата Уттар-Прадеш, в котором находится вышеуказанный город Агра (столица Великих Мологов), с его удивительным Тадж-Махалом.   В индийских штатах Уттар-Прадеш и Западная Бенгалия (столица — Калькутта) гаплогруппа R1a1 встречается с частотой 60% и 72% соответственно.  В целом по Индии, у брахманов этот показатель составляет, в среднем, символические 43%.

               Уттар-Прадеш (дословно — Северная страна) играет значительную роль в культурной и политической жизни Индии.  В этом штате расположены священные для индуистов и буддистов города Аллахабад и Варанаси, привлекающие ежегодно десятки миллионы паломников и туристов.  В Аллахабаде родились Джавахарлал Неру и его дочь Индира Ганди.

       В 2,5 километрах от Лукново находится деревня Каликино.  Вряд ли это название связано с былинными Каликами перехожими, учитывая обилие санскритских названий вокруг, стоит посмотреть глубже.  На санскрите, «калика» означает «бутон», «разделение времени», «уместный», «черный» и т.д.  Калика – индийское девичье имя, «та, кто является Богиней Времени».  Калика – имя богини Кали, разрушительницы невежества.  Кали или Калика благословляет и освобождает тех, кто стремится познать Бога, достичь мокши. На холме Калика был расположен древний город Удджайн — один из семи священных городов индуизма, столица первого индийского императора Ашоки, считающегося одним из величайших правителей за всю историю человечества.  В Удджайне позже правил легендарный Викрамадитья.  Калика (Кали) является супругой Шивы.  На санскрите, «шива» или «сива» означает «милостивый».  На Урале и в Предуралье есть несколько рек с названием Сива.  Одна из них впадает в Каму.  На санскрите, «кама» означает «желание» и «любовь».

               В 5 км. на запад от Лукново расположено озеро и деревня Пивоварово.  Между ними протекает река Суворощь.  Возле Лукново в неё впадает река Пенуха.  В 2 км. на юго-запад от Лукново находится деревня Наместово.  В 7 км. на юг от Наместово расположено село Ям.  В названии Наместово слышится всем знакомое индийское приветствие «Намасте».  В 20 км. на юго-запад, в Суворощь впадает река Индрус.

             На санскрите, слово «пива» означает «вода», а «пивас» — «жир».  Слово «пивара» — «толстый», «плотный», а также — «черепаха».  Символично, что черепаха является санскритским именем божественного мудреца Кашьяпы в ведийской и индуистской мифологии.  Кашьяпа — автор нескольких гимнов «Ригведы», отец богов и всех живых существ.  Он него произошло 33 божества, включая таких как Вамана (аватар Вишну) и Вивасват, от сына которого (Ману) произошли люди.  Деревня Вамна и река Ваменка находятся в 37 км. на юго-восток от Пивоварово.  В ведийской религии,  Вивасват не только прародитель людей, но и солярное божество.  В послеведийский период, он сравнялся с богами и стал Солнцем, то есть Сурьей. Его имя Вивасват стало эпитетом Сурьи.

            С Вивасватом тесно связаны Индра, Сома, Ашвины и особенно бог Яма, отказавшийся от своего бессмертия и совершивший первое жертвоприношение (самопожертвование), которое стало основой возникновения мира и человечества.  Яма является сыном Вивасвата, т.е. рассветающего (дня), и Саранью, то есть убегающей (ночи).  Имя Вивасват также употребляется как эпитет бога огня Агни и богини зари Ушас (важнейшее и одно из высших божеств «Ригведы»).  См. ниже р. Ушна (санскр. usa).  Река Ямжа протекает в Великоустюгском районе, является притоком реки Стрига.  Иногда Ямжа рассматривается как левый приток Хайма.  Хайм — немецкая фамилия.  Ямна — название двух рек в Тверской области, откуда родом был Афанасий Никитин — первый европеец, достигший Индии.

            В 22 км. на юго-запад от Яма находится деревня Фоминки, с прудом Центральный и Казанской церковью.  По церковному преданию, первым христианским апостолом Индии является святой Фома. С ним также связывается основание христианских церквей в Палестине, Месопотамии, Парфии и Эфиопии.    Рядом с Фоминками протекает река Ингирь и расположено озера Уга.  На Санскрите, «пра уга» означает «треугольник», «передние валы колесницы».

            В 2,5 км. от озера Уга протекает река Виша.  На Санскрите, «виса» означает «яд», а индийское имя Виши — «желание».  В 6 км. на юго-запад от озера Уга находится озеро Свято.  Как раз между ними течёт река Виша.  Озера Уга и Свято расположены рядом с рекой Ока.   В 12 км. на юг от истока реки Виша, в Оку впадает река Ушна.  На Санскрите, уша / уса (usa) означает «аврора», «заря»; Ока — «соединение небесных тел», «убежище», «дом» и т.д.

         Холостой выстрел с «Авроры» послужил сигналом к революции 7 ноября 1917 года, изменившей дальнейший ход всемирной истории.  Это и год рождения Индиры Ганди и день рождения Льва Троцкого, закончившего свою жизнь в Мексике, где расположен «старший брат» мавзолея Ленина —  главного организатора вооружённого восстания («Красный Октябрь»).

            В 8 км. на юго-запад от истока реки Виша, расположена деревня Пенза.  В Пензенской области находится исток реки Мокша и город Мокшан.  Её крупнейшей водной артерией является река Сура, берущая начало в Ульяновской области.  Исток реки Мокша расположен в 35 километрах от Пензы, стоящей на реке Сура.  Сурья – бог Солнца в индуизме.  Сурья — отец Карны, который является одним из центральных героев «Махабхараты», воплощением доблести и чести.  Реки Важенка и Сураж сливаясь образуют Индрус.  На северной окраине Пензы, где река Пензятка впадает в Суру, расположено село Ухтинка.  На санскрите, слово «ухта» означает «восхваление».  Исток реки Пензятка находится рядом с истоком реки Мокша.

            В 8 км. на северо-восток от истока реки Виши, находится исток реки Ваменка и деревня Вамна.   Расстояние от этого места до вышеуказанного села Фоминки составляет 12 км.  На Санскрите, вамана означает «небольшой», «карлик» и т.п.  Действительно, речка Ваменка — небольшая, порядка 7 км., а в деревне Вамна уже практически никто не живёт.  Ваменка и Вамна лежат между вышеуказанными озерам Виша и Свято.

                   В индуизме, Вамана — пятый аватар Вишну и первая аватара, в которой Вишну воплотился как человек.  В ней он принимает обличье карлика, чтобы защитить Индру, старшего брата Ваманы.  В 15 км. на север от деревни Вамна и реки Ваменка река Индрус впадает в Суворощь.  На Санскрите, «сувар» означает «имеющий красивую воду», «свет», «небеса», «солнце» и т.д.  Вамана родился в семье Адити и Кашьяпы, пришёл царю-асуре Бали, чтобы помочь Индре.  Бали был внуком Прахлады.  Прахлада – главный герой Холи – самого важного праздники Индии, олицетворяющего победу света над тьмой.  Если посмотреть на климат, то Прахлада «живет» в России куда больше времени, чем в Индии.  В Ярославской области на федеральной трассе М-8, идущей из Москвы, есть деревня Осурово, чье название может быть связано с асурами, самым сильным из которых был Прахлада.  На санскрите, его имя означает «восторг».

 Related image               Устье реки Суворощь находится в 9,5 км. от его истока, образуемого слиянием рек Сураж и Важенка, возле села Сергиевы-Горки, названным именем Сергия Радонежского.  Уроженцем является села является известный советский артист театра и кино Николай Парфёнов (1912-1999), один из самых снимающихся актёров 1960 — 1980-х годов.  Как говорят, его герои никогда не остаются равнодушными к общественным проблемам и делают все, чтобы окружающая жизнь стала справедливее и стабильнее.

                Кроме Индруса, притоками реки Суворощь также является Инга и Шумарь.  На санскрите, «сумара» означает «ветер».  Очень похожи названия Шумарь и Шумер – ближневосточная колыбель человечества, погубленный как раз ветром (по-видимому, радиоактивным).  Если прочитать слово «инга» по ближневосточному, т.е. справа налево, то получается санскритское слово «агни», означающее «огонь».  Индийский бог Агни – главный из земных богов, посредник между ними и людьми.  Вайшванара или «всенародный» — эпитет Агни.  По числу упоминаний в «Ригведе», он уступает только главному божеству ведийского пантеона Индре.

             Индус — имена 5 служебных собак легендарного советского пограничника, Героя Советского Союза Никиты Карацупы (родом из Запорожья).  Он знаменит своими рейдами против нарушителей границы, во время которых он использовал хорошо обученных собак.  За 20 лет службы в пограничных войсках задержал 338 нарушителей границы и уничтожил 129 шпионов и диверсантов, не сложивших оружие.  В советское время именем Никиты Карацупы называли пограничные заставы во Вьетнаме и в Индии.  Похоронен на Троекуровском кладбище в Москве.  Бюсты Карацупы установлен в городе Собинке Владимирской области и в Тюмени в сквере Пограничников.  В Собинском районе расположены Карачарово, Алепино, Ундол (имение А.В. Суворова), а также Брянцево.

III. Муром

            В 35 км. на юго-запад от деревни Вамна расположен старинный русский город Муром, если двигаться далее в этом же направлении, то через 90 км. будет место, где в Оку впадает вышеуказанная река Мокша.  В 35 км. на юго-восток от деревни Вамна находится деревня Вача.  На Санскрите, мурна означает «связанный», марман — «ядро всего», «скрытый смысл», маура — «павлин» (символ царской власти).  На Санскрите, павлин также звучит как «барин».  В Русском языке, слово «барин» имеет похожий (царский) смысл и означает человека из высших сословий, господина.  В Муроме есть кафе «Барин», рядом с памятником Владимиру Зворынику — изобретателю и создателю современного телевидения.  Во Владимире есть ресторан «Барин», рядом с площадью Фрунзе.  В городе Гусь-Хрустальный, в сосновом лесу, находится гостиница «Баринова Роща», рядом с ней — «Опытный стекольный завод», продукцией которого пользуются ежедневно миллионы людей по всему миру.  Легендарный граненый стакан стал символом эпохи.

                Микрорайоном Мурома ныне является бывшее село Карачарово, в котором по легенде родился русский былинный богатырь и заступник земли русской Илья Муромец.  Другое село Карачарово стало в 1960 году историческим районом Москвы.  В Кировской области есть деревня Карачи.  Аналогичное название имеет пакистанский город Карачи, административный центр провинции Синд, где начиналась ведийская цивилизация, из которой выросла нынешняя Индия.

 Related image           В 25 км. на северо-запад от поворота с М-7 на Лукново находится озеро Кщара или Ксара.  На Санскрите, это означает «текущая вода».  Озеро карстового происхождения, глубина его достигает 65 метров. Это самый глубокий водоем Владимирской области. Находится в заповедной зоне на востоке области, где существует целая система карстовых озёр (более 200), многие из которых овеяны загадками и славятся паранормальными явлениями, происходящими с незваными гостями.

            В 7км. на юго-восток от озера Кщара (Ксара) расположено озеро Санхар (Санхра).  На Санскрите, самхара означает «сближение», «умение»; самхрта — «собранные вместе», «коллективное» и т.д.

         Из озера Кщара вытекает река Кшарский исток (устар. Кщарица), несущая свои воды в Клязьму (через реку Исток), мимо озера Юхор, расположенного в 3,5 км. к югу от озера Кщара.   Мшара — название небольшого болота в Смоленской области, в Оковском лесу на южном склоне  Валдая, ггде берёт начало Днепр (2201 км.) — четвёртая по длине рекой Европы после Волги, Дуная и Урала.  В 40 км. на восток от озера Кщара находится деревня Санниково, а в 30 км. на северо-восток от него находится город Южа, на берегу озера Вазаль.  На Санскрите, южи означает «желание», «обаятельный»; васула — «божество»; васа — «живой» и т.д.

            В 9 км. на северо-восток от города Южа расположено озеро Ламское.  В тибетском буддизме лама — это религиозный учитель.  Самый известный из них — это Далай Лама.  Река Лама течёт в Подмосковье.  Озеро Лама — одно из крупнейших озеро плато Путорана (север Красноярского края), на котором находится географический центр России.  Из этого озера Лама вытекает одноименная река, названная так советским полярным исследователем Николаем Урванцевым по имени озера, их которого она выходит.

             В Калининградской области есть река Лама, впадающая в Балтийское море.  В 155 км. на юго-восток от Тюмени находится исток своей реки Лама.  В 106 км. на запад от этого истока находится устье реки Исеть, соединяющейся с рекой Тобол.  Рядом с истоком реки Исеть недалеко от Екатеринбурга, находится Ганина Яма, связанная с судьбой Романовых.  В 1918 году их привезли в Екатеринбург из Тобольска (Тюменская область).  В Архангельской области есть река Лама, в Пинежском районе, известном своими монастырями: Иоанно-Богословский Сурский монастырь в селе Сура, на родине св. Иоанна Кронштадтского; Артемиево-Веркольский монастырь; Красногорский Богородицкий монастырь, с которым связана история Грузинской иконы Божией Матери.  В Пинежском районе находятся крупнейшие пещеры всего Европейского Севера России.  Здесь Голубинский карстовый массив — самый известный и посещаемый памятник природы Архангельской области.  Административным центром района является село Карпогоры, названное по Карповой Горе.  В Санкт-Петербурге, на Карповке, покоятся мощи Иоанна Кронштадтского, уроженца Пинежского района.  Устье реки Лама находится в 40 км. на запад от села Карпогоры.

Image result for александро-свирский монастырь

Александро-Свирский монастырь

           В соседней с Ленинградской областью Карелии, река Ламай пересекает в 60 км. на юго-запад от Петрозаводска автомобильную дорогу, идущую из города Лодейное Поле, стоящим на реке Свирь, берущей начало в Онежском озере.  В паре десятков километров от Лодейного Поля (Ленинградская область) расположен знаменитый Александро-Свирский монастырь.  Александр Свирский — это единственный известный новозаветный святой, который удостоился явления Святой Троицы в виде Трех Ангелов. Отсюда его почитание как «новозаветного Авраама».  В селе Лодейно (ныне Кировская область) родился маршал Конев.

              Исток реки Ламарь находится в 23 км. на юг от Санаксарского монастыря, где покоятся мощи легендарного русского адмирала Ушакова, родом с верхней Волги (с. Бурнаково, сейчас Рыбинский район Ярославской области).  На Санскрите, уша или уса означает «заря».  Санаксарский монастырь практически на берегу реки Мокша (бассейн Волги).  В Рыбинское водохранилище впадает река Ламь (Лама), как и Волга, берущая начало в Тверской области — родине Афанасия Никитина, который первым из европейцев достиг берегов Индии и задокументировал своё путешествие.  В шумерской и последующей аккадской мифологиях, Лама — это дух-хранитель человека.

              Во Владимирской области, в 20 км. на восток от озера Ламское расположено озеро Святое.  Рядом с этим озером течёт река Лух (приток Клязьмы).  В Московской области есть город Луховицы.  В Ленинградской и Новгородской областях течёт река Луга.  С её именем связаны названиям городо Луга и и Усть-Луга в Ленинградской области.

         В Чехии есть река Луга — приток река Одра.  Другими его притоками являются реки Варта, Ина, Бубр, Быстрица, ТываНижневартовск до сих пор является одним из основных нефтяных кормильцев страны.  Считается, что открытие одного из крупнейших в мире месторождения Самотлор в 1970-х отодвинуло необходимость структурных реформ экономики Советского Союза.  Нижневартовск входит в Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ — Югра.  Угра или югра – это эпитет Шивы, означающий «яростный» на Санскрите.  В России есть несколько рек с санскритским названием Сива (Шива).

             На реке Одра стоит город Щецин – родина российской императрицы Екатерины Великой (тогда прусской принцессы).  Польский Щецин побратим с китайским городом Далянь, который упоминается в знаменитом вальсе «На сопках Маньчжурии».  Под названием «Дальний» этот город был основан русскими в 1898 году на месте китайского рыбацкого посёлка на арендованной у Китая территории, в рамках Китайско-Восточной железной дороги.  На строительство города Россия затратила 30 млн. золотых рублей.  Построенный Россией современный океанский порт занял второе место по грузообороту (после Шанхая).

                 Щецин побратим с германскими городами Любек и Росток.  Их сохранившиеся славянские названия — не случайность.  В Related imageпрошлом это были земли славян.  Фильм Михаила Задорнова «Рюрик. Потерянная быль» подробно освещает эту тему.  Считается, что нынешний германский город Рерик (тоже в прошлом славянский) был родиной Рюрика, который в IX веке стал Новгородским князем и основателем царской династии.  Примечательно, что на памятнике «Тысячелетие России» в Великом Новгороде, за спиной Рюрика стоит направляющий / благословляющий Велес, ассоциируемый на Руси с Плеядами, которые оказали огромное влияние на развитие человеческой цивилизации.

              Луга — город в Италии.  Город с таким же названием есть в Народной Республике Бангладеш, столица — город Дакка.  По всему периметру Бангладеш граничит с Индией и очень сильно связан с ней  в историческом, культурном и других планах.  На Восточной Украине есть город Луганск, а в Швейцарии — Лугано (третий по значимости банковский центр страны, крупнейший город италоязычного кантона Тичино).

          Стоит отметить, что в окончании названия города Муром — священный звук Творения — Ом.

IV. Киржач

Coat of Arms of Kirzhach (Vladimirskaya oblast).png            С 1781 года город Киржач имеет на своём гербе сову — традиционный символ мудрости.  Коба (англ. Сова) — псевдоним Сталина и руины древнего города цивилизации майя в Мексике.  Светлана Жарникова отмечала связь этого образа архаической индоевропейской традиции с матерью взрослых замужних дочерей, которую зовут Теща.  Киржач стоит на одноименной реке, от которой выводят его название.  В 7 км. севернее города, в реку Киржач впадает река Дева.

            На санскрите, слово «дева» означает «божество», «божественный», «царь» и т.п.  Также, см. речка Девка возле Владимира.  В 1 км. от устья Девы, на другом берегу реки Киржач, расположено село Савино.  На санскрите, слово «сава» означает «командир», «порядок» и т.д.  В Савино (Тульской области похоронен) похоронен командир «Варяга» Руднев.  Созвездие Дева играет важную роль в древней мистерии, ныне известной как Рождество Христово.  Также, Дева – индийское имя.  Например, индийский поэт и писатель Дева Рамачандра (1949 — 2013) или индийский актёр и режиссёр Дева Прабху, родившийся в 1973 году в Майсуре.  Дева – город в Румынии, горы в Японии, река в Испании и т.д.

            Река Дева начинается недалеко от Киржача, в деревне Кипрево.  С этим названием ассоциируются   Кипр, Кипрей (Иван-чай), кипа и др.  В 3,5 км. на юго-восток от истока реки Дева, находится село Бабурино и озеро Бабуринское.  Бабур – основатель династии Великих Моголов, правивших Индией три века (как Романовы в России).  Бабр – сибирское имя тигра.  Бабр изображён на гербе Иркутска, откуда начиналась Российско-Американская компания (РАК) и где похоронен ее основатель Григорий Шелехов.  Южнее Бабуринского находятся села Власьево и Арефино.  Власий – это второе имя Велеса, которого на Руси связывали с Плеядами.  АР – это Солнце Внутреннего Мира, отсюда название «Арий».  Арефино расположено на реке Вахчелка, которая в городской черте Киржача соединяется с рекой Киржач, давшей название городу.  В 17 км. к северо-востоку от Киржача расположен в лесистой местности исток реки Вахчелка.  На Санскрите, вах – это «несущий», «текущий» и т.п.; чела — «ученик».  Блаватская указывала, что чела — это тот, кто предложил себя (духовному учителю) в качестве ученика, чтобы на практике изучить «тайные мистерии природы и психические силы, дремлющие в человеке» (Е.П. Блаватская «Ключ к теософии»).

            В 10 км. на юго-восток от истока Девы находится исток речки Синовка — приток реки Шорна.  Другим притоком Шорны является Пиндер.  Также, Пиндер — населённый пункт в графстве Йорк, в канадской провинции Нью-Брансуик.

            Исток речки Пиндер расположен в 4,5 км. на северо-запад от Кипрево.  Этот исток находится за деревней Никитино, к которой идёи единственная дорога (~2 км.) из села Афанасово.  Афанасий Никитин – первый европеец, достигший берегов Индии и записавший свое путешествие («Хождение за три моря»).  Озеро Пиндово расположено в 22 км. на северо-восток от Гатихи.  Гора Пинда расположена на территории Ванинского муниципального района Хабаровского края.  Она названа по имени речки Пинда, берущей начало на этой горе.  В своей книге «Голубая кровь, правильная кровь» Стюарт Свердлов говорит, что глава иллюминатов Земли называется «Пиндар».

            На санскрите Пиндара означает «религиозный нищий», а Пиндарака — «мост».  Термин «мост» связан не только с конструкцией над препятствием,  но и соединением миров и разных измерений.  С капитанского мостика управляется судно.  Радуга – залог мира между Богом и человечеством в Ветхом Завете, тоже напоминает мост.  Пиндара, также известная как Пиндарака, представляет собой деревню недалеко от святой Дварки, на берегу залива Катча, в Гуджарате (Индия).  Индийская Дварка имеет определенные смысловые параллели с русской Тверью.  На Санскрите, слово «двар» означает «дверь».  Не случайна фраза, что Тверь — в Москву дверь.

            Махабхарата упоминает вышеуказанную Пиндараку как место паломничества.  Говорят, что гора с мистическими силами расположена в Саураштре около храма Пиндарака.  Саураштра — полуостровной район Гуджарата, расположенный на побережье Аравийского моря.  Он охватывает около трети штата Гуджарат, в частности 11 районов Гуджарата.  Саурово — деревня в Подмосковье, возле Павловского Посада, на Клязьме.

            В 8,5 км. на северо-запад от Киржача находится Карпово.  В 13 км. на северо-восток от Киржача находится деревня Фомино.  В 70 км. на юго-восток от Киржача находятся Курилово, Бакино, Карачарово, а чуть дальше — Парфентьево.  В 80 км. на северо-восток от Киржача – исток реки Яхрома.  В 56 км. на восток от Киржача находится Черкутино.  В 18 км. на восток от Черкутино – исток реки Уразы, а в 12 км. на юго-восток – исток реки Тимериха.  В 22 км. на юго-восток – село Бабаево.  В Индии, баба (ударение на второй слог) зовут отца или деда, уважаемых людей в силу их статуса или возраста, это могут быть мастера йоги, суфии, мудрецы.

            В 15 км. юго-восточнее Киржача в 1968 году, в авиационной катастрофе во время тренировочного полета, погиб Юрий Гагарин, вместе с опытным пилотом Владимиром Серёгиным.  На месте гибели первого космонавта планеты был открыт мемориал в 1975 году.  Памятник представляет собой стелу высотой 16 метров, выполненную из красного гранита в форме крыла самолета.  На лицевой стороне стелы высечены портреты Гагарина и Серёгина, скорее напоминающие нимбы, чем скафандры.

V. Сима

                Село Сима расположено в Юрьев-Польском районе Владимирской области, в 40 км. на восток от Переславля-Залесского.  На санскрите, слово «сима» означает «граница», «фронт».  В этом селе в 1812 году ушёл в другую жизнь бесстрашный русский полководец Пётр Иванович Багратион (1765-1812) — герой Отечественной войны 1812 года. Тяжелораненого его привезли с Бородино в Москву, а оттуда перевезли  в имение Сима, к его тетушке Анне Голицыной.

            Багратион был похоронен в селе Сима, в церкви Дмитрия Солунского.  При императоре Николае I, в 1839 году прах полководца был торжественно перенесён на Бородино, по инициативе поэта-партизана Дениса Давыдова.  В 20 км. на восток от Бородино расположена самая высокая точка Московской области (Замри-гора).

На месте первого захоронения Багратиона, у церкви Дмитрия Солунского, находится бюст полководца.  Символично, что именно в селе Сима, гостя у Голицыных, Багратион встретил свое назначение на пост главнокомандующего Второй Западной
армией в марте 1812 года.  Получив высочайшее повеление, отсюда он направился в оную, и здесь же скончался от ран, полученных в Бородинском сражении в сентябре 1812 года, в усадьбе Голицыных.

            Есть версия, что дед Ленина (Александр Бланк) был незаконнорожденным сыном князя Голицына, родственником которых и был Багратион.  Голицыны считаются самым многочисленным и «ветвистым» княжеским родом России.

            Символично, что по дороге из села Сима в Переславль-Залесский расположены Горки (Переславские). Здесь, в имении Ганшиных, Ленин гостил у своего друга ещё задолго до революции.  Считается, что здесь Владимиру Ульянову нашли паспорт местного крестьянина Николая Ленина, по  которому он смог выехать в Швейцарию из Шушенского, стоящим на реке реке Шушь (см. ниже р. Шоса).  Закончил свой земной путь Владимир Ульянов-Ленин в подмосковных Горках.

            Между вышеупомянутыми Переславскими Горками и самим Переславлем есть деревня Нила, на реке Нилка.  Египетский Нил может оказаться лишь их братом, если принять во внимание информацию о Евразийской Гиперборее, которую построили потомки атлантов, пришедшие с территории Египта.  Однако, самым древним считается Лемурийский  Египет, который располагался на территории нынешней Кемеровской области.

            Село Сима стоит на реке Симка.  Реки Симка есть в Архангельской области и на Урале.  На реке Сим, в Челябинской области, расположен Симский завод (ныне город Сим) — родина выдающегося русского учёного Игоря Курчатова.  Также, симка — обиходное название SIM-карты, без которых немыслим современный мир.  При замене первой буквы в названии ‘Сима’, получается ‘зима’.  Её главные праздники — Рождество и Новый Год, столицей которого является Великий Устюг.  Свой титул Великого города он получил от Ивана Грозного.

            Село Сима было царским с XVI века, оно принадлежало Ивану Грозному и упомянуто в его духовной грамоте.  В селе откармливали быков для стола Петра I, основавшего Санкт-Петербург на Нильском меридиане и разбившего непобедимую шведскую армию под Полтавой.  Петр I подарил село Сима князю Голицыну за победу над шведами под деревней Лесной.

                Символично, что именно в книге «Лесная» величайшего индийского эпоса «Махабхарата» дано описание священных рек Курукшетры, которые до сих пор сохранились в Центральной России.  Об  этом много написала Светлана Жарникова.

            В 7 км. на восток от села Сима течёт речка Шоса.  На санскрите, соса означает «смешанный с солью», а зоса — «влагопоглотитель», «жизненная энергия» и т.д.  ШОС – сокращенное название Шанхайской организации сотрудничества, основанной в 2001 году лидерами Китая, России и стран Средней Азии.  Сегодня, общая территория входящих в ШОС стран составляет 60% территории Евразии, а общая численность населения стран ШОС равна половина населения планеты.

            В 8 км. от Шосы несёт свои воды река с царским названием Шаха, у села Елизарово.  На санскрите, слово «саха» означет «сильный».  В Елизарово находится церковь Никиты Мученика — старейшая постройка Переславского района Ярославской области (за пределами Переславля-Залесского).  Шатровая церковь была в середине XVI века и напоминает храм Покрова на Рву (Василия Блаженного) на Красной площади в Москве.  Оба храма имеют отношение к взятию Казани войсками Ивана Грозного.

            Елизарово было родовой вотчиной Алексея Басманова-Плещеева (1514 — 1570) – воеводы Ивана Грозного, одного из предводителей Опричнины, происходившего из старомосковского рода Плещеевых.  Примечательно, что Елизарово с её Никитской церковью расположено в 27 км. на восток от Никитского монастыря и Плещеева озера, название которого до сих пор толком не объяснено.  В то время, когда Алексей Басманов строил свою вотчинную Никитскую церковь в Елизарово, Иван Грозный перестраивал в камне Никитский монастырь у Плещеева озера (Синего Камня), который он Image result for никитский монастырь переславльочень любил и покровительствовал.  Царь построил в камне главный храм Никитского монастыря — собор Никиты Великомученика с приделом преподобного Никиты Переславского (Никиты Столпника, подвизавшегося в монастыре в XII веке).

              Это один из древнейших монастырей России, датой его основания считается 1010 год.  В дореволюционной России, кроме Переславля-Залесского, было ещё несколько городов, имевших монастыри, посвящённые святому Никите Готскому, включая Москву, Каширу, Дмитров.  В Москве, недалеко от Кремля, при Иване Грозном, своему небесному покровителю построил Никитский монастырь боярин Никита Романов — дед Михаила Романова, отец Московского Патриарха Филарета Романова.  В этот московский монастырь Сербия присылала часть мощей святого Никиты в виде перста (указательного пальца святого).

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Малое Вознесение

            Нынешние Большая Никитская и Малая Никитская улицы в Москве берут свои названия от этого монастыря, который располагался на них до революции.  Большая Никитская улица была частью дороги к Волоку Ламскому и Великому Новгороду.  На этой же улице расположен храм «Малое Вознесение», с пределом Прокопия Праведного, Устюжского чудотворца – родоначальника  Романовых.

Большое Вознесение

            В 1831 году в храме «Большое Вознесение», за Никитскими воротами, состоялось венчание Александра Пушкина с Натальей Гончаровой.  Однако, есть версия, что венчание всё-таки было в храме «Малое Вознесение».  Главный престол «Большого Вознесения» освящён в честь праздника Вознесения Господня; приделы в честь сретения Владимирской иконы Божией Матери, в честь праздника усекновение главы Иоанна Предтечи, в честь Николая Чудотворца, в честь иконы Божией Матери «Всех Скорбящих Радость», приставной — в честь Патриарха Всероссийского Тихона.

            Сегодня в Москве остался только один храм, посвященный Никите Готскому.  Он находится в Старой Басманной слободе.  Его главный придел освящён в честь Владимирской иконы Божией Матери.  В этом храме  в 1830 году отпевали Василия Львовича Пушкина — дядю Александра Пушкина, тоже поэта.  На отпевании присутствовал Александр Пушкин, которого крестили в Елоховском храме.  Прах Василия Львовича Пушкина покоится на Донском кладбище.

            Особо почитал Иван Грозный и его семья вышеуказанного Никиту Готского воина, который родился IV веке на восточной Related imageстороне реки Дунай, в пределах нынешней Румынии и Бессарабиии.  Никита принял крещение от епископа Феофила, участника Первого Вселенского собора, созванного в 325 году в городе Никее византийским императором Константином.  Основной задачей этого собора было разоблачение учения александрийского священника Ария.  Александрия и Константинополь лежат на Нильском меридиане.

            Никита принял мученическую смерть через сожжение в Бессарабии.  Тогда это были пределы древней православной епархии Константинопольского Патриархата на Таманском полуострове с центром в городе Таматарха – Тмутаракани (совр. станица Тамань Краснодарского края).  Название Тамани органично переплетается со словами «атаман» и «атман».  На санскрите, термин атман означает «дух», «высшее Я» (человека и всех живых существ).  Атман — это одно из центральных понятий индийской философии и индуизма.  Атман – это вечный Абсолют, осознающий своё собственное существование.  Как всеобщее духовное начало, Атман присутствует во всем.

          После смерти, мощи Никиты Готского были перенесены в Константинополь (стоящий на Нильском меридиане).  После XIV века, нетленная десница святого была перевезена в главный сербский монастырь Высокие Дечаны, в самом центре Косово, в долине в долине реки Бистрица Дечанска.  Бистрица – румынский город в Трансильвании, на реке Бистрица.  Он упомянут в самом известном готическом романе Брэма Стокера «Дракула» (1897).  Быстрица – река в Кировской области, приток Вятки (бассейн Волги).

            Монастырь Высокие Дечаны был основан в 1327 году сербским королем Стефаном Урошем III Дечанским.  Десятилетним мальчиком он был отдан в заложники татарскому хану Ногаю.  В архитектуре монастыря органически соединились Западная и Восточная христианская традиции.  Его главный собор был украшен как скульптурами в романо-готическом стиле, так и фресками в византийской традиции.  В 2004 году монастырь был внесен в перечень объектов Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО.

            Сегодня, главный собор монастыря Высокие Дечаны – это крупнейший средневековый храм на Балканах, с самым большим из сохранившихся собраний византийских фресок.  Сегодня самые известные из них – это фрески, посвящённые теме Фреска «Распятие» в монастыре Высокие Дечаны и якобы летательные аппаратыРаспятия.  На них обратили внимание в 60-х годах ХХ века, и они сразу стали сенсацией как в научных кругах, так среди сторонников Палеоконтакта (гипотезы древних космонавтов, посещавших Землю).  На этих фресках изображены летательные аппараты с пилотами внутри.  Если бы это были ангелы, то вокруг их голов должны быть нимбы — ореолы святости.

            Незаурядные военные способности Алексея Басманова, проявленные во время Казанского похода позволили ему выдвинуться в первый ряд среди приближенных царя Ивана Грозного.  Басманов возглавил штурм Арских ворот и оборону захваченной его отрядом Арской башни Казанского кремля.  Во время генерального штурма Казани, Басманов руководил нападением на Царские ворота и обеспечил вход в город государева полка, что предрешило победный исход сражения за столицу ханства.  Казанское взятие оказалось поворотным моментом не только в истории России, но и в его личной судьбе.  Это важное событие российской истории связано и со становлением централизованного государства и царской власти самодержавного типа.  Журнал «Мировой Ченнелинг» сообщает, что примерно 8 тыс. лет назад на территории нынешней Казани находилась Борея – столица Евразийской Гипербореи, созданной потомками выживших атлантов.

Mystery of number 11


  1. Significance of number 11
  2. 911
  3. Kursk
  4. Giza
  5. Gospel
  6. Veliky Ustyug

I. Significance of number 11

Related image         “All is number” stated  Pythagoras, the most famous Greek mathematician and philosopher, lived in the 6th century BCE.  The intimate nature of cosmic harmony is mathematics.  Everything in the Universe can be expressed in terms of whole (“natural”) numbers.  Pythagorean numbers were hieroglyphic symbols he used to explain ideas relating to the nature of things.  In Pythagorean system every number on Earth (that is the world of consequences) corresponds to its invisible prototype in the world of matters.

       Numbers, symbols, signs, letters being mental formation carry on specific information regardless of the level of human consciousness.  Being vibrating in their essence, they accumulate and conduct cosmic powers managing human evolution.  Strong transforming cosmic vibration represented on the Earth by the number 11 is gathering a momentum.

       The enlightened ones at all time have been highlighting this number.  The semantic bible symbolism developed by St. Augustine states that if 10 is The Law, then the number 11 carries revolutionary trample of all legality.  It is a sacred number symbolizing itself the duality in using power for purifying spiritual consequences or distraction and chaos.

       In a sacral sense 11 is the number representing purification, it is a sign of life and death opening a way to the higher worlds.  In the Indian tradition there are 11 forms of embodiment of Rudra, the God of distraction.  In the first Book of Moses, Joseph had a dream where The Sun and The Moon and 11 stars bent before him.  The Babylonians in their history of Creation mention goddess Tiamat with 11 demons supporting chaos.  The Hermetic tradition identifies with the number 11 the idea of Egregor chains guided by The Divine will.  French author and intellectual René Guénon (1886 – 1951) stressed a universal presence of the number 11 in Dante’s symbolism and in many secretive organizations.

       The 11th day is linked to the Kundalini energy, its inclusion and transformation and is thought to be the most powerful of all the moon Zodiac.  The ancient Chinese medicine correlating all human organs with a definite hour, states that the most important part of our body the heart connects with the 11 am.

       A reputed French seer of the Renaissance Michel de Nostradamus (1503 – 1566) encoded his prophetic visions in the ten volumes of Centuries, bearing in mind that the people would be able to understand them only when the right time has come and Christ’s words ‘All hidden shall become unhidden’ have come true.

       Nostradamus left a number key by its secret took with him to the grave.  He willed to place after his death 4 candles, 2 by the head and 2 by the feet.   So this allegorical way he encoded the number 8, a symbol of cycles.   He also encoded the number 11 by the number of candles.  Two candles representing two ones standing side by side are nothing but 11.  If we look at the number of candles placed in a such nonordinary way, we can see two numbers 11.

       It proves the rightness of the key found in 1997 by Russian researcher Dimitri Zima who is engaged in solving Nostradamus’ quatrains.  Using mathematical methods he has calculated the coefficient 11-11 that makes all biblical numbers into the famous dates of our history.   In the Russian the word ‘eleven’ has got 11 letters.  The same number that has the amount of letters equal to the number it represents is only 3.  Trinity is crucial in Christianity.

       The Number 11 seem to occur with astonishing frequency and is always involved in the key events of human history:

  • 11 in 11 am officially finished The First World War, 101 shots thundered out.
  • 11 members of the Romanovs Royal family were murdered (official version) in July 1918 in Yekaterinburg. Its ancient secrets still keeps Ganina Yama.
  • 11 people closed the roof of Chernobyl nuclear station, located on the same parallel with the English Stonehenge, the Russian very important Paleolithic archaeological site Kostenki (located on middle bank of the River Don, dated over 45,000 years old, regarded as the ancestral home of all modern European nations), and Arkaim.
  • 11 countries joined in The European Union with a single currency 01.01.99.

II. 911

            In September 2001, the Number 11 resonated in all the news and was called the fate number of the American tragedy.

          It is believed that on September 11th (the day of beheading John the Baptist) happened a very important event commemorating a Related imageturning-point in the human history.  In metaphysical sources, it was supposed to awaken human ancient memory.   The humanity has fallen asleep in amnesia of materialism (within the Great Experiment).  Located in the Lower Manhattan, the twin towers of the World Trade Center were the most outstanding symbol of it.

         As said above, the tragedy occurred on September 11 on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan.  In the Indian doctrines of the creation of the world, the truncation of the head means the opening of the chakra of Wisdom that Image result for усекновение главы иоанна предтечиis the fifth chakra, called Vishudha.  It is associated with Shiva and located on the throat between the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.  The opening of the chakra of Wisdom is often associated with the possibility of moving Image result for шиваto a new level of consciousness (from the material to the spiritual).  The first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny was baptized on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist in 1530 in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, now the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church.

          There is no such a thing as a chance.  There is unknown pattern of some invisible links that manifest themselves when the time is right and it looks as if it is happening by chance.  Synchronicities involve a series of events that are seemingly unrelated to one another, yet are still connected in some meaningful way.

          Researches spotted the uncanny coincidences involving the Number 11 and the people and events that were connected to the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.

The number 11 and the tragedy on the 11th September 2001, odd facts of 9/11 (9 + 1 + 1 = 11):

  • The attack on the World Trade Towers in New York occurred on September 11 2001.
  • There were exactly 911 days between the Twin Towers attack of September 11, 2001 and the bomb attacks on the trains in Madrid Spain on March 11, 2004.
  • The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11.
  • September 11 has 9 letters and 2 numbers (9 + 2 = 11), whereas 11 March 2004 has 5 letters and 6 numbers (5 + 6 = 11).
  • The Madrid train attacks left 191 people confirmed dead (1 + 9 + 1 = 11).  On September 11, 2002 the names of the 2,801 victims of the World Trade Center attacks were read aloud from Ground Zero (2 + 8 + 0 + 1 = 11).
  • American Airlines Flight number11 was the first flight hijacked.  Flight 11 was the first plane to hit the towers.  Flight 11 had 92 on board (9 + 2 = 11).  Flight 11 had 11 crew members.  The Flight 11 call letters were AA11: A=1, A=1, AA=11.
  • American Airlines number 1-800-245-0999 that is 1+8+0+0+2+4+5+0+9+9+9=47 = 11.
  • The emergency telephone number for North America is 911.
  • Manhattan Island was discovered on Sept. 11, 1609 by Henry Hudson — 11 letters.
  • The State of New York was the 11th State added to the Union.
  • September 11th was the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
  • After September 11th there were 111 days left to the end of the year.
  • Exactly one year after the 911 attacks the winning numbers drawn in the New York State Lottery for September 11, 2002 were 911 (This lottery is called “Numbers” and was broadcast live on television).
  • The World Trade Center Twin Towers, standing side by side, looked like the Number 11.
  • Each of the Twin Towers of New York’s World Trade Center had 110 stories (11 x 10 = 110) and were among the ten tallest buildings in the world.
  • The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 (1 + 0 + 2 + 8 = 11).
  • Number 1 arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack was the fire team number 1, lost 11 firefighters.
  • Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed to the level of 11 floors.
  • The World Trade Center fire lasted for 99 days (9 x 11 = 99).
  • The farewell call of a young girl from the 101st floor was heard all over the world.
  • Trade Center has 11 letters
  • Skyscrapers has 11 letters.
  • New York City has 11 letters.
  • The Pentagon has 11 letters.
  • Afghanistan has 11 letters.
  • Saudi Arabia has 11 letters.
  • Ramzi Yousef (the terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) — 11 letters.
  • The Taliban’s Manual of Afghan Jihad (Holy War) is 11 volumes.
  • 119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11.
  • Mohammed, the prophet of the Muslim faith, died in 632 (6 + 3 + 2 = 11).
  • Mohammed’s birth is celebrated on the 11th day of the 9th month (911).
  • The League of Arab States is comprised of 22 Arab nations (2 x 11 = 22).
  • Fatalities on the aircrafts, excluding the hijackers, included 76 passengers and 11 crew members aboard American Airlines Flight 11; 49 passengers and 11 crew members aboard United Airlines Flight 175; 53 passengers and 6 crew members aboard American Airlines Flight 77; and 33 passengers and 7 crew members aboard United Airlines Flight 93.
  • Twin Towers =11 + Flight 11 + September, 11th = 33.  In the Brotherhood of Freemasonry 33 is the highest obtainable degree known commonly.  George is a member of Skull and Bones (a spin-off of the Brotherhood). July 6, 1946 was George Bush’s birthday.  It can be reduced to the power number 33 (7+6+1946 = 33).
  • George W. Bush = 11 letters.
  • Adolf Hitler = 11 letters.
  • World War One = 11 letters.
  • World War Two = 11 letters.
  • The first day of construction of the United States Pentagon building was September 11, 1941.  On September 11, 2001, exactly 60 years after the building’s groundbreaking, hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757-223) was crashed into the western side of the Pentagon. The Coordinates of the Pentagon building is 38°52′15.56″N 77°3′21.46″W.
  • Flight 77 hit the Pentagon (11 x 7 = 77). Flight 77 had 65 on board (6 + 5 = 11).
  • One of the walls of the Pentagon collapsed at 10:10. The Pentagon has 11 letters.
  • Smaller buildings left and right to the main entrance of Independence Hall on the United States one hundred dollar bill ($100) have 11 windows (not including doors) on ethers side.
  • Names Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Genghis Khan consist of 11 letters.
  • The third building (World Trade Center 7) to collapse had 47 stories (4 + 7 = 11).  It happened 7 hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers (World Trade Center 1 and 2).  It took Tower Seven neatly 6.5 seconds to rapidly fall on itself.  It was not hit by a fuel-laden plane.

III. Kursk

   Related image      Nuclear-powered submarine “Kursk” was the pride of the Russian navy and represented the highest achievement of Soviet nuclear submarine technology. Submarines of this class were the second-largest attack submarines ever built, after another Soviet submarine class “Akula” (Project 941). The “Kursk” was compared to a leviathan with an almost mythical reputation as a war machine.
It was built to defeat an entire United States aircraft carrier group. Its torpedo was powerful enough to sink an aircraft carrier or advanced enemy submarines. Both missiles and torpedoes of “Kursk” could be equipped with nuclear warheads. The Russian officials state that modification of this torpedo is responsible for the explosion of the Russian submarine “Kursk” and it sinking occurred on August 12, 2000.  The tragedy with the Kursk nuclear submarine became a huge personal challenge for the newly elected Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The Number 11 and the tragedy atomic submarine ”Kursk” / some of the profound “coincidences” regarding the event:

  • The date of beginning of construction — 22.11.1990 (vibrating numbers are 11 and 22).
  • The date of the last voyage to sea — 10.08.2000 (1+8+2=11).
  • The first inside explosion happened 12.8.2000 (1+2+8=11) in 10 hours 28 minutes (1+2+8=11).
  • The date of unsealing of hatch of the ninth section — 21.08.2000 (2+1+8=11).
  • The number of crew was 118 (11 is the number of Christ and 8 is the number of Our Lady).

       In the ninth stern section, according to a note found from Dimitri Kolesnikov (a member of crew), there were 23 people.  The bodies of 12 seamen were raised to the surface so 11 bodies remained in the section.

Image result for курское знамение

Our Lady’s icon ‘The Kursk Sign’

       It is very symbolic that they had in the atomic submarine ”Kursk” an icon of Our Lady called The Kursk Sign.  The celebration day of this icon is March 21, the day of vernal equinox.

        Days of March 21 and September 21 fix the axis vernal and autumnal equinox that at is the present time is pointing out to the constellations of Leo and Aquarius.  That is the chief sign, the passage of the humanity to the Era of Aquarius.

        According to Russian tradition, the perished submariners were commemorated on the 40th day, September 21.  It was also the day of Our Lady’s icon ‘The Kursk Sign’, one of the most revered icons in the Russian Orthodox Church.  In the autumn of 1920, the icon was taken by the White Army outside Russia and was kept in Serbia until September of 1944.  It has been in the United States since January 1951, in the headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia in New York whose territory has ancients ties with modern Russia.

           Russian city of Kursk and the Battle of Kursk (1943) have certain links with the Battle on the Kuru field (Kurukshetra) described in the Indian greatest epic Mahabharata.

IV. Giza

Image result for гиза пирамиды вид сверху          The greatest ancient mystery is The Great Pyramid.  Among other riddles it is linked to the mystery of 11.  In the book of G. Henkoke and R. Bauval “The mystery of Sphinx” it is said that one of the chief numerical coefficients in the construction of The Great Pyramid and the entire necropolis in The Giza is 11.  This number can be divided without a remainder only on itself and one.  In the architecture of The Great Pyramid appear numbers divisible 11.  For example the side of its foundation is 440 Egyptian cubits i.e. 11 x 40 cubits.  The relation of the height to the foundation is 7:11.  The incline of the side verges is 14:11 and the incline of the Southern shaft of The King’s Chamber is 11:11.

          The ancient sources there are more examples relating to the number 11, but it is time rather to explore the mystery contained in this number.  This mystery is easy to clue.  It is related to the evolutionary moment showed in the Christ’s mysteries as his Transfiguration.  In the ancient Egypt this moment was related to the highest mysteries of Osiris, whose home was called Rastau.

V. Gospel

            According to English mystic writer Alice Bailey (“From Bethlehem to Calvary”), Jesus Christ (the Saviour) demonstrated to mankind five degrees of ascent or five initiations, described in Gospel: Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension.  Everyone on the planet Earth is now on one of these steps.

            Alice Bailey shows the meaning of the initiations of those five episodes and gives a new modern interpretation.  She puts a strong stress on the third stage – the Transfiguration – the top initiation.

            The number 11 is the number of an enlightened one.  In other word a man becomes an enlightened one only in the moment of Transfiguration, when he or she has purified their invisible energetic bodies, when they for the first time reveal the nature of God becoming equal to Creator.  The graphical image of this idea of equality is the two ones standing side by side – 11 or the Number 11.  The third initiation is the first chief initiation.  Therefore, in the Era of Aquarius, the ascent for the whole humanity is on the third episode Christ’s life that is The Transfiguration.

            The evolution of the humanity is the evolution of people’s consciousness (including the collective one).  When it has become equal to the Divine, a man shall uncover the immortality.  Time is no more master of the life.  If in the past only a handful of people could get through the border of immortality going through the mysteries of initiations, now the entire human race is standing on the threshold of passage to a higher level.  The shortest way is the one demonstrated by Christ.

             Now is the historical moment of transition from one era to another one. The turn of The Earth’s axes round the circle of Zodiac (that is called the precession of equinox) shifts the arrows of the star clock to the Number 11, e.g. into the eleventh sign of Zodiac – The Aquarius. The secrecy of this number is written on the Sky but can be read only by a civilization that is on a higher level of development.
Esoterically, the Number 11 indicates the moment of the passage. Any passage means destruction of the old and creation of the new. The more global passage moment, the more destruction it brings. Destruction causes pain and suffering but simultaneously something new is born.

                It is necessary that more people start thinking positively and the result shall be seen soon. Our thoughts are the bricks of the common house we all live in. People should have and express higher and more beautiful thoughts that are the molecules of our consciousness. Molecules compose a living fabric of the matter on Earth. It is necessary to put on the garments of splendid thoughts so that our soul in this shining gear could gain a new eternal life.

VI. Veliky Ustyug

Image result for путин хоккей 11         The Aquarius is the heavenly patron of Russia.  It has been entrusted with a special task and responsibility within the Great Experiment.  The Russian capital of the Age of Aquarius is Veliky Ustyug.

          As said above, 11 is the number of Aquarius in Zodiac circle.  Not by chance, Vladimir Putin wears his traditional No.11 shirt, while playing ice hockey.  He visited Related imageVeliky Ustyug in January 2008 for Christmas service in the church of the founder of the Romanovs dynasty in Russia.  Also, Putin visited the Residence of Ded Moroz (Father Frost), located on the bank of Sukhona river.  It was built in 1998 as a vital part of the state project «Veliky Ustyug is the Fatherland of Father Frost», which is based on the idea of uniting Russians around national roots and traditions. Ded Moroz (Father Christmas) personifies love, faith and hope in a happy future.  The New Year was the most sacred event in all ancient civilizations, including the Sumer and Ancient Egypt, who are considered the ancestral home of modern (western) civilization.

       The official date of establishing Veliky Ustyug is the year 1147 (4 + 7 = 11).  Russian capital Moscow has the same year of establishment.  The third city that has the same year of foundation is Vologda.  The first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny wanted to make Vologa his capital instead of Moscow in the second half of 16th century.  Veliky Ustyug is a part of Vologda region.

              Veliky Ustyug is one of the oldest Russian cities.  It is the only city in Russia (and probably in the world) that has Aquarius on its coat of arms.  It was approved in the 18th century by the Russian Empress Catherine the Great.

            Near Veliky Ustyug two Sanskrit named rivers Sukhona and Yug form the third Sanskrit named river Northern Dvina.  This idea is depicted on its coat of arms.  The Aquarius drains from his two jugs of the water of these two rivers.  In the 1980s two monuments of Aquarius were opened in Veliky Ustyug.

            In Russian language, the word eleven (odinnadtsat’) has eleven letters.  The other number with such ‘coincidence’ is three (tri).  Also, the first part of the word odinnadtsat’ has the name of god Odin, whose dwelling place is believed to be on the territory of modern Russia, in the delta of River Don.


Image result for Argonauts           The most famous legend of the Greek mythology is the story of the Argonauts, led by Jason (in the years before the Trojan War, around 1300 BCE).  They were bravest band of 50 prehistoric heroes ever assembled in Greek Mythology.  The Argonauts (literally meaning ‘sailors of the Argo’) quested for the Golden Fleece and the restoration of Jason’s throne.  Jason’s uncle had usurped the throne and promised to surrender his kingship to Jason if he would retrieve the Golden Fleece from Colchis.  It is believed to be the second oldest adventure story in the Western World after the Epic of Gilgamesh (performed in the Middle East during the New Year feast).

            Actually the name of Colchis was fixed by modern researchers in the works of the ancient Greek authors Pindar and Aeschylus only in the middle of the 1st millennium BCE.  Aeschylus is often recognized as the father of tragedy.  Pindar (c. 522 – c. 443 BCE) was one of the canonical nine lyric poets of ancient Greece and greatest of them, his work is the best preserved.  Like other poets of the Archaic Age, he had a profound sense of the vicissitudes of life, but he also articulated a passionate faith in what men could achieve by the grace of the gods.  He firmly believed in divine omnipotence, didn’t trust knowledge, appreciated wealth and fame, and recognized only the inborn valor. Pindar reflected on the power of the gods and the unknowability of their plans.

              In Sanskrit, Pindara means «religious mendicant» and «expression of censure», whereas Pindaraka is a «bridge».  The term bridge is not only related to a structure carrying a path across an obstacle.  A bridge is also associated with connecting worlds and different dimensions.  It can also be an enclosed platform on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations.  The rainbow resembles a bridge.  In Genesis, God says «I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the Sign of the covenant between Me and the Earth».  This common and familiar phenomenon is being made the pledge of peace.

             Pindara, also known as Pindaraka, is a village near holy Dwarka, on the shoreline of Gulf of Kutch, in the Gujarat, India.  Indian Dwarka and Russian Tver are related.  The Mahabharata mentions Pindaraka as a pilgrim.  A mountain with mystic powers is said to be situated in Saurashtra near Pindaraka temple.  Saurashtra is a peninsular region of Gujarat, located on the Arabian Sea coast.  It covers about a third of Gujarat state, notably 11 districts of Gujarat.  Saurovo is a village in Moscow region.

            The above mentioned Indian state Gujarat is not only home to Pindara and Saurashtra, but also home to one of the largest collection of dinosaur fossils and eggs in the world.  It is one of the few states in India which has a huge wealth of fossilized dinosaur remains.  Indroda Dinosaur and Fossil Park in Gandhinagar has the second largest hatchery of dinosaur eggs in the world. It is is the only dinosaur museum in India.

            Pindara is the place where the saints (rishis) cursed Yadava clan.  Krishna was a Yadava.  The River Yada flows near the city of Vladimir, the capital of Russia (Rus) before Moscow.

            A tirtha is a Hindu place of pilgrimage, especially one by a river or lake.  The tirtha called Pindaraka (Pindara) is frequented by ascetics and capable of producing great merit.  By bathing in Pindaraka, one obtains the fruit of the gift of gold in abundance.

            The greatest Indian epic Mahabharata begins with history of Nagas, in astonishing detail.  Noginsk (pronounced as Naginsk) is a city near Moscow.  Pindaraka is the name of a principal Naga chief.  Naga literally means a Serpent or a Serpent-god.  Janamejaya, the great-grandson of Arjuna (the main central character of the Mahabharata), wanted to exterminate the race of Nagas, since the Naga king Takshaka was responsible for the death of his father Parikshit, the lone descendant of the House of Pandu.  Parikshit’s bodily existence ended due to the curse of a Brahmana, who used Takshaka (who also the ruler of Taxila) as the instrument of death.  Janamejaya attempted a great sacrifice that would destroy all living serpents.  The persecution of the serpent race was stopped by a learned sage named Astika. In Sanskrit, Astika means “knowing that which exists” or “pious”.  Astoka’s mother Manasa was a Naga and his father a Brahmin.  In Sanskrit, «manasa» means «mental», «spiritual».  Manasa was sister of Vasuki, king of Nagas (snakes).  Sesha was born first, and then Vasuki.

              Vasuki is Shiva’s snake, coiling around his neck.  Shiva blessed Vasuki and wore him as an ornament.  Vasuki allowed both the devas and the asuras to bind him to Mount Mandara, so that they could use him as their churning rope to extract the amṛta, the nectar of Immortality.  Amrita literally means «immortality»

              Vasuki is the name of a number of villages in Russia.  It is also a fictional city of the classic Soviet satirical novel «The Twelve Chairs», released in 1928.  Today, Vasuki is also a metaphor for an insignificant town or village that claims to be the grandiose center of the country and the Universe.  Some authors consider the prototype of Vasuki provontial Russian town of Vasilsursk, located on the conjunction of the Sura River and the Volga.

              Also, the Vasugan Swamp in southwestern Siberia is one of the largest swamps in the world.  It has about 800,000 small lakes in it.  The swamp is a major reservoir of fresh Image result for васюганские болотаwater.  It is the source of many rivers that have names translated from Sanskrit.  Originated here they belong to the basin of the great Siberian river Ob.

            Janamejaya’s mother was Iravati.  His grand-mother was Uttara. Uttara-Kuru is a mysterious Northern country in ancient Hindu and Buddhist mythology.  It is well associated with modern-day Russia.

            From Dhritarashtra’s Naga Race was Sukhana.  The River Sukhona (often pronounced as Sukhana) with the River Yug form the River Northern Dvina near Veliky Ustyug, located in the Russian North and could be literally associated with above mentioned Uttara-Kuru.

            In the Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra (lit. “He who supports/bears the nation”) is the King of Hastinapur at the time of the Kurukshetra War, the epic’s main event.  He was fathered by Veda Vyasa (“the one who classified the Vedas”), who is generally considered the author of the Mahabharata and the scribe of the Vedas.  The River Vyas is a tributary of the Russian Sura River.  The teacher of Vyasa was Narada.

            Dhritarashtra’s mother Ambika was a daughter of the king of Kashi (now Varanasi, place of Buddha’s first sermon).  Ambika was also step-mother of Pandu and grandmother to Kauravas and Pandavas, who fought each other on Kurukshetra.  Pindara Temple is situated in the heart of the Indian state   Haryana.  The city of Kurukshetra (also named as the “Land of Bhagavad Gita”) is located in Haryana.  Kurukshetra lies at distance of 160 km from New Delhi and about 80 km from Chandigarh, located on the same parallel with Almaty (important spiritual region of the Scythes).

            Stewart Swerdlow in his work “Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation” states that the leader of the Earth’s Illuminati is called the “Pindar”.  Symbolically, this represents the top of power and control.  The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years. He is based in Germany near Frankfurt-on-Main.  The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Image result for pindarReptilian leader in the Inner Earth.  The World Channeling magazine describes the Reptiles as a part of the so called Restraint Forces called to Earth within the Great Experiment, started 5 mln years ago.

            The great-uncle of Stewart Swerdlow was Yakov Sverdlov (1885 – 1919), the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the highest legislative, administrative, and revising body of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917 until 1937.  Part of its flag is still the part of the flag of the Vladimir region, having many Sanskrit names, including Agra, Tara, and Sudogda.

              In Indian Sanskrit epics, Pindaraka is the name of a principal Naga chief (i.e. Reptile).  Naga literally means a Serpent or a Serpent-god.  In the Mahabharata, Pindara (also known as Pindaraka) is a sacred place.  From the mouth of the above mentioned Vladimir River Agra to the Lake Pindovo is only 17 km.  Only 11 km is the distance from the Lake Pindovo to Kovrov, whose initial name is likely to be Kobrov (Cobra), like in other Russian places of planetary significance.  Also, Pinda is the name of the river and mountain peak in the Far East of Russia.

            Russia is a great water power, possessing a unique water coast with a length of more than 60,000 km.  One fifth of the planet’s rivers flow in Russia.  Prominent Soviet Communist party leader Yakov Sverdlov was born in Nizhny Novgorod located on the Sanskrit named Volga, one of the largest rivers of the world.  A number of sources claim that Sverdlov played a major role in what is known today as Ganina Yama.  A few locations in the former Soviet Union still bear Sverdlov’s name.  For instance, the Sverdlov region in the Urlas, whose highest peak is named after the great Indian sage Narada.  The Sverdlov region is among the richest and most industrialized Russian territories.  Administrative center of Sverdlovsk region is Yekaterinburg, former Sverdlovsk (from 1924 to 1991), the home city of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin.  It is the fourth-largest city in Russia, located on the Iset River, in the middle of the Eurasian continent, on the border of Europe and Asia.  From the Urals this line goes via the Manych and the Don rivers.  How London is related to the Don is another issue.  Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl has identified the Don River delta as the place of Asgard, the adore of Odin and his gods.

              Interestingly, Asgardia, also known as the Space Kingdom of Asgardia, is the project of Baku-born Igor Ashurbeyli, a Russian-Azerbaijani Asgardiascientist and businessman, the creator of the proposed ‘space nation’ of Asgardia.  Its logo is the ancient symbol, also known as the Flower of Life, like in the case with the Kingdom of Manna that is aimed to relieve poverty on the planet and improve the living circumstances of all Beings, in accordance with Natural Law.  Igor Ashurbeyli is a descendant of the Azerbaijani noble family with an extensive history and bloodline, originated from Ashur khan Afshar, who was Nadir Shah’s relative and vicar of Iranian Azerbaijan.  Nader Shah ruled Persia (Iran) from 1736 to 1747 and became one of the most powerful Iranian rulers in the history of that nation, «the last great Asiatic military conqueror».  Nader Shah invaded and raided the Mughal Empire in 1739.  His troops sacked Delhi.  The Great Mughal lost even his fabled Peacock Throne to Nader Shah.  Thereafter, it served as a symbol of Persian imperial might.  Nader Shah also looted the world famous Koh-i-Noor («Mountain of Light») and Darya-ye Noor («Sea of Light») diamonds.

               Also, Ashur or Assur (present in the surname Ashurbeyli) is the maine of chief deity of militant Assyria, whose ally was Manna Kingdom, existed in the 1st millenium in present-day Iranian Azerbaijan and the Republic of Azerbaijan (the South Caucasus), described as Paradise.  The name Asgardia have been chosen as a reference to Asgard inhabited by the gods.

Karnataka and Russia

Карнатака на карте              Karnataka, former the Kingdom of Mysore, is a state in the south western India.  The coat of arms of Karnataka is based on that of the Kingdom of Mysore.  That state was enlarged in 1956 and renamed Karnataka in 1973, but the official state emblem remained the same that is the bird Gandaberunda.  In Hindu mythology, Gandaberunda is a two-headed mythological bird that possesses immense magical strength and capable of fighting the forces of destruction.

            The official emblem of the Karnataka state government is a two-headed bird Gandaberunda, depicted on the state coat of arms.  It is topped by the Lion Capital of Ashoka that is also the emblem of the Government of India.  Initially, the Lion Capital topped the Ashoka Pillar in Sarnath, where Buddha made his first sermon (6th century BCE).

Asoka showed himself not only as a talented statesman and military leader.  In the history of mankind, he remains an example of a great warrior of spirit and enlightener.  In the 3rd century BCE, Ashoka spread the idea of ​​nonviolence around the world.  In the 12th century Mahatma Gandhi showed that the spirit of humanism is stronger than any powerful weapon.

            Grandfather of Ashoka, the founder of the Mauryan Empire and the first in the history of the unification of India, Chandragupta, was an adherent of Jainism.  At the end of his life he refused the throne and accepted penance.  He ended his life from voluntary starvation.

    Related image        In Karnataka there is a homestead and graves of Svyatoslav Roerich and his wife Devika Rani (see below). Parents of Svyatoslav Roerich met in Bologoye, Tver region, where the river Volga originates.

            Depictions of two-headed bird Gandaberunda show similarity to the Double-headed eagle (also symbol of Russia).  Gandaberunda in many old temple images has tail feathers resembling a peacock, which is the national bird of India.  Peacock is the symbol of the above mentioned Ashoka’s dynasty.  Peacock with open tail (associated with open conciseness in esoteric teachings) is on the cost of arms of the Russian city of Serpukhov in the Moscow region.

             The two-headed eagle was known to the Hittites from the 2nd millennium BCE.  Later on their former lands appeared Byzantium, which is associated with the appearance in Russia of a two-headed eagle in the 15th century after marriage of Russian monarch to a niece of the last Byzantine Emperor.

Image result for герб россии двуглавый орел            In the clutches of the Hittite double-headed eagle there were two victims.  In the Russian coat of arms, royal regalia are used instead of them, a scepter and a power.  Gandaberunda is usually depicted as carrying in its paws elephants and lions.  A similar motive is present at the church of St. Dmitry Solunsky (St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki) in the Russian town of Vladimir.  It is believed that the griffons
carved on its facade are winged creatures, half lions, half-eagles, originally from India, where they guarded huge treasuries with gold.  Today Gandaburunda is on the coat of arms of the Karnataka State, formed on the lands of the former Mysore principality.

            On the way between the former capital Mysore and the current state capital, Bangalore, is the
Related imageTataguni Estate
of Svyatoslav Roerich and his wife Devika Rani, the star of Indian cinema and the great niece of the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

            It is known that the Nobel dynasty earned a fortune in oil production and industrial production in Russia.  Their office was in Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region), now it is a museum.

The Yoda River in Yaroslavl region, Russia

            At 17 kilometers from the center of Rybinsk there is the source of the Yoda River.  In the film Star Wars (a worldwide pop culture phenomenon), Yoda is the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, defenders of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic.

            In Sanskrit, Yoda means “warrior”.  In Hebrew, Yoda means “I know”.  In Hebrew, “Masada” is a “fortress”, in Sanskrit it is a “turtle”.  This is how the name of the divine Vedic sage Kashyapa is translated from Sanskrit.  The tortoise symbolizes wisdom, wealth and longevity.  Interestingly, on the World Turtle Day (May 23), at the age of 98, John Rockefeller died.  He was the first American billionaire and founder of this clan.  His grandson David Rockefeller died at the age of 101 in 2017.  He was born in 1915, on June 12.  From 1991, this day has been celebrated annually as the Russia Day.

            In Russian folk calendar June 12 is also the Serpent’s Feast.  It is the celebration of the name day Vasily, which comes from the ancient Greek word ‘Basileus’ (i.e. Ruler).  The title of the Byzantine emperors (Basileus) is etymologically identical with the legendary king of serpents Basilisk.

The River Yada in Vladimir region, Russia

             The Principality of Mysore heroically resisted the English colonization for 40 years. It became the last of the Indian principalities, which lost their independence and became part of the land of the East India Company.  The Wodeyar, the ruling Mysore dynasty, came from Dwarka, from the Yadava clan.  It was said above about the Yada River in the Vladimir land, where the modern Russia began (in 12th century), with its double-headed eagle on the coat of arms.  The two-headed bird of Gandaburunda was depicted in the heraldry of the Mysore Principality.  Mention of it is found in ancient Hindu texts, in particular in Vishnu Purana.

            As said above, the name of the Maurya dynasty comes from Sanskrit.  In Sanskrit, ‘maura’ is a ‘peacock’».  Saint Mountain Maura is located in the Kirill district of the Vologda region.  In 14th century, from the peak of this mountain St. Kirill saw the place that the Mother of God had showed him for the foundation of the monastery, which later became a significant creation of Russian culture.  His is located on the shore of the Siver Lake. In Sanskrit, ‘sivara’ means ‘ephant, which is one of the ancient symbols of India.

            Today, the coat of arms of the Republic of India is adorned with the capital Ashoka.  Moreover, Ashoka Chakra is the highest Indian order of peacetime.  In the Yaroslavl region, 25 km from Rostov, which stands on the shore of Lake Nero, is the village of Osokino.  Ahsoka or Asoka is a Sanskrit word meaning “non-evocative of sadness”.  Near the Osokino river flows Sara. In Hinduism, Saraswati is the goddess of wisdom, knowledge, beauty, etc. In Sanskrit, its name means “rich in waters”.  Initially, she was a river goddess.

            In Hindi, ‘Russian’ is ‘Rus’.  In Sanskrit, ‘Rsi’ means ‘sage’ or ‘rsis’.  Rsi also means a ray of light and asura.  Osurovo is in the Yaroslavl region (see above).  In the Hindu mythology, the Rishis are those great enlightened sages to whom the Rigveda was discovered.  It is the ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns.  Rigveda consists of ten books or Mandal.  Each mandala consists of hymns, called sukta.  Sutka is a river in the above-mentioned Yaroslavl region.


            Between Bangalore and Mumbai there is village named Almatti.  It is located on the River Krishna (over 1,300 km long), one of the largest rivers of the Hindustan Peninsula and the Deccan Plateau (Sanskrit: Southern). Krishna a Yadav, i.e. a descent from the King Yadu.  River Yada is near the previous Russian capital city of Vladimir (lit. “One who rules the world”).  As per the Aryan Varna, Krishna was a Kshatriya.  Deccan Traps (made up of lava flows) is the volcanic base of the entire peninsula.  Here, there is the concentration of the main Hindu shrines and very fertile soils, formed as a result of the destruction and crushing of volcanic rocks.

            The Siberian Traps are the largest in the word.  They occupy most of Siberia between the Yenisei and Lena rivers.  The Putorana Plateau, located the northwestern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau, is the place of the geographical center of Russia.  The Deccan Plateau is second after the Siberian Plateau.

            Rich kingdoms have flourished on the Deccan Plateau, including Golconda, which had the largest diamond mines.  The most famous diamonds of the world have been found here, including Kohinoor, now placed in the crown of the English queen.  The largest of the diamonds found in India has been discovered in the Golconda area.  After cutting it became the world famous diamond Orlov.  In the 18th century it was encrusted in the Imperial Scepter of the Russian empress Catherine II.  It is believed that this particular diamond adorned the famous Peacock throne of the Great Moguls.

            The Deccan Plateau is located to the south of the valley of the sacred River Ganges.  The source of the River Krishna is a spring flowing from the mouth of the statue of the sacred cow in the ancient Shiva temple in Mahabaleshwar in the Indian state of Maharashtra in the western region of India, whose capital is Mumbai.

Image result for almatti dam            The above-mentioned village of Almatti has given its name to the famous Almatti Dam on the Krishna River, being one of the longest rivers in India.  The Krishna River carries its waters from the Western Ghats to the Bay of Bengal through the Deccan Plateau.  In Sanskrit, “alimat” means “swarm with bees”.

            In Hinduism, honey is one of the five elixirs of immortality.  The true immortality comes from connecting to the Divine Mind as stated by Hermes Trismegistus.  The first European who reached India and documented his visit was Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin, born in Tver.  Translated from Greek, the name Afanasy means Immortal.  In Sanskrit (literally ‘Divine Language’) with the word ‘honey’ are connected such concepts as: sacred, mind, wisdom, life experience.

Almatti & Almaty

Image result for алматы            The above mentioned Indian Almatti has certain linguistic and cultural ties with Kazakhstan Almaty, located 2,990 km north from Almatti.  Moreover, Almaty and Almatti virtually lie on the same meridian.

            Alma-Ata (Almaty) was the capital of Kazakhstan from 1927 to 1997 and is still its largest city. Alma-Ata (Almaty) was founded by the Russian government in 1854 on the site of the formerly existing site of the Turkic and Mongolian nomads.

            In 50 km. from Almaty, in the area of Lake Issyk.  The famous Issyk-Kul Lake in Image result for алматыKyrgyzstan is one of the deepest lakes of the planet, and is located 70 km to the south from the Lake Issyk (Kazakhstan).  In 1969, near this lake was discovered the Issyk gold man (Saka warrior in gold clothes) that has became one of the national symbols of Kazakhstan.

            White Sak or Arsak was the founder of the Parthian kingdom.  In the Almaty region is located the largest number of Saka mounds, surrounded by very unusual structures. For the unconquerable Saks (Scythians) this was a special sacred place.

            In Soviet times, the name Almaty was incorrectly translated from Kazakh as “Father of Apples”.  On the other hand, “Big Apple” is the most famous nickname of New York, having ancient ties with Russia.


Maina toponymy in the Volga basin

I. The River Volga
II. Old Maina
III. New Maina
IV. Maina
V. Manych

I. The River Volga

            In the middle course of the Volga River there are two rivers Maina and several settlements bearing this name.  All of them have Image result for map of volga riverhistorical and sacral values described in the below sections of this work.  They are largely based on the Volga, being a spiritual gift from Creator.

            The Volga (3,692 km long) is one of the largest rivers on Earth and the largest in Europe.  The Valdai in Tver region (Central Russia) is the origin of the Volga.  Its mouth is the Caspian Sea.   11 of 20 largest cities of Russia, including its capital, Moscow, are located in the Volga’s watershed.

            Along the Volga are located some of the largest reservoirs in the world.  For example, Rybinsk Reservoir in the upper Volga.  Interestingly, the city of Rybinsk is the birthplace of the founders of the Hollywood and the Russian residence of the Sweden born Nobels who made their fortune in Russia (including Baku oil), but best known for the Nobel Prizes.

            The Volga is a great Russian river and has a special significance in Russian culture.  It is often referred to as Mother Volga, the spiritual foundation of a multinational and multicultural Russian civilization, whose purpose is to be a spiritual beacon for the world.

            Jose Arguelles has pointed out that ‘Rus’ (another name of Russia) is the ancient name of the force of harmonious ordering of phenomena.  He is the man responsible for turning the eyes of the world to the Ancient Maya, and the profundity of Galactic Time Science and the father of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 that was the key event for spiritual life of the planet and far beyond.

            The magazine “World Channeling” No. 2 (27) 2016 provides interesting information about the common origin of the names of the Volga River and the country of Russia.  It goes back to Lemuria.  In those distant times the word ROUS meant CARRYING LIGHT, ENERGY CENTER, SPREADER OF ENERGY. Later, during the time of the Eurasian Hyperborea, the ROUS was the name of the river which is now known as the Volga.  The city of Borea, the capital of Eurasian Hyperborea was also in the middle course of the Volga, on the territory of modern-day Kazan.  This Eurasian Hyperborea was founded 8000 years ago the descendants of the Atlanteans who lived in the territory of modern Egypt.  Kazan located on the Volga River is still Russia’s champion for the pyramids.  The largest of them is a copy of the Great Pyramid in Giza.

            Thus, the ancient Lemurian meaning of the word RUS and ROS is CARRYING ENERGY, ENERGY CENTER.  The sound of OU during the time of Lemuria was not divided.  Later, the sound OU was transformed either into a sound U, or into the sound O.  In some words, these sounds alternate. That is why the words ROSSIYA (Russia) and RUS are simultaneously used.  Lemurian language still exerts its influence on the Russian language.

            Hence, the special task of Russians to learn how to feel harmoniously, develop the culture of their emotions and become the ROUS of LOVE or RUS of LOVE, the energy centers of love, which elevates all people to their Spiritual Motherland, the Motherland of Unconditional Love in the heart of the One God-Creator.  There Love is one and inseparable.  It is a special sacred center, the source of Love, the original energy of the highest sense.  In English, the word HOME means a shelter, but even during the time of Lemuria it was known that HOUME is the heart of the God-Creator of the Universe.  The connection with the Lemurian language is closely preserved in many languages ​​of the world.

II. Old Maina

            Old Maina (Russian: Staraya Maina) is an urban type settlement and the administrative center of the Old Maina district (Russian: Фото 19. Въезд в райцентр
Staromainsky raion) of Ulyanovsk region of Russia.  It is located in the Volga Federal District.  Its administrative center is the city of Ulyanovsk.

             The Ulyanovsk region is the birthplace not only of Lenin (the symbol of Russian 1917 revolution that changed the world), but also of Russian writer, historian and critic Nikolay Karamzin (1766–1826), who is called the “father of Russian history” for his “History of the Russian State”, a 12-volume national history.

            Old Maina claims to be the most ancient rural settlement in Russia.  According to Ulyanovsk archaeologists, people on the territory of the present Old Maina have lived continuously for 1700 years.  However, the oldest finds discovered on the territory of Old Maina are 20,000 years old. The territory of Old Maina and its surroundings are called archaeological Eldorado.  As per the saturation of cultural heritage sites and their value, this area is unrivaled in the Ulyanovsk region, although the oldest part of Old Maina was flooded by the Kuybyshev Reservoir, sometimes called Samara Reservoir, created in the middle of the 20th century.  It is the largest reservoir in Europe and third in the world by surface area.

                 The oldest artifacts found by archaeologists during the excavations in Old Maina, confirm the hypothesis of scientists that in the times of ancient Rus people began their movement from here (the Middle Volga) to the west to the rivers Don and Dnieper, mastering new territories, building new settlements, so was built the city of Kiev, now the capital of Ukraine.  1700 years ago Old Maina was a densely populated city with around 80,000 residents.  Hense, Old Maina is much older than Kiev that is still considered one of the oldest cities in Russia, the mother of all Russian cities.

                Historians and linguists know the lines from the oldest part of the Indian Vedas, the Rig-Veda, written in Vedic Sanskrit: “Itham ascati pasyat  syantham, ekam starayath mainaa-kaalam” that is “There the holy rivers flow, the places are called Old Maina”.  The Vedic phrase «starayath mainaa» is literally the Russian name of Old Maina — Staraya Maina

            Indeed, in the Rig-Veda are listed the names of dozens of holy rivers, on the banks of which the noble Vedic poets (Rishis) compose sacred hymns to the gods of the Rig-Veda.  The Aranya Parva, also known as the “Book of the Forest” of Mahabharata (originally composed in Classical Sanskrit evolved from Vedic Sanskrit) has couple of hundreds names of the holy rivers (ponds) of Kurukshetra (the ancient Aryan land of Bharat) that cleanse a person from sins, after bathing in them.  Interestingly, many of the Russian rivers of the Volga – Oka basin have preserved to this day their ancient names, given in the major holy ancient texts preserved in India.

            The prominent researchers of ancient ties of Russia and India, point out that Russian language and Vedic Sanskrit are unusually close to each other, despite the millennia of their original way of development in Russia and India.  The reason for this kinship is obvious.  Both languages have one source of origin that is the Aryan language or Vedic Sanskrit of the Rig-Veda.  Strong support for this also provides DNA-genealogy and huge number of Russian toponymy translated from Sanskrit.  The Vedic names in the modern-day Sind province of Pakistan (the cradle of Vedic civilization of Hindustan) are similar to those in Russia.  Most evident example is Karachi.

            Vedic Sanskrit is not a dialect, but a complete and grammatically complex language.  It is believed that all Indo-European languages have grown up from Vedic Sanskrit, including various and numerous dialects of the Slavic, Old Russian language.  Sacred vocabulary is the basis of the Russian language.  Indian sages well know that the Golden Age will begin in Russia.

              Ancient Vishnu idol was found in Old Maina in 2007.  Later that year, an international conference was organised to study the legacy of Old Maina.  Surely, it might radically change the history of ancient Russia.

            Based on the archeological findings, Old Maina can be recognized as the initial motherland of the Russian people and cradle of Russia.  This brand will glorify Ulyanovsk region more than the status of the “homeland of Lenin”, who was born in Ulyanovsk in 1870.

             The direct distance from Old Maina to Ulyanovsk is 45 km.  By car it is less than 70 km.  The road passes international Ulyanovsk Vostochny Airport that has the longest and the widest public use runway in the world.  The airport is connected to the local state owned Aviastar plant, the largest aviation production facility in the world and one of the newest in Russia.  Among the plant’s products Related imageare: the An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft, the 200-seat Tu-204 medium-range airliner, modernized Il-76, etc.

            Until the Boeing 747-8F, the Antonov An-124 or RUSLAN was, for 30 years, the world’s heaviest gross weight production cargo airplane and second heaviest operating cargo aircraft, behind the one-off Antonov An-225 (a greatly enlarged design based on the An-124).  The An-124 remains the largest military transport aircraft in the world.

            The Ilyushin IL-76 has seen extensive service as a commercial freighter for ramp-delivered cargo, especially for outsized or heavy items unable to be otherwise carried. It has also been used as an emergency response transport for civilian evacuations as well as for humanitarian aid and disaster relief around the world.  It is able to operate from unpaved runways and is used in many countries of the world.

            The modernized IL-76 (IL-76MD-90A) now produced in Ulyanovsk has no analogues in theImage result for il-76md-90a заправщик class of ramp vessels in the world.  It can be operated in any climatic conditions with almost no restrictions.  It could be used in various fields: as a military transport aircraft, aerial refueling tanker or command center, for extinguishing fires, etc.  IL-76MD-90A is more unpretentious in comparison with the western one.  It does not need a special infrastructure, and it does not need constant significant maintenance.  They intend to create also a civilian version of the aircraft.

            IL-76 and its modifications have been designed by the Ilyushin design bureau founded by Sergei Ilyushin (1894 – 1977) born near Vologda.  He was the youngest of 11 children in a peasant family.  Being largely self-taught, Ilyushin left home at an early age for Saint-Petersburg.  He became an outstanding Soviet aircraft designer, the developer of the most massive combat aircraft in history (the IL-2 attack aircraft) rightfully considered the best attack aircraft of the Second World War.  His IL-4 and IL-28 were the outstanding bombers.  Being over 80 year old, Ilyushin Design Bureau has been leading not only in Russia, but also in the world.  Ilyushin is the Russian presidential aircraft (board number one).

                In Old Maina there is a monument dedicated to the children who worked as hard as the adults during the World War II to crush the Nazis.  On that monument it is written that Russia can not be defeated.

            By the order of Russian Tsar, fortress of Maina was founded in 1670 on the left bank of the Volga River, in Image result for старая майна гербthe mouth of local river Maina.  According to Ulyanovsk archaeologists, in the territory of the present Old Maina people have been living continuously since the 3rd – 4th century.  The tribes of Imenkovo archaeological culture came first here.  Many official researchers regard Imenkovo culture as the Slavs.  More profound results on the ancestors of the Slavs provide DNA Genealogy studies.  They prove that the ancestors of the Slavs are the Aryans.  It is also true for other nations living in the Russian Plain, Siberia, Central Asia, India, Iran, etc.

            The ancient authors of the first centuries called the Volga as Ra.  This is a very multilevel name.  RA is the Sun of the Outer World, whereas AR is the Sun of the Inner World.  Hence, the names Ariya and Aryan.  In Sanskrit, Ra means fire.  Ra is the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun. Ra is also one of the islands of Vanuatu (lit. “The land of happiness”).

            Imenkovo culture was first discovered in village Imenkovo (Tatarstan), 100 km northeast of Old Maina, where river Kama meets the Volga.  Both names are translated from Sanskrit.  Imenkovo culture existed on the territory of the present Old Maina for about 400 years.  The next five centuries the local lands were owned by the Volga Bolgars.  Then these lands were conquered by the Golden Horde (Orda).  After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the land was under the Kazan Khanate.  In the second half of the 17th century the first Russian settlement from Moscovia appeared here.

            Unique archeological objects have been discovered on the territory of Old Maina.  For instance, Gothic-type pendants dating from the 3rd century, coin of the Roman emperor Caracalla (dated the year of 213), etc.  Each year more and more such rarities are found.  On the territory of Old Maina they have found things connected with the Slavs, with the Balts, and even with the ancient Germans.

            The remains of long houses, up to 25 meters in length, of German-type houses have been found on the land of Old Maina.  Later, such houses appeared in the Vikings.  The name of River Maina in Russia (tributary of the Volga) and the River Main in Germany (tributary of the Rhine) are genetically related.  DNA genealogy shows that over 25% of modern male Germans have the same male ancestor with over a half of the Russian men.  It is well known that large parts of Germany were populated by the Slavs.  Their forceful Image result for frankfurt on the mainGermanization or extermination started approximately in the 12th century, when the Danish feudal lords destroyed the ancient Slavic sanctuary of Arkona, located on the island of Ruyan (German Rügen) in the Baltic Sea.

Related image

Frankfurt on the Main

            The Main River (525 km) is also the longest river lying entirely in Germany.  The largest city along the Main River is Frankfurt on the Main in the German state of Hesse, historically related to the Russian Imperial House of the Romanov and the founder of the most powerful family of Rothschild.  Frankfurt is the major financial centre of the European continent.  Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s largest trade fairs. The Frankfurt Motor Show is the world’s largest motor show.  The Frankfurt Book Fair is the world’s largest book fair.  The River Main originates at the joining of its two headstreams, the Red Main and the White Main.  The red and white are the colours of the flag of Frankfurt.  They also symbolize the global mystery started in Ancient Egypt and centered today in the Russian town of Veliky Ustyug.

The wide mouth of River Maina near Old Maina is formed by the Volga’s water.

              Archaeologically speaking, first settlers of the Middle Volga and Old Maina were the Imenkovo tribes, the first farmers in the Volga region.  To date, scientists have identified more than 600 settlements and cemeteries of the Imenkovo culture.  They were engaged in farming and cultivated millet, pound, wheat, barley, oats, peas, rye. A cattle breeding was very developed.  The Imenkovo tribes bred horses, large and small cattle, and pigs.  They had the processing of iron and bronze.  Often are found iron plows, sickles, etc.

            According to some sources, the Imenkovo tribes are considered to have come from the territory of modern Poland, Germany and Austria.  Others believe that they came from the modern Ukraine.  Exact answer on the ancestors of Imenkovo, and other tribes on the Russian Plain, the rest of Europe, and Siberia, provides DNA genealogy.  Most importantly, the Ulyanovsk region is the only region that was completely the zone of settlement of the Imenkovo tribes.  Neighboring regions were partly occupied by the Imenkovo culture.  It was present only on their edges.

            It has been substantiated that after the arrival of the Bolgarians in the Middle Volga region from the region of Azov Sea in 7th century, most of the Imenkovo culture bearers left to the southwest, where they became the nucleus of Volyntsevo culture (8th – 9th century) spread in the interfluve of the rivers Dnieper and Don.  The village of Volynskoe (now part of Moscow) was the place of Stalin’s beloved residence.  He died there in 1953.

            In Kiev, layers of Volyntsevo culture are found in the most ancient places of the city, including the Church of the Tithes, the first Related imagestone church in Kiev, built in the end of 10th century by the order of Grand Prince Vladimir the Great, who Christianized the Kievan Rus.  Kiev was the main center of Christianization of other parts of Rus (Russia).  Hence, it was called “mother of Russian cities” in Greek manner.  The Greeks (from Byzantium) took the most active role in spreading Christianity in Russia.  The expression “mother of Russian cities”, as well as the Greek “metropolis” (from “meter” – “mother” and “polis” – “city”), means the founding city.  In Russian language, Kiev is a male name.  Kiev reached its Golden Age as the center Kievan Rus in the 10th — 12th centuries.

            The non-legendary time of the founding of the Kiev is hard to ascertain.  They say that Kiev is at least 1,200 years old.  In Ulyanovsk region, Old Maina is 1,700 years old.  However, the oldest Russian settlement is considered to be Tolbukhino (over 4,000 years old) near Yaroslavl, founded by Yaroslav the Wise (circa 978 – 1054), thrice grand prince of Veliky Novgorod and Kiev, uniting the two principalities for a time under his rule.  His descendants were Image result for памятник ярославу мудрому в ярославлеdeeply involved in The Knight Templar in France and Palestine.  The oldest settlement on the territory of modern-day Yaroslavl belongs to the 5th – 3rd millennium BCE.  Apparently, Kazan and Yaroslavl are the oldest of all the currently existing cities on the River Volga.  The name Yaroslavl sounds related to Yaruslim, the capital of Lemuria.

            Magazine “World Channeling” states that in the sky over Yaroslavl, in subtle plans, there is the Yaroslavl Temple.  This is one of the most important places and points of the planet, existing in many worlds and dimensions.  Portals of a huge number of galaxies and civilizations flock here.

            Yaroslavl is a multi-level temple.  It is possible to decipher the name of the city of Yaroslavl as “the glorification of the Spring Sun”: YAR means “the Sun”; SLAVL means “to praise”. However, here there is a shortened version of the name of the Sun.  The hidden meaning is YARUN (YARILO), which in meaning is the Central Spiritual Image result for ярославль медведьSun, and not the Sun of the Solar System itself.  Yaroslavl is the point of the Earth, which has always been directly connected with the energy flows of the Central Spiritual Sun.  The bear is the ancient symbol of Yaroslavl, like Russia’s.  According to a legend, when Yaroslav the Wise came here to baptize the local residents, he had to Related imagedeal with their sacred and worshiped bear.  It happened at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl River.

            While many bearers of the Imenkovo culture went from the territory of present-day Tatarstan to the territory of modern Ukraine, some of them remained in place and merged with the incoming nomads Bolgarians, and influenced their culture and economy, in particular the development of agriculture.  The Bolgarians were migrating from the region of Azov Sea after the dissolving their Great Bolgaria (Great Bulgaria), existed in mid-7th century between the River Dniester and lower Volga, (modern southern Ukraine and south-west Russia).  The original capital was Phanagoria on the Taman peninsula between the Black and Azov seas.  The first major part of Bolgar tribes (Orda) led by khan Asparukh moved to the north-eastern Balkans, to the River Danube.  In 681, these Bolgars formed with the local South Slavic tribes the First Bulgarian Empire.  The second major part of Bolgar tribes moved to the Middle Volga and formed the Volga Bolgaria.  From these medieval times, Bulgaria on the Danube River is the direct relative with Bolgaria (Bulgaria) on the Volga River.  There is a hypothesis that the original name Bolgar is connected with Russian / Slavic name Volgar that means a person from the Volga River.

            Still not everyone in the scientific world agrees with the Slavic ethnic attribution of the Imenkovo culture, and often this is based not so much on scientific caution, but on political reasons.  The largest scientists believe that the Imenkovo culture was formed by the bearers of the ethnonym Rus.  These Russians leaved precisely from the lands where these Imenkovo tribes lived, and formed a new Volyntsevo culture that formed the above mentioned Kiev (modern capital of Ukraine and former capital of Kievan Rus, a loose federation of East Slavic tribes existed from the late 9th to the mid-13th century.  The question “Where did the Russian land come from?” receives a precise answer.  Most scientists know this, it was the Middle Volga.  The Imenkovo culture began the development of the Volyntsevo culture of the Middle Dnieper.  The Imenkovo culture is Rus.  Hence, the land of present-day Old Maina and the basin of River Maina can be considered the very territory from which the Russian land (state) came from.

            The source of the river Maina is located over 50 km west from Old Maina, on the territory of Tatarstan (often associated with Tartarus), close to the border with the Ulyanovsk region.  Actually, the River Small Maina (tributary of river Maina) is the line of border between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ulyanovsk region.  The source of the river Maina is in the Spassky District of Tatarstan.  The main attraction of this district and its Image result for болгар татарстанadministrative center is the town of Bolgar, located on the left bank of the Volga River, like Old Maina.  The distance between Bolgar and Old Maina is 40 km.

            Bolgar was the medieval capital of Volga Bulgaria from the 8th to the 15th centuries.  It was a big international trade center, linking the East and the West by the Volga trade route.  Traders from China, Baghdad, Damascus, Spain, Scandinavia, Rus and other countries used to come to Bolgar.  Many foreign trade concessions had their settlements and streets in Bolgar.  It is stated that Bolgar was bigger than Paris and London.  Bolgar is a World Heritage Site declared by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

 Related image           Bolgal has special religious significance for the Muslims of Russia and the Volga river regions in particular.  Islam was adopted here in 922 and it became official religion of the Volga Bulgaria.  Special embassy arrived from Baghdad then capital of the Caliphate ruled by the Abbasid dynasty.  The spread of Islam in the Middle Volga region was peaceful.  The Volga Bulgarians knew One God from their pre-Islamic religion called Tengrism.  The adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria led to a strong impetus to the development of education, literature, and science.  The Bolgars achieved considerable success in mathematics and astronomy, chemistry and medicine, geography and history.  From the Soviet times, pilgrimage to Bolgar is called the Little Hajj.

            Today, Islam is the religion of about 1,5 billion inhabitants of the Earth.  It Related image is more than 22% of the world’s population.  The largest Koran is kept in Bolgar.  The Volga Bulgaria was the only Islamic country of Eastern Europe.  The Bulgarian Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve (established in 1969) is the most northern monument in the world of medieval Muslim architecture.  Being secular, the leadership of Tatarstan places a key importance on the development of historical and religious heritage.  Bolgar is identified with Islam, whereas Sviyazhsk is recognized as the first Christian center in Tatarstan.

            Sviyazhsk is located at the confluence of the Volga and Sviyaga Rivers.  The source of the River Sviyaga (375 km) is located in the Ulyanovsk region, on the right side of the Volga, 60 km south from the urban settlement Maina.

III. New Maina

            New Maina (Russian: Novaya Maina) is an urban type settlement of the Ulyanovsk region.  New Maina is located 70 km southeast of Old Maina, and 90 km southeast of Ulyanovsk.  Only 9 km is to New Maina from the city of Dimitrovgrad.

Related image            New Maina and Dimitrovgrad are divided by the river called the Big Cheremshan (Russian: the Bolshoy Cheremshan River), a tributary of the Volga River.

              Cheremshanka is the name of a number of settlements in Siberia, including Krasnoyarsk Cheremshanka Airport, located 25 km north of the mouth of river Mana.  Between them there are two creeks named Big Arey and Small Arey.  They are tributaries of the Kacha River (tributary of the Yenisei River).  Arey and Arya refer to the Aryans lived here thousands years ago.  In Sanskrit, “kaccha” means “watery soil”, “a bank or any ground bordering on water”, “shore”, “a mound or causeway”, etc.  Beside the Kacha River in Krasnoyarsk in Southern Siberia, Russia has settlement and river Kacha in Crimea, where it enters the Black Sea near Sevastopol.

            Being the second-largest city of the Ulyanovsk region (“the motherland of Lenin”), Dimitrovgrad was named in 1972 celebrating the posthumous 90th birthday of Georgi Dimitrov, the first communist leader of People’s Republic of Bulgaria.  It is also symbolic taken into account that the Volga Bolgars (Bulgars) and the Bulgarians divided in 7th century to establish first Bulgarian state on the Danube and another on the Volga.  Dimitrov ruled Bulgaria from 1946 to 1949.  He led the Moscow based Communist International from 1934 to 1943.  He expanded Lenin’s ideas by stating that fascism was the dictatorship of the most reactionary elements of financial capitalism.

            Russian Dimitrovgrad is twinned with Bulgarian Dimitrovgrad.  Also, Dimitrovgrad of the Ulyanovsk region is twinned with city of Related imageObnisk (the Kaluga region), the place of the world’s first nuclear power plant to generate electricity for a power grid.

            Founded in 1714, modern Dimitrovgrad is a prominent nuclear center of Russia.  The city’s leading enterprise is the country’s Federal Nuclear Research Institute.  One of the institute’s atomic reactors provides Dimitrovgrad with district heating.

Related image

Obninsk. The world’s first nuclear power plant

            Unlike the US military who dropped in 1945 two nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (located near the 33rd parallel), Russia (then the Soviet Union) pioneered peaceful use of atomic energy.  Russia built the first nuclear power plant on the planet that started in 1954 producing electricity for Moscow region.   It was the first nuclear power plant in the world connected to national power grid.  This reactor in Obninsk (the Kaluga region) was stopped in 2002.  Today the station is a memorial museum of the nuclear industry in Russia.  This world’s first home of a peaceful atom is open to visitors and tourists.

              Symbolically, Kaluga is the place of Russian rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 – 1935) who is the founding father of modern rocketry and astronautics.  His works inspired leading Soviet rocket engineers, including Sergei Korolev the father of practical astronautics, who was in charge of the development of the R-7 Rocket and launching into Cosmos the first man (Yuri Gagarin) and later the first woman (Valentina Tereshkova, born near the above mentioned Yaroslavl).

            Dimitrovgrad also has the State Scientific Center of Russian Federation, Research Institute of Atomic Reactors. The farther of Russian nuclear program and the peaceful atom Igor Kurchatov (1903 – 1960) was born in the Urals, the natural border between the East and the West, and the most sacral place on the planet.

            Dimitrovgrad / New Maina are located 110 km north of Samara.  It has given its name to the Samara culture, a neolithic culture of Image result for самараthe 5th millennium BCE.  The Samara region is considered as the original homeland of the Proto-Indo-European language.

            Samara is one of the largest cities in the Volga River, and the 6th largest city in Russia.  Samara is a major international transport hub.  Its railway station is the tallest in Europe.

            Samara’s most prominent symbol is the Monument of Glory, overlooking the Volga river.  It is a man with wings raised over his head, standing on the pedestal symbolizing ray of light rising to the sky.  The city is well known in the world for the production of aerospace launch vehicles, satellites, various space services, engines, aircrafts, etc.  Samara has been one of the largest Russian aircraft manufacturing centers.  It is the home of the Samara Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Samara State Aerospace University, one of Russia’s leading engineering and technical institutions.

            During the Great Patriotic War / Second World War (1941 -1945) Samara was the reserve (second) capital of the Soviet Union.  Highly Related imagesecretive bunker of its ruler Josef Stalin is now open to the public.  After the war, Samara became the Cosmic capital of the Soviet Union.  In Samara was built the launch vehicle Vostok, which delivered in 1961 the first manned spaceship to orbit with Yury Gagarin on board.  After returning to Earth / landing near the great Russian River Volga, Image result for гагарин в куйбышевеYury Gagarin, the first man to travel in Space, took a rest in Samara.  Here he reported to the State Commission, headed by Sergei Korolev, on the successful completion of his historical mission.

             It became a tradition for the Soviet astronauts to come to Samara after returning to Earth.  Beside implementation of the space program, Samara enterprises have been playing a leading role in the development of aviation.  One of its symbols is the above mentioned Ilyushin Il-2 ground-attack aircraft assembled in Samara in late 1942.  During the World War II, Samara produced During produced over 15,000 of Il-2 of more than 36,000 built in the Soviet Union.  So, the Il-2 remains to this day the most massive and effective combat aircraft in history.  After the War, for more than half a century Samara produced Tupolev, Antonov and Ilyushin-designed aircrafts.  The vast majority of Tupolev Tu-154 airplanes (over a thousand aircrafts), which formed the basis of the Soviet Union and Russia’s civil aviation from the 1970s to the early 2000s, were manufactured in Samara.  A veritable icon of the Cold War, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform, Tupolev Tu-95 was also produced in Samara.

            Near Samara in 1391 there was a great battle between the Samarkand ruler Tamerlan and Tokhtamysh, a descendant of Genghis Khan and a prominent khan of the Golden Horde (Orda).  This confrontation had a huge impact on the history of Eurasia.

            Tamerlan (“The One Who Knows Merlin”) had the symbol of Shambala as his personal seal.  According to the Roerichs, who worked with the Mahatmas of Shambala, Tamerlan owned the Cintamani Stone received from the Shambala.  This Stone was originally a gift from Orion and considered responsible for spiritual evolution on Earth.  Chintamani strengthens the power of the owner, contributing to victory in any endeavor.  Cintamani was in the hands of Solomon, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlan, Akbar the Great, Napoleon, the Roerichs.  The country where the Stone arrives, receives the special protection of the Brotherhood of Light.

            It is stated that due to such protection, Tamerlan never lost a single battle.  Tokhtamysh was indeed his strong opponent.  These two armies were the strongest in Europe and Asia at that time.  Even after two severe defeats from Tamerlan, Tokhtamysh was able to pull together his Golden Horde to resist and attack again.

            The Horde’s military power peaked during the reign of Uzbek (1312–1341), who adopted Islam and ruled from capital Sarai-Batu in the lower part of the Volga River, 100 km north from modern city of Astrakhan, where the Volga River begins to enter the Caspian Sea.  The territory of the Golden Horde at its peak included most of Eastern Europe from the Urals to the Danube River.  It extended east deep into Siberia.  The Golden Horde’s lands incorporated the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, and bordered the territories of present-day Iran and Azerbaijan, ruled by the Mongol dynasty known as the Ilkhanate.  Iran (literally “the country of Aryans”) and Northern Azerbaijan are related to the Manna Kingdom existed there in the 1st millennium BCE.

            New Maina is located in the lower parts (close the mouth) of three rivers: the Big Avral, the Small Avral, and the Dry Avral.  In Sanskrit, Avirala means “compact”, “contiguous”, “dense”, etc.  New Maina was founded in the second half of the 18th century.  Before the 1917 Revolution, New Maina was a district containing a number of villages.  Its status of urban type settlement New Maina got in 1973.  Symbolically, 73 is the car code of Ulyanovsk region (for number plates).

IV. Maina

  Image result for майнский ульяновская область          The above described settlements Old Maina and New Maina of the Ulyanovsk region are located on the left bank of the River Volga.  On the opposite right bank of the Volga, there is also settlement Maina and river Maina.  This urban type settlement Maina is 50 km west south of Ulyanovsk, whose historical center is also on the right bank of the Volga.  Interestingly, in Southern Siberia also there is settlement called Maina.

            Maina is administrative center of the Maina district of Ulyanovsk region.  In the vicinity of the settlement are the sources of the rivers Maina and Berezovka.  Interestingly, beside the link to the Russian name of the Birch (Bereza), the term Berezovka (Bereza) could be also connected to the Hara Berezaiti (literally meaning “High Watchpost”) given in the Avestan language to a legendary mountain around which the stars and planets revolve.  Indeed, the Ulyanovsk region is a part of the Volga Uplands (Volga Hills) that are also famous for their unreal beauty.

            The Avestan language is the language of Zoroastrian scripture of the Avesta.  There is a hypothesis that Zoroaster was born near modern Russian city of Perm, the Urals region.  Perm is located on the Kama River (Sanskrit name), 630 km north east of Ulyanovsk.  The River Kama meets the Volga River 110 km north east of Ulyanovsk.  The mouth of Volga is the Caspian Sea linking modern Russia and Iran.

            The Avestan language is classified as an Iranian language, a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages within the Indo-European family.  The Avestan is assumed to have been quite close to Vedic Sanskrit.  In Russia there are many names of rivers and settlements translated from Sanskrit.  For instance, in the Ulyanovsk region is the source of river Sura.  In Sanskrit, Sura means “water, sage, sun, divinity’”.

            160 km west of the source of the River Sura is the source of another Sanskrit name River Moksha, literally meaning “Nirvana”.  The source of the Sura River is 90 km west south of the settlement Maina and the sources of rivers Maina and Berezovka.

            The River Maina is the Volga’s drainage basin: the Maina (23 km long) → the Barysh (247 km long) → the Sura (841 km long) → the Volga (3,692 km long) → the Caspian Sea.

             70 km northwest from Maina is the settlement Sura Peaks (Russian: Surskiye Vershiny).  This place is famous for its St. Nicholas Hill overlooking the River Sura.  It is one of the most revered destinations in the Sura district and the whole Russia.  It is believed by everyone claimed the 76-meter hill will be freed from all the sins.  This St. Nicholas Hill is made of chalk.  Its slopes are very steep, covered with grass and rare bushes.

            40 km north of St. Nicholas Hill / the settlement Sura Hills is located city of Alatyr, founded in 1552 near the conjunction of the River Alatyr and the Sura River.  Related imageAlatyr, like the settlement Sura Hills, was established by the order of the first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny going to conquer Kazan.

            Anagrams of Alatyr (or vice versa) are: Altair (the brightest star Related imagein the Aquila constellation), Altar (the ‘Holy table’, structure for religious sacrifices located in places of worship), etc.  Altai Mountain is the most sacred place in Russia.  In the Russian medieval legends and folklore, Alatyr-stone is a sacred stone, “the father to all stones”, and the navel of the Earth, containing sacral writings.  The Alatyr-stone is endowed with healing and magical properties.  In the spiritual verses it is stated that from beneath the Alatyr-stone originates a wonderful source that gives the whole world sustenance and healing.

                  The source of river Alatyr is 190 km west of its mouth.  The Alatyr originates in the Nizhny Novgorod region, near town of Sarov, most known for its St. Seraphim of Sarov and the Russian center for nuclear research.   Sarov is a sister city to Los Alamos, the home of the U.S. nuclear weapons design laboratory.  The scientists of Sarov (former Arzamas-16) and Los Alamos have cooperated on various arms control and nuclear safeguards programs. The Russians playfully called their own center «Los Arzamas».

            Between St. Nicholas Hill / the settlement Sura Hills and city of Alatyr is located village Sara and two Sarka rivers: The Big Sarka and the Small Sarka.  Sarka is a diminutive of Sara (river).  In Sanskrit, Sara means “essence”, “stream”, “energy”, “main point”, etc. The Middle Eastern name Sarah means “Princess”.

            The Sara River is also in the center of Moscow, although now it is enclosed in a tube.  This Sara is a tributary of the Moscow River.  In Yaroslavl region of Russia, 180 km northeast of Moscow, the Sara River enters the Lake Nero, whose name is related (or vice versa) with the surname of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India.  His daughter Indira Gandhi and grandson Rajiv Gandhi were also Prime Ministers of India and central figures in Indian politics.

            100 km south of Maina, 45 km southwest of the source of the Sura River is the settlement of Kanadei that is quite close to the name Canada and the surname Kennedy, or vice-versa.  The most famous romance of John F. Kennedy was with Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe.  She was made a star by the founder of Hollywood, a former Russian subject Joseph Schenck, born in Rybinsk, located in the Upper Volga.  Talent of Monroe was developed by her Russian teachers who found themselves in America.

            Kanadei is located in the conjunction of the River Kanadeika with the Syzranka River.  A tributary of the River Kanadeika is Ardovat.  Also, Ardatov is a Russian town located 20 west km of Alatyr.

            40 km north from Kanadei is the source of Sviyaga River, a tributary of the Volga River.  In the city of Ulyanovsk, the Sviyaga River (375 km long) flows only a few kilometers away from the Volga River (3,692 km long), but their confluence is 160 km north of Ulyanovsk, in Tatarstan.  Tsar Ivan Grozny built in the 16th century in the mouth of Sviyaga River a fortress Sviyazhsk.

            200 km west of Kanadei is the source of Sanskrit named river Moksha, literally meaning Nirvana.  The River Moksha is a tributary of the River Oka, the Volga’s drainage basin.

            The River Kanadeika is also the Volga’s drainage basin: Kanadeika (57 km long) → the Syzranka River (168 km long) → the Volga (3,692 km long) → the Caspian Sea.

            Kannada is a Dravidian language spoken predominantly by Kannada people in India, mainly in the state of Karnataka, having deep ties with Russia, including the state symbols, the Roerichs, Helena Blavatsky, еtc.  It is believed that the name Karnataka, translated from the local Kannada language, means “an elevated country”.  It is also the true for the Russian settlement Kanadei and the River Kanadeika, located in the Volga Hills (the Volga Uplands).  The source of the River Kanadeika is only 22 kilometers south of the settlement Sura Peaks (Russian: Surskiye Vershiny), where the Sura River originates.

            The son of the god Surya, Karna is one of the central heroes of the Mahabharata.  He is the embodiment of strength, valor and honor.  In Sanskrit, “karna” means “eared”.  In Russian there is surname Karnaukhov having same meaning.  In Kemerovo region, a man with surname Karnaukhov is said to have discovered the famous Tisulsky Princess.

            The Ulyanovsk region has many Sanskrit names crucial to Indian culture, founded by the Aryans came from the territory of modern-day Russia.  If read from right to the left in Arabic, Rusia (Russia) becomes Suria.  It is not only the Arab-speaking country of Syria, but also the above described Vedic god Surya and Russian River Sura.

            100 km south from Ulyanovsk or 90 km southeast of Maina is mysterious equilateral triangle (roughly with sides 15 km * 15 km *15 km) in the hills covered by beautiful pine forest, widely known for unusual gardens of huge bizarre-shaped stones, curving of space and time, strong natural energy coming from the Earth around the so called Devil’s finger, underground passageways, sudden appearance of UFO and aliens, etc.

            Near this triangle, was born Ivan Dmitriev (1760 – 1837), a famous Russian statesman, member of the Russian Academy, and poet.  By the personal invitation of Emperor Alexander I, he served as Minister of justice from 1810 to 1814.  Ivan Dmitriev underlined the intrigues, following first of all the law.  Due to his honesty he got into many conflicts with influential dignitaries.  However, Alexander I highly respected him.  Also, Ivan Dmitriev was a distant relative of Nikolay Karamzin (1766–1826), the “father of Russian history”.

V. Manych

            In Southwestern Russia there are two rivers with the root “Man”: the East Manych (basin of the Caspian Sea) and the Western Manych (basin of the Azov Sea).

            The East Manych (141 km long) and the Western Manych (420 km long) both originate in the Republic of Kalmykia, located in the southwestern part of European Russia.  A small part of the Volga River flows through eastern Kalmykia.  Also, Kalmykia is washed by the Caspian Sea in the southeast.

            The distance between the sources of both Manych Rivers and the Caspian Sea is about 250 km.  There are many legends about the Manych River.  According to old scriptures it flowed from the Caspian Sea.  There is an assumption that in ancient times the Manych River was a large strait that united the modern Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

            The salinity of the lakes in the basin of the River Manych indicates the existence of a connection with the sea basins.  Presumably, the strait ceased to exist 3,000 years ago.  However, for a long time the ancient tribes used Manych as a navigable artery connecting the Azov Sea coast (the Don delta region) with the Caucasus.  By the Manych, goods were transported from China, Persia, Turkestan and India, merchants sailed from the Caspian.  The Phoenicians (known for their marine and trading skills) sailed to the Caspian Sea along the Manych strait.  In the middle of the 19th century, fragments of an ancient sea vessel of supposedly Phoenician origin, made of cedar wood with copper nails, were washed in the shore of Manych.

            Interestingly, Kalmykia is the only region in Europe where Buddhism is the most practiced religion.  The majority of the Kalmyks follow Buddhism, like their ancestors, the westernmost group of the Mongols whose ancestral home is in the Altai region of western Mongolia.  They migrated from the steppes of Southern Siberia to the Lower Volga region in 17th century and became subjects of the Russian Tsar.  They duty was protecting Russia’s southern border.

            The Western Manych, often called just Manych (420 km long) is tributary of Don (1,870 km long), one of the major rivers of Russia and the 5th longest river in Europe.  The Volga and the Don are the two main waterways of the European part of Russia.  They approach each other in the modern-day Volgograd region.  The importance of connecting the Volga and the Don by means of a canal was clear as early as the Middle Ages.  The earliest attempt to link them, dates back to 1569, when the Turkish sultan Selim II sent 22,000 soldiers to dig a canal between the two rivers.  The Turks gave up after a month of work.  Selim II or Sarı Selim (“Selim the Blond”) was a son of Suleiman the Magnificent and Hurrem Sultan, often called Roxelana, one of the most powerful and influential women in Ottoman history.  Hurrem means “the cheerful one” in Persian, but she was Russian, from the territory of modern-day Ukraine.  By large, the Russians, the Persians, and the Turks have the Aryans as their ancestors.

            Another attempt to connect the Volga and the Don was made by the Russian Emperor Peter the Great (1672 – 1725), who defeated the Turks in Azov (mouth of the Don) in 1696.  The canal was partially completed by the end of 1701, but the Russo-Swedish war broke out, and the Emperor had to abandon the project.

            Only the Soviet Union was able to realize the old dream of linking the two great rivers Related imagethat connect five seas: the Baltic, White, Caspian, Azov and Black seas.  Shipping Volga – Don Canal named after Lenin was opened in 1952 in Southwestern Russia.  The canal’s length is 101 km.  It connects the Volga River and the Don River at their closest points.  The canal starts south of modern Volgograd (Fortress of the Volga), where the lower course of the Don approaches the lower course of the Volga.

            Volgograd (former Stalingrad) is a hero-city.  It is famous for its heroic resistance to the Nazis and the bitter defeat of the NazRelated imageis from the Soviet defenders during the Battle of Stalingrad (August 1942 – February 1943) that was the largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare.

            In the mouth of the Manych is the settlement Manych (Russian: Stanitsa Manychskaya) named after the river.  Initially, it was a fortress founded by the Don Cossacks in 16th century to fight against the Ottoman Turks occupied their land.  At that time the Don Cossacks enrolled on the service to the Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny and the whole Muscovy or Rus.

            Interestingly, the name of Osman I (1299 – 1324), the founder of the Ottoman Empire, might be related to Atman or Ataman.  It is the original title of Cossacks’ leader.  According to Ottoman tradition, Osman’s father led his tribe west from Central Asia into Anatolia, fleeing the Mongol onslaught.  Central Asia is the home land of the descendants of the Aryans.  Although they speak different languages now and live in different countries, genetically they share the common ancestor.

          The settlement Manych is located 40 km east of the city of Rostov-on-Don, a major international transport center, a port of five seas: the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Caspian Sea, the White Sea, and the Baltic Sea.  Rostov-on-Don is and the administrative center of the Southern Federal District of Russia and also often referred as the “gateway to the Caucasus”.  The main city Cathedral of Virgin’s Nativity was designed by Konstantin Ton (1794 – 1881), an official architect of Imperial Russia during the reign of Nicholas I.  His most prominent works include: the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (with mysterious Elohim on the main dome), the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Kremlin Armoury in Moscow.

            Rostov-on-Don and nearby city of Tagangor are the places of the Southern Federal University (founded in 1915).  It is a large scientific and educational center of Russia.  In 2016, the university entered the rating of the best universities in the BRICS countries.

            Besides being a large educational center, Rostov-on-Don is a worldwide center for helicopter and farm machinery manufacturing.

          Rostvertol (founded in 1939) is a leading Russian helicopter manufacturer company located in Rostov-on-Don.  It has beenRelated image
producing helicopters designed by the Mil design bureau since 1956 and is a world leader in the manufacture of heavy-lift helicopters.  The plant also produces unique combat attack helicopters, operated in many countries.

Image result for ростсельмаш завод            Rostselmash (founded in 1929) is a Russian agricultural equipment company, based in Rostov-on-Don.  It is one of the five largest world producers of agricultural machinery.  Beside Russia, Rostselmash has production facilities in Canada, USA, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

             Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (founded in 1936) is the largest Russian manufacturer of electric locomotives and Image result for новочеркасский электровозостроительный завод one of the largest manufacturers of locomotives in the world.  The plant has produced  more than 16,000 locomotives of more than 65 types.  Its locomotives haul trains transporting 80% of all cargo on the electrified railways of Russia and CIS countries.  Russia has the longest railway in the world.  The longest railway in Russia and on the planet is the Transsiberian Railway (9,300 km long), also called The Great Siberian Way, connecting Moscow with the Far Eastern industrial cities of Russia.  Russia has a total length of 121,000 km of the railway tracks, most being located in picturesque areas.

                  Beriev Taganrog Aviation Scientific Technical Complex (founded in 1934) is the world leader, specializing in amphibious aircrafts. Image result for бе 200 Throughout its history, it has designed and produced more than 20 different models of aircraft for civilian and military purposes, as well as customized models.  Pilots flying Beriev seaplanes have broken 228 world aviation records.

            Then Beriev Design Bureau was moved to Krasnoyarsk in Southern Siberia in 1942 to avoid destruction in World War II, and returned to Taganrog in 1945.  Near Krasnoyarsk is the mouth of river Mana.

            A pioneer of amphibious aircraft was an Italian-born Soviet aircraft designer and scientist Robert Bartini (1897 – 1974), alumni of Polytechnic University of Milan.  He lived and worked in Taganrog (50 km of Rostov-on-Don).  “Every 10-15 years the cells of the human body are completely renewed, and since I lived in Russia for more than 40 years, I did not have a single Italian molecule left”, wrote Bartini.  He influenced many Soviet aircraft engineers, particularly the future “father of Soviet Space program” Sergei Korolev who named Bartini as his teacher.  Bartini was connected with other prominent Soviet aircraft engineers such as Ilyushin, Antonov, Myasishchev, Yakovlev and many others.  Bartini was one of the most famous engineers in the Soviet Union, nicknamed Red Baron because of his noble descent.  On the account of Robert Bartini are over 60 successful aircraft projects in the Soviet Union.  Without Bartini, there would be no Sputnik, the first artificial Earth satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.

            In 1974, three months priory his death, Bartini made a report, in which he proposed aircraft carriers on hydrofoils.  This aircraft carrier would be moving at the speed of 600-700 km/h, so that the aircraft could land without quenching speed.  When Bartini made his report, shipbuilder Rostislav Alexeyev of Sormovo (Nizhny Novgorod), a prominent designer of hydrofoil ships and developer of ground effect vehicles, refused to make his report, citing the fact that his report was worse.

            Taganrog is located in Taganrog Bay, the northeastern arm of the Sea of Azov.  The direct distance between Taganrog and the mouth of River Don is 25 km. Often Taganrog Bay is perceived as a flooded estuary of the Don River.  Rostov-on-Don is the main city on the river.

   Image result for border between europe and asia         In antiquity, the Don was viewed as the border between Europe and Asia by some ancient Greek geographers.  Indeed, the modern boundary of Europe and Asia is drawn by the Manych, a tributary of the Don.  The border passes along the tops of the Ural Mountains and further along the Kumo-Manych depression, which is now the floodplain of the Kuma and Manych rivers, but in ancient times was a strait connecting the Black Sea with the Caspian.

            There are two segments of the Asian-European border, which cause the bitterest disputes. This is a site to the south of the Ural Mountains (to the Caspian Sea) and a jumper between the Caspian and Black Seas.  In the first case, the problem is caused by the fact that in the southern part of the Urals the ridge falls into several spurs. Still it is not accurately determined, which of them is to consider the border of Europe and Asia.  As for the border section in the Caucasus region, there are also several opinions. Some scientists propose to draw a border along the Kumo-Manych lowland, others — along the watershed of the Caucasian Range, the third — to the south.  It is obvious that the establishment of the border between Europe and Asia is not only a scientific, but also an administrative, and a political dilemma.  By large, Asia is the home to the world’s first modern civilization, over 60% of total world population, and the largest economy of all continents.

            Russia has parts in Europe and Asia.  It is like balancing the Matter and the Spirit (ancient mystery), left and right hemispheres of human brain, male and female, etc.  In order to solve the issue of Europe-Asia border, Russian scientists proposed to use not only geographical, but also political, and cultural-civilizational approach.  The Asia Council (a forum for Asia’s heads of state or government and key decision makers) provides the most interesting facts about Asia.

            According to Plutarch, the Don River (i.e. Europe-Asia border) was also home to the legendary Amazons of Greek mythology.Related image  During the times of the Scythians, near Rostov-on-Don (in the mouth of the Don) there was an ancient town and a major trading route known in Greek as the Tanais.  This place (the Don River delta) Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl has identified as the place of Asgard, the adore of Odin and his gods.

                 Internationally, Colchis is perhaps best known for its role in Greek mythology.  It was the destination of the Argonauts, the home to Medea and the Golden Fleece.  In more ancient legends, there is evidence that the legendary Argonauts, and later the ancient Greek Related imagehero Hercules, searched for Colchis in the delta of River Don (the Azov Sea).  Aea, later Colchis, was located in the lands of the Azov (not the Black) Sea.  The name of Colchis was fixed by famous Ancient Greek lyric poet Pindar.

                     According to commonly spread tales, the Argonauts made their famous voyage to the shores of Colchis, located somewhere in the mouth of the Rioni River, flowing through the territory of modern Western Georgia (the Caucasus) washed by the Black Sea.  However, this interpretation is not the oldest, and there are other texts.  In the archaic, the most ancient versions of myths of the Argonauts, rooted in the 13th century BCE, the place of their action is the Don (Tanais), but not Rioni.

            The authors, who composed their historical works in the Archaic time (at least 500 years before Hellenism), located Colchis in the delta of the Don River.  In 13th century BCE, the real Colchis and its capital were located in the delta of the Don.  In the 3rd century BCE, the memories of Aea / Colchis were transferred to Georgia.  In the oldest myths, the Argonauts sought the Golden Fleece on the banks of the Don.  Only in Hellenistic times, Greek and Roman poets began to localize Colchis in Georgia.

Image result for кобяково городище

Kobyakovo hillfort

            If the capital of Colchis had been on the territory of the Georgian Colchis, then archaeological evidences would have been in the place.  However, so far archaeological science doesn’t know any cities of the Bronze Age in the Georgian Colchis, which could be identified with the legendary capital of the Colchis.  On the other hand, in the delta of Don River such settlements are in abundance.  One of the most famous is Kobyakovo hillfort, associated with the capital of the Colchis according to some ancient descriptions and archeological findings.  Unique is the Kobyakovo archaeological culture of the Bronze Age, discovered on the eastern border of modern city of Rostov-on-Don.  This city’s name has something in common with the name Frankfurt-on-Main.  Interestingly, the distance to settlement Manych (the mouth of River Manych) from Rostov-on-Don / Kobyakovo hillfort is only 30 km.

            Moreover, Kobyakovo hillfort has an exclusive layer of a relatively high civilization of the Copper Age, linked with the Aegean world of the Mediterranean Sea located between the Greek and Anatolian peninsulas, i.e. between the mainlands of modern-day Greece and Turkey.  Copper, as provide by numerous extracted objects, was melted on the spot.  The Copper Age existed before the Bronze Age.  The Copper Age began in the late 5th millennium BCE.

            The oldest securely dated evidence of copper making is 7,500 years ago.  It has been discovered in an archaeological site in Serbia (motherland of Constantine the Great).  The archaeological site of Belovode on the Rudnik Mountain in Serbia contains the world’s oldest securely dated evidence of copper smelting at high temperature from 5,000 BCE.  Interestingly, the word “Rundik” (English: mine) is exactly the same in the Serbian and the Russian languages.  Serbian Belovode fully correlates to the Russian term Belovode meaning Shambala.  It is associated with Altai Mounties.  In the past, Altai was among the major metal producing regions of Russia.  The first capital of the Serbs was Ras (now a World Heritage Site) in Raska, a Serb medieval state, being centered in the region of Raška (hence its exonym).  Serbs call southwestern Serbia, Kosovo and its former parts as Raska or Old Serbia.

            Back in the 19th century, historians and archaeologists noted the fact that there was nothing like Kobyakovo archaeological culture in Russia or abroad. It is a phenomenon in the history of mankind, largely refuting the rights of Sumerians and Egyptians on creation of the first terrestrial civilizations.  Moreover, the Sumerians and Egyptians stated that all their knowledge and essential technologies, including metalwork, were given to them by gods, i.e. representatives of highly developed civilizations.

            Rostov-on-Don was named after the church of St. Dmitri of Rostov (1651 – 1709), located in the fort on the bank of River Don.  St. Image result for Rastau GizaDmitri was a prominent Russian Church theologian, Bishop of Rostov that is a town in present-day Yaroslavl region.  The origin (etymology) of the word “Rostov” is uncertain.  In the spoken Russian Rostov is pronounced as Rastov.  In the ancient Egyptian Ra was sun god.

        In pre- dynastic Egypt, Rushaa or Rasha (compare to Russia) meant Head or Headland.  Located on the Nile meridian, the Giza Plateau was known as Rastau or Rostau.  Giza was the place of the god Osiris, who was the Lord of the underground tunnels existing under the Giza Plateau.  Being the early names for the Giza Plateau, Rastau also represented the shafts of the Pyramids that lead to the stars and mouth of the passages.  Spiritually, Rastau or Rostau (quite close to Rostov or vice versa) symbolized portals between worlds.  Chief Egyptian god Osiris was called Lord of Rastau.  Interestingly, the residents of Russian Rostov were the founders of modern-day town of Veliky Ustyug where Egyptian Osiris has turned to Ded Moroz.

            After all, the Kobyakovo hillfort located in Rostov-on-Don is not only one of the most mysterious points on the archaeological map of Russia, but also an anomalous zone.  There are many legends, folk beliefs, and facts that cannot be explained.

            For the first time the phrase “Kobyakovo hillfort” is found in a letter of July 7, 1570, by Ambassador Ivan Novoseltsev to Tsar Ivan Grozny.  People lived on Kobyakov hillfort for millennia without a break.  Only from 6th to 1st centuries BCE, there was a break for several centuries.  It has been suggested that the year 23 of our era is the earliest date fixed by a reliable epigraphic monument of first mentioning the inhabitants of “ancient Rostov”.  It is considered the starting point of the two thousand-year official history of Rostov-on-Don.  Such a historical concept, although controversial, deserves attention.

            In modern culture and literature, the Don region is also famous due to the epic novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” written by Mikhail Sholokhov (1905 – 1984), winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Literature.  Sholokhov lived and worked in a rural locality (stanitsa) Vyoshenskaya, located in on the Don River, in the northern reaches of the Rostov-on-Don region.  Today Vyoshenskaya is regarded as the spiritual heart of the Don region.

            While the lower Don was well known to ancient geographers, its middle and upper parts were not mapped with any accuracy.  The source of River Don was associated with the country of Scythes.  The River Don originates in the modern city of Novomoskovsk, located in the Tula region, bordering the Moscow region that has many names translated from Sanskrit.  Literally, Novomoskovsk means “New Moscow”.  In Hindi, ‘Navi’ means ‘New’.  New York and Russia have old ties, going beyond the general history.  So does the name Tula or Thule, mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman literature and cartography.  Tula / Thule is another name of Hyperborea (“beyond the North Wind”), more precise Arctic Hyperborea proposed in some exoteric writings to be the ancient origin of the Aryan race.  It has nothing to do with Nazis and their Thule Society, who exploited this knowledge to justify their sinister deeds and crimes.

            In a number of ancient sources, including the late Antiquarian and Roman texts, the Don River is called Sind.  Exactly the same name was given on the ancient times to the river Sind in Hindustan.  The Sindi were an ancient people in the Taman Peninsula, on Kerch Strait connecting the Azov Sea (the Don delta) and the Black Sea.  Modern Sindh is a major province of Pakistan.  Historically, Sindh is the home to the Sindhi people.  Sindh’s capital Karachi has many “linguistic brothers” in Russia.

            Based on the data of mythology and toponymy, established is the fact of transfer by the Aryans of geographical names from their Northern homeland (Northern Kuru, modern-day Russia) to their historical homeland Hindostan, a geographic term for the Indo-Gangetic Plain in northern India, broadly the Indian subcontinent, which later became an endonym.  It is well known that the word Sindh is the basis for “Hind” of Hindustan.  It is believed to come from the Persian (the Farsi).  In the name Sind, S is pronounced as H in Farsi, so it became Hind. Hence, Sind → Hind → Hindustan.  Overall, the Southern Siberia is considered to be the distant motherland of the Aryans, who created Vedic civilization in Hindustan and Avestan civilization in Iran.

            Toponymy is at the junction of linguistics, history, and geography.  Often, toponymy can say more than archaeological research.  A lot of toponymy / hydronyms in the basin (interfluve) of the rivers Volga and Oka are practically identical with the names of sacred rivers and reservoirs in the Mahabharata, the first major Sanskrit epics of ancient India.  The second one is Ramayaa.  Interestingly, Ra was the earlier Scythian name of the Volga.  In the works of ancient authors of the first centuries of AD, such as Claudius Ptolemy and Ammianus Marcellinus, the Volga was called Ra.

            Ranha is “mythical stream” of the Avesta, the primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism, whose founder is believed to be born on the Sanskrit named river Kama (the largest tributary of the Volga), near Russian city of Perm.  Hydronyms, especially the names of large rivers, are the most stable in time.  In Sanskrit, Rasa is “dew, juice, mythical river”.  Exactly the same meaning has the Russian word ‘rosa’, often associated with God’s dew.  The ToRah (the Old Testament) states that in the morning, after dew, appeared the Manna of Heaven.

Mana toponymy in Southern Siberia

I. Mana River in Krasnoyarsk Krai
II. Maina urban settlement in Khakassia

I. Mana River in Krasnoyarsk Krai 

        Mana (length 475 km) is a river in Krasnoyarsk Krai (super region) of Russia.  Its mouth is 12 km. from the city of Krasnoyarsk.  At the spot where Mana River enters Yenisei River is the settlement of Ust-Mana.  Its name literally means “mouth of River Mana”.  Few kilometers south of settlement Ust-Mana is settlement Mansky.  Mansky literally means “belonging to Mana”.  In English, it is “Man Coat of Arms of Mansky District (Krasnoyarsk krai).gif+ sky”.  In the middle of the last century, they considered this territory as a place for Academic Town.  On the cost of arm of Mana district is the main water artery, the beautiful Mana, one of the cleanest rivers of Krasnoyarsk Krai.

       If the Russian name of Mana is literally read in English, it will sound as Maha (see the photo on the right). Maha is a Sanskrit word meaning «great«.

            Ust-Mana and Mansky are parts of town of Divnogorsk, located on the Yenisei River, 30 km west from the border of the city of Krasnoyarsk.  Divnogorsk’s main industrial facility is the Krasnoyarsk Dam on the Yenisei River.  From commissioning of 10th turbine in 1971, the station was the world’s single biggest power producer until 1983.  It is a landmark symbol of Krasnoyarsk, and is depicted on the 10-ruble bill.  As a result of the damming, the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir (informally the Krasnoyarsk Sea) was created.  It is 388 km in length.

      Krasnoyarsk coat of arms is a golden lion placed on a red heraldic shield with a spade in the right fore paw and a sickle in the left fore paw.  Image result for герб красноярскаThe shield is topped with the golden mural crown.  The lion symbolizes strength and courage.  The sickle Image result for kingdom of mannaand shovel initially reflected the main occupation of the inhabitants — farming and mining of minerals, primarily gold.  In the 1840s the Yenisei province became the main center of gold mining in Siberia.

             In the lower part of the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Manna is the head of a golden lion placed on a red heraldic shield.

            The Kingdom of Manna existed in present day Iran (lit. «Land of Aryans») and Northern Azerbaijan in 1st millennium BCE, but none of toponymy or hydronym related to Manna is left.  On the other hand, they are still present in Russia.  Two rivers Maina in the Volga basin, plus river Mana is Southern Siberia.  In Torah (the base of the Old Testament of the Bible), the term Mana (of Heaven) is used with one letter ‘n’.  In the Bible, the Manna of Heaven has two letters ‘n’.  Therefore, the river name Mana is fully related to Manna of Heaven or vice versa, taken into account the Lemurian exposure of Southern Siberia.  The term ‘Mana’ is present in Sanskrit, the language of the oldest religious texts attributed to the Aryans who came to Hindustan and Iran in the 2nd millennium BCE from the territory of modern Russia.  DNA genealogy states that the place of their origin was Southern Siberia.

                Another golden lion on a red heraldic shield is on the coat of arms of the Russian city of Vladimir.  Vladimir was the Russian capital before Moscow, i.e. during 12th – 14th centuries.  Vladimir heritage is linked to Sanskrit, Atlantis and Lemuria (see below).

           The coat of arms of the city of Vladimir (the lion) is one of the oldest in Russian heraldry.  It Image result for герб владимираarose in the 12th century as a patrimonial sign of the Vladimir princes.  The image of a lion is one of the most common plots in the decorative design of the world famous temples built on the Vladimir land in the 12th -14th centuries.  As a rule, lion in heraldry symbolizes strength, courage, power.

            On the eastern outskirt of Vladimir (or vice versa) is Sungir that was connected to the Lemurians over 26,000 years ago.  Vladimir region is rich on the toponymy translated from Sanskrit.  For instance:  Rivers Agra and Tara, River Yada, etc.  Even the lion on the Vladimir’s coat of arms resembles Indian half-man, half-lion Narasimha, an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, who saved his devotee Prahlada.  The Narasimha-kavaca mantra is believed to be the most powerful and supreme of all other mantras.  In Sanskrit, kavaca means ‘armor’.  River Kava is in Tver region of Russia.  It flows near village named Delhi, like the Indian capital.

             The official currency of the Kingdom of Manna is the Aureus (“golden”) that is known as a gold coin of ancient Rome.  The currency code used only within the Kingdom is AU.  It is also the symbol of gold as a chemical element.  Gold has atomic number 79, making it one of the higher atomic number elements that occur naturally.  Interestingly, 79 is also the automobile code for the cars registered in Jewish Autonomous Oblast (region) of Russia.  It is located in the Russian Far East and borders Heilongjiang province of China.

            Heilongjiang literally means Black Dragon River, which is the Chinese name for the Amur.  The Reptiles have played important role in human history.  Au is also a frequent element in Germanic toponymy.  The River Main (525 km) is the longest right tributary of the Rhine and the longest river lying entirely in Germany.  Two rivers with the name Main are in Ulyanovsk region of Russia, where the leader of Russian revolution (1917) Vladimir Lenin was born in 1870.

         Image result for хронос с серпом   The sickle (of the Krasnoyarsk lion) is a multilevel symbol.  In Greek mythology, the leader of Titans Cronos’ symbol was a sickle.  His rule was the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus.   In time, Cronos, the divine descendants of Uranus (the Sky) and Gaia (the Earth), became known as god of time or “Father Time”.  His Roman variant, Saturn, has had a large influence on Western culture.  The Saturnalia, a festival dedicated in his honour, was in fact celebration of the New Year.

           In Russian, sickle is called serp.  Serpuhov (town in Moscow region, rich of Sanskrit toponymy) has a lot of mysterious links with India (or vice versa, taken into account that the Aryans came to Hindustan in 2nd millennium BCE from the territory of modern Russia).

Since Cronos was a titan of the Harvest, it is interesting to note that the Law of One (The Ra Material) states that harvesting is the process through which the soul and / or the planet is “released” from one density to another. This is the possibility of Ascension, the completion of training, the exit from the trap of physical matter.

            In the Harvest, all individuals are tested for their core ethical orientation for whether they evolve or not out of our third density existence, into a more refined fourth density.  They have to decide what is most important in their lives – the polarities of “service to self” or “service to other”.  The sickle is a well known symbol of hard working.  The maim labor is self-improvement and self-development centered on the Creator and the service to others.

            “Thrust in your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap,

for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” — Revelations 14:15.

            In the Ra Material and the Hidden Hand dialogue a spiritual evolution process is discussed as the Great Harvest.  However, the Hidden Hand has also associated the Lord of the Harvest with retuning of Nibiru in 2012.  It didn’t come to this dimension (time/space), but huge changes have been taking the place on Earth since that year, described in the Mayan Prophecies and their Calendar cycles.

           Krasnoyarsk is an ancient place.  Its history has several layers.  The upper part refers to the current historical era.  Everything below is related to the supercontinents existed on the planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

            In 1969, just 260 km west of the mouth of the River Mana, was found the famous Tisulsky Princess, rested for hundreds of millions of years into a solid layer of coal.  The time of her burial is thought to be at least 800 million years.  Strictly speaking, it was the time of Rodinia supercontinent surrounded by Mirovoi superocean about 1 billion to 750 million years ago.  Interpedently, both names Rodinia and Mirovoi (adopted by the world scientists) come from the Russian language.  Rodinia is Rodina (Russian: “Motherland”) and Mirovoi means “global”, “embracing the whole world” (as it really was in case of this superocean).  Interestingly, the name Odin is included in Rodina.

            The finding was immediately classified by the authorities as the top secret.  The people involved in the discovery are reported to die soon under mysterious circumstances.

           Karnaukhov was the surname of miner who discovered the marble coffer with the princess.  The two part of this old Russian surname are “Karna” and “Ukho”.  In Russian, “Ukho” means “ear”.  In Sanskrit, ear is karna.  In a broader sense, it means capable of widely perceiving what is happening, not missing anything.  Karna conquered the entire world.  His father was Surya.  Karna is one of the central characters in the major Hindu epic Mahabharata.  Karna faced all the odds of his fortune with virtue and valor.  He fought against misfortune throughout his life and kept his word under all circumstances.  Being a great warrior, throughout his life, Karna only believed in his karma.  In Russian mythology, the goddess of incarnation is Karna.

             It is only about 470 km south of the mouth of the River Mana, the Lemurians discovered in the Sayan Mountains the cave with well preserved bodies of people who became the ancestors of the Atlanteans.  It happened about 28,000 years ago.  Near that place River Yenisei is formed.  It is the largest river system flowing to the Arctic Ocean, associated with Arctic Hyperborea.  Yenisei (3,438 km) is the central of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean.  The other two being the Ob (3,650 km) and the Lena (4,400 km).

            Yenisei River is formed by confluence of two lesser rivers: Bii-Khem and Kaa-Khem.  In the 17th century, the northern toponymImage result for енисей Yenisei competed for some time in documents with the South Siberian name of this river – Kem.  Eventually, the term Yenisei has replaced Kem.

          The ancient Egyptians called their country Kemet.  The meaning of Kemet has been much debated.  It is believed that “Kemet” which means “Black” was attributed to the color of the soil of Ancient Egypt.  It is a big question if the fertile land on the banks of the River Nile has black color.  But, without a doubt, black is the color of coal on which Kemerovo region of Siberia (Russia) stands.

            The World Channeling magazine №4 (2014) reveals the history of Lemurian Egypt that existed on the territory of the present Kemerovo region more than 17,000 years ago.  Kemerovo region borders Krasnoyarsk region.  The distance between the city of Kemerovo and the city of Krasnoyarsk / mouth of River Mana is about 400 km.  The above mentioned Tisulsky Princess was found on the territory of Kemerovo region, near its border with Krasnoyarsk region.  Kemerovo region is the birthplace of Alexei Leonov, the first man in the world who stepped into the open Cosmos from starship.  Town Kemer (Turkey) is located on the Nile Meridian.

            Kryon says that 27,500 years ago a separate Lemurian settlement appeared on the territory of modern Siberia, which was roughly called EGYPTos.  For some time it became the focus of Lemurian spirituality, the center of metaphysical knowledge, the place of healing and the purpose of pilgrimage of the then inhabitants of the planet.  The founder of that Egypt was the great sage Amon Ra whose body in Samadhi was discovered in the cave in the Sayan Mountains, near the place of formation of river Yenisei previously called Kem.

            Ancient Egypt was a kind of “tracing-paper” of that, truly ancient, Lemurian Egypt.  Some of the Lightworkers, who are awakening the deep memory of past incarnations, recall that particular Lemurian Egypt, not understanding some inconsistencies of these memories with the already existing knowledge of modern science.  It is stated that 28,500 years ago, the Lemurian priests, after training in the capital of Lemuria (the city of Yaruslim), were trained at the Amon-Ra Ashram, in the ancient Lemurian Egypt (the territory of South-West Siberia) under the leadership of the Great Sage Amon-Ra.  The colony Aigaptus (Egypt) existed in the North of Africa during the Atlanteans. Later, in the days of Eurasian Hyperborea, in the same place there was a state with about the same name.

Image result for красноярский краеведческий музей              Name Krasnoyarsk means Krasny Yar (Red high unflooded river bank).  Yar is the name of Yaruslim, the Lemurian capital.  Lemuria had many ties with the territory of modern Russia, including the above mentioned place Sungir near Vladimir, the previous capital of Russia.  As a recall from the time of Lemurian Egypt, could be the shape of Krasnoyarsk local history museum (founded in 1889) stylized as the ancient Egyptian temple.

          Located on the bank of River Yenisei / Kem, it resembles the famous temple in Luxor, located on the bank of Nile.  By the way, in Latin, Lux means Light.  The construction of Egyptian bulging of Krasnoyarsk local history museum started in 1913 and was finished in 1929.  It is one of the oldest museums in Siberia and the Far East, one of the largest museums in Russia.

Image result for биг бен красноярск

            Practically, on the backyard of the museum is the so called Krasnoyarsk Big Ben (opened in 2001), the clock tower in front of the building of the city administration.  This is one of the most important towers of Krasnoyarsk.  Without the clock, it would rather remind the Luxor Obelisk standing at the centre of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, the main square of the French capital.  Originally, the obelisk was located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt.  The remaining obelisk is at Luxor.

              It is believed that Krasnoyarsk is located on the territory of a special portal connecting the planet with the higher dimensions.  The city is notable for its nature landscapes.  The Krasnoyarsk  Pillars (bordering the River Mana, a favorite recreation place for Krasnoyarsk residents and many tourists from different countries; the most spectacular loops River Mana makes near its mouth in settlement ManSky) are stone remains and megalithic structures that are also believed to Related imagebe made / used by previous civilizations with the purpose of using this place for moving between the worlds.  Even a simple stay next to such a portal stimulates the growth and development of a person’s consciousness.  At one life cycle of incarnation it is possible to make a huge leap.

Here, in Krasnoyarsk and its surroundings, there are all the conditions for the beginning of the creation of the next civilization on Earth that will be the stronghold of the Power of Light.  The portal would help to pull the planet into higher spheres.  It is a certain analogy with the Harvest process described the in The Ra Material (see above).

            In Russia, from the distant times Procopius has been called the Reaper, since on the day of his memory (July 21) harvest begins.  Also, it is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.  It is the only icon of Our Lady being brought to Cosmos (2011).  Not by accident, the crew of the Apollo 11 spacecraft arrived on the Moon on July 20, but entered its surface only on July 21.

            11 is the number of the sign of Aquarius in the Zodiac.  Aquarius is a sign of universal connection, contact and consciousness.  Krasnoyarsk is located on the 56 north meridian.  5 is the number of Microcosm, whereas 6 is the number of Macrocosm.  Together they are 11.  Humanity and the whole Earth are entering the Age of Aquarius.  Its capital will be Veliky Ustyug.  The ancestor of the Russian Imperial House Procopius the Rightful chose in 12th century Veliky Ustyug as the place of his spiritual deed.

II. Maina urban settlement in Khakassia

            Urban-type settlement of Maina (see below) is located on the River Yenisei, on the border of Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Khakassia passing along the River Yenisei.

            Until 1991, Khakassia was administratively subordinated to Krasnoyarsk region.  In 1992, it became the Republic of Khakassia.  The most known ancient dwellers of the Khakassian steppes were Scythians who are considered to be the ancestors of Russians.  Large body of evidence suggests that Siberian Scythians were also the ancestors of the local Turkic people.  The ethnic Russians today make up ~82% of Khakassia’s population.

 Related image            Among the most famous residents of Krasnoyarsk and Abakan is Russian heavyweight freestyle wrestler Ivan Yarygin (1948 – 1997).  In 1973 Yarygin became the absolute champion of the USSR in freestyle wrestling.  Along with Greco-Roman, it is one of the two styles of wrestling contested in the Olympic games.  For a powerful, aggressive style of fighting, he was nicknamed «Ivan Grozny» (the Terrible).  That year (1973) two Soviet films related to the first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny were realized:    “Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession” and  “Red Kalina” (The Red Snowball Tree).  Kalina is a popular Slavic motive.

            In 1973 the Soviet Union started to get huge oil incomes from Samotlor Field, the largest oil field of Russia and one of largest in the world.  To develop Samotlor, city of Nizhnevartovsk was established.  It lies on one parallel with Saint-Petersburg, Kirillov and Veliky Ustyug.  It is said that Samotlor extended the life of the Soviet Union (its deep reforms).  The Soviet Union sold most of its oil and natural gas exports for United States dollars that were used to pay for grain and capital goods imports, as well as to support client states.  Presumably, oil from Samotlor brought about $245 billion to the state budget, while the development and operation costs did not exceed $27 billion.

          The World Trade Center (1973–2001) built in Lower Manhattan, was also openWorld Trade Center, New York City - aerial view (March 2001).jpg in 1973.  Originally, the Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world.  Metaphysically, they represented the might of material world dominated on the planet within the Great Experiment.  Today, Earth and the whole Galaxy are experiencing the Age of Aquarius. In the Zodiac it has symbolic number 11.

                       Ivan Yarygin is the only athlete in the history of freestyle wrestling, who managed to put all competitors without exception on the shoulder blades in the three most prestigious competitions: the Olympic Games, the World Championships and the European Championships.  His name Ivan read from the right to the left, becomes Navi.  Ivan Yarygin was born in Kemerovo region, like Alexei Leonov, who was the first man to walk in Cosmos.

          Ivan Yarygin attended his school in village Sizaya (Eng. «dove-colored») Image result for сизая красноярский крайof Shushenskoye district (see below).  He has built there a remarkable church, fulfilling the dream of his mother.  The construction of the church was finished in the summer of 1999 and on August 20 it was consecrated in honor of the reverend Evdokia the Grand Duchess of Moscow, the patron saint of the mother of the Olympic champion Evdokia Yarygina. Grand Duck of Moscow Dmitri Ivanovich of Don (1350 – 1389) was the husband of saint Evdokia the Grand Duchess of Moscow.  The river Don’s mouth Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl has identified as the place of Asgard, the adore of Odin and his gods.

         Village Sizaya is located just on the other bank of the Yenisei river opposite to the settlement of Maina.


             Urban-type settlement of Maina is located on the bank of Yenisei River.  Maina hydroelectric power station is a counter-regulator of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, smoothing the fluctuations in the water level in the Yenisei that arise when the operating modes of this powerful Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP are changed (see below).

            Maina and Sayano-Shushenskaya HPPs are a single hydropower complex.  As per the technical level, this complex does not have Related imageany analogs in Russia. During the year and during the day, the electricity needs are different.  Therefore, Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station (peak HPP) must respond quickly to these fluctuations.  Constant fluctuations in the water
level would cause inconveniences for water users of settlements located downstream, if there wasn’t here Maina hydroelectric power station.  The direct distance between Maina and Sayano-Shushenskaya HPPs is less than 20 km.

            Maina has less than five thousand residents and is a part of town of Sayanogorsk, located on the left bank of the Yenisei River.  Another part of this town is Cheryomushki (lit. bird-cherry), an urban-type settlement of hydraulic engineers and operators of the largest in Russia Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

The Sayano–Shushenskaya Dam

Related image            Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station is the largest power plant in Russia and the 9th largest hydroelectric plant in the world, by average power generation.  The dam supports the Sayano–Shushenskoe reservoir with surface area of 621 km2.

                The first largest hydroelectricity facility in the world was named after former U.S. Herbert Hoover who had worked as an engineer in Russia (the Urals) before the 1917 revolution.  Located on the Colorado River (Spanish: Red River), the modern Hoover Dam has also its own secrets related to the Insider (Hidden Hand) and the Pleiades.

            The name of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is derived from the Sayan Mountains and the world famous urban-type settlement of Shushenskoye, Lenin’s Siberian exile, located ~70 km from the Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam and ~45 km of the above Maina.


            During the Soviet times it was one of the major ideological destinations.  Founder of the USSR Vladimir Lenin (1870 – 1924) was Image result for шушенскоеin exile here for 3 years, from 1897 to 1900.  He also got married here in 1898.  Lenin was one of two persons in the 20th century who were given the title of Mahatma.

            Shushenskoye still has got its own airport, although the population is only around seventeen thousand people.  The airport used to be very busy, Image result for шушенскоеincluding the international flights.  Many visitors from all over the Soviet Union and abroad would come here. In 1970, they opened a large museum-reserve dedicated to Lenin’s time in Shushenskoye (Siberia).

            During the exile in Shushenskoye, Lenin wrote there about 30 articles, including “The Development of Capitalism in Russia”.  Shushenskoye is located at the confluence of local river Big Shush with large Yenisei River.

            On the other side of the Yenisei, there is village Kirovo named after famous revolutionary Sergei Kirov, whose surname descends to the name of Persian king Kir or Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE).  Lenin often visited that village for fishing and hunting.  At that time it was called Novo-Voznesenskaya (New Ascension).  Kirovo is a part of the Altai region of Khakassia.  Altai mountains is a very important sacral place on the planet.  Today Kirovo is a large producer of buckwheat in Siberia and the Far East.

            Urban-type settlement Shushenskoye is ~45 km is from Abakan, the capital of Khakassia.


            Abakan is the capital of Republic of Khakassia.  Its symbol is the lady holding a bowl.  The true meaning of the symbol of the Bowl is the acceptance and accumulation of spiritual gifts that are used to serve the world.  The most known is the sacred Bowl of Buddha.  Surely, Abakan and Khakassia have these gifts.  It is proved by their history and location.

          Abakan is ~280 km. south west of Krasnoyarsk.  Both cities are located on Yenisei / Kem River.  Abakan stands in the mouth of River Abakan (tributary of Yenisei).

            Abakan is ~230 km south west from the source of River Mana, whose mouth is near Krasnoyarsk.  Practically, on the same distance west of Abakan are the megalithic structures of Gornaya Shoria (Mountainous Shoria) at the junction of Altai, Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau mountains.  It is the southern part of Kemerovo region (southern Siberia).  It is famous today for the megalithic structures.

            The area around the above mentioned city of Abakan is full of ancient menhirs.  Typically, these menhirs are vertically buried in the ground stone slabs.  They could be up to three meters high and over one meter wide.  These ancient stone sculptures have a sacred meaning.  Similar structures are present in Western Europe and the Scottish island of Lewis of Harris.

            The coat of arms of Abakan depicts three golden ancient statues. It is believed that these mysterious stone statues (menhirs) were erected by people who lived here about 4,000 years ago.

            The name of the city of Abakan is connected with the Abakan River (514 km), which enters the River Yenisey in the city.  The Abakan River originates on the northern slopes of the Western Sayan and the Altai Mountains.

            The very name Abakan could be connected with Sanskrit.  It is present in other Russian places where toponymy is translated from Sanskrit.  For instance, village Abakanovo (meaning Little Abakan) is located in Tver region.  The direct distance between Abakan (Khakassia) and Abakanovo (Tver region) is 3,700 km. or 4,700 km by road.

            Abakanovo (Tver region) is 30 km. from the source of the River Western  Dvina.  Its sister, the river Northern Dvina starts near Veliky Ustyug, by the confluence of the rivers Sukhona and the Yug, whose names are also easily translated from Sanskrit.  Veliky Ustyug is a part of Vologda region, where there are 3 villages named Abakanovo.

            It is no accident that the Valdai is located on the territory of the Tver region, on which the great rivers of the planet originate: the Volga, the Dnieper, the Desna, the Western Dvina, and others.  Their names are translated from Sanskrit.

            45 km Northwest of Abakan is the Salbyksky mound (Salbyk mound) officially attributed by the scientists to the Tagar culture that was a Bronze Age archeological culture flourished between the 8th and 2nd centuries BCE in South Siberia (modern Khakassia, southern part of  Krasnoyarsk region, eastern part of Kemerovo region).  The place is called “Valley of the Kings”.  It is at the foot of the spurs of the mountain ridge of the Kuznetsk Alatau.  In the valley there are more than 100 burial mounds of Tagar culture of Scythian time.  15 of them belong to the so called large mounds (diameter more than 50 meters).  Most of them are still unexplored.  Tagar civilization was one of the largest centers of bronze-smelting in ancient Eurasia.

             Tagar culture was a Bronze Age archaeological culture which flourished between the 8th and 2nd centuries BCE in South Siberia (Khakassia, southern part of Krasnoyarsk Krai, eastern part of Kemerovo region).  The culture was named after the Tagara Island in the Yenisei River opposite Minusinsk, just 8 km east from Abakan.  Nearby Minusinsk, there is the Lake Tagara.  Also, village Tagara located on the originated from the Lake Baikal the River Angara (a major tributary of the Yenisei), is 480 km north east from Krasnoyarsk.

             Tagara is a Sanskrit word referring to “valerian”, a herb from the Valerianaceae family, and is used throughout Ayurvedic practices. Tagara is a natural sedative, also called Indian valerian.  This fuzzy plant grows in the Himalayas, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau.  The Earth’s highest peak (Mount Everest) is in the the Himalayas.  The roots of the plant smell pleasant, giving off an aromatic oil containing valeric acid.  As a traditional medicine, it is used in various recipes and used against sleep problems, obesity and other issues.

            The Tagars were Indo-Europeans, predominantly light-eyed and light haired.  They produced animal art motifs (Scythian art) very similar to the Scythians of southern European Russia.  The huge royal mounds (kurgans) fenced by stone plaques, with four vertical stelae marking the corners is thought to be the most striking feature of the Tagar culture.

            Once in the past, the Great Salbyksky mound was a four-edged earth pyramid, surrounded by a stone fence.  As per today the mound is gone.  It was excavated in 1954-1956 during the scientific exploration.

            Before the excavation, the stone fence of the mound was almost invisible beneath the frayed floors of the mound.  On the surface there were only angular Image result for салбыкский курганplates.  At the beginning of the excavation, the height of the mound reached 11.5 meters.  The length of the stone fence was 71 m.  The earth embankment / tetrahedral pyramid initially reached a height of approximately up to 25 m.

            In the Salbyk steppe, in a radius of about 5 km from Great Salbyksky mound, there are 56 mounds, 5 of which are only slightly smaller than the Great Salbyksky mound, and the height of the rest is 4-6 m.  A characteristic feature for the Salbyk group of mounds is their pyramidal form.

           Under the pyramid of the Great Salbyksky mound they found a square pit of 5 x 5 meters, and depth of 1.8 meters.  Its walls were furnished with vertical logs.  In the crypt they discovered 7 men and women.  An old warrior was buried in the center.  World Channeling magazine describes how Scythian burial mounds of their ancestors helped them communicate with higher dimensions and got the power to defeat their enemies.

            The burial under the Great Salbyksky mound could be of Tagar (Scythian) culture.  No doubt that they could build the earth mound. But it does not necessary mean that they erected numerous heavy stone monoliths around the mounds approximately 2,400 years ago.  It well could have been erected before them.

 Related image           The height of vertically standing monoliths reaches 6 meters, plus at least 1 meter should be below the surface (otherwise they could not keep the upright position).  The weight of stone monoliths fluctuates from 30 to 50 tons.  It is suggested that the Scythians transported them from the quarries on the banks of the Yenisei River located 70 km from the mounds.  None of the archaeologists involved can explain and show what transportation means were used.  Even today, it would be a challenge for the modern powerful machinery like big tracks, excavators, and cranes.

            At that time Scythians could rely only on their horses and male hands.  It would be simply an impossible and illogical task for them.  Compare a horseman on the top of the Great Salbyksky mound with the surrounding stone monoliths.  Moreover, many of the stones bear the traces of unknown instruments in form of ideally straight lines.

            The ancient toponymy here is Indo-European.  The Salbyk mounds are located on the territory of Vershino-Bija village council.  In Russian, Vershina is the summit, the crown.  In Sanskrit, Bija means “seed” and is used as a metaphor for the origin or cause of things.  The best-known Bija syllable is Om, the most sacred sound in Hinduism.  Bija is a major religious and philosophical concept in Buddhism and Hinduism.  Hindus believe that the vibration of the sacral sound OM created the Universe.

            River Bija originates on the outskirt of village Vershino-Bija (16 km from the Great Salbyksky mound).  5 km east from the source of River Bija is the source of River Harasug.  In Sanskrit, hara means “yellow” as well as “gold”.  This region used to be a major gold mining place of the Russian Empire.  In Iranian Avesta, Hara Berezaiti is the World Mountain, same as the Mount Meru of Indian sacred texts.  Also, in Hinduism Hara is an early name of the god Shiva from the Harappan culture (Indus Valley Civilization).  In Sanskrit, Shiva is Siva. The largest settlement in the valley of the Russian river Siva is the city of Votkinsk.

             Another evidence of the antiquity of the names around Abakan is the local Tasheba River (a tributary of the Yenisei).  Teisheba is the Urartian god of thunder and war.  He is a counterpart to the Assyrian god Adad, the Vedic God Indra, and the Hurrian god, Teshub.  The Hurrians tribes represented a large ethnic component in the region of Lake Urmia, where the Manna kingdom was formed in the 1st millennium BCE.

            The Hurrians appeared on the territory of northern Mesopotamia in the second half of the 3rd millennium BCE.  In Syria and Mesopotamia they lived alternately with the Semites and in the 16th — 13th centuries BCE.  The Hurrians created the state of Mitanni, the motherland of the mother and wife of pharaoh and religious reformer Akhenaton.  The Hurrians’ power included Syrian Aleppo. The Hurrians exerted a strong influence on the Hittite kingdom.  The capital of Mitanni was located on the source of the river Habur, also known as the “River of Babylon” in the biblical history of the so called Babylonian captivity.  River Habur originates in the southeast of Turkey, and in Syria it flows into the Euphrates.

            There is a version that the god Teisheba was a Urartian analogue of the Assyrian god Adad.  Adad (Sumer Ishkur) was the youngest son of Enlil, who was not only the leader of the Nibiruan mission on Earth, but was also the Crown Prince of Nibiru.

            To the north of Abakan lies the village of Kalinino, beyond the above-mentioned river Tasheba.  The very ancient root of the village’s name could not only be in folk popular motive of Kalina (red colour viburnum or guelder rose), but also in Kali.

             The world’s oldest astronomical observatory is located in Khakassia.  The observatory’s age comes to almost
18,000 years.  For instance, the estimated age of English Stonehenge is only 5,000 years.  So, the Khakassian observatory, called Sunduki (English: Chests), is older more than 3,5 times.

            The Sunduki are 8 sandstone mounts that rise majestically from the steppe.  Total length is 10 km.  The area is 2,100 hectares.  The Sunduki are over 370 million years old.  The White horse Petroglyph is 18,000 years old.  On the territory of the reserve there are more than 200 sanctuary-calendars.

            The Sunduki was a place of huge religious significance in the ancient world.  Still it has high spiritual and energetic significance for shamans and people with paranormal abilities.  They are often visitors here.  The Sunduki are located 150 km North West of Abakan, near the border with Krasnoyarsk region.

            It is only 13 km from the Sunduki to the so called Siberian Dead Sea that is the Lake Tus.  It is the most exotic lake in Eastern Siberia.  The concentration of the salt (essence of life) is so high that it is impossible to dive or sink.  The name of the lake is clearly Aryan or the so called Indo-European or Indo-Iranian.  In modern day Iran, there is town of Tus.  To the ancient Greeks, it was known as Susia.  Compare it to the name of Shushenskoye on Sush river.

            The most famous person who was born in Iranian Tus is the poet Ferdowsi (c. 940 – 1020), author of the Persian epic Shahnameh (“The Book of Kings”).  It is the world’s longest epic poem created by a single poet, and the national epic of Greater Iran, a monument of poetry and historiography.  It describes Iran’s (“land of Aryans”) ancient history from the creation of the world until the Islamic conquest of Persia (Iran) in the 7th century.  Modern Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and the greater region formerly influenced by the Persian culture celebrate this national epic.  Among these countries are Armenia, Dagestan, Georgia, Turkey, etc.  Iranian town of Tus is also the place of many famous theologians, philosophers, mystics, poets, etc.

            25 km South East from the lake Tus is another prominent Lake Shira (Sira).  In Sanskrit, Sir means “Head”.  Strange slabs going into the lake have been found on the South Western bank.  At a depth of 5 to 10 meters, researchers have also found fragments of giant stone slabs.  On the eastern side, 15 slabs with cut ends have been found.  Obviously, no natural phenomenon can produce rectangles and lay them in a dense cover along the shore of the lake.

            X-ray-luminescent analysis of pieces of plates has revealed that they have a complex structure that includes silicon, aluminum, magnesium, iron, strontium, niobium, and yttrium.  Experts say that such complex alloys are used only in the space and military industries.

Appendix 1

  Image result for красноярский край          The Krasnoyarsk Krai lies in the middle of Russia and Siberia.  It is among the richest of Russia’s regions in natural resources.  80% of the country’s nickel, 75% of its cobalt, 70% of its copper, 16% of its coal, and 10% of its gold are extracted here.  The Krasnoyarsk Krai also produces 20% of the country’s timber. More than 95% of Russian resources of platinum and platinoids are concentrated in the Krasnoyarsk Krai.

            The city of Krasnoyarsk is the 3rd largest city in Siberia (after Novosibirsk and Omsk).  Krasnoyarsk Krai is the largest krai (super region) in the Russian Federation and the second largest Russian federal subject (after the Saha Republic).  Also, Krasnoyarsk Krai is the third largest subnational governing body by area in the world, after the Saha Republic of Russia and the Australian state of Western Australia.

            Krasnoyarsk Krai covers an area of 2,3 mln. km2 which is nearly one quarter of Canada (the next-largest country in the world after Russia).  Krasnoyarsk Krai constitute roughly 13% of the Russian Federation’s total area.  The population of Krasnoyarsk Krai is over 2,8 million people, or just under 2% of Russia.  Krasnoyarsk is the site of the Siberian Federal University, one of the four largest educational institutions of Russia.

            The two most powerful hydroelectric plants in Russia are built on the Yenisei River.  The Krasnoyarsk Krai is one of the most important producers of electric energy in Russia.

            Krasnoyarsk Krai is located in the basin of the Arctic Ocean.  A great number of rivers (tributaries of Yenisei) that flow through the Krai drain eventually into the Arctic Ocean.  One of them is Podkamennaya Tunguska, the world famous river for the so called meteorite explosion in its basin happened in 1908 and flattened more than 2,000 km2 of pine forest and knocked down some 80 million trees.  The estimates of the energy of the air burst vary from 5 to 30 megatons of TNT.  The 15 megaton estimate represents energy about 1000 times greater than that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.  Magazine «World Channeling» №7 (39) 2017 states that it was special energy arrival to Earth.  The area was very important in the time of Lemuria (26,000 years ago).  This is a special portal on the planet.

            According to official history and archaeology, the traces of first people in Siberia are circa 40,000 BCE.  The first modern Russian settlements in Krasnoyarsk Krai (mostly by Cossacks) began in the 17th century.  However, the Scythians (descendants of the Aryans, like the modern Russians) lived here 2,500 year ago.  They were a nomadic people who lived in the 1st millennium BCE on a vast territory from Southern Siberia to the Black Sea region.  The eastern border of the Aryan living space was Manchuria (Northmen China) and modern Russian city and port of Vladivostok (lit.»One who rules the East») on the Pacific Ocean.  The Scythians are considered one of the progenitors of the Slavic and Eastern European tribes.  The grave-mounds and monuments of the Scythian culture in Krasnoyarsk Krai are among the oldest in Eurasia.  Only in the Khakassia steppes the Scythians have left 100,000 burial mounds with the burials of their kings.

          Famous Scythian burial mounds are also located in southern Kazakhstan in the region of Almaty. The so called Scythian «golden man» has been adopted as one of the symbols of modern Kazakhstan.

            The Scythians were dominated almost a millennium on the present territory of Russia (Soviet Union and Russian Empire).  They could not be defeated neither by theRelated image empire of the Persians, nor by Alexander the Great.  The Scythians is the Greek word by which the Hellenes designated nomadic peoples living on the territory of the Black Sea region between the rivers Don and the Danube.  The Russian River Don is famous for its brave Cossacks.  The Don’s mouth Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl has identified as the place of Asgard, the adore of Odin and his gods.

            Scythians called themselves Saka or Saki.  Presumably, the ancestors of Buddha Shakyamuni (or Sakyamuni) were Saki / Saky.  In the mid-3rd century BCE the Indian Emperor Ashoka determined that Lumbini (present-day Nepal) was Gautama’s birthplace and thus installed a pillar there with the inscription: “…this is where the Buddha, sage of the Sakyas (Sakyamuni), was born”.

            The current center of Russian federation is located on the north of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.  It is the Putorana Plateau bordering the Taymyr Peninsula that forms the northernmost part of the mainland of Eurasia.  The nearest major settlement is the city of Norilsk, the world’s northernmost city with more than 100,000 inhabitants and the second-largest city (after Russian city of Murmansk) inside the Arctic Circle.  Norilsk is located at the foot of the Putorana Mountains, on some of the largest nickel deposits on Earth.  The nickel deposits of Norilsk are the largest-known nickel-copper-palladium deposits in the world.

            330 km south of Norilsk, the village of Kureika (just north of the Arctic Circle near town of Turukhansk) Joseph Stalin spent his final exile in 1914 — 1916.  Kureika is located the on the confluence of Kureika River and Yenisei.

            During both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, the territory of Krasnoyarsk Krai was used as a place of exile of political enemies.  The first leaders of the Soviet state, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were exiled here.  In Krasnoyarsk Krai was in exile Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, a close friend of Lenin.  He was a Soviet Scientist and a state figure, who was appointed as a Chief of Russia Electrification Commission in 1920 and led the first Soviet plan for national economic recovery and development under the supervision of Lenin.  Lenin’s belief in the central importance of electrification to the achievement of communism is represented by his statement that: “Communism is Soviet government plus the electrification of the whole country”.

Appendix 2

                In the 1950s, mouth of River Mana was considered as a place for Academic Town.  It is a Soviet tradition rooted in the Greek heritage.  The term “Academy” was first introduced in ancient Hellas and belonged to the Athenian grove, walking in which Plato spoke with the students. After a couple of thousand years, the Soviet Union traditionally built its world known Academic Towns  at a distance from the city center, in the bosom of nature, surrounded by groves and forests.

Image result for красноярский академгородок церковь            Finally, they decided to found the Academic Town on the western outskirts of the city of Krasnoyarsk, on the last vertex of the Sayan ridge, on the other bank of the Yenisei River.  Steep bank, towering a hundred meters above the Yenisei, was chosen as the birthplace of the scientific nucleus.

          Krasnoyarsk Academic Town began in 20th century with a dendrarium to create a healthier, privileged enclave for academics to live in, among trees and vegetation and outside of the dirtier industrial areas.  New large brick seven-dome church with a bell tower in Russian style was built here in 21st century.  It is dedicated to the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family.  While being a prince he visited Krasnoyarsk on his journey to the Far East.

Image result for красноярские столбы

The Rock of Manskaya baba (lady of Mana)

            The Academic Town is directly opposite to the state protected Stolby Nature Sanctuary on the other bank of Yenisei.  The site is known for its spectacular complexes of rocks.  This strict ecological reserve is located practically on the west-southern outskirts of the city of Krasnoyarsk.  The lower part of River Mana (near its conjunction with Yenisei) is the natural border of Stolby Nature Sanctuary.  The Stolby has been nominated to be on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.  The Rock of Manskaya baba (lady of Mana) is one the most spectacular of them.  It is also called the Queen of the Stolby.  In Russian, baba means ‘lady’, including old lady (babushka).  Baba is a word found in several Middle Eastern and Asian languages, including Sanskrit and Hindi with meaning «father», «grandfather», «wise old man», etc.  It is used as a form of address to show respect for a spiritual teacher or an older man.

         The direct distance between the mouth of Mana and the Krasnoyarsk Academic Town (Akademgorodok) is 20 km.  Krasnoyarsk Academic Town’s elder brother and prototype is Novosibirsk Academic Town located 630 km west, on the bank of Ob river (3,650 km), the world’s 7th longest river.  The Ob originates in the Altay Mountains, bursting out of a glacier on Mount Belukha believed to be connected with Shambala.  The Ob is the westernmost of the three great Siberian Rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean (the other two being the Yenisei River and the Lena River).

            The oldest institute of Krasnoyarsk Academic Town is the Forest Institute established in 1944.  The Institute of Physics was established in 1956.  The Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS was established in 1975.  The Institute of Biophysics was established in 1981.

Appendix 3

Southern Siberia & DNA Genealogy

            DNA genealogy developed by Russian scholar and visionary Anatole Klyosov has enabled to reconstruct migration, settlement patterns and evolution of populations in ancient Europe and other countries.  It is a new field of science, which is currently emerging as a blend of biochemistry, history, linguistics, and chemical kinetics, etc.  Unlike the description of different nations made by the ancient authors and invented interpretations, which in the absence of facts are often “compensated” by passionate fantasy, DNA genealogy is precise and consistent with objective scientific data.

            According to DNA genealogy, haplogroup R1a (attributed to the Aryans) arose apparently in South Siberia and/or neighboring regions around 20,000 years ago.  Not later than 12,000 years ago bearers of R1a1 already were in the Hindustan, then went across Anatolia and the rest of Asia Minor apparently between 10,000 and 9,000 years ago, and around 9,000 – 8,000 years ago they arrived to the Balkans and spread over Europe, bringing proto-Indo-European and Indo-European languages.

            In 4,800 years ago they migrated eastward from Europe to the Russian Plane and then to India.  About 3,000 – 2,500 years ago they migrated with their Indo-European languages from the Russian Plain back to central, western, and southern Europe, laying the genetic groundwork for peoples later called Celts, Germans, Italics, Greeks, Illyrians, and Balto-Slavs.

            During the 1st Millennium BCE and the first centuries of our era the Scythians, mainly the carriers of haplogroup R1a, moved partly to Europe up to the Atlantic.  The rest settled on the territory of Kazakhstan, the southern Urals, Central Asia up to the Altai, and now here continue to live their descendants – Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Khakassia, Tuva, the Altai-Kizhi (Kizhi is also a famous place in the Onega Lake of Russia) and others.  They differ today, but are the descendants of Aryan common ancestors.  The Scythians of the West continue to live as a modern Western and Eastern Slavs, the population of Central and Eastern Europe belong to haplogroup R1a.

            The future Aryans, bearers of haplogroup R1a, about 10,000 – 8,000 years ago arrived in Europe, after a long migration across the Southern Arc, from Central Asia, through Tibet, Northern Hindustan, the Iranian plateau, Anatolia, the Balkans.  Then, according to DNA genealogy, Aryans moved from Europe to the Russian plain about 4800 years ago.

            About 4500 years ago, Aryans began to diverge from the Russian plain in different directions — to the South (through the Caucasus to Mesopotamia, the Middle East and further to the Arabian Peninsula up to the Indian ocean, about 4000-3600 years ago; in the Arab world, the share of haplogroup R1a now reaches 9% of the population by region; there, on the territory of modern Syria, recorded ancient Mitanni Aryans), to the Southeast (in the mountains of Central Asia about 4,000 years ago, and then, after about 500 years, on the Iranian plateau, as the Avestian Aryans), to the southern Urals about 4,000 years ago (and then to the South, in Hindustan, about 3,500 years ago, as Indo-Aryans.

            Naturally, not all Aryans left the Russian plain.  The remaining carriers of haplogroup R1a were in the South of Russia and Ukraine, in the Caucasus, in the Caspian steppes, in Central Asia, as well as in the Balkans (ancestors of Serbs, for example).   According to the ancient Greek definition of Scythians, all of them were Scythians.

            The Aryans-Scythians were in the East even further, beyond the sacral Urals, where they arrived about 4,000 years ago.  Their ancient settlement of Arkaim existed between 3800-3600 years ago.  The Aryans were in the Khakassia already 3800-3400 years ago.  The distance between Arkaim and Abakan (capital of Khakassia) is more than 2,000 km.  According to the traditional historical classification they were early Scythians.  So, late Aryans are early Scythians.  In fact, one genus, one population.

            By that time the Aryans-Scythians had already moved 4,000 km beyond the Urals.  If they have gone with the usual speed for ancient migrations of 1 km per year, then it would have taken them 4,000 years for such a transition.  The Scythians ran the distance for a few hundred years.  It is clear that they did not go on foot.  They had horses and wheeled transport.

            Studies reveal that the Eastern Slavs and Scythians of Khakassia are one genus (R1a) and have direct and fairly close relationship at the level of haplotypes.  The common ancestor of the Slavs on the Russian plain (4800 years ago) and the Scythians (3800-3400 years ago) lived 4600 — 4400 years ago.  It is the time of the beginning of Aryan migrations from the Russian plain.  The haplogroup R1a reaches 72% in Indian higher castes.

Appendix 4

The Kemerovo region megalithic structures could be described as follows:

  • The walls are laid out of giant stone blocks.  Here also there are strange buildings with vertically installed stone obelisks.Самые известные мегалиты России (50 фото)
  • Some granite blocks at the bottom have been made of red granite and crowned with blocks of gray granite, and above lay polygonal masonry from various blocks of both red and gray granite.
  • Various types of masonry and stone locks with which giant granite blocks are fastened.
  • The giant stone blocks have been raised to a height of more than 1,000 meters and installed there on a special platform.
  • A strange cyclopean structure of vertically placed blocks stands on a giant foundation.
  • The blocks are laid under a direct angle that the Nature never does.
  • The height of the wall is about 40 meters, and the length of the wall is almost 200 meters.
  • The length of the stones that make up the structure is about 20 meters, and their height is 5-7 meters.  Each block weighs more than Image result for мегалитические сооружения горной шории1,000 tons.
  • Scientists are considering two versions of the origin of the structure: 1) it appeared in the time of ancient civilizations, 2) the found stones are the result of geological processes associated with the strong weathering of the rocks of Gornaya Shoria (Mountainous Shoria).
  • At the top of the wall, there are traces of the ancient melting of the rock.  It is clear that the buildings might have been destroyed by powerful thermonuclear or some other explosions.
  • The arrows of all compasses deviate from megaliths.  An inexplicable phenomenon of a negative magnetic field.  It could be a residual phenomenon from ancient, antigravity technologies.

Самые известные мегалиты России (50 фото)Related image






Image result for мегалитические сооружения горной шории

Image result for мегалитические сооружения горной шории






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In Russia, there are many unique megaliths, but they are not so well known as English Stonehenge, Lebanon’s Baalbek, or Ollantaytambo in Peru.  However, the Kemerovo region megalithic structures are considered to be the biggest in the world.

Here are two short videos on the Kemerovo megalithic structures:

Video 1

Video 2



Reptilian toponymy


  1. Reptiles on the coat of arms and in the names of cities
  2. Naginsk
  3. Milan
  4. Pruzhany and Cobrin
  5. Tsarskoye Selo
  6. Ulan-Ude
  7. Evpatoria & Saky
  8. Zmeinogorsk
  9. Zmiev
  10. Cobrin
  11. Cobras of the Kirov region
  12. Nakhodka

I. Reptiles on the coat of arms and in the names of cities

            The theme of reptiles is one of the most controversial.  In the East, snakes and dragons are associated with Wisdom.  In the West, Reptiloids are often called the secret masters of the world financial system.  The Reptiloids are mere participants of the so called Restraint Forces that help the Universal Great Experiment.  So, the truth is always in the middle, like Russia, most of whose vast territories are in Asia, but the capital and the largest cities are in the European part.

            More than a dozen cities in Russia alone have a snake or dragon on their coat of arms. In most cases, such a reptile acts as a symbol of wisdom, longevity, luck and protection. There are cities where not only the coat of arms, but the very name of city includes the serpents.

         Distinct Mayan city Palenque in the distant past was called “Nachin” or “City of Serpents”. It is noteworthy that in Palenque there is Image result for пирамида надписей паленкеthe Temple of the Inscriptions that could be considered as a certain prototype of Lenin’s mausoleum.  Pacal the Great buried in this tomb had similar importance to the Mayan world of the 7th century as Lenin in 20th century to the whole humanity, Related imagechanging the course of world history.  Tomb lid of Pacal is believed by many to show him or an alien astronaut taking off in a spacecraft-returning to the stars, etc.

            The undisputed leader among Russian cities with “reptilian” emblems and legends is Kazan with its famous Dragon Zilant.  In Kazan the above-mentioned Lenin took the path of revolutionary struggle.  Near Kazan is his grandfather’s estate, now very popular with Chinese tourists.  China is called the Dragon because of dragon’s involvement in many Chinese mythological stories and their festivals.  The Chinese dragon is often portrayed in Red-Yellow color adapting from the Chinese flag.

Image result for герб москвы                   Dragon is depicted on the coat of arms of Moscow.  Today a horseman with a spear in his hand slaying a Basilisk (King of serpents) and is often identified with Saint George and the Dragon.  Swiss Basel’s name is related to this Basilisk that is the heraldic animal of the city.  Numerous small fountains throughout the city have  Basilisks.  One of them has been presented to the city of Moscow.  Basel is the home to the worldwide seat of the Bank for International Settlements, an organization of central banks.

           Grand Prince of Rus Yaroslav the Wise (died 1054) was the first Russian ruler to have Saint George as his personal patron saint.  Yaroslav’s Christian name was Yury after Saint George.  Yury is a Russian-language equivalent of the name George.  The French descendants of Yaroslav the Wise were deeply involved in the Order of Solomon’s Temple (the Knights Templar).  Saint George was also the patron saint of Yaroslav’s great-grandson, Yury Dolgoruky, who is credited with founding the city of Moscow.  The image of Saint George was very popular in Byzantine Empire founded by Constantine the Great in the 4th century.  He introduced in the Roman Empire the cult of Saint George the Victorious, whose roots could be traced back to the Battle of Nibiru and Tiamat.

                 Historically speaking, the horseman on the Moscow coat of arms represents a Russian Tsar.  If it was truly Saint George than then a round halo (or nimbus) would be around his head.  In the 16th century, the first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny described the horseman as Russian Tsar.  He made the heraldic emblem of Moscow an integral part of the coat of arms of Russia.

II. Naginsk  

              The world’s first monument to Lenin was erected in Noginsk, near Moscow.  In most cases, the name of the city of Noginsk is Image result for ногинск первый памятник ленинуpronounced as Naginsk.  The last two letters only indicate the status of a city.  The root is Nagin.  Nagina is a town in Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state in the Republic of India.  The state is world famous for the Taj Mahal on the south bank of the sacred River Yamuna in Agra.  River Yamuga is near Moscow.

             Important cultural and religious centers of the whole country are located in Uttar Pradesh cities of Varanasi, Allahabad, Mathura, Vrindavan, Lucknow, etc.  Allahabad is the native city of the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi.  The meaning of surname Nehru is practically identical to the name of Russian Lake Nero.

                  The capital city of the state Uttar Pradesh is Lucknow whereas Lucknowo is a settlement in Russian Vladimir region, adjoining to Moscow region that still has a lot of toponymy translated from Sanskrit.  77 km. is the distance between Lucknowo and the mouth of the River Yada.  Krishna was a Yadava.

            Uttar Pradesh cities of Mathura and Vrindavan are closely related with Krishna, a major deity in Hinduism, the eighth avatar of the god Vishnu.  Krishna belonged to the Yadu dynasty.  River Yada flows near Vladimir that was the capital of Russia (Rus) before Moscow.  Vladimir (lit. ‘The one who possesses the world’) is the name of Lenin and Putin whose surname is also related to Sanskrit.

Image result for nagin

            In 1976 Indian Bollywood made a film named Nagin.  According to a myth, when Cobras are of a certain age, they can assume human form.  In Sanskrit, Indian king cobra is Nag.  Moreover, Naga is a deity and a class of beings in the form of a serpent in Hindustan born ancient religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.  A female naga is nagini or nagin.

In Hindi, nag means “snake”. Cobra (Sanskrit: naga) is a symbol of wisdom and Kundalini, the Image result for lenin to learn to learn to learnenergy of enlightenment.  The Himalayan Mahatmas in their letter to the Soviet government called Lenin their brother. The famous Lenin phrase “Learn, Learn and Learn” is a skill formula.  In Sanskrit, it sounds like “TATT-SAT-TATT” or “comprehend, endlessly comprehending”.

The monument of Lenin in the Urals was laid in Chelyabinsk in January 1924 right after his death (like in Naginsk).  Today Chelyabinsk is also famous for 2013 meteor that the Ponokteon tried to use for getting access to the Gene Modifier that is called the Sacred Workshop of the Creator.  The largest found part (~500 kg.) of this Image result for челябинский краеведческий музейmeteor is exhibited in Chelyabinsk State museum.

The monument-mausoleum of Lenin in Chelyabinsk resembles an Egyptian style mausoleum with elements of oriental motifs.  Its first stone was laid in sync with Lenin’s funeral procession in Moscow.  His modern mausoleum on the Red Square was built later by design of famous Russian architect Alexey Shchusev (1873 — 1949), also designer for the Kazan Railway Station in Moscow.  Interestingly, Moscow, Kazan and Chelyabinsk (Chebarkul) are located on the same 55th parallel.

                  After the opening in 1925, the Chelyabinsk monument-mausoleum of Lenin served as a public library, where the works of Lenin Image result for челябинск памятник мавзолей ленинуwere kept.  Above the central entrance was a sign: “Learn by Lenin”.  Common basis have the words Chelyabinsk and Chelo.  This opens another interesting aspect of the spiritual purpose of this city and its region in Southern Urals.

           World Channeling Magazine №1 (13) 2014 reveals a story of Lenin’s Higher Self.  It is the representative of the 5th dimension named Rainis, the master of the Harmonious Transition between dimensions and worlds, the evolution of one system into another.  Rainis belongs to the Spiritual Family of the AR, which deals with the harmonization of world systems, the construction of new systems and the harmonization of existing ones.  The head of this family is Edary.  World Channeling №7 (25) 2015 describes Edary as the Higher Self of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.  It was a part of Divine Duality plan for immersion of Russia into even denser layers of the Duality and the creation of a special program for the future ascent of Russia. Everyone knows that darkness thickens before dawn.  Today, the Earth and humanity have begun the ascent from the 4th to the 5th dimension. Russia has got a leading role in this global process.  Not by chance Russia’s official doctrine in the last century was liberation of the world from colonial and capitalist oppression (backed by Restraint Forces).

            Among the West European cities with mysterious coat of arms is Milan, related with Russia’s capital city of Moscow.

III. Milan

            The ancient coat of arms of Milan depicts a snake holding a man or a child in the mouth. Unfortunately, there is no exact version of its origin and interpretation. This coat of arms belonged to two closely related ducal families the Visconti and the Sforza, who ruled Milan one after the other.

            Biscione (a serpent holding a man or a child in its mouth) was the emblem of the Visconti family and appeared on their coat of arms around 1100 AD.  When Visconti became duke in 1395, he added black eagles to the band, because the duchy was part of the Holy Roman Empire.  The emblem began to represent a shield, two gold fields of which had eagles and two silver ones had serpents.  It is also a symbolism (duality) of two principles: gold (the Sun) and silver (the Moon), the eagle (Heaven / Spirit) and the serpent (Earth / Matter).

            It is no accident that in Central America, a man who had the ability to connect the two worlds, the Spiritual and the Earthly, was
called the Feathered Serpent.  According to one of the versions, Ningishzida (a representative of Nibiru) could become a prototype.

            The plot of the serpent holding in its mouth a man is also found in the Aztecs.  In Europe, it appeared on the coat of arms of Milan.  Part of this coat of arms later appeared on the coat of arms of one of the cities of the Russian Empire.  It happened after the daughter of Francesco Sforza got married to the local prince.

            Milan’s ruling dynasty Visconti faded after the death of Duke Filippo Visconti in 1447.  He did not have heirs in the male line, but his daughter Bianca Visconti was married in 1441 by the successful Milan military leader Francesco Sforza, who with the support of his wife, began to rule the city since 1450.  He was 24 years older than she.  They were engaged in 1430, when she was only 6 years old.

            Visconti wanted this engagement to tie Francesco Sforza to the Milan Duchy.  The bride’s father gave a rich dowry.  This powerful soldier of fortune took the coat of arms of his father-in-law, proclaiming himself the heir of the Visconti dynasty.  He completed their castle, making it his residence and decorating them with a common coat of arms.  The protective structures of this castle were designed by the Tuscan Leonardo de Vinci, one of the most known representatives of the Renaissance.

            It is believed the Castle of Sforza served as a model for the Lombard architects who built the walls of the Moscow Kremlin at the end of the 15th century.  In Milan and Moscow, they are likewise decorated with swallowtails.  In Milan, on WT SmartCity Award 2017 (international urban & architecture ideas competition) were rewarded Richard Moreta and his team designed the most innovative and visionary new type of city for The Kingdom of Manna on the island of Los Negros.  The ultimate goal is to achieve the maximum balance between quality of life and environmental impact.  Richard was born in New York that has special ties with Manna and ancient ties with Russia.

            Francesco Sforza is mentioned several times in the famous Tuscany book by Niccolò Machiavelli “The Prince”, in which his ability to rule the state is marked.  The French King Louis XI considered Francesco Sforza an example of a skillful diplomat.  Sforza was in close friendship with the then ruler of Florence and philanthropist Cosimo de’ Medici.

            Sforza was the patron of the arts.  Leonardo de Vinci worked at his court.  Francesco Sforza’s son ordered Leonardo the famous “Last Supper”, a mural on the rear wall of the refectory in the Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, depicting the scene of the last supper of Christ with his disciples.  It became the most popular work of Leonardo and an important milestone in the history of the Renaissance: correctly reproduced depth of perspective changed the direction of the development of Western painting.

            There have been a lot of rumors and myths about the “Last Supper” from the very beginning to Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code”.   This author of conspiracy thrillers claims that the Apostle John, who bends over to Peter, is in fact a woman, Mary Magdalene, probably the wife of Christ.  However, the contours of their bodies rather do not form the letter “M”, which supposedly means “Matrimonio” (“marriage”).  They rather form the letter “V” that is the signature of Leonardo da Vinci.  A former rock musician, an English teacher, and the author of such a book “187 Men to Avoid: A Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman” says nothing about the Russian trace in the history of the Knights Templar.

            Noteworthy is the story of painting images of Christ and Judas on the “Last Supper”.  Leonardo was to portray the Good embodied in the image of Jesus and Evil embodied in the image of Judas, who decided to betray him at this meal.  For a long time he could not find the models from which these figures could be painted.  As a result, he found in the church choir a young chorister who approached the image of Christ.  However, the artist had to search for another three years of the model for Judas, until he accidentally stumbled upon a drunkard lying in a gutter.  It was a young man, but prematurely senile, dirty and tattered.  Leonardo depicted on the canvas the sinfulness, selfishness, wickedness expressed on the face of the Judas’ model.  Then it turned out that this is the same model from which Leonardo had previously painted the image of Jesus for this fresco.

            Milan is also important for Christianity.  Emperor Constantine’s Milan Decree declared equal rights to the Christian religion.  Constantine introduced in the Roman Empire the cult of St. George the Victorious, whose roots go back to the Battle of Nibiru and Tiamat.

            The coat of arms of the Sforza / Visconti painted lunettes over the «Last Supper», formed by a ceiling with three arches. According to one version, this story symbolizes the strength and victories of Milan.  Other version states that the serpent from the mouth of which the baby appears, symbolizes the awakening force combined with wisdom.

            Today, Milan has a different coat of arms.  It is the red cross of St. George on a silver field.  The image of the serpent with the child uses in its symbol the car company Alfa Romeo created in Milan.  It has combined both Milanese coats of arms: in a halved circle, in the left half there is a cross, and in the right half there is a crowned serpent, from the mouth of which a baby appears.

IV. Pruzhany and Cobrin

            Pruzhany is town in the Brest region of modern Belarus.  It has been known since 15th century.  The daughter of the above mentioned Sforza of Milan, through the marriage in 1518, became the Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania.  She brought the Milanese coat of arms Biscione to the Belarusian Pruzhany, formerly part of the Cobrin Principality.  The name Cobrin comes from Cobra, but cobras have never existed in this northern region.  The snake is one of the most ancient and deep symbols.  Not an exception is the name of the principality coming from name of the town of Cobrin.

            In 1588, Queen and Princess of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Anna Jagiellon (widow of Stephen Bathory who owned Pruzhany after the death of her mother Queen Bon Sforza) granted Pruzhany Magdeburg Law with the status of the city, seal and coat of arms.

            According to historians, the name of Pruzhany is connected with the settlement here of the Prussians, a cluster of Baltic tribes that inhabited the south-eastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

            In the 13th century with the help of Polish king, the Prussians’ lands were conquered by medieval Catholic military order of German crusaders who created there the monastic State of the Teutonic Order.  The Prussians were Germanised and Polonised.  Some of them escaped to Russia, including the founder of the Russian Romanov family Procopius the Righteous.

            In time due, the coat of arms of Pruzhany has been changed.  In 1845, fir-tree appeared on it.  On this spruce was a silver hunting horn.  The fir-tree and the horn pointed to the famous Belovezhskaya pushcha (forest) which is located near the town of Pruzhany. Today, Belovezhskaya pushcha is better known as a sad place where the collapse of the Soviet Union was formalized.  In the past, Belovezhskaya pushcha was owned by the Russian Emperors.

            Long ago, among the Germanic peoples, fir-tree was sacred.  They treated it as a prototype of the World Tree.  In the 20th century Stalin decided to carry on the tradition of Christmas tree brought to Russia from Prussia by its princess that became the wife of Russian Emperor Nicholas I.  Former Christmas tree became a symbol of the Soviet New Year.

            The tradition of New Year goes back to Sumer that was considered to be the cradle of modern civilization until the findings of Tartaria tablets in Transylvania. In Sumerian mythology, the appearance of their civilization is associated with Nibiru, whose representatives left the New Year to them, as a memory of their visit to the Earth and the creation of man.  In fact, they were not creators of the mankind, but just were playing gods to persuade people obey them and dig gold for Nibiru.

            The above hunter’s horn on the Pruzhany emblem could have an interesting historical parallel.  The blue hunting horn in the golden field is the coat of arms of the first feudal rulers of the small sovereignty of Orange in the south of France, next to the Languedoc.  Roman Orange was founded in 35 BCE by veterans of the second legion as Arausio (after the local Celtic water god).  The name was originally unrelated to that of the orange fruit, but was later conflated with it.  The sovereign Carolingian counts of Orange had their origin in the 8th century, and passed into the family of the lords of Baux.  From the 12th century, Orange was raised to a minor principality, the Principality of Orange, as a fief of the Holy Roman Empire.

            When William the Silent, count of Duchy Nassau (located in what is now the German states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse), with estates in the Netherlands, inherited the title Prince of Orange in 1544, the principality was incorporated into the holdings of what became the House of Orange-Nassau.  Their descendants played an important role in European politics.  Prince Wilhelm I of Orange was one of the leaders of the Netherlands revolution and the Reformation of the 16th century.  Wilhelm III of Orange, the ruler of the Netherlands, became the king of England and Scotland.  In his reign began a rapid rise in England and its transformation into a powerful world power.  He carried out profound reforms that laid the foundation for the political and economic system of the country.  Nassau is also part of the name of the Dutch Royal Family, which styles itself Orange-Nassau.

            The title of Prince of Orange is used as the Head of the Hohenzollern family, the German dynasty, from which were the rulers of Brandenburg, the kings of Prussia, the Kaisers of Germany.  The Hohenzollerns were in direct relationship with the Romanovs. The Catholic branch of the Hohenzollerns ruled in Romania.

V. Tsarskoye Selo

            Tsarskoye Selo or Tsar’s Village is now town of Pushkin.  The serpent biting its tail was placed on its coat of arms by the order of Catherine the Great of Russia (1729 – 1796).  She was born as a German princess in Slavic city of Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia (now Szczecin, Poland).  Catherine the Great is Russia’s longest-ruling female monarch.  Under her governance the Russian Empire was expanding rapidly by diplomacy and conquest / return of the former Russian lands in the south and south-west.  In the east, Russia started to colonize Alaska, establishing Russian America.

            In her time, often considered the Golden Age of the Russian Empire and the Russian nobility, Tsarskoye Selo became the country residence of Russian emperors.

            In the second and fourth parts of the shield, the eagle holds a torch with a flame in its right paw and an anchor in its left paw.  On the eagle’s chest is an oval shield with a cross, bordered by a golden serpent biting its tail, symbolizing the wisdom and eternity.

            Tsarskoye Selo (today Pushkin) is a twin-sister of Valdai town.  Valdai Hills are reasonably associated with the legendary Mount Meru from the Mahabharata and Mount Hara from the Avesta.  Valdai is the source of Volga and other major European rivers.

VI. Ulan-Ude

            Catherine the Great in 18th century gave the coat of arms with serpents not only to Tsarskoye Selo, but also to city of Ulan-Ude, the capital of modern the Republic of Buryatia of Russian Federation.  Buryatia is located in the south-central region of Siberia along the eastern shore of Lake Baikal.

            Ulan-Ude was settled in 1666 by the Russian Cossacks as a fortress on favorable geographical position.  It grew rapidly and soon became a large trade center which connected Russia with China and Mongolia.  Therefore, on Ulan-Ude’s coat of arms are the crossed cornucopia and the Mercury Rod (Caduceus), braided with two serpents.

            Ulan-Ude is twinned with city of Kazan famous for its Zelant Dragon (Serpent).

            It is symbolic that the composition and elements of the coat of arms of Ulan-Ude are very similar to the coat of arms of Kharkov.  On the coat of arms of Kharkov, the cornucopia is folded upwards, in the form of the letter “X”. Thus, the Kharkiv cornucopia seems to be filled with fruits, whereas the Ulan-Ude’s cornucopia (bent down) seems to be pouring.  Plus, the coat of arms of Ulan-Ude is crowned with a golden crown with a Soyombo (Sanskrit: “self-created”) that is Buryat symbol of eternal life (sun, moon, and hearth), a circle with a crescent moon at the bottom, and a flame of three languages above.

            During the reign of Catherine the Great, Ulan-Ude was the largest center of trade on the eastern part of Lake Baikal, linking European Russia (and through it Western Europe), Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia, China and Mongolia.  It is believed that the large trade transactions were the main reason for appearance on its coat of arms of the cornucopia and the Rod of Mercury (the Roman god of trade), whose image is linked to the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth.

            The symbol of Buryatia (a golden soembo on a blue background) is depicted on the flag of Ulan-Ude.  It is not difficult to notice that these colors, like the flag of Ukraine, are yellow-blue.  In heraldry, golden color serves as a symbol of wealth, justice, generosity, and blue is a symbol of beauty, softness and greatness.

            Kryon says that the color of the frequency of his magnetic energy is yellow-blue.  One of the most recognizable symbols of Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock Mosque, is made in the same colors by Suleiman the Magnificent, whose wife was from the territory of present-day Ukraine.  The name of the mountain on which this mosque is located is Moria.

            In the main square of Ulan-Ude is the most unusual monument to Lenin.  His head is 8 meters high (without pedestal) and its weigh is 42 tons.  In 1970, this monument was recognized as the best not only in the USSR, but also at the world exhibition in Montreal.  This head on the pedestal, after all, is somewhat reminiscent of the Biscean mentioned above.  Bronze, from which this monument was made, in ancient times was considered a gift of the gods.  In this monument there are
certain parallels with the painting of Nicholas Roerich “The Phenomenon of the Term” created in Ulan Bator (Mongolian capital) located ~440 km. south from Ulan-Ude.

            The Roerich’s painting depicts the head of an awakened hero in a helmet, in whose face the features of Lenin are recognized.  His look is directed to the awakening East, showing great interest in the liberation ideas and personality of Lenin.  The Buddhist world perceived this as a sign of the onset of the New Era.

            The painting “The Phenomenon of the Term” was created in Urga (the root UR) / modern Ulan Bator in 1927.  It is known it was a sketch of the project of the above-frescoes of the future temple dedicated to the Lord of Shambhala.  In this Temple, the painting “The Great Horseman” was to be kept.  After the revolutionary events, Urga was renamed in 1924 in Ulan-Bator, i.e. The city of the Red Hero, in honor of the High Buddhist Ideal.

            In inscrutable ways the painting “The Phenomenon of the Term” was transferred to Soviet Russia and presented to the famous writer Maxim Gorky.  After his death, according to his will, together with the Roerich’s Maitreya series of his paintings, it was given to the Nizhny Novgorod Art Museum, where it is still kept.

            According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will appear on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.  Maitreya will be a successor to the present Buddha, Gautama Buddha (also known as Sakya muni Buddha).

VII. Evpatoria & Saky

            Evpatoria is one of the oldest cities in the world.  It is over 2,500 years old.  Here people of different religions and different cultures have been living peacefully for centuries.  In the center of this town there are temples of the major world religions.  For this reason, the old district of Evpatoria is called “Small Jerusalem”.

            In 1844, the coat of arms of Evpatoria was approved.  It depicts a golden sheep’s head and a serpent drinking from a bowl, wrapping a silver rod.

            Being an emblem of medicine, it symbolizes the Saky muds which are famous for their usefulness.  Their name derives from the Scythian tribe of the Saky (Saki).  It is believed that the ancestors of Buddha Sakya Muni belonged to this huge Scythian tribe.  Buddha lived and taught mostly in the northeastern part of ancient India in the circa 6th century BCE.  His title Sakya Muni basically means Sage (muni) of the Sakya clan that was a clan of the late Vedic India (circa 10th – 5th centuries BCE).

            It is believed that the golden sheep head on Evpatoria’s coat of arms indicates favorable conditions for sheep breeding of the  Karakul breed in this part of the Crimea, as well as for a large number of jewelry crowned with the golden head of a ram, found by archaeologists around Evpatoria.

            However, even with the usual look, the striking is discrepancy between the sheep on the coat of arms and the version of sheep breeding.  Based on this version, there should have been a Karakul fine-wool sheep.  Instead, on the coat of arm is the head of an adult ram, on which there is no fur.  The version of Scythian ornaments crowned by a golden ram’s head gives interesting clues.

            The first recorded settlement in the area was built by Greek colonists around 500 BCE for protection from the Scythians and was named after the king of Pontus king Mithridates VI Evpator, who is widely recognized as one of the outstanding figures of his time.  From his nickname Evpator (“of noble father”) modern Evpatoria derives its name.  This educated in the best traditions king led his male ancestry from the Persian dynasty of Achaemenides founded by Cyrus the Great.  Evpator’s mother was from the Greco-Macedonian dynasty of Seleucids founded by one of the diadochos of Alexander the Great.

            All his life Mithridates VI Evpator fought with Rome and its greatest generals.  Once he was defeated in Greece in Orchomenus, the setting for many early Greek myths.  The legend of the Golden Fleece is connected with the king of this ancient city.  In ancient Greek mythology, it is said that the children of the Orchomenus King Athamas (“rich harvest”) on the back of the ram went to the shores of Asia, fleeing from the persecution of their stepmother.  Having reached Colchis (modern western Georgia), the ram was sacrificed to Zeus, and the removed Golden Fleece was donated to the king of Colchis.  Later, the king’s daughter Medea helped Jason acquire the fleece and fled with him to Greece.  She became the wife of Jason, they have two sons, but the finale of this story was sad.  After Jason’s decision to marry again, Medea punished her rival and killed their young sons on the Jason’s eyes.  There is something deeper here than just a story.

            The Aries or Rama was widely known before the Greek “city-states” (polis) came to the historical scene.  In ancient Egypt, whole alleys and the most sacred temples were decorated with such sphinxes.  This is one of the most common emblems around the world and the oldest cult image (Golden Fleece, ram’s head, horns of a ram, lamb, etc.)

            Aries (Ram) is the first sign of the Zodiac and the symbol of the Sun. The constellation Aries is named after the ram of which the Golden Fleece was obtained.  When the Earth enters the constellation of Aries on March 21, the spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere.  This day is the day of the vernal equinox.

            Rama is the hero of the ancient Indian epic.  Today a famous spiritual teacher is also known as Ramtha (or Ram).  He has passed through Enlightenment and Ascension and is a member of an invisible brotherhood that deeply loves humanity.  He incarnated about 35,000 years ago and in the language of that time his name meant “God”.  Having conquered three quarters of the known world, he admitted that his greatest conquest was the conquest of himself.

            The core of Ramtha’s teaching is the realization by the humans they own divinity.  Ramtha ascended on the northeast slope of the Indus Mountain on the Indus River in front of his people.  Before that he had taught them for 120 days about the Unknown God whom the Lemurians worshiped.

            Today’s Ramtha teaching has been chandelled via JZ Knight, an American New Age teacher and author.  During Ramtha’s lifetime, she was his beloved daughter Ramaya and was the first one to become Ramtha’s adopted child.  Ramtha found Ramaya abandoned on the steppes of Russia.  He was a Lemurian warrior who fought the Atlanteans over 35,000 years ago.


            Saki or Saky were one of the branches of the Scythians.  Saky lived on a vast territory including the Crimea.  As it is said above, the ancestors of Buddha Sakya Muni belonged to this huge Scythian tribe.  Saki is a village within greater Mumbai.  South to Mumbai came ashore in the 15th century the first European who reached India.  In was Russian adventurer Afanasy Nikitin.  He died near Russian city of Smolensk on his way back from India to his native Tver.  ~80 km. north to Smolensk is the village Saki.  Also, villages named Saki are in Iran, Poland, Azerbaijan, etc.

            Azerbaijani Saki is ~ 240 km. northwest from Baku and ~ 114 km. west of Cuba.  The name of Azerbaijan town Saki goes back to the ethnonym of the Saki.  They reached the territory of modern-day Azerbaijan in the 7th century BCE and populated it for several centuries.  The traces of original large-scale settlements in Saki date back to more than 2700 years ago.  In the 1st century, Saki was one of the biggest cities of the Caucasian Albania whose capital was capital during antiquity was Kabala.  The main temple of the Caucasian Albanians was located there.  The kingdom of Saki was divided into 11 administrative provinces and was one of the important political and economic centers before the Arab invasion.

            Unique is the coat of arms of town Saki located in the Crimean peninsula (western coast), just 22 km. from above mentioned Evpatoria.  It depicts a dinosaur within a structure resembling an Egyptian pyramid.  Above the dinosaur are three stars akin to the three stars in the Orion Belt that was very sacred to the ancient Egyptians.  On the right side is a wise serpent on a stick, ancient symbol of medicine (the Rod of Asclepius).

            Other reptiles like dragons and serpents have adorned the heraldry of European cities for distant times.  However, no one else has a dinosaur on its coat of arms as Saki.  Dinosaurs are one of the oldest creatures on the planet.

            The world’s first monument to dinosaurs was established only in 1932 in the resort town of Saki, during the reign of Stalin.  The very appearance of such a monument (dinosaurs) was a phenomenon.  At that time were created only monuments dedicated to people of labor, athletes, leaders of the proletariat.

            The sculptural composition was called “Fighting Brontosaurus with Ceratosaurus”.  In its center was a bronzosaur (depicted on the Saki’s coat of arms) attacked by predatory ceratosaurs.  According to the sculptor’s plan, the Brontosaurus is the victim of an attack by small predatory dinosaurs.  It curved, trying to get rid of one of them, which is about to bite its neck.  Ahead of this herbivorous brontosaurus, the second predator grabbed, hampering its movements.  Next to them is the third of the attackers, waiting.

            In the description of the coat of arms of Saki it is stated that three stars above the bronzosaur are reminiscent of the chumaks Related image(merchants or traders in salt) that transported salt by the Chumaks’ Way from the Black Sea coast of the Crimea from the 16th to the 19th centuries.  In Ukrainian language Milky Way is called the Chumaks’ Way.

            The ancient Egyptians called it the Celestial Nile which they saw in the night sky.  The three stars on the Saki’s coat of arms very accurately convey the location of the three stars in the Belt of Orion.  It is believed that the world famous three pyramids in Giza are the reflection of these three stars in the Belt of Orion.

            The meridian, on which the pyramids were built (by the Lemurians) is also named the Nile meridian.  On the coat of arms the bronzosaurus stands in the pyramid.   The lower rays of the three stars are deliberately elongated to face the ground.  This is how often the connection of stars in the Belt of Orion with the pyramids in Giza is depicted.

   Image result for протвино         Saki is twinned with Protvino that is a town in Moscow region.  Protvino is located 10 km. from Serpukhov on Oka River.  The Rosatom Institute for High Energy Physics opened in Protvino in 1965 is one of the largest physics research centers in Russia and the main town forming enterprise.  Until 1972, Protvino had the world’s largest proton accelerator (hadronic collider).

            Another twin city of Saki is Grozny, the capital city of the Chechen Republic, Northern Caucasus.  In Russian Grozny means “fearsome”.  It is the same word as in Ivan Grozny, the first Russian Tsar (16th century).  In Sanskrit, fearsome is “ugra” that is one of the titles of god Shiva (Sanskrit: Siva).  The first wife of Ivan Grozny was from the Romanovs who would later become next Russian ruling family.  After her poisoning by the enemies of young Tsar Ivan, he married second time.  His bride was from Kabardia (Northern Caucasus).  In 1395 it was the place where the two most powerful armies of that time met for fearsome battle.  The first army was led by Samarkand ruler Tamerlane and the other one was the Golden Horde led by Khan Tokhtamysh.  In 1391 they already fought each other near Samara on the Volga River.  In 20th century Samara was named the cosmic capital of the Soviet Union.  During the Second World War Samara was the second capital of the USSR.

            In May 2012, Grozny became a sister city with the ancient Sivas (modern Turkey) whose history is also connected with Timur.

            The Saki tribes lived on vast territories including Central Asia in the 18th to 4th century BCE.  Later, in 14th century AD, invincible Timur (ending Ur) built his empire on these lands.  His capital was ancient Samarkand (over 2750 years old).  One of the first self-names of the Saki people was discovered on the plate of the famous Assyrian king and librarian Ashurbanipal.  From his large library excavated in the 19th century, the modern world has learned about the Sumerian origins of the Old Testament and the daily life of ancient Mesopotamia.  the forerunner of the Sumerian civilization was the Ubaid culture with its Reptile cult.

VIII. Zmeinogorsk

            Zmeinogorsk means Serpent Hills.  It is a Russian town located in Altai Krai (Southern Siberia).  This area is part of a great crossroads in the ancient world.  This region of Siberia is extremely important due to its biodiversity.  The Altai bees produce some of the world’s finest organic honeys.  In ancient Indian traditions, honey (Sanskrit: madhu) is the synonyms of wisdom.  The region’s main waterway is the Ob River originated in the Altay Mountains.  Ob’s length is 3 650 km.  It is the world’s seventh-longest river and the Related imagewesternmost of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean.  The Gulf of Ob is the world’s longest estuary.  The source of the Ob River is the Lake Teletskoye and a glacier on Mount Belukha that is Siberia’s highest peak (4506 m.) and one of the most significant mountains of Russia.  Mount Belukha is believed to be the gates of secret tunnels to Shambala.

            Zmeinogorsk is well known for its ancient mines.  It was founded as a fortress and a mine in 1736 and was the main supplier of silver and gold to the Russian monarchy for more than 100 years.

           In 1736 people of Akinfiy Demidov (a Russian industrialist of the Demidov family who raised it to one of Russia’s most important industrial dynasties) discovered the richest deposits near the Serpent Mountain.  The famous mine was laid here.  It ensured the glory of the Altai as a mining region.  By the order of Russian Empress Elizabeth (daughter of Peter the Great, the founder of Saint-Petersburg), silver found here was used for the manufacture of Alexander Nevsky tomb weighing 1,5 tons for the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Saint-Petersburg.  This tomb has become one of the outstanding works of Russian decorative and applied art.  The tomb has been in the State Hermitage Museum since 1922.

           The Hermitage also houses another famous exhibit related to Zmeinogorsk.  It is the Great Vase made of jasper extracted in the vicinity of Zmeinogorsk.  Jasper is the birth name of the first Monarch of the present Kingdom of Manna.  This elliptical Great Vase is the largest vase in the world. Its weight is over 19 tons, the height with a pedestal is over 2.5 meters.  Today it is one of the state symbols of the Altai Krai, depicted on the coat of arms and the flag of this region.  Broadly speaking, vase is big bowl.  The most famous and sacred bowl belonged to Buddha.

            Zmeinogorsk grew rapidly during the 18th – 19th centuries.  It was the Altai’s center of engineering thought and the most advanced technologies.  Many famous Russian and foreign travelers visited the town.  Famous Russian writer Dostoevsky often came to Zmeinogorsk for a date with his future wife.  In his letters he often called this town Zmiev (town of Serpent).

IX. Zmiev

  Image result for змиев герб          Zmiev is a town in Kharkov region of Ukraine.  The cost of arms of Zmiev depicts the Serpent-Queen.  The town is located on the famous Izyum Trail or Izyum Warpath.  In Russian, izyum means “raisin”.  Izyum Trail was a historic route used by the Crimean Tatars in the 16th and 17th centuries to invade Russia.  In the mid-17th century, the route fell into disuse due to the establishment of Kharkov and other Cossack forts led by their ataman.

            In the 17th century, on Zmiev’s coat of arms was depicted not only the Serpent-Queen, but also the coat of arms of Kharkov that was then the provincial center.  In the main Russian Orthodox cathedral of Kharkov is a large fresco of Procopius the Righteous, the founder of the Romanov dynasty which ruled Russia from 17th to 20th centuries.

            Kharkov’s coat of arms depicts a horn of plenty (cornucopia) and a staff of Mercury (caduceus).  Officially, they were symbols for agriculture and trade.  As always, there are deeper layers.  A caduceus (a golden rod) entwined by two serpents is an attribute of the messenger of the gods and sage Hermes.  According to the legends, the Caduceus had the ability to lull people and awaken them from sleep, which can also indicate a dream of consciousness while in Duality.

            Hermes acted as the tutor of Eros who was god of love in ancient Greek mythology. Apparently, it is no accident in ancient India there were practices of expanding consciousness through the awakening of Kundalini during tantric studies.

            It is known that the Kundalini (serpent energy leading to Enlightenment) contains a multidimensional genetic code that, when activated, will allow mankind to actively develop as multidimensional beings associated with all dimensions of the Universe.  This energy is directly connected with the Pleiades Serpents which are its carriers and keepers.

            It is necessary to pay attention to the deep symbolism of Caduceus that is depicted on the coat of arms of Kharkov:

  • vertebral column and central nervous system (staff and snakes)
  • ventricular structures of the brain (wings)
  • pineal gland (central protuberance)

Sumerian vase dedicated to Ningishzida (21st century BCE). The Caduceus is interpreted as depicting Ningishzida himself.

            The oldest known imagery of the Caduceus is attributed to the Sumerian (ultimately  Nibiruan) god Ningishzida whose symbol, a staff with two snakes intertwined around it, dates back to 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE.  Caduceus was on a punch-marked coin of Buddhist king Ashoka in India, 3rd to 2nd century BCE.  It is suggested that Caduceus was his personal symbol and mudra (Sanskrit: “seal” or “gesture”).

            As it is said above, in the 17th century the Caduceus was placed in the upper part of the coat of arms of Zmiev as a symbol of the Kharkov viceroyalty.  The distance between Zmiev and Kharkov is symbolic 40 kilometers.  The southern lands of the Voronezh region were partly transferred to Kharkov viceroyalty.  The coat of arms of Voronezh depicts a pitcher pouring water.

            The mankind is entering into Aquarius Era.  Its motif is fully expressed in the coat of arms of Veliky Ustyug.

X. Cobrin

            In Russian, Cobrin means “a place of cobra”.  The first mention of Cobrin dates back to 1287.  It was found in the Ipatiev Chronicle, discovered in the Ipatiev Monastery near Kostroma.  Moreover, in this monastery in 1613 the Romanovs were summoned to the Russian throne.

            The Cobrin coat of arms depicts the Virgin Mary and her mother Saint Anne.  It was in honor of the mistress of the city Anna Jagellonka, the granddaughter of the Milanese Duke Sforza.  She was a daughter of Polish King Sigismund I the Old and his Italian wife Bona Sforza.

            In 1589, her nephew Sigismund III, the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania, gave her Cobrin with the surrounding lands.  The depiction of St. Anna on Cobrin’s coat of arms is very symbolic. The name Anna means “Grace”.  In the Sumerian language, AN meant “Heaven” and ANNA meant “Stone from Heaven”, i.e. the bronze, the metal which was of great importance for the development of human civilization.

            On Cobrin’s coat of arms, the baby Jesus points to the throat chakra of the Virgin Mary.  Symbolically, this means that the higher consciousness personified by Jesus comes with the opening of this chakra of wisdom, called Vishudha in the Indian teachings.  Same type of icon is the Our Lady of Kazan.

            On the same day (July 21) two holidays are celebrated: the Kazan Icon of Our Lady miraculously emerged in the reign of Ivan Grozny and the day of the memory of Procopius the Righteous, the founder of the Romanov family.  Procopius the Righteous was sainted in the mid-16th century by Ivan Grozny.  His wife Anastasia was a descendant of Procopius the Righteous and the great-aunt of Michael I of Russia, the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty.

            There are more than 140 images (icons) of Our Lady, but only Her Kazan icon has been to Cosmos.  It was sent there in 2011 to the International Space Station.  The icon had been handled by the Patriarch to Anatoly Perminov who was at that time the head of Roskosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency).  His surname comes from Perm.  Anatoly Perminov is a native of the neighboring Kirov region.

XI. Cobras of the Kirov region

            The name of Kirov region is linked to the Cyrus the Great (Russian: Kir).  The Kirov region is not included in the habitat of the cobra.  Nevertheless, the Cobra is the name of two rivers and settlements in the Kirov region.  In Indian practices, a cobra symbolizes the Kundalini energy curled at the base of the human spine.  The ascent of the Kundalini leads to Enlightenment, also called Moksha.  See Russian river Moksha.

            Such names in the Kirov region might reflect the work of similar energies on a planetary scale.  The very word Rossiya (Russia) encodes its enlightening role for the whole world.  In Russian, “Ros” means growth, “siya” means radiant or emitting the light.  Both rivers Cobra in the Kirov region belong to the basin of the Russian great river Volga, which is a symbol of Russia:

  • Cobra (tributary of Vyatka River) has a length of over 320 km.  Its source is on the Northern Ridge (Russian; Severnyye Uvaly), rightly associated with the World Mountain (Hara Berezaiti, literally meaning “High Watchpost” of the ancient Zoroastrian scriptures of the Avesta; Mount Meru from the Mahabharata, the major Sanskrit epic of ancient India).  This River Cobra is a tributary of the river Vyatka that is a tributary of the Kama River.  In Sanskrit, Kama means “love”, “sensual attraction”.  In Hinduism, Kama is the god of love, the son of Lakshmi and Vishnu. According to legend, Shiva incinerated Kama with the look of his third eye.  In Sanskrit, Siva (Shiva) means “good”, “gracious”.  The Siva River is a tributary of the Kama River,. Siva flows through the territories of the Perm Krai and Udmurtia and flows into the Kama below the dam of Votkinsk Hydroelectric Station, near the town of Tchaikovsky.  The largest settlement in the valley of the river Siva is the city of Votkinsk.  Another river Siva carries its waters in the Sverdlovsk region.  The mouth of this river is near the town of Verkhnyaya Tura, where the Siva flows into the Tura River.  Alexander the Great, risking his life, stubbornly walked into the Egyptian oasis of Siva (Siwa) to get divine revelations.
  • Cobra (tributary of the Molomy River) has a length of over 65 km.  On this river there is a village Darovskaya.  It is a couple of dozen kilometers from the source of this Cobra River.  The name Darovskaya is related to the name Darius.   In ancient Persian, the name Darius means “Keeping the good”, “Good-natured”.  Persian king Darius I, who ruled in 522 — 486 BCE, is known as a wise ruler, respected even by his enemies.  Although the campaign of Darius on the Black Sea Scythians ended in vain, he called them in his documents “overseas Saki” (see above about the Saki).  The wife of Darius I was the daughter of Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Achaemenid power, one of the most powerful rulers in human history.  The image of Cyrus left a deep imprint in the ancient Eastern and ancient literature.  His name in Russian (Kir) is the root of the surname Kirov, a famous revolutionary born in Kirov region.  Sergei Kirov was a close friend and comrade-in-arms of Stalin.  The modern name of Kirov region derives from the surname of Sergei Kirov.

            In 1945, in the Kirov region, Anatoly Perminov was born.  He served as the Head of Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) in 2004 — 2011.  He received from the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior the Kazan Icon of Our Lady for sending to the Cosmos.

            Famous Russian astronaut Viktor Savinykh was born in 1940 in the village Berezkiny of the Kirov region.  Viktor Savinykh is twice Hero of the Soviet Union.  City of Berezniki is located on the banks of the Kama River, in the Ural Mountains, in Perm Krai.  Boris Yeltsin (1931 – 2007), Russia’s first president, attended High School in Berezniki.  This Perm Krai Berezniki has formed the worldview of many famous Russians.  See above the Hara Berezaiti (“High Watchpost”) of Iranian Avesta, a collection of sacred texts of the Zoroastrians.  It is believed that Zoroaster was born near Perm.

            In 1985, Victor Savinykh and Vladimir Dzhanibekov saved the pride of Soviet science and cosmonautics the Soviet orbital station “Salyut-7” from an uncontrollable fall to Earth.  Having flown on the “Soyuz T-13”, they had to first find the “Salyut-7”, which had been in orbit in the unmanned mode for the past six months and had not responded to signals sent from the Mission Control Center.  For the first time in the world, Dzhanibekov and Savinykh had to conduct a complicated manual docking with the space station that had lost control, chaotically rotating in outer space.  In fact, it was a 20 tone block of unmanaged iron.  Victor Savinykh and Vladimir Dzhanibekov successfully completed all the tasks.  They saved the prestige of the country and Soviet cosmonautics, managed to restore the work of “Salute-7” in the harshest conditions for the subsequent crews.

            Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Victor Savinykh at that time were the most experienced operating cosmonauts.  There was no man who knew the “Salyut-7” better than Viktor Savinykh.  Both cosmonauts were chosen and recommended by Alexei Leonov, who was then the deputy head of the Cosmonaut Training Center.  In March 1965, Leonov became the first man on the planet who performed spacewalk, exiting his spacecraft “Voskhod 2” (lit. “Sunrise-2”).

            After returning from the Space in 1965, the spacecraft of Alexei Leonov and its commander Pavel Belyayev (born near Veliky Ustyug) landed nearby the above mentioned Berezniki on the Kama River, north to the city of Perm.  The youth of Victor Savinykh was also connected with Perm.

            Pamir was the call of Savinykh and Dzhanibekov when they flew on the “Soyuz T-13” to the orbital station “Salyut-7”.   Pamir, called the “roof of the world”, is located in the north of the Himalayas, which are the highest mountain system of the Earth.  Palmyra (“city of palms”) is one of the oldest cities in the world.  Palmyra is located on the territory of present-day Syria, which has special ties with Russia.

            There is no single version of the translation of the name Pamir.  In Russian, “mir” means peace and society.  Pamir if often referred to as the “roof of the world”.  In Soviet times, the “roof of the world” had high names reflecting the high ideals of humanity.  The highest peak of the USSR was the Communism Peak (7495 m.), Tajikistan.  This peak was discovered in the 19th century by Russian researchers of the Pamir.  In 1932 it was named the Stalin Peak, and in 1962 it was renamed the Communism Peak.  In 1998, it was renamed by the then authorities of Tajikistan after Ismoil Somoni, the 9th century ruler of the Iranian Samanid dynasty.  The Samanid Empire at its greatest extent encompassed all of today’s Afghanistan, and large parts of Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Pakistan.  The original home of the Samanids is unclear.  It is claimed that their name was derived from a village near Samarkand (present-day Uzbekistan).

            Another seven thousand peak with a high name in the Pamir mountain system was the Lenin Peak (7134 m.), located on the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.  In 2006, it was renamed after Ibn Sina (Avicenna), a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age.  Avicenna was born in 980 near Bukhara (220 km. west of Samarkand), the capital of the Samanids.  In Sanskrit, “bhuHkhAra” is country in Tartary.

            The Lenin Peak was discovered in the 19th century and named in honor of Konstantin Kaufman, the Governor-General of Turkestan.  In 1928, it was renamed as the Lenin Peak, and in 2006 in Tajikistan they renamed it in honor of Avicenna.  The highest point of the Pamir (Kongur Peak, 7649 m) is located on the territory of communist China.  However, it does not reflect high ideas.  Its name translates simply as a brown mountain.

             Kashmir is another unique place in the Himalayas, in whose name the Russian word “mir” (peace, world) is present.  Kashi or the City of Light is the ancient name of Varanasi (the place of the first sermon of the Buddha).  Hence, the possible ancient meaning of the term “Kashmir” could be the “place of light and peace”.  In the end, it is no accident that until now Kashmir is often called Paradise on Earth.

           Symbolic and popular in India is the version of the origin of the name Kashmir from the divine sage Kashyapa. Through the Russian language, it can also be confirmed. Kashmir is Kashyapa’s world.  There is certain logic in this, considering that in the Indian mythology Kashyapa is also the ancestor of the gods, asuras, nags, people, etc. Kashyapa symbolizes the prehistoric Unity that precedes the Dualism.  Symbolical is the monument of Lenin in the historical Russian town of Kashin.

            Viktor Savinykh’s diaries have been used to make the film “Salyut-7”.  The pre-premiere screening of the film took place on October 4, 2017 in the cinema hall of the State Kremlin Palace.  This was the main event of the solemn evening dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the launch of the USSR’s first artificial Earth satellite.  The characters and creators of the film met the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, whose surname has a translation from Sanskrit.  Also, in Sanskrit, the word “sava” means “commander”.  It is present in the surname of Victor Savinykh.

            The Kirov region has its own ancient ties with the founders of the Vedic civilization in India. It arose in the territory of the modern Pakistani province of Sind, in the Indus valley, on the remains of the Harappan civilization, which existed in the 3rd – 2nd millennium BCE.  The capital of the province of Sind is the city of Karachi. This is the largest Pakistani city and one of the largest cities in the world.

            In the Kirov region there is a village of Karachi and this is not an accident. In neighboring Udmurtia (which has many toponymy names translated from Sanskrit), next to the Kama River, there is the city of Kambarka, and in Pakistan there is the city of Kambar.  In the Novosibirsk region (the former Ziberia) there is a bitterly-salty lake of Karachi, which has medicinal properties. Since 1880 it is used as a mud and balneological resort.  Salt is the essence of life.

            In the central part of Russia there are many settlements with the name of Karacharovo. Karacharovo is a historical district of Moscow, named for the former village of Karacharov, which was part of the capital in 1960.

            The village of Karacharovo is in the Kemerovo region, the birthplace of the aforementioned legendary Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.  In the Vladimir region, Karacharovo is a village in Sobinsky district (like Alepino) and a micro district in the city of Murom. This former village is considered the birthplace of the hero Ilya of Murom.

            The magazine “World Channeling” No.4 (36) 2017 (page 155) gives interesting information about Russian folk tale heroes, in particular about Ilya of Murom.  It is said that “Simply in the name are amazing codes. «Mu» – is a man, defender. «R» – the native (rodnaya) land, kin (rod). «OM» is a sacred sound that makes to vibrate all the energy channels of the human body, cleaning them, removing blocks and clamps and activating the energy flows in all energy centers.  Thanks to the sacred codes, Ilya of Murom got up after 33 year of lying disabled on the stove…».

            In the Kirov region there is a forest river Shambal. It is known that Shambala is a legendary country in the Himalayas or over the Gobi desert.  In Shambala, teachers and mentors of mankind live.  Its symbol was on the seal of Tamerlan («One Who Knows Merlin»), the ruler of Samarkand.

            Two rivers Arya flow in the Nizhny Novgorod region neighboring the Kirov region.  Two rivers Arya are in the Sverdlovsk Region (the Urals).  One river Arya is in the Mari El Republic neighboring Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov regions.  In the Nizhny Novgorod region there are three settlements with this name: Arya, Small Arya, Big Arya.  In Sanskrit, the word “arya” means “noble”.  Arya is the mythical ancestor of the Aryans, mentioned in the Avesta.  Hence, Iran literally means “the country of Aryans”.  The original motherland of the Aryans is believed to be Southern Siberia.  In ancient India, the Aryans were the ethnic group Aryans (from the north), representatives of the three highest varnas.

          River Varna is near Veliky Ustyug that is a part of the Vologda region neighboring Kirov region.  Also, Varna is the name of a Bulgarian city and port on the Black Sea.  This coastal city is famous for the bronze statue called “The Dragons in Love”.  Two dragons, male and female, hold their egg.

            The Velikoretsk Christian procession in the Kirov region is one of the largest annual religious processions in Russia.  It has been known since the beginning of the 15th century.

            City of Kirov (former Vyatka) is also well known for its icon of the Savior also acknowledged as the Image of Edessa.  According to legend, this holy relic consisting of a square or rectangle of cloth upon which a miraculous image of the face of Jesus had been imprinted is associated with King Abgar of Edessa, who wrote to Jesus, asking him to come cure him of an illness.

            Until the 1917 revolution, a copy of this Kirov (Vyatka) icon was kept above the inner part of the Saviour (Spasskaya) Tower Gate of the Moscow Kremlin.  Spasskaya (Saviour) Tower Gate is the official entrance to the Kremlin.  The gate got their name in honor of this miracle working icon brought to Moscow by the royal decree in the middle of the 17th century from Vyatka (now Kirov).

            This icon was kept in the Moscow Novospassky monastery, where the temple-burial vault of the Romanov boyars is located.  After 1917, the original icon in the Novospassky Monastery and its copy placed over the Spassky (Saviour) Gate of the Kremlin were lost.

          Spassky (Saviour) Gate has been the main ceremonial entrance to the Moscow Kremlin for many centuries.  If on their inner side was the icon of Savior of Vyatka (Kirov), then on the outside of the gate was Savior of Smolensk, with the upcoming Sergius of Radonezh and Varlaam of Khutyn.

            The ancestor of the Romanov family Procopius the Righteous took a monastic vow in the monastery of Varlaam of Khutyn in Veliky Novgorod.    It is believed that Khutyn was so named because of the large number of snakes inhabiting there. Vara is not only a vow of fidelity, but also the abode of the righteous in Iranian mythology.

            In the Kotelnich district of the Kirov region there is a unique cluster of huge stone balls. There are different versions of their origin and purpose.  On an area of about 10 hectares there are about 1,300 large globular stones with diameters ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 m.  A lot of boulders have been lost or taken out.

            Similar spherical large stones are found in various parts of the planet, including the Champa Island (Franz Josef Land), which is part of the polar possessions of Russia.  Administratively, this island is located in the Primorsky district of the Arkhangelsk region and is very popular among tourists who cruise the Arctic.  The territory of the present Arkhangelsk region is not accidentally called the Northern Kuru, the ancestral home of the founders of the Vedic civilization in India.  In this country lives the mysterious Todd tribe.  Their ancestors used to possess ancient knowledge and superpowers.  The tribe reveres the inherited stone balls, although smaller than in the Kirov region or on the Champa Island.

            It is noteworthy that the most mysterious island of the above archipelago in the Arctic Ocean was named after William Champ.  In India, Champa is a popular female name.  In the Indo-Russian film “The Journey of Three Seas”, Afanasy Nikitin fell in love with Indian girl whose name was Champa.

            In addition to the huge relict balls, whose estimated age exceeds 250 million years, the Kotelnich district of the Kirov region is known throughout the world for its cemetery of dinosaurs.

            The Vyatka Paleontological Museum in Kirov is unique not only in the extensive collection of ancient lizards discovered in this area along the river Vyatka, many of which have no analogues in the world.  The museum also has a stand dedicated to an intelligent dinosaur (lizard, Draco, etc.).  For obvious reasons, it is cautiously called an alternative option for the development of intelligent beings among such a highly organized group of reptiles of the Mesozoic era as dinosaurs.  However, the true course of this scientific thought is confirmed by the story of Lacerta.  According to experts, these places in Kirov region have a number of abnormal characteristics and new discoveries are possible.

            The World Channeling magazine reveals about the city of the Light of the 5th dimension located in the Vyatka river basin.  The peculiarity of this five-dimensional City is that it contains the Programs of evolutionary development.  It can be called a research center to develop ways of combining worlds and dimensions.  It is from here that powerful energy-information flows are now moving towards the unification of worlds.

XII. Nakhodka

            Nakhodka is a port city in Primorsky Krai of Russia.  Nakhodka is located east of Vladivostok, the administrative center of the Krai, as well as the largest city in the Russian Far East.  The Nakhodka Bay of the Sea of Japan, around which the city is organized, was found in 1859 by the Russian corvette «Amerika», which sought shelter in the bay during a storm.  In honor of this occasion, the bay was named Nakhodka, which in Russian means “discovery” or “lucky find”.

            Nakhodka is the southernmost city and port in the east of Russia, its Pacific coast.  The first coat of arms of Nakhodka was approved in 1973.  In this year, were made two of the popular Soviet films related to Ivan Grozny.

            On the shield of the coat of arms was placed Caduceus that is the main symbol.  Symbolism of the coat of arms is multi-level.  The anchor clearly resembled Ankh or Coptic cross, a symbol of eternal life, leading its origin from ancient Egypt.  Opposite the Caduceus are the fish, the ancient symbol of Christianity (born in Egyptian deserts).

            On the present coat of arms of Nakhodka, two snakes wrapped the anchor whose top is adorned with the wings of Hermes.  Nakhodka’s harbors are superior even to those of a much larger port of Vladivostok.

            Nakhodka is located almost at the same latitude with such places of power as the Bosnian pyramids and the Livadiya Mountain (Pidan), the most visited peak of Primorsky Krai.  The Bay of Nakhodka was discovered by the Russian corvette “Amerika” ​​in 1859.  Since the end of the 19th century, private households began to appear here. The first Russian settlement, the village Amerikanka (the American), was founded in 1907 and named after the corvette.  Thus, the history of the city of Nakhodka began from this first permanent village.  Nakhodka is located on the same latitude as the American Boston.  The ancient mystery of the stone faces of Brighton Beach unites Russia and America.

            The village of Amerikanka was founded by settlers from the Chernigov province.  Symbolic is the place of their origin.  Chernigov (present-day Ukraine) is located on the river with the Sanskrit name Desna.  Near the source of the Desna in the Smolensk region, there is the source of the Ugra River, the tributary of which is the river Agra.  In India, Agra is most famous for its magnificent Taj Mahal located on the south bank of the river Yamuna.  Yamuga is a river in Moscow region.  Another river Agra flows in the Vladimir region.  Ugra is an epithet of god Shiva (Sanskrit: Siva).

            It is noteworthy that the first Chernigov prince known from a chronicle was the son of Vladimir the Baptist of Rus, the younger brother of Yaroslav the Wise.  For many centuries, Chernigov was the second city of Kievan Rus and the last step to the throne of Kiev.  Often, Chernigov was the main rival of Kiev, and sometimes equal in importance.

            In the spring of 1919, the American was subjected to artillery shelling of the English cruiser Kent.

            In 2004, the city of Nakhodka was enlarged by including a micro district Livadiya, located on the shore of the Gulf of East of the Japan Sea, near the bay Gaydamak. This name was given in 1861 in honor of the ship “Gaidamak” (Eng. Haidamak or free Cossack), which opened this bay.  The term also has been passed to Ukrainian surnames, including Leonid Gaidai, one of the most popular Soviet comedy directors and the creator of the immortal comedy “Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession”, which appeared on the screens in the above-mentioned 1973, when the coat of arms of Nakhodka with Caduceus was approved.

            Far Eastern Livadiya is on the same latitude as the Crimean Livadiya from which it has received its name. Livadiya in the Crimea was Nicholas II’s favorite place.  Here, in 1894 after the passing away of his farther, he actually took over the government of the country and was engaged to his wife.  The World Channeling magazine provides interesting information about Nicholas II and his role in the Russian and world history.

            The twin city of Nakhodka is the Chinese city of Girin, standing on the river Sungari, as well as the Chinese city of Harbin founded by the Russians.

            It is believed that the name of the city of Girin means “River City” in the Manchu.  On its territory was located one of the very first cities in Manchuria.  From the city of Girin, two lion-like creatures (shih-tsza) were brought to Saint-Petersburg, adorning the Tsar Peter’s embankment near his house set on the Nile meridian.  On the territory of the current Girin was the eastern capital of the state of Bohai.  Bahai is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people.  Its first temple was built in the beginning of the 20th century in Russian empire.  The most known Bahai’s temple is the Lotus Temple located in Delhi, India.  Delhi is located on the banks of the above mentioned river Yamuna.  Village of Delhi is in the Tver region of Russia.

            Nakhodka and the Japanese city of Maizuru became the first sister cities in the history of Soviet-Japanese relations.  Maizuru is located in the northern part of the prefecture of Kyoto on the coast of the Sea of Japan.  Kyoto is located in the center of Japan and the island of Honshu.  From 794 to 1869 the city of Kyoto was the capital of Japan and the main residence of the Japanese emperors.

            Kyoto Prefecture borders on the south with the prefectures of Osaka and Nara.  These are not simple names. Asoka is the Sanskrit name of the greatest Indian ruler. This emperor Ashoka accepted Buddhism and spread it throughout Asia.  Osokino is a settlement on the M-8 in the Yaroslavl region.  Earlier this federal highway was called King’s road.

            Nara is the name of the Russian river on which city of Serpukhov stands (100 km. south of Moscow).  In Sanskrit, Nara means “man”, “hero”, and so on.  On the coat of arms Serpukhov is a peacock with an open tail.  In Sanskrit, the peacock is a maura.  Maura is the name of the family of the above-mentioned first Indian emperor Ashoka, as well as a number of settlements in Russia, including the holy mountain Maura near the famous Kirillo-Belozersky monastery (Vologda region).  The first Russian Tsar Ivan Grozny (16th century) became a monk of this monastery in the end of his earthly life.

            Besides the fact that in India the peacock is a symbol of royal power, its open tail also symbolizes the high level of consciousness.  On the material level, the peacock is the enemy of small snakes.   In India, they often specially have peacocks to protect their sites (lawns) from snakes.

            Kyoto Prefecture is divided in the middle by the mountains of Tamba, which makes the climates in the north and south of Kyoto very different from each other.  Tamba is another multi-level name.  The first is the Russian city of Tambov.  The second is the city of Inca Ollantaytambo, located 60 km. from Cusco.  Cuskovo is a former village, now part of Moscow, the mid-18th century summer country house and estate of the Sheremetev family who were close relatives of the Romanovs ruling dynasty.  The third is the main international airport of South Africa, named after Tambo (former President of the African National Congress).

            After Stalin’s death in 1953, there was a proposal to rename the city of Nakhodka to the city of Stalinomorsk, and the Gulf of America to the Bay of Stalinomorsk.

Appendix №1

Sirius and Caduceus

            Hannah Beaconsfield has written about the representatives of Sirius, who have given the frequency of vibration of consciousness to the humanoid created on Earth.  It was this frequency that determined the most part of that part of human consciousness called the Subconscious.  Through it, there is a connection with the whole spectrum of realities existing in the Universe.

            It is believed that Caduceus is also a reflection of the role of Sirius in the return of mankind to Unity, i.e. integration of polarities (their balancing).  In the hermetic science of alchemy, Caduceus is the principle of the Great Doing that is the alchemical process of transforming the First Kingdom into a philosopher’s stone or the Elixir of life.  The Caduceus is the symbol of Hermes, who also acted as the mentor of Eros.  It points to yet another great mystery of the Kundalini Energy and gaining the experience of polarity.  At the highest level, the sexual expression begins with a difference and moves towards unity.  This was how many civilizations have developed.  They have ascended from the 3rd dimension to the higher ones, to levels when their bodies became light.  One of them is the civilization from the planet Venus described in the Law of One (The Ra Material).  They are said to have helped Hermes in the construction of the Great Pyramid and the Hall of the Chronicles.  There is a version of constructing the Great Pyramid by the Lemurians.

            The intertwined snakes are a reflection of the 3rd dimension, where the world has plunged, and the wings symbolize the ascent and exit to the next level.  The images of snakes and birds on the Caduceus reflect in symbolic language the division on the opposite sides in the dual world of the 3rd dimension.  Fear and darkness are associated with snakes.  Love and light are coupled with birds.  Mastery is manifested in the ability to integrate the opposites.  At the highest level, they are two sides of the same coin (reality).  Using images helps to restore a system of concepts in memory.

            The plot of the bird and snake is found in almost all cultures that have experienced the influence of Sirius.  In Egypt, they had a divine status and symbolized the Upper and Lower Egypt, the Union of Spirit and Matter, Consciousness and Subconsciousness.  They were placed on the crowns of the pharaohs.  The Mexican coat of arms, based on the legends of the Aztecs, depicts an eagle and a snake.  The Aztec images had a deep sacral meaning, but the Europeans have remade and simplified it in their own way.  They have stated that it is only a symbol of the triumph of good over evil, as in the case of the image of St. George the Victorious, whose roots go to the Battle of Nibiru and Tiamat.

Appendix №2

Bronze and its age

            The Bronze Age dates from the end of the 4th millennium BCE to the beginning of the 1st millennium BCE, in which bronze became the main material in the production of tools and weapons.

            In the Bronze Age Arkaim and Mesopotamia flourished.  Bronze is an alloy of a very precise proportion of tin and copper, which cannot be obtained without special knowledge.  Tin is not present in nature in its pure form.  So, one needs to know how to smelt it.

            In Mesopotamia, where the Sumerians lived, there were no deposits of metal-bearing ores, but they were fine metallurgists.  So they got this knowledge from somebody highly developed.  The ancients called bronze and other metallurgical technologies as the gift of the gods.  In the Sumerian language, AN means “Heaven”, and ANNA is “Stone from Heaven” (i.e. bronze).  In Christianity, Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary.

            Another confirmation that metallurgy was the gift of the gods (representatives of highly developed civilizations) is the fact that after its appearance, people would not make such revolutionary advances for thousands of years.  They simply continued to use the instructions and methods of work of their ancestors who received the gifts of the gods such as agriculture, metallurgy, writing, science, etc.


Restraint Forces


  1. All are the participant of the Great Experiment
  2. The Reptiloids
  3. The Matrix and the robotized entities
  4. The Ponokteon
  5. The Oligarchs

I. All are the participant of the Great Experiment

            The World Channeling magazine has published a great deal of materials regarding the essence of the processes going on the Earth, our Galaxy, and the Universe as a whole.  This information allows understanding the vector of development of our Universe and the crucial role that humanity and Earth have been playing in this Great Experiment.

            The World Channeling magazine indentifies the so called Restraint Forces that help this Universal Great Experiment.  Although, they are often associated with negative activities towards the humans, all of them are full rights participants in the Great Experiment.  They have been providing the necessary correlation of the Forces of Light and Darkness on the game scene of Duality.  Many of them are now in the same process of awakening and transformation like the mankind.

            It is important to understand that in the Universe all its inhabitants are interconnected relatives.  They are the One Universal Family, who came to this Universe and began to create a new life here. There are no bad and good.  There are no evil and good.  Those who are considered to be wicked and unkind have taken responsibility for carrying out the most difficult missions, complex missions.  They have temporally deprived themselves from the Spiritual component.  Those who choose the path of good, draw it to themselves.  In this world the volume of real good has been increasing along with the Light.

II. The Reptiloids

            Brief history of this race is here.  Having caused so much evil to many races and planets, and consequently spent over 8,000 years in an isolated world in a closed space-time within the Inner Earth, they have changed.  They now have spiritual suffering and the torment of conscience.  Most importantly, many have experienced positive emotions.  The Reptiloids have begun the process of healing.  Their new children teach adults how to live right.  These new children have love in their hearts.  They call on adults to change their views on the surrounding reality.   Among them a split has begun.  Part of their society has refused to telepathically influence people.

            At present, the number of Reptiloids enclosed in a limited space-time is 4,3 million.  More than 2/3 of them do not want to live in the old way; they do not want to go by the way of fear and negativity.  However, the power remains with the ruling elite, clinging to the old energy.  That structure, which is similar to the human Public Parliament, increasingly successfully resists the old authorities.

            The higher Selves of progressive Reptiloids have transmitted through all possible channels that the main reason for their “captivity” is the negative impact on humanity and the spiritual liberation of the race depends on the rejection of this influence.

            Broadly speaking, these Reptiloids are human partners in the Great Experiment.  These secret telepaths have allowed (unknowingly) keeping in human bodies the organs through which a person communicates with the Spiritual World.

            There has been a time when people were almost in total control of lower energies, including those that were emitted by the Reptiloids. But this time has passed. More and more people are awakening. The rejection of selfishness in favor of love instantly raises the level of human vibration. And then low-frequency energy is not able to have any influence on people.

            Now, New Energies, Energy Enlightenment, Love, Harmony are coming to Earth.  The vibration of these energies makes it impossible for the future existence of all life forms based on negative and those who are still working at low wave frequency on the planet.  Such forms of life are robotic essences, various astral demons and, of course, the civilization of the Reptiloids.  They all have to go the way of their complex evolution.  Having passed a long and difficult path of development, the Reptiloids have entered the Corridor of Reality, where they had no future left.  The only way for them is to heal their relations with mankind.

III.The Matrix and the robotized entities

            The brief history of the Matrix and the robotized entities is here.

IV. The Ponokteon

            United network of civilizations in Orion star systems.  Their bodies and dimensions of habitation are different, but representatives of the Ponokteon are united by the fact that they have a Single control center and a Single genetics, which, with an external difference, has one root-base. This root-base provides them immortality of physical, material bodies (in matter of 4, 5 and 6 dimensions).

            Representatives of the Ponokteon do not have such a thing as the birth of children. They can only produce biorobots, but they cannot continue their genus.

            The main thing is that the inhabitants of the Ponokteon are cut off from their Higher Selves, who are not in this Universe.  The highly intelligent Ponokteon is devoid of its Divine component. Their initial Universe is akin to our Universe. It can be called the sister of our Universe and many of the processes taking place in it are similar to ours.  Here is a brief history of why the Higher Selves of the Ponokteon found themselves in another universe.  Initially, there was unity, and this unity took place precisely in the universe that is related to ours.  Then there was a process that can be called a multidimensional genetic exchange between the Universes.  Some of the Cosmic Races came into our Universe, and some Races went into that.  Universes do not develop in isolation. They are also interconnected, like everything in the Universe.  One is the God Creator of this Universe, and One is the God Creator of all Universes.

            The Ponokteons are powerful.  They are immortal, but they are not gods.  They cannot create new realities, and they are not capable of giving birth to new lives.  They are able to provide only their existence at the expense of certain energy sources.

            Currently, Ponokteon is the main coordinator of the Restraint Forces, which includes Ponokteon itself, robotic entities, some extraterrestrial civilizations and the shadow government of the planet.  Representatives of the Ponokteon are partners of the Family of Light in the Great Experiment of Duality and have been repeatedly involved in the role of the opposing side.

            In 2013, the Ponokteon attempted to strike at the crystal heart of the planet and disable the Uralan Crystal located in the special dimensions of Arkaim.  Their goal was to obtain a special kind of crystalline energy.

            Each planet in the Universe is the focus of matter, consciousness and the Spirit of the Universe.  The planet, as a fractal, contains all the information of the Universe.  From this point of view, it looks like an infinite number of other planets, but at the same time, each planet has a set of unique qualities.  The Earth, as the place of the Great Experiment, where the evolution of mind and matter took place for a long time in conditions of almost complete isolation from the Spirit, is unique in its kind.  Another feature of the Earth is the creation of conditions for the evolution of the Entities of Light, rising from the lower dimensions to the higher for the evolution of the ascending branch of intelligent-spiritual beings.

            Each planet is created by the High Divine Spiritual Entities.  These are the Spirits of the rank of Elohim, carrying the Light of Consciousness of the Creator and transforming the worlds.

            They express the creative will of God the Creator of the Universe. Elohim have assistants responsible for various directions of Creation.  Such helpers for the Elohim who have created the Earth are the entities of the Light known to us as the Founding Gods.  They were given the responsibility for creating the Evolutionary Program of the basic planetary life forms. The creation of a common Evolutionary Program is impossible without the creation of the Evolutionary Genetic Planetary Program. The basis of this program was developed by the Founding Gods. The program has three levels, three main levels.

            THE FIRST LEVEL of the evolutionary Genetic Program ensures the development of all kinds of mind and matter in conditions of a high degree of separation from the Spirit / Soul that is the main, most important component of the Universal Trinity (Holy Trinity).

            THE SECOND LEVEL OF THE PROGRAM assumes the unification of the Spirit / Soul at a certain stage with the mind-matter and the development of this union into the Divine Trinity.

            The THIRD Level of the Program ensures the further development of the Universal Trinity and the creation of new unities for a new, emerging universe. This is the preparation for the transition to a qualitatively different genetic basis and transition to this basis.

            At this stage of the development of mankind and many other planetary life forms, the Evolutionary Genetic Program passes from the First Level to the Second.  At the same time, part of the Third Level Program is being activated.

            The First Level of the Program was realized very long from the point of view of linear time. People are not the only ones who have stepped into the Experiment of Duality (the development of the mind and matter separated from the Spirit / Soul).  Such experience has been received by many forms of life and consciousness.  They still continue to receive it.  Elohim for the creation of the Evolutionary Program required various “multidimensional tools” that allowed the development of as many kinds of mind and matter on Earth as possible.  To this end, in the multidimensional United Globe of the Planet, special genetic Artifacts were created that provided and still provide planetary diversity.

            Among such Artifacts, the Elohim created a special multidimensional “genetic tool”, which was called the Gene Modifier (from Latin “modifico” i.e. “modify, change form”).  It is not just a tool.  It is a self-programmed and self-developing form of crystalline life, which is enclosed in some deep planetary center.  Access to Gene Modifier is strictly limited. It is the source of genetic programs and at the same time the source of genetic energy, which can be embodied in various forms of matter.

            During the creation of the planet Earth, the Elohim summoned those creatures we know as the Founding Gods.  It was they who expressed the Gene Modifier in those dimensions and worlds where the creativity of the Elohim was limited.  These are the dense dimensions from the 4th to the 7th.

            In their turn, the Founding Gods created the Gene Modifier together with their helpers, beings who managed to master the denser layers of matter, the lower dimensions.  Some of these beings belonged to still unknown civilizations, since they lived on the planet in those times when matter still did not possess modern density.  Later, these beings took advantage of the fruits of their labor, and created material bodies and minds that allowed them to leave Earth and continue evolution in another part of the Universe.  Types of mind and matter created with the help of the Gene Modifier proved to be very stable, able to live very long.

            The bodies of these beings are immortal and multidimensional, and the mind can focus its presence in the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions, but 7th dimension is inaccessible to them.  They have a highly developed intellect and are able to solve tasks of the highest complexity, but only at the level of technology, because it is beyond their power to solve the tasks of creation at the level of the Spirit.  It’s about the beings that created a network of civilizations in the constellation of Orion and are called the Ponocteon.

            Representatives of the Ponocteon began their activity on the planet Earth as already quite intelligent and developed, from the point of view of material genetics.  However, their spiritual component was remote from them, because their Higher Selves are beyond this Universe.  It cannot be said that they are not spiritualized, but their Spiritual component is negligible and they are governed by Reason. They are dominated by metal bodies. Although their astral bodies are also well developed, the emotions of the representatives of the Ponocteon have a negative color, since their multidimensional genetics lacks the balance of “Spirit-Consciousness-Body”.

            Representatives of the Ponocteon successfully coped with the implementation of the First Stage of the Evolutionary Genetic Program.  They have created perfect kinds of matter and mind. But now they are unable to move to the implementation of the Second Stage of the Program that is unification of Mind-Matter with Spirit.  And it is not only because they have left the Earth. They have so developed the mind and their bodies that now completely deny the Spirituality and everything connected with it. The Ponocteon has been managing this 4-dimensional world for a long time, influencing both the earthly shadow government and the Information and Communicative System (the Matrix), as a technological program for the development of human society.  They are invisible stewards of the so called Restraint Forces.  These are not demonic entities.  They are highly intelligent technologists who are able to perfectly control the mind and not only their own.

            Although physically Ponokteon has withdrawn from the Earth, it has never lost the contact with this planet.  The main reason is the inextricable connection of the Ponokteon with the ancient Artifact, the Gene Modifier, in the creation of which they have taken part.  This structure not only creates new kinds of genetics of matter and mind, but is a generator of certain genetic energy.  Since time immemorial, the representatives of the Ponokteon have received the energy necessary for their life, for the genetic stability of their bodies, and most importantly for their intelligence. The representatives of the Ponokteon did not always understand that their genetic stability is ensured from the Earth.  “Genetic stability” is, in a sense, the immortality of their bodies.  Elohim originally laid the unity of the Evolutionary Program for all who once lived on Earth. The inseparable connection of the Ponokteon and the Earth has been going on since the creation of the planet, since the foundation of evolutionary genetic development in it.

            The Gene Modifier of Earth transmitted energy information to the genes of the civilizations of the Ponokteon, which ensured the stable existence of their physical, astral and mental bodies in three dimensions — the 4th, 5th and 6th. It also ensured the existence of special etheric bodies.  This genetic stability, ultimately, determined the immortality of the representatives of the Ponokteon within three dimensions.  Even the destruction of the physical body does not result in death; It is possible to completely regenerate it using special matrices.  Even if a representative of Ponokteon wants to die, he cannot do it, because the absolute law of revival acts for him.  Their genetic program has its drawbacks, too. They are deprived of the ability to reproduce.  The number of the Space Ponokteon Race is always unchanged and is 38 billion 486 thousand 385 creatures.  In the history of the Ponokteon, there have been instances when some representatives of the race disappeared.  Such a disappearance for the creatures of the Ponokteon is still an unsolved mystery.

            So, the life of the Ponokteons inextricably linked with the Gene Modifier, to which they have always had access, as a genetic energy source.  But now on the planet there are huge changes.  As a result of the Galactic Harmonic Convergence (taken place in 1987) the Earth has received another Evolutionary Program.  The planet is now moving to the Second Level of the Program of genetic evolutionary development. The Gene Modifier itself has changed the frequency settings.  The energy portal for the Ponokteon has been shut off as a result of changes that occurred with the Planetary Crystal Network, as a result of changes in the energy and magnetic fields emitted by the Crystals and the crystal structures of the Earth.

            Now the Ponokteon is living by using the reserves of genetic energy, and they are ready to go to great extent to gain access to the Gene Modifier.  Despite their knowledge, they cannot create anything like the creation of the Elohim and the Founding Gods, created by the Will and Design of God the Creator of the Universe.  Representatives of the Ponokteon are looking for ways to access the Gene Modifier.  An attempt has been made to destroy the new Crystal field of the planet with the help of a meteorite (see Chelyabinsk meteorite), but the power options for solving the problem are completely excluded, because the Earth and everything living on it are the fruits of the Great Experiment and the Great Experience. The Earth is sacred and inviolable.

            Attempts of the Ponokteon to connect to the Gene Modifier have been made at different time intervals, but access to the Artifact is impossible from the point of space-time where the space race of the Ponokteon is now. The Ponokteon cannot go back into the past, because the First Level still works there, but for them this level is exhausted. The Ponokteon cannot pass into the future, because there are already working the Second and Third Levels, to which they do not have access, because they haven’t started to unite matter-mind with Spirituality.  The only time period where the Ponokteon still has the opportunity to connect to the Gene Modifier is the current period of time.  But this time is limited, because in the near future the transition from the First Level of the Evolutionary Genetic Program to the Second Level will end.  If the connection does not happen now, in the genome of the inhabitants of the Ponokteon, irreversible genetic changes will soon begin, which will lead first to the process of aging of their bodies, and then to the possibility of death. And death, in the absence of fertility, means the complete extinction of the cosmic Race.

            The development of the civilization of the Ponokteon has reached a deadlock and it is impossible to simply connect them to the Gene Modifier.  Although, they have perfect physical and mental bodies, their astral bodies are distorted.  Therefore the astral worlds of the civilizations of the Ponokteon require urgent and powerful healing.  The current path of the Ponokteon has no future, because if the race has no balance, harmony in development, sooner or later it will self-destruct, despite the presence of immortal bodies.  If their self-destruction starts, the cosmic race can cause cosmic catastrophes and the destruction of other life forms, because everything is interconnected.

            It is necessary to ensure that Ponocteon to begin interacting with a new level of the Genetic Evolutionary Program of the Gene Modifier, i.e. with the Second Stage of the Program.  As a result of this interaction, the Spiritual component in the Genome of the Ponokteon will begin to grow actively.  The mind will have the opportunity to rush to its Higher Self.  But it cannot be done by violent means.  Among the inhabitants of the Ponocteon there must be representatives who express a pure intention to return their true Divine Spirituality.  There are such progressive creatures in Ponokteon.  There are not many of them, but they are among the leadership.  For the first time in thousands of years, the leaders of the Ponokteon have entered into negotiations with the Spiritual Government of the Earth and the Milky Way galaxy and although negotiations are not easy, but a solution will be found.

            Representatives of the Ponokteon have their unofficial representation on the Earth.  They do not incarnate in people, but telepathically actively interact with them.  They often give out their messages for information from the Spiritual Teachers, but this can always be understood, because their messages are directed at the disorientation of people’s consciousness and on disunity.

            Now more than 380 specialized detachments of the Ponokteon are working with the Earth, and their main goal is to gain access to the Gene Modifier. Also there have been several attempts to connect to the Planetary Crystal Grid. But all these attempts are doomed to failure, because the entire Crystal planetary structure is under reliable protection.  Elohim are now actively creating new forms of planetary life.  They activate a new genetic evolutionary program, which is important both for our Milky Way galaxy and for the entire Universe.

            The Family of Light cannot allow the Ponokteon to be self-destroyed.  This cosmic race has gone a great evolutionary path and has a huge genetic evolutionary experience in terms of the development of matter and mind.

            Both the people and the representatives of the Ponokteon have much in common. They and mankind have passed part of the path without a spiritual component. They and mankind have forgotten what the Higher Self and God the Creator are.  Now many people have remembered it, and representatives of the Ponokteon haven’t yet.  More precisely, some of them have begun to remember it.  Now they need help.  Help comes to everyone in the Universe.  The God has no forgotten relatives, no lost children.  There are only children who have gone independently on their way to the expanses of the Universe.  But every child has a compulsory right to grow up and return to the parent.  This right is for all children, without exception.

            The universal genetic relationship unites all cosmic races, in whatever galaxies they live. All races are the One Universal Family, a single organism.  And if at least one cell of the body is sick, then there is a need for its healing.  But the disease of cosmic races is, first of all, a growth disease, a disease of gaining experience.  Each cosmic race receives its unique experience and it becomes the possession of the whole Universal Family.

            Being great geneticists and technologists, race of the Ponokteon gets experience in conditions of almost total lack of spirituality, in conditions of maximum distance from their Divine Higher Self.  It is important to understand that the healing of this race is closely related to the healing of mankind, as the development of these two races is inseparable. The Ponokteon and mankind have a common past and a common future. These are two important races that, having received the lessons of Duality, will in the future come to the level of Master Races, Creators of the new life.  In the future, the way of the Ponokteon and humanity is one. This is the road of wise, experienced races, behind which a lot of overcome difficulties.

             In Arkaim there is a Portal with the help of which it is possible to go to the sacred space of the Gene Modifier, which the ancient Atlanteans called the Elohim Flower.  This is the above-mentioned Gene Modifier. This is the Sacred Workshop of the Creator.  And only those who have decided to become the Creator of Unconditional Love are allowed here. And the civilization of the Ponokteon has been created only by Great Love.

            The sphere of the Gene Modifier is a combination of three spheres: outside is red, then blue and in the center is Golden light. Red is the outer shell, which passes and humanity and the Ponokteon, and other races.  Among many civilizations there those who have gone through the absence of Love and there are those who are ready for it.  There is almost no love in the red shell. This is the First Level of the Genetic Program, a life without the Divine.  In the blue shell there is already the Divine, there is Love.

            In the heart of the Mother Gaia, the Inner Sun of the Planet exists.  Once through this Sun, relatives from another universe came to us.  Some of these relatives remained to get the necessary experience, a part returned to their Universe. This is the Higher Self of the Ponokteon. Communication with them always lives in the Heart of Gaia. All that is necessary for the Ponokteon is to send love to the heart of the native planet, in the Heart of Gaia, because Gaia is also their planet-mother. Then their Higher Selves will immediately rush to meet them. And then a new stage of evolution will begin for the whole cosmic race. Among the representatives of the Ponokteon, there are those in whose hearts True Love is knocking.

V. The Oligarchs

            Knowledge of the laws of evolution helps both an individual person and the whole mankind as a whole to harmoniously enter a new form of being. It is important to understand that the present world is being restructured at the micro and macro levels, on all planes of being, in all forms of its manifestation. The microcosm and the macrocosm are changing: atoms, molecules, planets, stars, galaxies.  Root changes are taking place in every person and the whole human society.

            The mercenary benefits from the ongoing changes are trying to extract whole civilizations, with which, in one way or another, people’s lives are connected.  This applies to both civilizations of the planet Earth of different worlds, and civilizations living far from it. However, neither the hiding heads in the sand, nor the indifferent egoists, nor the various selfish beings are aware of the fact of the integrity of the Evolution.  When this world, together with a whole community of other worlds, with all worlds of the planetary system, enters a new evolutionary cycle, the old evolutionary laws gradually stop.

            During the last 5,000 years some people could enslave others, some beings could live at the expense of other beings.  Today another evolutionary cycle starts.  It will simply not be able to support such processes in the future.  The New Era is first of all an ERA OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT, when people and other forms of life begin to develop life on the basis of internal sources of development that are the sources of the Divine and Spiritual.

            Self-development is impossible without internal, Divine, Spiritual sources.  The absence of such sources induces one being to take energy from another. And, conversely, the use and development of Divine Sources creates the conditions for self-development and the abundance of energy.

            In conditions of abundance of energy, beings do not begin to take the energy of life from other beings, but, on the contrary, share it on the basis of Unconditional Love.  Thus the energy source of such highly developed creatures never runs out, but on the contrary, replenishing, becomes bigger, more powerful, and more effective.  One of the main laws of the New Era is that the more you give, the more you get.

            The laws of this world seem unnatural to the Beings of Light who live in the Universal Divine Reality.  In the conditions of Divine Abundance, no one will ever think of taking energy from another when there is an inexhaustible source of diverse energy inside you.

            The most obvious example of a selfish, self-centered flow of energy is the monetary and financial system of the modern world.  Created on the model of some other alien worlds, it is a vivid example of how some creatures adapt themselves to living at the expense of others.  This system is presented as the only possible way to regulate the material energy exchange in human society.  People have long felt the injustice of the monetary and financial system, but they cannot always determine the root causes of this injustice.  The deep reason is the abuse of the power of some creatures over other beings in the absence of the energy of self-development.  It is power that allows some to assign energy by stealing it from others.

            In none of the worlds of the 5th dimension does the government exist.  People in the 5th dimension of this space-time continuum self-develop using internal Spiritual Sources of energy. Instead of power, in an infinite set of worlds of the 5th dimension, the principle of self-management is implemented.  It is always based on the main law of the Universe, the Law of Love.  Love acts as a life-giving and controlling force, creating those forms of organization of society that sooner or later harmoniously resolve all problems.

            Beside the modern monetary and financial system, there are other forms of unfair redistribution of energy.  This financial system is a manifested tracing paper, a fractal of a system that exists on a more subtle plane of life.  It is created by those stewards who are still behind the scenes of human reality.  They are hiding under the cover of another dimension.  All the Restraint Forces known to mankind, to some extent or other, are manageable and follow the paths outlined for them by the secret rulers.  Robotic entities, reptiloids, civilizations of the Ponocteon and numerous technogenic civilizations of the 4th and 6th dimensions for secret stewards are just pawns in a big game, which has one main goal.  This goal is to create the domination of one civilization over others, to develop their civilization so that it would be many times superior to all other civilizations of the Universe.  Such ideas are the main ones for some higher-level civilizations of the 6th dimension, who have mastered not only high technologies, but also secret magical practices.  Similar ideas do not exist in the worlds of the 5th and 7th dimensions.  This is the case only for the 6th dimension of this space-time continuum, created specifically for the implementation of the Duality Experiment.

            At the highest sub-level of 6th dimension, there is a civilization of collective beings, of which the ancient initiates knew, and which are not yet known.  In the days of the late Lemuria, these creatures were referred to as the civilization of oligarchs.  The word “oligarch” in those days had a different meaning.  Literally it meant: “Six-dimensional beings hiding their face and ruling the world”.  Most of the lexical meaning of the word “oligarch” has survived to this day.  Modern oligarchs, possessing power, rule the world and hide their true faces.

            The civilization of six-dimensional oligarchs has always had and is able to manifest itself in various worlds of the 6th and 4th dimensions.  However, they do not have access to the worlds of the 5th dimension, and even more to the worlds of 7th dimension.  This has always irritated them and continues to cause grave concern to the secret rulers of the sixth dimension.  Six-dimensional oligarchs influence robotic entities, reptiloids, demonic creatures, and even highly developed civilizations of the Ponokteon.  Oligarchs have reached a high level in the development of dark magical practices, having learned to influence from their inner centers to the deep consciousness of beings devoid of the Divine principle.  The oligarchs have left a notable mark in human history, manifesting themselves as beings known as Olympic gods.  In the ancient mythology were mixed up the stories about those beings in which the six-dimensional oligarchs were embodied, and those planetary Beings of Light that are known to mankind as planetary gods, helping to carry out the evolution of humanity and the whole world.  The names of Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Prometheus and others were stolen and appropriated by impostors.

            Ancient Greek and Roman myths basically tell about the events that took place in the period of 11,000 – 5,000 years ago.  At that time in this world incarnated as individual creatures fragments of collective six-dimensional oligarchs and played their game in the limited expanses of the four-dimensional world.  Mythical irony is that the incarnated oligarchs took the names of the Beings of Light, the real planetary gods, who were revered by the people of that time.  There was (and there is) the true Zeus, who has always been helping to evolve the people of the Earth.  But there was also that Zeus, who was a representative of the oligarchs from the 6th dimension.  And similar can be said about other characters of mythical legends.

            Possessing developed magical abilities, using their connections with the 6th dimension, it was not difficult for the false gods to create so-called miracles and influence people.  The false gods, indeed, nurtured the hostility of some collectives of people to others, fueled wars and national conflicts.  It may even seem that they came to your world only in order to enjoy their power and have fun with people as their toys.  Their behavior, indeed, can be called an amusement of highly developed beings, flirting with less developed beings.  They telepathically communicated with people.  People appealed to them, received answers and even help. But not once the false gods let down people, punished them and even … killed.

            Self-reliance with their power, enjoyment of power, unpunished permissiveness, indeed, is inherent in the six-dimensional oligarchs.  But, above all, they are characterized by extreme pragmatism, the achievement of their goal by any means.  Oligarchs are not capable of love.  They have an extreme degree of egocentrism.  Their collectivism of existence is selfishness, raised into a collective, multiple degrees.  They enjoyed their power and humiliation of people as if only incidentally.

            In fact, their arrival in this world was caused by a very important goal, which they tried to achieve. This goal is to find ways to the 5th dimension by improving their genetics.  The false gods bred on the earth plane with humans, trying to realize the process that is now called ascent to the 5th dimension together with the physical body.  To carry out the ascension to the 5th dimension with the physical body, the oligarchs tried different ways.  Physical interbreeding with some people with special multidimensional genetics was only one direction of their activity.

            Embodied in four-dimensionality, the six-dimensional oligarchs actively sought access to the four-dimensional matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier.  They already had a program for transforming this matrix into a five-dimensional matrix.  The implementation of such a program would allow six-dimensional egocentric beings to access the harmonious worlds of the 5th dimension.  But this was not in the plan of the Creator and the leaders of the Great Experiment for creating new forms of life.  To implement the experiment, special 6th and 4th dimensions of the experimental space-time continuum had been created.  The 6th and 4th dimensions were an important pioneering “platform” for the development of various forms of life that do not possess the Divine Principle, which initially develops consciousness in isolation from Spirituality.  On the contrary, the 5th and 7th dimensions became that volume of space-time, where the Divine Life, based on Spirituality, developed on the Universal Harmony.

            It is easy to guess that at the present stage of the Experiment the active energy-information exchange between the 4th and 6th dimensions begins, on the one hand, and on the other hand, by the 5th and 7th dimensions.  This will solve at least two of the most important tasks.  The dual forms of life, developing in isolation from the Divine principle, will begin to develop their Spirituality through energy-information exchange.  And the forms of life of the 5th and 7th dimensions could eventually enrich their multidimensional genetics, gain a unique experience of being and continue their evolution on a qualitatively new level.

            It is impossible to ascend to the 5th dimension without the developed feeling of Love.  In our space-time continuum it is possible to make a special transition from the 4th dimension to the 6th, and from the 6th to the 4th.  And for this it is enough to master some practice of transition.

            The peculiarity of the design of our space-time continuum is that not enough spiritually developed beings of the 6th and 4th dimensions are not able to make a transition to either the 5th or, especially, to the 7th dimension.   Therefore, all attempts of the six-dimensional oligarchs to move to five-dimensionality from our four-dimensional world ended unsuccessfully.  Although the oligarchs managed to gain access to the Planetary Gene Modifier that is the sacred center for the development of genetics of mankind and other forms of life.  Moreover, they were even allowed to bring in some energy information and get something back.

            These historical events are revealed in the Bible.  They are reported in the Old Testament in the story of David and Goliath.  The story of the duel between David and Goliath is, first of all, a parable.  A powerful Goliath goes to battle well-armed, and David comes to meet him with one sling.  In response to the threats of Goliath, David says that God is on his side.  Then David strikes Goliath with a stone directly on the forehead.  The history of the battle between Goliath and the prophet David can also be found in the Koran.  The parable of David’s victory is given as edification for those who doubt God’s help, and as an example of the result of the inner assurance of the prophet David.  But the parable also has a different meaning.  It reflects the interaction of the Divine Forces and certain Goliaths, which took place long before the Israelis collided with the Philistines.  Those Divine powers are symbolized by the prophet David, who, according to a more ancient version of history, does not enter into a duel with Goliath, but puts in his head a certain stone.  At the same time, this stone is not a stone shell for a sling, but something quite different.  The stone means two things. The first is a program for the Complex of Multidimensional Bodies intended for life in our Universe, arranged according to the principle of “12 + 1” (12-dimensionality plus the 13th dimension or the Great Central Sun).  The second is the ability to generate within the Self a higher dimension.

            In more ancient times in the story of David and Goliath, not a stone was mentioned, but a certain Crystal (according to another version — a star), which a certain saint put directly into the head of a giant-goliath.  In the late Lemurian times and during the early third Atlantis (18,000 – 14,000 years ago), the special priests knew about the existence of six-dimensional oligarchs, and in one of the variants of sounding the representative of this civilization was called “HOLIARF” (later – “oliarf” or oliarg”).  Therefore the words “GOLIAF” and “OLIGARCH” go back to one ancient lexical root.  And the civilization of the six-dimensional oligarchs is a civilization of the Goliaths.

            At the moment when the Olympic false gods, the oligarchs-goliaths, penetrated into the four-dimensional matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier, the Family of Light, using the opportunity of special energy-information contact, put into the consciousness (in the heads of oligarchs-goliaths) a subtle crystal program for the future evolutionary development (“stone”).  It is important to note that the Goliaths planned to change the very matrix of the genetic development of mankind. They did not just want to steal certain programs and use them for their own purposes. The oligarchs intended to change the evolution of the most humanity in order to fully adapt in the future the people of the four-dimensionality to achieve their own selfish goals.  In the Program-matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier, the Goliaths discovered unknown elements of multidimensionality that they did not have.  These elements contained a transformation code, which can be designated by the numbers 3-4-5.  The code allows people of this world, as multidimensional beings, to carry out their development in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions.  Thus, beginning its evolution in the 3rd dimension, a person is able to evolve in the 4th and 5th dimensions.  Whereas the goliaths themselves were always able to dwell only in the 6th and 4th dimensions.  This code was extremely important for goliaths, as it opened to them (as they believed) the door to the cherished 5th dimension.  In the 5th dimension, the goliaths planned to receive programs and codes for going into the 7th dimension. So they wanted to “break through the ceiling” in which they leaned after reaching the upper levels of the 6th dimension.

            Goliaths, embodied as Olympic false gods, for 3,000 years of earthly time, prepared an operation to create a special portal that would help them to penetrate into the matrix of the Planetary Gene Modifier. Through this portal, they wanted to launch special virus programs into the Gene Modifier, which were designed to copy programs and codes of human evolution, and then change these programs and codes so that humanity would become completely controlled by the six-dimensional oligarchs.  In fact, the Goliaths wanted to deprive people of free will, setting total control over them.  But, of course, they did not know that the humanity of this world, like all the multidimensional humanity of the Earth’s planetary system, is under special protection.  Moreover, their penetration into the Gene Modifier was a part of the overall plan of the Experiment.  It was time for the Goliaths to get new programs of evolutionary development based on Spirituality, on the Divine beginning.  This energy information through the embodied Olympic false gods was transferred to the civilization of the oligarchs in the 6th dimension.  But a significant part of the oligarchs of the 4th dimension i.e. the Goliaths were not able to return to the 6th dimension.  Their activities in the 4th dimension entailed karmic responsibility, as a result of which they carried out the process of involution. When the Goliaths attempted to perform an unauthorized transition through the matrix of the Gene Modifier, their transformation took place … into three-dimensional beings.  Goliaths have become three-dimensional people to begin the evolutionary process from the 3rd dimension.

            In essence, goliaths were and remain people.  Therefore oligarchs-goliaths are part of the planetary human race, which develops under the conditions of an artificially created, experimental space-time continuum.  People are just as much a part of the planetary race of humanity.  People also develop in the experimental continuum of space-time.

            The absolute majority of people in your modern world are representatives of the ascending branch of humanity, which evolved into a four-dimensional world from various third-dimensional worlds.  There is no point in taking the whole 3rd dimension as not harmonious.  In the 3rd dimension, there are enough harmonious worlds that do not belong to our experimental space-time continuum.  It should be said that our planetary system, the system of worlds of the multidimensional Earth, is formed from two space-time continuums that are intricately intertwined, one of which can be called natural, and the other, artificially created for carrying out the Experiment and the birth of new forms of life.

            Therefore, the energy-information code of evolution, which the goliaths discovered in the Planetary Gene Modifier, can be expressed in two rows of numbers: 3-4-5 and 3-4-5.  Since the dimensions of different continuums are interrelated, and intersect with some of their volumes, then the evolution code contained in the four-dimensional matrix of the Gene Modifier is appropriate to express with the following numerical series: 3-3-4-4-5-5.  Numerologically, in the end, we get the numbers 24 or 6 (3+3+4+4+5+5=24; 2+4=6).  The code of the four-dimensional program-matrix of the Gene Modifier is not directly related to the code of the sixth measurements of two space-time continuums of the Earth. The latter will be denoted as 6:6 (two different 6th dimensions). Numerologically, this can be represented as 12.  As a result, the code of human evolution from the 3rd to the 6th dimension can be represented as 24:12.

            Otherwise, 24:12 can be represented as 6 (2+4) and 6:6 (12=6+6), or 6:6:6.  The meaning of the three “sixes” is a reflection of the evolutionary code of mankind up to the 6th dimension (the first digit is 6) in two different space-time continuums of the 6th dimension (6:6). The ancients knew about the inharmonious civilizations of the 6th dimension and about the code 666, which has reached our days as “the number of the beast”.

            The numerological result 6:6:6 is 9 (6+6+6=18= 9). «Six» always turns into a «nine». The very image of the digits «6» and «9» confirms this. «Nine» is the Spiritual Center of Humanity as a multidimensional planetary race of the Earth. In 9th dimension, the earthly humanity reaches its evolutionary peak, manifesting itself as special collective Beings of Light possessing high Divine Abilities. In fact, in the 9th dimension, people become Collective Gods, special Beings of Light, preparing for a qualitative transition to the 10th dimension, where there is no longer a division into planetary races, but rather a higher order Divine Unity.

            So, many goliaths went into the third dimension and began to evolve from there.  Once in a special world of the third dimension, they were forced to radically change their worldview.  Because there it was impossible to exist, relying on egocentrism.  Former Goliaths began to learn new concepts for them, including: a sense of brotherly love, mutual aid, humanism.  Time in that world flows much faster than in ours.  Therefore, the former oligarchs have already evolved in the world of the third dimension and, moreover, are now completing the evolution in the world of the 4th dimension, which is much more harmonious than ours, because it belongs to a natural, harmonious space-time continuum.  Now their civilization is called the civilization of Armans, Solar People.  People and Armans live in different space-time continuums, but they are united by the desire to move into the 5th dimension. Now that the former goliaths have known the feeling of Love, they have discovered an evolutionary path to where they have so long been trying to get artificially.

            Not only the desire to move into the 5th dimension unites the Armans and the spiritually developed people of this world.  There is something more important.  Both civilizations carry energy information programs in their sacred spaces to unite the two space-time continuums of the Earth into one common, multi-world space-time continuum.  This continuum will become a new volume of space-time, which will receive fundamentally different qualities. A new space-time continuum will not be the sum of the two existing, but the result of their synergy.

            Synergy can be viewed as an energy information field of a higher order, capable of generating new energy and new information.  The synergistic effect of the fusion of two space-time continuums will allow the Family of Light to solve a number of evolutionary tasks.  Former Goliaths now live in the harmonious world of the 4th dimension of the Earth and are ready to cooperate with mankind.  Now their civilization of Armans is a civilization of highly developed people of four-dimensionality who remember their six-dimensional ancestors and constantly send them the energy of creative love for their Divine Transfiguration. Currently, the six-dimensional oligarchs are not yet ready to accept it, but this is a matter of the future, because codes of Divine evolution already live in the spaces of their being.

            It is important to unite the evolutionary code of the two civilizations, the programs of the two worlds of the 4th dimension, which create the foundations for Spiritual self-development; to bring from the harmonious space-time a program for self-development, to use the internal energy of the Great Central Sun.

            The unification of the programs of the two worlds will not only enrich the development of both worlds, but will also allow to begin the process of convergence of different space-time continuums, the experimental one in which mankind lives, and the one in which the worlds of the Earth lived from the very beginning, before the Great Experiment began.

            From the world of another space-time continuum into this world will come, in particular, the programs necessary for the transition to the harmonic frequency 13:20.  First of all, this world will pass to another space-time continuum the experience of developing dense matter. There will be an exchange of many other evolutionary programs.

            As a result of energy-information exchange between the two worlds of the 4th dimension, a new program for the evolution of the four-dimensional humanity of the Earth will be created. There will be laid the foundations for a new Code of Evolution, the code of finding the Divine Integrity and self-development.

            In space and time, with love unite different worlds, different forms of life.  This unification takes place on the basis of Divine unity and goodwill of those who aspire to the One Heart of the Creator, who truly wants to create the Brotherhood of the Great Central Sun.


Great Experiment

             The magazine “World Channeling” has published a number of articles with materials (information) from Kryon and other Spiritual Beings about the Great Experiment.  It has been lasting on Earth and the whole Galaxy for 5,000,000 years.

            The completed in 2012 Experiment of Duality was a part of the Great Experiment.  In fact, it was a grandiose immersion in low-vibration matter with a robust separation from the Spiritual world.  The Reptiloids have played a significant role in it.

Image result for Great Experiment in Cosmos            The Earth is an experimental planet for obtaining new experience in many evolutionary directions.  In the future, the Earth will become a center where the most important events will unfold to transform the current Universe and create new worlds with billions of new life forms.

            Essence of the Great Experiment is the creation of a new 16th dimensional Universe out of the current 13th dimensional Universe.  The Earth plays a very important role in this Great Experiment.  Having its manifestations in all 13 dimensions of the Universe, the Earth is already acquiring new forms of three new dimensions: the 14th, 15th, and 16th.  Humanity is the most important genetic organism in which the genetics of the “lower” and “higher” dimensions are united.  Humans have the genetics of many civilizations, not only from the Milky Way, but also from other galaxies.

            The Great Experiment on the planet Earth was originally conceived as an intergalactic experiment of universal significance.  It implies the creation of a uniformity of dimensions and a new multidimensional lifeform on the basis of the Unified Multidimensional Genome which will allow to live harmoniously at once in all 16 dimensions.

            It was 16 extraterrestrial civilizations that created the four-dimensional genetics of mankind. The unifying center of these civilizations in this project was the Pleiades.

            The human genome on the basis of 16 star civilizations has been created during the last five million years of the evolution of the planet.  These 16 star races have given star seeds for the genetics of modern man. They represent the unity of the 16 dimensions and the Unified Multidimensional Genome. All these civilizations are among the authors and participants of the Great Experiment.

            Kazan (capital of modern Tatarstan of Russia) is an important energy-crystalline center of the Earth. Here, in the former Borea (capital of Eurasian Hyperborea), there is a multidimensional genetic center from which the spiral of the structure of the 16 Lemurian Crystals is untwisted over the planet.  They were brought to Earth more than 26,000 years ago, before the entrance of mankind and the Earth into the final stage of the Duality Experiment.  The task of the Crystals is to begin today on a subtle level the transformation of the human genome into a New Multidimensional Genome allowing people to live in all dimensions at once.

            The Great Experiment has its own stages.  The last stage began 100,000 years ago when 16 star civilizations united to create the biological and multidimensional body of modern man.  These were civilizations from the star systems of the Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturus, Orion, and others.

            In the span of 550,000 – 100,000 years ago various civilizations lived on the Earth, among them were Lumania, Arimoya, Horayoniya.  Not all of them resembled modern man. Arimoya, on a subtle plane, was preparing the arrival of the Lemurians, from which the Atlanteans later budded. The history of Atlantis was prepared by the Horaions.

            The Lemurian-Atlantic phase of the above-mentioned Great Experiment was passing 100,000 – 11,000 years ago.  After the Lemurian-Atlantic phase came new one, when four space-time continuums were combined into one for 6,000 years in the period of 11,000 – 5,000 years ago.

            The main stage of the experiment began about 5,000 years ago, when the above four continuums were again corroded.  It was at this time that the Aryans (from Catarus) laid the foundation of the Indo-European civilization and realized the continuity between the past civilizations and modern human society.  They created Tartoaria.  The “Veil” was condensed for the last time and all matter passed to another wave frequency.

            The year 2012 was a trait behind which it became impossible to return to the old scenario of the development of a technogenic civilization based on egocentrism.  A new unique scenario has begun.  It has not yet been created in this Universe.  It is planned that by 2037 the above “Veil” between the Earth and the rest of the Cosmos will decrease so much that the Earthlings will begin to feel the beating of hearts of those who are helping them now from the other side of this “Veil”.

Manna & York


  1. Manna & Emperor Constantine
  2. Order of the Dragon
  3. Pass Borgo
  4. Dragon’s Court
  5. Sigismund’s Sword
  6. The main secret of Dragons

I. Manna & Emperor Constantine

  Related image          Roman / Byzantine Emperor Constantine the Great (272 – 337) is a significant figure in world history and the history of Christianity.  His so-called Edict of Milan (313) officially granted full tolerance to Christianity and all religions in the Empire.  On the Milan’s coat of arm is depicted a crowned Serpent with a man in its mouth.  Sometimes this man is described as a Moor or an Ottoman Turk.  The true meaning of the city emblem is unknown.  But for sure the Ottoman Turks not only captured in 1453 the dying former Constantine’s Empire (devastated by the Latin Crusaders), but also strengthened and extended it.

          Constantine is venerated as a saint by the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Church.  He has historically been referred to as the “First Christian Emperor”.  In the Orthodox Church he is known as Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Constantine the Great.  Constantine’s high relief is above the entrance to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the main cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.

            In 325 Constantine summoned the Council of Nicaea (modern Iznik, Turkey), regarded as the first Ecumenical Council, most known for its dealing with Image result for изник музей софияArianism and for instituting the Nicene Creed.  It is said that from this point forward due to the structure of the Nicene Creed, everything in the known world was registered under what is currently known as Manna World Holding Trust.  In current times the official currency of the Kingdom of Manna is Aureus.  It is also known as a gold coin of ancient Rome and the first currency of the Roman Empire that was later registered in to the Trust.  The aureus was regularly issued from the 1st century BCE to the beginning of the 4th century AD, Justinian2.jpgwhen it was replaced by the solidus under Constantine the Great.  It is known that Constantine and the following emperors put letter M on the reverse of their coins.  The general version is that it indicated coins’ worth.  Сoincidentally, M is also the first letter of the Trust’s name.                                       Constantine was a Roman Emperor of Illyrian origin.  He was born in modern Serbian city of Naissus.  It was named Navissos by the Celtic in the 3rd century BCE.  Throughout history, it was known as Roman Naissus, Byzantine Nysos and Slavic Niš.  Legend has it that Niš was founded by a Prince Nisa.  It has been called The Emperor’s City.  The name is sometimes rendered Nish or Nissa in English.  Interestingly, Old Nissa in modern Turkmenistan is considered as the home of Odin and his gods.

            Niš is the third largest city in Serbia and one of the oldest cities in the Balkans and Europe.  Central element of its coat of arms is the double-headed eagle.  It usually associated with Roman / Byzantine Empire, whose use of it represented the Empire’s dominion over the Near East and the West.  The core of Byzantine Empire was located on the former lands of Hittites (circa 1600 — 1178 BCE) who used this symbol.  Hittites were influenced by the Hurritas, who were among the major ethnic components of the ancestors of ancient kingdom of Manna.

         Niš has from ancient times been considered a gateway between the East and the West.  The Balkans are associated with the appearance of the Order of the Dragon in the beginning of the 15th century (see Section II).  The modern residence official residence of the Order of the Dragon is located in English city of York, where Constantine   was acclaimed in 306 as Roman emperor by the army (see Section V).  He won a series of civil wars and became sole ruler of both West and East by 324.

            In 324 Constantine started largest construction in ancient Byzantium (former Greek colony existed from the 7th century BCE) to make it the new capital of the Roman Empire.  Named after its founder Constantinople (Nova Roma) was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe until its looting by the Fourth Crusade in the early 13th century.  Constantinople’s vast Imperial Library contained the remnants of the Library of Alexandria and had over 100,000 volumes of ancient texts.  This city on the Bosphorus was the most important center of Christianity and theology.

            The origins of the name of Byzantium are not entirely clear, though some suggest it is of Thraco-Illyrian origin.  Not by chance, Constantine the Great and his farther the Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus (born in the Western Balkans) both were of Illyrian origin.  The first known settlement on the site of Constantinople is believed to be of Thracian origin founded between the 13th and 11th century BCE.

            Giza (world known for its gigantic pyramids created rather by the Lemurians than ancient Egyptians which even did not have any sophisticated technologies for building of such complex structures), Alexandria (founded circa 331 BCE by Alexander the Great), Constantinople (inaugurated in 330 by Constantine the Great), Kiev (capital of Rus, the first East Slavic state, where the Archangel Michael was depicted on the seals used by the Kievan grand princes), Saint Petersburg (founded in 1703 by Peter the Great) are all located on the Nile Meridian.

            It is believed that this is the plan of the Egyptian priests laying new capitals on the Nile Meridian as their sacred constellation Orion (or the Heavenly boat of the god Ra) moved along the Milky Way from the south to the north.

            Each of the above cities was the capital of the world empire, ruling the minds of contemporaries and vast territories.  The circumstances of appearance on the world arena of these capitals are the same, with the exception of Kiev, which was already a large city even before the reign of Oleg the Prophet, the founder of Kievan Rus who came to Kiev from Veliky Novgorod.

            As the constellation Orion moved from south to north, the above-mentioned world capitals appeared with enviable constancy over the sky rout of Orion believed to be celestial home to the Light and Dark Lords in the global experiment with Duality (or temporary separation from God).

            The above reference to the Egyptian priests is conditional.  This group of influential people or beings is unknown, but they had the constant power to convince the charismatic and most influential earthly rules Alexander the Great (356 — 323 BCE), Constantine the Great (272 — 337), Peter the Great (1672 — 1725) to erect their capitals on the Nile Meridian.

II. Order of the Dragon

Image result for cradle of filth order of the dragon            Thanks to the novel by Bram Stoker, Count Dracula, who lived in Transylvania, became one of the most Image result for draco the dragon constellationfamous characters in international folklore.  It is believed that his historic prototype was the Wallachian prince Vlad Tepes, who lived in the 15th century.  He received his nickname “Dracula” from his father, who was in the Order of the Dragon, founded (or recreated) in 1408 on the occasion of the victory in Bosnia by the German (Hungarian) King Sigismund I, who later became emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

            At the time of the creation of the Order, Sigismund was the King of Hungary and needed allies. They mainly came from the ruling families of Central and Eastern Europe, formerly influenced by the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), in the place of which it was destined to grow a powerful Ottoman Empire. In 1429 the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas joined the Order of the Dragon, whose daughter Sophia was the wife of the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily I (son of Dmitry Donskoy named after the Russian River Don whose mouth Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl has identified as the place of Asgard, the adore of Odin and his gods).  Name Vasily comes from Basileus, a Greek term and title that has signified various types of monarchs.  The title was used by the Byzantine emperors, and has a longer history of use by sovereigns.  The etymology of Basileus is related to Basilisk, a legendary reptile reputed to be King of serpents.

          In 1431, Sigismund, wishing to expand the Order of the Dragon, invited influential feudal lords and successful military leaders.  Among them was Vlad II, a vassal at the court of Sigismund, to whom he had entrusted to defend the southern borders of Transylvania from Turkish raids.  After the adoption of Vlad II in the Order of the Dragon, Sigismund crowned him with as the ruler of Wallachia (part of modern Romania) and allowed to mint royal coins depicting a dragon.  Later, the nickname “Dracula” (that is the “dragon”) of Vlad II passed to his son Vlad III Tepes (better known as Vlad the Impaler).  Other sons of Vlad II did not receive this nickname, but remained in history as Vlad IV Monk and Radu III Handsome.

            Changing the suzerain and allies depending on the situation, Vlad II was killed by them in 1447.  The throne of Wallachia was taken not by his son, but by Vladislav II supported by Janos Hunyadi, Hungarian politician and lord of Transylvania.  Therefore, Vlad III Tepes had to conquer the throne of Wallachia with the support of the Turkish sultan.  Later he became an active participant in the anti-Turkish wars.  The nickname “Tepes” (“putter on the stake”) was given to him by the Turks and was recorded in documents only 30 years after his death.

            Vlad was not crueler than the Turks themselves or other rulers of that time.  It is unlikely that he was even a member of the dying Dragon Order, because the killers of his father still could be in the Order.

            Even 10 years before Vlad Tsepesh became the ruler of Wallachia, Emperor Sigismund died (in 1437).  Without him, the Order of the Dragon began to lose its former importance and influence. The emperor did not leave the heir in the male line.  His daughter Elizabeth became the wife of Albrecht II, the first Habsburg who united Austria, Czech, Hungary and Germany under her authority after the death of her father-in-law.  Elizabeth was in the Order of the Dragon, renewed by her father. A key role in the Order’s revival was played by her Balkan origin mother Barbara of Cilli (1392 – 1451), the Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia by marriage to Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund.  In 1396 her father valiantly saved the life of Sigismund during the battle of Nikopol (in northern Bulgaria) with the Turkish sultan Bayazit, who was a big threat to whole Europe. Widowed Sigismund married Barbara in 1405, including for political reasons, to strengthen personal power.  Among the ancestors of Barbara are the rulers of Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia. Some sources indicate their connection with the Royal Scythians and rulers of Egypt.  According to the female line, Barbara of Cilli is considered one of the forefathers of modern European royal families, her blood flows in the veins of most of today’s dynasties.  The above Habsburgs became the longest-lived and at one time the most powerful dynasty in Europe.  Napoleon married exactly the representative of the Habsburg family to look like a true monarch.

            Of course, the Order of the Dragon had predecessors. The knowledge of many came from the heritage of the Anunnaki or Elohim.  For example, the Brotherhood of the Serpent on the island of Arvad (Syria) connected with AR or the Dragon Court in Egypt (see section IV).

            At all times there were people who tried to support and pass on the ancient tradition associated with the wisdom of the great dragons. Since ancient times, it is known about the participation of the reptilian civilizations (the Wise Serpents) of the Pleiades in the emergence and development of mankind.  The reptilian traces are also found in the Ubaid culture influenced the founders of ancient Manna kingdom.

III. Pass Borgo

            Borgo is a mountain pass in Transylvania, almost on the border with Bukovina (Eastern Carpathians).  Interestingly, the Moscow Kremlin is located on the hill named Bor.

            In the book of Bram Stoker the castle of Dracula was near the Borgo Pass, but in reality no one had ever seen it.  The distance from the place of the alleged Dracula castle on the top of the mountain near the Borgo Pass to the important points of ancient civilizations is a multiple of 333 km.

            This mountain at the Borgo Pass is designated on the local maps as the peak of 1215 m.  The mountain has two peaks, like Elbrus and Ararat. This might be another clue and confirmation of certain sacredness prior to the story of Dracula.

Image result for map of romania

            Symbolic is the date of passing away of Bram Stoker.  It happened on April 20 that is the Navi day of the Slavs.  They used to perform the rite of resurrection of the dead on this day.  For fans of Stoker, a hotel in the style of the supposed castle of Count Dracula was built on the pass in the 20th century.

            Borgo Pass was made famous by Irish writer Bram Stoker (1847-1912) in his novel “Dracula” (1897).  The monument to this writer is set next to the hotel of the same name on the pass.  He has given it a supernatural atmosphere.  According to the Romanians themselves, Bram Stoker made more for the development of tourism in Romania than all the ministers.  In the novel, here on the Borgo Pass, Jonathan Harker, who came from Bistrița (or Bistritsa originated from the Slavic word bystrica meaning “fast-moving water”), picked up a coach that brought him to the castle of Dracula.  Later it turns out that the mysterious driver was Count Dracula himself.  Since then, the Borgo Pass has been invariably present in literature and films about Dracula.

            Seven years before the “Dracula”, Bram Stoker wrote the novel “The Snake’s Pass” (1890), based on the legend of the struggle in Ireland of St. Patrick with King of the Serpents. Ten years after Dracula, he wrote the novel “The Jewel of Seven Stars” (1907), which unfolds a revived Egyptian mummy and involvement of secret knowledge allowing ruling the world.

            Being a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn that operated in Great Britain and had a huge impact on the occult Image result for whitby abbeyoccultism of the 20th century, Bram Stoker could use its materials and deliberately hand them out to the world in veiled form.  For example, the arrival of Dracula from Transylvania to England.  The above-mentioned London lawyer Jonathan Harker sells the count to the abandoned Whitby Abbey (Scandinavian “White village”) recognized as the most perfect monument of Gothic architecture in England.

 Image result for Whitby           Dracula (literally “the son of the dragon) arrived to Whitby on a Russian ship.  On the coat of arms Whitby three snakes are depicted.  It is believed that they symbolize the widespread ammonites here.  Locals call them snake stones.  There may be a deeper meaning behind this, perhaps even related to the famous snake energy.  Kundalini is always depicted as a coiled snake.  Whitby is located in the county of North Yorkshire.  Its largest center is the city of York, the place of passing away of the Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus (Greek “pale”).  He was born in the Western Balkans, which in a thousand years would be related to creation of the Order of the Dragon. Constantius Chlorus was the father of Constantine the Great, who was born in the Roman province of Moesia (present-day Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania).  Few centuries later it would become the final destination of the Bulgarians, some of the ancestors of the Kazan Tatars.  Scientists still do not have an unequivocal answer to the question of who these Bulgarians were.

            The Order of Constantine is regarded as the oldest award on the planet.  Constantine was proclaimed Roman Emperor in the present-day English city of York founded by the Romans as Eboracum in 71 AD.  In honor of this York, the York (American) charter is named.  It is one of the important statutes of the international fraternity of Freemasons.  It is known that the founders of the Order of the Golden Dawn were Masons and members of the English Society of Rosicrucians.  In York is the official residence of the Order of the Dragon.  A member of this Order was father of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula).

Related image            The old relationship of Great Britain with Transylvania is also confirmed by the relationship of its royal family with the historical Vlad Tepes, nicknamed Dracula.  In an interview, the son of the Queen of Great Britain, the Prince of Wales Charles, who has bought an estate in Transylvania, admitted that he was a distant relative of this ruler.  The flag of Wales, whose prince is Charles, is adorned by the Red Dragon.  It is believed that it has been a symbol of Wales and Britain since time immemorial.  The legends of Merlin say that the red dragon symbolizes the people of Britain.   Before the conquest by the English (Plantagenet), Wales was a conglomerate of independent Celtic kingdoms, whose rulers led their ancestry from the legendary King Arthur, whose father, the king of the Britons, wore the title of “Chief dragon”.

            It is believed that the name of the confederation of Celtic tribes (The Volcae) could be given to the first Romanized Celts, and then to Wallachians, the principality of which was ruled in the 15th century by Vlad the Impaler (Dracula).

            According to Romanian researchers, Charles is a relative of Vlad in the 16th generation.  It is symbolic that 16 is the code of Tatarstan or Tataria often compared to Tartoaria (Tartarus).  The Dragon depicts its coat of arms, akin to Wales.  This blood connection comes from the great-grandmother of Prince Charles of Queen Mary, the wife of George V, who was a direct descendant of Vlad IV, the brother of Vlad III Tepes (Dracula) on the maternal line.  Traditionally, the Prince of Wales is a member of the British Grand Lodge, and his close relative Prince Michael of Kent is the Grand Master of this lodge, uniting about a third of Freemasons in the UK.

            Michael of Kent is a cousin of Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland.  He is the grand cousin nephew of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, who was born on the day of Job the Long-suffering.  The prince was named in honor of the Russian Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, the younger brother of Nicholas II and the cousin of both grandfathers and one of the grandmothers of the prince.  On November 4, 2009, Michael of Kent was awarded the Order of Friendship (of Peoples) in the Kremlin.

            It is symbolic that this is not only the Day of National Unity, but also the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, inextricably linked with the ancient heritage of Russia and the Great Tartary.  It is believed that the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God helped liberate the Kremlin and Moscow in 1612 from Polish occupants.  Three months later Zemsky Sobor (a Great National Assembly) elected the new Russian tsar, Mikhail Romanov, the first of this dynasty.  The ancestor of the Romanovs was Procopius the Rightful from Veliky Ustyug.

            In July 1998, Michael of Kent participated in the burial in St. Petersburg of the remains of the last of the ruling Romanov dynasty.  On the walls of Ipatiev’s house, where Nicholas II and his family presumably ended their earthly journey in 1918, they discovered a swastika directed as the crown of Queen Mary of the Romanian (see below), the cousin of Nicholas II.  It is believed that this solar symbol painted in Ipatiev’s house wife of Nicholas II, Russian Queen Alexandra Feodorovna, who also took a great interest in India.  She and Maria Romanian were granddaughters of the British Queen Victoria, who then ruled Hindustan.

            Queen Victoria (1819-1901) was the daughter of the Duke of Kent.  Today, this title is carried by the above-mentioned Prince Michael, the great-uncle nephew of Russian Tsar Nicholas II.  The circumstances of her ascension to the English throne indicate certain selectivity (program).  She was not going to become a queen, but she was forced to inherit the English throne at 18, since all three of her father’s older brothers died without leaving legitimate children.

            At the baptism she was given the name of Alexandrina Victoria.  She was named Alexandrina in honor of her godfather Russian Emperor Alexander I.  Marriages of nine children of Victoria with representatives of royal and noble families brought her the nickname “Grandmother of Europe”.

            The Romanian royal family consists of a direct relationship with the British Windsor and Russian Romanovs.  The most beloved Romanian queen Maria (1875-1938) was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria and the Russian Emperor Alexander II.  Maria was born in the county of Kent, whose prince is the above-mentioned Michael of Kent, born in 1942.

            In the county of Kent, near London, is the city of Canterbury, the church capital of England.  From Canterbury Canterbury the spread of Christianity among the Anglo-Saxons began in the 6th century.  Here is the location of the chair of the Head of the Anglican Church and the main Anglican temple of Great Britain.  Looking at the hilly ridges and valleys of the cretaceous mountains, the Romans called this country Albion (alba means “white”).

            Strikingly similar are the emblems of English Kent and Italian Tuscany, the foundation of the Roman state and culture.  Not far from the county of Kent is the famous Uffington White Horse that is a stylized chalk figure 110 meters long.  The white horse is made on the slope of a 260-meter limestone hill.  This is the only English geoglyph the prehistoric origin of which is beyond doubt.  In the old days, it was mistaken for the figure of a dragon.  It was believed that it was the same dragon who was defeated on the nearby Dragon Hill by the heavenly patron of England St. George.  England is known for its crop circles.  The country accounts for about 90% of these phenomena in the world.  More than half of all registered figures fall into the 50-kilometer zone around Avebury (51°25’43″N, 1°51’15″W), an ancient megalithic structure over 350 meters in diameter surrounded by a moat and shaft.  Along its inner edge there are about 100 stone pillars, each weighing up to 50 tons.

            Scientists associate Avebury with the so-called archaeological culture of bell-shaped cups.  The studies of the culture have been going on.  However, it is indisputable that the Cup (Holy Grail) has always been a symbol of wisdom and ancient tradition.  The history of England is inseparable from the Grail.  It is believed to be codes of star memory and immortality that is the timeless core of the Celestial Dragons.  Avebury is recognized worldwide as one of the most mystical places in the UK.  This is a special neighborhood of Kent, which together with the county of Oxfordshire (where the above-mentioned white horse is located) and Brighton belong to the region of South East England.  In the book of Jose Arguelles “Probes from Arcturus” it is told that Brighton was the place of the oak-wood of Merlin, from where he penetrated into the center of the Earth.  Stones of New York’s Brighton Beach keep another ancient mystery.

            Kent is famous for its apples and gardens, like Transylvania where Prince Charles has been engaged in the cultivation of apples and the production of juice, which is then delivered to the royal table.  Apple is also a symbol of the above mentioned Transylvanian town of Bistritsa, from where Jonathan Harker came to the Borgo Pass.

            Alba Iulia is one of the most ancient cities of Transylvania and all of Romania.  The accession of Transylvania to Romania was announced in Alba Iulia in 1918 and four years later, in the specially built local Orthodox cathedral, King Ferdinand I and his Kent born wife Maria were crowned to the throne of the united state.  Before the Roman conquest (II century), there was the capital of the Dacians.  In medieval sources the city is called Slavic name Balgrade or Belgrade, in Latin — Alba Iulia (alba — white, as above Albion).  The capital of the U.S. state of New York is Albany.

        Image result for tartaria tablets    About 30 km. from Alba Iulia were found by Romanian archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa the three Tărtăria tablets also known as the Terterian Clay Tablets which are called the first writing in history.  As they say the thunder of the great discovery did not sound from Egypt or Mesopotamia.  An unexpected finding was discovered in Transylvania, in a Neolithic site in the small Romanian village Tărtăria.  The found plates are 1000 years older than the Sumerian!

            Avet Terterian (1929 — 1994) is a famous Armenian / Soviet composer born in Baku.  He died in Yekaterinburg (Russia) connected with the fate the above mentioned last Russian Tsar Nicholas II.  Yekaterinburg’s annual music festival is named after him.  Yekaterinburg (alternatively romanized Ekaterinburg) is the fourth-largest city in Russia.  It is located on the Iset River east of the Ural Mountains, in the middle of the Eurasian continent, on the border of Europe and Asia.

            Born in the county Kent and crowned in the kingdom of Alba-Julia, Mary became the first of the royal blood who professed the Bahai Faith originated in Persia.  Today the modern Lotus Temple in New Delhi is a symbol not only of this city, but the whole India.  It is noteworthy that the very first Bahai temple was built in the Russian Empire, in Ashgabat (Persian — The City of Love).  Ashgabat (old Nisa) is associated with Odin and his gods.  Alos, Nisa is the first seat of central government of the Parthians founded by Arsak I (reigned circa 250 BCE – 211 BCE).

            An ancient connection with India and the wisdom of the Naga (Sanskrit: “serpent”, mythical semidivine creatures, half human and half cobra, often beneficial to humans) is reflected in the crown of Mary.  Instead of a traditional cross, it is crowned by a stylized swastika, a solar sign of happiness and prosperity.  The swastika is depicted on the coat of arms of the state of Bihar, where Buddha attained Enlightenment.  The city of Bihor is also in Romania.

            Most likely, swastikas (Swast Astu – “Let All Be Good for Everyone”) brought tribes of Aryans (Indo-Europeans) who migrated there in the 1st – 2nd millennium BCE from the territory of Eastern Europe (Russia).  The interest for swastika came from India (Tibet) to Europe in the 19th century.  However, the most ancient culture in whose ceramics swastika was common is Eastern European Cucuteni–Tripolye culture (also known as the Tripolye culture) existed on the territory of modern Romania and Ukraine from 6th to 3rd millennium BCE.  Long before their migration to India, the Indo-European peoples (Aryans) came here and replaced the people of Cucuteni–Tripolye culture.  It is believed that the Aryans could have borrowed swastika from these people. This Tripolye culture was distinguished by high standards in spiritual and material life. In the 20th century, the fascists took the swastika of the opposite direction (and purposes) and made it their symbol.

                Traces of Trypillian culture are found in the territories between the River Dnieper (sourcing in Russian Valdai) and Transylvania, the main hero of which is Dracula associated with the cult of the Dragon.  Pottery of Trypillian culture is recognized as one of the best in the world, as well as their ritual clay products containing symbols of snake wisdom.

              A popular yin-yang symbol is found in Trypillian culture earlier than in the China.  This endless colossus of harmony and movement is formed on Tripolye products by two snakes.  This symbol would centuries after appear on the sign of the American dollar whose financial stronghold has become Manhattan (having old ties with Russia).

           The name of Trypillian culture is derived from the name Tripolye, settlement near Kiev.  In the Slavic languages, Tripolye means “three fields”.

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity was authorized with the support of ConstantineImage result for никейский собор the Great.  In 325, the Council of Nicaea headed by him adopted the Nicene Creed.  In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons or hypostases, but is one being, having a single divine nature.  The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are essentially one and the same.  The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will.  The Trinity is the hallmark of Christianity.  Christian worship is essentially Trinitarian.

The relationships within God as a Trinity discredit any hierarchical power structure in which those lower down are dominated and oppressed by those above them.  Instead, using the example of the Trinity leads to an ideal structure of mutual interdependence and support in pursuit of a common aim.  Thus the Trinity shows the way God wants the world to be run and the power structures that God recommends to human society.

            Three circles in one circle is obviously a sign of Shambala and the Banner of Peace in the Roerich Pact.  Three serpents on the coat of arms of above mentioned Whitby.  Serpent is an ancient symbol of Wisdom.

            Unlike the swastika on the top of Mary’s crown, the steel crown of her husband Ferdinand I was topped with a cross that is also a traditional symbol of the Sun.  Their grandson Mihai I is the only surviving Cavalier of the highest Soviet award, the Order of Victory.  This order has number 16, as well as the code of Tatarstan, which is mentioned above.  His parents were a four-brother and sister, their common great-great-grandfather was Russian tsar Nicholas I, also the great-great-grandfather of the aforementioned Michael of Kent.

 Image result for curtea de arges           Maria was buried next to her husband in the tomb of Romanian kings, the Orthodox Assumption Cathedral in the town of Curtea de Argeș (the former capital of Wallachia).  This cathedral has intricate oriental (Turkish) patterns, for which it is often compared with the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow, built in honor of theImage result for St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow capture of Kazan (capital of Tatarstan) and standing with Moscow on the same 55th  parallel.  Both cathedrals were built in the 16th century, the first one on the site of the monastery of St. Nicholas, whose image is associated with one of the oldest mysteries.

               The cathedral in Curtea de Argeș is located on the 45th parallel as the main fortresses / sanctuaries of the legendary Dacians.  On the same parallel is one of the jewels of Transylvania, the crown town of Brasov which has close and long-standing ties with Russia.  This name is believed to have come from the name of local river named Bârsa adopted by Slavs and transformed in Barsa and later in Barsov and finally in Brasov.  The city was described in 1235 under the name Corona (Latin “crown”) given by the German (Saxon) colonists.  From 1950 to 1960 Brasov was called Orașul Stalin (Stalin City).

            The oldest traces of human activity and settlements in Brasov date back to the Neolithic age (about 9500 BCE).  The generous donations received from Elizabeth of Russia (1709 – 1762), the daughter of the above mentioned Peter the Great.  Elizabeth was born at Kolomenskoye, now part of Moscow, like Ivan Grozny (1530 – 1584), the first Russian Tsar crowned to the Russian throne according to the Byzantine Rite.  The most famous Soviet leader of Caucasian ethnicity Joseph Stalin (1878 – 1953), born in Gori, called Ivan Grozny his teacher.   It was Stalin who saved from destruction of the Moscow Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed built by Ivan Grozny.

IV. Dragon’s Court

            Various sources refer to the spiritual connection of the Order of the Dragon (founded in 1408 by King Sigismund) with the Dragon Court that existed in ancient Egypt.  It is believed that it appeared among priest in around 2200 BCE, but was officially approved four centuries later at the court of Queen Sobekneferu, the last ruler of the 12th dynasty (Middle Kingdom).

            She ruled only a few years, but is remembered in history as the first woman to be called the sole legitimate ruler of Egypt. It is believed that the first female pharaoh Sobekneferu (with officially confirmed royal status) became an example for another female pharaoh, the great queen Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt three centuries later.  In the history of Egypt (three thousand years) the names of only seven female pharaohs are known.  The last was the legendary ruler of the Greek Ptolemy dynasty Cleopatra (VII).  There is no reliable public information about her relationship with the Dragon Court and its existence by that time.  It is believed that the Dragon Court still existed after the approval of Ptolemy in Egypt, but was gone in the time of the Romans, who later replaced the Ptolemy dynasty.

            The personal and throne name of Sobekneferu included the name of the god-crocodile Sobek, whose cult flourished during the time of 12th dynasty.  Her throne name meant “Perfect for Sobek” or “the beauty of Sobek”.  If she was still engaged in dragons, then Sobek was hardly upset.  After all, although they are both from different elements (air and water), they belong to the same class — reptiles.

            In ancient Egypt, Sebek was the god of water and the Nile flood, which began with the rising of Sirius (α Canis Major, the Greater Dog), the brightest star of the sky, carrying two names: Sothis (“Radiant”) and Anubis (“Dog Star”). Three natural phenomena (great events for the ancient Egyptians) occurred simultaneously: the onset of the solstice, the first appearance of Sirius and the beginning of the fruiting flood of the Nile.  The New Year was coming, widely celebrated as the main festival of the country.  The reason is not only that the fertility of the soil and the future harvest depended on the Nile and its spill.  It was the most important ancient mystery of Spirit and Matter that is carried on today in Veliky Ustyug.

            The cult of Sobek enjoyed special favor among the rulers of the XII dynasty and in particular with Pharaoh Amenemhat III.  As it was said above, the name of Sobek was included in the name of his daughter, who became the last in this dynasty.  Pharaohs of the subsequent XIII dynasty included the name of Sobek in their throne names.  In Faiyum, Sobek was considered to be the assistant of god Ra.  The throne name of Pharaoh Amenemhet III was Ni-Maat-Ra, i.e., “In the Truth of Ra”.  With him are associated the buildings that could occupy the Dragon Court, approved by Sobekneferu.

            Amenemhet III built the city of Crocodilopolis (original Egyptian name was Shedet) with the temple in honor of the god-crocodile Sobek on the territory of the Faiyum oasis.  Even then, there was a practice of mummification of sacred crocodiles.  In our time in the vicinity of Faiyum archaeologists have discovered over 2,000 mummies of these animals (a whole necropolis).  Amenemhet III is called a builder near this city of a huge stone structure, which the Greeks called the Labyrinth.  It is believed that this word comes from the throne name Amenemhet III in the Greek version – “Labira”.

            Herodotus (lived in the 5th century BCE, born in Halicarnassus in the Persian Empire; the Tomb of Mausolus provided the origin of the word “mausoleum”) noted that this single Labyrinth far exceeded all the great structures erected by the Greeks.  It had an impressive size of 244 × 305 m, not inferior to the combined temples of Karnak and Luxor.  The area of ​​the Labyrinth was more than 74,000 m2, and Herodotus called it more majestic than even the necropolis in Giza or “House of Osiris, the ruler of Rostau”.  Rostau is the oldest name of the necropolis in Giza and / or the Giza plateau and the many tunnels underneath it.  “Lord of Rostau” is one of the many titles held by Osiris whose ancient mystery is now carried on in Veliky Ustyug, whose 12th century founders came from the sounding similar to “Rostau” Russian town of Rostov.

            Herodotus spoke like an eyewitness, but only about the above-ground part of the Labyrinth in Faiyum which the Egyptians showed him.   They told him about the underground chambers, but refused to show them, referring to the fact that there were tombs of kings who erected this labyrinth, as well as tombs of sacred crocodiles. Herodotus noted that the upper chambers that he had seen, surpass (all) the creations of human hands.

            This Labyrinth was consisted of 3000 rooms and 1500 of them were underground and 1500 aboveground.  Its extraordinary size solid stone slabs were surprisingly stacked so that there were no crevices between them.  All the roofs and walls were made only of stone without wood or other materials.  It had 12 yards with gates, with 6 of them facing north and the other 6 facing south.  The Romans began to use this place as a quarry. Therefore, nothing of this famous Labyrinth has survived to present time, except for fragments of columns of granite and limestone.  The English archaeologist Flinders Petri, who excavated here in the late 19th century, reconstructed the Faiyum labyrinth

            The Labyrinth was adjoined by the pyramid built by Pharaoh Amenemhat III at Hawara (south of the site of Crocodilopolis) with a square base of 105 × 105 meters and a height of 58 meters.  Its ground part is of no particular interest, since it is made from ordinary raw bricks and improvised materials using primitive technology.  But the burial chamber under this pyramid is made according to a technology that is inaccessible even today.  It is a monolithic block of unusually solid polished quartzite, carved from a solid block in the form of a huge tomb or box (6,71 × 2,4 × 1,83 meters), weighing more than 100 tons. The thickness of the walls is 60 cm. The cover made of quartzite has thickness of 1,2 meter and weight of about 45 tons.  It is not known from what quarry this quartz chamber was brought here and who its true creators are.  They must have been the representatives of highly developed civilization.

            This burial chamber (without doors) is covered with a gable roof made of two limestone blocks weighing 50 tons each.  The camera was inserted into the hollow cut in the rock.  It is possible to enter inside it, but only by moving one of the three stone slabs of the ceiling.  It cannot be ruled out that Amenemhat III just built a pyramid of unbaked bricks over it.  The camera itself could have been created long before.  For example, by representatives of a highly developed civilization that ruled Egypt prior to the pharaohs.  The technologies used in its construction correspond to those used in the construction of the pyramids in Giza.

            The above mentioned Flinders Petri dug a course under the pyramid to get into the funeral chamber.  He found two empty sarcophagus inside it.  Judging by the inscriptions, he made the assumption that the first belonged to Amenemhat III, the second to his daughter Neferuptah (“Beauty of Ptah”), sister of Sobekneferu.

            As a result of the excavation of the pyramid of Amenemhet III, the same archaeologist found a large number of Greco-Roman funerary portraits called “Faiyum” (named after the oasis where they have been found).  On the territory of the necropolis, which lies at the foot of this pyramid, were found mummies with portraits, attached to the dead person’s burial veil.  They were written almost two thousand years, but allow literally speaking to look into the eyes of people who lived then.

            The lake in the Faiyum Oasis used to be called Meridovo.  Interestingly, Merida is the modern capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan, where the guardians of the ancient Maya wisdom have lived and worked.

            It is believed that in the Libyan desert (where is located the Faiyum oasis), Hermes Trismegistus (“thrice-greatest Hermes”) obtained from the Great Dragon of the Pomandres (Divine Mind) the secret knowledge about the nature of the Universe and the human essence.  Lighting with the heavenly Light, the Great Dragon laid on Hermes the mission to go and become a guide for those who wander in the darkness, and also to convey to the prepared people the truth revealed to him.  The farewell words of the Great Dragon became the essence of Hermetism: the human mind is part of the Mind of the Divine.  Therefore, knowing himself, man thereby knows God.  Only through the Mind Divine, residing in every person, can man open his way to salvation (closeness to God) and immortality through entering the higher worlds.  Surely, if men seek connection with higher realms via mind, ladies do so via heart.  Both ways are equal to the Creator that embraces all of them.

            Interesting are the names of Hermes’ disciples: Tat and Asclepius.  The first one is the root of the name Tata (linked to the Persian Zoroastrians moved to India).  Tat is the “Son” of Hermes, who is “Father” and Initiator.  Asclepius was the ancient god of medicine also credited with powers of prophecy.  His symbol was a Snake on a stick that had become the symbol of modern medicine.  In Greek mythology Asclepius was the son of divine Apollo, the Sun god (like Indian Syria) who each year leaved Hellas to go far to the north to visit a place called Hyperborea (“beyond the North Wind”).

           According to the World Channeling magazine, The first or Arctic Hyperborea began its existence 568,000 years ago, and completed it 369,000 years ago, having existed for almost two hundred thousand years.

            Modern Russia has in the Arctic the largest national sector (44%).  Russia is followed by Canada (21%) and the United States (8%).  However, in North America there is no trace of nostalgia for the Northern Motherland, as in Russia.  Canada and the United States are young countries inhabited by residents of different parts of the world.  Moreover, the US has received the sector in the Arctic only due to Alaska, the former Russian America that is abbreviated as RA.  In Russia, the Arctic is perceived not so much as a region rich in raw materials, but as an ancestral home, with which the fate of modern Russia is inextricably linked.

            As the «World Channeling» magazine states the name Hyperborea was previously used many times in different epochs.  The Eurasian Hyperborea is the source of modern Russia.  It existed for a thousand years, in the period 8,000 years ago — 7,000 years ago.  The founders of this Eurasian Hyperborea were the survivors of the global cataclysm (the Great Flood that happened 11,000 years ago), the descendants of the Atlanteans who lived in the territory of modern Egypt.  They founded a new state in Europe called Hyperborea.  Its capital was the city of Boreya, located on the territory of modern city of Kazan (capital of Tatarstan of Russia).  This Eurasian Hyperborea covered Eurasia and North Africa.  Later other territories, including Arabia, India, China, and Siberia became parts of the Eurasian Hyperborea.

              The Hermetic treatises were first translated into Latin and published in 1471 by Marsilio Ficino (one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance), the adopted son of Cosimo de’ Medici, the founder and head of the Florentine Platonic Academy.  Both were contemporaries of the founder (revivalist) of the Order of the Dragon (1408), the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Sigismund.  He was the last emperor of the house of Luxembourg.  It is symbolic that translated from Latin “Lux” means “Light”.

            Unfortunately, today in the Faiyum there is only a flattened clay cone with a diameter of about 100 m and a height of 20 m. left after the pyramid of Amenemhat III.   Destroyed is the famous Labyrinth, in part of which could presumably was used by the Dragon’s Court.            Associated with it, the Order of the Dragon (restored by King Sigismund), was renewed in 2003, after registration in Budapest as the “Imperial and Royal Order of the Dragon”, with a residence in York (see below).

VSigismund’s Sword

            Today the official residence of the now restored Order of the Dragon is located in the English city of York.  One of the most important regalia of this city is the sword of Emperor Sigismund who was the creator of the Order of the Dragon (1408) and the Knight of the Order of the Garter (1328) — one of the oldest (among the known) Orders of the World.

            The sword of Sigismund is an ancient symbol of York and the authority of its Lord Mayor. It is placed on the coat of arms of the city that is a shield with a red St. George cross behind which is Sigismund’s great sword and the ceremonial rod of York.

            This sword came to York in 1439 from the chapel of St. George of Windsor Castle that is a well known symbol of the English monarchy and the residence of the Order of the Garter.  The sword was there since 1416 when King Sigismund was accepted into this Order.  He was among the first foreign monarchs who became its knight.  In this castle there is the heart of St. George, the heavenly patron of England, was donated by Sigismund. For sure, Sigismund could use the experience of this Order (at least the number of main members) when he created his Order of the Dragon in 1408.

            The Order of the Garter was established in 1328 by the English King Edward III of the Plantagenet dynasty with the aim of uniting a number of worthy persons for the accomplishment of good deeds and the revitalization of the military spirit.  Edward III was the grandson of the French King Philip IV the Beautiful, a descendant of the Russian ruler Yaroslav the Wise whose daughter Anna married the French king Henry I.  Another person who “linked” Yaroslav the Wise with York was his contemporary Olaf the Sacred, the King, the Baptist and the heavenly patron of Norway.  He was the last western saint revered by the Russian Orthodox Church.  The Church of St. Olaf in York is the very first church in the world dedicated to this saint.  Yaroslav the Wise offered suggested that Olav baptize Volga Bulgaria and reign there (modern Tatarstan of Russia).

            The headgear of the Sigismund’s sword carrier in York deserves attention.  One of them represents a hat in the style of Robin Hood as the English themselves call it.  On the one hand, it was a gift from the Shakespearean hero, King Richard II (1367-1400), Eduard III’s grandson, and on the other, the commitment of York to support the King in a difficult time.  According to tradition, it was presented to the city by Richard II in 1393 and crowned by the coat of arms of York (see above).  Richard II was married to Sigismund’s sister under the influence of whom the English court changed a lot.  This choice was promoted by the Pope.  Another contender was Katerina Visconti, daughter of the rich ruler of Milan.

            In the middle of the next century, the authorities of the city of York made another hat, but from Russian fur.  It looks like a fur hat which Sigismund loved to wear.  In this fur hat he was portrayed by Antonio di Puccio Pisano, one of the most prominent artists of the Renaissance.

            A similar fur hat is on the bearer of the State sword in London.  Traditionally, it is called “Muscovy” (the Moscow state) and has a small pocket for the key from the safe with the stamp of the city.   From here comes the Russian expression “It’s all about the hat”. Russian 16th century Tsar Ivan Grozny gave the British merchants considerable privileges.  Hereafter the Russian furs and other goods began to come in large volumes to the markets of London and York.

            London and York have much in common.  Both cities were founded by the Romans in the 1st century.  In the 3rd century, after they divided Britain into two parts (Upper and Lower), London (Londinium) became the capital of Upper Britain, and York (Eboracum) was the capital of the province of Lower Britain.

            The title “Duke of York” is traditional for the second sons of the kings of England.  York is known for its great political influence.  In York have ended their days two of the Roman Caesars: Septimius Severus and Constantius I Chlorus.  Both titles are ending with Rus.  In York, Constantine the Great was proclaimed the Roman emperor, who later built the new capital of the empire on the Nile Meridian (see above).  Constantine’s high relief is above the entrance to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the main cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.  They have been calling Moscow the Third Rome since the time of the fall of Constantinople (the Byzantine Empire).

            The Fall of Constantinople happened in 1453 by an invading army of the Ottoman Turks.  They could have capture Constantinople 50 years earlier and move to Europe.  The Ottoman Turks were stopped by Samarkand ruler Tamerlan (The One Who Knows Merlin).  In 1402, in the course of the Battle of Ankara Tamerlan and defeated the Ottoman Turks.  He captured the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I who built one of the largest armies in the known world at the time.   The battle was fought near modern Turkish capital Ankara.  The historic name of Ankara is Angora.  Angara River is the only river whose source is the Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world, containing up to 25% of the world’s fresh surface water.  Also, Angara River is connected with Tunguska event (1908), the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history.

            The buildings of the Mayoralties of Moscow and York differ in size but they have a certain conceptual similarity.  In York, there was a “spare” residence of some English monarchs.  In the Middle Ages, York was the second most important city in England after London.  It was York that gave its name to the contemporary rival of London, the transatlantic New York, which keeps an ancient secret and traces of the arrival there from Siberia the tribe of Yara.

            New York with its mysterious “Russian” stones (on Brighton Beach) is located on the East Coast, from where the European settlers began in the 17th century the active colonization of America.  On the opposite West coast is Fort Ross which served as the southernmost base of Russian America.

  Image result for герб рыльска          In the north-east of Fort Ross, on the territory of the former Russian America, there is one of the most important spiritual portals of the planet is Mount Shasta (Russian “Happiness”).  The actual founder of the Russian America is Grigory Shelikhov (called Russian Columbus)He lived in the 18th century in Irkutsk, one of the largest cities in Siberia and the largest city located along the Angara river basin.

            Shelikhov is buried in Irkutsk, near at the confluence of the Angara River with the Irkut River (hence the name of the city), just ~ 70 km. to the west of Lake Baikal, about 5,200 km. to the east of Moscow.  Irkut Corporation is the Russian aircraft manufacturer of the world famous Sukhoi aircrafts.  According to the regional plan, Irkutsk city will be combined with its neighboring industrial towns of Shelekhov (named in 1956 after the above mentioned Russian explorer Grigory Shelikhov) and Angarsk (named after the Angara River) to form a metropolitan area with a total population of over a million.

            Shelikhov was born in 1747 in the Russian town of Rylsk whose coat of arms depicts the head of a wild boar.  Rylsk is a part of Kursk region.  The name Rylsk is associated with Rila (mountain range in southwestern Bulgaria) and Saint John (Ivan) of Rila, who was revered as a saint while he was still alive.  Moreover, Rila is highest mountain range not only of Bulgaria, but the Balkans, the motherland of Constantine the Great and his farther, linked to the Order of the Dragon.  The territory of modern Bulgaria was once the land of the Thracians, a rival civilization to ancient Rome and Troy.  Bulgaria is regarded as the place of birth and death of the ancient Thracian singer and divine musician Orpheus (also creator of a set of religious beliefs and practices, including the Mysteries of Dionysus) who tried to return his beloved wife Eurydice from the Underworld.  She was fatally bitten by a serpent on their wedding day and died.  In order to reach the Underworld Orpheus descended the Devil’s Throat cave in the Rhodope Mountains located near the Bulgarian town of Devin.  Dvin is the Sanskrit translated name of the river Northern Dvina formed near Veliky Ustyug, the motherland of Shelikhov’s wife who was his support and successor of his business.

            In the 5th century, the Germanic tribes of the Angles (the Anglo-Saxons), who conquered York (then Eboracum), called it Eoforwīc which means “wild-boar town”.  If the Vikings (Normans) did not rename it in the 13th century to York, the name of modern New York could have been different.  New York has the nickname “Big Apple”.  Apple is also a symbol of the Romanian city of Bistrița (Bistritsa), from where Jonathan Harker comes to the Borgo pass to meet Dracula (see section II).

VI. The main secret of Dragons

            In the book of Jose Arguelles “The Arcturus Probe” is revealed the main secret of dragons.  This is done by Mama Ka-Mo, the Image result for ancient arts of babylonianmother of all the dragons: “To slay a dragon is to conquer your biggest enemy: yourself.  Then you are worthy of being called a Dragonslayer. Such a Dragonslayer we dragons will welcome forever”.

            The legendary King Arthur is that Arcturus.  His name means “He who reunites all things with the harmonic force of ordering”.  The original sound of the star Arcturus means the following:

  • Arc — the highest measure;
  • Tu — that which connects;
  • Rus — the name of the force of harmonic ordering.

            It might not be by chance that Russia’s original historic name is Rus that is a multidimensional key and a clear indication of the purpose of people and lands, which since time immemorial are known as Rus.

Image result for accolade edmund blair leighton            Sigismund’s sword could be to certain extent be called a reflection of the legends of King Arthur (i.e. Arcturus) and Excalibur, the great sword, the symbol of universal enlightenment and the essence of the power of “The Arcturus Probe”.

            The goal of true Excalibur is said to transform everything that enters the Matrix whilst keeping its original unity.  This symbolically reflects the two Great Beginnings. The Matrix (Subconscious) is the Source. Here are the roots of the tradition of women initiating into knights.  In order to climb up, one Related imagefirst needs to get to the origins.  It is necessary to comprehend the nature of both forces.

            It is no accident that in the legends of Arthur his father’s name was the Great Dragon (Uther Pendragon).  In the sky, Arcturus and the Dragon are next to each other.  Their civilizations interact on many levels.  It is no accident, it is the Dragons and Serpents that are the symbols of Wisdom and Enlightenment associated with the rising up of the serpent energy Kundalini (energy of enlightenment).